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the final assignment enterprise information systems course surveying and analyzing sales and distribution process at the gioi di dong

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Lecturer: PhD Le Thi Kim Hien Class course code: MI09

Nguyen Tuan Hung K224070971

Doan Xuan Thanh K224070987 Mai Hoang Minh K224070976 Nguyen Tran Minh Khoa K224070974

Ho Chi Minh City, June 6, 2024

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Chapter 1: The objectives oÝ DFOJGCÍ - 2n HH HH HS ST TH HT 1kg 11 kh 1

2.7 Organizational SfrucfUF@ 2n HH TT TH TH TT tk nen 11k rkh 6 3.1 Definition of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) 2c che 9 3.2 When Does The Gioi Di Dong Need ERP2 2 1L nnnnn S2 nghe ven 9

3.2.1 Evaluating The Gioi Di Dong when applying the ERP system 9 3.2.2 Evaluate the challenges and benefits when The Gioi Di Dong applies the 5 8702575 .aẽ “3131áạaạố Ề.Ề.Ề.Ồ 11 3.3 Benefits and Business Value of ERP LH HH HH khe 14

3.3.2 Business ValUe HH HT TH KT KH g 15 3.4 Explain DUSINESS PFOCESSES nh ốG 16

3.4.1 Sales Managemen{ - c2 HH TT TT TH HT nh HH1 kh 16 3.4.2 Purchase Management -L- Q.00 0n HH HH SH TH TH HH nh nhe he 16 3.4.5 Financial management - accounfing -‹c-c-cQQS TH Hs se 21 3.4.6 Logistics managemen - LL L2 TQ TH HH HH TT n TT nh K kg nh kh 21 3.4.7 Warranty managemen{ Lc Q00 SH HH n HH HT HH HH ng Tnhh nh 22 Chapter 4: Introduction to Business Process In general ccccccccccsnnnnirrrse 24

4.1 What is a business process (BI)? TQ Q TT HH nh n TT nhe nu 24 4.2 Generic Business Proce@SS HH ng TT TT KH KHE tệp 25 4.3 The Importance of Business ProceSSe©S L.QQQQQQQQQQHHnnn HH TH HH he 26

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4.5 What are some terms related to Business Process? .- nhe 27 5.1 Organizational Dafa -LL QQcn HH HH TT TH ng TT ng KT krt 28

Basic data (some examples of materials in The Gioi Di Dong website): 29 5.2.2 Customer master dafa LH H KT HT TH ệp 30 SN nh 7ì s0 ^^ 6 (44 33

BA SHIPPING oo ccc -.aaa.g a aa 34 SN n2 (07100 a a .äẦ 34 5.4.3 Billing a=‹-1.ẽê ốỐ.ốố 35

6.3 Customers/Staffs relafionsS - c SH TH HT TT ng KT TH rệt 38 6.4 Data managemen -cLL.QQ HS HH HH TT n TH HT gu 38 6.4.1 Organizational Data 0 ii 38 6.4.2 Master Dafa LH KT KT Tà 38


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Figure 1: The Gioi Di Dong Joint Stock Company nhe 2 Figure 2: Retail chain belonging to The Gioi Di Dong Investment Joint Stock

COMPANY 0 .a ằa 3 Figure 3: The organizational structure of The Gioi Di Dong : eee 8 Figure 4: A generic busineSsS proCe©SS ĐT SH HH ven 24 Figure 5: The organizational data of The Gioi Di Dong - -.-ccc{ccsàẰ- 29 Figure 6: The detailed BPMN of the sale and distribution process in The Gioi Di BlenlsNieliifsiee Ẵ9e0 1-0 T1 sd(4((.,- ác 32 Figure 7: The Charts Of Accounts (COA) LH HH HH tệp 34 Figure 8: The e-invoice for CusfOrm@r 220 22 nh ng ket 35

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Chapter 1: The objectives of project 1.1 General objectives

Our research about the overall Enterprise Management Information System of The Gioi Di Dong aims to research, deploy and apply uniformly to all management, departments and the production facility of The Gioi Di Dong Through carrying out the project, we hope to show a more detailed analysis of the operations and sales situation of businesses and solutions to increase sales efficiency and gain maximum profits for each business

1.2 Specific objectives

Good service to the operational requirements of employees, the administrative work of middle-level managers, and decision-making support for the Company's Board of Directors

