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Family and friends 4 class book hh

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Sách nổi bật với chương trình giảng dạy ngữ pháp tiếng Anh song song luyện tập các ngữ âm và kĩ năng. Nhờ có phương pháp học độc đáo mà người học có thể phát triển khả năng giao tiếp tiếng Anh hiệu quả mà còn xử lí thông tin một cách nhanh chóng từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau. uốn sách giúp các em hoàn thiện dần dần từ cái cơ bản nhất đến những mẫu câu phức tạp hơn, để từ đó giúp các em cách sử dụng từ ngữ để tạo thành câu đơn giản. Đây là một giải pháp tốt giúp các em bước đầu tiếp cận với tiếng Anh một cách hiệu quả hơn.

Kmsk €&mss NoomiSimmons With Extensivereodingtexts bg lenng Quintqnq OXTORD \JN IV E R S ITY PRESS - e Ln g t h e t i m e ',: -ne restouront Wor d si n c o n t e x t : bre o k f o s t i m e like + ve rb +i ng Alp h o b e tico Lo r d e r b e g o i n g t o + ve r b t.me for permi ssi on/ requests P r e se n tsim p le o n d p r e se n tco n tin u o u s Theg usualLgwear blue uniJorms Theg'rewearing white todctlj T im e m o r ke r s:p r e se n tsim p le o n d co n ti nuous usuallg / rareLg/ right now / todag / at the moment Wor d s i n c o n t e x t : 'Fes t i v o ID o g ' R eodi ng:o mogozi neorti cl e Li steni ng:i denti Jgi ngdetoi tsoboutJomi tg meots S peoki ng:totki ng obout eoti ng hobi ts Wri ti ng: recogni zi ngsgl tobtesi n w ords ;w ri ti ng obout mg eoti ng hobi ts (Workbook) Longaondesounds: a:train,trag, cake e:tree,[eaves, keg '.'rr|h:d fi ':FirJ::1 T he c o n c e r t : ', i Post simple: have ond be AIL ourJriends were there Long i, o ond u sounds: i: Iight, crg, bike Po stsim p [e :r e g u lo rve r b s TheaudiencecLappedand cheered o: boat, blow, bone ui room, bLue,Jlute T im e m o r ke r s:p o st sim p le yesterdaq/ Iast week/ Lastgeor / two dags ago :ar trom :T;cr:5rm:-:r ' ',1 > T he d i n o s o u r m uS e u m Wor d s i n c o n t e x t dino s o u rd o t o C ountobl eond uncountobtenou ns Co m p o r o tive so n d su p e r lo ti veodj ecttves ,.ii : : '::: R : o poem L: i denti Jgi ngdi fferentmusi coLocti vi ti e s S : oski ngond onsw eri ngquesti onsobout mus i c oIpreferenc es ond obi Li ti es W: the doubLeconsonontruLe,w ri ti ng o des c ri pti onoJ o pi cture(WB ) :,ri Po stsim p te :ir r e g u [o rve r b swith n e g o ti ves We didn't go to school Po stsim p le : ir r e g u [o rve r b swith q u e sti ons Did th e g g o to a m u se u m ? What did gou see? f ond ph spetti ngs: f: flamingo, scarJJeet ph: phone, nephew, al phabet R : o non-Ji cti ontext L: i denti fgi ngJovouri tethi ngs on o schooLtri p 5: oski ngond onsw eri ngquesti onsobo ut s c hooltri ps W: excl omoti onmorks,w ri ti ng o w ebpogeobout mg s c hool tri p (w B ) i tt;i S po r t st i n n e Wo r d s i n c o n t e x t : bos k e t b o L L D i re c t i o ns W or d s i n c o n t e x t : s ho d o w p u p p e t s pronouns Po sse ssive Wh o seja cke t is it? l t' s m in e/ yo u r s/ h is/ h e r s/ its/ o u r s/ thetrs Ad ve r b s:+ lg o n d ir r e g u [o r He r a n sL o wL g T h e gp L a g e dwe tL II endi ngs: smeLI,beII, sheII have to / had to We haveto go backto the roundabout rk ond c endi ngs: R : on i nJormoti vew ebpoge ck: neck,duck,cLock,rock L: understondi ngdi recti ons 5: gi vi ng di recti ons c: pLastic,picnic,music, W: i nstructi ons,w ri ti ng on i nvl toti on(W B ) comtc Givin gd ir e ctio n s Go straight on at the roundabout rf wotosi mirror, carrot, cherrg R : o mogozi neorti c[e L: i denti Jgi ngchi tdren'sfovouri te sports 5: oski ngond onsw eri