Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATIONDANG MINH SU MANAGEMENT OF ONLINE TEACHING ACTIVITIES AT VOCATIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN HO CHI MINH CITY IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION SpeciQuản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa Quản lý hoạt động dạy học trực tuyến tại cơ sở giáo dục nghề nghiệp ở Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh trong bối cảnh toàn cầu hóa
Specialization: Education Management
Ha Noi - 2024
Scientific Supervisors:
1 PROF DR Vu Thi Mai Huong
2 PROF DR Nguyen Xuan Hai
Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr Tran Khanh Duc, Hanoi University of Science andTechnology
Reviewer 2: Prof Dr Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Yến, National Academy of EducationManagement
Reviewer 3: Dr Nguyễn Quốc Trị, Hanoi National University of Education
The thesis will be defended in front of the University-level Thesis Evaluation Council
at Hanoi National University of Education
at hour date month, 2025.
The thesis can be accessed at the library:
The National Library, Hanoi
Or the Library of Hanoi National University of Education
Trang 31 Dang Minh Su, Nguyen Ngoc Phuong (2020), Management of Online Teaching
Activities at Vocational Education Institutions in HCMC in the Current Context,
Journal of Educational Management Science, No 03(27), 9-2020.
2 Dang Minh Su, Bui Van Hong (2020), Solutions for the Application of Teaching
Technology and Digital Transformation for Training at Vocational Education Institutions, Journal of Educational Equipment, No 224(01), 9-2020.
3 Dang Minh Su (2023), Difficulties and Inadequacies in Implementing Content,
Methods, and Forms of Vocational Training Organization at Vocational Education Institutions Today, Vocational Training Organization at Vocational
Education Institutions Today, Labour Publishing House, Hanoi 2023 ISBN: 604-480-115-5.
978-4 Su Dang Minh (2023), Managing Online teaching Activities at Vocational
Colleges: Current Status, Position, Role and Solution Orientation,
Conhecimento & Diversidade, Niterói, v 15, n 40 out./dez 2023.
https://doi.org/10.18316/rcd.v15i40.11307 ISSN: 2237-8049;
5 Su Dang Minh (2024), Solutions To Improve the Quality of Managing Online
Teaching Activities at Vocational Education Institutions in The Context of Globalization, QUBAHAN ACADEMIC JOURNAL VOL 4, NO 1, Feb 2024.
https://doi.org/10.58429/qaj.v4n1a395 ISSN: 2709-8206;
6 Su Minh Dang (2024), Managing Online Teaching Activities at Vocational
Education Institutions: From a Theoretical Perspective, Middle East Res J.
Humanities Soc Sci, 4(3): 58-64 DOI: 10.36348/merjhss.2024.v04i03.002 ISSN 2789-7761 (Print) | ISSN 2958-2040 (Online);
7 Su Minh Dang (2024), Analyzing Factors Affecting Online Teaching
Management at Vocational Education Institutions, South Asian Res J Human Soc
Sci, DOI: 10.36346/sarjhss.2024.v06i03.002 ISSN 2664-4002 (Print) & ISSN 2664-6714 (Online).
Trang 41 The reason for choosing the title
The management of online teaching activities (OTA) is of great importance in the era ofthe Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), as it helps improve the quality andeffectiveness of teaching, meeting the demands of the global labor market (GLM) Thisresearch aims to find effective management measures to enhance the quality of education anddevelop a high-quality workforce, contributing to the industrialization and modernization ofthe country
The author has chosen the topic "Management of Online Teaching Activities at
Vocational Education Institutions in Ho Chi Minh City in the Context of Globalization" to
explore and propose solutions for improving the quality and effectiveness of OTAmanagement, meeting the growing demands of the GLM and the development of theknowledge-based economy
2 Research Purposes
The dissertation investigates the theoretical and practical foundations of OTAmanagement and proposes management measures suitable for the practical conditions ofvocational education institutions (VEIs) in the research area
3 Research subjects, objects and scope
Research subject: The management of vocational training processes at VEIs.
Research object: The management of OTA at VEIs in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) in the
context of globalization
Research scope: At VEIs in HCMC.
4 Scientific Hypothesis: If a system of management measures that appropriately
impacts the OTA process is established, the quality and effectiveness of OTA management atVEIs in HCMC will be improved
5 Research Tasks
To study the theoretical basis of OTA management at VEIs in HCMC in the context ofglobalization
To survey and evaluate the current situation of OTA activities and management at VEIs
in HCMC in the context of globalization
To propose management measures for OTA at VEIs in HCMC in the context ofglobalization, and to conduct trials and tests of the proposed measures
6 Research Methods
6.1 Approach Methods: Systematic and structural approach; practical and
developmental approach; integrated approach; PDCA approach
6.2 Research Methods
Group of Theoretical Research Methods.
