106 ACAOEMW: SKIlLS Did you understand? Try to quote eacl'! sentence mat you near in a lecture by an unnamed professor. Be sure to use one of the introductory phrases or ciauses before you begin your quotation. The first one is compieted to give you an eltsmple. Your answer Is correct if you write any of the introductions and If the words in your quotations are eltactly the same as those of the professor. Example answers are printed in Chaptef 7 on pages 515-516. WMPl.E ' Communicatlng is the act of transmitting information." According to the professor. "Communicating Is the act of transmitting Information." Also correct: In the words of the professor. "Communicating is the act of transmitting information." To quote the p!' ofessor. "Communicating Is the act of transmitting information.' As the professor puts h. "Communicating is the act of transmitting information." The professor said. "Communicating Is the act of transmitting Information." 1. A stock is equity In a company. and. therefore. h represents ownership. 2. The desalination of the ocean is going to be a crucial aspect of wat er management. 3. The theme of a worldwide flood is found in the mythology of many rultures. 4. PsyChology focuses on the individual. whereas sociology focuses on social groups. 5. The ethics of science will become more Important In this decade. 6. I call my Id ea the simplification principle. 7. The threa-domain system is superior 10 the fivtHiomain system of classification in biology. 8. The te rm retia/describes any printing method with a raised Image. 9. Training programs must address the Issue of technology In the workplace. 10. Quasars are diffictJlt to study because they are so far away. ,. Mark quotations In wrltlnl and In speaking Quotation marks are used before and after the words that you are quoting. This Is easy to see when you are quoting in the written language. But when you are quoting In the spoken Ian· guage, you need to hearths quotation marks. Words and phrases must be used to mark quo- tations in speaking. besk ttel matcr<ale PARAPHRASING 101 There are several phrases and clauses that can be used to mar1l quotatiOns. Let's say that Professor Smith makes the follOwing statement in a Iect1Jre: "Additives are chemicals that manufacturers add to food and other procllJCls." You may want to QUOte this definition. 11 you use the quotation in writing, you must use quotation marks before and after the WOfds that you are quoting. 11 yoo use the quotation In speaking, you must use words and phrases in place of the quotation marks. l'he words In the QUotation must be exactly the same as those in the orig- inal. Here are several ways to mark the beginning and ending of a quotation in speaking: According to Professor Smith , and I am quoting hers , "Additives are chemiCals that manu- facturers add to food and olhef products." End quote. According to Professor Smith, and I quote, "Additives are chemicals that manufacturers add to load and other products ." End quote. To quote Professor Smith, "Additives are chemicals that man ufacturers add to food and other products.' End quote . I'IM:ra kiMn 18 Did you understand? Try to quote each sentence. First, put the quotation marks afOlJnd the written quote . Be sure to put them aJxwe the line , not on the line. Then use I19fbaI quotation marks for a spoken quote . The first one is completed to give you an example . Your answer is correct if you use any 01 the V9fbaI quotation marks and it the words in your quotation are exactly the same as those of the source. Spoken answers are recorded on Track 12 01 the audio. Example answers are printed in Chapt8f 7 on pages 516-517 . A mirage is an optical iHusion in the atmosphere. Written quote : Spoken quotes: According to Professor Brown, "A mirage is an optical illusion in the atmosphere." According to Professor Brown, and I quote, "A mirage is an optical illu- sion in the atmosphefe." End quote. Aocording to Professor Brown , and I am quoting here, "A mirage is an optical illusion in the atmosphere." End quote. To quote Professor Brown , "A mi rage is an optical illusion in the atmo- sphere." End quote. 108 ACADEMIC SKIllS () Activity 18 , CD 2, TrltCk 12 1. According to a study by Professor Carter, patients can lower their blood pressure by los- ing weight and decreasing their intake of salt. 2. According to Professor Jones. over fourteen billion Euros were introduced into the world economy in January. 