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Đáp án Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành du lịch 5 EHOU Đại học Mở (đầy đủ)

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TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH DU LỊCH 5 - HM14 Hướng dẫn cách tra đáp án: Những câu hỏi chung chung thì anh chị tra cứu bằng đáp án cho nhanh (phím tắt CTRL + F) Có nhiều đáp án giống nhau, hoặc trùng nhau, nhưng khác câu hỏi, anh chị đọc kỹ câu hỏi. Chúc anh chị thi tốt! 1. Choose correct order of these phrases: As a / means / let me say/ for us / what this / final point. As a final point, let me say what this means for us. As a final point, let me means what this say for us. As a final point, let us say this means what for me. As a final point, let us means what this say for me. 2. When you want to signal the end of the presentation, you say: Ok, I think that’s everything I wanted to say. I’d like to run through my main points again… Just to summarize the main points of my talk… Are there any questions?

Trang 2


Hướng dẫn cách tra đáp án: Những câu hỏi chung chung thì anh chị tra cứu bằng đáp án cho nhanh (phím tắt CTRL + F)

Có nhiều đáp án giống nhau, hoặc trùng nhau, nhưng khác câu hỏi, anh chị đọc kỹ câu hỏi.

Chúc anh chị thi tốt!

Trang 3

1 Choose correct order of these phrases: As a / means / let me say/ for us / what this / final point.

As a final point, let me say what this means for us.

As a final point, let me means what this say for us.As a final point, let us say this means what for me.As a final point, let us means what this say for me.

2 When you want to signal the end of the presentation, you say:

Ok, I think that’s everything I wanted to say.

I’d like to run through my main points again…Just to summarize the main points of my talk…Are there any questions?

3 When you want to signal the end of the presentation, you say:

Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation.

Are there any questions?In my opinion, we should…

Just to summarize the main points of my talk…4 When you want to suggest something, you say:

In my opinion, we should…

I’m now nearing the end of my talk…As a final point, I’d like to…

To sum up, then

5 When you want to suggest something, you say:

We'd therefore recommend that we

As a final point, I’d like to…

Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation.To sum up then, we …

6 When you want to summarize the main point, you say:

Trang 4

7 When you want to summarize the main point, you say:

Before I stop let me go through my main pointsagain.

We’d suggest ….

Thank you all for listening.

Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation.8 When you want to welcome the question, you say:

We would like to answer all your questions now.

Does that answer your question?

If I understand you correctly, you are saying/ asking …I didn’t quite catch that Could you go over that again?

9 Where is the main stress in the first sentence? Sales are up on last year But profits have hardly moved at all.

SALES are up on last year.Sales are UP on last year.Sales ARE up on last year.

Sales are up on LAST year.

10 Where is the main stress in the first sentence? Sales are up on last year But then that was a particularly bad year.

Sales are up on LAST year.

Sales ARE up on last year.Sales are UP on last year.SALES are up on last year.

11 Where is the main stress in the first sentence? The British will never agree to that But the Germans just might.

The BRITISH will never agree to that.

The British will never agree to THAT.The British will NEVER agree to that.The British will never AGREE to that.

Trang 5

12 Choose correct order of these phrases: Before I / key issues / go over / the / stop, / let me / again

Before I stop, let me go over the key issues again.

Before I go over, let me stop the key issues again.Before I go over the key issues, let me stop again.Before I go over the key issues again, let me stop.

13 Choose correct order of these phrases: earlier/ go/ back/ to/ let’s/ what/ for a moment/ were/ we/ discussing

Let’s go back to we were discussing what for a moment earlier.Let’s go to back what we were discussing for a moment earlier.

Let’s go back for a moment to what we were discussing earlier.

Let’s go back to earlier what we were discussing for a moment.14 Choose correct order of these phrases: Finally,/ like to / issue/

highlight / I/ would / one / key

Finally, I'd like to highlight one key issue.

I finally like one key issue to highlight.

I would highlight one key issue to like finally.I finally would to like highlight one issue key.

15 Choose correct order of these phrases: I’d like to/ red column/the/ these/ figures/ your/ attention/ draw/ in/ to

I’d like to draw your figures in these red column to the attention.

I’d like to draw your attention to these figures in the red column.

I’d like to draw the red column to theses figures in your attention.

I’d like to draw these attention to your red column in the figures.

Trang 6

16 Choose correct order of these phrases: pie chart/ last/ total/ year/ our/ shows/ this/ spending/ for/ the

The pie chart shows this our spending for last total year.Our pie chart shows the total spending for this last year.Our pie chart shows the last year for this total spending.

This pie chart shows our total spending for the last year.

17 Choose correct order of these phrases: That/ logistics / just about / to say / about / I wanted / everything / covers

That covers just about everything I wanted to say about logistics.

I say everything about logistics I wanted to cover about.That just about averything covers I wanted to say about logistics.

That say just about I wanted to covers everything about logistics.

18 Choose correct order of these phrases: To sum / looked at / product range / up then, / the new / first/ we

To sum up then, we first looked at the product range.

My next slides shows how the market much has changed.My next slides has changed how much the market shows.My next slides shows how changed the market has much.19 Choose correct order of these phrases: Well, / the end/ of /

today / brings me / to / my talk / that

Well, that brings me to the end of my talk today.

Well, that brings me of my talk to the end today.Well, my talk brings me that to the end of today.Well, my talk that brings me to the end of today.

Trang 7

20 Choose correct order of these phrases: will/ I/ mentioned/ I’ve/main/ now/ idea/ summarize

I now will summarize idea main I’ve mentioned.Now I will main summarize idea I’ve mentioned.I’ve mentioned main idea I will summarize now.

Now I will summarize main idea I’ve mentioned.