ngquesti onsobo ut J ov ouri tes ports W: If 'sor Its, w ri ti ng i nstructi onsJor o s port (W B ) whg / becouse Whg ore we atthis petrol station?Because Desc r i b i n gw o r d s Words in context: ,The Ant ond the Grosshopper' C o m p o r o tive so n d su p e r lo tive s:[o n g o dj ecti ves S ofi c ond g sounds: c: citg, ice,dance,rice Mg bed is more comfortabLethan this one Irregulor comporotivesond supertotives g: cage,page,giraffe, better thon / worse than / the best/ the worst staqe R : o fobLe L: i denti Jgi ngchronoLoggi n o fobl e S : te[[i ng o storgfrom pi ctures W: i denti Jgi ngi rregul orpl urots,w ri ti ng o J obte (W B ) , r l:,,;l;.,,, F ::r1-'m ',*L ! -; " lv or d s n c o n t e x t LrJ ei n i 0 g e o r s ' t rm e T h e Ju tu r ewith will PeoplewiLI traveI in super-fastplanes WiILtheg go back to Austra[ia? Tim e m o r ke r s:th e Ju tu r e on Mondog / next week/ tn o month's this evening/ soon/ Later au, aw ond or spe[ti ngs: aui sauce,August, autumn aw: jigsaw,straw,paw oti horse,sport, morning R : i ntervi ew si n o mogozi ne L: i denti Jgi ngchi tdren'spredi cti ons 5: offeri ngopi ni onsobout the future W: compoundw ords,expondi ngnotes i nto o tex t (W B ) At the oirport Wordsin context: mg holidog Computers Wordsin context: sending emoits quontitg Expressing How muchtime havewe got? Wehaven'tgot muchmoneg some/ ong HaveAougot ang newspapers? Post simple -ed endings: R: o letter waLked,waited, showed L: i denti fgi ngdetoi [sobout hoti dogs 5: oski ngond onsw eri ngquesti onsobout gour hoti dog W: oddressingenvelopes,writing o tetter obout mg hotidog (WB) Infinitiveof purpose I turnedon the TVto watchsports Wewent in the boat to seethe dolphins How ofien ? I watchTVonce/twicea week er ond or endings: erz mother,father, September orz visitor,dodor,actor R: o TVguide [: identiJging detoi[s oboutchi[dren'sfovouriteTVshows S: totkingoboutfovouriteTVshows W: the prefixun,writingo TVguide(WB) Presentperfect:offirmotive He'sput the book on the shelves Presentperfect:questions,onswersond negotives HaveAouseenmg newspeakers? Yes, I have./ No,I haven't ur ond ir spellings: ur: hurt,Thursdag, nurse,curtoins irz circle,girl, shirt, bird R: onlineinstructions [: identiJging chitdren's computer use 5: tolkingoboutcomputer use W: portsof speech, writingobouthow I useo computer(WB) ea ond e spellings: ea: feather, bread, head, heavy R: on occount [: identifgingdetoilsobout[iJein the Antorctic 5: interviewing o survivor W: topicsentences, writingo diorgentrg(WB) P[oces Presentperfect:ever Havegou everbeento space? Wordsin context: I have./ No,I haven't TheAmozingEscope Yes, Presentperfect:never We'veneverfallen in the mountains I[[ness should/ shouldn't Youshoulddrinksomewote+ Wordsin context: howto stogheotthg Youshouldn'teat lotsof cokes couldI couldn't Max couldn'teat hisdinner But he couldeat Lotsof cakes Mok i n g s m o o t h i e s Words in context: c hi[d h e r o e s Wordsin context: 'Threewishes' le ond al endings: le: candte, castle, table, people al: sandal, animal, hospital, cereal R: on informotion leoflet t: identiJgingdetoi[s obout chi[dren'sheotthg LiJestgLes S: describingwhot gou to be heoLthg W: connecting sentencesusing becauseond so, writing on inJormotion teoJl.et(WB) Objectpronouns me/ gou / him / her/ it / us/ them Relotivepronouns Thisis the boy who didn't put the lid on Thisis the smoothiewhichwasin the bLender el ondil endings: elz tunneL,cameL,towel, travet il: lentils,pencil,April, pupil R: twofoctuo[occounts L: motchingpeoplewith howtheghelpothers 5: oskingquestions oboutjobs W: identifgingond