LIST OE FIGURESFigure 2.1 AQI table with air quality description...-.--‹¿-+©--+c-+cscccrxer 6 Figure 2.2: Time series data example ...scsssssessesecsecseeseeseeseesesesnseneeseeseeneenee
PHAN HOANG NAM - 16520776
LÊ THỊ PHỤNG - 16521775
PHAN HOANG NAM - 16520776
LÊ THỊ PHUNG - 16521775
Associate Professor NGUYEN DINH THUAN
Trang 4First of all, we would like to express our appreciation to Associate Professor
Nguyễn Dinh Thuan for his time and guidance during the making of this thesis.
His teaching has greatly influenced our works and help us change in positive
Our top positive receptions also go to all the members of Faculty of
Information Systems as well as everyone of University of Information
Technology for their guidance, supports to us with greatest cares
Not the least, we feel in extremely need of showing our gratitude to our
family, our friends, and our classmates for every support and love that we havereceived on our maturity path
July, 2021.Phan Hoang Nam & Le Thi Phung — students of aep 2016
Trang 51.2 Current status of research
1.3 _ The problems and its significanc “ 1.4 Motivation cccchnhìnhnình nhu 3 1.5 _ Contributions ccccccccctcttihn ngờ, 3 Chapter 2 RELATED RESOURCES -.- Ăn nnneerrrrrrrrrrre 5
2.1 Air Quality Index (AQT) cccsesessessesecsesseeseeseeatessesnssseneeneeneeneenteneene 5
21.1 Calculate hour AQI for in Viet Nam
2.1.7 Rolling window for time series regression
2.2 Recurrent neural netWOrK -. sc- sec 15
2.2.1 Overview of recurrent neural network
2.2.2 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) 2.2.3 Bidirectional RNN and Bidirectional LSTM 2.2.4 Batch Normalization
2.2.5 Dropout
2.3 TensorFlow
2.3.1 Overview
2.3.2 Reason for choosing TensorFlow
2.4 — Google cloud platform
2.5 Evaluation metrics and result
2.5.1 Mean Absolute Error 2.5.2 Mean Absolute Percentage Error
Trang 62.5.3 Root Mean Squared Error
Chapter 3 Deep learning model design and evaluation « 27
3.1 SySt€M OVCTVICW tru 27 3.2 Building dataset Ă eo, 287
3.3.1 Overview of model 3.3.2 Evaluation
3.4 Deploy models to google cloud platform - 45
3.4.1 Deploy models to google cloud platform
3.4.2 Make a Flask API to get new data and get new prediction from models
46 3.4.3 Make a Streamlit Front end to show our models on the internet.
AA Conclusion căĂ Street 50 4.2 — Future WOrks chi He he 50 Chapter 5.
REFERENCES - con ceeirirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmrrrnrersrersree 52
Figure 2.1 AQI table with air quality description -. ‹¿-+© +c-+cscccrxer 6 Figure 2.2: Time series data example scsssssessesecsecseeseeseeseesesesnseneeseeseeneeneenee 9 Figure 2.3: Time series’ COIDOTIIES - St ‡EEkEEEEEEkEEEEkrkrrkrkerkee 10 Figure 2.4: Stationary time series ©XaITDÏA ¿5c cccc+scsrrrxerxerxrrxrrr 11 Figure 2.5: Time series analysis example cccccssessesesseesseeseessseeseseeneseeneenees Figure 2.6: Time series forecasting example
Figure 2.7: Different method for modeling time series data
Figure 2.8: Rolling window description
Figure 2.9: Recurrent network illustration ccs TÔ, Figure 2.10: One neuron in LSTM layer ccscessessesssessessesseeseeseeseesessesseseeseneesees 17 Figure 2.11:The repeating module in an LSTM contains three interacting layers.
