Hoefling Horse THE HORSE REALLY "ROCKS " wh e ll y ou add r oc kers. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leav ing about 8 in ches uninIlated, and tie it. H old the inflated balloon in yo ur le ft hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Mak e a Yl -i nch pin ch tw i st at the kn ot en d. ~ Make a seco nd !h -inch pi nch twist. Position th e pinch twists side by s ide at the end of th e balloon to make the mouth. ~ Make a :X -in ch bubbl e fo r th e he ad followed by two !I'2 -in ch bubbl es. Lock twi st th e Y:! -inc h bubbl es t oge ther at the base to make the ears. ,. 2S00 figurts IIUt~il1!1I1Um cI Make a I-inch bubble for the neck followed by four Y2-i nch bubbles. Lock twist the first and last ~-i nch bubbles together to make a four-bubble loop. ~ Stretch the loop over the ears and wedge th em between the second and third Yz-inc h bubbles to make the mane . ::I Make a 2- in ch bubble fo llowed by a 3-inch bubble and two 2- in ch bubbles. Lock twist the fi rs t and third 2-inch bubb l es together at the base to make two leg s, the body, and one rocker. ~ Make a 2-inch bubble, a 3-inch bubble, and a 2-inch bubble. Lock twist the second 2 -i nch bubble where the back leg joins the bo dy and tail to make the other two legs and the second rocker. Leave a sma ll bubble of air at the base of the tail to hold the back legs in place and complete the Rocking Horse. 11 Lion lI-IlS KING OF T HE J UN GLE wi ll comma nd everyone 's attentioll. Pr es ent it wit h line s li ke : I wonder if this Lion roars? " ~ Inflate a 260Q, lea ving about 8 inches uninfbt ed, and ti e it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninfbt ed e nd pointing ri ght. Make a I !h -in ch bubble for the head followed by two \0; -ioch bubbles. ~ Hold the bubbles in yo ur left hand to keep them from untwisting, and make five :X -inc h bubbles. L oc k twist the first :m d last :X - in ch bubbles together at the base to make a five-bubbl e loop. lZ ,SOD f ig ~ res Linn :I " flI ck th e I V2 -i nch bubble made in Step I throu gh the loop to make the head and mane . eJ Make a I-inch bubble for the neck followed by two I V2 -inch bubbles. L oc k twist the 1 V2 -inch bubbles together at the base to make the front legs. :I Make a 3-inch bubble for the body followed by two I ~ -inch bub bl es . Lock twist the I !h-inch bubbles together at the base to make the back legs. Leave a small bubble of ai r at the hase of the tail to hold the back legs in place . :l T ic a knot next to the end of the small bubble to make the tail ha ng down and complete the Lion. 13 THIS PRE C IO US LfITLE LAMB \\ill qui c kly become a c rowd favor i te. Pr ese nt it with lin es like : Ma ry had a [i nk Lamb , and nolV YO II do too . You 're not going to get any lVooloff of this Lamb . ~ Inflate a 26OQ , leaving about 8 inches uninflated, and tic it. H olel the infhned balloon in your left hand with the unin/bled end pointing right. M: l ke a I-inch bubble for the head fo ll owed by two Yz -in ch bubbles. Lock twist the Yz -inch bubbl es tog ether at the base to make the ears. ~ Make se\ ' en !h -inch bubbl es. L oc k twist the third and l ast Yz-i nch bubbl es togeth er at th e base to make a fiv e- bubble loop. ~ llt ck the head and ears through the loop to make the hene!. 14 . "ROCKS " wh e ll y ou add r oc kers. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leav ing about 8 in ches uninIlated, and tie it. H old the inflated balloon in yo ur le ft hand with the uninflated end. I wonder if this Lion roars? " ~ Inflate a 260Q, lea ving about 8 inches uninfbt ed, and ti e it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninfbt ed e nd pointing. seco nd !h -inch pi nch twist. Position th e pinch twists side by s ide at the end of th e balloon to make the mouth. ~ Make a :X -in ch bubbl e fo r th e he ad followed by two