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rise and shine 4 pupils book

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Nội dung

Trang 1


Trang 2

© City of the future 32

Trang 3

museum dete, phone We lke /dont ike acnce books) Anal Dates: ist 31st Da you tke (ooteal?

Months: January-December Yes Ta / No, dont

Features: bard, big eebrove, blonde, What đọc she look the? Special things: "A poster

D Who ore | ciny, straight wavy (nan, eckles, She's got (cuty ha) Se hasvt got (a wa? Special things: blanket, Bracelet eon, What hs he go He's got (a drum) moustache, pont, smite ora always, fever often, rend sometimes ‘about a

drum, comings necklace ‘Yes, he has / No, he hasnt Has he got ran)?

All about us|

3 City Places hotel ice rink, market, restaurant, in a city: art galery, unfair, Tike / love going to the (Market) because Appreciate your A new city its (fun) city: oF the [shopping cenie stadium, swimming I dori ike going to the (theatre) because boring, clean,

future pool theatre ‘Activities: go on a ride / shopping / to What do you like doing? Do you tke it's (boring) ality, tvely | restaurant, vst an exhibition, watch (watching a show)?

‘a match / a show Yes, do / No, I don't

a Food FoF honey lemons pineapples, potatos, There fit any (read) everyone) rice sugar | Food: apples beans, flour ropes, Theres some (rice) and lot of (honey) Notwestng Ano- There are a lot of (potatoes) and some cakes, chips, menu food waste

Review 2 Caitainers.and quantities: tag, boitle, box, cup, glass piece ‘Ae there any (apples)? Is there any (Fice)? smoothie (pineapples) lemonade, Our Yes, there s / are No, there fst / arent

‘Sports: do athletics / gymnastics, Tm going to (play table tenn) Unusual sports: A sports

Let's Plow go snowboarding / swimming, play Tm not going to (do gymnastics) badly, quickly, weekend

‘together! | badminton / baseball / basketball / What are you going to do? slowly, well 5 a hockey / table tennis ‘Sporting activities: bounce / volleyball” / hit Are you gong to (Bo gymnastics)? / _Yes, Tam / No, Tm not

Gur world | throw a ball, jump hurdles, run / win

Goodbye from The Rise and Shine Museum entero Museum Takeover Day, World Food Day, Unit /k,,/g/ — Unt4 /a0/,/ư International Day of Forests, Museum Open Day _ Unit 2 IN, Jas?) Unit /woel, voc!

‘Work with others, Respect others, Oral communication, Responsibility, Empathy, Being open-minded Unit 6 /6/,Jð/

Trang 5

TAN (sip to The Ris

December Se)

1 museum director 4 exhibition

2 museum

5 phone 3 app

@ What can you see?

oO & Listen and find

2) & Listen and point

Then listen and repeat

@® @ Talk about the museum

and the characters

There’s a museum director

and her name is Eva

e and Shine Museum

6 |7 |8 |9

13 |14 |15 |16 |17 20 |21|22 |23 |24 27 28 29 |30 |31

/ Socks

6 camera

@ 8 Listen and chant

5) & @® Listen and repeat


1 |2 |3 |“ |5 10 |11 |12

18 |19 25 |26

Trang 6

We've got tablets,

We've got the app,

We can go online, We can use the map!



We've got cameras,

We've got phones, too, We can take photos,

We can make films, too!

We’ve got pens

We can write stories!

We’ cameras We take photos

1 can tatLk about thỉngs we”ve

P peg got and actions we can do Song and structures We've got (cameras) We can (take photos).

Trang 7

There is something important in the cupboard

@ ©&) Listen, point and say What

things can you see in the story?

Look! Do you know what it is?

Yes, it is It’s a

time capsule! You put important

things inside

popular books fun games

QB & ® Listen or watch What’s

inside the cupboard?

® Read again and complete

the sentences

1 Marco wants to put a in the time capsule

2 Sofia wants to put a

in the time capsule 3 Sofia sees games and

in the very big room

Wow! What a

great idea! Oe}

What can the children put inside

© the time capsule?