Figure 2.14: Dropout method on deep learning neural networKk 21 Figure 2.15: TensorFlow adVanfage : :-cscsccxererrerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk 22 Figure 2.16: Some google cloud platform services ccscseessesseseseeneenseneenees 23 Figure 3.1: Thesis general processes
Figure 3.2: Raw data file - ch re Figure 3.3: Plot of raw data
Figure 3.4: Remains of raw data.
Figure 3.5: Missing data spot
Figure 3.6: Missing data spot 2 - sec OO Figure 3.7: Cleaning data process - 5: tt TH Hư 31 Figure 3.8: Missing data eXapÏC +-5scxertererterterrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrrrer 31 Figure 3.9: Front fill and back fill example respectiveÌy ‹- + 32 Figure 3.10: Time continuous marking ‹ c-s5xe+xssxsxsrerxerxerxerxerxrrv 32 Figure 3.11: Calcualte AQT pTOC€SS - 6 Street 33 Figure 3.12: Dickey fuller test result
Figure 3.13: Autocorrelation plot.
Figure 3.14: Partial Autocorrelation plot
Figure 3.15: Seasonal decomposed pÏOt - + 5c++cscsseeeseeersexereeereee SO
Trang 8Overview of model.
Training/ validation loss with model prediction on test data General steps to upload model on google cloud platform 45 Upload model to Google Cloud AI Platform -. - 45 Google cloud storage files esses + tt 46 Cronjob for Flask APP[ 55-55 5cccccxeztcrrcerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrer 47 The interaction between client and docker host -. -:- 48 Streamlit screennshOL 5-55 5+ccxccxerxerkerkerkrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkrrrer 49
Trang 9Air quality prediction is one of the problems which has been focused recently
On the side of research and application, many machine learning models and
deep learning models has attempted to forecast quality of the air and achieve
noticeable success Viet Nam is also trying to integrate air quality monitoringwith the inclusion of forecasting system in recent years Due to having just
been noticed in Viet Nam, air quality models suffered from data shortage both
by the length of data and number of monitoring sites currently available By
applying some time-series techniques and bi-directional LSTMs, we have tosome extend improve the forecasting result of models on Ho Chi Minh City In
this thesis, we focus on predicting the next five hours air quality in Ho Chi
Minh City with the help of data from space by NASA
Trang 10Chapter 1
1.1 Context
Air affects most aspects of human life and contributes greatly to the development of
the economy Today, air pollution is becoming one of the most significant
environmental problems in the world In recent years, air quality is continuously
decreasing because of human’s activities: urbanization, industrialization, vehicles
emission, and some from natural sources like volcanic eruptions and forest fires All
these activities raise the volume of many pollutants in the atmosphere, such as SO2,
NO;, CO2, NO, CO, NOx, especially particulate matter pollutants (PM; and PMjo)
The volume of PM2; negatively influences on human wellbeing mainly because less
than 2.5 microns’ matter can penetrate deep into the lung and cause various diseases
including heart and respiratory problems
According to World Health Organization (WHO), around 4.2 million people die
every year from exposure to ambient air pollution and as many as 60,000 deaths in
Viet Nam in a report from 2016 [1] In another report for air pollution in the year 2020from IQAir, Viet Nam ranked in the top 25 of the most polluted countries in the worldwith the air quality remains nearly 4 times the WHO target for annual exposure The
annual volume of PM: is more than 55.4 ug/m3 or 110 in Air Quality Index (AQD
As one method for monitoring air quality, outside air pollution forecasting have
shown great result in warning population of incoming polluted air and also in raisingawareness of air quality to the people Viet Nam has taken many actions to reduce the
cause of air pollution in recent years Mainly using greener vehicles, alternative energy
sources, reinforcing urban planning and encouraging efficient agriculture practices
Trang 111.2 Current status of research
In order to solve increasingly serious environmental pollution problems, many
countries have attempted many machine learning and deep learning system in order to
forecast the air quality in the future
Earliest systems dated back in 1970s and continued to today Overall, systems can
be separated into two types: numerical and data-driven
Numerical models are based on classical physical and chemical theories which
relied on simulating the transport and conversion of chemical components in the air topredict the concentration [2, 3] These deterministic models strive to comprehend theresult of many factors that make up the pollutant concentration but have not achievedsuccess partly because data for these models is hard to collect and difficult to ascertainthe quality