Analyze circulate professional information between departments, and coordinate operations related to multiple departments which minimizes the use and manual rotation types of documents

Centralize and share information: Data on all factors serving production and business (information library) only need to be entered once and shared with all functional departments of the company

Generate instant and reliable reports on business status and data that frequently exist in distributed systems

Propose some solutions to make enterprise management activities more effective Draw out the advantages and disadvantages in system management of the enterprise under study

Research sales management activities of a specific business in terms of: sales goals, sales plans, sales force, and necessary adjustments during implementation

Systematize the theory of sales management activities of enterprises 1.3 The scope of project

Research object: management activities and sales - distribution process of TheGioiDiDong’s enterprise system

In relation to space: studies were carried out in TheGioiDiDong’s enterprise system

Research time: March 2024 - May 2024

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Chapter 2: Overview about The Gioi Di Dong

Figure 1: The Gioi Di Dong Joint Stock Company

The Gioi Di Dong is a retail group in Vietnam, specializing in retailing mobile phones, digital devices and consumer electronics Here are some details about the company:

2.1 History

2004: The Gioi Di Dong Joint Stock Company was established with an initial capital of about VND 2 billion under the primitive e-commerce model with a product introduction website and 3 small stores in Ho Chi Minh City but failed

October 2004: Transforming business model, investing in retail stores of mobile devices 3/2006: The Gioi Di Dong has a total of 4 stores in Ho Chi Minh City

2007: Successfully called for investment capital of Mekong Capital, growing rapidly in scale

2009: Reached the scale of 40 retail stores

2010: Expanded the business to consumer electronics with the Dienmay.com brand (later changed to Dienmayxanh.com)

2012: Reached the scale of 220 stores in Vietnam

May 2013: The Gioi Di Dong received investment from Robert A Willett - former CEO of BestBuy International and CDH Electric Bee Limited Company

2017: Merging and acquiring Tran Anh electronics retail system

March 2018: Acquired 40% capital of Phuc An Khang pharmaceutical chain Then it changed its name to An Khang Pharmacy

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October 2018: The merger was completed, a total of 34 Tran Anh supermarkets had their Dien May Xanh signs changed, Tran Anh's website also redirected operations to dienmayxanh.com

2019: The Gioi Di Dong reached the top 100 largest retailers in the Asia-Pacific region announced by Retail Asia magazine and Euromonitor company

July 2019: The company has 2500 The Gioi Di Dong and Dien May Xanh stores nationwide, 600 Bach Hoa Xanh stores

- Dien May Xanh brand: providing electronics products

- Bach Hoa Xanh brand: providing food, products, and beverages - 4K Farm: High-tech Agricultural Development Branch of Bach Hoa Xanh - An Khang: pharmacy chain, providing pharmaceutical products

Figure 2: Retail chain belonging to The Gioi Di Dong Investment Joint Stock Company

TheGioiDiDong's operating network spreads throughout Vietnam, each province and each city includes many strong operating branches, specifically:

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By the end of February 2023, the system has 1,189 The Gioi Di Dong stores {including 100 Topzone); 2,287 Dien May Xanh stores; 1,729 Bach Hoa Xanh stores; 504 An Khang stores; and 64 AVAKids stores

Up to now, TheGioiDiDong's supermarket systems are constantly expanding their reach nationwide, and websites are always cared for, upgraded, and invested in From there the exchange of The Gioi Di Dong has made a splash in the Vietnamese commercial market

2.3 Business objective

International goals: In 2024, itis expected that they will achieve profits more than 14 times compared to the previous year, estimated at 2,400 billion VND This is approved by the company's Boar d of Directors and will be presented to shareholders at the upcoming annual meeting TheGioiDiDong's vision in the future is to become the No.1 corporation in retail, e-commerce, and related services in Southeast Asia 2.4 Business strategies

Multi-channel approach: The Gioi Di Dong applies an omni-channel strategy, including operating thousands of stores nationwide while leveraging customer insights from huge data Their internal development capabilities allow them to create a unified and outstanding customer experience across all channels, enhancing brand cohesion

Improve customer service quality: The Gioi Di Dong has a call center operating from 7:30 to 22:00 every day including weekends with nearly 200 employees serving over 10,000 calls The Gioi Di Dong also applies discount programs during holidays to attract and connect customers with the company For example: promotion on the occasion of the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long - Hanoi with 1000 phones priced at 1000 VND

