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Family and Friends còn vượt ra khỏi phạm vi lớp học để phát huy cho học sinh những giá trị đạo đức liên quan đến gia đình và bạn bè: hợp tác, chia sẻ, giúp đỡ và trân trọng những người giúp đỡ mình.Ngoài ra cuốn sách iúp các con học kiến thức lại có thêm bài tập làm bài kiểm tra rèn luyện lại bài học, cùng với đó ba mẹ sử dụng giáo trình teacher để hướng dẫn và luyện tập thêm cho các con ở nhà.

ClossBook NoomiSimmons OXTORD IJNIVERSITY PRESS 5f o r f e r : Wdrerebod I've got brown hoir Is he under the bed? SchooI t hi ngs Where'sBillg? He'sgot greeneges Thisis mg cousin Fomil.g Colours Thereis Thereore Numbers1-20 This/ Thotis These/ Thoseore Reviewof the otphobet ond initioI sounds R e o d i n go: d e s c r i p t i o n Listening:identiJgingpeopLeond objects Speoking:How mang ?Thereore Writing: copi!Lisotion,writing obout mg c[ossroom(Workbook) We're/Theg're Arethey ? Reviewof digrophs: ch sh th ch: chair teocher sh: shoes fish th: thumb both R:o poem:'Mgfeel.ings' L:identiJging Jeel.ings 5: Is he sod?No,he isn't.He's w rit ingoboutm g W : l ongondshortforms, (WB) feel.ings Reviewof CVCwords: oerou o: cot von e: Peg bed i: bin fig oi mop dog u: bus jug on o web poge R:inJormotion outdoortogs t: identiJging It's infront of the Sl Where'sthe skoteboordT tobLe W: usingo / an,writingoboutwhot I conond con' tdo (W B ) Consonontbtends: R:o coptionstorg L: identiJgingwhich Jood items ore ovoi[oble 5t Hove gou got apples?Yes,we hove W: questionmorksond fut[ stops,writing o b o u t m g L u n c h( WB ) ihe can/ can't C o nh e .? Outdoor octivities d'}roH Food Num ber s 20-100 SchooI subjects 5chooI rooms After-school octivities Spec ioIdogs Togs Prepositions of ptoce: behind/ infront of nextto / between Hovegou got ? I hove / hoven't Hos he go t ? He hos/ hosn't gr br lr gri qrossgropes br: brush breod lr: frog frisbee R :o d e s c r i p t i o no n o w e b p o ge t: identifgingschoolrooms S: What hove we got in the ort room? We'veoot What / When hove we got ? We'vegot our / their Consonont btends: dr tr cr dr: drum dress tr: truck tree cr: croyoncrob I visit I don't hove Consonont blends: JL pt bI ft: flower fLat pl: pLum plote bL:bLonketblue texts R:informotion t: identifging oJter-schooI octivities SzI reada book.I don't rideo bike writingoboutwhotI ofierschool W: verbs, (WB) Consonontbtends: cI gl sI cL:cloud clock gl: gloves glue st: slide sLippers on mokingo cord R:instructions L:identiJging suitobtepresents for peopte to theirpreJerences occording St Whotdoeshe like?He Likestennis writingobout W: longondshortforms, presentsfor mg mum (WB) W: copitotletters,writingoboutmg schooI (WB) subjects What's the time? It's o'clock He at o'clock Weother Weother octivities Adjectives Peopte Ord i n o I n u mb e rs fufurcs R:informotion texts L:listening for time ondoctivities SzHehosbreakfast W: idqntifging Wh-questions, writingobout m9 dog(W B ) Longvowels: Wheredoeshe work? o + mogic e Heworksin o Lakefoce Doessheworkin o ? gote pLone R:o mogozine interview [: listening for detoiIin on interview 5zWhotore Peter's fovouriteonimols?They're monkegs W: usingcommos with ondin lists,writing oboutwheremgfomiLgworks(WB) Whot'sthe weother Like? It's Puton / Don'tput o n Longvowels: i + mogic e bike white kite |ine nine R:o weother report L: identifgingthe weother ot certointimes from the weother report S: It's Mondog Whot's the weother like? W: verbsond odjectives, writing obout the weother (WB) Present continuous: Whotaregou weoring? What'she weoring? I'm / He'sweoring Longvowels: o + mogic e nose bone rope home stone R:o poem:At the coochstotion' [: identifgingpeopl.ebg their clothing SzWhot's sheweoring? 