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Research methodology những tác Động của dịch vụ mạng xã hội Đối với sinh viên hufllit

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Tiêu đề Những tác động của dịch vụ mạng xã hội đối với sinh viên huflit
Tác giả Lâm Thúy An
Người hướng dẫn Vo Le Thuy Nga (M.A.)
Trường học Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology
Chuyên ngành Research Methodology
Thể loại Luận văn
Năm xuất bản 2024
Thành phố Ho Chi Minh City
Định dạng
Số trang 21
Dung lượng 1,34 MB

Nội dung

The widespread use of social networking sites SNSs has altered the landscape ofcommunication and engagement among university students.. The research purpose is to tolook into the many di

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Instructor: Vo Le Thuy Nga (M.A.) Student: Lâm Thúy An

Student’s code: 21DH710016 Class: 232151004353

Ho Chi Minh City, 21 Mar 2024 st

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I certify that the attached material is my original work No other person’swork or ideas have been used without acknowledgement Except where I have clearlystated that I have used some of this material elsewhere, I have not presented this for

assessment in another course or unit at this or any other institution 

Date: 21/03/2024Writer’s Signature and Full name

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The widespread use of social networking sites (SNSs) has altered the landscape ofcommunication and engagement among university students The research purpose is to tolook into the many different ways that social networking sites affect HUFLIT students’academic, social, and psychologicacl well-being Fifty students participated in this study.They were given a questionnaire with several questions that related to the article Thefindings showed that there are negative and positive impacts of social networking sites onHUFLIT students It is also found that using social netwrking sites daily can affect academicperformance The study indicated that the affect and impacts of social networking sites onHUFLIT students need to support development and well-being of them in the digital age

Key words: HUFLIT students, SNSs, impacts of SNSs

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LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES 4.1 (Caption).……… page


FIGURES 4.2 (Caption).……… …… page y FIGURES 4.3 (Caption).……… …… page z FIGURES 4.4 (Caption).……… …… page z

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1 INTRODUCTION ……….……… 7-9

1.1 Background……… …… 7

1.2 Literature Review……… ………8

1.3 Scopes……… ……… 8

1.4 Objectives……… ….8

1.5 Organization……… …9

2 LITERATURE REVIEW……… 10-11 2.1 Distinguish between “mistake” and “error” in writing 10

2.2 Grammatical errors and some kinds of feedback 10

2.3 Common mistakes in writing 11

2.4 On-going debates on the good ways of conducting the correction in writing 11

3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY…… ….… …… ………12-13 3.1 Description of the Subjects 12

3.2 Procedures of Data Collection 12

3.3 Statistical Treatment 13

4 RESULTS 14-17 4.1 Teachers’ Survey 14

4.2 Students’ Survey 17

5 DISCUSSION 20-23 5.1 Purpose of the Study 20

5.2 Findings and Explanation 20

5.3 Limitations 21

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5.4 Implications 21

5.5 Recommendations 21

5.5.1 Recommendations for Teachers 21

5.5.2 Recommendations for Students 22




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1.2 Literature review

The impact of social networking websites on HUFLIT students has received a lot ofattention These platforms have been shown to have an impact on students’ academicperformance, psychological adjustment, and social behavior in both positive and negativeways Several researchers have found that social networking sites can improve learningbehavior, social integration, and information sharing for university students (Abbas et al.,2019; AlKhudari, 2023; Gupta, 2018) While some studies have highlighted the beneficialfeatures of social networking websites, such as their role in improving students’ learningand engagement, others have suggested the possible negative consequences, such as socialmedia addiction, social overload, and lower academic performance It is clear that socialnetworking websites have a multidimensional impact on university students, includingnumerous dimensions of academic, social, and psychological well-being As a result, anextensive understanding of these effects necessitates a balanced assessment of both thebenefits and risks connected with social media use among university students

1.3 Scopes

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Studies examining impacts of social networking websites and how it affects HUFLITstudents More studies are conducted at HUFLIT about how they use frequently and inaddition, research the change in society and in working environment with the effect of socialnetworking websites Moreover, the investigation is a consideration of how socialnetworking websites influence the academic performance of HUFLIT students.

