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Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: Current situation and solutions for Marketing promotion activities on YouTube at Happy Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company

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Hanoi, March, 2023

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Ph.D Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

Hanoi, March, 2023

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Doan Quynh Chỉ — 11190803 - Business English 61A

First of all, I would like to thank all the lecturers of the Faculty of ForeignLanguages of the National Economics University for equipping andenthusiastically imparting knowledge to me during 4 years of research and studyat the university.

In particular, I would like to express my gratitude to Ms Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh- who wholeheartedly supported me during the internship and completed thegraduation internship.

At the same time, I would like to express sincere thanks to the managementboard and all staff of Happy Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company for

creating favorable conditions to guide the author to successfully complete the

Although I have tried to research to best complete the topic, it will still bedifficult to avoid shortcomings Therefore, I look forward to receiving commentsfrom teachers to contribute to improving this topic.


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The study shows three recommendations for marketing promotion activities toboost revenue for Happy Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company'sYouTube channel: YouTube advertising launching, content orientation, and

influencer marketing activities' ideas The analysis and conclusions of the study

are based on data provided by the company, YouTube Studio and a survey of 280viewers of the Tue An YouTube channel.

The topics that audiences are interested in on the channel are three topics aboutmarital conflict, personal development and pre-mariage In particular, the interestin the topic of pre-marrigae is increasing, but the company has not focused on itin the past time The company needs to maintain the existing effectiveness of

suggested videos and browsing feature videos to retain potential customers TheTue An YouTube channel can also focus on creating content for videos on theShorts platform, which is a new and growing YouTube feature Growth on searchis not the channel's strength and it will be easier for the company to continue todevelop the channel and product brand based on the influencer Tue An Thecontent on the overview channel is considered attractive enough because it hasthe ability to retain viewers at an average viewing time of up to 50% On thecontrary, content creators need to improve their titles and thumbnails in generalto capture viewers’ attention and increase video click-through rates The audience

on the channel shows little signs of being bored with the content, so the channelmay consider changing and updating more about the topic or genre of content.Based on demographics, it can be seen that the actual audience of the channel

matches the target customer group set by the business The channel need toencourage viewers to watch livestreams/videos longer and encourage channelsubscribers because these rates are still low Surveys and statistics show that thechannel is receiving affection from the audience and the audience has a certainimage of the channel's brand.

On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that future research may furtherexamine market popular topics and customer awareness of the product A deeper

understanding of the operating rules and direction of the YouTube channel could

be encouraged for future researches.


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ATL Above the lineAds Advertising

BTL Below the line

CEO Chief Executive OfficerKOL Key Opinion Leader

TTL Through The Line


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Table 1.1 Video groups deployed on Tue An YouTube channel until March 2023 10Table 1.2 Special gifts/ incentives for each product of Happy Academy 12Table 2.1 The comparison of two types of advertising - ATL and BTL 17Table 3.1 Viewers’ evaluation of the content quality on the Tue An YouTube

Table 3.2 Evaluation the level of customer interaction with YouTube channel 44


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Figure 3.1 Content topics that posted on the Tue An YouTube channel from

December 2022 to February 2023 0 ccccccsseseseeseeeeseeeeseeeeteeneneenees 33Figure 3.2 Content topics that customers are watching on the Tue An YouTube

channel from December 2022 to February 2023 - - - 34Figure 3.3 Topics of interest to the audience on the Tue An YouTube channel 35Figure 3.4 Statistical results of traffic source of the Tue An YouTube channel

from December 2022 to February 2023 . -«<++s<++ss2 36Figure 3.5 Searched keywords of the Tue An YouTube channel from December

2022 to u02 SN 37Figure 3.6 Impressions and click through rate of the Tue An YouTube channel

from December 2022 to February 2023 -. -« «<< s<++sss+ 38Figure 3.7 Viewers’ evaluation of the content visual quality on the Tue An

YouTube channeÌL + + + E3 1 9 ng ng tr 39

Figure 3.8 Audience’s gender and age of the Tue An YouTube channel from

December 2022 to February 2023 oo eee eesecseessceeeeeeeseeeeeeees 41

Figure 3.9 Audience’s country of residence of the Tue An YouTube channel

from December 2022 to February 2023 - - +5 «+x++x+sx2 42Figure 3.10 Average percentage viewed ratio of each type of content on the Tue

An YouTube channel from December 2022 to February 2023 43Figure 3.11 Watch time from subscribers of the Tue An YouTube channel from

December 2022 to February 2023 - - +5 + + *+++ssersseereeee 43Figure 3.13 The application of the channel’s knowledge by viewers 49Figure 3.14 The number of purchases for each product on the Tue An YouTubeFigure 3.15 Evaluation of the results after applying the knowledge of the Tue An

YouTube ”S VI€W©TS c 202030303030301101 101K 22355555 51

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT d6 (5 9 n0 0 0010040 04000 i

EXECUTIVE SUMMA RYY <0 00 iiLIST OF ABBREVIHA TIONNS G5 G0000 896 iiiLIST OF TABLES 5 <5 < 5< 5< HH 0000000 g0 iv

LIST OF FIGURES o5 5-5 5< 5 9 H9 000000000 090896.0 YTABLE OF CONTTIEN TỀS - 5-5-5 s9 9 009.000 0000080960900 viINTRODUCTTIONN c0 G5 cọ 0010100 00000080080908900 1

CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION OF THE COMPANY -.<<<<<< 51.1 Introduction and Organizational SfrUCẦUIF€ -5==<s==<se=se 51.1.1 General InÏOTIafIOT: G6 s10 93119111 ng ghe 51.1.2 Establishment and development h1SOTV - 5 5 «5+ s++s>++ss2 51.1.3 Functions and duties of the company -. - «+ ++ss++scsseeesseee 6

