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Toefl ibt internet based test 2006 - 2007 part 46 pdf

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310 MORE MODEL TEST S t.t.gntu Speaking QuntltHJ 3 "Wllhd,. 1 IrtJm CI " Read a short passage and listen to a talk on the same topic. Reading Time: 45 secor'lds Wjthdrawallrom Classes In order to qualify for a refund of 100 percent at any time during the semester, you must first establish eligibility. Serious illness or injury must be verified by a written statement signed by a doctor or a psychologist. The death of a family member must be verilled by a death certificate. Milllary duty must be verified by a copy of the orders. Students who wish to with- draw without submitting official documentation may do so before the end of the drop-add period without penalty. AIt8f" the end 01 the second week 01 classes, students may petition for a 90 percent reimbursement. Alter the end of the fourth week, students are eligible lor a 50 percent refund. ",IlF~·_""'G . ~_) ~'''f (') Now listen to the stude nts discuss the policy with each other. Qu nti on The student expresses her opinion 01 the policy for reimbursement. Report her opinion and explain the reasons that she gives for haying that opinion. Preparation Time: 30 seconds Recording Time: 60 seconds p MODEL TEST 3I$PEAKING SE CT ION 311 'IfI"l1It1d s,.akln, (hi""" 4 ,IMlJ " Read a short passage and listen to part of a lecture on the same topic. Reading Time: 45 seconds Ballads A ballad is a poem that tells a story and is sung to music. Usually the slory is 01 unknown origin, and a number of versions may be found for one song , a characteristic that stems from the oral tradition. As the song is passed on from one singer to another, a word Is added or changed, or a slight alteration Is made In the tune. In short, ballads represent a living tradition that evolves as the song is performed and passed to the next musician. A collection of ballads has been preserved in written form in the volume English and Scottish Popular Ballads by Francis James Child, and many ballads are still referred to by their "Child number." n Now listen to part of a lecture in a music appreciation class. The professor Is talking about the ballad of "Barbara Allen." Question Define a ballad, and then explain why "Barbara Allen" can be classified as a ballad. Preparation Time: 30 seconds Recording Time: 60 seconds M 18 hr k P 312 MORE MOOEL TE STS Integrated Spe aking /hIml0ll5 ,.". AssI,,,,,,.,,t" n Now listen to a conversation between a student and her lfiend. Qu •• tlon O esa ibe the woman's problem and the two suggestions that her 'r lend makes about how to handle I t. What do you think the woman should do, and why? Preparation Time: 20 seconds Recording Tlme: 60 seconds M ,ky MODEL TEST 3ISf>EAKING SECTION 313 ,,,,,,, tH Spat'''' Quat/on 6 " UItrasD."d" Now listen 10 part of a lecture In a general science class. The professor is discussi ng the way that ultrasound works. Question Using the main points and examples from the lecture, describe l he kind of information that ultrasound can provide, and then explain the way that ultrasound is used in medical diagnosis. Preparation TIme: 20 seconds Reco«Iing TIme: 60 seconds , 314 MORE MODE L TESTS WRITING SECTION The Wriling section tests your ability to write essays In English similar to those that you would write in college courses. During the test, you will write two essays. The integrated essay asks lor your response to an academic read in g passage and a lecture on the same topic. You may take notes as you read and lislen, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to wr1te the essay, The lecture will be spoken, but the directions and the questions will be written. You will have 20 minutes to plan, write, and revise your response. Typica lly, a good essay lor the integrated topic will require that you write 150-225 words. The independent essay usually asks lor your opinion about a lamiliar topic. You will have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise yoor re sponse, Typically, a good essay lor the indepen· dent top ic will requ i re that you write 300-350 words. A Clock on the screen wi ll show you how mu ch time yo u have to complete eaCh essay. '",., tld &sII, "Sydney (Jp«B Hfnne" You have 20 minutes to ptan , write, and revise your response to a reading passage and a lec- ture on the same topic. First, read the passage and take notes. Then, listen 10 the lecture and take notes. Fi nally, write your response to the writing question. Typically, a good response will require thaI you write 150-225 words. ReadIng Pasaage Time: 3 minutes Th e design lor the Sydney Opera Hou se was setected from entries In an internalional competition held In 1958 . From more than 230 designs submitted by major architecturalli rm s worldwide, the co mm ittee selected a dramatic con- cept by Jom Utzon, a Danish architect wno was virtually unknOwn outside 01 Oenmark. He described h is work as more like a sculpture than a building because it appeared to choange shape depending on the direction from which It was vieWed . He was also very committed 10 organic principles, which dictated that the structure must fit in with the environment. Situated in Bennelong Point, a promontory that stretches into the harbor, Utzon drafted the curved rools 01 the opera house 10 look like a saiting ship attuli sail on the water. Clearly, tile roof is tile most re volutionary part 01 the design, whiCh was so lar ahead of the capabiliti es of engineering at the time that Utzon had to spend sev - e ral years reworking the details for the construction of the roof salts in order to he lp the engineers solve the problems associated with actually buildi ng them. For exa mp le, stabilizing the she l ls that rose almost 200 feet high presented a serious cha llenge. Prestressed concrete was very new in building construction at the time that it was used to make the ribbed shells lor the roof. In addition, computer technology was just catchIng up with the co mplex st ructural calcula· tions and models that the architect needed lor hi s vision to be realized. M 1 chranlinva' sk~ml pravv MODEL TEST 3IWfllTlHG SE CT IO N 31 5 By 1966. a decade atler the design was chosen. the opera house was not even near completion. It was over budget, there were problems with lhe engi. neers and the co ntractors, and the late 01 the structure was the object 01 poilU- cal debate : Jom Utzon resigned from the project. Eventually comp leted by others, by the time that it opened in 1973, il had been under co nslruction lor 17 years. The rool a lo ne had required almost 2200 precast concrete sections, some 01 which weighed 15 Ions. held logether by 220 mil es of tens io ned steel cable and covered by more than a million while glazed ceramic liIes. () Mod el Te st 3, Wri ting Sect i on , CD 6, Track 2 (') Now listen to a tecture on the same topic as the passage that you have just read. Que sti on Referring to the ma in points in the reading, describe the Sydney Opera House. Then. using information from both the reading and the lecture, explain why the professor classifies the bui ld ing as unique. 316 MORE MODEL TESTS IndllfHNltMnt Essa, "The CoII.,e ran" Question Read and th ink about the following statement: The college years are the best time In a person's lire. Do yo u agree or disagree with this stalement? Give reasons to support your opinion, This Is the end or Model Test 3. To check your answers, rerer to "Explanatory or Example Answers and Audio Scripta for Model Testa: Model Teat 3," Chapter 7, pages 617148 . M al chr , . MODE L TESTS WRITING SECTION The Wriling section tests your ability to write essays In English similar to those that you would write in college courses. During the test, you. 60 seconds p MODEL TEST 3I$PEAKING SE CT ION 311 'IfI"l1It1d s,.akln, (hi""" 4 ,IMlJ " Read a short passage and listen to part of a lecture on the. Tlme: 60 seconds M ,ky MODEL TEST 3ISf>EAKING SECTION 313 ,,,,,,, tH Spat'''' Quat/on 6 " UItrasD."d" Now listen 10 part of a lecture In a general

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2014, 05:20