Online channel development: In the face of major changes in the market, especially rapid changes in user buying behavior, The Gioi Di Dong has decided to develop an online sales channel through SEO strategy combined with Content Marketing First, with great potential in information technology, they have built a content management system (CMS) with basic SEO standards to help the content production team easily do well in standardizing SEO for their articles and focus on content production Then, they built a team of large content producers but not SEO experts to constantly experiment and find the types of content that attract users’ interest in smartphones Finally, they integrate content commenting and rating features into the page so that users can share their opinions and opinions about smartphones similar to a technology forum This feature helps users increase the level of trust when reading the information provided by The Gioi Di Dong, thereby evaluating the products In just 3 years (2013-2016), thegioididong.com website

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traffic and especially the News section has increased to more than 1 million per month As of 2018, thegioididong.com website has reached 29 million visits per month and brought in more than 12 trillion VND in online revenue

Strengthen marketing and advertising strategy: The Gioi Di Dong has a very unique marketing strategy The Gioi Di Dong not only markets itself but also for phone companies The company proactively proposes to phone companies to do marketing for them, when marketing does well, the number of products is increased, the phone companies are satisfied, from which The Gioi Di Dong and brands all benefit

Partner development and cooperation: Build and expand partnerships with other manufacturers, suppliers and partners to provide higher quality and more diverse products and services The Gioi Di Dong recently (October 2023) cooperated with Coro Energy Group to do a solar power project or continue the development relationship with Samsung - a giant in the world of phone manufacturers

2.5 Mission

Mission Statement:

Pursue an omnichannel strategy: The Gioi Di Dong aims to create a superior and unified customer experience across all channels, including online and offline They leverage internal development capabilities and continuous innovation to strengthen brand engagement

Operate several thousand stores nationwide: TheGioiDiDong's extensive retail store network stretches across the country, providing convenient access to a wide range of products

Leveraging Customer Insights: By analyzing massive data, The Gioi Di Dong gains valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and trends, enabling them to tailor their offerings effectively

Continuous innovation: The Gioi Di Dong remains committed to staying at the forefront of retail trends, adapting to changing consumer needs and delivering superior value to customers

With more than 70,000 employees, over 5,500 stores nationwide and a strong focus on a customer-centric strategy, The Gioi Di Dong continues to shape the retail landscape in Vietnam

2.6 Core Values

Customer-centric approach: The Gioi Di Dong puts customers at the center of everything they do Their commitment to understanding customer needs, providing exceptional service, and providing value drives their success

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Innovation and adaptability: The company embraces innovation, constantly evolving to meet changing market dynamics Whether it is adopting new technologies or refining business models, The Gioi Di Dong is always ahead of the curve

Integrity and transparency: Maintaining high ethical standards is non- negotiable The Gioi Di Dong values transparency in every interaction, building trust with customers, partners and employees

Empowering employees: The Gioi Di Dong recognizes that people are its greatest asset They invest in employee development, encourage creativity, and foster a collaborative work environment

Social responsibility: The Gioi Di Dong actively contributes to the community Whether through environmental initiatives, education, or social welfare programs, they strive to make a positive impact

These core values guide The Gioi Di Dong decisions, shape their culture, and motivate them to continue to grow

2.7 Organizational Structure

The company is divided into many levels under the general management of the Board of Directors The company is divided into 3 main blocks: Sales block, product line block, and support block At the top of each block are the Directors, followed by the Department Heads, and below are the employees

General Meeting of Shareholders: consider and decide on important issues of the company, such as:

- Report of the Board of Directors on the company's business performance in the previous year

- Report of the Supervisory Board on the implementation of the Supervisory Board's tasks

- Financial reports of the company

- The company's profit distribution plan and dividend level - The company's business plan for the coming year

- Elect additional members of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board in case there are members no longer qualified, not in sufficient quantity, or at the request of shareholders

- Consider and decide on issues related to merger, consolidation, division, separation, and dissolution of the company

Board of Management:

- Manage and operate the company's business activities

- Decide on issues related to the company's organization and personnel,

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- Decide on issues related to the company's finances

- Decide other issues within the authority of the Board of Management according to the provisions of law and Article company rules

Audit Committee: organized according to a hierarchical model, with the Chairman of the Audit Committee as the highest leader