5he'sweoring He's weoring a red shirt Who is it? W: writing the time, writing obout mg ctothes (WB) Longvowets: u + mogic e Iune tube flute cube R:o descriotive emoiI L:Listening to distinguish between for detoil photos 5zWhot'shedoing?He'sdoncing W: present continuous verbs, writingobout o portg(WB) Long vowels: ee tree cheese green feet three R:on informotion text L:listening for rules SzDon'topenthegote W: usingondto connect writing sentences, obouto form visit(WB) Presentcontinuous: Whot ore gou / theg Ce[ebrotions doing? I'm /We're /Theg're Getting reoog Whot's he / she doing? He's/ She's For m onim ot s Consonontblends: sm sn st sk smt smile smoll SniSnOWSnlke st: stairs stor sk: skg skotes Comporotives: Thiscow is bigger thon thot cow Short& longvowels Postsimple: cub cube I wos/ wosn't top tape Youwere/ weren't pip pipe R:o newspoperorticle L: identifgingpeopLebg theirfeelingsond oPPeoronce SzHe wos a Lion (in the schooLplog) Wzond / or,writingobout me ond mg friends (WB) Postsimpte: Thereweresome/ weren'tong Irregu[orpturots R:o foirgto[e L:identifging octionsondemotions SzWhot'sSuzgdoing?She's Is shesod?No,sheisn't.She's p[urots, W: irregutor writingobouto school opendog(WB) ng/nk ng:ring king swing nk:.bonk sinkpink L ist enond sin g.@ o' =- , l-,;: :l I r:., back welcome Toall ourfriends Funandlearning end! Never r_t; S ingond ': " - : welcome back, lt'sa happyday A dayforlearning, A dayfor playt Listenond reqd.@ o, tr Helfo.My name'sRosy l'vegot brownhair olr Y,, tr n rhisismy cousin,Tim He'sgot greeneyes Hello,everyonel I'vegot a littlebrother.Hisname's Bifly.He'stwo.He'sgot curlyhair He'sgot lotsof teddybears Where'sBilly? t she und e rt h e b e d ? No,he isn't It'sme! aiflyt Leron Two I listento the storgogoinond repeot.Act CircteT (true)or F (fo[se) Rosg's got brownhoir Tim'sgot browneges Bil.l.g isfour T T Timis Rosg's brother got curlghoir Bi[[g's is underthe bed Bil.l,g F F F T T T F F F Listenond number 03 mum dod b roth er sister gr ondm o gr ondpo ount unc le c o u s i n Pointondsog tong short curlg stroight gotcurlyhair mum.She's -= -.rhisis Rosy's -/ brown _ry grey block isRosy's dad.He'sqol H e' s i S he' sgot St or t er Lesron Three I Ask ond onswer Lookondsog.Introduce o friend l rhisis myfriend Hisname's James He'snine L i st enond s ing @o o Singond Mondoy, Tuerdoy, Wednesdoy,Jump! Monday,Tuesday,w ednesday, Jump! Thursday, Friday, Downwitha bump! Saturday, Sunday, Let'ssay'Hi!' Daysof theweek Let'ssay'Coodbyel' 't;' tr ' a 't , t ,!r t r lesson Four Look.Askond onswer bol.l troin cor doLL puzzLe teddg bike Howmanycarsarethere? Listenond point.Askond onswer.@ ot red green geltow blue bl.ock white brown pink oronge purple greg Writethe numbers 10 ten twentg eLeven eighteen thirteen seventeen fifieen fourteen sixteen twelve nineteen Toys,col ours ond numbers 5lor f er I F F J * ts] {,tr ,l , , I +* -., q a, A *n-:+516 ;i = *,d ; f tli: j-fl*i;J {i : # *# Words I Listen,pointond repeot.@ ou Listenond chont.@ o' 6rh Listenond reod oB tookatthe classroom These areyournewtablesandchairs An imalpegs! Thatis our newwhiteboard Andthisisthenew Look! computer And is this a newteddy,Rosy? Doyoulikeournewthings? Yes,we rhisis mynewpencilcase Look, newpencils andpens! Lerron Two Grommor Listento the storgogoinondrepeot Act Thisis the Thotis o new computer Write This new boord Theseore newtob[es Thot Those These Thoseore new pegs iso ruLer P o intond sog choirs penciL cose ore penciLs boord is o computer tobLes ruLer pegs These / Those are Unit I Lesson5ix Listenond write T (true)or F (foLse) @ro' m\$B s\t= Lookond sog birds donkeg H e wa sa giraffes -\\ l \ \ne wasa ^t Th e yw ? ,re \ ) Reod.Circleond Underlineor I L i i :e d onkegs@ h orses I don't Iike dogs or cots L I d o n ' t [iketennis " L" aboL[ 2I tike cokesond bononos I con't swim or ride o bike 4I skote ond ride o horse Todogwe've got EngLishond moths We hoven't got scienceor PE Listening, speokingond writing Uni tl 99 LessonOne Words Listen,pointond repeot.