usingsubctouses, writingon interview (WB) Post continuous What were gou doing? I wos looking at photos tion ond shion endings: tionz addition, subtraction, question, invitation shionzfashion, cushion R: o poem t: identifgingfovouritememories 5: totkingoboutgourmemories W: poemstructureond rhgme,completingo poem(WB) Dotes ond I was born , Mg mum was born in 7987 She was born on 9th IuIu Iobs ez spend, tent, present, help Postsimpleond postcontinuous Vocobutorg WhenI wasworking,the phonerung homophones: Grommorhomophones:there/ theg'reI their see/sea, hear/here, wear/where, write/ Thereisgoodnews right R: o troditionoI storg L: identifging children'swishes S : tol ki ng obout gourw i shes W: using speechmork, writing the end of o storg (WB) Li st enond s in g @ o t r'#ill'(l'lf i'.ii, r'f' we'reall backtogether with friendsfrombefore It'stimeto showwhatwecando we'rereadyto workand learnsomemore Theholidays areoverfor meandyou! Listenond reqd @ o, i"l"o*\e\ i"'Y4 Welcome to Primary4 l'm your newteacher, Misswells.t'd likeyou all to tell mery something aboutyourself Who'sfirstZ@,.;;* My name'sMax t like readingand learni Max I'vegot a youngersistenHername's Hollyand she'sin Primary2 shelikeslistening to musicand That'sgreat, Max trtlyothercousinis Leo,but he doesn'tgo to thisschool.He's12.He reallvlovesskateboardin and we lots of thingstogether Great.Anddo you ,,,,,r,,,,rX well, he skateboard '1,: 1111 Kaboutskateboardsf f' S;r{.irf!::!' trrerr.fi toqc,fherl Lerron Two I Askond onswerobout Mox, Arg, HoLl,g ond [eo skoteboord reod plogwith togs =-'= \=' t,';hat doesMax likedoinq? Write tokephotos tte irki'sf'('(r(,r''r(t con't ol.i 'l_q!_ I pLogsomegomeson the Do d Bu tg o u3 pLeose? computer, Dod So r rg N o ,gou Listen to gournew wotch r r gouo M P 3p l- o g e O I ' m w o rkin g this DVD on the computer Ol.i I d Liketo wotch the DVD.5 I wotchit in here? Dod No,gou I'm workinghere.You7 wotchit on the DVDplogerin the Livingroom Ol.i OK,Dod Choose fourfoodsgouwouLdLiketo bug.Askondonswer posto breod onions meot cheese eggs melon cu cu m b e r c ereoI Lemon mi lk pototo gropes bononos Whatwouldyou like? t ' d l i ke a f so me , frl r'(r.\tt - > Nowwrite oboutwhot gourfriendwouldLike Leilawouldtike Whot doel Mox l rke dornq) 5?orter Lerron T hree reodo comic pl o gt h e g u it o r Ask ond onswer wotchTV visitgrondmo p lo g v o lle g b o ll p lo g c h e s s t I I Writeoboutwhot gouore goingto this weekend mP nt td tt nd Thereis o [o ' i_nextto m g t e_! Nextto the greenfie _ s is o beochwith whiteso T h e r eis o b ig p l o I've got o new be_ Lookot this beoutifuL qui_ "Tickets for sixchi_ren ond two odu_s, pLeose." grow i ng in th e p o _ Lerson.Four Listen,point ond repeot.@ ozAskond onswer o'clock five to five post ten post ten to quorterto quorterpost twentgto twentg post twentg-fiveto pastnine twentg-fivepost hof post a Completethe sentences with er or est L Mox is t aller t h o n H o L L g B.u tL e oisth e (toLL) cousin R us s io ist he c o u n t r gB u tAu str o L io is t ho nt h e U K ( b i g ) Leo'sskoteboord is thon Amg'sskotes (fost) ButHoLLybik 's ei st h e H oLLg ist he c o u s i nB u tMo x is th o n L e o(.g o u n g ) Write the wordsin olphobeticolorder Wordsin o dictionoruore in otphobeticol order.We look of the first letter of o word but whentwo wordshovethe sometetter,tookof the secondletter o b c d e f g h i j k t m n o p q r s t u vw x g z 1_monkeg zebro comeL cornei monkeU_ ze b r a wi nt er s umm e r o u t u m n Spoin T hoiL o n dR u s s i o ci nemo c af m u s e u m bike toxi bus l l 's t a - np r o : t n i r e 5:;,cr Lesson9n Words Listen,point ond repeot.