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Tiêu đề Development of Sharing Economy for Rural Areas in the Mekong Delta
Tác giả Kwak Busung
Người hướng dẫn De Anh Tai, Associate Professor
Trường học Thai Nguyen University
Chuyên ngành Agricultural Economics
Thể loại PHD Dissertation
Năm xuất bản 2023
Thành phố Thai Nguyen
Định dạng
Số trang 19
Dung lượng 327,55 KB

Nội dung


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xeeeeerree ERIE nan




Major: Agricyttural ecenearics

Code: 9626715


Supervisor: Associate Professor, Dr De Anh Tai


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INTRODUCTION i The rationale of the research topic in recent years, the term “sharing econemy" has been mentioned more and arore especially in economic and trade forums In fact, this economic model has only developed abroad since the carly 2000s It has only been introduced to Vietnam im recent years giien,

In the US, this model only really started ta bleseom ia “008, when the country's eCONOMY Was crisis, people had to change their consumption habits te adapt to the difficult economic situation However, despite sot having a long history of development and perfection {ike die traditional economy, the sharing economy taadel has really resonated, attracting the attention not only of consumers but also of authorities around the world

There are many reasons why the sharing economy has flourished rapidly in Vietu am, one of which is that consumer habits are highly influenced by Vietnamese prices, H ovwever, if ig completely undeniable that the sharing economy is reverving a jot of affentien fron Many interest eroups, such as authorities, economic feseurchers, business owners as well ng people directly involved in this economic model, especially since the big players in the forcign sharing economy invest in Viemam If can be seen that these foreign businesses have yaiek ly expanded in the Vietnamese market such as Uber, Cứab, Aibnh „ í nạ stranger to Viebaamese people, expecially in big cities

the shariag economy is now present in all fields, especially it increasingly promotes its role in improving the efiictency of asricuftural development in rural areas Ik can be said that the shariug economy is an inevitable frend if you want to develop agriculture along a sustainable commodity vahie chain, the sharing economy model with the support of information technology and new technologies will help people, production and business establish ents fake advantage of iigital technology to develop apricultaral production ia the current direction At the same fime, professionally, at the same time helping producer households

Save costs, time and human resources,

The sharing cconuiny has many new points There have been sew shaping and developing models such se "Saemanl Village in Vietnanr" in the Mekong Delta Rewever, there have still been, difficuities In order for the sharing economy model to benefit famers in the inure, i is Hecessaty to conduct research and evaluate the causes and limitations agricultural production in rurai V tam in general and delta areas the Mekong River current model, especially tp study and overcome barriers in sharing economy development of the in in particular such as: barriers on the level of capacity in information explotiation, barriers on the level of readiness to apply and receive and innovate sclence and lechnolagy

of producer households are still quite limited: harriers to human yesdurce structure, praduction scate From the above rationale, the disvertation: “Development of Shariag Economy for Rural Areas bs Gee Mekang Delia ata to understand the sttnation of sharing economy in

rival areas it the Mekong Deki, expecialiy anulpring the current situation ang Beepercks ay well as forecasting fature effects brougie about by the tMNtr£ 4/1 he 'tắtVgttf EYoeraye” in Vietnam to the sharing economy development in this region, thereby offering solutions for sharing economy development for rural areas in the Mekong Delia in Particular and can be replicated for ather rural areas in V lefnam in general

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2 Research objectives 2.1 General objective

From studying the current situation of sharing economy development in the Mekong Delta region and influencing factors to propose solutions for sharing economy development for rural areas in the ÌM ekong Detta

2.2 Specific objectives ~ Systematize the theoretical aad practical basis for sharing econamy development in rural areas

~ Agsese the sitgation of sharing economy in rural areas in the Mekong Delta, typically areas Supported fo implement shearing Scotomly activities by the Saemauy] program

~ Identify factors atlecting sharing fcenory developinent in rural areas in the Mekong Delta through case studies in villages participating in the Garman! prograr,

~ Proposing orientations and solutions tor sharing economy development for rural areas in the Mekong Detta,