2002. 3. To quole a study in the Journal of Psychology. many people who have achieved their ca reer ambitions by midlife are afflicted by depression. 4. According to the textbook, an OfgM is a groop of tissues capable of perfOfming some spe- cial function. 5. According to Professor Stephens. John Philip Sousa was th e greatest composer of marches for bands. 6. In Professor Davison's opinion, Ben Johnson may be the author of several plays attributed to William Shakespeare. 7. Professor Davis said that statistical data can be very difficult to interpret because correla- tions are not causes. 8. As Professor Gray puts it, tha prime minister serves at the pleasure of the parliament. 9. According to the reading passage. moving water Is the single most Imporlant factOf In determining the surface features Of the Earth. 10. In Professor Russell's opinion. the most important quality fOf a scientist is the ability to make careful observations. , Use strong verbs to report Ideas Sometimes you wilt want to refer to the ideas and research of others without using a direct quotation. When the ideas are specific to an author or researcher. it Is still necessary to Cite the source. Choose verbs thaI reporl the idea and convey the meaning that you wish 10 attach to the idea. You may choose verbs that express doobt. neutrality, Of certainty. besk tlet matcr<ale PARAPHRASING '" Doubtful Neutral Certal" " Indicate """""'" "",""' Illustrate "'~ Believe Mention ""'" Claim No" Cond"'" Imply """~ Coof= Predict Point out Demonstrate p,.".,. A_ [>"""" Suggest Say Roo S,ppose Show Maintaln & State Vertfy I'IM:rItE Atim" 19 Did you understand? Try 10 report each quotation. Choose a vert> 10 express doubt, neutrality, or certainty. The first one is completed to give you an example. Your answer is correct if you use any ol the verbs ~sted under the oorrect heading-doubtful , neutral, C8f1aJn . Notice that both verbs in reported language Sfe in the past tense. &;ample answers are printed in Chap ter 7 on page 517. Quotation: Certain Report Also CO tr9Ct: Psychologist Carl Rogers said , "Negative leedback causes people 10 develop a poor sell-concept." Cart Rogers argued that negative feedback caused people 10 develop a poor self-concept. Carl Rogers mainlained that negative leedback caused people to develop a poor self-concept. 1. Sociologist Lee CIaJ1I: said, 'When danger arises , the rule is lor people to help those next 10 them before they help themselves." ·Panic: Myth or Reality: Contexts I (Fall 20(2) , p. 21. Neutral report: 2. Biological anthropologist Barry Bogin said , -v.Ie can use the average height ol any group ol people as a barometer ol the health of their society." "The Talt and Short 0111 ," Applying Anthropology: An Introductory RfJ8der, Mountain VIeW , California: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2001 , p. 54 . Doobtful report: 1 10 ACADEMIC SK I US 3. Physician Stanley Joel Re iser said, "Machines direct the attenlion 01 both doctor and patient to the measurable aspect 01 illness, but away Irom the human lactors thai are at least SQually impol"lani." Medicine and the Reign o( Technology . New Yor\( : Cambridge University Press, 1978, p. 229. Certain report: 4. Educator Harry Wong said, "There is but one correlalion with success. and Ihat is atti- tude ." The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher. Sunnyvale, California: Harry K. Wong PublicaliOns, t991. p. 35. Certain report: 5. Choreographer Martha Graham said, "Technique and training have never been a substi- tute lor that condition 01 awareness which is talent." Dance 8S 8 Theatre AIf , Hightstown, N ew Jersey: Princeton Book Company, 1974, p. 136. Doubtful report: 6. Psychologist Ca rl JUIlQ said, "The collective unconSCious seems to be something like an unceasing stream or perhaps an ocean 01 images and ligures which drift inlo conscious- ness in our dreams." "The Basic Postulales 01 Analytical Psychology ," Modem Man in Search of a Soul, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1933. Doubtful report: 7. Computer entrepreneur Bill Gates said, "The key for Microsoft"" has always been hiring very smart people." Transcript 01 video history interview, National Museum of American History. January II , 2005 . Neutral report: 8. Geneticists James Watson and Francis Crick said, "DNA structure has two helical chains each COiled around the same axis'- "A Structure lor Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid ," Nature, Volume 171 (April 2), 1953, p. 737. Doubtful report: beskyttel mater<ate PARAPHRASING 111 9. Environmentalist John Sinclair said, ' Many politicians are hOstile to the environmental movement because they see it in ronfliel with the economic model they support." "The Legacy of Voluntary Conservationists .' 