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giáo trình anh văn chuyên ngành nghề kế toán doanh nghiệp cao đẳng

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Nội dung

Bên cạnh đó, chiếm lĩnh kiến thức từ môn học này sẽ thuậnlợi hơn khi xin việc tại các Công ty nước ngoài, Công ty liên doanh cũng nhưcác Công ty, các doanh nghiệp trong nước đòi hỏi có t

Trang 1



Trang 2

Ninh Bình


Tài liệu này thuộc loại sách giáo trình nên các nguồn thông tin có thể đượcphép dùng nguyên bản hoặc trích dùng cho các mục đích về đào tạo và thamkhảo.

Mọi mục đích khác mang tính lệch lạc hoặc sử dụng với mục đích kinhdoanh thiếu lành mạnh sẽ bị nghiêm cấm.

Trang 3


Ngoại ngữ nói chung và tiếng Anh nói riêng đang là môn học cấp thiết vàrất hữu dụng đối với sinh viên các khối nghề Môn học này trang bị cho học viênnhững kiến thức để thực hiện các kỹ năng giao tiếp cơ bản Sử dụng tiếng Anhnhằm tạo điều kiện cho học sinh có thể tiếp xúc với các nguồn tài liệu khác nhautừ nhiều quốc gia Bên cạnh đó, chiếm lĩnh kiến thức từ môn học này sẽ thuậnlợi hơn khi xin việc tại các Công ty nước ngoài, Công ty liên doanh cũng nhưcác Công ty, các doanh nghiệp trong nước đòi hỏi có trình độ về ngoại ngữ.

Nhằm đáp ứng yêu cầu về học tập, giảng dạy và nghiên cứu của học viên,khoa Kinh tế - Du lịch trường Cao đẳng Cơ giới Ninh Bình đã tổ chức biên soạncuốn: “Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Kế toán doanh nghiệp ” Giáo trình bước đầugiúp học viên tiếp xúc với Tiếng Anh trong lĩnh vực kế toán Giáo trình sẽ táihiện lại các kiến thức giúp các em củng cố, luyện tập bốn kỹ năng: Nghe – Nói –Đọc – Viết Ngoài ra, sẽ cung cấp cho học viên một số vốn từ, thuật ngữ, mẫucâu và những hiểu biết tập trung theo từng chủ đề Qua đó, các em có thể dùngtiếng Anh để giao tiếp trong một số tình huống cụ thể.

Lần đầu tiên cuốn giáo trình được biên soạn, chắc chắn không tránh được

thiếu sót Chúng tôi mong muốn nhận được sự đóng góp của các đồng nghiệp,

độc giả và những người quan tâm để cuốn sách được chỉnh sửa, bổ sung ngàycàng hoàn thiện hơn.

Xin chân thành cảm ơn!

Ninh Bình, ngày… tháng… năm 2018

Tham gia biên soạn

1 Chủ biên: Hoàng Xuân Hảo 2 Lê Thị Vân Nga

3 Nguyễn Thị Thu Nga

Trang 4


Tên môn học: Anh văn chuyên ngànhMã số môn học: MH 33

Thời gian thưc hiện môn học: 60 giờ; (Lý thuyết: 40 giờ; Thực hành, thảo

luận, bài tập: 18 giờ; Kiểm tra: 2 giờ)

I Vị trí, tính chất của môn học:

- Vị trí: Môn học được bố trí giảng dạy sau khi đã học xong các môn họccơ sở.

- Tính chất: Là môn học chuyên môn nghề.

- Ý nghĩa va vai trò: Đây là môn học dành cho sinh viên chuyên ngành k ếtoán, cung cấp cho học viên một số vốn từ, thuật ngữ, mẫu câu và những hiểubiết tập trung theo từng chủ đề.

II Mục tiêu môn học:

III Nội dung môn học:

Trang 7

unit 1 MARKET economYMã bài: AVCN 01

Giới thiệu: Bài học này giúp học viên tìm hiểu về khái niệm nền kinh tế.Mục tiêu:

- Sử dụng được các thuật ngữ liên quan đến nền kinh tế, nền kinh tế thịtrường, nền kinh tế lập kế hoạch, thu nhập quốc nội;

- Đọc, hiểu và dịch được tài liệu liên quan đến nền kinh tế, nền kinh tế thịtrường, nền kinh tế kế hoạch, thu nhập quốc nội;

- Nghiêm túc, cùng hợp tác với giáo viên để hoàn thành bài học.