- Advise and assist the Board of Management in developing, promulgating, and implementing policies, and regulations on internal control and legal compliance - Conduct inspection and supervision of the implementation of regulations and

regulations on internal control and compliance with the law of the company - Review and evaluate the integrity of the company's financial reports before

submitting them to the General Meeting of Shareholders

- Provide independent opinions to the Board of Management on issues related to internal control and legal compliance

Board of Directors: organized according to a hierarchical model, with the general director as the highest leader The General Director is responsible for managing the activities of the Board of Directors and all operations of the company - Make a business plan and implement the company's business plan

- Manage and operate the company's business activities, including sales, marketing, supply, logistics, customer care

- Recruitment, training, and development of the company's human resources - Organize and manage the company's finances and accounting

- Comply with the provisions of law and the company Charter

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immediately System Sales has a mechanism to declare accounts or transfer money automatically, while warehouse staff can check whether there are new orders to transfer or not

Customers can use a variety of gadgets to enjoy a better shopping experience at any time and anywhere From the perspective of The Gioi Di Dong, omnichannel offers insights into customer behavior through the reporting of conversion rates during online visits (product views, payments, order quantities, inventory balances, and debt and receivables tracking) Additionally, The Gioi Di Dong can enhance its services—such as its free shipment policy and after-sales support—by evaluating data that has been stored through omnichannel

3.2.2 Evaluate the challenges and benefits when The Gioi Di Dong applies the ERP system

a Challenge

Firstly, the business that built The Gioi Di Dong Joint Stock business's sales management systems, warehouse management, and finance management systems also developed the ERP system that the company uses today has painstakingly built the current ERP system over 13 years Multitasking presents numerous challenges for TheGioiDiDong's early workers and management, but the company has saved a lot of money thanks to ERP self-development

Secondly, in the process of using the ERP system, employees are required to have specialized knowledge and foreign language skills to be able to operate the system smoothly Training of personnel to use ERP needs to be fully implemented Employees lacking knowledge in using ERP, lacking computer skills, or lacking foreign language ability are also a cause of failure when implementing ERP

Thirdly, the acquisition of Tran Anh Electronics Chain and Phuc An Khang Pharmaceutical Chain in 2017 also caused the company to face many difficulties in implementing ERP The ERP system will have to be refreshed to be compatible with the new operating model This will take a lot of time and manpower, which will cost the company more money to pay employees

In addition, businesses may find it difficult to cover the expenses associated with using ERP solutions Despite all of ERP'’s advantages for the business, cost containment is a concern One of the challenges The Gioi Di Dong may face is the expense that companies must incur when implementing ERP solutions Even though the company has benefited greatly from the ERP system, cutting expenses is a constant challenge faced by enterprises As of the end of June 2017, The Gioi Di Dong employed up to 31,000 people and operated 1,013 supermarkets on Thegioididong.com, 404 Dien May Xanh supermarkets, and 110 Bach Hoa Xanh supermarkets Facing the problem of increasingly cumbersome and expanding

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- Enhanced Customer Service: The Gioi Di Dong can respond promptly to customer inquiries, track orders, and manage relationships effectively Satisfied customers contribute to business growth

- Data Security and Accuracy: Centralized data storage enhances security, and standardized formats ensure consistent information Accurate data leads to better decision-making

- Regulatory Compliance: The ERP system helps The Gioi Di Dong adhere to industry-specific regulations Proper record-keeping and compliance reporting are facilitated

- Competitive Edge: Efficient processes, accurate data, and streamlined operations position The Gioi Di Dong ahead of competitors A well-implemented ERP system gives them a competitive advantage

3.3.2 Business Value

- Sales management: Consultants only need to use smartphones to capture detailed product features and promotion information to advise customers When the buyer confirms the order, that employee will be the one to transfer the order to the system and ship the goods to the customer By integrating CRM software into the ERP system, staff can reduce check-in time and increase customer experience - Manage logistics: TheGioiDiDong’s ERP system has the ability to manage

inventory and cover the general flow of all stores If this branch is out of stock, the system will immediately notify the address that is still in stock Suppliers and shipping units are managed on separate interconnected software, allowing the company to calculate accurate delivery times and routes

- Manage promotions and customer care: The system can also update promotions to each branch Every time the manager changes the new price, the LED lighting system at the stores will automatically display immediately Thanks to the ERP system, the purchasing process at The Gioi Di Dong is processed immediately, without waiting in line It creates an automatic transfer process between departments such as sales staff updating and completing orders, an automatic money transfer system to accountants and warehouse staff, and preparing orders for shipping

