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rise and shine 2 pupils book

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It’s behind the wall.4Let’s try new activitiesVerbs with play: play a board game, play football,play tennis, play the guitarCan he/she…?. / No, I’m not.6 Let’s have holiday funReview 3 A

Trang 2

Vocabulary 1Grammar 1Vocabulary 2Grammar 2

to the Rise and Shine Explorers Club

Numbers 11–20; days of the week

It’s Monday! This is / That’s (Stella).

School items: notebook,pen, rubber, ruler

This is my / That’s your (pen).How many (pencils)?

1Let’s explore together

My things: backpack, belt, cap,coat, glasses, scarf, trainers,watch

Have you got…? Yes, I have / No, I haven’t.

Adjectives: dark, fair,long, short

He’s / She’s got…

2Let’s be happy at home

Review 1

Important to me

(Units 1 and 2)

Home: bathroom, bedroom,garage, garden, hall, kitchen,living room, stairs

Where’s (Mum)? She’s in the (kitchen).

Furniture and objects in a house: bed, lamp, sofa,table

Where’s the (lamp)? It’s on / next to the (desk).

3Let’s explore nature

Farm animals: chicken, cow,donkey, goat, goose, horse,sheep, turkey

There’s a

(chicken) There isn’t a (cow).

On the farm: bush, fence,rock, wall

Where’s…? It’s (behind) (the wall).

4Let’s try new activities

Verbs with play: play a board game, play football,play tennis, play the guitar

Can he/she…? Yes, he/she can / No, he/she can’t.

5Let’s share our food

Food: burger, biscuit, carrot,cereal, egg, fi sh, juice, orange

What are you doing? I’m (cooking).

Meal prep: cook, grow,make, wash

Are you (making) (a salad)? Yes, I am / No, I’m not.

6 Let’s have holiday fun

Review 3

Around me

(Units 5 and 6)

Holiday activities: build a sandcastle, collect shells, go on holiday, play on the beach, read comics, sleep

I want to (play on the beach).

Time of day: in the morning, in the afternoon,in the evening, at night

Do you want to (play) (in the morning)? Yes, I do / No, I don’t.

Celebrations Let them shine!: balloon, barbecue, cake, candle, present, sparkler

Beautiful world: desert, hill, jungle, mountain, ocean, sky

Amazing oceans: dolphin, octopus, seahorse, seal, shark, whale Let them fl y!: cloud, day, moon, night, star, sun

Scope and sequence

Course overview


Trang 3

My sounds

Describing objects in a basic way

I like numbers and maths.How many (pencils)?

Imparting personal information

My favourite number is (fourteen).


Explorers Club passportw, yDescribing people in

a basic way

I appreciate my community.builder, chef, explorer, teacher

Celebrate real-life heroes Appreciate people in your community.

Commenting on a photoLook at this!

What a great photo!

A perfect house

oo, eeDescribing what there is / isn’t

I learn about the five senses.hear, see, smell, taste, touch

Getting to know nature through the senses Notice the details.

Asking for and giving information

Excuse me, where’s (the garden)? It’s (next to) (the café).

A five senses park

a, iTalking about what people can do

I know how to enjoy music.drums, piano, recorder, violin

What do you need to play these instruments? Discovering different sounds and how they make you feel.

Accepting/declining an invitation

Would you like to join my club? Yes, of course! / No, thanks.

I like the sea I don’t I like cold weather.

A holiday trip

Course overview 5

Trang 4

Introductions This is (Tess) That’s (Oscar).


2 Point, trace and say

3 Write your name

to the Rise and Shine Explorers Club

Lesson 1

Who do you know?

1 0.04 Listen and explore.

My name is

Tell me!

Trang 5

Lesson 2

1 0.05 Sing and act

Song Days of the week; numbers 11–20

3 Choose and say

I can recognise days of the week and numbers up to 20.

It’s Monday!Thirteen!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20!Hooray! Hooray! Let’s explore today!Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Friday, Saturday, Sunday!

Hooray! Hooray! Let’s explore today!

2 0.07 Listen again and read Tick (✓) and say.

Trang 6

Lesson 3

Story language It’s (rainy).

1 0.08 Listen, point and say.

Explorers Club

Welcome to the Explorers Club!

Trang 7

7Lesson 4 and 5

Vocabulary and structuresThis is my (pen) That’s your (ruler).

1 0.10

Listen and fi nd.

My sounds3 0.12

Listen and say Then write.