- economy (n); nÒn kinh tÕ

- economics (n); kinh tÕ häc - economist (n); nhµ kinh tÕ häc

- savings (n); tiÒn tiÕt kiÖm

Trang 8

made and brought to them It also studies the way people and nations choose thethings they actually buy among the many things they want.

Economists (specialists in economics) define economics as the study ofhow goods and services get produced and how they are distributed By goodsand services, economists mean everything that can be brought and sold Byproduced, they mean the processing and making of goods and services Bydistributed, they mean goods and services are divided among the people.

In all countries, the resources used to produce goods and services arescarce That is, no nation has enough farms, factories and workers to produceeverything that everyone would like.

Money is also scarce Few people have enough money to buy everythingthey want when they want it Therefore, people everywhere most choose the bestpossible way to use their resources and money.

Children may have to choose whether to spend their allowances on amotion picture or a Hamburger Storekeepers may have to choose whether totake a summer vacation or use their savings to buy more merchandise A nationmay have to choose whether to use tax money to build more submarines Ineconomic items, the children, the storekeepers, and the nation all musteconomize in order to satisfy their most important needs and wants This meansthey must try to use the resources they have to produce the things they mostwant.

Economics is a study of mankind It tells us how man subsists, grows anddevelops in relation to the wealth available on Earth Relations made by personsin the society which are in connection with material circumstances andeconomic.


An economic system in which the market – that is the relation betweenproducers and consumers, buyers and sellers, investors and workers,management and labor – is supposed to be regulated by the law of suppy anddemand Business firms are supposed to compete freely, and any attempt athindering free competition is punishable by law.

Trang 9

Direct government intervention is theoretically ruled out although thegovernment will influence the economic situation through its fiscal andbudgetary policies

Answer the questions

1 Can people in most countries buy all the things they want?

………2 What do nations in the world want to do for their countries?

………3 What does the field of economics study?

………4 How do economists define economics?

………5 Are the resources in the world used to produce goods and services abundant?

………6 What do people and nations do with their limited resources and money?

………7 Why is it said that: Economics is a study of mankind?

………8 Which relations are called economic?

………9 What is market?

………10 What is market economy?

III Language focus:

Present simple and Present continuous

We use the present simple to:

∙ give factual information about company’s activities.

Trang 10

Hyundai has its headquarter in Seoul.

∙ talk about routine activities in the company.

I always check my e-mail in the morning.

We use the present continuous to:

∙ describe ongoings situations and projects.

We are constantly improving the way we sell our products.

∙ describe temporary situations.

She is staying in Paris till the end of the month.

∙ talk about future arrangements.

We are opening a new store next week.

1. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present ous form of the verbs in bracket.

continu-a We normally (hold) our sales conference in Spain, butthis year we (hold) it in Germany.

b Although we (use) our own sales rep at the moment,we generally (use) agents in Japan.

c It normally (take) us two years to develop a new uct.

prod-d We don’t often (raise) our prices more than 5%, butthis time we (raise) them 10%.

e Usually our Sales Director (deal) with important tomers.

cus-f We usually (recruit) from within the company, but thistime we (advertise) externally.

g We (rent) offices until our new headquarter are ready.h The company (want) to achieve record sales this year.

2. Complete this job advertisement with the present simple or presentcontinuous form of the verbs in the box.


We one of the largest mobile phone retailers in Europe.We independent and impartial advice on mobile phones.We more than 800 stores in 10 countries, and we

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fast We over 3,000 workers Currently we thenext stage in our development, and we for major growth out-side Europe We for people who are reliable, confident andenthusiastic We experienced people who want to work for anexpanding company We a competitive salary and privatehealth insurance We are willing to reward staff with attractive perfor-mance-based bonuses.