Group of Practical Research Methods: Survey method; in-depth interview method;
activity product research method; experience summary method; expert method; trial method;experiment method
Trang 56.3 Information Processing Methods
Information is processed using mathematical statistics, utilizing software such as SPSSand MS Excel
7 New Contributions of the Thesis
Develops a theoretical framework for the management of OTA at VEIs in HCMC in thecontext of globalization
Identifies the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of the current OTAmanagement at VEIs in HCMC
Develops six management measures for OTA at VEIs in HCMC in the context ofglobalization
8 Structure of the dissertation
In addition to the introduction, conclusion, and recommendations, and the references,the dissertation consists of 03 chapters:
Chapter 1: Theoretical foundations
Chapter 2: Practical foundations
Chapter 3: Management measures for OTA at VEIs in HCMC in the context of globalization
CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION 1.1 Overview of Research on the Issue
1.1.1 Research on Online Teaching Activities at Vocational Education Institutions
Numerous international studies have highlighted the benefits and challenges of onlineteaching, developing theoretical frameworks and necessary competencies for instructors andlearners, providing theoretical foundations and practical guidelines for the effectiveimplementation of online teaching In Vietnam, studies have focused on the application of E-Learning in vocational education, emphasizing how E-Learning helps save costs, space, andtime while offering flexibility to learners Factors influencing the success of online teachinghave also been analyzed, including technological skills, course design, and interactionbetween instructors and students
1.1.2 Research on the management of online teaching at vocational education Institutions in the context of globalization
Globally, many studies have proposed effective management methods for onlineeducation, ranging from instructor management, teaching strategies, to creating an effectivelearning environment However, challenges related to technology, culture, and instructorcapacity still need to be addressed to fully harness the potential of online teaching
In Vietnam, several studies have proposed management solutions for online teaching,including the application of IT, development of learning content, and continuous technicalsupport, which help improve the quality of vocational education in the context of internationalintegration and globalization
Trang 61.1.3 General evaluation of related research works and issues to be addressed in the dissertation
Studies worldwide and in Vietnam have provided an important foundation for thisdissertation, offering diverse approaches The management of online teaching depends onfactors such as management roles, individuals, society, culture, technology, andorganizations
In summary, the research has provided empirical evidence and detailed theoreticalframeworks that assist vocational education institutions in implementing online teachingeffectively and sustainably
1.2 Theoretical issues on online teaching activities
1.2.1 Online teaching
Online teaching is a form of education that utilizes technology and communicationplatforms to conduct remote teaching and learning, eliminating barriers of space and time
1.2.2 Scientific foundations of online teaching
Philosophical foundation: Linking teaching and learning, combining both concrete andabstract cognition
Psychological foundation: Enhancing learning efficiency through multi-sensorystimulation, creating dynamic learning environments, and personalizing the learning process.Educational foundation: Building flexible learning environments and diversifyingteaching methods to suit individual needs
Technological foundation: Applying advanced technologies like artificial intelligence(AI) and big data to improve teaching and management quality
1.2.3 Benefits of online teaching
Flexibility, saving time and costs, easy access to materials, and enhancing interactionbetween learners and instructors
1.2.4 Challenges of online teaching
Technological infrastructure: The quality of internet connections and technologyequipment is inconsistent, particularly in rural and remote areas
Interactivity and engagement: While technology tools offer high interactivity, fosteringtrue engagement between teachers and students remains a significant challenge
Ensuring learning quality: It is difficult to control and accurately assess learners'understanding and maintain discipline and self-motivation in learning
1.2.5 Development trends of online teaching
Digital transformation in education: Online teaching is part of the comprehensive digitaltransformation in education, promoting open education and lifelong learning
Application of new technologies: Technologies such as AI, big data, and the Internet ofThings (IoT) will continue to drive the development of online teaching, improvingpersonalization and optimizing the teaching process
Trang 71.3 The context of globalization and opportunities, challenges of globalization for online teaching and its management at vocational education institutions
1.3.1 Globalization and its impact on online teaching at vocational education institutions
Globalization, the process of forming interconnected systems across various fields,including education, presents new opportunities and challenges for education, particularlyonline teaching