@rou Listenond chont.@ro, ? Listenond reod.@roa Tellmeaboutschool today.Wasit good? Ohyes.ft wasgreat! prize-giving It wasthe school Wewerelate Hurryup! weren'tanychildren There in the classroom Butthereweresometeachers Where' s theprize-givi nE? Look!Lotsof men, womenandchildren andtimt welldone! Rosy Theprizegoesto tOO Un it l5 P eople Wewerethewinners! lt wasa greatday! LessonTwo Grommor Listento the storgogoinond repeot.Act L o okond sog ong chiLdren Therewerenot write Thereweren't Therewere 0nLl C Ime Therewere men chiLdren Thereweren't Therewe!'esometeochers women chiLdren Thereweren't men Thereweren't women Point,qskqnd onswer mon men womon women child w eren' t any / w ere some children Un i t I tgt LesronFour Phonics Listen,pointond repeot.@rs, n nk Listenond chont.@rt, Singa songwhileyou swing,swing,swing Lookatthe kingwith his ring,ring,ring Washyourhandsat the sink,sink,sink Nowyou'rethirsLy, havea drink,drink,drink Reodthe chontogoin.Circtethe soundsng ond nk Listenondcompletethe words.@rt -$ ri ng pi s wi nslnk Uni tl S l O3 irlrl Whqt is the horsedoing? Listenond reod.@r'o Lookof the pictures uzg is o foirground horse She is behind o red horse ond in front of o blue horse She goesround qnd round everg dog But Suzg isn't hcrppg "I wont to run in the fields," she scrgs."I wont to eot the green gross.I wont to be o real horse!" The next dog Suzg movesher hecrd.She movesher toil "Hurroh!" sclgsSuzg."I'm o recrlhorse now!" Suzg runs to the field She eqts the green gross She drinks the fresh woter She is veru, verg hoppg But thot night, Suzg isn't hoppg She'scold She'swet And she'ssccrred "I miss mg friends,"she soUS."I miss the red horse crndthe blue horse." In the morning, Suzg soUSgoodbge to the green gross.She sogsgoodbge to the fresh woter Suzg goesbock to the foirground "I'm o hoppg horse," she sogs."I go round ond round everg dog with mg friends, the red horse clnd the blue horse." 1O4 U n i tl Reoding:o foirytale LesronSix I Listenond number.@'* Point,oskond onswer d rinking running eoting cold hoppu scored sod hot brove Circlethe iesendings.Underlinethe s endings teddg teddies LoLLg tollies bou bogs monkeg monkegs I ' v e got f our t eddies Ther eor en' tonUbog sh e r e L T hereo re L otsof tog s in m g bedr oom S heLike sL oL Lie s Lookot the fun ng mon ke gs Listening,speoking,writing Unit l5 105 Review5 'n @iii; I Circlethe odd-one-out Write f-r"rt I chitd ren fh -*I t-r'iddl (*.tl t *."nd l m an t' ' l women nought g G"rrkrl fu",'thl f-fj"t l f-q.,i.tI [-fj"tl @ Lookond circlethe correctword L T hegirl is r her br ot her / sh orte thon Hercootis smotler/ biggerthon her brother's coot S heis fo ster/ slowe rtho n her br ot her T hebogis foster/ slowe rthon hiss is t er n- Review a ar- - Tick(/) the picturethot contoins the sound 1u e 2ie 3U 4o-eo\ ffi t!trtr 1: 5F 6o Reodond circlethe correctword L On Wednesdog, it ptog / were our schooL Thechildrenwosn't/ weren't in the clossroom Theg wos / were in the pLogground Ourmumsond dods wos/ were theretoo Ourteocherwosn'tI weren't sod He wos / were verg proudof us ALl, the childrenwos/ were verghoppg! Reodqnd colour