Ring 020 7973 3864 for an information back

IV Writing in business lf

1 Each sentence has a mistake Underline and correct it Correct

1 Let me to introduce to my colleague.1……….

2 Asia is one of the company’s major market.2……….

3 Nokia’s sales in China is very high.3……….

4 The Nokia N72 is a very successful production.4……….

5 Are there a conference room in the hotel?5……….

6 How far does it take you to get there? - 3 hours.6……….

7 The meeting starts in 10.15 A.M.7……….

8 There aren’t much suitable candidates for the job.8………

2 Make questions for the underlined words

Trang 12

1 Our company is looking for new markets.………

2 They usually hold the meetings in the conference room.………

3 That company employs 3.000 people within our country.………

4 The nearest international airport is about 2km from here.………

5 In this country, banks open at 8 o’clock.………

6 It took her three hours to fly to the south of the country.………

7 As there was no bus at midnight, he walked home.……… 8 He works at a Japanese company.

9 The company’s general director arrived here yesterday by his own plane.

……… 10 This dish is made with chicken and onions.………


Trang 13

Giới thiệu: Bài học này giỳp học viờn tỡm hiểu về khỏi niệm kinh tế vi mụ.Mục tiờu:

- Sử dụng được cỏc thuật ngữ liờn quan đến kinh tế vi và mụ kinh tế vĩmụ;

- Đọc, hiểu và dịch được cỏc tài liệu liờn quan đến kinh tế vi mụ, kinh tếvĩ mụ;

- Nghiờm tỳc, cựng hợp tỏc với giỏo viờn để hoàn thành bài học.

Nội dung chớnh:

I Vocabulary

- approach (n); tiếp cận, phơng pháp- aggregate (v); tính gộp lại, tính hợp lại- relative price (n); giá tơng đối

- general equilibrium theory (n); thuyết cân bằng tổng thể- interaction (n); tác động qua lại, ảnh hởng lẫn nhau

- theoretical (adj); thuộc về lý thuyết- competition (n); cạnh tranh

II Reading comprehension

Microeconomics is a branch of economics that analyzes the marketbehavior of individual consumers and firms in an attempt to understand thedecision-making process of firms and households It is concerned with theinteraction between individual buyers and sellers and the factors that influencethe choices made by buyers and sellers In particular, microeconomics focuseson patterns of supply and demand and the determination of price and output inindividual markets (e.g coffee industry).

Microeconomic studies individual decisions about particular commodities,it examines how these decisions and behaviors affect the supply and demand forgoods and services, which determines prices, and how prices, in turn, determinethe supply and demand of goods and services For example, we might study whyindividual households prefer cars to bicycles and how producers decide whetherto produce car or bicycles We can then aggregate the behavior of all thehouseholds and all the firms to discuss total car purchases and total carproduction.

The field of microeconomics known as general equilibrium theory extendsthis approach to its logical conclusion It studies simultaneously every market forevery commodity From this, it is hoped that we can understand the completed

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pattern of consumption, production, and exchange in the whole economy at apoint in time.

Microeconomics also deals with the effects of national economic policies(such as changing taxation levels) on the before mentioned aspects of theeconomy

One of the goals of microeconomics is to analyze market mechanisms thatestablish relative prices amongst goods and services and allocation of limitedresources Microeconomics analyzes market failure, where markets fail toproduce efficient results, and describes the theoretical conditions needed forperfect competition.

Answer the questions

1 Why does the microeconomics analyze the behavior of individual firms and consumers?

………2 Does it focus on overall economic trends?

………3 What is needed before total car purchases and production can be discussed?

………4 What is the field of microeconomics known as?

III Word study

Match the words and the definitions

- economist- commodity- interaction- monetary- equilibrium- aggregate

- connect with money

- combine different items, amounts- a state of balance

- a product or a raw material that can be bought and sold

- influence each other

- a person who studies or writes about economics

IV Language focus

The past simple tense and The present perfect tense

• We use the past simple tense:

- to talk about the completed actions that happened in the past.

Example: They worked over last weekend to meet the


Trang 15

- to refer a definite moment or period in the past.

Example: They made the presentation on Monday.

• The present perfect connects the past and the present We use the presentperfect:

- to talk about the past actions that affect us now.

Example: Our company has just introduced flexitime and

everyone’s delighted.

- to talk about our life experiences.

Example: I’ve worked with many countries where stress was

a problem.

- to announced news.

Example: The CEO has appointed a new management team.

A Cross out the incorrect sentence in each pair.

1 Stress levels have increased in recent years.Stress levels increased in recent years.

2 The role of woman changed dramatically over the past 100 years.

The role of woman has changed dramatically over the past 100 years.