1.1.4 Vision and ÌMISSIOH - 4G G111 nh nh ng ng 61.2 Marketing promotion activities << 5s s9 9.30 8v 0 096 7

1.2.1 Distribution channel - << s1 1+1 19 9v ng nệt 7

1.2.2 Marketing activities on the Tue An YouTube channel 7CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ccscSS se °Seesee 162.1 Promotion in Marketing o o- <5 6 s5 6 5 9 96949 98989988699566566696 162.1.1 Definition eee eee escceseesneesecssecssecesecseeseesseccesseesseesseesaeeseesseesseesees 162.1.2 0) .- 162.1.3 Types of Promotion Marketing Strategies c++s<cs+<+ 172.2 YouTube platform OVCT'VÏCWW Go HH 0000406806 212.2.1 Introducing the development history of YoưTube - 212.2.2 Introducing the interface of YouTube - s55 << c++cxsseeseess 242.2.3 YouTube's video recommendation algorithm «+ 262.2.4 YouTube Marketing - - - c 31331 9 v1 vn ng re, 27CHAPTER 3: ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS -cSSSSĂSSnSssSeessee 333.1 Analysis of current YouTube marketing acfÏvifies «- « 333.1.1 Content trend on the channeÌ - -. 56s xxx >svEssvseesseesse 33

3.1.2 Evaluations of marketing activities on the channel - 35

3.2 Solutions to promote marketing activities on You Tube 46

3.2.1 Development OrI€nfafIOTI 5 + E4 11k v ngưng 46

3.2.2 Recommended promotional activity - -c«cscsesseesrske 46CHAPTER 4: RECOMMENDA TIONS cGG S11 150150 5e 53

4.1 SUININAF 5 G2 < 9 6 %9 99 999.9994999 99.04.08040090940090908940809406096 53

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4.2 LImÏ(AfÏOIAS Go < G G9 1 0 0000000009 800400609406006 544.3 Suggestions for further Studies csccsccsssssssscssessescerscssscsseseseees 544.4 Recomim€nifÏOITAS o 5-5 << 5 << 5< <5 9 9 9 9000.0009 0900000980896 60 54

CONCLUSION G0 HỌC HC HC 0.00010000508900 56REFERENCES 0G G00 Họ Họ cọ TT T0 0000 00 00906APPENDỒ do Go cọ nọ nọ Họ ” TH 0 T0 0.0 000 000060008006


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1 Background

The purpose of this thesis is to study the current situation and solutions topromote the Happy Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company's marketingactivities in order to increase the revenue that the YouTube channel brings.Appropriate solutions will be considered and drawn from remarkable points in

the current marketing activities of the business.

YouTube is one of the world's second most visited social media platforms and agreat tool to use in social media marketing (Mat Bao, 2021) If the businessknows how to perform marketing activities on YouTube channels, they can bring

a lot of effectiveness to promotional marketing activities about products orservices of their personal brand.

Happy Academy is a new business and is growing day by day Currently, thebusiness is operating mainly to promote the personal brand "Tue An" in the fieldof psychotherapy Social networking platforms are the main marketing channelsof the business that bring them the main source of revenue YouTube isconsidered as a potential channel that the company wants to target after thesuccess of marketing activities on Facebook and Tiktok.

In the opening part of this thesis, the author would like to state the significance of

this study, the objectives and research questions The author also will discuss thescope and the research methodology of this study.

2 Rationale

Nowadays, under the development of modern society, marketing plays anincreasingly important role in promoting the revenue and development of thebusiness Almost every business outlines its own marketing strategy to affirm itsposition compared to competitors and develop strongly in the market Marketingis like a bridge that brings businesses and customers closer together Thedevelopment of Vietnam has lead to the technology of the 4.0 era, which is alsoconstantly changing Online marketing platforms are becoming more and moreaccessible and bring great impacts to the effectiveness of marketing activities.Each technology and digital platform allow marketers to implement differentmarketing strategies Digital businesses can achieve greater marketing reach andeffectiveness than traditional marketing Businesses understand that and tend to

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constantly develop, explore and create more marketing activities to attractcustomers Besides, marketing must also constantly change in a positive directionto ensure effective business operations as well as better quality of people's lives.

Therefore, the role of Marketing is essential not only in the present but also in thefuture.

Currently, there are many digital marketing platforms for businesses to choosefrom Marketers not only find it easy to execute a marketing plan because thereare so many platforms to choose and execute, but also find it difficult to choosethe right platforms at the right place and right time to push media campaigns.There are some large marketing platforms such as Google or Facebook thatbusinesses find it difficult to take full advantage Therefore, marketers in the 4.0

era must be really good, flexible and, importantly, always wise.

As a business that operates on the basis of being close to customers and sharing

knowledge flexibly, Happy Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company (asknown as Happy Academy) chooses to focus on social networking platforms.

Social Media Marketing is a great way for businesses to increase brandawareness to customers Businesses can also freely create a playground thatengages customers and strengthens their affection for products and services.Currently, Happy Academy is present on Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube andInstagram platforms In which, Facebook is the main communication channel thatactively promotes marketing activities and is also the main revenue channel.However, in line with the company's expansion goal in 2023, the expansion and

development of social media platforms is inevitable.

Happy Academy is on the verge of expanding and exploiting revenue from theYouTube platform So far, the company has not invested in exploiting customerfiles for the purpose of selling products on the channel Therefore, the channelneeds to be improved and developed to meet the upcoming directions To do this,it is necessary to keep the YouTube channel having a stable and increasing traffic

volume, however, the average traffic and views of the YouTube channel are

tending to decrease, leading to fluctuations in the number of views and monthlychannel revenue Stemming from that fact, the author chose the topic "Currentsituation and solutions for Marketing promotion activities on YouTube atHappy Consulting and Training Joint Stock Company" with the desire to be

able to assist in locating the problems that the company are facing in the processof promoting marketing activities on YouTube channel through collecting and

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evaluating data, conduct surveys and measure results, and create suitable

marketing ideas for the channel.