Characteristics of globalization: Impact on the economy, politics, culture, society,science, technology, and ecological environment Globalization in education expandstransnational education services, including online services and study-at-home programs.Opportunities: Improving the national education system, expanding internationalcooperation to enhance education quality; diversifying investments, and learning fromadvanced educational models worldwide; increasing competition and autonomy foreducational institutions
Challenges: Ensuring national identity and socialist orientation in education;transitioning from a subsidized education mindset to a market-oriented one; facingcontradictions between the humanitarian nature of education and market competition
1.3.2 Issues facing online teaching and its management
Infrastructure: Investment in and upgrading technological infrastructure and supportequipment for online teaching
Policies and regulations: Completing policies, quality standards, and informationsecurity for online teaching
Management capacity: Training and enhancing the skills of managers in online teaching
at vocational education institutions
Teaching methods: Innovating teaching methods to encourage active participation andinteraction from learners
Quality evaluation: Establishing systems for evaluation, inspection, and improvement ofonline teaching quality
1.4 Theoretical issues on the management of online teaching at vocational education institutions
1.4.1 The concept of online teaching management at vocational education institutions
Online teaching management is the planned, purposeful process of managing teachingand learning activities in online teaching at vocational education institutions Managementcontent includes managing goals, curricula, methods, admissions, teaching staff, students,facilities, and evaluation
Management methods: A combination of functional management (planning, organizing,inspecting, evaluating) and content-based management (teaching and learning online)
1.4.2 The concept of Managing Online Teaching Activities at Vocational Education Institutions in the Context of Globalization
The management of OTA at VEIs in the context of globalization is an organized process
Trang 8carried out by administrators at VEIs This process involves planning, organizing, directing,and monitoring OTA activities Its primary objective is to ensure the quality and effectiveness
of teaching and learning activities while meeting the demands for training high-quality humanresources in a globalized labor environment
1.4.3 Stakeholders in Managing Online Teaching Activities at Vocational Education Institutions
In the context of modern technology, management entities need to enhance their ability
to utilize AI and learning analytics systems to support decision-making For example,principals should leverage data from Big Data to assess teaching quality, while teachers need
to master AI tools to personalize learning content The collaboration between stakeholdersand technology will drive improvements in the quality and effectiveness of management
1.4.4 The PDCA Continuous Quality Improvement Cycle in Online Teaching Management
The PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), also known as the Deming cycle, is a qualitymanagement model widely applied to continuously improve the quality of services, products,and people
Steps of the PDCA cycle: P (Plan): Planning, defining quality goals, strategies, schedules,
and implementation measures The content includes assessing the current situation, identifying
goals, determining methods, resources needed, and projected deadlines; D (Do): Implementing
the plan, assigning tasks, and involving everyone Training and coaching staff to ensure full
awareness and proactivity in their work; C (Check): Checking the results, comparing the plan with reality to detect discrepancies and adjust as needed; A (Act): Adjusting and improving based
on the inspection results, correcting discrepancies, and enhancing processes Restarting the cyclewith new information to maintain continuous improvement
1.4.5 Content of Managing Online Teaching Activities at Vocational EducationInstitutions
Phase P (Plan) - Planning Online Teaching Activities: Planning is a critical function that
includes designing plans for each field and subject, determining methods, personnel, andnecessary resources Plans must ensure feasibility, scientific rigor, and alignment with thepractical context of vocational education institutions
Phase D (Do) - Organizing and Directing the Implementation of Plans: This phase
involves developing content and programs for online teaching The content must be updated,consistent, and scientifically modern It also requires innovating teaching methods andorganizational forms by directing school stakeholders to adapt methods and forms of teaching
in alignment with objectives and practical requirements
Phase C (Check) - Monitoring and Evaluation: Monitoring and evaluating the outcomes
and quality of online teaching activities are conducted through scientific criteria and methods.This phase identifies strengths and weaknesses to enable timely adjustments
Phase A (Act) - Adjustment and Improvement: Based on the evaluation results,
adjustments and improvements are made to plans, methods, and organizational forms to meet
Trang 9objectives and ensure continuous quality enhancement.