@ ot Listenqnd reqd.@ ot oad Cant havea bowlof pasta and somesalad,piease? I Waiter Sorry,we haven'tgot any pasta.Buton the menuwe've$1 of a selection of pizzas.Look Hotly That'sstrange!Youusuallyhave pasta.Wehavepastaeverytime Waiter Usually? Butyou'reour first Max Really?But But this Ken'sCafE, this is tGn's Cafe,isn't it? Unit I T h e re s to u ro n f LessonTwo Grommor I Listento the storg ogoinond repeot.Act Reodond leorn We usuoLLg hoveposto Butwe'rehovingpizzanow Theg'reweoringwhitetodog Uset he pres e nst i m p l eJ o rt h i n g sg ou m ongt im eso r o l t t h e t i m e Uset he pres e nct o n t i n u o uf o s rthings Uo uoredoingo f t h e t i m eo f s p e o k in g , |,rllll rtlil;itiarit.:: -:r-:-:.r:::-,_ti:i,ifr:;ll:ii, ::,:i.:,:.-j:: Weusually eatat lGn'sCaf€,buttoday we'retryingThepizzaPlace.lt'sgreatl Reodond circle L She'sdrink/ / drinkso glossof woter now ThefomiLgoresit / sitting/ sitsbg the doortodog ThegusuoLLg sit / sitting/ sitsbg the window Heneverhove/hovtng/hos soupJor dinner She'shove/hoving /hos soupof the moment write hos pl.oging hoving(x2) shqres hove At breoktime I usuollg' p1ag_ with mg friends BethondALex ALexisn'tof schooltodog,soI'm '' _-_with Beth.We're At L u n ch timIeo, L wo g s' frn todog ond o so n dw i ch o n o p p le Bu tth e r ewe r e n ' o t n go p p le s, sotodog o b o n o n oAL e xu su o L L g s o lo n d b is c u it sS o m e t im e s h e h e rb iscu its with u s.5 h e ' so kindgi r|' @ Cotpt.r Grommor Time Exercise I on poge lO8 of Workbook P resentsi mpl eond presentconti nuous U nit I LessonSix Listenond number.@rcz -ntqrWlnfirw- Listenogoin.Write5 (Stuort),E (Emil.g) or A (Anno) L WhohelpedL o o ko f t e ro n i m o L s! ? WhohelpedL o o ko f i e ro c h i L dD ? Whowentt o o n e wc o u n t r gD ? Wh o us uoLLhgo so p o r t go f h o m e ?! Who hodo br o t h etrh r e eU e o r o s g o ?! Whowents ur f i n g T Askondonswer To[koboutgourhoppumemories L Whotisgourhoppiest memorg? Whenwosit? De s c r ibe who t h o p p e n e d ? Ho wd id g o ufe e [? Whotc onUouf in d i n o p o e m ? Lookof the poemogoin.TheLines orein differentports,or verses Somepoemsrhg m eT h i sm e o n st h e r eo r ewo r d swh ichso u n dth e so m e Lookof the poemogoinond onswerthe questions L HowmonUv e r s eos r et h e r ei n t h e p o e m ?_ HowmonUL i n e o s r et h e r ei n e a c hve r se ? Circ Le oL[t he w o r d st h o t r h g m ei n th e p o e m Whotpot t e r nc o ng o us e e ? Li steni ng,speoki ng,w ri ti ng U nit 14 1O Lerson One Words l Listen,pointond repeot.@ rcz Listenond reod.@ roo Mum Listen, bothof you.yourdad hasqotr, something importantto tellyou.= Dqd Well,when l was workingthis morning,/ the phonerang tt was my boss.t hadEi to go to his office.l wasa bit worried Dad There's somegoodnewsand somebad news Max oh, no What's the bad news? Dsd You'llhave to change schoolsand saygoodbyeto your friends Huht neal 1O8 u n it l5 LessonTwo GrommorI I Listento the storgogoinond repeot.Act Reodond leorn W he n I w o s w ork i ng,the phonerong T h e gwe r e s m ilin gwh e n I we n t in W henco ng o o f the begi nni ng or the m id d L eo f o s e n t e n c e Useo r*Fr*rs ofterthe Jirstverbif o sentence stortswith When I wqs eating when he arrived WhenI wqs eating,he arrived Motchond numberthe pictures - - -o- th e o u th o rco m ein E L I wo swoit ingo f t h e L i b r o! f Hewoswolk in gt o w o r k wostgping Thesecretorg ' EED ' b hefeLLover.! c it stortedto roin.! Th ef oot bollewr o sr u n n i n g d the customer orrived.