3 He has worked as a stress counsellor since 1999.He worked as a stress counsellor since 1999.4 He resigned 2 months ago.

He has resigned 2 months ago.

5 Have you ever been to a stress counsellor before?Did you ever go to a stress counsellor before?6 I have seen a stress counsellor last week.

I saw a stress counsellor last week.

B Write the time expressions from the box under the correct heading.

Trang 16

so far two years ago ever in 1999 yet just yesterday

for the last two weeks already never last Monday during the 1990s

over last few years since 2001 when I was at university

V Writing in business

1 Put the words in bracket into the correct forms

1 Sorry! I can’t go to your housewarming party next Monday evening I

am having an (appoint)……… then.

2 What are the usual (work) ……… hours in your company?3 Hoan Kiem lake is one of Hanoi major tourist (attract) ……… 4 The (fly) ……… to Ho Chi Minh city took me two hours and a

half last Tuesday.

5 Her dream is become a good (account) ……… 6 Thank you for (invite) ……… us.

7 As a/an (nation) ……… language English is spoken widely by

a very large number of people.

8 This company (product) ……… shoes to export.

2 Reorder the words to make meaningful sentences.

1 pass/ final exam/ she / easily / managed/ her / to/

……… 2 an / she / novelist / is / excellent /

……… 3 cars / prefer / individual households / to bicycles / may /.……… 4 always /easy / is / total car production / estimate / not / to / ……… 5 bank / money / he/ to / went/ borrow / the / to.


Trang 17

3 Read and complete the passage below using provided words.

rich pair sons on interested founder likes meetingfull hate

Phil Knight is the (1)……… and CEO of Nike, a famous sports andfitness company He is from Oregon, USA He is 65 and is very (2)………….man He is married, and his wife’s name is Penny They have two (3)……… and one daughter Knight loves sport, including tennis, runningand golf He also (4)………… fast cars He says, “I love the fact that Nike isabout sports.” He has a tattoo of the Nike logo (5)………… his left leg.

Knight’s ad agency is Wieden & Kennedy At his first (6)……… with Wieden, Knight said, “Hi, I’m Phil Knight And I (7)……… advertising.” But they are still partners after 21 years At meetingswith Wieden, Knight is relaxed and tells jokes He wears blue jeans, a T-shirtand suit jacket, and a (8)……… of Nike shoes.

Knight is (9)……… in Asia, especially Japan His office is (10)………… of objects from Asia It is in Nike’s World Headquarters inBeaverton Oregon

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Giới thiệu: Bài học này giỳp học viờn tỡm hiểu về khỏi niệm kinh tế vĩ mụ.Mục tiờu:

- Sử dụng được cỏc thuật ngữ liờn quan đến kinh tế vĩ mụ, cỏc cõu bị

- Đọc, hiểu và dịch được cỏc tài liệu liờn quan đến kinh tế vĩ mụ;

- Nghiờm tỳc, cựng hợp tỏc với giỏo viờn để hoàn thành bài học.

Nội dung chớnh:

I Vocabulary

- economic trend(n); xu hớng kinh tế- unemployment(n); tình trạng thất nghiệp- balance of payment (n); bảng cân đối chi tiêu- inflation (n); lạm phát

- monetary policy (n); chính sách tiền tệ

- fiscal policy (n); chính sách tài khoá, chính sách tài chính- revenue (n); thu nhập

- respond to (v); phản ứng - taxation (n); thuế

Trang 19

- expenditure (n); chi tiªu, chi phÝ

II Reading comprehension

Macroeconomics provides us with a bird’s eye view of country’seconomic landscape Instead of looking at behavior of individual business andconsumer – called microeconomics – the goal of macroeconomics is to look at

overall economic trends such as employment levels, economic growth,

balance of payments, and inflation The study of the world economy, for

example, is essentially a macroeconomics survey.

Just as a speed of an engine is regulated by its supply of fuel,

macroeconomics is influenced mainly by monetary policy, which controls anation’s money supply, and fiscal policy, which controls a government’s

revenue and spending Control over an economy is essentially the hands of

each country’s central banks and government, because they control the money

that provides the fuel to keep the economy running.

Monetary policy, the control of nation’s money supply is managed byeach country’s central banks Germany’s Bundesbank, Britain’s bank of

England, and the bank of Japan all regulate their supplies with basically thesame goals as the US Federal Reserve to promote economic growth and keep

inflation under control.