3 Research Objectives

There are two objectives that the following study is expected to achieve: (1)Analyze the current situation of marketing activity on the YouTube channel; (2)Propose ideas to promote marketing activities on the YouTube channels to bring

in revenue for businesses.

The study will focus on identifying the current status of Happy Consulting and

Training Joint Stock Company's YouTube marketing activities and then

proposing marketing solutions to increase the YouTube channel’s revenue of thebusiness In addition, the study is going to use collected data from December

2022 to February 2023 The major subjects of the research are going to be

customers who watch videos on the company’s YouTube channel and the

company itself.

6 Research MethodologySecondary data:

The data will be collected from December 2022 to February 2023 andstatistically based on a tool that supports the measurement of metrics, namelyYouTube Studio The data used to evaluate, compare and contrast will be takenfrom the company’s data warehouse The study will use data from books andwebsites to obtain marketing knowledge and YouTube flatform Secondary dataare collected on official sources, studies domestic and international respectivelygo through the steps: analysis, synthesis, and classification.

Primary data:

Qualitative data: Analysis, evaluation, statistics, and manual processingconducted in the first stage in determining the necessary indicators, and at the

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same time set measurement variables so that it is suitable for the research

Quantitative data: obtained based on the information obtained from the survey byasking questions to solve the research objectives of the topic Questionnaires withthe channel viewers will be conducted to clarify the problems the company isfacing in developing the YouTube channel.

7 Research Structure

The study consists of four chapters:

Chapter I: Introduction of the companyChapter II: Theoretical framework

Chapter III: Analysis and findingsChapter IV: Recommendations

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1.1 Introduction and Organizational Structure1.1.1 General information

The full name of the company is Happy Consulting and Training Joint Stock

Company Besides, the shortened name that the company often use on forums,

website, and social media flatforms is Happy Academy The company’s slogan is

“Helping you to be happy on your own by mastering yourself” Happy Academyoperates as a joint stock company which is founded by Ms Nguyen Thuy Linh.

1.1.2 Establishment and development history

In 2020, The company was established with 100% private capital in the form of a

one-member limited liability company with the name - Happy Consulting andTraining Company Limited Business registration certificate number 0109082794has issued by the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment on 11/02/2020.

The company started with five employees and one CEO - Nguyen Thuy Linh,also known as Tue An, is known as an emotional expert and family happiness, ayoung businesswoman and the founder of the company.

The company quickly developed the Tue An brand successfully Currently, TueAn is a KOL, speaker, book author and famous psychologist widely knownthrough the media At the time of 2013, Tue An's life had a lot of problems with

both work and family She even thought about divorce many times until she

realized that she needed to get rid of her ego and start to find happiness for herfamily again From her own experiences, Tue An has also been helping manypeople to heal their souls, heal their wounds and get their own happiness.

Although Happy Academy has just been established and been in operation for

more than two years, the company has proven its ability to operate a business inthe field of psychotherapy In particular, the company can not only reach thecommunity of Vietnamese people across the country but also people livingabroad.

The company has changed from a limited liability company to a joint stock

company since September 13, 2022 with three main shareholders After more

than 2 years of the operation, there are more than 40 employees with support

teams operating in many localities such as Ho Chi Minh City, Hai Duong City,

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Quang Binh City, and Seoul City, Korea.

1.1.3 Functions and duties of the company Functions

The company is currently undertaking training - psychological counseling andsupport for people to know how to stabilize their psychology and face mentalhealth problems; focusing on support and helping with problems in marriage andfamily (problems between husband and wife, parents and children, etc.);publishing books and courses providing knowledge about love, marriage, family,mental health development and nurturing; organizing and supporting non-profitcommunity projects to help people with psychological and relationship problems

in life; helping people answer questions and acquiring the right knowledge about Duties

The company needs to make sure to research and capture domestic and foreignmarkets to build and implement effective business and community projects; fullycomply with the current regulations of the State; fully implement thecommitments signed with customers; manage employees, care about the materialand spiritual lives of employees, and support employees to improve theirprofessional capacity.

1.1.4 Vision and Mission1.1.4.1 Vision

The long-term vision of the enterprise is to expand the business scale byorganizing and operating many soul-nourishing centers domestically andinternationally The center will be a place that can empower many people to

overcome difficult periods in life, obstacles due to psychological trauma, andmany difficult circumstances in life.

The short-term vision of the business is that by 2025, the first soul-nurturingcenter - Happy Garden - will be opened so that anyone can come and have a

moment of freedom, relaxation and leisure to nurture positive values in life. Mission

With all of the love and enthusiasm, Happy Academy wants to spread positivevalues to the community and lift up their soul, helping them to achieve their own

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happiness by mastering themselves.

1.2 Marketing promotion activities

The company's official Tiktok channel is the one with the green tick

-"lifecoachtuean" with more than 1.3 million followers (data as of March 21,

2023) YouTube channel "Tue An" with more than 131,000 followers has a green

tick and a Silver Play Buttons (data as of March 21, 2023).

Marketing activities are also carried out on e-commerce platforms The businessis currently operating and selling products on three official e-commerce channels:Shoppe with Happy Bookstore account, Tiki with Chinh Phuc Hanh Phucaccount and Lazada with HAPPY BOOK account.