1.4 Objectives

The aim of this study is to provide more behavior and attitude of HUFLIT studentsabout using social networking websites Moreover, the purpose of this study is also a way tofind out how social networking sites and social media impact on HUFLIT students,perspectively

1.5 Organization

The first part of the research shows what social networking websites are, itsdefinition about The second part is an investigation about why social networking websiteshave more harmful effects than positive effects The next section is the carrying method ofthe survey for figure obtaining and information analysis The final section is for thesuggestion and further discussion of the study

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2.1 General Statement

2.1.1 Definition of social networking sites (SNSs)

Social networking sites (SNSs) is a term that has its own definition Boyd and Ellison(2007, p 211) reported that social network sites are web-based services that allow users tobuild public or semi-public profiles, share a list of other users, browse and navigate theirconnections, the nature and nomenclature of which varies per site Also, Radi (2017) statedthe following:

Social networking sites as a system of electronic networks that allow the subscriber

to create his site, and then link it through an electronic social system with othermembers who have the same interests and hobbies They are services that are createdand programmed by major companies to gather the largest number of users andfriends and share activities and interests They are also used to make friends and findinterests and activities in other people with whom they share an intellectual or othersubscription (as cited in AlKhudari, 2023, p 226)

Additionally, AlKhudari (2023) observed social networking sites, such as Facebook, X(formerly Twitter), and YouTube are the top three most popular in Jordan for exchanginginformation, instant news, and forming social ties among users of all ages, allowing them toshare files, images, videos, blogs, and messages The author also pointed out universitystudents most often use social media for a variety of reasons, including getting new friends,making study connections, gratifying their desires, making it an essential stage for manycollege students This indicates university students are using social networks and socialmedia almost everyday to serve their needs of studying, chatting, surfing the Internet,researching and entertaining

2.2 References to previous research

2.2.1 Importance of social networking sites to students

According to a study conducted in India by Balamurugan and Thanuskodi (2019),university students use social media to improve their academic performance and acquire

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important information for their courses (as cited in Niraula & Bohora, 2023, p 276).Further, a Canadian study by Quan-Haase et al (2010) believed that social media meets avariety of communication needs and streamlines online interactions by allowing users tostay connected with friends and family, understand social events, and track the activities ofother users This fulfillment causes users to feel more like being part of a peer network,which improves their social information (as cited in Niraula & Bohora, 2023, p 277) Thesestudies support for hypothesis that social networking sites contribute to academicperformance and habit of students.

2.2.2 Impacts of social networking sites on students

Madge et al (2009) and Salaway et al (2008), students often utilize socialnetworking websites to debate academic concerns and connect with lecturers and professors.The research also found instructors who disclose more are more likely to motivate theirstudents, whereas self-disclosures reduce ambiguity, improve motivation, and fosterfavorable views toward the course and the professor (as cited in Khan, p 65)

2.3 Gap in research

There are numerous findings of social network sites impacts which have beenmentioned from researchers on causes, results, and awareness Most of the studies, however,carry the old fingers and have been made in foreign different countries only There are alittle studies about social network sites impacts on students release made in Vietnam andHUFLIT, in particular The figures are expected to have some changes because of a morestate-of-the-art society as well as the complicated culture and various lifestyles in Vietnam

2.4 Reference to present research

This research paper attempts to complement the aforementioned literature byconcentrating on exploring two main objectives First, provide more behavior and attitude ofsocial networking websites users - particularly university students - will be comprehensiveand detailed Second, this research will support understanding how social networking sitesand social media impact on HUFLIT students, perspectively This study will be carried outamong university students at a particular location which is HUFLIT

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3.1 Overview of the experiment

The purpose of this research is to investigate the harmful impacts of socialnetworking sites (SNSs) on students who is studying at a language and informationtechonology universtity, which name is Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languagesand Information Technology (HUFLIT) They are given questionaire, which is relevant tothe issue of influences on HUFLIT students of social networking sites (Facebook, YouTube,Twitter, TikTok,…) The questionair for the researching will be carried out for two weeks