@)_ @ Imagine you've got a time

capsule What do you want

to put inside it? games We can put We like computer a in a fun game

We can put some popular books

inside the time capsule ễ | | i 3 Yes! What + £

\ | about a book?

of the time capsule? d»

Trang 8


The children go into a very big room

and a phone!

[Novem egitim

Great! But first, look

around the museum

You can find ideas for the time capsule

and books and a camera

@D \ Listen and say Which books do all the children like?

œ science books 6 storybooks

you like? Which things Look Which things do

don’t you like?

2) & Listen and read

Then chant Do you like football?

science books

Me too! We both

museums I can talk about things we like and don’t like

Structures We like / don't like (science books) W

Trang 9

@ Look and number

@ @ iisten and read

Choose the best heading

Closing a time capsule

a b c

® Read and choose the correct answers


Opening a time capsule

Closing and opening a time capsule

There are photos / computer

games and a newspaper inside

the time capsule

Tina is opening / closing the time capsule today

The time capsule is 31 / 50 years old Miss Brown’s first name is Kate / Tina

Hi! I’m Kate Brown It’s the 31st of August Today is

an exciting day!

We're closing our

class time capsule There are some photos and today’s

Kate Brown, 1970

newspaper inside!

Hi, my name is Tina Today, it’s the 1st of September We're opening our class time capsule It’s 50 years old! Time capsules help us learn about the past Our teacher, Miss Brown, is helping us

There's an old newspaper inside We can take it to the museum! There are also some old photos of the class The children have got books, pens and pencils We've got books, pens and pencils in our classroom,


Look, Tina! Can

you see that girl in the photo? That’s

me! This is my time

capsule! I’m very happy to see it again!

Kate Brown, today

Xu ov @ og Complete the sentence

There are and inside

our time capsule

I can write about a time capsule

(8) Reading and writing An article about a time capsule

Trang 10

Our Museum Trail Cards

@ & Match Then add

more words

fourth important photos

exhibitions app toys museum director

@® Look Make sentences

museum | | dates | | da na

2 We've got _ books / cameras / tablets

© © Do you and your

friends like the

same things?

© << Draw atime

capsule on your Museum Trail Card

© ® Decide on one of

the things to put inside your time capsules Draw it

on the cover

We like cameras We

can put some important

photos inside our time capsules!

@B which objects are popular in your class?

Ican talk about a time capsule

Unit project A Museum Trail Card DY

Trang 11

® Ask if I don’t understand something

Write a description of a special thing ® Talk about people and their special things

What's the

most common

eye colour in the world?

I’ve got straight, blonde

hair What about you? Ề %4 \e


oO & Listen and find © & Look and say

L2) & Listen and point Then listen and repeat hair and a beard “2 ˆ They've got |

~~ blue eyes J

q0) Describing people

Trang 12

That boy over there? What does he look like? He hasn't got glasses, That man over there?

He's got straight, black hair! He hasn't got a beard, —

He’s got wavy, black hair! Chorus Chorus

e & Listen, find and point look like? Ask and answer mother father sister

in the picture grandfather grandmother

What does your brother look like?


= He's got straight, black hair and “hasnt gota beard! ie

She’s got curly, brown hair and brown eyes She hasn’t got a ponytail

What does he / she look like? He / She’s got He / She hasn't got

Trang 13

@ @ Listen, point and say

an hear this thing! Has the boy got a drum?

Hugo can smell something

1 Has the girl got

some chocolate?

Yes, she has!

a Her family makes

chocolate in Brazil

Have you got a

special thing, Eva? \ earrings drum

Trang 14

I can’t see the i isn’t here bracelet

No, it isn’t here

2 Everyone is very happy

Oh, thank you!

You are very clever!

clever, too! Socks is

P= How does Eva

® Coie) feel at the end of

` the story? Why? >>

© ©@ what special thing do you @) Read and answer True or false? want to put in the exhibition?