Due to these limitations in numerical approaches, data-driven approach has become
popular as the method for forecasting time-series data Various methods have been
employed with different results One good reference on the issue of forecasting withANN is Kukkonnen et al [4] In their paper, they have succeeded in evaluating and
comparing forecasting models for hourly concentration and PM jo in Helsinky, Finland
Kurt et al [5] also proposed a simple neural network to predict daily air quality and
some parameter investigation in time series model for Greater Istanbul Area In Kurt’s
and colleagues paper, they find that including day of week, holidays, weekend have a
significant effect on deep learning models Some other novel models like MLP, RBF
have also been implemented and shown good results [6, 7]
In the process of making this thesis, maybe due to being a new subject , this work
can’t find any related research in Viet Nam With our limited knowledge, this is the
first model which is studied in Viet Nam
This thesis focuses on forecasting air quality with deep learning Bidirectional Long
Short-Term Memory inspired by [8]
Trang 121.3 The problems and its significance
In many past research, researchers have proven that the effect of data in machine
learning models is of great significance In this work, we tried to solve two most
important problem
The first problem we encountered is choosing the right model that would give greatperformance for our goals Based on our gathered data and the natures of our goal wewent with bidirectional LSTM models after some testing This model is designed to
tackle time-series problems and have had some success according to scientific papers
we have read Building and testing model’s parameters are one of the main parts of this
project We also had to modify our data using several time-series techniques to make
them compatible with our model
The second problem we encounter is to meaningfully utilize our model in
production To qualify for production, models need to be robust, free of latency and are
easy to maintain To tackle this problem, we used cloud services and develop the
system into two parts: API server and front-end web Each part solely handles the
backend and frontend of the production environment
1.4 Motivation
Due to time constraint and data constraint, we have set three goals for this thesis:
1 Build air quality dataset of 1 air monitoring station in Ho Chi Minh city
2 Build a model to predict the air quality of that station for the next five hours
3 Successfully deploy models on cloud services for public use
1.5 Contributions
1 We collected and cleaned data from official sites US embassy
2 We organize data in csv files to train and test model
3 Our group applied Vietnamese method certified by the government to calculate
Trang 134 Additional features were extracted and put into models by applying several
time-series techniques
5 With at least thirty minutes latency, we can output the expected air quality for
Ho Chi Minh City region for the next five hours with average root mean squareerror at 15
Trang 14Chapter 2
2.1 Air Quality Index (AQI)
An air quality index (AQI) is used by government agencies to communicate to the
public how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become Public
health risks increase as the AQI rises Different countries have their own air quality
indices, corresponding to different national air quality standards In this thesis we will
be calculating AQI by Viet Nam official standard as stated in this document [9]
There are 6 major pollutants in the air according to the document:
For each pollutant, an AQI value of 100 generally corresponds to an ambient air
concentration that equals the level of the short-term national ambient air quality
standard for protection of public health AQI values at or below 100 are generally
thought of as satisfactory When AQI values are above 100, air quality is unhealthy: at
first for certain sensitive groups of people, then for everyone as AQI values get higher
Trang 15AQI Basics for Ozone and Particle Pollution
Dally AQT Values of
Color Levels of Concern Index Description of Air Quality
Orange | Unhealthy for Sensitive | 101 to 150 | Members of sensitive groups may experience health effects The general public Is less likely to be
Groups affected.
Figure 2.1 AQI table with air quality description
The AQI is divided into six categories Each category corresponds to a different
level of health concern Each category also has a specific color The color makes it
easy for people to quickly determine whether air quality is reaching unhealthy levels in
their communities
2.1.1 Calculate hour AQI for in Viet Nam
Hour AQT is calculated separately for each pollutant Then the pollutant with the
highest AQI is picked to be presented as that hour AQI What is NowCast?