1.2.2 Marketing activities on the Tue An YouTube channel1.2.2.1 Strategy to build content on the channel

a Implementation plan

The company's YouTube channel has been operating since 2019 with the initialgoal of creating content that attracts as many users to stay on the channel Thelonger viewers stay on the channel and the more videos they watch, the easier itwill be for businesses to reach and educate them, thereby turning viewers intopotential customers Customers come for the content and decide to stay or leavethe channel because of the content Content is considered by Happy Academy asthe soul of a YouTube channel, so the results of content campaigns will serve asa premise to evaluate the channel's performance The overall content goals of the

Tue An channel include increasing brand awareness, increasing traffic on the

channel, and attracting the target customer group to generate revenue In additionto the above-mentioned cross-cutting goals, content creation and developmentactivities also have specific short-term goals for different media campaigns Thegoals will be updated at the beginning of each month and are based on the

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company's growth expectations.

To achieve the set goals, Happy Academy has developed a specific

implementation plan framework as follows:

Firstly, searching and synthesizing information is done so that the company canhave a good understanding of its customers and the market situation The maincustomers are people who are having problems, deadlocks and relationship

conflicts in life, especially marriage and family conflicts The customer group is

mainly between the ages of 25 and 44, using the internet and regardless of genderand place of residence Capturing what customers are interested in is veryimportant because the object the business serves is the customer In addition,grasping the market situation is also important so that Happy Academy canproduce content suitable for the market at that time and determine their position

when competing with competitors.

Secondly, building and developing media messages is done with the desire tobring the best information, knowledge, and solutions to customers This isconsidered as part of the responsibility of businesses to share appropriate anduseful content to customers Most of the content Happy Academy provides

carries a message of "Helping you to be happy on your own by masteringyourself" which also means encouraging followers to know how to changethemselves to change their life, from which psychological problems willgradually be solved thoroughly.

Thirdly, specific publications will be erected to attract customers Currently, thecontent on the YouTube channel is presented in the form of videos, posts,livestreams and photos Each media publication has its own standards to ensurethe best image quality and content for readers All the content of the video will bereused on other platforms such as Fanpage or Tiktok, so the video needs to beinvested and cared for more carefully.

Finally, the moderation of content posted to the platform is done thoroughly Theperson taking the position of content creator will be responsible for moderating

all content before it is released to the public.

b Content provision standards

To achieve the goal of building and developing a brand, Happy Academy usesmany different types of content to create diversity in the content provided.

Currently, the main content formats used include videos (long and short), posts,

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livestreams and photos These are the types of content that are used throughoutthe media campaigns Video is the main form of content on YouTube The

channel is currently posting two main types of videos, which are videos usually 7

to 30 minutes in length and shorts videos which are less than 60 seconds long.Video is very useful in educating customers, however, if the quality of imagesand video content is not guaranteed, it will be hard to attract viewers to visit Thevideo of Tue An YouTube channel is made quite simply, the content is mainly avideo lecture to share knowledge or solve life problems presented in the form ofvlogs, podcasts or lecturer Tue An standing in the classroom Posts are alsoupdated on the channel every day and the content revolves around the sharing of

speaker Tue An's experiences about life Livestream is updated less often thanthe two types of content mentioned above because it is used mainly in short-termcommunication campaigns as a method to exchange knowledge and informationdirectly and immediately with target customers In addition, images are also aform of content that Happy Academy focuses on because the channel is buildingTue An's personal brand The image should clearly show the nature and energy

of Tue An to convey to the community.

Each type of content has its own standards to be able to both bring useful contentand ensure the elements of the YouTube algorithm to reach the target audience.The standard provides content based on practical experiences drawn after the

operation of the enterprise.

In terms of content, the standards must follow the core values of kindness,honesty and usefulness to the community that businesses aim for All content

must be useful information and knowledge to help viewers change their mind andget new and more correct views in life Content can be tips to help themovercome difficult times in life or messages for the audience to feel empathy andhealing Products that are often reminded once in the video or mentioned at theend of the video Happy Academy limits focusing on sales but forgetting to givereal benefits to viewers so the number of products mentioned in the video does

not exceed twice (not applicable to livestream).

In terms of form, the video needs to ensure that the speaker is dressedcomfortably, discreetly and neatly, but does not need to be too luxurious to showintimacy Tue An’s logo is blurred and attached in one of the four screen cornersof the video The intro is mounted at the beginning of the video Call to actionand product reference links are clearly written under the description and

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comments The text shows enough content for the reader Content must showrespect and sincere concern for the audience Music when attached to the video

needs to be checked for copyright and the music needs to show lightness and

peace In the video’s title/thumbnail and post, words that are not consistent with

business values cannot be used to attract views/likes.c Groups of videos in progress

Happy Academy's Tue An YouTube channel will upload weekly videos Videos

of diverse genres and topics are divided into main groups as shown in the tablebelow.

Table 1.1 Video groups deployed on Tue An YouTube channel until March

comments section The speaker will both

do an activity such as arranging flowers,

; drinking tea or planting trees, and shareSeries “Tam su ;

20:00 Saturday freely and closely her stories andcung Tue An” - -

knowledge with the audience At the endof the video, there will be answers for 2

to 3 questions sent by the audience under

20:00 Sunday Podcasts are videos that focus on sharing


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Happy Academy.

Livestream is mainly broadcast in

short-Livestream Non-fixed term communication campaigns about

products or courses.

Shorts are vertical videos less than 60

Shorts 11:00 Daily seconds long with the content of the

speaker's highlights.

(Source: Happy Academy, 2023) Promotion activities on the channel

a Advantages

The first advantage of the company’s YouTube channel when it comes to

promotional marketing activities is the sale of products with sales promotionpackages The marketing system of Tue An brand is currently implementing salespromotion activities including giving gifts/incentives to customers when they buyproducts With each product, there will be a suitable gift/incentive package tosupport customers to have the best experience using the product For example,the book product will be bundled with audio books for convenience for

customers to be able to interact with books in both listening and reading forms.At the same time, when buying books in sets, customers can also choose toreceive a course worth 399,000 VND This course will support customers in

terms of knowledge and thinking, helping customers better understand and be

able to practice according to the value that the book contains The content of


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specific gifts/incentives can be seen in the table below.

