Cat CAT LOVERS WILL BE PU RRING with excitement at the s ight of this flgure . ::I Inflat e a 260Q, leaving about 6 inches uninAated, and ti e it Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninAated end pointing right. Mak e a I-inch bubble for the head fo ll owed by a I-inch loop . cJ Lock twist the en ds of the loop together to make an ear. 2600 fiQures I: ill ~ Make another I-inch loop and lock twist the en ds together for the othe r ear. ~ Make a 1 ~ -inch bubble fo r the neck and a ! -inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together to make a f ront l eg. ~ Make another l-ind1 loop and loc k tw ist the ends together for the other front leg. ~ Make a 3-inch bubble for the bod y and a I-inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together for one back leg. 26 2600 nDures ~ Make another I-inch loop and lock twist th e ends of the loop together for the other back leg . I:~ I cl Cun 'e the tail up over the body to complete th e Cat. ZJ Swan THIs GRACEFUL SWAl"l rca ll y floats on water . Use it to decorat e as well as entertain. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 3 inches uninflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left ha nd with the uninflated end pointing down . •• mOFIgures SW~11 ~ Bring the uninAated end of the ba ll oon up and around to make a loo p. overlapping the two ends of the ba ll oon about 6 in c hes. Hold the overla pp ed section in yo ur left hand . cJ Bring the outside edge of the ci rcl e in so the knot at the end of the balloon is in the middle of the loop. Hold th e ove rl apped ends and the outside edge of the circle in your left hand . cl Squeeze the three sections of balloon at the middle of the doubled loo p. The two sections of the balloon should rest in the curve of your hand, with your thumb and fingers grasping the knot. Usi ng both hands, tw i st all thr ee sections together just below the knot, making sure the knot is securely locked in the twist . cI You now have two loops and a straight section. To make the body and tail, tuck abollt I in ch of one loop up through the middle of the other loop. 29 . at the s ight of this flgure . ::I Inflat e a 260Q, leaving about 6 inches uninAated, and ti e it Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninAated end pointing. it to decorat e as well as entertain. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 3 inches uninflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left ha nd with the uninflated end pointing. of the balloon is in the middle of the loop. Hold th e ove rl apped ends and the outside edge of the circle in your left hand . cl Squeeze the three sections of balloon at