1.5 The fourth industrial revolution is changing all areas of society, especially education, with the emergence of smart teaching devices and virtual classrooms
In the field of vocational education, the Fourth Industrial Revolution drivescomprehensive innovation from content, methods, to school management However, thisrevolution also poses significant challenges, requiring vocational education institutions toquickly adapt to avoid being left behind
1.5.1 Impact of the current context of the fourth industrial revolution
The fourth industrial revolution is transforming the world, impacting all social fields andcreating a symbiotic environment between humans and robots, between the virtual and realworlds In education, smart teaching devices and new education forms like online teachingand virtual schools will emerge Vocational education institutions must comprehensivelyinnovate, focusing on digital skills, foreign languages, and creativity to meet the demands ofthe new labor market
1.5.2 Impact of international integration, cooperation and labor market demands
International integration has a strong impact on vocational education, creating newopportunities and challenges Vocational education institutions need to innovate to meet thehigh demands of the labor market, improve training quality and management methods tomaintain competitiveness and sustainable development
1.5.3 Impact of policies on vocational education, from management mechanisms and capacity of vocational education managers
Policies and management mechanisms directly affect online teaching activities atvocational education institutions Consistency in directive documents and the capacity ofmanagement staff will ensure the process of innovation and development in online teaching atvocational education institutions
1.5.4 Impact of the quality and capacity of teachers and students, content, methods, and forms of online teaching at vocational education institutions
Teachers and students are key subjects in online teaching The content, trainingprograms, methods, and forms of online teaching must be updated and suitable to practicalconditions to ensure effective training
1.5.5 Impact of infrastructure and conditions ensuring online teaching at vocational education institutions
Infrastructure and conditions ensuring online teaching play a crucial role Currently,many vocational education institutions lack sufficient technical infrastructure and equipment
to meet the demands of online teaching, significantly affecting training outcomes
Trang 10Online teaching at vocational education institutions takes advantage of the achievements
of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and IT The management of online teaching must followgeneral theories on training management while updating new developments in the context ofglobalization and international cooperation
2.1 Experiences of online teaching activities and the management of online teaching activities globally and domestically
2.1.1 Experiences of countries around the world
Around the world, many countries have successfully implemented various methods andstrategies to manage and optimize online teaching activities, providing valuable lessons Theseexperiences not only benefit Vietnam but are especially significant when applied to the practicalcontext of HCMC, where digital transformation is a strategic priority for developing VET
2.1.2 Lessons learned for online teaching activities and the management of online teaching activities in Vietnam
Experiences from countries around the world in the implementation and management ofonline teaching activities have provided valuable lessons for Vietnam: In Asia, countries likeSingapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea have adopted blended learningmethods and invested in technology infrastructure and teacher training Globally, manycountries use online platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet, and also broadcast lectures viatelevision Some countries face difficulties due to economic conditions and unstable internetconnectivity Lessons for Vietnam include preparing good connectivity equipment, improvingtechnology skills, designing engaging lectures, interacting through social media, dividingclasses into small groups, and applying interactive simulations
2.2 Overview of vocational education in Ho Chi Minh City
2.2.1 Organizational structure of the vocational education system in
Ho Chi Minh City
As of now, HCMC has 371 vocational education institutions, specifically:
Colleges: 61 (50 schools; 02 branches; 09 training locations); Secondary schools: 61 (57schools; 01 branch; 03 training locations); Centers for vocational and continuing education:
Trang 1122; Vocational training centers: 55.