Table 1.2 Special gifts/ incentives for each product of Happy Academy

Book: 1 Give away (audio books)

Effect” and “The Key to Open theHeart to have Fun”)

Den Ban Dao”

Book “Binh Yen Trong Bao

of Conquering Happiness 2 Mastering Emotions

3 Read your partner's personality

4 Hypnotize your partner with words

5 Love in the wake

6 Love and heal yourself

7 The Key to Open the Heart to haveFun

8 The Application of The Law of

Cause and Effect in Life

Private Coaching 1.Free “Chinh Phuc Hanh Phuc” bookconsultation route 1:1 set

2.Free eight online courses:

2.1 Facing adultery

2.2 Mastering Emotions

2.3 Read your partner's personality


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This form of promotional organization is effective in helping businesses create

stimulation and promote buying needs of consumers Gaj (2022) divides sales

promotions into two categories: price promotions and non-price promotions.

While price promotions focus on reducing prices in the hope of increasing sales,non-price promotions on the other hand focus on the additional value created bythe promotion, not the price itself It can be seen that Happy Academy'spromotional packages belong to the non-price promotional category Customerswill be guaranteed to receive as many benefits as possible when making a

purchase The whole marketing system deploys these promotional packages

including the YouTube channel Therefore, even though the company did notinvest in YouTube in the past, the channel can still benefit from the preferentialpackages available to sell products.

The second advantage is that compared to other platforms, YouTube channels doa great job in educating customers Regarding Facebook, after educatingcustomers through posts and videos, the business still have to chat directly with

customers to convince them to buy products Because content on Facebook can

be skimmed very quickly, customers' understanding of the product and productvalue will be shallower Customers could interact and leave more purchaseinformation on Facebook, but the sales closing rate or the conversion rate will belower than on YouTube This is similar with Tiktok and it is even more difficult


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when Tiktok allows videos of shorter duration Instead, Tiktok can easily go viraland reach a much larger number of people than YouTube YouTube is a platformthat allows content creators to post long videos Viewers on the channel watchvideos to learn knowledge or find solutions to their problems, so they are in anactive position to listen and absorb information After listening to the content fora long enough time, they will actively look to the product if they feel the value ofthe product Therefore, the sales closing rate of the YouTube channel will behigher compared to other platforms (Happy Academy, 2023) That is also thereason why Happy Academy does not conduct a separate promotion campaignfor the channel and only uploads videos and attaches product reference links, but

the channel still brings in a certain amount of monthly revenue.

b Disadvantages

Marketing promotion activities on the channel have not been paid attention, so

there are some problems the business have to consider Firstly, resources forpromotion activities are not fully utilized The market niche that Tue An

YouTube channel develops is about psychology, love and marriage The channel

wants to build its own style to stand out from the market, but most of it is justrelying on the speaker's self-worth Speaker Tue An has the background material

on the content and knowledge she shares She is able to convey a peaceful energyand arouse great emotion or empathy from viewers The channel has not reallyexploited this feature through videos and images when there are videos withuninvested image and sound quality The marketing team took the initiative in

arranging camera angles and staging images, but those activities were

spontaneous instead of directly planning to convey the brand image orientation.The second disadvantage currently on the channel is that the content has not been

updated continuously to keep up with the trend The channel has not yet graspedand applied timely ideas that are trending on the YouTube platform Marketresearch is optional, so it has not been done regularly while the market is

constantly fluctuating The knowledge shared since then is difficult to be topical,

so it is difficult for new viewers to receive and spread videos widely Thechannel makes content about the status, causes and solutions of problemsaccording to 5 main topics which are pre-marriage, marital conflict, adultery,personal development, and family Therefore, the content tends to be repetitiveand if it is not possible to properly target the problem customers face most at themoment, the content can tend to be boring.


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The third problem businesses are having is the limited number of employees forthe YouTube channel Staff includes a content creator, an editor, and a designer.With such a number of employees, if the channel wants to expand and implementmarketing promotion activities on the channel, it requires the channel marketingteam to propose good, feasible and suitable ideas for the business This researchwas also done to assist the channel staff in clarifying their issues and proposesolutions.


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2.1 Promotion in marketing2.1.1 Definition

Promotion is the fourth and final P of the Marketing Mix strategy The four Ps;which are Product, Price, Place and Promotion; introduced in the 1950s are keyconsiderations that must be carefully considered and implemented wisely in orderto successfully market a product or service Van (2021) shares about thedifferences between the concept of Marketing and Promotion Marketing is theprocess of bringing products/services of individuals and businesses to reachcustomers while the goal of Promotion is to promote faster and stronger buyingand selling activities, build and reinforce products/services, differentiate

business’ services from their competitors and enhance business’ brand position.

It can be seen that promotion activities are conducted to create explosive pointswhich push business indicators past its low or balanced threshold.

Julia Gaj (2022) give more specific explanations about promotion as follows:

“Which is a form of marketing communication that seeks to inform customersabout the company's activities, its current and future offers, shape a positivebrand image, build positive relationships, and stimulate demand, in accordancewith the individual business strategy Promotions are used across all industriesin plenty of different contexts — they can help achieve all key business objectives,such as acquiring new customers, preventing churn, and building customer

loyalty In short, promotion marketing helps to present your product, stimulatedemand for it, and build an appropriate differentiation strategy.”

(Source: Julia Gaj, 2022)

Researchers often define promotion as activities aimed at communicating

information or promoting a brand to consumers Another definition of promotionmentions promotional marketing as a set of activities to share knowledge about aparticular brand, product, or service with as many people as possible with the aim

of increasing brand awareness and sales (SendPulse, 2023).