[-l Themec honic w o sr e p o i r i ntgh e c o r e herbossphoned ! Pointto the picturesond sog i vvaswaitingat the librarywkerrIher.nrtl'ttt r tarnei,r"" with Whenof the beginning Now write the sentences When I wos wal t L n ci n t h e [ i b r n n L",, " Complere GrommorTime Exercise I on poge ll of Workbook P ostsi mpl eond post conti nuous U ni t I 1O LessonThree Grommor ond Sono I Reodondleqrn Thereis somegoodnewsond somebodnews Theg'reverghoppg Thegwil.Lbewith theircousins These threewordssoundthe somebut orespettdifferentlg there- o pLoce, or to sogwhot is present theg're- shortformof thegore their- showspossession of morethononeperson Write there theg're their Th eJ om ilgo r eg o i n gt o A u s t r o l i oL o o k,1 i h e 'e Mox ond Ho[Lqhoveo suitcose oresixsuitcoses eoch c l o t h e so n d s p e c i oL to g s.3 f or' o bit nervousobouttivingin Austroliobecouse witl be so new ond different.Buta evergthing s verghoppg,too,becouse cousins wil.L hetp them.Together, theg'llhoveLotsof fun! Nowtotk oboutthe picture Listenond sing.@ 'os They're neorly fhere! There's a boyand there'sa girl They'regoingto seetheircousins packedtheirbags.They're They've nearlythere goingto seetheircousins They're gottheir passports They've in theirbags They'regoingto seetheircousins They're as happyascan be They'regoingto seetheircousins ,llO' Unit l5 Grommorhomophones Corplete GrommorTime Exercise2 on pagell5 of Workbook4 I Reodond leorn see wegr heor $t*9"ffi write ,: r$gfr"mt e**fe w$"esr* listenondreod.@roo I conseeo booton C o ng o uh e o rs om e birds? Wh e r ed o g o uwe o r theseclothes? Wh ichh o n ddo gou write with? t h e se o Yes.Thegoreherein I weorthem ot schooL I writewith mg right hond WhotconUou thistree Reodogoinondcirclethe wordsfrom Exercise Write me Where Excuse Wewentto the beochond swo th e isthe busstotion? I some is gourpossport Lovelgmusic : -ri 1.;lr Vocobuloryhomophones Unit l5 [.W 5ix "_teslon I Whotdo thegwishfor?Listenondwritet (Lucos), R(Rosgl or A (Akrom) @ ,aa goto Englond ! n o h un g r Ap e o p lein th e wo r ld ! comcorder[-l threemorewishes! brother! noextinct onimotrD n o e o r t h q u o ke!s MP3pl.oger ! grandmother get better! Imoginet he f ish i s g i v i n gg o ut h r e ew ish e s.Wh o t o r eth e g ?An d wh g ? ,t' We u s es peec h m o r k st o s h o wt h o t Circlethe commosond questionmorks beforethe speechmorks.Thenunderlinethe someone is speoking A c ::==i: or differentverbsused o questionmork is plocedinsidethe sp eec h mor k s L " I wishth e sewe r eso u so g e s," h e so id "Fis hdon'ts p e o k ,s" o i d "Wh Ud id n ' tg o uwishfo r so m e th in better?" g the fishermon's wife o ske dth e wo m o n Weco noLs oc utt h e s e n t e n cien t o "Yo usillgm o n ,"th efish e r m o n wife ' s soi d two ports.Lookof the punctuotion ! " I wish ,"so idth e m o nso d [!, " fo rth e "Pl eos tehr owm e b o c ki n t h e so u so g eto s g o o wo g " se o, "t heJ is hs o i d " o n dI w i L L "M g wifewiL Lb e h o p p un o w" so idth e mon, gi vegout hreew i s h e s " "we wiLLeotthisfishfor dinner." Li steni ng, speoki ng,w ri ti ng U nit l5 113 Review I Complete the crossword a- Down n l0 r t lr CL U /1 :( e write niece mother-in-tow ltu'.bor# fother-in-[ow wife nephew Look,this is me with mg t hus!'2gr-i* Len Theseore Len'sporents Look,sheis mg ond he i s mg l Th em onwit h b l o c kh o i ri s m g b r o th e r , He nrg.Heis st o n d i n gw i t h h i sa Jone.Henrgond Ione hovegot two children Th isgir t is mg s o n dt h e b o gis mgu Hisnome'sPotrick Reodond circle G rondmoondG r o n d p o r ev i s i t i n g.L u cAo n d Pe te or skth e irm u m ,"Co ng o uh el