1998 Romeo Lahey Lecture for the National Parks ASSOCiation 01 Queensland, Australia. Neutral report: 10. Astrophysicist Ca rl Sagan said, 'Even a relatively small nuclear war may be capable of prOducing a global climatic catastrophe." Speech before the Commonwealth Club, Febru- ary 8,1985. Certain report: , Mention tbe source appropriately You already know how to introduce a source, but sometimes you need to mention the source more than one lime. In that case, there is a pattem that is customarily used to mention the source appropriately. When you cite the source the first time, use the first and last name. The title is optional. When you site the seoond time, use the last name only. If you die a third time, use a pronoun, for ellample, hfJ or she. After the third citation, you may use the pronoon again il the meaning is clear, or you may repeat the last name !of clarity. In tho case 01 speakors 01" writors who 3ro not nomed, the oourcc should still bo cited. You may be able to identify and cite the source as a professor, a speaker, an author, a writer, or a student, based on the context in which the inlormation is presented. Use th is gefl8ral descrip- tion the first time that you cite the source. II it is clear that the person is a man or woman, you can use the correct pronoon when you cite the source a second or third time. After the third dlation, you may use the pronoun agaIn if the meaning Is clear, Of you may r&peat the gefl8ral description lor clarity. Old you understand? T ry to report the Information in the notes. Cite the source appropriately. The lirst report Is completed to give you an ellample. Ustan to the ellample answers on Track 13, and read the script printed in Chapt er 7 on pages 517-518. Source: Edwin Hubble ( man ) astronomer • demonstrated Andromeda nebula located outside our galaKY • established the islands universe theory. galax:ies exist outside our own • study resulted in Hubb le's oonstant = standard relationshiP/galaxy's distance from Earth and speed r&Ce ssion 112 CADEMIC SKilLS Astronomer Edwin Hubble demonstrated that the Andromeda nebula was located outside our galaxy. Hubble established the islands universe theory, which states that galaxies eldst outside our own . .I:::\e. published a study that resulted in what is now called Hubble's constant, a stan- dard relationship between a galaxy's distance from Earth and its speed of recession. () Activity 20, CO 2, Tr.ck 13 1. Souree: Theodore White (man) BooiI- The Making o( the President • 1960 presidential6ebale-press conference • Nixon proeeeded-pefSOOal debate • Kennedy spoke directly 10 TV viewers • estimated Kennedy gained 2 m il votes 2. Souree: Paul Cezanne (man) • all forms In nature-based on geometric shapes • cone, sphere, cylinder primary • used outlining to emphasize shapes 3. Source: Marie Curie (woman) • won Nobel p physics 1903 wJhusband -discovery of radium • won Nobel p cl"lemistry 191t -isola tion pure radium • 1 st person 2 Nobel P 4. Source: Erik Erikson (man) psychologisl • proposed aignt st &geSlpB rSOI'l8 I develOpment • psychological crises/each stage shaped sense/self • lifeloog process 5. Source: Margaret Mead (woman) • first fieldwotX in Samoa 1925 • book Coming of Age in Samoa best seller - translated many languages • stifl one/most wall·known anthropologists • people/simple societies provide valuable lessooslindustrialized 6. Source: Leonardo da Vinci (man) • quintessential Renaissance man • brilliant painter • Interested in mechanics • work in math clear in perspective yttet matcr<a~ . In nature -based on geometric shapes • cone, sphere, cylinder primary • used outlining to emphasize shapes 3. Source: Marie Curie (woman) • won Nobel p physics 1903 wJhusband -discovery. groop of tissues capable of perfOfming some spe- cial function. 5. According to Professor Stephens. John Philip Sousa was th e greatest composer of marches for bands. 6. In Professor. oorrect heading-doubtful , neutral, C8f1aJn . Notice that both verbs in reported language Sfe in the past tense. &;ample answers are printed in Chap ter 7 on page 517. Quotation: