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bài tập ngữ pháp tiếng anh danh từ và ngữ danh từ nxb dân trí 2011 ngọc hà 159 trang

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Nội dung

Forming nouns from verb and adjectives Thành lập các danh từ từ các động từ và các tính từ sau.. In each space in the following sentences, indicate whether the underlined noun is a coun

Trang 1

y / ầ s s _



oDanhtir Ngứ danh từ

Trang 3


E xercise 1 Forming nouns from verbs (Thành lập

các danh từ từ các động từ sau).

1 act _2 agree _3 arrive _4 attend _5 begin _6 choose _7 collect _8 enjoy _9 fail _10 know _

E xercise 2 Forming nouns from verbs (Thành lập

các danh từ từ các động từ sau).

1 invent _2 explain _3 imagine _4 live _

Trang 4

5 m o v e 6 p e r m i t 7 punish _—8 see 9 sell —1 0 teach _

E x ercise 3 Forming nouns from adjectives (Thành

lập các danh từ từ các tính từ sau).

1 a b s e n t 2 bad 3 beautiful _4 bright 5 busy 6 clean 7 dry 8 cruel 9 dark _10 deep _

E x ercise 4 Forming nouns from adjectives (Thành

lập các danh từ từ các tính từ sau).

1 fat 2 free 3 good 4 happy

Trang 5

5 high _6 honest _ 7 long _8 proud _ 9 safe _

10 strong

Exercise 5 Forming nouns from adjectives (Thành

lập các danh từ từ các tính từ sau).

1 traditional 2 peaceíul _ _3 surprising _4 w o n d e r f u l _5 polluted _ _6 comfortable _7 deep _ _8 pleasant _9 i m p o r t a n t _

10 different _

Exercise 6 Forming nouns from adjectives (Thành

lập các danh từ từ các tính từ sau).

1 intelligent _2 skillíul _3 happy _4 attractive _ _


Trang 6

5 íriendly 6 advantageous 7 lucky 8 sociable 9 weigh 10 dangerous

Exercise 7 Forming nouns from verb and adjectives

(Thành lập các danh từ từ các động từ và các tính từ sau).

1 careíul 2 occasional 3 prosper 4 pollute 5 possible 6 active 7 creat 8 necessary 9 industrial 10 solve

Exercise 8 Forming nouns from verb and adjectives

(Thành lập các danh từ từ các động từ và các tính từ sau).

1 export 2 manage 3 prevent

Trang 7

4 poisonous _5 calculate _6 instruct _ _ _ _7 qualifiable

8 reasonable _ _

9 electrical 10 proud _Exercise 9 Forming nouns from verb and adjectives

(Thành lập các danh từ từ các động từ và các tính từ sau).

1 fly — 2 h a r m f u l _ _3 sleepy _4 like 5 íamous _6 able 7 save _8 depart 9 t e r r i t o r i a l _10 speak

Exercise 10 Forming nouns from verb and adjectives

(Thành lập các danh từ từ các động từ và các tính từ sau).

1 talk _2 high _

Trang 8

3 wide 4 long 5 deep 6 produce 7 fertilize 8 write 9 print 10 read Exercise 11 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate

form of the words in parentheses (Điền ưào chỗ trôhg dạng

thích hợp của từ cho trong ngoặc).

1 He was treated with penicillin (INJECT)2 He is receiving for shock (TREAT)3 Let’s follow t h e on the packet careíully(INSTRUCT)

4 People bring the used cans f o r (RECYCLE)5 We apologize for the la te of the train thismorning (ARRIVE)

6 Add the eggs to t h e and beat well (MIX).7 He agreed with m y th a t we would changethe date of meeting (SUGGEST)

8 The final te a m _ will be made tomorrowmorning (SELECT)

9 They were reunited after a of more thanten years (SEPARATE)

Trang 9

10 There is now in ten se _ between schools toattract students (COMPETE)

Exercise 12 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate

form of the words in parentheses (Điền vào chỗ trông dạng

thích hợp của từ cho trong ngoặc).

1 Thank you very much for your k in d (INVITE)

2 Hue is a famous to u ris t (ATTRACT)3 Our im m ediate is the active young pioneers(REQƯIRE)

4 Our life is much better with the help of modern (EQUIP)

5 When t h e íailed, he struck the match toíìnd the candles (ELECTRIC)

6 What is the correct _ of this word?(PRONOUNCE)

7 T h e of the project made me tense.(IMPORTANT)

8 There is no in the countryside (ENTERTAIN)9 Max is one of the _from Eriends of theEarth (REPRESENT)

10 Attractive can help to sell Products.


Exercise 13 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form

of the words in parentheses (Điền vào chỗ trống dạng thkh hợp

của từ cho trong ngoặc).