What’s this?This is my pen.

What’s that?That’s my ruler


Trang 8

I like numbers and maths.

Lesson 6

Can you count in twos? 10 … 12 … 14 …

Think and share!

My Everyday EnglishAsking how many; How many (pencils)? (Twelve).

1 0.14 Listen, write and say

Trang 9

My Explorers Club passport

Let’s explore together!

Unit projectExplorers Club passport

Favourite dayI likeI’ve gotFavourite number

Trang 10

Vocabulary My things

Let’s explore together

Where are the children?

1 1.01 Listen and explore.

Lesson 1

2 1.02 Listen, stick and say.

3 Trace and read.

I’ve gota cap.

Trang 11

Song and structures Have you got (a scarf)? Yes, I have / No, I haven’t. 11Lesson 2

I can shine!

I can name my things.

1 1.03 Sing and act.

2 1.05 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗) Say.

Have you got a watch?

Trang 12

12 Story valueA story about working together

2 1.07

Listen or watch.

Lesson 3

1 How many? Look at the story Count and write the number.

Have you got a mascot?

Have you got backpacks?

A cat?

Let’s look for ideas.

Yes, I have! Here you are!I’ve got lots

of things for the club!

Thank you!

No, I haven’t.

Explorers Club

Trang 13

The Explorers Club has got

a mascot! Look! The

mascot has got long ears, too

Peanut has got long ears.

That’s a good idea!I know! A rabbit!

Let’s make a rabbit mascot!

Story languageHave you got (a mascot)?; (Peanut) has got (long ears).

onder Imagine BuildG rowShine

What has the club got? Is Peanut happy?

Let’s imagine!

Trang 14

14 Vocabulary and structures Adjectives; She’s got (long) hair.

3 1.10 Listen, read and say.

She’s got long hair.He’s got short hair She’s got dark hair He’s got fair hair

Lesson 4

She’s got long hair.

4 Read and match Then say.


Trang 15

CommunicationDescribing objects; sounds w and y

I can shine!

I can describe my friends and talk about what they’ve got.

Add one more.

3 1.12 Listen, write and say.

onder Build G rowShine

It’s windy! Look at your

yellow watch!

She’s got a short coat and

new glasses

She’s got a long belt, too Blue backpack!

Have you got glasses?

Trang 16

We think about our community.

Global CitizenshipMy community

3 Circle the odd one out

I appreciate my community.

Think and share!

Trang 17

Likes 21 Comments 1

Commenting on a photo

I can shine!

I can comment on a photo.

2 Read Then write.

3 Take a photo and say

This is me and my neighbours It’s our street party

Look at this!

Trang 18

Let’s make a club book!

Step 1

Unit reviewUnit objectives review

1 Find and write 2 Look, think and tick (✓) for you Ask and answer.

4 Think! Who’s in your club? Write and say.

coat scarf glasses belt watch backpack cap trainers

is in my club.

It’s Anna!She’s got long, fair hair She’s got

a big, yellow watch Who is it?Have you got glasses?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Trang 19

Step 2 Create

I share toys

Time to shine!

I appreciate my friends and community.

Unit projectA club book

8 Share your club

book with the class

5 Think about your friends What have they got? Tick (✓).

That’s my best friend She’s got

long hair.What

a great photo!

Look! This is Zana.

Trang 20

Listen, stick and say.

3 Trace and read.

I’ve got a bedroom I haven’t got

Trang 21

She’s in the living room.

1 2.03 Sing and act.

2 2.05 Listen and match Say.

3 Ask and answer.

Where’s Clara?

She’s in the garden.

Trang 22

22 Story valueA story about feeling happy at home

2 2.07

Listen or watch.

Lesson 3

1 Look at the story Where is Clara? Tick (✓).

living roomkitchengarden

My favourite room is the

The house is great!

I like the chair! It’s fun!

Oh and look at this lamp! It’s

Where’s Peanut?

Hmm I don’t know Let’s look

Trang 23

23I can shine!

I can understand a story about places in a house.

3 Who has a bedroom in the garden? Read and circle

4 Act out.

Haha! Peanut has got a house, too!Tess, Oscar!

Come to the

garden… Look! What’s this?

Oh, it’s a really small

bedroom…Is he in the

What can you do to feel happy at home?

Let’s imagine!

