ZGDI Atales SCClIII1I1 DUft 2. SECT I ON, yo u' ll le arn th e ;m. ,ort. "t L oo p Tw ist an d h ow to use l'c. um g w ith th e o th er tec hni qu es yo u 've alr eady l ea rn ed . 21 Loop lWist THE LOOP n\~ST IS U SED to mak e s imple ea rs and l eg s, petals of flo wers, ba ck l egs of animal s that s tand erect , the feet of s ome bird s} hand guards of the Sword , and wing s and rudder s of planes. ~ Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninfbted end pointing right. Make a bubble at the end of the balloon. Sharply be nd the balloon to make a loop, and twist the b al loon at the opposite end of the loop so the two halves are equal in length. TIle si ze of the loop is measured from the tw ist at its base to its oute r top edge. ~ Lock twist the ends of the loop together. 22 Basic Loop Fi ure LIKE THE BASIC AN~"IAL FIGURE, yo u can add detail s and change th e proportion s of the Basic Loop figure to cre ate a variety of animals. :J Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 8 inches uninflated, and ti e it. H old the inflated baUoon in your left hand wi th the uninAat ed end pointing right. M ake a I-inch bubble followed by a I -i nch loop . a Lock twist the ends of the loop together to make an ear . a Make another I-inch lo op and lock twist the ends together to rnake the other e ar. 23 2600 n~u(es lIilSic lllllil F i!IUI'C ~ Make a J -inch bubb le for the neck followed by a 3-inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together to make the front legs. ~ Make a 4- in ch bubble for the body foUowed by a 3-inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together to make the back legs. Le<tve a sma ll bubble of air at the base of the tail to holclthe back legs in place and complete the Basi c Loop figu r e. 24 . planes. ~ Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninfbted end pointing right. Make a bubble at the end of the balloon. Sharply be nd the balloon to make a loop, and. proportion s of the Basic Loop figure to cre ate a variety of animals. :J Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 8 inches uninflated, and ti e it. H old the inflated baUoon in your