2 Hugo smells chocolate I want to put my in the

3 Eva's special thing is her necklace exhibition because

4 Eva can’t find her special thing

Socks helps the children find

Trang 15

@ ® Listen what's Zoe's favourite thing in the exhibition?

Ask and answer about

the picture in Activity 1

He / She’s got a drum

blue eyes curly hair

blonde hair a ponytail

some photos a toy a football

3) ® Choose a person Then ask, answer and guess

Trang 16

wer ey «


@ Look Describe the children and their © @) Listen and read

special things © thisis my ) grandmother's

Ask if you don’t

understand something

My person has got short, curly hair

| Sorry, I don’t 1 _ understand -—~

Trang 17

©) ©, Listen, read and match

are special to me! | love

stories This is my favourite book It’s about a pirate! He's got a red moustache and along, curly beard! | think books are important to everyone We can learn new

things from books

) Read again and choose

Ewa lives in Russia / the USA

She’s got a favourite book

about a pirate / drum

Tom makes films of his

special days / friends Gabriel plays football / a drum on special days

People play music /

is special to me! | never = is special to me! | always forget my camera when | go play it on special days! out! | take a lot of photos I think music is important to

cameras are important to happy They can play music everyone They can take when they're sad, too photos They can also make

films about special days

Which thing in Activity 2 do you think is important

Listen Which thing from

Activity 2 don’t they talk about?

Sara’s special thing is a Pierre’s special thing is a


— Global Citizenship An article about special things

Trang 18

ws ew YP &’ =

oO & Listen and read Then match

Our writing workshop ‘

QO & Ideas generator Listen ‘

and number


» © _ & Giveitago Plan your

~——-[ Pgmbek |«-Z/

x i? Describe it é- a eee

>| © & write a description of

: a special thing together

P 1 can write a description

> of a special thing

Writing A description of a special thing ND

Trang 19

My special people

@ Look what do Kurt and Mia look like?

Are you the same or different?

hair eyes freckles eyebrows smile


We're the same!

Mia hasn't got freckles I've got freckles We're different!

© Look again What are Kurt and Mia’s special things?

What's your special thing?

@ What can we say when we don’t understand someone?

important to everyone?

My special thing is my camera I think

cameras are important to everyone because

they can take photos of special days

My special thing is my bracelet

Bracelets aren’t important to everyone but this is special to me!

Trang 20

© << Whot does your friend look like?

` Whgf*s his / her special thing?

This is my friend He’s / She's got

He / She hasn't got His / Her Special thing is

We're the same / different because _@ Make a poster about your

friend and his / her special thing

Are you the same or different?

© © Put all the posters together to

create an All About Us exhibition

Trang 21

Let’s use it again!

Talk about things that are near and far

Talk about using old things to make new things

6 Make and reply to invitations

Write an invitation to an upcycling party

» Design and talk about upcycled things

| What old things have `

you got? Can you use 4 (& them again? Á Z

(@) What can you see? © ® watch and listen ( >

@ ®@ Listen and find © & Look and say

@ & Listen and point There are two red

Then listen and repeat and white bowls

(20) Things at home

Trang 22

oO & “> Read and sing

L2) B&B Listen, find and point

Look at these cups!

Look at these plates! Look at these bowls! I think these are great!

` I don’t like

Trang 23

QO & Listen, point and say

L2) Look at the story Can you describe

the things in the pictures?

© &, ® Listen or watch

What new thing do the children


The children want to do

There are some upcycled rugs

Whose are

those rugs, Eva?

She’s from India She

makes old T-shirts into new rugs

There are

some plastic cups and some

paper plates

I like this rubber boot!

Look at these old

Trang 24


F 5 ry | But what can you do with old boots? The children think about the problem

I know! We can

paint the boots Q

Then we can wear | ©

them again!

Thanks, Socks! I’ve got |

an idea! Let’s use the - That’ Sa

boot to make a new pot! see idea! rice!

No, we can't

There’s only one blue boot

It’s anew flower pot!