Just as a driver uses the accelerator to speed up or slow down a vehicle,central bank controls the economy by decreasing the money supply By carefullyregulating the supply money to fuel economic growth, a central bank works to

keep economy from overheating or slowing down too quickly.

Monetary policy is essentially a guessing game There is no one statisticto tell us how fact an economy is growing, and there is nothing that tells us how

quickly the economy will respond to changes that may take months or years to

implement Central banks try to keep one eye to employment, resulting fromeconomic slow down.

The economy at large also can be controlled by regulating fiscal policy,government revenue and spending Although a country’s money supply iscontrolled by central banks, government spending also greatly influenced by acountry’s economic growth Just as a family’s economic health is influenced byparents’ earning and spending habits, a nation’s economic heath is influenced by

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government fiscal policies, such as taxation, spending and government

For better or for worse, the major economic influences in our daily lives,such as inflation and unemployment, are primarily the result of macroeconomicdecisions.

Choose the best answer

1 Macroeconomics does not study:

a the behavior of individual business and consumers.

b overall economic trends such as employment levels, economic growth, balance of payments and inflation.

c the world economy.

d interactions among economic factors in the whole economy.

2 Macroeconomics is influenced mainly by:

a monetary policy b fiscal policy

3 Which one is not an economic policy?

a monetary policy b insurance policy

4 The purpose of regulating the money supply by the central bank is to:

a keep inflation under control.b promote economic growth.

c keep the economy from overheating or slowing down too quickly.

d all the answers above.

5 Fiscal policy deals with:

a government revenue and spending b taxation.

c government borrowing d all the answers above.

III Word study

Trang 21

1 Match the words and the definitions

a a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing

b the state of not having a job; the fact of a number of people not having a job

c the difference between the amount a country pays for imports and the amount it receives for exports in a particular period of time

d a general rise in the prices of goods and services in a particular country, resulting in a fall in the value of money

e one of the main government policies that attemptsto influence the direction of the economy through changes in government taxes, or through some spending

f the money that a government receives from taxes, or that an organization, etc, receives from its

g an amount of money spent

h to react quickly or in the correct way to sth/ sb i the system of collecting money by taxes

j the total amount of money that exists in the economy of a country at a particular time

1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _

Trang 22

6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10

2 Complete the following sentences using appropriate words or phrases inbold from the reading text (not all words are used)

1 A rapid rise in prices is called………

2 Macroeconomics is the study of overall……… 3 Increasing in real GNP are called………

4 Monetary policy should be contrasted with ……… which refers to government borrowing, spending and taxation.

5 Fiscal policy consists of ……… and taxation.

IV Language focusThe passive

The passive is formed by using the verb be and the past participle For

example, the passive of present tense is formed with am/ is/ are + past

We often use the passive form to focus on something that happens to someone, when we do not want to focus on the person who does the action.

Example: About 85% of the world rubber is produced in the Far East

We can use passive with a modal verb and expression like

have to

Example: Stamps can be bought at any post office

Meals have to be prepared everyday

Exercise: Put the following into the passive voice

1 We can solve this problem.

………2 People should send their complaints to the head office.

………3 They have changed the date of the meeting.


Trang 23

4 The government will influence the economic situation through its fiscal and budgetary policies.

………5 In planned economies, governments fix production and consumption quotas beforehand.

………6 Our supplier is shipping the goods next week.

………7 The government raised interest rates by 1%.

………8 He was asking me some difficult questions.

………9 The ABB gave a large order to us last year.

………10 David Gill from Marketing lent me this book.

Trang 24

6 She is in charge on organizing this meeting.………

7 How about go to the English speaking club this weekend?………

8 How is the conference yesterday?………

9 He likes his job and he is good in it.………

2 Put the words in the correct forms

1 The living standard of people in (develop) ……… countriesis low.

2 You should wear (comfort) ……… clothes, like T-shirts and

jeans when you travel.

3 Could you let me know the price for a single room with a bath for four

nights at the (begin) ……… of November?

4 The sad thing is that (employ) ……… rate in our area is

5 This company’s (produce) ……… are sold in many stores all

over the country.

6 It is really hard to find a job these days, so many people are (job)

7 All the (compete) ……… were ready to take part in the first

round of the contest.

