Then study the chart data carefully and write down any newvocabulary words and phrases you can think of.. Watch my free video to see how I complete this step athttp://www.ieltswritinghel
Trang 3Copyright © Alfred WILDE 2020The author and copyright holder of this book is ALFRED WILDE This book is
not for re-sale and is not to be incorporated into any other work that is sold forany consideration This e-book is to be read only by the purchaser If you weregiven this e-book by a friend, please return it to the publisher You can get yourown copy by buying it Thank you for respecting the hard work of the writer
Trang 4Copyright Page
IELTS Writing Task 1 8 Practice Tests for Maps & Processes Band 9 AnswerKey & Online Support
Trang 5Introduction.
Trang 6Alfred Wilde M.A English Language Teaching
Trang 8To get the most out of this book, you can watch videos that show you how towrite task 1 and task 2 at band 9 on the author’s website Go to for more information There is no betterwebsite for IELTS writing on the Internet In addition to videos, additionalpractice tests and test tips, you can practice interactive vocabulary sets featuringband 9 model answers
Trang 9This book contains 8 tasks for questions that require you to either compare mapsor describe a process, and in unit 11, there is a band 9 answer key Also, on thepartner website, you will find video lessons and online support Press CTRL +Click to link to the pages below
Trang 10Unit 10 Essential Information & Band 9 Answer Key.
Learn essential information of how to write Band 9 answers
Trang 11Comparing 2 Maps Changes to Chesham & Melbury UK (1975 - 2015)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The maps show changes to the areas of Chesham and Melbury in England from1975 to 2015 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the mainfeatures and make comparisons where relevant Write at least 150 words
Trang 13The following exercises will help you identify chart data faster Obviously,there's little time for working out in a real test, but with practice, you will start toprocess these steps more quickly
1.1 STEP 1 Understanding the Question and Brainstorming Vocabulary.
To make sure you understand the question clearly, it is a good idea to read theinstructions twice Then study the chart data carefully and write down any newvocabulary words and phrases you can think of Compare your ideas to theteacher’s in the video
1.2 STEP 2 Planning & Writing the Introduction & Overview Paragraphs.
Watch my free video to see how I complete this step at
Write down the following to plan for the introduction (paragraph 1)- what type of maps are they ? (industrial? rural? urban? a coastal area? etc)
Trang 14- map1 - map2
- where are the maps about? (the place)
- when is the time period? (from when to when?)
- what is population change? (identify the change in population)
Again, compare your ideas with the teacher’s ideas from the free video on the
website.To identify the general trend (for the overview - paragraph 2), you need toidentify what had happened generally to the area from the beginning of the timeperiod (the first map) to the end of the period (the second map) Writing anoverview paragraph for maps is not easy, so I provide free videos showing youhow to do this on my website
Summarise briefly what happened to the area from the earlier map to thelater map.
Now write your introduction:
Trang 15idea to copy the teacher’s answer as well (by writing it out below) because asyou write, you will notice words and structures that are different to how youwrite Reading is a passive activity and will not have the same effect You mustwrite the teacher’s answer to fully understand the differences in structure Thiswill help you to identify and remember techniques that you are not currentlyusing
Now write the teacher’s introduction:
Trang 16
Now write your overview paragraph.
Now write the overview paragraph written by the teacher in the free video.
Compare your writing with my writing in the video How is your writingdifferent?
Try to remember 2 or 3 new ideas from the video lesson
1.3 STEP 3 Identifying Key Features for the Body Paragraphs.
Write down 3 or 4 key features from the first map to write about in the first bodyparagraph
Trang 173
Now write down 3 or 4 key features from the second map to write about in the
second body paragraph You may not need to write about all these features, butmap questions usually provide lots of changes to write about Therefore,
controlling time is essential with map questions in the test as there is atemptation to spend too long on these types of questions
1. 2
Were your ideas similar or different to the teacher’s ideas in the video?