3.2 Subjects of the experiment

The subjects of this study were being chosen at random from a group of 80 studentswho are studying at HUFLIT Their ages range from 18 to 23, which mean their academiclevels are diverse from feshman, sophomore to junior and senior The researcher alsoselected individuals of both genders with the point of exploring the connection between bothsocial networking sites and the young generation users Nevertheless, the researcher alsoinvestigated the detrimental consequenes of social networking on their mental well-beingand perfomance In addition, they are young generation, so they a considerate amount oftime on social networking and they have experience and knowledge in utilizing socialnetworks as well as coping wwith the difficulties that constantly arise on these platforms.Therefore, when attending this survey, they could give trustworthy and accurate answers toall questions based on their experiences Furthermore, this questionaire will insist them tobecome mmore open-minded about the impacts of social networking sites in general,particularly in terms of user’s performance and health

3.3 Materials

The study was conducted on the base of the quantitative approaches To investigatethe impacts of attitudes toward social networkingg sites as it relates to human lives andmental health, a brief questionnaire was administered at the beginning and at the end of theexperiment The questionnaire, which has all 18 questions, consists of two sections Thefirst section is the questions to get participant’s personal information such as gender andacademic year The second section comprises 9 dichotomous, which are included multiple

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choices, and rating scale questions In this section, the researcher encourages participants toexpress their thoughts on the positive and negative influences of social media on the mentalhealth of university students The questionnaire is written in both English and Vietnamese

so that all the participants could understand all questions comprehensively

3.4 Procedures

The research was divided into four steps, including creating the means, distributing,analyzing and concluding In the first step, the researcher created questionnaire according toGoogle Forms ensuring that everyone is able to approach the survey After completing theform, the researcher provided the Google Forms link to university students at HUFLIT viatheir group Facebook, Zalo and Messenger of each academic year Each student could easilyparticipate in this survey using their Google accounts and their personal email.Subsequently, the researcher set a week time limit for participants to do the survey in thethird stage The responders were required to be frank and consider carefully before givingthe answers They were given one week to complete the form, until the total number ofstudents participating in the survey reached the number of 70 responses After meeting thedeadline, the data was collected and analyzed in the penultimate step The final and mostcrucial step contained the general conclusion of the research as well as the final results ofthis survey

3.5 Statistical Treatment

To evaluate the consequences of social platforms on university students’ mental being, an analysis of variance was utilized to analyzed students’ answers from thequestionnaire The researcher utilized Google Forms for all analyses, then converted thedata into statistics and diverse charts displaying the participants’ responses via MicrosoftExcel

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well-Chapter 4 RESULTS 4.1 Figure 1

Figure 1: Benefits of social networking to HUFLIT students

Figure 1 illutrates implications of the responses regarding the benefits of socialnetworking for university students, especially in HUFLIT It is analyzed in Figure 1 Thevast majority of respondents (62.7%) agreed that using SNSs will build and maintainrelationships online It allows students to connect with their peers, professors, families,… intheir field of sstudy and lives These connections lead to valuable collaborations, mentorshipopportunities, and a supportive network both during university and beyond graduation.Additionally, 51% HUFLIT studets believed that social networking sites help them witheducation Educating online is not unfamiliar with university students, especially in thismodern era They can easily reach information and learning materials from online more thanbefore Moreover, there is small percent of respondents (43.1%) agree that socialnetworking platforms also serve as channels for career advice, job postings HUFLITstudents who actively engage on these platforms may discover internship opportunities, jobofferings, and career-related insights that can help them changing smoothly from university

to the workforce after graduation Nevertheless, there a small respondents also realize socialnetworking platforms assist them to stay up to date (33.1%) and stimulate creativity(39.2%) Overall, these responses indicate that social networking sites benefit HUFLIT

Ngày đăng: 11/02/2025, 16:14


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