3 New rentributions of the topic ~ Scientific significance: U pdate and systematize the theoretical and practical basis of sharing economy development in rural areas:

~ Practical significance: Propose views and solutions for sharing economy development in rural areas in the Mekong Deha region

~ What's new in the dissertation: The thissertation was conducted to assess the current situation and propose solutions for sharing economy development in rural areas ăn the Mekong Delta (egion i particular and the sh aring economy model in rural areas in Vietnam in general, 4 The structure of the dissertation in addition to the introduction and conclusion, the dissertation is structured inta 4 chapters as follows:

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CHAPTER 1 LITERATURE OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM 1.1 Studies af the sharing economy in rural areas

4.2.1, Ou the concept of sharing econsmy The sharing Sonamy, alsa known ag comunity economy or collaborative ConsirapHion, šs ÑH Ecotomic model thai uses the sharmg platforms of the mobile Internet such as open Source, cloud and integrates large, distributed and unused Fesources tn society hic model combines eficient supply and demand, based on the ase of resources i production and the use of gouds and services without ownership The sharing econ ony aplements the sharing of Soods, services, date and talent through a new model of hiring instead of buying, creating an entirely new form of cconoay ad special valic

LEZ, Objects af the shoring econony For the stady of sharing economy parlicipants, the motivations of sh anne participants m ainly include intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation Intrinsic m attvation includes the need for use and considerations far sustainability, while extrinsic gat) ‘ation includes economic benefits or reputation The biggest drivers of sharing behavior are demand and ecandinic benefits

Sharing, for the sake of communtty benefits, equality and cooperation are the four characteristics of the sharing economy, the essence of which is ta minimize the cost of capital fransactions in the market, thereby improving the ellicieacy of resource allocation The sharing audience should not be limited to anused resources, but cay also use resources efficiently for sharing, as lòng as it is through online sharing platforms and mobile technologies to carry out low-cost resource tratsactions and efficiens allocation, Any réxource can be included dy the scape of the sharing econonry

in general, the meaning of the sharing economy is to minimize the cost of resource fransactions by eliminating Rlermediaries, direct tounections between supply and resource demand, sharing the right te use many resources, got only osaterial bot also inchidine knowledge, skills and other intangible resources, easily attracting widespread interest ¥ and Participation The sharing economy has changed the traditional conception of property rights in the economy, upgraded consumers! view of rForswmption and is an innovation in economic made! development

LEG Ot the sharing economy medel Studying the business model of the sharing economy, the types of sharing econonty business models include four typex: “aon-proft fom individual to individual", “profit from individual to individual", “non-profit from enterprise te individual", and * profits trom business to individual’ The market structure and the direction of the maricet detennine the specific type of model The seven elenenis of a sharing economy business made} we: sharing platforms, unused resources, point-to-point communication, collaborative management, goal-oriented, alternative funding Sources, and technalogy dependence, In re field of application, paying a lot of attention to the development strategy of startups, atiracting customers and generating INCOME KOurCes aye mportant obstacles to overcome im the development process

LLL On the sharing cconhonty it raral arenas For the concept of “Shartig economy in raral areas”, it can be determined that it must continuous progression of industrialization and urbanization along with population derived from the model of sustainable agricultural development In the 1970s with the be

stowth, the traditional model of agricultural development with a one-sided focus oy Ñnproving efficiency and economic benefits vaused a conflict between the socko-economic systen: and the natural ecological system This sitmation leads tq depletion of economic resources,

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deterioration af habitats, and desteuction of ecosystems In this context, the model of sustamable avricultaral Jevelopment was born,

Sustainable agriculture is an agricultural model that has litle aupact on the environm ent, is fechnically appropriate, econam ically viable and socially acceptable The model of sustamable agricultural development requires aericnitural oetput while ensuring stable and sustainable srowth in the lòng term, and capxtidcring the harmony between economic eiiciency and social and ecological benefits, niceting the continuous demand of the current and future population for agricultural predicts, thereby creating a harmonious and reciprocal relationship between the agricultural economic system and the natural ecological system Ag an important path to realize sreen transform ation and development, “sharing agriculture” way born in this context, The exploitation of ree resources can m eet the demand for services with less materiale, in line with the idea at "green agriculture” being promoted by the contiry, 11.2 Problems on the tapic of the dissertation have pot boeu researched, addressed and research-ariented:

After synthesizing studies on sharing economy, business models in this field and sharing economy i nav areas at home and abroad, we find that researchers have achieved

some research results, but there are stil some issues to add

First, although domestic and foreign researchers have done coupreheusive research on tye sharing economy, there has not been in-depth research in their own fields, expecially the lack of specific theories far application in the field of 8ericuure,

Second, compared to focusing on the stracture and composition of the business model in the field of sharing economy, the researchers have also applied case analysis successfully, but most of the research still focuses on analysis from a global perspective on the Dusiness model, while not strong enough in guiding practical activities

‘Third, bath domestic and foreign studies mainly focus on the sh arhig economy in urban areas, Which are areas where the sharing economy develops with a large scale, large population, higher education and can create great social and economic benefits with the reduction of traffic congestion, increase savings, and boost the local cconomy id general as well as Stnerate high revenue and profits for businesses thet conduct busigess related ty sharing economy activities In addition, the urban sharing economy alsy has a areater diversity of prodicts‘services ouch as car sharing, house rental, and delivery services that are often widely used in urban areas, greatly facilitating research activities In ruraf areas, the sharing economy fends ta be less common and often focuses on activities such ag sharing agricultural tools, direct purchases of agricultural products, or smaller local services The sharing econenty in rural areas is also less comnron and mare fragmented and shaggish, so research on this area je quite invited Fourth, Vietnamese researchers focus an policy issues and dustry development in the Reid at sharing economy ta enhance operational eHicieacy through policy promotion and ianagement, but there is still litte research on sharing economy models i rural areas Based an the analysis of the above shortcomings, research on the sharing economy in rural areas tỳ Vietam is exsential with the Proportion of Vietnam's popnlation working in agriculture accounting for more than 65% The research of the dissertation hopes to build on the theoretical basis of sharing economy, will continue to explore the sharing business model tì the agricultural sector, analyze and compare the differences bebween the traditional fam saddel and the sharing economy model in rural areas, and based on the new theary of sharing economy and production theory of agriculture, specifically study methods of bni iding sharing busiiess models in the field of agriculture, in order to perfect relevant research contents

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2.1 Concept and characteristics of sharing economy development in rural areas 2.4.43, Shaving ecerorsy

The sharing economy is built on te foundation of sharing free material assets between maividuals and organizations, with the aim of being profitable or non-proiit To be clear, when the owner of a certain asset or material wants to share his or her praperty or material with other individuals or organizations, it is the sharing economy,

fhe sharing economy ig dail on the joundation of sharing fee material qssefy between inahwadals ane OIQQUNGOEORS, with the atm of being Profitable or non-profit

ALL, Collective ecetomy A collectivist economy is an economic system in which decisions xbout the ownership, management, aad use of axsets, resources, and production LHe primarily at the collective community level This economic model focuses on the principle of consensas or

and geod interaction between members of the collective fo achieve common econonmie and social goals The collective economy has a number of characteristics as follows:

~ Collective ownership: Hnportant assets and resources, such ax land infrastructure, and Seas of production, are usually owned collectively or collectively Decisinns about the use and management of assets are usually made by the community or collectively, » Collective decision: Decisions about the management, use of resources and distribution of profits are made through the participation and azreement af the entire community or members of the collective

~ Social and economic objectives: The goals of the collective economy are offen aemed at achieving common benefits foy the community, inchiding economic and social soals such as improving the quality of life, brotecting the environment, and Promoting social justice

~ Interaction and collaboration: ‘The collective sconomy promotes POXMIVe interaction and cooperation among its members to achieve the hest efficiency in the use of assets and resources,

~ Distribution of benefits: Profits and production results are distributed based on the principles of faimess and contribution te the collective, offen not focusing on the individual in too large away,