2.1.2 Role

Promotion is one of the most important factors in the marketing campaign of abusiness Breakthroughs are always needed to attract customers' attention and


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stimulate the market's purchasing power for products Promotion in marketing isused by businesses and individuals when they want to promote their products andservices to reach more customers as well as build brand awareness in the eyes ofcustomers (Van, 2021) Thus, promotion has the purpose of stimulating sales andbusiness activities to encourage consumers to buy goods and services Inaddition, promotion also acts as a competitive marketing strategy in the businessto help increase the value and awareness of products in the market The higherthe awareness in the eyes of customers, the higher the purchase conversion ratewill be Based on promotion campaigns such as promotions, gratitude or productintroduction, customers also have more trust and love with the brand when theyfeel they are cared for.

According to Twin (2022), the goal of promotion is to communicate toconsumers that they need the product and that it is priced accordingly Forexample, the company's YouTube channel of Happy Consulting and TrainingJoint Stock Company had a revenue of 50 million dong in August 2022 Thebusiness has opened a minigame to give books to the winners This helped toattract customers to stay in the channel and pay attention to the product, thuscontributing to pushing the channel's revenue in September to 70 million dong.

2.1.3 Types of Promotion Marketing Strategies, Advertising

The form of advertising helps businesses convey to customers certain messages,in which the message includes the value of the product or service The messagewill be repeated through the media to promote customer demand for the product.

“Above The Line” (ATL) and “Blow the line” (BTL) are often mentioned when

discussing the classification of advertising promotion activities When assessingthe difference of these types of advertising, Le (2014) and Tomorrow Marketers

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Above The Line Blow the line

Building a system of identity | Creating customer loyalty,and brand promotion through | by creating inspiration andcreating emotional values confidence in consumers,

about the theme and motivating them to learn andpersonality of the brand use the product.

Purchasing Awareness Preference

Interaction with

Convenient to measure Convenient to measure

advertising effectiveness or | effectiveness

brand awareness; hard toMeasure results

measure customer

conversion efficiency andreturn on investment

Connecting with the media | Less using of media

(Source: Le 2014, Tomorrow Marketers 2018)

ATL is defined as activities to bring the brand image to customers for sustainable

and long-term purposes through mass media such as radio, television, print andoutdoor advertising (Nguyen, 2021) ATL can reach a large number of targetconsumers at the same time For example, a television advertisement spot can beviewed by millions of people at the same time On the other hand, BTL ismentioned by Nguyen (2021) as a series of activities aimed at developing and

segmenting the market, promoting retail, consuming in the short term and

creating direct results Some suggestions such as distribution of samples, direct

marketing, events, or promotions for the retail system BTL only targets a small

target group of consumers, for example, interacting with a group of children who


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love reading is a smaller target group in the overall youth group BTL and ATL

have many differences, none of the activities is the best because they always

complement and support each other in the process of implementing marketingstrategies.

Currently, there is also another type called "Through The Line" (TTL) whenactivities on social networks and online business appear TTL can also beconsidered as a form of integrating both ATL and BTL strategies to get betterresults by allowing businesses and customers to interact with each other at manydifferent channels and at different times Pahwa (2023) gives two examples ofusing TTL in marketing The first example is 360° marketing done with an

integrated approach using both ATL and BTL advertising mediums for maximumadvantage The second example is about digital marketing that allows a businessto offer ATL marketing benefits while acting as a BTL communication to thecustomer It is possible to carry out a digital marketing strategy which offersabove the line marketing benefits while acting as a below the line communicationto the customer This type of advertising is cookie based Users get highlypersonalized communication based on their needs/wants/choices This strategyhas a better ROI and is considered better by the consumer Besides, social mediaplatforms have also become very popular nowadays Businesses can reach andinteract directly with customers via Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok orTwitter, which are places for businesses to easily share information about newproducts and promotions Therefore, digital distribution is very important intoday's technologically advanced world. Content Marketing

Instead of advertising their products or services in a flashy way, modern

marketers will focus on bringing content that is truly relevant, valuable, and

useful to potential customers That form of marketing is called Content

Marketing Steimle (2014) defines content marketing as a marketing technique ofcreating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and

acquire a clearly defined audience — with the objective of driving profitablecustomer action Thus, all of these types of content are meant to provide usefuland relevant information, delight users, and draw customers to the business’brand The implemented content needs to be planned and oriented methodicallyto achieve the results closest to what the business wants The word "value" isvery important in doing content marketing activities Content marketing is


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effective when the content makes customers feel they are valued so that they areinterested in following the marketer or products/services, trusting, beingconvinced and then choosing to purchase products/services The buying cycleincludes four steps which are Awareness, Research, Consideration, and Buy(Steimle, 2014) Content marketing takes customers to the second step of thecycle by helping customers raise awareness of solutions (Awareness step) andeducating customers about products they may not have considered before(Research step) In step 3 - Consideration, the customer will start comparingdifferent products to ensure that they are getting the best quality product at themost reasonable price Good content marketing can increase customer trust inproducts, brands, and businesses; from there, business can increase the purchaserate in step four - Buy.

Content Marketing, which is a great option to educate potential customers intoday's 4.0 era, plays an increasingly important role and brings many benefits tocontent creators Typically, the emergence of the Tiktok platform allows anyoneto freely create content and post it on the internet Those contents, if attracted,

will be spread to hundreds of millions of people around the world There arecontent creators who emerged from it and started their own businesses Large andsmall enterprises are also very timely when taking advantage of the huge benefitsthat social platforms bring to content creators Content marketing is also diversebecause content can be expressed in many other forms such as images or sounds.

Some examples of popular content marketing include: Podcast, video, book,webpage, infographics, newsletters, and social media posts. Influencer marketing

In this age of the internet and social media, influencers can spread information

quickly, interact directly with their fans, and conveniently create new trends .