Story languageWhere’s (Peanut)? Let’s look in (the bathroom).

onder Imagine BuildG rowShine

Trang 24

24 Vocabulary and structuresFurniture; Where’s (the table)? It’s (next to) (the bed).

Where’s the lamp? It’s on the table.Where’s the table? It’s next to the bed.

4 Circle four diff erences Choose, write and say.

3 2.10

Listen, read and say.

Lesson 41 2.08

Listen and fi nd 2 2.09

Listen and number Say

Where’s the table?It’s next to the bed.

Trang 25

25I can shine!

I can say where things are in my house.

and play

Lesson 51 2.11

Listen and match.

CommunicationPrepositions of place; sounds r and l

Where’s the lamp?

Where’s the cat?

It’s in the bedroom It’s on

Trang 26

I learn about diff erent

Listen, look and fi nd 2 2.16

Listen, point and say.

1 2 3 4

What makes a home?

Think and share!

Trang 27

My Everyday EnglishMaking suggestions; Let’s put (the pencils) here Good idea! 27

Making suggestions

I can shine!

I can make a suggestion.

2 Choose and write 3 Tidy your desk Say.

Lesson 71 2.17

Read Then listen and write.

1 tablet on the

2 backpack on the 3 pyjamas on the

pencils books rulersrubbers notebooks

Let’s put the tablet here.

Yes, good idea!

Let’s put the

pencils here.Good idea!

Trang 28

Let’s design a perfect house

Step 1

28 Unit reviewUnit objectives review

1 Look and write.

2 Look and circle Ask and answer.

Where’s the cat? It’s in the garden / living room.Where’s the fi sh? It’s in the kitchen / bedroom.

Where’s the lamp?

Trang 29

house design with the class

5 Which homes do you like? Tick (✓) or cross (✗).

Unit projectA perfect house

I care about my home.

Let’s put the lamp on the table.

is next to the table.

What a great house!

Trang 30

Review 1Units 1 and 2

1 2.18 Listen and number.

3 Read and write.

2 Look and point Then ask and answer.

living room bedroom garden

Have you got a backpack?

Yes, I have

Important to meReview

Trang 31

31Time to shine!

Review 1 315 Read and tick (✓).


6 Vote Say and sing

My favourite song is

My favourite new word is

Have you got a backpack?

He’s got a watch Where’s

the coat?

3 I can comment on a photo.

4 I can say where things are.

1 I can read and write words about homes and things.

2 I can talk about my home and my things.

4 Complete the checklist for you.

• backpack

• • • •

Trang 32

Vocabulary Farm animals

Let’s explore nature

Where are the children?

1 3.01 Listen and explore.

Lesson 1

2 3.02 Listen, stick and say.

3 Trace and read.

you live?

Tell me!

Trang 33

I can name farm animals.

There’s a goose and a turkey There isn’t a frog.

3 Choose, think and say.

There isn’t a fox or a duck or a turtleOn the farm, on the farm, on the city farm!There’s a cow and a donkey and a horse, too

On the farm, on the farm, on the city farm!There’s a chicken and a goose and a turkey, too.

On the farm, on the farm! (x2)On the city farm!

There’s a sheep and a goat, all for you!On the farm, on the farm, on the city farm!

On the city farm!

It’s got four legs It’s white.

A sheep! There’s a sheep


Trang 34

34 Story valueA story about making animals happy

Listen! What’s that noise?

I can hear a cow

It isn’t the cow Look! It’s behind

the cow!And this is for the chickens!

four legstwo legs

Let’s feed the animals This is

for the horse.

Explorers Club

Trang 35

35I can shine!

I can understand a story about farm animals.

3 Read and match.

4 Act out.

I like goats!

I don’t know!

We like farm animals and we

love you, too Oh, look!

There’s a goat

He’s here!

Peanut! Where are you?

Oscar! Clara! Where’s Peanut?

Story languageWhere’s (the sheep)? It’s (behind) (the fence).

onder Imagine BuildG rowShine

Where’s Peanut? How do you think he feels?

Let’s imagine!

Trang 36

Vocabulary and structuresWhere’s (the cow)? It’s (behind) (the wall).

Where’s the cow? It’s behind the wall.Is there a horse behind the wall?

No, there isn’t! There’s a cow behind the wall!

4 Follow and fi nd Write and say.

It’s behind the wall.


Trang 37

37I can shine!

I can ask and answer about what there is on a farm.

Listen, write and say.

Lesson 5

1 3.11 Listen and number Say.

