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Thee Balloon Magic 260Q Figures- P10 pdf

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Loop and lUck THE LOOP AND TU CK makes head s, wheels, and tai l s. It can be made in two ways: with a sma ll bubb le in the ce nter of the loop , or with a long bubble passing through th e loop. WITH A SMALL BUBBLE IN THE CENTER OF THE LOOP: :I Hold the inflated baUoon in your left hand with t he uninOated end pointing right. Make a I-inch bubble followed by a I !t2 -inch loop. Lock twist the ends of the loop together at the ba se. ~ Tuck the I-inch bubble inside of the center of the I ~ - inch loop to complete the Loop and Tuck. WI TH A LONG BUBBLE PAS SI NG THRO U GH THE LOOP: :I H old the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninAatcd end pointing right. Make a 3-inch bubble fo ll owed by a 1 Yl -in ch loop. Lock twist t he ends of the loop together at the base. Tu ck half of th e 3- i 11Ch bubble through the center of the loop to complet e. 45 Poodle 1i-l1 5 TRADITIONAL FI GURE please s c rowds of a ll ag es . Who c an resist th e p op ular Poodl e? __ • ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 8 inches uninlbted, and tie it. Hold the inflatcd balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing right. Make a 3-inch bubble for the h ead followed by a I Y2 -inch loop. Lock nvi st the en ds of th e loop together at the base. ' 6 2SDU Fioures 1'1111 U Ie :J Tuck half of th e 3-inch bubble into the center of the I Y2-inc h loop to make th e head. ~ Make a I-inch bubble for the nec k followed by a I Y2-inch bubble, two Y2 -inch bubbles, and a I Y2 -inch bubble. Lock twist the I Y2 -inch bubbles together at the base to make th e front legs . :J Mak e a 3-inch bubble for th e body followed by a I Y2-inch bubble, two Y2 -inch bubbles, and a I Y2 -inch bubble. L ock twist the I Y2 -inch bubbles together at the base to make the back l egs . :l Make a I-inch bubble at the base of the ta i l. Squeeze any remaining air into t he uninflated tip of th e balloon, creating a ball at the e nd of the tail to complete th e Poodl e. 41 Poodle with Ears TH IS IS A S LI GH T VARIAT I ON on the or igina l. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leavi ng about 8 in ches uninflated, and tie it. Hold the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing right Make a I-inch bubble for the head followed by a ~ -inc h bubble, a I Y2- inch bu bble , and a Y:!- inch bub bl e. ~ Lock twist the Y2 -in ch bubbles together at the base to make the head. '8 2600llgules 1'lIlIlli c wllh [i ll'S :a Make a I-inch bubble for th e neck followed by a I Y2 -inch bubble, two Y2 -inch bubbles, and a I Y2-i nch bubble. Lock twist the I ~-inch bubbles together at the base to make the front legs . :I Make a 3-inch bubble for the body followed by a I Yl -inch bubble, two ~ -inch bubbles, and a I ~ -inch bubble. Lock twist the I Y:! -inch bubbles together at the base to make the back legs . c2 Make a I-in ch bubble at the base of the tail. Squeeze any remaining air into the uninflated tip of the balloon, creating a ball at the end of the tail to complete the Poodle with Ears. 49 . c an resist th e p op ular Poodl e? __ • ~ Inflate a 260Q, leaving about 8 inches uninlbted, and tie it. Hold the inflatcd balloon in your left hand with the uninflated end pointing. th e balloon, creating a ball at the e nd of the tail to complete th e Poodl e. 41 Poodle with Ears TH IS IS A S LI GH T VARIAT I ON on the or igina l. ~ Inflate a 260Q, leavi ng. Loop and Tuck. WI TH A LONG BUBBLE PAS SI NG THRO U GH THE LOOP: :I H old the inflated balloon in your left hand with the uninAatcd end pointing right. Make a 3-inch bubble fo ll owed

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2014, 12:20