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Giao an Anh7(HKII)-YB

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Tài liệu hạn chế xem trước, để xem đầy đủ mời bạn chọn Tải xuống


Cấu trúc

  • - Two Sts are asked to read the dialogue and write some vocab.

  • - Sts practice reading the new words

  • - The Sts are asked to write some sentences by using the verbs on the board.

  • Asking answering

  • - T uses the picture to introduce the lesson

  • - T uses the picture to introduce the lesson.

Nội dung

Trêng PTCS B¶n C«ng English 7  Preparing date:27/12/2009 Teaching date: 29/12/2009 Class: 7A……. 7B……   !"!!#  $%&'(  Vocabulary Grammar $$)!!  ! $$$'* +, -$.$$+ - !/*)  ! 0!'' "#$% &#'$%( )*           *+  ) ,              , )        ,         ,         , )      ,    %            %                 %  )        ,       "-./ %  ),-./ ,, )- )0 ) )(12  .*#!*%!' -+1. - %  - * A1. 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Sts to write a menu for them Tape For her lunch, Lan had beef and their family with noodles and vegetables She had juice, too Ba chooses fish and 2 - Let them study the pie chart rice and some fruit He drank some Presentation - Have them write a menu for water Nga ate rice and vegetables breakfast, lunch and dinner by and drank juice Hoa had noodles and some fruit She had juice, too choosing the items... : *Arrange the words into columns: -Give a cirle with an example on the meat, vegetables and fruits: board Divide the class into two Apple,beef, carrot, chicken, lemon, groups orange, banana, pea onion, potato, Meat Vegetables Fruits -Group has more idea that is winner beef carrot apple chicken pea orange - T reviews the food which the Sts onion banana have studied potato lemon -T corrects if any A1... teach - How do you feel now? give - A little tired get - This is Mr.Tan and this is Lan, his pupil - Stay inside Yesterday, Lan was absent, so Mr Tan - Awful (adj) - Sick note (n) asks her what was wrong with her 2 - You will hear a dialogue between Mr.Tan - Have a virus Presentation and Lan so that you can know the reason why Lan was absent 3 Practice 4 Production Key: 1 Because she had a bad cold... san phm b sa - body-building food (n) thc n bi b - T call on two Sts to read it aloud c thờ to the class - stay fit and healthy (v) cõn i va khe mnh - Sts work in pairs to ask and - guideline (n) ch dn answer the questions - advantage(n) - disadvantage(n) - T ask Sts to answer - Have them compare their answers with their friends Key: - Call on some Sts to give the 1.Sugar adds taste to the food and... them read the questions and find the answers in the passage.in pair ANSWER: A,We call the cold common - Call on some pairs to give the because every year millions peaple answers in front of the class catch it 3 Practice B, They are runny nose, aslight - Listen and note fever, coughingand sneezing C, No, there is no cure for the -Read the questions and find the common cold answers in the passage D,No,these... Read Nams diary and ask some qs A3: Read Nams diary - T ask them to write a diary in the same Vocabulary style - strange (a) - Sts write a diary in the same style - careful (a) - Have them practice the dialogue in pair - carefully (adv) - Sts practice the dialogue in pair - iron (n) - Let them ask and answer questions - sandal (n) about each other routine - sandwich (n) - T Ask and answer questions... questions, and then find the answers - Have some students give the answers before the class - Give correct answers Keys: 6-a 8-b 3-c 2-d 5-e 1-f 4-g 7-h 4 Consolidation: Matching column A with column B A 1 Whats the matter? 2Who did you go to the cinema with last night? 3 When did Nam go to the dentist? 4 Whats his weight? 5 How can you take care of your teeth? 6 Why didnt Lan go to school? 7 Who wrote Lans... - Check the answers while listening to the cassette 3 Did you have a bad cold ? 4 How do you feel now ? 5 Lan didn't go to school What was wrong with her ? 6 What was the most common illness? 7 What was the least common illness? - Give answers in front of the class *B3: Listen Then complete the - Check the answers table: - Let Sts draw the table * Answer key: 3 Practice - Let them listen and complete... Lais job Dr Lais clothes How do children help Dr Lai helps them Explains Gives Tells Reminds Eat -T call on some Sts to give the answers in front of the class - T give correct answers and let them listen to the tape again to check the answers 3 Practice B2: Listen and answer Vocabulary - advice (n) - explain (v) - remind (v) - sensible (a) Key: 1 She is a dentist 2 She wears a uniform to work 3 Most... how to look after their teeth and she reminds them to clean their teeth regularly and eat sensibly B3: Listen and read * New words: - Surgery (n) - Smile (v) - Serious (adj) - Sensible (n) - T plays the tape - Sts listen again and find new words - T reads new words - T asks them to read new words - Sts repeat new words after teacher - T ask Sts to look at the letter and ask some questions about Minh . words. 66 )F45 )'45 )F45 , ))0),)Q^ ))) )OQ )) ))) 3. Ask and answer questions with a partner. N¨m häc: 2009 - 2010 - 19 - GV: §ç Xu©n Th¾ng Trêng PTCS. , N'45V M450% O+45 Q45 , V-4,5, )  Answer : PN MO QV Vocabulary. . *0/U )45 )45S4Z5 )45 )45 )45 )45 )45 )45 )45 )Z45 Answer B1.           45 6? %/ %/ [ 5-

Ngày đăng: 30/06/2014, 05:00