CommunicationDescribing what there is; sounds oo and ee

There’s a fox on the farm.

onder Build G rowShine

My sounds

A goose with boots.A sheep with teeth!

Where’s the chicken?It’s behind

Trang 38

Listen, look and fi nd 2 3.16

Listen, point and say.

Global CitizenshipThe fi ve senses

I can taste an apple!

I learn about the fi ve senses.

What’s your favourite smell?

Think and share!

Trang 39

My Everyday EnglishAsking for and giving information; Where’s (the cafe)? It’s (next to) (the pond). 39

Asking for and giving information

I can shine!

I can give information.

3 Ask and answer.

Lesson 71 3.17

Read and number Listen and check.

a There’s a café next to the garden

b There’s a pond behind the trees

c There’s a playground behind the café

d There’s a city farm next to the playground

It’s behind the cafe.

Trang 40

Let’s make a fi ve senses park map!

Step 1

40 Unit reviewUnit objectives review

1 Look and write.

2 Look, choose and complete Then say.

There’s a behind the

3 Ask and answer.

4 Think! What’s your favourite outdoor space near your house?


Trang 41

Step 2 Create

Time to shine!

I explore nature.

Unit project A fi ve senses park map

Draw and write.

5 What can you do in your park? Tick (✓) or cross (✗).

with the class

In my park I can smell fl owers Look! There’s a goose next

to the bush.

Look! There’s a turkey It’s behind

Trang 42

Where are the children?

1 4.01 Listen and explore.

Lesson 1

2 4.02 Listen, stick and say.

3 Trace and read.

Trang 43

Song and structures Can you (skip)? No, I can’t But I can (swim). 43

I can name physical activities.

Can you swim?

Yes, I can / No, I can’t.

Try! Try! Try! (x2)

Can you ride a bike? No, I can’t.Can you catch a ball? No, I can’t.

Can you skate? No, I can’t.Can you climb a wall? No, I can’t.Can you swing and swim? No, I can’t.

Can you kick a ball? No, I can’t.Try! Try! Try! (x2)

Yes, I can!

2 4.05 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗) Say.

1 4.03 Sing and act SOng

Trang 44

Look at you! Can you swim,

Clara?Can you climb, Tess?

Story valueA story about trying new activities

Explorers Club

Trang 45

I can shine!

I can understand a story about different activities.

3 Read Then write T (True) or F (False)

I’ve got Peanut!

No, Oscar You can’t Let

me try.

Hooray! She can climb!

Go Tess! You can do it!

Well done, Tess !Hm I can

4 Act out.What does Oscar

want to do?

Let’s imagine!

Story languageCan you (climb)? No, I can’t / Yes, I can.

1 Oscar can swing He helps Peanut

2 Tess can climb She helps Peanut

3 Clara can swim She helps Peanut

Trang 46

My friend

Vocabulary and structuresActivities with play; Can (he) play (tennis)? Yes, (he) can./No, (he) can’t.

Can she play tennis? Yes, she can!Can he play football? No, he can’t!But he can play the guitar Yes, he can!

4 Ask and answer Complete Then say.

3 4.10 Listen, read and say.

Lesson 4

1 4.08 Listen and fi nd 2 4.09 Listen and number Say

play the guitar

play football play tennis

play a board game

Can he play tennis? Yes, he can / No, he can’t.

Can he / she play football? ,

Can he / she play a board game? ,


Trang 47

Add one more.

3 4.12 Listen, write and say.

Lesson 5

1 4.11 Listen and tick (✓) or cross (✗) Say.

I can shine!

I can ask and answer about what others can do.

CommunicationTalking about what people can do; sounds a and i.

Can you skip?

Yes, I can! Can he skip?No, he

can’t but he can climb!

No, he can’t but he can skate!

Trang 48

I know how to enjoy music.

3 Read and tick (✓).

Lesson 6

1 4.15 Listen, look and fi nd 2 4.16 Listen and number.

Global CitizenshipMusical instruments

How dowe play?

What’s your favourite musical instrument?

Can you play it?

Think and share!


Trang 49

Accepting or declining an invitation

3 Read and complete.

My Everyday EnglishWould you like to join my club? Yes, (of course)!/No, (thanks). 49

Join my club on after school!

At the club, you can

• play the guitar

• play tennis

• play board games

Would you like to join my club? Yes / No

I’d like to play:

tennis / football / drumsthe recorder / board games

I can come on:

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri

your club.

No, thanks I’d like to join

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2024, 11:57