Influencers have since gradually become an integral part of marketing strategies.Influencers are defined as individuals who have the ability to influence the

purchasing decisions of others due to factors that they themselves own or are

perceived by the community as power, knowledge, status, or relationships (Tran,n.d.) In the context of social media, an Influencer is someone who has a largenumber of followers on social networking platforms to spread information topeople, has knowledge about a particular field or has the ability to persuade anaudience certain audience The more influential the influencer, the moreattention brands can get in the process of finding face and promoting products.


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From here the concept of influencer marketing is mentioned.

Influencer Marketing is a form of marketing using social influencers to conveythe message of a business to the target audience Using influencer marketing is

when businesses and brands inspire and pay influencers to spread the messagethrough their social media channels The content of the message can be writtenby the influencer himself or it can be compiled by the business itself Especiallywith new products and brands launching into the market, the use of influencers in

Marketing campaigns will help businesses be effective in reaching potential

customers and attracting the attention of the public in a short time In influencermarketing, many times the audience is not really interested in the brand of thebusiness or product in question, instead they are only interested in the opinion ofthe influencers This is because most influencers have systematically built an

engaged and enthusiastic audience They follow the person because of certainvalues that the influencer brings to them In addition, consumers today tend toput their trust in the voice or judgment of a third party they trust to make

purchasing decisions.

2.2 YouTube platform overview

2.2.1 Introducing the development history of YouTube

YouTube is an American online video sharing platform headquartered in San

Bruno, California This social network allows users to upload videos online aswell as watch, like, share and comment on other people's videos on PC, laptop,tablet and mobile phone devices These videos range in topics ranging frommovies, music, information sharing, TV shows, short documentaries, soundrecordings, movie trailers and more such as video blogging, videos Creative shortand educational videos Unlike other social networks, YouTube allows those whodo not have an account to watch all the videos but setting up a new account canupload unlimited videos Users can view, like, share, comment, receivenotifications of activities on the channel and upload their own videos Videos areregularly censored by YouTube's headquarters located in different countries.Currently, YouTube has developed and is available in almost every country with

more than 50 different languages including Vietnamese.

In February 2005, three former PayPal employees and talented engineers, Chad

Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim founded YouTube After PayPal was

acquired for $1.5 billion, the three decided to go out on their own and start a new


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company on their own The domain name "YouTube.com" was activated onFebruary 14, 2005 and the website interface was developed and perfected in the

following months YouTube's original headquarters were located in an office

above a pizzeria and Japanese restaurant in San Mateo, California "Me at thezoo" was the first video on YouTube and this video was filmed by Jawed Karimat the San Diego Zoo and uploaded on April 23, 2005 In December 2005, thefirst YouTube video to hit 1 million views was a Nike promotional videofeaturing a contribution Face of Brazilian soccer player Ronaldinho YouTube

officially launched on December 15, 2005 after receiving a $3.5 million

investment from investment firm Sequoia Capital in November, during whichtime the site received 8 million views per day.

The "Content Verification Policy" was introduced in January 2006 after fans ofSaturday Night Live began uploading draft videos of "Lazy Sunday" toYouTube One of those videos became famous and reached 7 million views TheNational Broadcasting Company (NBC) asked YouTube to take down this video,and from there the "Content Verification Policy" was born, allowing copyrightowners to easily detect copyright infringement YouTube signed an agreementwith NBC and gave the media company access to digital technology just a fewmonths after the incident This acquisition marks the beginning of cooperationwith several important content providers in the future.

On October 9, 2006, Google saw YouTube's potential and bought the company

for $1.65 billion in stock YouTube only had 65 employees at that time This

decision of Google caused a lot of controversy because at that time YouTube wasconsidered not really worth that much because of the expensive operating costsand the business model was going to a dead end However, time has proven thatYouTube deserves it for growing strongly and becoming one of Google's majorannual revenue streams With its available potential, Google has helped YouTubereduce operating costs in many areas.

Google realizes the importance and influence of content creators, and theydecided to share the revenue for YouTube channels In May 2007, YouTubelaunched a "Partner Program" that allows users to monetize videos with a lot of

views This revenue sharing has pushed content creators to improve the quality oftheir videos, which in turn fuels YouTube's growth There are a few content

creators who have attracted tens of millions of subscribers and generate tens ofmillions of dollars in annual income on YouTube like PewDiePie, Little Nastya


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and Dude Perfect.

In August 2007, Google decided to start pushing advertising activities to help

them earn more from YouTube videos The first ads are 10 - 15 seconds longvideos that appear before the main video.

In March 2010, 60 cricket matches of the Indian Cricket Premier League

premiered online on YouTube marking the world's first live streaming of a majorsporting event In February 2017, a total of one billion hours of video watched on

YouTube According to 2010 data reported by market research firm comScore,YouTube is the dominant online video service in the US market, with a marketshare of only about 43% and over 14 billion video views throughout the month ofMay 2010 Google+ social networking site has been integrated into YouTube andChrome browser since November 2011, from which users can directly watchYouTube videos on google.

After becoming a partner with ABC News (American Broadcasting CompanyNews), YouTube broadcast a live session of the US presidential debate for thefirst time On December 21, the song Gangnam Style by Korean singer Psybecame the first video to reach one billion views and as of March 2013 thenumber of YouTube visitors reached 1 billion monthly In February 2015 ,YouTube released a second mobile app called YouTube Kids that targets content

just right for children YouTube Red (YouTube Premium), which serves as a

service that provides YouTube's own original series featuring YouTubers, was

announced in October 2015.