Note Do not worry about time while you are developing your understanding andwriting technique The learning process requires time, so you need to show somepatience If you do not have patience, you will not succeed
1.4 STEP 4 Writing the 2 Short Body Paragraphs.
Now write a detailed first body paragraph about the first 3 or 4 key features youidentified as main features in step 3 It is important that you describe the firstmap well Try to choose things in the first map that have changed in the second
Trang 18Now write out the answer written by the teacher in the video (step 4)
Can you see any similarities or differences with your own writing? You shouldtry to remember 2 or 3 new ideas to improve your task 1 writing technique.
Trang 19Now write a detailed second body paragraph using the other main featuresyou identified in step 3.
You probably will not be able to write about everything if you are trying tocomplete the task in 20 minutes Therefore, if you think you already have over180 words in total, and you have written about 3 or 4 changes in body paragraph2, try to finish your answer to save time You need as much time as you can savefor completing task 2 writing
Trang 20
Can you see any similarities or differences with your writing? Again, you shouldtry to remember at least 2 or 3 new ideas to improve your task 1 writing
1.5 STEP 5 Now check your answer.
Because of test nerves and time pressure, when you do a real IELTS writing test,you will probably make little mistakes that you do not normally make This iswhy checking your answer is so important If you have any time left, just readyour answer and check simple things, like spellings, verb tenses, subject-verbagreement Finally, check you are correct with converting any data to fractionsand that you have used good adverbs to ‘approximate’ data descriptions Thiswill add better grammar, vocabulary and accuracy to you answer Clearly, bypractising this step, you will make fewer mistakes to begin with, and your abilityto read and check your work for errors will improve
You can write out your mistakes here Try to remember mistakes you make This
Trang 21is the best way to stop making them.
Trang 22Trang 23
This practice test should be completed by using the previous task as a model Toget your writing corrected and assessed, use the marking and feedback serviceon the website Also, if you have been following the video lessons, rememberwhat you learned from chart 1 videos
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The maps show changes to the areas of Maple and Stowe in England from 1980to 2015 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main featuresand make comparisons where relevant
Write at least 150 words
Trang 25*Video lessons are available at
The following exercises will help you identify chart data faster Obviously,there's little time for working out in a real test, but with practice, you will start toprocess these steps more quickly
2.1 STEP 1 Understanding the Question and Brainstorming Vocabulary.
To make sure you understand the question clearly, it is a good idea to read theinstructions twice Then study the chart data carefully and write down any newvocabulary words and phrases you can think of Compare your ideas to theteacher’s in the video
2.2 STEP 2 Planning & Writing the Introduction & Overview Paragraphs.
Watch my free video to see how I complete this step at
Write down the following to plan for the introduction (paragraph 1)- what type of maps are they ? (industrial? rural? urban? a coastal area? etc)
Trang 26- map1 - map2
- where are the maps about? (the place)
- when is the time period? (from when to when?)
- what is the unit of measurement? (for a map question, identify the change in
population) Again, compare your ideas with the teacher’s ideas from the free videos on the
website.To identify the general trend (for the overview - paragraph 2), you need toidentify what had happened generally to the area from the beginning of the timeperiod (the first map) to the end of the period (the second map) Writing anoverview paragraph for maps is not easy, so I provide free videos showing youhow to do this at
Summarise what happened to the area generally from the earlier map to the latermap
Trang 27
Compare your writing to the teacher’s writing from chart 1 (Chesham-Melbury)
Remember to use ideas from the free videos for step 2 from chart 1 for theintroduction and overview
Now write your overview paragraph.
2.3 STEP 3 Identifying Key Features for the Body Paragraphs.
Trang 281. 2
Now write down 3 or 4 key features from the second map to write about in the
second body paragraph You may not need to write about all these features, butmap questions usually provide lots of changes to write about Therefore,
controlling time is essential with maps questions in the test as there is atemptation to spend too long on these types of questions
1. 2
2.4 STEP 4 Writing the 2 Short Body Paragraphs.
Now write a detailed first body paragraph about the first 3 or 4 key features youidentified as main features in step 3 It is important that you describe the firstmap well, but be careful with how many words you write, and you should try togive yourself some kind of time limit when you are practising I would
recommend trying to complete each body paragraph in 15 minutes while you are
Trang 29developing. If you are following the video lessons, compare your first paragraph to the
answer written by the teacher from chart 1 videos (step 4) What are thesimilarities or differences in your writing? Try to remember 2 or 3 new ideasfrom my writing to improve your task 1 writing technique
Now write a detailed second paragraph using other main features identifiedin step 3.