- Manage customer information with ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning Software stores and synthesizes customer information into a valuable internal data warehouse for businesses Management and a team of experts can use this resource to analyze user profiles, track and increase conversion rates From there, The Gioi Di Dong improves service quality, attracts more potential customers to increase sales effectively

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3.4 Explain business processes 3.4.1 Sales Management

When receiving orders, order information is automatically entered into the system by employees without sending it to the main center This helps shorten time, speed up the sales process, and status Errors are almost zero At the same time, clearly determine the sales target of each employee for the month, ensuring KPls and bonuses for each employee

When there is a change in information (customer information, product price list, quantity of products in stock, ), just one employee needs to adjust the information and the system will automatically update the change Changes in real-time, bringing high efficiency in synchronizing information between departments in the enterprise

Store full information about customers in a linked way (personal information, purchase history, invoices, invoice status, customer class & promotion history, ) helps sales staff and administrators easily search the system, avoid storing duplicate information, and save the entire customer purchase history

Provide alerts and reminders to managers when there are any debt or payment- related issues Create automatic reports on debt status and collection productivity Analyze data to make predictions about debt risks and take preventive measures At the same time, providing an automated debt-handling process: by automatically creating and sending debt notices; Automatically apply collection policies and procedures to each invoice

Support viewing sales reports on web and mobile platforms Reduce the work of the accounting and auditing team Thanks to cloud computing technology, administrators can view reports anytime, anywhere

3.4.2 Purchase Management

When applying the ERP system, the purchasing department can know the quantity of inventory from data compiled from the logistics management department, and the number of products sold in a period by the management department sell From there, the purchasing department can predict the quantity of goods that need to be purchased to help minimize surplus or shortage of goods

Thanks to the ERP system, the purchasing department can synthesize data and information from suppliers From there, it is possible to evaluate the performance and reliability of suppliers and select suppliers that suit the needs of the business

The ERP system helps centralize contract data, contract information will be gathered on a single system At the same time, the system also updates adjusted terms and conditions quickly This ensures that businesses always work with the latest and most accurate information

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After signing the purchase contract, the purchasing department will use the ERP system to track order status They can view estimated delivery time, delivery location, and track order status directly from the supplier

Store quality information and product requirements from the contract, helping the purchasing department easily check and ensure quality

3.4.3 Warehouse and Goods Management

Inventory management model in TheGioiDiDong's ERP system

- Number 1: Suppliers and delivery units perform the task of delivering and delivering goods to the central warehouse The ERP system manages detailed import and export transactions, including import date, quantity, warehouse location, and IMEI of each product Transactions are automatically accounted for according to the established accounting chart, while creating jobs, discussions and attached documents related to the documents For example, a Samsung A12 phone with a specific 15-digit IMEI was moved from location B1 to branch store number 1 on January 5, 2023 In addition, ERP also supports calculating optimal inventory levels, determining products that need to be replenished and products that need to be ordered immediately This calculation process ensures that the warehouse always m aintains a sufficient inventory level, avoiding shortages or over-stocking, keeping the system running smoothly and efficiently

- Number 2: Stores in the network order goods from the central warehouse through ERP-enabled software, based on each store's specific business needs and the company's current operating programs (priority for promotional products or product lines being promoted), this system automatically requests inventory distribution to meet the special requirements of each location For example, with the special promotion at the District 10 branch: "Buy an Asus zenbook laptop, get a free high-end backpack,” which The Gioi Di Dong is focusing on promoting and receiving great attention from clients Therefore, the system automatically prioritizes inventory distribution of the Asus Zenbook laptop line from the central warehouse to the District 10 branch store, to meet demand and bring additional benefits to customers This process not only increases product value but also creates a uniquely positive experience for customers

- Number 3: During operations, if there is an unexpected order, staff can check on the system to determine whether the product is currently available at stores in the surrounding area From there, they can offer customers the choice between going to a nearby store to receive their goods immediately or using a flexible delivery service from The Gioi Di Dong to Vietnam, address that the customer wants This not only increases flexibility and convenience but also expands the choice for customers between self-collection and flexible delivery services Customers

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can choose the option that fits their schedule and personal preferences, helping to increase satisfaction and reduce wait times