For some air pollutant, the current amount of concentration does not portrait the
current air quality situation in that monitoring area For those pollutant, we need to
calculate the average concentration for a specific past time frame For PM2.5 and
PM10 pollutant, that average concentration is called NowCast Concentration and
calculated with time frame of 12 Calculate Nowcast for PM2.5 and PM10
Exclusively for PM2.5 and PM10 concentration in the air, we must calculate
Nowcast value to estimate them
We call cl, c2, c3, to c12 is the average pollutant concentration for 1 hour (with
cl as the average concentration for the current hour, c12 as the average concentration
for the 12" past hour).
Trang 16First, we calculate weights: w* = “mứt
With C,,jn as the minimum concentration from the past 12 hours
Cnax as the maximum concentration from the past 12 hours
In case that w = 3 then Nowcast = ;Œ + (:) Cott (3) C2 Calculate AQI for each hour:
AQI for each hour for PM2.5 and PM10 concentration is then calculated by
— 1;
= ——_ (N t, — BP,) +];BP a BP, 0WCasty ¡) +i;
e AQI„: AQI value for pollutant x
e BP;: Floor concentration rate for the pollutant x Listed in Table 1 according
Trang 17Giá trị BP; quy định đối với từng thông số (Don vị: ug/m®
O3(1h) | O;(8h) co SO, NO, | PMi | PM;;
Trang 18Time Series
2.1.2 Overview
A time series is a sequence of data points that occur in successive order over some
period, or a series of data points indexed in time order This can be contrasted with
cross-sectional data, which captures a point-in-time
—— Visitors per month_=— Temperature (F)
Figure 2.2: Time series data example
Most of the data gathered has a temporal structure There are times when this
structure is concealed or ignored, but there are other instances when it can be used to
extract essential information from the existing data
Time series data usually include:
e Timestamp: a mark of the moment in time when the event was registered Its
accuracy will depend on the measured event
e Value: what is the value that this phenomenon had at that moment? Can be just
one or more values When there is more than one value per timestamp, we have
a multivariable time series
Trang 192.1.3 Components of time series
Irregular /Random
There are four components to time series:
Figure 2.3: Time series” components
e Trend: Overall and persistent long-term movement
e Seasonal: Regular periodic fluctuations, usually within a 12-month period
¢ Cyclical: Repeated movement not of fixed period, usually of at least 2 years
e Random: Erratic fluctuations
2.1.4 Stationary
A stationary time series is one whose properties do not depend on the time at which
the series is observed Thus, time series with trends, or with seasonality, are not
stationary the trend and seasonality will affect the value of the time series at different
times It does not matter when you observe the time series, it should look much the
same at any point in time A non-stationary series is made stationary by differencing
Trang 20t t
Stationary series Non-Stationary series
Figure 2.4: Stationary time series example
Some time series model’s performances are greatly influenced by the stationary of
the time series In our thesis, we have also tested our data for stationarity
2.1.5 Usage of time series
For analysis: Time series analysis comprises methods for analyzing time series data
to extract meaningful statistics and other characteristics of time series data It focuses
on comparing values of a single time series or multiple dependent time series at
different points in time We identify the nature of the phenomenon represented by thesequence of observations in the data
Trang 21Time-Series Analysis
Dependent Variable
Figure 2.5: Time series analysis example
For forecasting: Time series forecasting is the use of a time series model to predict
future values based on previously observed values in the series We use the data to
forecast or predict future values of the time series variable
Forecasting With and Without Outliers
— Actual — Prediction (outlier included) — Prediction (outlier removed)
Active Subscription Volume
Figure 2.6: Time series forecasting example
Trang 22We use Time Series Analysis and Forecasting for many applications where
pertinent time series data can be collected, such as:
e Marketing and Sales Forecasting
Both objectives necessitate identifying and explicitly describing the pattern of
observed time series data We can evaluate and integrate the data once we have