8 One of the necessary skills a (sell) ……… should have is

communication skill.

9 Can I have some (inform) ……… about flights to Da Nang city?

3 Reorder the sentences to make an outline of a talk/ a presentation

a Next I would like to say how the fashion affects our life.

b The presentation is in three parts: Concept of fashion, fashion in our life and Today fashion.

Trang 25

c I am here to give a presentation on Today fashion.d Do you have any question?

e Let’s start with concept of fashion.

f Finally, I would like to point out some features of Today fashion.g Thank you.

1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _ 7 _

4 Complete the following email with the given words in the box

To: Janetbusiness@yahoo.com

From: Johnbusiness@yahoo.com

Subject: Your trip to London

Hi, Janet are you?

I hear that you are to London on December 16th Could we ? I am pretty next week I am a conference onMonday I am giving a in the afternoon and I am having dinner withsome reporters I am meeting the team on Tuesday On Wednesdayand Thursday I am having two other meetings.

On Friday morning, I will be free before flying back to Manchester in theafternoon.

How about each other then?Please by December 5th.Best


Trang 26


Giới thiệu: Bài học này giỳp học viờn tỡm hiểu về khỏi niệm cung cầu.Mục tiờu:

- Sử dụng được những thuật ngữ liờn quan đến cung và cầu;- Đọc, hiểu và dịch được tài liệu liờn quan đến cung và cầu;- Nghiờm tỳc, cựng hợp tỏc với giỏo viờn để hoàn thành bài học.

- supply (n); cung

- quantity supplied(n); lợng cung

- shift factors of supply(n); các yếu tố ngoài giá tác động tới cung- shift in supply(n); dịch chuyển đờng cung

- price ceilling(n); giá trần- price floor(n); giá sàn

- factors of production(n); các yếu tố sản xuất

II Reading comprehension

Trang 27

Demand describes how price influences buyers’ behavior If a price of aspecific good or service increases, the quantity a buyer purchase will decrease Ifthe price decreases, the quantity a buyer purchase will increase.

However, more than just price influences how much a buyer wishes topurchase In order to focus on the influence of price on a buyer, we must hold allthe other possible influences constant Economists call factors other than theprice of the shift factors of demand, or society’s income, prices of other goods,expectations, and tastes.

Demand curve shows how the price influences on buyers In theterminology of economics, a price change causes a movement along a givendemand curve An increase in price will decrease the quantity demanded Wemust be able to illustrate on our model how influences other than price, call shiftfactors, affect decisions to buy On our demand model, we illustrate a change inone of these factors by a shift of the entire demand curve to the right or to theleft In the language of economics, if higher incomes cause the buyers ofspecific good to be willing and able to buy more at various prices, this event isexpressed as an increase in demand and is modeled as a shift of the demandcurve to the right If buyers are willing and able to buy less at all of the variousprices, there is a decrease in demand, and the demand curve shifts to the left.

The seller, just like the buyer, will be influenced by prices when decidinghow much to provide or produce But for the seller, as the price of a good orservice rises, the quantity supplied will increase As price decreases, the sellerwill produce less and the quantity supplied will decrease.

Other forces besides price affect sellers’ willingness and ability to sell atvarious prices These forces are called shift factors and include changes in pricesof inputs, technology, taxes, and suppliers’ expectations These factors are heldconstant as we discuss how price influences the seller.

In the language of economics, any changes in price will cause a change inquantity supplied On the graph this is shown as a movement along a givensupply curve However, our model must also illustrate how the shift factorsinfluence seller decision-making A change in one of these factors is said to

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cause a change in supply and is modeled as a shift of the entire curve Anincrease in the costs of producing a good would result in a decrease in supply.We would model it by shifting the supply curve to the left.

You need to be clear on the difference between an increase in supply andan increase in quantity supplied An improvement in production technologywould cause an increase in supply An increase in price results in an increase inquantity supplied.

Choose the best answer for each statement

1 Which of the following statements about the law of demand is false?

a Price and quantity demanded are inversely related.

b An increase in price results in a decrease in quantity demanded.c A decrease in price results in a decrease in demand.

d The shift factors of demand are held constant.

2 Which of these following is not an example of a change in demand?

a Reduced national income causes fewer sports cars to be purchased.

b The demand curve for steak shift to the right as the barbecue season heats up

c Higher prices for beer cause a decrease in quantity of beer demanded.

d A successful advertising campaign by the pizza institute results in buyers being willing and able to purchase more pizza at each possible price.