M y wor k in u n ifs | , l ond 15 OK g @Go o d ( ** { 8e I '*rl I It E xcel f e n f Review5 1O7 Gr:^Tilor refeqgnc_e Unif I fnis iso computer Thotiso choir These oretobles Those oreposters Reodond tick (/l or cross(X) Thotis o penc ilc os e Thoseorepegs L T heseis m gb og Thisorepictures Unlt We'rehoppg Theg're tired Write _theg Unif Aretheghungrg? thegore Yes, No,thegqren't hoppu? Yes, theghot?No, I conskote ConsheptoUtennis? Yes,shecon I con'tswim No,shecqn't Orderthe words L she footbotl.ptog ? Con Yes,she skoteboordcon't I Unit Hovegougot o mitkshoke? Yes,I hove No,I hoven't Hoshe gotfries? Yes,he hos No,he hosn't Write gougot o sondwich? 1_ Yes, _he_ op izzo?No, tO8 Grommorreference n e f f r f ig r Unit r€rerenee Whothovewe got on Mondog?We'vegot Engl,ish We'vegot PEon Thursdog Whenhovewe got PE? These oreour bogs Theseoretheirbooks Orderthe words L moths got When we ? hove moths We've on got Tuesdog our ore TheseT-shirts Unir I hoveo musiclesson I visitmVgrondmo I don'tvisitmg grondmo I don'thoveo musiclesson Write (X ) go sw imming I n' t go s wim m it g (/) hel,pmg mum (X) wotchTV ( / ) mg home work Unit He[ikessweets Whotdo gou[ike?I Likeboltoons Whotdoeshe l"ike? Hedoesn'tlike postries I don'tlikenuts Write.Whotdoeshe Like? nu ts L ( nut sg) He_ Unif He ( c hoc olot e@) choco[ote Whot'sthe time?It's seveno'c[ock.Shegetsup of seveno'ctock Shegoesto schooL ot eighto'c[ock Hehosdinnerof sixo'c[ock Orderthe words L o'clockIt's eleven lunch of hos o'clocktwelve She Grommorreference 109 Gromm ar lgference Unif Wheredoeshework? Heworksin on oirport Doessheworkin o shop? Yes,shedoes No,shedoesn't Write L He/ policestotion? Doeshe work in o poticestatlon? No, She/ hospitol.? Yes, Unir l0 It'ssunng.Puton goursunhot Don'tputon Uourcoot Write L It's hot I t ' ssunng lt's co[d Unit | | gourcoot gours unhot Uourshorts Whotoregouweoring? I'm weoring o bl.ue skirt Whot'sheweoring? He'sweoringredgtoves Write llO L Whot gouweoring? W hot hewe orin g? Whot _ weoring ? She's Crommorreference weoringjeons o blueT-shirt blockboots Grommor reference nit l2 Whotoregoudoing? I'm tolking We'resinging Whot'shedoing? He'seotingo sondwich Whotorethegdoing? Theg're doncing Write L Whot Whot Unif | shedoing? reoding doing?I'm tokingphotos Thesheepis biggerthonthe goot Thebogisshorter thonthe girl Write L Thehorseis biggerthon the sheep Thesheep the horse ThegirListo[[e rtho nthe b og Thebog the girl Unit l4 I wosnoughtg Youwerehoppu Hewosn'tsod Thegweren'tco[d Write L (X) I wasn't hoppu (/l He brove Unir | (/) You (X\ Theg kind hungrg Thereweresomechildren Thereweren'tongmen Write L Therewere some men Thereweren't children There There ong women someonimols Crommorreference 111 OX.FORD UNIVERSITY AC KNO\^/LE DGEMENTS PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6Dp Oxford University Pressis a department ofthe University ofOxford It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research,scholarship, and education by pubfshing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaarn HongKong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto with offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxFoRDand oxFoRD ENGLTSH are registeredtrade marks of Oxford University Pressin the UK and in certain other countries @Oxford University Presszoog The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Databaseright Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoog 2Oa32072 20112OaO2OO9 1098765 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved.No part ofthis publication rnay be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expresslypermitted