p t@/ we mokesomesmoothies GrondmoondGrondpo?"Peterchopsup o bonono for 2t he m "No wg o u n e e dto g e tth e m iL kLucg." ond put s / i t i n t h e b l e n d e rM u m so Us, SoLucApours3they/ it intothe blender Tohelpashe/ her,Mum putsthe Lidon.When the smoothies orereodg,Lucgond Petertoke5they/ themintothe Livingroom.'Arethese h o n kg o uso m u ch !" for us/ we?"o s kG r o n d m o n dG r o n d p o"T 114 Review5 Review "-: Compl.etethe sentenceswith who or which fortg metresdeep the roce the vol.ccno gesterdog € Th i si st he mon T h isisth e L o ke Th i si st he girL won T h isisth e n e wL ib r o r g opened Write (wotchTV / orrive) w h e nm g o u n t LI S he w h e nt h e p h o n e (togthe toble / ring) , o f ish out of the woter.(fish/ jump) Whenh e mg hom e wo r k t, h e p r in te r WhenI (eot/ drop) hergLoss w h e nL u cA Lunch T heg Compl.ete the words e[ tion il C o ng o uP O5 Sme ? mg tow (print/ stop) shion fr I om o pup of Wood Vie wPr im o r SchooL g M Um o th sh o m ew ork i sto Thisdressisthe Lotest p r o ctise su b tr o c Review5 115 Describe the pictures Reod Thousondsof georsogo peoplediscoveredgotd in.rivers.Theg Leorntto mofe ptotei, cupsond jewel,tergfrom-thispreciousmetot' in Coiro' Museum, nowin theGold Roomot the Eggption Mopung.uby"I thousond Thereis o ptocein southAfricocoLLed ogo,this ptocewos o citg.Thep99P!"-i"the citg ho-do.!ol^ Ueors " gol,iwhichthegfoundin o rivercotledShoshe River.In 1933, of foundrong thingson top of o hil.[in thisoreo.Theg pelopte gotd ond olsoo beoutifuL iorna gotd potsond gotdjewetLerg rhino.Th" rhinois obout l2cm longond 6cmhighond is obout in SouthAfrico.Thereis 8OOgeorsol.d.Todogit is in o museum olsoJbig modelof tnl rhinoin o southAfriconcitg.Thismodel is not gold It is Pointedgol'd Reodogoinondwritethe nomesof the ptoces t Tutankhamen's moskisfrom TheInco peoplelivedin Thegold rhinoisfrom Askondonswer I Wouldgoutiketo seeongof thegoldthingsin the pictures? Whg? Dogoulikeleorning oboutoncient historg? Whg? fl6 Exfensivereoding:Goldtreorurer I Describe the pictures Whot is the storgobout? Long'ogo, in Ancient Greece, there wos o king nomed Midqs He lived in qn enormous poloce with his wife qnd his dcughter King Midqs wqs veru, verg rich He hqd more gold thoq cng other king in the world His poloce wos full of gold stotues,gold jewellerg ond gold coins, but Midqs wcrsgreedg ond he olwogs wqnted more One dog, the king wqs wqlking in the gorden of his poloce with his dcughter She wqs picking gellow flowers.for her room' "Thos6 gellow flowers qre veru bequtifulr" King Midqs soidr "6ut gold flowers ore more beoutifulj' The king's doughter rcrn bqck into the poloce with her flowers ond the king wolked olone Then Midqs mqde o wish He wished thot evergthing he touChedbecome gold Soon he touched-q flower It becqme gold He touched q tree ond it becqme gold He touched o plont ond it too wos gold "Mg wish,hqs'cometrue!" he shouted The king touched mcrnu things in his gorden qnd in his poloce He touched pictures qnd vqsesond plotes qnd theg cll becqme gold Soon Midqs woS hungrg ond thirstg But, when he put some breqd in his mouth, it turned to gold And when he put some wqter to hi,slips, it qlso turned to gold The king sqt in his gorden "I hqve oll the gold in the worldr" he thoughtr "but I connot eot ond I cqnnot drink tl,fhqt shqll I do?" At lost, the king's doughter sow her iqther in the gord.rr She ron to him becquse he looked so sqd She touched his hond qnd suddenlg she becqme gold, too King Midqs modq qnother wish He wished thot he could hqve his doughter bqck ond he wished to