~ The collective economy in rural agriculture ig inainly expressed by cooperative Rroups, cooperatives and cooperative unions

The collective €tonomy and the sharing economy are two models that have any similarities, but also important differences

* On the similarities: - Use of comman Property: Both of these economic madels rely on the use of common or already existing assets ta optimize efficiency

~ Share respurces: Both models euiphasize sharing resources or services to create value for the COLAO TY,

[Order | Conn’ [SOIIECHVEEEONOMV T8HARINGEEGROMN—- The main objective of the (The mam goal of the sharing |

| Collective Economy is tg economy is ta create value for optimize the performance and | the canmunity throngh the |

i Objective

profitability of the economic sharing of assets and services

organization through cooperation | i this case, the inferests of the

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skills to cree business valve, oer This is offen the traditional This is anewer business model

2 | made | ood ĐÓ | business collahoratt to achieve common | Users to share agsety or services | goals

Example: | with cach other through the | | Business production, alliances, coa- | system |

ARSENE eee eel RRA NK‡{EÝ ^^ Sex» viE AE ERE NANA

The collective economy is The sharing economy offen |

| Usually subject to regulations and : requires new regulations on the |

: 4 (Laws laws related to enterprises and sharing of personal assets and |

and corporate = cooperation, ‘These | services on online plationns ị reguiations | rales are usually quite traditional | These regulations can change | i and closely tested,

rapidly and reflect changes in the way technology — and

Atthough approached from different angles, based on different scientific theories directing academic attention to specific different forme of community, in general, and

the following most essential signs for identifying ar defining a community can be considered: - The community must be a collection of a large number al peaple - Bạch community must have its own identity,

~ Menibers of the community must feel connected to the community and to other members of the community

- There can be many fartors that make ap the identity and endurance that binds the community, but the most important is the unity of will and sharing of feelings, creatine a sense of community,

- Kach community has extemal criteria to identify the comannity and has rules governing the seneral operation and behavior of the community,

On the basis of the above connotations, it is possible to arrive at the following general definition of “communtiy #4, comianity is a collection of people with great similarities, with common recognition criteria and rules of operation and behavior based on consensus of will, feelings, beliefs and a sense of community, whereby members of the community feel comected fo the cammunity and to other members of the community,"

ALA, Shetviny economy characterivites i rurat areas The sharing economy in rural areas has sone characteristics ax followe- (1) Diversity in sharing economy activities

The sharing economy model in pural areas is not limited to agriculture but also melides many other activities such as fourisin, community Services, handicraft production, handicrafis, food wad livestock products As a result, this model hae helped raise farmerst incomes and minimize losses for them when their crops or livestock suffer from disease or unfavorable weather,

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(2) Economie development based on local resources Rural sharing economies are often built on focal resources such ax land, water, plant varieties and livestock This has helped strengthen local resilience aid faimimize dependence on external resources,

(3) High community value Sharing economy models in rural areas are often built on cooperation and inutial help among connmaniy members As a result, this mode? has helped strengthen relationships between community members and create high comm wnily valves

(4) Sustainable development the vural sharing cconamy model helps promote sustamable development environmentally friendly methods af srewing, raising livestock and producing by using products Products manufactured iy sustamable methods nsvally do not pollute the exvironment ensure safety for consumers’ health, and (3) Create job opportunities

the coral sharing fconomy model also creates many Job opportunities for local peaple Yours people can engage in manulacturing, tourign or community service activities fo generate come for themselves This makes # possthle for local people ta stay in the countryside

and contribute to the development of the community,

2.2 Research content on sh aring economy in reral areas

add Resanrces & thee sharing tcononry

24), Land Land is the most portant resource in the countryside In the sharing economy model, collectively used for growing crops, raising livestock and developing other agricudiural land is activities, ‘The sharing of land enhances diversity in agricultural production, while SHRM izing ihe negative impact of land poverly and helping to ensure environmental sustamability