Trang 10

1 Every week, there are tw o _ from HaNoi to Nha Trang (FLY)

2 I t’s diffìcult to fin d at busy time.(ACCOMMODATE)

3 The n e x t _ for Thailand will be at 15.00(DEPART)

4 T h e _ of Flight 134 from England hasbeen delayed (ARR1VE)

5 He received the aw ard i n of his successover the past year (RECOGNIZE)

6 He has been an a c tiv e in the contest(PARTICIPATE)

7 Mom was putting up the C h ristm as _(DECORATE)

8 The Computer is one of the m o s t _ of the

20th century (INVENT)9 W ater is the clear and colorless (LIQƯIFY)10 TV is bringing not on ly but alsoentertainm ent (INFORMATIVE)

Exercise 14 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate

form of the words in parentheses (Điền vào chỗ trôhg dạng

thích hợp của từ cho trong ngoặc).

1 In c re a se d is another unpleasant result.(POLLƯTED)

2 Compost is a wonderful n a tu r a l_ (FERTILIZE)

Trang 11

3 In most countries, there a r e especially forteenager (ORGANIZE)

4 We are rehearsing a play for the school anniversary (CELEBRATE)

5 1 had a very happy _ (CHILD)6 We íormed a deep and lastin g (FRIEND)7 There are lots of nice people in t h e (NEIGHBOUR)

8 In th e _(KING) of Thailand, the kingcommands the respect of every citizen

9 He had barely reached (MAN) when hemarried

10 She invited her classmate to h e r (BIRTH) party


E xercise 15 In each space in the following sentences, indicate whether the underlined noun is a count noun (C) or a uncountable noun (NC) then put them in the table

(Trong mỗi dòng của các câu cho sau đây, hãy chỉ ra xem danh từ nào là danh từ đếm được (viết tắt là C), danh từ nào không đếm được (viết tắt là NC) rồi xếp vào bảng).

1 John sent me some iníbrmation about her new wife

Trang 12

2 This restaurant serves the best Thai íood in the citv.3 The traffic during rush-hour is really horrible.4 Can you give me advice about finding work in New York?

5 Most women in my familv don’t wear iewelrv.6 The thief stole all the eauipment last night.7 We need monev to buy new íưmitưre for our bedroom.8 Let’s listen some music

9 The offìce has its own stationerv.10 It takes a lot of time to learn how to appreciategood wine

11 You should tell me these tru th s 12.1’ve got an ạppointment at the dentist’s at 5p.m

Exercise 16 Choose a, b, or c to indicate whether

the noun is a count noun (C) or a uncountable noun (NC)

(Chọn đáp án a, b hoặc c đ ể chỉ ra những danh từ sau đây là danh từ đếm được hay không đếm được).

1 mana countb non-countc both

Trang 13

2 ricea countb non-countc both3 time

a countb non-countc both4 iníbrmation

a countb non-countc both5 weathera countb non-countc both6 class

a countb non-countc both7 furniture

a countb non-countc both

Trang 14

8 soapa countb non-countc both9 idea

a countb non-countc both10 light

a countb non-countc both11 sheep

a countb non-countc both12 data

a countb non-countc both

Exercise 17 Choose the best answer to decide whether the noun is a count noun (C) or a uncountable noun (NC)

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp đ ể xác định đó là danh từ đếm

1 1 like This is a grain and is a non-count noun

Trang 15

(a) rice(b) bombs(c) sticks(d) pencils2 _ is a non-count noun This is a deliciousdrink that comes from cows.

(a) Milk(b) Rugs(c) Table(d) Pitcher3 _ is a non-count noun We use this to buygoods and to pay for Services.

(a) Bill(b) Card(c) Money(d) Bank4 A _ is a count noun We often place dishesand silvervvare on this when we are ready to have a meal

(a) honey(b) bread(c) table(d) flour

Trang 16

5 My husband made th a t bench out of _Thisis a non-count noun.

(a) portrait(b) table(c) plant(d) wood6 1 would like a of tea This is a count noun(a) sugar

(b) cup(c) cheese(d) ice7 This door is made o f _ This is a non-countnoun

(a) latch(b) handle(c) key

(d) Steel

8 Plants give off _ and hum ans release carbondioxide This is a non-count noun

(a) doors(b) shoes(c) oxygen(d) candles

Trang 17

9 A _ is a count noun We often open these tolet fresh air into our homes.

(a) dust(b) plastic(c) window(d) heat

10 My husband likes beer, but I prefer This is a non-count noun and is an alcoholic beverage usually made from grapes

(a) rags(b) wine(c) lamp(d) alarm

Exercise 18 Choose the best answer to decide vvhether the noun is a count noun (C) or a uncountable

noun (NC) (Chọn đáp án thích hợp đ ể biết được đó là

danh từ đếm được hay không đếm được).

1 1 don't like rainy days I love _ ! This is anon-count noun

(a) sunshine(b) baskets(c) droplets(d) rays

Trang 18

2 I p u t _ on my bread, but I don't like to use alot of it because it's high in fat and cholesterol This is a non-count noun.

(a) tovvels(b) fans(c) butter(d) socks3 1 have an a n tiq u e I do my homework on itevery night This is a count noun

(a) dust(b) aluminum(c) flour(d) desk4 Sharon likes to eat a n _ a day She likes theGranny Smith variety best This is a count noun

(a) poetry(b) soccer(c) apple(d) sugar5 My parents have tw o _ My mother has a redone and my father drives the blue one to work

(a) electricity(b) cars(c) ice(d) traííìc

Trang 19

6 1 love going to the beach because th e seemsso fresh and alive there When I breathe it in deeply, I feel completely reíreshed This is a non-count noun.

(a) air(b) pebbles(c) fish(d) shells7 1 buy beef _for my dog every two weeks Shelikes to chew on them for hours This is count noun

(a) porcelain(b) bones(c) heat(d) weather8 Can I borrow a _ ? I seem to have íorgottenmine at home This is a count noun

(a) advice(b) equipment(c) plastic(d) pen9 I just got m y _done yesterday The stylistcut and styled it for me It looks great This is a non- count noun

(a) finger(b) fence(c) hair(d) tree

Trang 20

10 I bought n e w before I went on a trip toHawaii I wanted to look stylish in the airport and both pieces are quite functional because they have wheels.

(a) hat(b) luggage(c) bulbs(d) boxes

Exercise 19 Choose the best answer to decide whether

the noun is a count noun (C) or a uncountable noun (NC)

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp đ ể biết được đó là danh từ đếm

1 There is a lot o f Corning out of th atbuilding I think there's a fire! This is a non-count noun

(a) paws(b) boxes(c) person(d) smoke2 I like to use m a p le _ on my pancakes It'sdelicious This is a non-count noun

(a) buckets(b) syrup(c) chopsticks(d) bottles

Trang 21

3 1 usually m ake when I roast a turkey Thisis a non-count noun.

(a) lights(b) plates(c) cups(d) gravy4 I need One more _ I will be taking two ofthese on my trip to Mexico This is a count noun

(a) suitcase(b) concrete(c) chocolate(d) soap5 I want to climb that la rg e _ Do you think Ican do it? This is a count noun

(a) sand(b) beef(c) mountain(d) heat6 I just bought my husband a new, le a th e r _for his birthday This is a count noun

(a) frost(b) juice(c) luck(d) wallet

Trang 22

7 Some people say t h a t _ is the best medicine.This is a non-count noun

(a) laughter(b) boots(c) eraser(d) bottles8 My grandfather is full o f He isvery knowledgeable and I like him a lot This is a non- count noun

(a) tests

(b) tools

(c) wisdom(d) eyes

9 I want to go on t h a t _ I love Corning to the

fair because of all the rides! This is a count noun.(a) air

(b) roller coaster(c) fun

(d) happiness

10 You have to ask your mother f o r _ beforeyou can come camping with our family You can come if she says it's OK with her This is a non-count noun

(a) permission(b) spots(c) tents(d) boots

Trang 23

Exercise 20 Choose the best answer to decide whether

the noun is a count noun (C) or a uncountable noun (NC)

(Chọn đáp án thích hợp đ ể biết được đó là danh từ đếm

1 There was a lot o f _ at the Broadvvay showlast week People were very happy with the períbrmance This is a non-count noun

(a) signs(b) drinks(c) seats(d) applause2 1 want to have som e _this weekend Let's goto the city! This is a non-count noun

(a) bars(b) fun(c) dollars(d) rooms3 1 have One dog and tw o This is a count noun(a) wine

(b) health(c) peace(d) cats4 Ryan got in to at school again this week Idon't know what to do about his bad behavior lately This is a non-count noun

Trang 24

(a) dresses(b) cars(c) trouble(d) barns5 Can you give me m o re _ regarding the cellphone plan? I'm not sure if I w ant to buy a cell phone yet This is a non-count noun

(a) suites(b) stairs(c) vvatches(d) iníbrmation6 The little girl had tw o _ in her hair This is acount noun

(a) braids(b) advice(c) slang(d) ice7 There is a lot o f _ at the beach This is anon-count noun

(a) kites(b) dogs(c) sand(d) balls

Trang 25

8 I want to paint tw o _ in this room This is acount noun.

(a) walls(b) cash(c) news(d) slang9 Chíldren have a lot o f _ They also have a lotof questions This is a non-count noun

(a) bruises(b) hats(c) curtains(d) curiosity10 My husbanđ wears a _ to work every day.This is a count noun

(a) hair(b) suit(c) wealth(d) luck

Exercise 21 In each gap, type either some for non-

count nouns or a for count nouns (Điền some hoặc a vào

mỗi chỗ trống cho các danh từ đếm được và không đếm

Yesterday, I went with my family for a picnic at the beach We took lots of food, because we're all greedy!

Trang 26

First of all, we p a ck e d _ (1) chocolate to eat in thecar on the way to the beach For the íĩrst course, weto o k _ (2) Soup and _ (3) loaf of bread For themain course, we decided o n _ (4) chicken and saladsandwich for each person, along with _ (5) rice.Finally, we packed a melon big enough for everyone tog e t _ (6) slice Of course, we also to o k (7) teaa n d _ (8) coffee, a n d _ (9) litre of ice-cream Itseemed like a huge quantity of food, but unfortunately we ate it all in the car! By the time we got to the beach, there was nothing left.


E xercise 22 Fill in the correct form of the plural

(Viết dạng sô nhiều của các danh từ sau đây).

Exam ple: child - _Anstver: child - children.

Example: school - _

Ansvver: school - schools1 bike

2 cat - _3 cake - _4 watch - _5 invitation - _

Trang 27

6 game - _7 box - _8 cage - 9 desk - _ _10 pencil - _ _

Exercise 23 Fill in the correct form of the plural

(Viết dạng sô nhiều của các danh từ sau đây).

Example: child - _Answer: child - children.

1 video - _ _ _ _ _ _ —2 recorder - _—-3 class - _ — -4 mouse - _ _ - -5 dinning room - 6 house - _ -7 man - — —8 library - _ _ _ - -9 beach - _ —-1 0 brush - _ —

Exercise 24 Fill in the correct form of the plural

(Viết dạng sô nhiều của các danh từ sau đây)

Exampỉe: child -

-Answ er: child - children.1 ox -

Trang 28

2 roof - _ _3 potato - _4 knife - _5 deer - _6 chief - 7 photo - _B brother-in-law - _

9 video - 10 series - E x ercise 25 Fill in the correct form of the plural

(Viết dạng số nhiều của các danh từ sau đây).E xa m p le: child - _

A nstver: child - children.

1 cat - 2 problem - _3 goose - _4 crow - ' 5 spy - _6 glass - _7 sandwich - _8 fish - _9 disco - _10 bag - _

Trang 29

E xercise 26 Fill in the correct form of the plural

(Viết dạng s ố nhiều của các danh từ sau đây).E xam ple: child -

Answer: child - children.

1 bus - _2 door - _3 trouble - _4 mango - _5 loaf - _6 cherry - _7 tomato - _8 half - _9 dish - _10 flower - _

E xercise 27 Fill in the correct form of the plural

(Viết dạng s ố nhiều của các danh từ sau đây)E xam ple: child - _

Ansiver: child - children.

1 Computer - _2 life - _3 carpet - _4 wife - _5 bed - _6 night - _

Trang 30

7 cloud - _8 watch - 9 city - 10 lion - _11 crash - _12 sky - _13 pen - _14 hero - _15 mountain - _

E x ercise 28 Fill in the correct form of the plural

(Viết dạng số nhiều của các danh từ sau đây)

E xam ple: child - _Answer: child - children.

1 sit-in - _2 dish - 3 kilo - _4 office - _5 index - _6 cow - _7 park - _8 edge - _9 cupful - _10 cactus - _11 copy - _

Trang 31

1 2 echo -

13. hoof - _

14. teach-in -

15. crisis - E xercise 29 Fill in the following words in order to

form to useful phrases (Điền các từ vào chỗ trống đê tạo

thành một cụm danh từ có nghĩa advice, chocolate, jam, lemonade, meat, milk, oil, rice, tea, tennis).

Example: a cube o f

Answer: a cube of sugar

1 a piece o f _2 a packet o f _

3. a bar o f _

4. a glass o f _

5. a cup o f _6 a bottle o f _7 a slice o f _8 a barrel o f _9 a game o f _

Trang 32





milk children water fun dogs people

Exercise 31 Using much or many (Dừng much hay many).