In early 2016, after acquiring a park for $215 million, YouTube expanded its San

Bruno headquarters to accommodate 2,800 employees In July 2021, YouTubeofficially launched YouTube Short which is a feature that allows users to createshort videos with a maximum length of one minute Besides, YouTube Studio isdesigned as a manager for the videos content creators have posted on theirchannel Content creators with this application will easily get statistics on theirchannel.

Currently, YouTube is still on the momentum of operation and strong

development YouTube is a subsidiary of Google, but it is constantly growing,ensuring and maintaining its own unique position in the field of video sharing.

YouTube application plays the role of one of the largest social platforms in theworld, YouTube receives a huge number of channel visitors every day so it easily


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becomes a fertile ground for sellers to access their customer.

2.2.2 Introducing the interface of YouTube Homepage

Homepage is the first tab that appears when you open the YouTube app and log

in The Home tab will show recommended videos to the user based on the user's

preferences and activity on YouTube Here YouTube will continuously updatethe appropriate video content for users On YouTube homepage, users canoptionally choose recommended videos, search for videos in the search bar, andupdate notifications of posts and videos users are interested in (notificationbutton is only available after user login) In addition, there are shortcuts on thehomepage so that users can immediately access tabs such as the subscription,

library, history, shorts, explore (trending, music, gaming, news, and sports), more

from YouTube (YouTube Studio and YouTube Kids), settings, etc. The channel

Channel is where all the content related to the user's account is displayed All

videos that users post, videos that users like, or playlists that users are interestedin will be displayed on this page and anyone can access to watch There are alsotags on the channel page that help filter posted content types such as videos,

shorts, live, playlists, community (post), channels, and about (description). Notifications

This feature allows users to be notified whenever there are comments or likesfrom other users that interact with previous user activities If a user subscribes tonotifications from other channels, they will also receive a notification every timethat channel posts new content. YouTube Studio

YouTube Studio is designed as a manager for the videos content creators haveposted on their channel Content creators with this application will easily get

statistics on their channel For most content and strategy developers, researching

and analyzing viewer data is extremely important because content creators needto see an overview as well as details of the journey their channel develops.

YouTube Studio could tell from the number of views, subscribers, watch time inreal time or in a custom interval, where the channel's viewers come from, sourcesthat viewers watch the videos from, top viewed videos, most viewed channel


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playlists, top tags, etc Most of all, YouTube Studio will help identify customer

profiles through information such as the time the audience spends to watch

YouTube videos, age, gender, what other channels the audience watches, or whatcontent the audience watches.

YouTube Studio allows users to upload and edit videos which is convenient forusers to finish videos directly and easily This manager also allows creating andmanaging video playlists, managing viewers' comments on the channel and

adding subtitles to videos.

YouTube Studio supports multi-channel management If a person owns multipleYouTube channels under the same Google account or from other Googleaccounts, each channel will be managed by a YouTube Studio page dedicated tothat channel Besides, if there are some people with different YouTube channelsin different Google accounts who want to manage one channel without switchingGoogle accounts, it is feasible Thereby helping users manage more channels in

the same time period So, if a user wants to manage any channel, he just needs toswitch the account he is using for that channel by clicking on the channel's avatar

in the upper right corner. Video page

After the user clicks to watch a certain video, the system will redirect the user tothe page of that video On this page, users can see the video description andinteract with the video such as clicking to adjust video speed, clicking directly onthe part the user wants to watch, turning on subtitles, adjusting the resolution ofthe video, and increasing or decreasing the volume Activities such as like, share,

comment on videos and interact with other people watching videos are also doneon this page Next to the video, there will be a range of suggested videos thatYouTube expects users to click to watch.

In addition, YouTube also has a livestream feature that broadcasts and interactsdirectly with people on social networks about what is happening at the moment.People who are watching live videos can interact with content owners or other

viewers right in the "chat" bar When the video has finished broadcasting, thischat bar will close and the video will return to the normal video interface LiveStreaming brings many benefits to content creators such as enabling creators to

generate revenue, making videos more prominent, organizing real-time onlineevents, or building close and authentic relationships with followers.


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After the user enters a keyword in the search bar, YouTube will go to a page that

suggests videos containing that keyword Here users will browse to select videoswith thumbnails and titles that attract them to click to watch This page can alsoassist users in finding channels and recommend suitable service advertisements

to users. YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts is a short-form video sharing platform powered by YouTube.Viewers will scroll through countless vertical videos with a length limit of 60

seconds While primarily intended for viewing on smartphones, YouTube Shorts

can still be viewed on computers and tablets by typing #Shorts into YouTube'ssearch bar It can be seen that the design of YouTube Shorts is similar to thedesign of the Tiktok platform This is also because the origin of YouTube Shortswas to be released as beta in India in September 2020 following India's TikTokban.

2.2.3 YouTube's video recommendation algorithm

YouTube uses algorithms to judge how interested users are in content, therebyproactively recommending similar content to keep users on the platform longer.

YouTube will especially prioritize content that can retain users, and the longerusers stay on the platform, the more opportunities businesses will have to interactwith their potential customers From here YouTube and content creators have areciprocal relationship YouTube uses algorithms to identify popular content andthen recommend that content or its creator's channel to people YouTube'srecommendation system evaluates whether a video is clicked by many users andwatched to the end, or if users just clicked on it, watched the first few secondsand then moved on to another video The fact that users watch to the end of avideo is a signal that the video is high quality or worth watching Surveys alsoappear on the app to collect direct user feedback on the recommendation feature.Although the principle of operation is the same, the YouTube algorithm will

make adjustments to recommend videos suitable for each location.

The homepage is the first page users see when accessing YouTube; therefore, tokeep users engaged and continue to discover videos on the platform, YouTubewill have to recommend videos on topics that users are interested in and arelikely to click On the YouTube homepage, priority will be given to videos that


Ngày đăng: 19/06/2024, 10:42