5 2%

Lets make & something else! |

How do you think

I feel at the end of

plastic cups old T-shirts

: I want to use this plastic

Gita uses to make new rugs cup I want to make

Zoe sees some and some a new pencil pot

Trang 25

@ ©@ Listen and match

Look at the picture Imagine you're me or one of my friends

Point, ask and answer

this / that?

©) _.& Ask and answer about different things

Whose are these pencils?

Trang 26

upcycling party Yes, please

No, thanks Sorry, I can’t

@ (#2, Listen aggin and repedt

ov Es ww

© & Listen and say © & invite your friends to some

parties Your friends answer Would you like to come

Parties are always fun!

But I can’t come to your party

Trang 27

Many people have got old

plastic boxes In Sydney,

there's a huge city garden This garden uses plastic boxes! First, people grow plants inside little boxes Then they put the plants into big boxes They put these

boxes together The garden is

very pretty and it’s fun to visit!

@ Read again and match


1 old plastic boxes

© @ Listen and say

Where is the party?

2 Fish phone boxes, Tokyo, Japan

People don’t use phone boxes now In Japan, people put water in old phone boxes Then they put fish in the phone

boxes, too! Now, the phone

boxes are interesting homes for fish! People love looking at the little fish They take a lot of photos of the fish and the phone boxes!

People in Kathmandu upcycle

ugly city rubbish They use the rubbish to make an exciting playground! Children can climb and swing in this playground Many people love the playground It uses rubbish to make a fun place for children! Do you want to play there, too?

oe đò Listen again True or false?

“Emin has some old plastic bowls at home 2 Lisa has some old metal plates at home

(26) Global Citizenship An article about upcycling around the world

Trang 28

@ ®@ Listen and read

Whose party is it? Please come to my upcycling party!

Where? It’s at my house

When? It’s on Saturday at two oclock

Please bring some things for upcycling!

Ann Ne ‘)

Our writing workshop © 5° ~~~_-~ ’ ——

L2) B Gg Ideas generator Listen,

read and complete ồ @ Giveitago Plan your party with a friend

upcycling party together

Trang 29

@) Look again and follow the lines @©) which things can you

We can upcycle old

cups and plates

Yes, we can We can

©) Invite your friend to upcycle , too! anrupeyeling party, © ® watch and listen

Would you like ?

Yes, please I'd / No, sorry, I

Trang 30

I can make a new pen pot

from this old cup!

© ©) Design and talk about your

upcycled things

© @ Create a class exhibition of your @®) Which upcycled things are

new things! Ask and answer useful to you? Tell your friend

I like these pretty bowls Whose are these?

Trang 31

@ \@) Listen What do the children want to put inside the time capsule? @ © Look Ask and answer

curly hair moustache blonde hair necklace bowl boxes

big eyebrows a big smile flower pot dolls -, What does he / she look like? Whose is this / that?

eyebrows and a big smile She hasn't

got freckles Her gpecial thing is a

bracelet It’s very old! It’s a present

$rom our grandmother

She hasn't got big eyebrows She’s got freckles

Emma thinks her bracelet is special


© ¢ Write about someone in your

family and their special thing

q0 Review 1 Units 1 and 2

Trang 32


L7) £ Cregte q class exhibition Find things in your schoot bag

Look Ask and answer Whose are those books?

@ What you can see in the exhibitions? Complete your

Museum Trail Card

Trail Card

and talk about

describing people

and upcycling things

Icanask and talk about what people look like and their

Ican invite people to

4 | aparty and reply to

an invitation

Review 1 @

Trang 33

Ask for and give directions in a city

B&B Write a message about a city visit

| > Design and talk about a new city


Which is the biggest city in the world?

What can you see? Watch and listen \

Listen and find Look and say

Listen and point | pharmacy buses restaurant trees |

Then listen and repeat

There are some shops

| in the shopping centre | There aren't

any buses

Vocabulary Places in a city

Trang 34

Qo @® “4 Regd and sing

© & Listen, find and point

©) Make sentences about the picture

I like / love going to the ice rink

it’s amazing He / She likes / loves going to the stadium

Tell me! What about you?


