Five-Bubble Series with Pinch & Pop TH E FI VE· BU BBLE SE Rl ES "ith Pin ch a nd Pop is u se d when two SCb Tfll ents of a fig ur e mu st be sep a ra ted, s ll ch as arm s, l eg~ h and l eb a rs , or w in gs. ~ Hold the innated balloon in you r left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. tv lak e the follow i ng bubhles in this order: 2-inch, I-inch, Y:! -inch, Y:! -inch, Y:! -inch, and I- inc h. Lock twist the I -i n ch bubblcs together at the base. ~ Pinch twist t he first and third Y2 -inch bubbles, twisting them seve ral times to secure. ~ Pop the second Y2 -inch bubble to separate the pindHwisted bubbles. When popping bubbles in a pinch- and-p op series, it 's important to twist the pinch twim several times to secure. If you don't twist them several tim es, they may com€' undone once the bubble is po pped. 8. 1eddyBear TEDDY BEARS ARE POP U LAR with peop le of a ll ages, and this one's no exception. ::J Inflat e a 260Q, leaving about 6 inches uninflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand wi th th e unintlated end pointing ri ght. Squeeze a small amount of air from the knot end to make a soft 3-inch bubble. I vlake the folloWing bubbles in this order: I-inch, ~ -inch, I Y:! -inch, lh -in ch. and I -inch. L ock t\vist the I-in ch bubbles together at the base to make a fi ve-bubble loop . :I Make a 2-inch bubble at th e knot end of the 3-inch bubble. Tuck the 2-inch bubble th rough the center of the five-bubble loop. 8 1 ~600 FiGures Ti'ddy Brill' ~ Pinch twist the Y:! -inc h bubbles to make the ea rs. ~ Make a I-in ch bubble for the neck followed by a 1 Y:! -inch bubble, three Y:! -inch bubbles, and a 1 Y2 -incb bubble. Lock tw ist the 1 Y:! -in ch bubbles together at the base to make the arms. ~ Pi nch twist the firs t and third Y2 -inch bubbl es, twi sti ng them several times to secure. Pop the second Y2-in ch bubble to se parate the arms. 82 I1 GOO fi gures TI~OO) ' lI~ill' ::l Make a 3-inch bubble for the body followed by ;) 3- in ch loop. Lock twist the ends of the 3-inch loop together to make one leg. ~ Make another 3-inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together to make the other leg. Leave a small bubble of air at the base of the tail to hold the back l egs in place and complete the Teddy Bear. Adjustments for too little or too much air can be made to bubble sizes in the body and legs of the Teddy Bear. 8. TeddyBear allnicycle WHO KNEW A TEDDY BEAR (Q uid ride a unicycle? With a little air and a few twi sts, thi s one ca n. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving abollt 8 inches uninflated, and ti e it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninl1ated end pointing ri g ht . Squeeze a slllall am ount of air from the knot end and make a soft 2 Y2 -in ch bubble. Make the following bubbles in this order: ~ -iIl Ch, ~ - inch. I-inc h, Y2 -inch, an d 7{ -inch. Lock twi st the ~-inc h bubbles together at the base to make a five -bubble l oop. 84 . and this one's no exception. ::J Inflat e a 260Q, leaving about 6 inches uninflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand wi th th e unintlated end. and a few twi sts, thi s one ca n. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving abollt 8 inches uninflated, and ti e it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninl1ated end pointing. sep a ra ted, s ll ch as arm s, l eg~ h and l eb a rs , or w in gs. ~ Hold the innated balloon in you r left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. tv lak e the follow i ng