not hqve qnu more gold Suddenlg, oll the gold wos gone qnd his doughter wos ploging hoppilg in the gorden King Midqs hqd leqrnt his lesson qnd+re never qsked for more gold ogoin Reodogqin ond write gesor no DoesKingMidoshoveo Lotof gotd? DoesKingMidoswont moregol.d? C onK ingM id o se o tt h e b r e o d ? Whotisthe morolof thisstorg? Askondonswer Dogouenjogstories |.ike this?Whg? Whotis gourfovourite storgfromUourcountrg? Extensivereoding: King Midor qnd the golden fouch l|7 I Lookof the titLeondthe pictures Whot is the text obout? Reod w@@@ffi Hisfother WhenGerqtdDurretlwqstenUeorso[d, he livedwith hisfomilgin Englond wosdeod,but he livedwith hismother,hisolderbrothers,Lorrgond Leslie,ond his otdersisterMorgo.Thefomitglivedbg the seo,but thegdidn't likethe cotdweqther in Engtond One coldond roingdog in August1q35,thegdecidedto go ond livein o hotterploce.Thegtroveltedto Corfuwhichis qn istondin Greece.Theglivedin q big, pinkhouseon q hit[.,Ithodo lovetggordenond thegwereverghoppgthere Whil.eGeroldwos tivingon the islond,he teornto lot oboutonimols.He enjoged wotchingthe insects ond the lizordsin theirgorden.He exploredthe islondond leorntoboutthe fish,the birdsond the ptonts.He tikedspidersond snokesqnd even hod someos pets,ond he put themin o speciolroomin the house.In thisroom Gerotdkeptbooksoboutptontsond onimots, of birds' os we[Los hiscoltections eggsond insectsin jors.Gerolddidn'tgo to schoolon the islond,but he hod Lessons with o teocherfrom Englond.He leornt French,mothsond geogrophu He metmongpeopleon the istondond he leorntGreek He otsostortedto write o bookobouthisodventures on the islond Thisis oneof hismostexcitingodventures Reodogoinondwrite f (true)or F (fo[se) L GeroLd movesto Corfuwhen he is ten georsotd GeroLd doesn'thovelessons h o v eo b o o t Thef omiLg Geroldond hisfomilg swimwith the porpoises Rskond onswer Woutdgou Liketo swimwith porpoises? Whg? D o gouenjo gL e o r n i nogb o u to n i mo ls? Wh g ? fl8 Extensive reodingrMy fomilyond otheronimols -_ + -:Y+ + r-_ 'Wewere verg hoppu on the islqnd In the summer, the dogs were long ond hot qnd the islqnd wqs verg bequtiful There were green olive trees;bright orqnge trees ond gellow gropes on the vines In the rriornings, we crteour breqkfqst in fhe gorden qnd tolked qdd loughed together In the qfternoon, I wolked in the gorden qnd wqtched the butterflies.ond the lodgbirds I leornt qbout the summer insects, the qnimols qnd the flowers.Then I did mg lessons.Thqt summer I hod ct nerv teqcher from Englond fiiS nome wqs Petei i"d I liked him verg much He wqs verg clever qnd verg kind qnd he told me lots of interesting things As well os doing our lessons,we wqlked qround the islond qnd tqlked qbout the things we sqw.Then I wrote qbout these things qnd Peter reqd mg'work Soon I stqrted to write q book It wqs q storg qbout mg fomilg, our life on the islqnd qnd lots of qnimqls The summer nights were verg hot qnd" the seq wos wqrm qnd dork \We often went swimming ot night becquse it wqs so hot on the beqch in the sun \il7etrqvelled out to secrin our little boqt ond mg brothers cnd mg sister rowed I sqt ot thc front qnd shouted "Look out!" when I sow ong rocks When we stopped the boot, we went swimming in the wqrm seq qnd then we went bqck to'the beqch \(/e sot on the wqrm rocks, looked bt the stqrs'qnd tolked q.bout our brilliqnt life on the islclnd One dog, I left mg fcmilg on the rocks qnd went bqck into the sec:*It wcs lovelg qnd wqrm in the woter I swqm ond lcg on mU bqck.qnd looked qt'the lovelg, white moon Mg fomilg were verg noisg.Theg were lcrughing qnd tolking