2&01 F\pf!S SWllln l 40 ~POOOLE BUNNY RABBIT • ec Ion / THIS SECTION BU ILDS 011 the tcclmique s you've already learned. A few specia l ty twi st s, including the Tulip Twi st, arc added to your repertoire . 41 Four-Bubble TWist TH E FO U R-B U BB LE n\ ~ST is us ed to add de ta il to th e l egs of several fig ur es. ~ Hold the infla ted ba lloon in you r le ft hand wi th the unin fl ated end pointing right. Make the following bubbles in this order: 2- inch, I -i n ch, Y2 - inch , Yz -i.n ch, and I-inc h. ~ Lock twist the I-i n ch bubbles together at the base to complete the Four -B ubbl e Twist. 42 - BID1flY PEOPL E W ILL BE " HOPPI NG " with e.'{citement at the sig ht of thi s adorab le Rabbit. ~ In fl ate a 260Q, leav i ng about 4 inches uninnaled, and t ie it. Hold the inflated balloon in yo ur left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Make a I-inch bubble for t he head followed by two 4-inch bubbles. Lock twist the 4-inch bubbles together at the base to make the ears. a Make a I-inch bubble for the neck followed by a 2 - inc h bubble, two Y2 -inch bubbles, a nd a 2- illCh bubble. Lock twist the 2-inch bub bl es together at the b ase to make the fron t legs. 43 ~6DU FiOU r e5 IIUllll j lIilhhii ~ Make a 3-inch bubb le for th e body followed by a 4-inch bubble, two Y2- inch bubbles, and a 4-inch bubble. Lock twist the 4-inch bubbles together at the base to make the back legs. Leave a small bubble of air at the base of the tail to hold the back legs in place. ~ To p la ce the Bunny Rabbit in a sitting position, tuck th e front legs between the back l egs, and wrap the two Y2 -inch bubbles on th e front l egs around the two Y2- inch bubbles on the back legs to complete the Bunny Rabbit. ~ To place th e Bunny Rabbit in a reclining position, wedge the body between the back legs with the front legs extending to th e front to complete the Bunny Rabbit. 4 4 . the sig ht of thi s adorab le Rabbit. ~ In fl ate a 260Q, leav i ng about 4 inches uninnaled, and t ie it. Hold the inflated balloon in yo ur left hand with the uninflated end pointing