established the pattern (i.e., use it in our theory of the investigated phenomenon, e.g.,seasonal commodity prices) We can extend the identified pattern to predict future
events regardless of our level of comprehension or the correctness of our interpretation
of the phenomenon, with the proviso that the further out in time we try to predict, theless accurate the forecast becomes
2.1.6 Prediction techniques:
The fitting of time series models can be a difficult but necessary task It necessitates
far more data preparation than the standard statistical models used to analyze
“ordinary” data, such as response models, uplift models, and so on, where trends and
seasonal effects are not always present
Trang 23There are several different methods for modeling time series data including thefollowing:
¢ Box-Jenkins ARIMA models
¢ Box-Jenkins Multivariate Models
e Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing (single, double, triple)
e¢ Unobserved Components Model
¢ Smoothing methods: Averaging and Exponential Smoothing Methods
Trang 242.1.7 Rolling window for time series regression
Full Seris
: Time Imputation
Figure 2.8: Rolling window description
Rolling window is one time series technique to get the subsample of a time seriesfor prediction models The output for rolling window is a data set and label set for
fitting model Steps to perform rolling window are:
¢ Choose a rolling window size m, or in detail the consecutive observation per
rolling window
e Choose the forecast horizon h, which is the desired label for our model
¢ Choose the time step which is the step incremented between each subsample
2.2 Recurrent neural network
2.2.1 Overview of recurrent neural network
Recurrent neural networks, also known as RNNs, are a class of neural networks that
allow previous outputs to be used as inputs while having hidden states They are
typically as follows:
Trang 25The disadvantage of the classic recurrent neural network being:
e Slow computation speed
e Difficulty of accessing information from a long time ago
e Cannot consider any future input for the current state
e With large models and dataset, the backward learning error in recurrent models
tend to vanish or explode Both of which greatly impact model’s performance
leading to poor result.
To counter those disadvantages, this thesis proposed Long Short-Term Memory
designed to fix the short coming of the classic model.
2.2.2 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
The growth of a typical recurrent neural network can be seen in Long Short-Term
Memory (LSTM) Proposed by Sepp Hochreiter and Jiirgen Schmidhuber in a paper,
LSTM model is designed specifically to deal with the vanishing gradient problem
encountered by traditional RNNs.
In concept, this variants of RNN’s recurrent unit tries to “remember” all the past
knowledge that the network is seen so far and to “forget” irrelevant data This is done
by introducing different activation function layers called “gates” for different purposes.
A forget gate, an input gate, and a cell state are proposed by LSTM to decide whether
Trang 26to preserve information via layers Each gate has a specific purpose which allow
LSTM model to perform well on time series problem:
e Forget Gate(f): It determines to what extent to forget the previous data.
e Input Gate(): It determines the extent of information to be written onto the
Internal Cell State.
e Output Gate(o): It determines what output (next Hidden State) to generate
from the current Internal Cell State.
Figure 2.10: One neuron in LSTM layer
q) (h) (2
Figure 2.11:The repeating module in an LSTM contains three interacting layers.
Trang 27LSTM used tanh function as its activation function This is to overcome the
vanishing gradient problem Tanh is the Hyperbolic tangent function, defined as the ratio between the hyperbolic sine and the cosine functions Fig 2.12 show the tanh representation.
- -f 4] ĩ #
Figure 2.12: Tanh representation
2.2.3 Bidirectional RNN and Bidirectional LSTM
Bidirectional RNNs were introduced by Schuster & Paliwal, 1997 [10].
Bidirectional RNN expands on the ideas of RNN by introducing another set of RNN
cells for each layer When training, one set is used for forward direction and one for reverse direction This means bidirectional RNNs hidden state retain both direction information This hidden state then goes to a decoder, such as fully a connected
network followed by a SoftMax.
Dimension of ai = size of hidden state vector h
In our code we define h dimension as 64
Figure 2.13: Bidirectional has forward and backward RNNs Source: MLWhiz 2018.