by law or under terms agreedwith the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scopeofthe above should be sent to the ELI Rights Deparrment, Oxford University Press,at the addressabove You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this samecondition on any acquirer Any websites refened to in this publication are in the public domain and their addressesare provided by Oxford University Pressfor information only Oxford Universiry Pressdisclaims any responsibility for the content tsBN: 978o 194812184 IsBN: 978o 19481212z rsBN: 978o 194812238 Printed in China CrassBoorano MulrrRoM pAcK Cr-Ass BooK MULTTRoM Coverand titlepageillustrationby:TomekGiovanis & Christos Skaltas Illustrailonsw: Kathy Baxendalepp 18 (handwriting), 58, 59 Andy Catling/ Advocatepp 104,105.Simon Clarepp 17,77,23,26 (ex 3), 37,37,47 (ex 4],, 51,57,63,67 (ex61,77,77,83,87(ex4),97,97,103,107(ex4).AmandaEnright/ Advocate pp 25 (ex 21,43, 64, 65, 78, 79 Andy Hamilton pp (ex 2), 7, (ex 1), (ex & 4), 10 (ex 1), 14 (ex 1), 1s (ex & 4), 16 (ex 1),20 (ex 1),27 (ex31,22 \ex7),27,28 (ex 1),29 (ex & 4), 34 (ex 1), 35 (ex & 4), 36 (ex 1),40 (ex 1),41 (ex & 4), 42 (ex 71,46,47 (ex sl, 48 (ex 1),49 (ex 3), s0 (ex 1), s4 (ex 1), 55 (ex & 4), s6 (ex 1),60 (ex 1),51 (ex 3),62 (ex 1), 66,67 (ex 41,58(ex 1),69 (ex & 4],,70(ex 1), 74 (ex 1), 76 (ex 1), 80 (ex 1), 81 (ex 3), 82 (ex 1),85, 87 (ex s), 88 (ex 1),89 (ex & 4), 90 (ex 1), 94 (ex 1),95 (ex 3), 96 (ex 1), 100 (ex 1), 102(ex & a), 102 (ex 1), 106,107 (ex 5).Tomek Giovanis& ChristosSkaltaspp 4, 5, (ex 2), (ex 2), 14 (ex 3), 1s (ex 2), 20 (ex 3), 21 (ex2l,26 (ex?\,27 (ex 3),28 (ex 2), 34 (ex 3), 3s (ex 2),40 (ex 3),41 (ex 2),48 (ex 3),a9 (ex 2), s4 (ex 3), 55 (ex 2), 60 (ex 3), 61 (ex 2), 68, (ex 3),69 (ex 2), 7a (ex 3), 7s, 80 (ex 3), 81 (ex 2), 88 (ex 3),89 (ex 2), 94 (ex 3),95 (ex 2), 100(ex 3), 101 (ex 2) DusanPavlic/Beehive Illustration pp 12, 13, 18, 19, 38, 39, 92,93,98,99 LisaSmith/SylviePoggio pp 32, 33, 72,73.Jo TaylorlSylviePoggio(songs)pp 5, 70, 76,22,30,36, 42, 50, 56,52, 70,76,82,90,96, 102 ThePublisherwouldliketo thanktheJollowingfortheir kindpermissiontouse photograplsctttdothercoryiglltmaterial: Alamy pp ,14(boy with footballilenscap, girl paintingflmage SourcePink, girl rollerblades/ClareCharleson),45 (hands and homeworklmagebroker, CD Player/OliverLeedham),53 (boy/trVoodystock, paints/Michael Riccio, spongeanimals/Kari Marttila, chocolates/FoodFolio); Dorling Kindersley p 45 (open book); Getty Imagespp ,14(boy listening to music); OUPpp 24 (tricycle), 45 (boy'sbike, football, sheet music), 53 (boy/ girl), 58 (girl), 59 (girl); Photolibrary.com p 45 (swirnming poolage footstock), (girfBlindlmages); Punchstock p 45 (computer), 53 (tennis racquet): Raleigh UK p 24 (girl and boy bike) photographyby: Chris King pp 52, 84, 85 Commissioned Wewould alsolike ta thank thefollol ting for their help: Debenhams Oxford and The Cake Shop, Oxford CoveredMarket ... theclassroom? Let''shavea lookl Posters and pictures, Andworkin a book what''sin theclassroom? what canyousee? anda cupboard Drawers Foryouandfor me What''sin theclassroom? What''soverthere? A dooranda... atthesepicturesof my school is upstairs our classroom ft''sverybigandbright Therearelotsof pictures on thewall and posters l''m in class3 C.Thereare12girls and l4 boysin my class our teacherisMrsCooper Wesitattables.I... tableandchair - What''sin theclassroom? Whatcanyousee? A boardandpegs Foryouandfor me T /) 10 Un it l c h o o l th i n g s LessonFour Phonics Listenondchont.@ ,, A, B, C, D, E, F,G, Comeand playthisgamewithme

Ngày đăng: 12/02/2023, 17:50