You probably will not be able to write about everything in the time limit If youthink you already have over 180 words in total, and you have written about 3 or4 changes in body paragraph 2, try to finish your answer to reduce the amount oftime you are using In the test, you will need to save as much time as you can forcompleting task 2 writing
Trang 30
in the video (step 4) Can you see any similarities or differences? Again, youshould try to remember at least 2 or 3 new ideas to improve your task 1 writingtechnique
2.5 STEP 5 Now check your answer.
Because of test nerves and time pressure, when you do a real IELTS writing test,you will probably make little mistakes that you do not normally make This iswhy checking your answer is so important If you have any time left, just readyour answer and check simple things, like spellings, verb tenses, subject-verbagreement Finally, check you are correct with converting any data to fractionsand that you have used good adverbs to ‘approximate’ data descriptions Thiswill add better grammar, vocabulary and accuracy to you answer Clearly, bypractising this step, you will make fewer mistakes to begin with, and your abilityto read and check your work for errors will improve
You can write out your mistakes here Try to remember mistakes you make This
Trang 31Notes
Trang 32
Trang 33
The maps show changes to the seaside town of Westport in England from 1995to 2015 Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main
features and make comparisons where relevant Write at least 150 words
Trang 35The following exercises will help you identify chart data faster Obviously,there's little time for working out in a real test, but with practice, you will start toprocess these steps more quickly
3.1 STEP 1 Understanding the Question and Brainstorming Vocabulary.
To make sure you understand the question clearly, it is a good idea to read theinstructions twice Then study the chart data carefully and write down any newvocabulary words and phrases you can think of Compare your ideas to theteacher’s in the video
3.2 STEP 2 Planning & Writing the Introduction & Overview Paragraphs.
Watch my free video to see how I complete this step on the website.Write down the following to plan for the introduction (paragraph 1)- what type of maps are they ? (industrial? rural? urban? a coastal area? etc) - what do they show generally? (how would you describe the maps briefly?)
Trang 36- where are the maps about? (the place)
- when is the time period? (from when to when?)
- what is the unit of measurement? (for a map question, identify the change in
population) Again, compare your ideas with the teacher’s ideas from the free video on the
website.To identify the general trend (for the overview - paragraph 2), you need toidentify what had happened generally to the area from the beginning of the timeperiod (the first map) to the end of the period (the second map) Writing anoverview paragraph for maps is not easy, so I provide free videos showing youhow to do this on the website
Summarise what happened to the area generally from the earlier map to thelater map.
Trang 37
Now write your introduction:
Now check your answers with the teacher’s model on the website It is agood idea to copy the teacher’s answer as well (by writing it out below)because as you write, you will notice words and structures that are differentto how you write Reading is a passive activity and will not have the sameeffect You must write the teacher’s answer to fully understand the
differences in structure This will help you to identify and remembertechniques that you are not currently using.
Now write the teacher’s introduction:
Trang 38
Now write your overview paragraph.
Now write the overview paragraph written by the teacher in the free video.
Trang 39
Compare your writing with my writing in the video How is your writingdifferent?
Try to remember 2 or 3 new ideas from the video
3.3 STEP 3 Identifying Key Features for the Body Paragraphs.
Write down 3 or 4 key features from the first map to write about in the first bodyparagraph
1. 2
Now write down 3 or 4 key features from the second map to write about in the
second body paragraph You may not need to write about all these features, butmap questions usually provide lots of changes to write about Therefore,
controlling time is essential with maps questions in the test as there is atemptation to spend too long on these types of questions
1. 2
Trang 40
Note Do not worry about time while you are developing your understanding andwriting technique The learning process requires time, so you need to show somepatience If you do not have patience, you will not succeed
3.4 STEP 4 Writing the 2 Short Body Paragraphs.
Now write a detailed first body paragraph about the first 3 or 4 key features youidentified as main features in step 3 It is important that you describe the firstmap well Try to choose things in the first map that have changed in the secondmap so that you can write about the changes in the second body paragraph. Now write out the answer written by the teacher in the video (step 4) Can you