Bi-LSTM has become a popular architecture for many NLP tasks Its applications
include sentence classification, speech recognition, sentiment analysis, medical event
One paper that greatly inspired us to take on BLSTM direction is [8] In their paper, they proposed IDW-BLSTM models to predict air quality on a regional scale Their
BLSTM model applied IDW interpolation as a deep learning layer which can forecast
not only air quality in areas with monitoring stations but also in surrounding area
without stations Some other models which have the same direction [11, 12] have been researched on and produced a positive result.
Trang 292.2.4 Batch Normalization
There are many challenges in training deep neural networks (networks with tens of
hidden layers One aspect of this challenge is that the model is updated layer-by-layer
backward from the output to the input using an estimate of error that assumes the
weights in the layers prior to the current layer are fixed In our situation, this challenge
double when we train in two directions
Batch normalization is proposed as a technique to help coordinate the update of
multiple layers in the model It does this by standardizing the activations of each input
variable per mini-batch This means that the spread and distribution of inputs during
the weight update will not dramatically change This has the effect of stabilizing and
speeding-up the training process of deep neural networks
Batch normalization have been very popular in deep learning models and
extensively used in computer vision and speech recognition
2.2.5 Dropout
Large neural nets trained on relatively small datasets can overfit the training data.Since the information is not large enough, models tend to learn the statistical noise inthe training data, which result in poor performance when evaluated on new data
Dropout is a regularization method designed to counter this During training, some
number of layer outputs are randomly ignored or “dropped out.” This makes each
epochs will be trained on a different models with different architecture This can evenout the attention each nodes/layers have in large networks
Trang 30Input Layer Hidden Layers Output Layer Input Layer Hidden Layers Output Layer
TensorFlow is a free and open-source software library for machine learning
TensorFlow is a symbolic math library based on dataflow and differentiable
programming It is used for both research and production at Google Due to being veryuseful for deep learning development, Google open sourced it Now TensorFlow has
been developed to be used across a range of tasks but has a particular focus on training
and inference of deep neural networks
TensorFlow works based on data flow graphs that have nodes and edges As the
execution mechanism is in the form of graphs, it is much easier to execute TensorFlowcode in a distributed manner across a cluster of computers while using GPUs
Trang 312.3.2 Reason for choosing TensorFlow
Figure 2.15: TensorFlow advantage
1 Graph: Better graph visualization compared to Torch and Theano
2 Library Management: Being backed by Google, although TensorFlow is open
source it has good quality of performance, and frequently added new features.
3 Debugging: TensorFlow allows user to execute only a subpart of a graph In the
execution we can introduce and retrieve data which helps in finding bugs.
4 Scalability: TensorFlow is highly parallel and designed to use various backends
software (GPU, ASIC).
2.4 Google cloud platform
Google Cloud Platform is a suite of public cloud computing services offered by
Google The platform includes a range of hosted services for compute, storage and
application development that run on Google hardware Google Cloud Platform services can be accessed by software developers, cloud administrators and other enterprise IT
professionals over the public internet or through a dedicated network connection.
Trang 32Google Cloud Platform
©0000 0000
Figure 2.16: Some google cloud platform services
Google Cloud Platform offers services for compute, storage, networking, big data,machine learning and the internet of things (IoT), as well as cloud management,
security and developer tools The core cloud computing products in Google Cloud
Platform include:
1 Google Compute Engine, which is an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) offering
that provides users with virtual machine instances for workload hosting
2 Google App Engine, which is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering that gives
software developers access to Google's scalable hosting Developers can also
use a software developer kit (SDK) to develop software products that run onApp Engine
3 Google Cloud Storage, which is a cloud storage platform designed to store large,
unstructured data sets Google also offers database storage options, including
Cloud Datastore for NoSQL nonrelational storage, Cloud SQL for MySQL fully
relational storage and Google's native Cloud Bigtable database
4 Google Container Engine, which is a management and orchestration system for
Docker containers that runs within Google's public cloud Google Container
Engine is based on the Google Kubernetes container orchestration engine