2242 Labour Labour is the second most important resource in the rural sh ang economy model Thanks to the sharing of labor, communities can focus on larger agricultural projects, improving product quality and improving production efficiency Sharing labor also helps create job eppertunities and stable incomes for the whole community,

22453 Capital Capital is an essential resource JOY Imvesbren? a sina! production and economic development, Capital sharing helps ensure that manulachrine projects cat be implemented and developed, and helps increase diversity in mannfacturing, Capital also enkances competitiveness and presents new busin ess Opportunities for the community

2214 Srowledpe Knowledge ig a very itaportant resource in the rural sharing economy model, Communities can share their knowledge and experience to ituprove agricultural Production aad come up with more advanced solutions to tural economic and environmental problems, Sharing knowledge helps ensute that the whale community can acquire the knowledge and xhiffs needed to achieve sustainable development,

221.5, Agricultural Service Sharing agricultural services in the sharing ecanomy is a method that helps fanuers and mentbers of the farming community share the services needed to enhance production efficiency and reduce costs thang agricultural services inclide services such as seed supply, fertilizer Supply, machinery rental, product transportation, crop and animal supervision, and other services related to agricultural pradketion

+ LG, Natural rescurces fn addition to the above resources, the rural sharing economy model oust also focus on the protection and sustainable ase of natural resources, such as water, forests, animals and other


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organisms Using these resources iM & sustainable way helps ensure economic and social development in rural areas over the long tenn

2.2.2 Effective application of sharing economy in rural sress Through the ahove objectives, the effectivencsy of sharing economy application in rural areas


(1) Enhance campeiitiveness (2) Reduce production casts (3) Increase prodn etivity and product quality (4) Reduce negative impacts on the exvironment (3) Luprove quality of life

4.5 Shaving economy in the Saenmaul program #3E Or the Saement mavement

The Saemani thdong, also khown as the New Coramunity Movement, Nes Vilage Movement or Sreman! Movement

The Vietnam New Rival Program: and the Korea Saeraaui Program are two initiatives at improving lives and economic development in mral areas Vietnam's New Rural Program aimed has also learned a lot trom the Korean Saemanl Program To date, Seeman! Korea Pragran’s proyects continue ta support rural areas in Vietnans

2.4.2, Sires? tJ⁄Axee Saamaul ViHase was formed in Vietian bared on the ideas of the Korean Saemau! Movement In 2004, Thai Neuven Province and Gyeongsangbuk Province were officially bwinted brothers After ] year, m 2005, the Saemaul Pilot village project was #aplemented for the first time in Rong Van village, Thai Nguyen province with activities such as building culinral houses, dispensaries, schoals, supporting educational equipment and equipment, sending delegations to train in Korea, “These activities marked the first step of the Saemaul pilot village project in V ietnam, which is also an opportuarty to help Vietnamese people approach and know about this movement Tor the first time

4.4.3 Sharing economy model in the Seensend proeram The rural sharing coandmy model is anew econonuc modality that can bring m any benefits to farmers and roral communities ‘The application of this model can help increase productivity, improve product quality, reduce production costs and increase income for farmers In addition, the sharing economy model also heips improve knowledge and business muwlagement skills for farmers, strengthen solidarity and cooperation ameng farmers COMM iy the The sharing economy based on the Sxentan} programs t a system in which individual farover households participate in the market economy by Reig CammEn property through the formation of a cooperative community rather than by individpal production and busitiess activities It is alse anew form of economic uni and entity aimed at protecting the community and the efficiency of internal economic activities and external econamic activities as an economic unit with the same objectives agreed by different communities, not platforms or businesses rin by specific conipanies or individuals

23.4 Levels of Sharing Economy af Seeman! Proprans The sharing economy under the Ssanan! program is built and formed according to 4 target levels

2.4, Pactors influencing Sharing economy developarent in rural areas LAL, People's capabilities

L2 People's attitudes 24.3, Peophe'y ÄX:eN ng L444 Policies and mechanizuaey Of the State 24.3 Secie-economic development conditions


Ngày đăng: 19/09/2024, 15:09