1 _ CDs

2 _ music

3 _ cups4 _ juice5 _ pencils

6 _ cheese

7 _ cornílakes

8 pizzas

9 lemonade

Exercise 32 Choose the best answer to complete these

sentences (Chọn đáp án thích hợp đê hoàn thành các

câu sau đây).

1 H ow people are Corning?

(a) lots(b) much

(c) a lot

(d) many

Trang 33

2 There have b e e n _ crimes since the policenew task force was created

(a) any(b) every(c) much(d) fewer3 I h a v e _ questions for you Do you have aminute to discuss them with me?

(a) several(b) every(c) each(d) none4 I go to the gym day I like my weeklyroutine and exercise makes me happy

(a) many(b) some(c) every(d) lots of5 _ of the dogs are nice We're training theones th at are not ửiendly

(a) Alot(b) Much(c) Every(d) Numerous

Trang 34

6 _ of the kids a t school are mean to me W hat

should I do?(a) Much(b) Every(c) Some(d) Any7 I water the p l a n t s _ other day I think I'mw atering them too much

(a) much

(b) all

(c) every(d) lots of8 1 bought a toy f o r of you.(a) each

(b) every(c) much(d) any9 I lik e _ of the cars I don't know which oneto choose

(a) every(b) much(c) numerous(d) both

Trang 35

10 complaints have been made about thenoise level at this house Please turn the music down I’m going to give you a warning for now.

(a) Every(b) Each(c) Much(d) Numerous

Exercise 33 Choose the best answer to complete

these sentences (Chọn đáp án thích hợp để hoàn thành

các câu sau đây).

1 " _ of you will graduate in June, but otherswill not This is a competitive course, so good luck," the engineering professor said

(a) Much(b) Every(c) Some(d) Any2 There is to o _ traíílc in this City I want tomove to the country

(a) many(b) few(c) much(d) a lot

Trang 36

3 There i s _ of noise Corning from the housenext door Can you go over there and ask them to keep it down? It's almost midnight.

(a) much(b) many(c) fewer(d) a lot4 You have to get a second job because we need _ money to make ends meet

(a) many(b) much(c) more(d) a lot5 I only have a _ orchids Hovvever, I w ant tobuy more in the future

(a) some(b) few(c) fewer(d) lesser6 Do you h a v e _ money to pay for your car


(a) a lot(b) fewer(c) enough(d) little

Trang 37

7 1 need to g e t _ gas My tank is almost empty.I'm going to fill up at the gas station on the corner.

(a) some(b) any(c) much(d) many8 We need _ computers for the students inthis classroom There are 20 students in this class, but we only have 15 computers

(a) a little(b) much(c) a lot(d) more9 We should ride our bicycles to work more so thatwe can cut down on air pollution There is to o -pollution in this City

(a) many(b) few(c) much(d) some10 You h a v e _ of candles in your house Whydo you so many of them?

(a) some(b) much(c) a lot(d) many


Trang 38

E xercise 34 Choose the best answer to complete

these sentences (Chọn đáp án thích hợp đ ể hoàn thành

các câu sau đây).

1 I g e t _ cavities these days because I startedflossing my teeth at night

(a) much(b) fewer(c) any(d) a lot2 Do you h a v e _ ideas you want to share w ithus about the new playground?

(a) any(b) each(c) all(d) none3 There were 12 cookies here, but, now, therea r e n 't _ left Who took all of the cookies?

(a) any(b) none(c) every(d) numerous4 I called you twice a n d , time, I got theansw ering machine

Trang 39

(a) any(b) each(c) both(d) all5 _ of you will be punished unless the culpritspeaks up right now Who put this graffiti on this wall?

(a) All(b) Every(c) Numerous(d) Any6 I asked you the same question times, butyou didn't answer Were you daydreaming or something?

(a) several(b) each(c) all(d) any7 I don't h a v e sympathy for you becauseyou knew th at he was bad news Why did you start dating him in the íĩrst place?

(a) none(b) all(c) any(d) many

Trang 40

8 of the leaves on our trees in thebackyard are turning brown We have to w ater them soon

(a) All(b) Every(c) Any(d) Numerous9 _ people think th at gardening is boring Idon't agree at all

(a) Any(b) Much(c) None(d) Some

10 You roll your e y e s time I ask you aquestion W hat's wrong with you?

(a) all(b) every(c) some(d) lots of11 I don't h a v e _ energy today I'm so tired.I think I'm going to take a nap

(a) any(b) none(c) some(d) all

Ngày đăng: 22/08/2024, 23:33