on the sond I listened to them qnd felt verg hoppg Suddenlg, there wctssomething in the wqter It wqs swimming verg close to me! \fqs it cn qnimql? \(rhot kind of qnimql wqs it? I wcrsworried ond I wqnted tb shout for help But then I sciw the qnimql It ccrmeout of the wqter qnd then it went under ogoin It wos dqrk qnd it wos big I looked cgoip qnd sow it wos o porpoise.Then I looked qround more corefullg There were qbout eight of ,them in the wqter with me It wctsqmqzing, I\ryqs swimming with porpoises!TheUswqm qnd ploged ond jumped in the wqter while I wqtched Eventudllg, theg turned qnd swqm ctwqu I swqm bock to mU fomilg on the sqnd ond told them qbout mg spegial qdventure Extensivereoding:My fomily qnd other onimols OX.FORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street Oxford oxz 5pp Oxford University Pressis a department ofthe University ofOxford It furthers the University's objective ofexcellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland CapeTown Dares Salaam HongKong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary ltaly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore SouthKorea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxFoRD and oxpono ENcLISHare registeredtrade marks of Oxford University Pressin the UK and in certain other countries @Oxford University Presszoro The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Databaseright Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoro 2014 2013 2072 2017 2O7O 7098765 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved.No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expresslypermitted by law or under terms agreedwith the appropriate rqprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scopeofthe above should be sent to the ELTRights Department, oxford University Press,at the addressabove You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites refemed to in this publication are in the public domain and their addressesare provided by Oxford University Pressfor information only Oxford University Pressdisclaims any responsibility for the content rsBN: 978 o 194802673 Printed in China ACKNOl,r'LEDGE ME NTS ThePublisherswatld liyc to thank thefollowing for their kind permissionto reproduce photographsand other copyrightnnterial: Alamy pp 12 (@dbimages/Abdel, @Edward Parker/Huong),28 (@B.OiKane/fossil),56 (@amana images inc./ reporter), 69 (@Pictorial PressLtd/Loony Tunes),84 (@Royal Geographical Society/ship),101 (@Adrian Sherratt/fire engine, @Simon Clay/Policecar, @geogphotos/ambulance);Corbis pp 12 (@Envision/Fuul,@Jim Craigmyle/ Pete),13 (@RandyFaris/largefamily meal), 28 (@Walter Geiersperger/ ammonite), 34 (@Bettmann/JamesNaismith), 56 (@Simon Marcus/Asiangirl), 68 (@Juanjo Martin/EFE/football),72 (@Image Source/Rome),82 (t9 Deborah L Pelaez/Dom),94 (@Norbert Schaefer/girl,@Frans Jaffe/Alice,o JLP/Jose Lanting/toucan),95 (@Mike Nelson/epa/White Deseft formations), 101 (@ Michael Nicholson/school),116 (@Charles Caratini/Sygma/goldnecklace); 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Listenond reqd @ o, i"l"o*\e\ i"''Y4 Welcome to Primary4 l''m your newteacher,... ship? Whenit woslunchtime, Whatdidyoueat? Didyoueata sandwich Anddidyoueatsomemeat? Unit I wentto a museum Andsawpaintings oldandnew I atea yummysandwich A n dt b o u g h tth is b a d g efo ryo u... busyweekit is! Itwasmy birthdayyesterday, t hada par$ Nvodaysago, Andtodaymy friendsarecomingto play, Comingto play,comingto play Andtodaymy friendsarecomingto play Whata busyweekit is! t6 Unit Timemorkers

Ngày đăng: 12/02/2023, 18:35