I like going to the swimming pool, I love going to the theatre, too

I don’t like going to the funfair,

Tell me! What about you?


I like going to the shopping centre, I love going to the restaurant, too I don’t like going to the art gallery, Tell me! What about you?



€ồ “° wnere do you like going

in your city? Why?

I like going to the art gallery because it’s interesting

Trang 35

@ @ Listen, point and say

watch a match go on aride

@® which activities from Activity 1

can you see in the story?

@ & © Listen or watch How do the children make the exhibition work?

The children visit a new

exhibition at the museum



You can 1 make this exhibition What's this, Eva?

How does it work?

Hugo, Zoe and Sofia

Oh, look! It’s ride the bikes, too

Trang 36

The exhibition is about their city in the future 8

Z® \Š

No, I don't I like going ` ¿Š;

the market It’s fun a C

No, I don’t I like going to

to the stadium, Hugo?

4 make the exhibition work! Cycling keeps the city clean, too!

How do you think we feel when we

ride the bikes?

© _ ©&@ Imagine you're at the exhibition

Talk about activities that you like and don’t like doing

@)9 Read again and answer True or false? 5 I like watching a match but

Eva makes this exhibition work T don’t like going shopping Zoe is the first child to ride a bike Me too! I like watching

The exhibition shows people and a match, too

places in Future City

Hugo likes going to the stadium 1 can taLk about activities that 1 like

g6 2565 going ° and don't like doing in ø city

Story value Understanding the importance of working together G3

Trang 37

@ @ Listen what do they all like doing?

Trang 38

@ & Listen and say

Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me,

Where's the city square?

Turn left, turn right, turn right, turn left,

The square is over there!

3 L2) & Listen and follow the directions

Where is the art gallery on the map?


op “Turn right at the restaurant Go straight on Then turn left

at the hotel The art gallery

is next to the hotel

Turn left and then

turn right Then go straight on I can ask for and give directions HN ‹ a4

Trang 39

@ Look at the photos Is your @ ©& Listen, read and match

city the same or different?

Rio de Janeiro Milan


Green city fun!

We love having fun in our cities! There are always a lot of exciting things to do Read about some children from around the world talking about what they like doing in their home cities Which activity do you like best? What do you like doing in your city?

| like watching a football match | love going to the Morro In my city, there are some amazing upcycling markets da Mineira stadium! It’s a very clever stadium When the | enjoy going shopping with my friends at these markets football players run, the stadium lights work | can play We like using things again

football there, too! It’s a lot of fun! Idris, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

David, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil In] na acc ca Ta

My friends and | enjoy planting trees in our big city dirty | like cycling with my friends Bikes keep our city clean

Some of the places in our city look boring We plant trees io, Tokyo, Japan and then those places look lovely! We love trees!

They’re beautiful! Peter, London, Uk

I love doing a nature trail! And there’s nature in my city, too

My aunt lives in the Bosco Verticale These city towers have got trees and plants on them They keep our city clean, too

Maria, Milan, Italy

@ & Listen Is Aiko’s city clean?

Qo Read again Complete the sentences e & Listen again and choose

things when she cycles

The Tokyo Skytree is a tree / tower Aiko’s favourite season is

David likes watching a match at

the Morro da Mineira

Cd Global Citizenship An article about green city fun

Trang 40

@ © Listen and read What does ;

Aiko like watching? Hi Dan,

| can’t wait to see you next weekend! What do you like doing? Do you like watching a show? | love watching a show because it's exciting! But | don’t enjoy watching a match because it's boring! What about you?

See you next weekend!


Our writing workshop

@ &®ồ @ ideas generator Listen,

message with a friend Where do you live? What do you

What do you like doing in your city? |

in your city? Why?

= I love going

because it’s !

@ 2 Imagine that your

friend is visiting your city next weekend

Write a message together

“+ Idon't like going on because it’s !

I can write a message about

a city visit

Writing A message about a city visit BY

Ngày đăng: 24/07/2024, 11:56