21 Choose correct order of these phrases:move/ let’s/ next/ to/ the/ point/ on

Let’s the next point move on to.

Let’s move on to the next point.

Let’s the next point move on to.Let’s move the next point on to.

22 Choose correct order of these phrases:would like/ I/ to/ expand on/ move on/ before/ we/ the results/ we/ got

I would like expand on to the results we move on before we got.

I would like to move on the results we expand on before we got.

I would like to expand on to the result we move on before we got.

I would like to expand on the results we got before we move on.

23 Choose phrase which has the same meaning with underlined phrase: I’ll take care the first part of our presentation.

I’m in charge of

I’ll divideMy purpose isI’ll look at

Trang 8

24 An external presentation is a presentation toYour teachers

People outside your company

People inside your companyYour classmates

25 An internal presentation is NOT a presentation:

To your clients

To your boss

To your classmateTo your teachers

26 An internal presentation is NOT a presentation:

To your vistors

To your bossTo your staff

To your colleagues

27 An internal presentation is a presentation:

To your classmates

To your friendsTo other companyTo your clients

28 An internal presentation is a presentation:

I know you are waiting

Trang 9

30 Choose phrase which has the same meaning with underlined phrase: If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to to ask us.Go through

Give me a chanceGive up

Feel free

31 Choose phrase which has the same meaning with underlined phrase: We are here today to go through some key strategies.Take care

32 Choose word which has different stress patterndynamic

33 Choose word which has different stress patternconsumer spending

market forcescost control

market share

34 Choose word which has different stress patterninconvenience


Trang 10

35 Choose word which has different stress patternoptional

36 Choose word which has different stress patternpresentation

38 Choose word which has different stress patternprice war


Trang 11

41 Fill in the blank: , I’d like to tell you something about the tour.

according toapart from

42 Fill in the blank: _ being too big, this machine is also outdated.

apart from

concerningaccording tofurthermore

43 Fill in the blank: _ this, I’d like to say that our business is going well.

in addition tomoreover

45 Fill in the blank: I’ll give you an overview of some figures to virus corona.


Trang 12

46 Fill in the blank: I’m afraid I don’t _your question.Could you be a bit more specific?

47 Fill in the blank: If you _, I’d prefer not to discuss that today.

don’t mind

understandnot satisfy

48 Fill in the blank: Let me to the key issue.

come back

49 Fill in the blank: Let me briefly what I’ve said before.move on

Trang 13

51 Fill in the blank: The pie chart our percentage of the market share.

54 How to say this number: 1,600

sixteen hundred & one thousand six hundred are correct

one thousand six hundred

sixteen hundredsixteen zero zero

55 How to say this number: 2/5second fifth

Trang 14

57 How to write this number: fifteen hundred15000

58 How to write this number: one point seven billion

1.7 bn

1,7 bn1.07 bn17 bn

59 How to write this number: two point five2.05

60 How to write this number: two quarters2,4

61 We start introduction part of a presentation by:Introducing outline

Introducing question part

Introducing length of presentation

Trang 15

62 What is this?

flip chart

data projectortransparency

63 What is this?

64 What is this?

data projector


Trang 16

66 What is this?

pin board

blackboardflip chartpointer

67 What should be included in a presentation’s conclusion?

A clear signal that you are about to end

Trang 17

70 What type of visuals is this?

pie chart

mapbar chart

technical drawing

71 What type of visuals is this?

pie chartflow chartbar chart

Trang 18

72 What type of visuals is this?

technical drawingbar chart

pie chart

73 What you should do in question time?

All are correct.

Check you have understood the questionTake time to think before you answer

Listen carefully to the question - don't interrupt74 When you want to change direction, you use:

To turn to

To concludeTo go backTo summarize

Trang 19

75 When you want to check whether the questioner is satisfied or not, you say:

Does that answer your question?

I’m afraid that’s Not my field.

Good point, but I’d prefer not to discuss that today.

Not to discuss that today deal with this at some other time.76 When you want to make sure you understand the question,

you say:

If I understand you correctly, you are saying/ asking …

Thank you all for listening.

Well, this brings me to the end of my presentation.We would like to answer your question…

77 When you want to make your next point, you use:

To move on

To recap

To summarizeTo go back

78 When you want to refer to an earlier point, you use:To expand on

To recap

To concludeTo go back

79 When you want to repeat the main points, you use:To to move on

To recap

To expand onTo conclude

Trang 20

80 Where is the main stress in the first sentence? The British willnever agree to that Not in a million years.

The British will NEVER agree to that.

The BRITISH will never agree to that.The British will never AGREE to that.The British will never agree to THAT.81 Which expression is using formal style?

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

I’m Lan.

Ok, let’s get started.Can we start now?

82 Which expression is using informal style?

Thanks for coming.

I would like to tell you 3 main things.

Perhaps we can leave any questions you may have until the end of the presentation.

On behalf of my department, may I welcome you to our presentation today.

83 Which part does this sentence belong to: “Good morning My name is Lan I am your tour guide today.”

Greeting, name, position


Trang 21

85 Which part does this sentence belong to: “I would like to talk to you today about benefits of online classes.”

Reference to audience

86 Which part does this sentence belong to: “This talk is designed to provide you different views of an online class.”Greeting

89 Which syllable is stressed in word: collaboration2


Trang 22

90 Which syllable is stressed in word: decision1 & 2

91 Which syllable is stressed in word: economical4

93 Which syllable is stressed in word: politician

94 Which syllable is stressed in word: presentation4

Trang 23

96 Which syllable is stressed in word: supervision1

98 You use “ to elaborate on” when you want toDepart from your plan

Finish your talkGive the basics

Give a wider perspective

100 You use “to summarize” when you want to:Make your next point

Start your talk

Give the basics

Change direction

Ngày đăng: 25/07/2024, 14:50