3 The law of supply states that as price increases,

a sellers are motivated to produce moreb supply increases

c quantity supplied increasesd supply decreases

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d Government- imposed price ceilings

5 Which of these followings indicates a change in supply?

a Technological improvement in the production processb Movement along a particular supply curve

c Higher prices, causing an increase in quantity suppliedd Quantity supplied decreases as price increases

c production costs decreased a and b

8 If the supply of wheat increases,

a the supply curve will shift to the right.b the market price of wheat will decrease.c the market quantity of wheat will increase.

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d all above.

9 If labour costs in the auto industry rise,

a the demand for cars will decrease.b the price of cars will increase.c fewer cars will be bought and sold.d b and c.

10 An increase in taxes in hard liquor will cause

a an increase in the market price of hard liquor.b a decrease in the market price of hard liquor c a decrease in demand for hard liquor.

d an increase in the supply of hard liquor.

III Word study Match the words and the definitions

1 shift in demand

2 factors of production3 quantity demanded4 shift in supply

5 movement along demand curve

6 demand7 price floor

8 quantity supplied9 shift factors of supply10 shift factors of demand 11 price ceiling

d something other than price that affects howmuch of a good is demanded

e a shift of the entire demand curve

f quantities that will be brought to market atvarious prices

g quantity of goods suppliers want to sell; itcan be represented by a point on a supplycurve

h other forces besides price affect sellers’

willingness and ability to sell at various prices

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i a shift of the entire supply curve

j government imposed limit on how high a

price may be set

k government imposed limit on how low a price may be set

l inputs or resources, necessary to produce goods

m a change in the quantity demanded due to a change in price

IV Language focus

1 Modal verbs in passive

We can use modal verb in passive The pattern is Modal verb+ be+

past participle.

Example: A loan can be arranged within 6 days

Exercise: Complete the following passage, using the verbs in brackets.

The offer of employment……….( may/ express)directly or it ……….( may/ imply) by conduct It……… (must/ communicate) to the employees Theoffer……… (can/ withdraw) at any time beforeacceptance After the contract is made everyemployee……….(must/ give) a written statement of termsand conditions of employment.

2 Make these sentences passive:

Example: In the planned economy the governments fix prices.

In the planned economy the prices are fixed by the governments

1 They must deliver the goods as soon as possible.

………2 They have obtained various valuable minerals in that area.

………3 The committee prepared a special scheme.

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………4 I am sure that the government will change this policy.

………5 We can measure all values in the economic systems in term of money.………6 They haven’t stamped the letter.

………7 The company must pay me for the work.

………8 A machine could do this much more easily.

………9 You need not type this financial report.

………10 Has someone posted my parcel?

V Writing in business

1 Put the words in the correct forms

1 There are now a number of (organize) ………around the

world that have adopted different management styles

2 That (build) ……… is situated in the center of this city3 My department is responsible for (market) ……… activities.4 He is one of the (manage) ……… here.

5 Watching football matches with friends is very (excite)………6 My (employ) ……… is being hot-tempered He is shouting at

the workers.

7 (Science) ……… often work in Research and Development


Trang 33

8 That group is the international market (lead) ……… for

bottled water.

2 Fill the gap with one of the following words

I am product marketer for a maker of hand-held computingproducts I am responsible defining specific products ourline First I conduct market research and customer research todetermine the customers need and how the product will fill it Then Iwrite the product proposal and submit for approval it’sapproved, I start writing the hardware and software specifications, the road map the engineers will use to build the In the specifications, Ioutline the product and the details of all the features it will Finally, I the cross-functional team to build, launch, and market the product.3 Reorder the sentences to make a meaningful e-mail letter

From: Sylvie DutertreSubject: Hotel information

1 I would be grateful if you could send me some information about your hotel facilities.

2 Your faithfully Sylvie Dutertre3 Dear Mrs Isaac Cady,

4 I look forward to hearing from you.

5 Could you also let me know the price for a single room with a bath for four nights at the beginning of November?

4 Make sentences from the given words & phrases, changing if necessary

1 You/ me/ the way/ nearest bus stop/ please?


Ngày đăng: 22/07/2024, 20:16