- Number 4: When the notification about picking up goods from the cashier ends, the system immediately performs inventory checks according to the especially important principle - FIFO (First In, First Out), meaning the product What is imported first will be exported first to avoid over-stocking For example, when a customer comes to the store to buy an Oppo A38 phone During operations on the system, warehouse staff discovered that there were 3 phones of this line in stock Applying the FIFO principle, the system automatically selects the Oppo A38 with IMEI, as the last imported product to deliver to customer This not only ensures fairness in product distribution but also keeps the inventory management process efficient and convenient

Some outstanding features of the ERP system for The Gioi Di Dong

First of all, TheGioiDiDong's ERP system has the ability to manage inventory to cover the situation across all stores If any branch is out of stock, the system will immediately notify the number of remaining goods Suppliers and carriers are managed on a separate software, and are connected together Warehouse staff will open the system and check if there are new orders received delivery The system also tracks receipt of goods to ensure that goods are not missing, not excessive, or to calculate whether each component in the phone is still available or not to import enough goods

During the process of importing goods or receiving orders to transfer goods from one store to another: All operations are performed through the built-in application on the employee's phone, providing flexibility, comfort and convenience In particular, this application integrates many types of international barcodes such as UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, QR Code, helping us implement regulations Process warehousing, warehousing and inventory counting accurately and effectively Integration with barcode scanner equipment also makes an important contribution to improving the accuracy and speed of this process

Printing price lists, configuration tables, and automatically arranging configuration tables on store shelves are done in the most logical, easy-to- understand way to create an eye-catching, comfortable space with a smart shopping experience reliable and convenient for customers

Inventory tracking and inventory: becomes more convenient to operate with an ERP system, while providing flexible reporting and tools It not only helps manage the balance of goods at the beginning of the period but also manages surpluses and shortages after inventory counting, and performs automatic accounting according to

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together through this ERP software Employees, departments and divisions can interact and exchange information with each other easily, conveniently and quickly 3.4.5 Financial management - accounting

When The Gioi Di Dong expands its scale by opening more stores, spreading across the country or opening many different business chains, units within the business are able to make more decisions, the ERP system of the company has been helpful in processing financial data so that it is compatible and does not conflict with each other between units in the business

ERP software provides a common platform for The Gioi Di Dong stores and employees to collect financial data From there, a unified process is created, creating favorable conditions

Benefits the main management as well as the implementation of accounting operations of the business itself Import, sales, revenue, and expenditure data will be collected at stores through information that employees or store managers update on the integrated application on smartphones or the store's computer system This data will then be automatically transferred to software handling financial and accounting operations to process the dat a and continuously update it The software will automatically connect with banks to produce reports and evaluate necessary activities according to law and company regulations

Benefits that the ERP system brings in financial and accounting management:

- Fully satisfy accounting operations, automate tasks related to invoicing, cash management, financial reconciliation, supporting the accounting department in closing books

- Effective cash flow management, including receivable cash flow, payable cash flow, or available cash flow use.,

- From collecting data from all functional departments in the enterprise, the ERP system can build financial plans for each department based on budget and control costs and warn of excess costs

The application of ERP has provided The Gioi Di Dong with a full range of features and tools to respond to accounting and finance needs effectively and accurately Data entry, search, and report export and managing orders is also quicker and easier for finance and accounting staff

3.4.6 Logistics management

Policies are formulated systematically such as: Clear delivery and receipt policies; Regulations about warranty, specific installation details; Strict packaging regulations Regarding the staff, it is quite strong and well-trained: The delivery


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(WMS) and customer management systems (CRM), helping to create an integrated system The information system is complete and accurate This compatibility allows you to manage information effectively and minimize information leakage between departments

- Better data management and quick decision making: Data from the warranty process is automated and managed more effectively This helps managers get more accurate and detailed information to make faster and more accurate decisions Flexibility of ERP allows you to track warranty status in real time, improve service, and respond quickly to customer requests

- Optimized resource and cost management: Manage resources, components and people in the warranty process more effectively This allows you to minimize waste and optimize production costs ERP data analytics can help you identify and minimize recurring problems, optimize processes, and improve overall performance

- Improve customer experience: ERP helps improve your customer experience by providing accurate and reliable information about warranty status and processing times Ability to track warranty status and provide professional support at the same time increase customer trust and satisfaction

In summary, applying ERP to the warranty process in the mobile industry brings many benefits from overall management, and process optimization, to improve customer experience and cost optimization This helps businesses improve performance and compete better in the market


Ngày đăng: 23/08/2024, 15:26