2.2.2 Vocational education institutions by type
2.2.3 Enrollment and training by group of sectors and occupations
2.2.4 Enrollment scale compared to licensed capacity
2.3 Organization of survey and research on current situation
2.3.1 Survey purpose
The surveys aim to accurately assess the current situation of online teaching activities and themanagement of online teaching activities at vocational education institutions in HCMC, therebycontributing to the improvement of vocational education quality in the new context
2.3.2 Survey content
Survey on the current situation of online teaching activities and their management;factors affecting the management and implementation of online teaching activities atvocational education institutions today
2.3.3 Survey subjects, sampling methods, locations and time
Survey subjects: Survey of 230 managers, teachers, and 420 students at 5 vocationaleducation institutions
Survey locations: 02 secondary schools, 02 colleges, and 01 enterprise (involved invocational education activities)
Survey time: Academic years from 2021 to 2023
2.3.4 Survey methods and tools
The combination of practical educational research methods and mathematical statisticalmethods was used, including: in-depth interview method, exchange and conversation method,document and product research method, and survey method via questionnaires
2.3.5 Survey result processing
The survey results are processed according to the law of large numbers, calculatingquantities and percentages, summarized into data tables Additionally, average scores andrankings of the current situation are calculated, and graphs are drawn to illustrate thecomments and conclusions derived
The score calculation is based on four levels as follows: from 1 to 4 Data processing isdone using the formula for calculating the average value
2.4.1 Current situation of awareness regarding online teaching
2.4.2 Current situation of goals in online teaching activities
2.4.3 Current situation of content in online teaching activities
2.4.4 Current situation of the use of methods, tools, and organizational forms in
Trang 12online teaching activities
2.4.5 Current situation of results from online teaching
2.5 Current situation of the management of online teaching activities at vocational education institutions in HCMC in the context of globalization
2.5.1 Phase P (Plan): Current situation of planning
Most VEIs have developed plans for OTA, including overall training plans, individualcourse plans, and organizational methods However, some plans remain superficial, lackingpracticality and feasibility The communication of these plans to teachers is sometimesincomplete, leading to inadequate preparation and low implementation enthusiasm among theteaching staff
2.5.2 Phase D (Do): Current situation of implementation
Content of Online Teaching Programs: VEIs have implemented online teaching content
in various courses, but the innovation has not fully kept pace with labor market demands Thedevelopment of content lacks a strategic approach and does not effectively integrate theorywith practice
Methods and Organizational Forms for Online Teaching: Efforts to innovate teachingmethods are regularly carried out, but the effectiveness remains low Model lessons andregulations for using new methods are still somewhat superficial
Collaboration in Online Teaching: There is coordination between teachers, students, andrelated departments However, the management and organization of this collaboration havenot yet achieved the necessary synchronization
2.5.3 Phase C (Check): Current situation of evaluation and assessment
Evaluation and assessment activities are conducted regularly and adhere to the plans.However, many evaluation criteria do not fully meet practical requirements, leading toinaccurate reflections of students' competencies In particular, some assessment activitiesremain formalistic
2.5.4 Phase A (Act): Implementation of adjustments
Adjustments and improvements to online teaching plans have been implemented butneed to continue regularly to meet practical needs The evaluation of these improvements hasshown positive effects, but continuous improvement is still required
2.5.5 Current influence of factors on online teaching management
The most influential factor is the management policies and the capacity of themanagement staff Other important factors include the IT capabilities of teachers, students,and the teaching content
The least influential factor is the trend of international integration and the labor marketdemands, though it still has a notable impact on online teaching activities at VEIs
2.6 General evaluation of the current management of online teaching activities at vocational education institutions in HCMC
2.6.1 Advantages and causes
Advantages: There has been a positive shift in the awareness and mindset of managers
Trang 13and teachers, recognizing the necessity of OTA and combining face-to-face teaching withOTA in the context of Industry 4.0 Capacity-building training for managers and teachers onOTA has been conducted, bringing these activities into regular operation OTA managementmechanisms have been continuously improved, and management processes have beenadjusted to align with practical conditions, enhancing the management team’s capacity.Causes of advantages: The demands of the labor market and the trend of globalizationhave driven the rapid development of OTA, motivating educational reform The development
of educational theory and technology has provided favorable conditions for OTA VEIs haveapplied technology to expand teaching methods New management mechanisms and policiessupporting OTA have promoted synchronized development School management boards play
a crucial role in organizing and implementing directives and leading OTA Students haveshown proactive attitudes in participating and improving their skills related to OTA
2.6.2 Limitations and causes
Limitations: OTA has developed rapidly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but manyregulations are no longer suitable for the current situation The content, methods, andorganizational forms of OTA are still spontaneous, lack scientific basis, and are notstandardized The technological infrastructure is not uniform, with many items unusable,causing difficulties in OTA implementation The level and capacity of management staff andteachers are limited, unable to meet the practical requirements of vocational education OTA
is primarily focused on theory and does not meet the needs of practical training
Causes of limitations: The awareness of some managers and teachers about OTAremains insufficient, lagging behind the development of educational theory and practice OTAplanning is not compatible with the technological infrastructure development plans of VEIs.The content and organizational methods of OTA have not been updated to meet moderneducational theory and practice requirements Coordination between different entitiesinvolved in OTA is not cohesive, and the organization is fragmented, lacking unifiedmanagement Technological infrastructure is not synchronized, and many facilities areunusable due to ineffective management The inspection and supervision of OTA activitiesare not efficient and have not become regular and comprehensive activities
Conclusion of Chapter 2
OTA at VEIs has developed as an inevitable solution in the context of Industry 4.0 andthe COVID-19 pandemic However, there are still many limitations in managing andimplementing OTA, requiring continuous improvements to meet the practical needs ofvocational education