LIST OF ABBREVIATIONSASEAN : Association of Southeast Asian Nations Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for ‘Trans-Pacific PartnershipCPTTP CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility DAG
Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong, MA
Hanoi - 2023
Trang 3Thereby state that I- Hoang Viet Linh — Class 4430, being a candidatefor the degree of Bachelor of Arts accept the requirements of the Universityrelating to the retention and use of Bachelor's Graduation Paper deposited inthe librany
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December 7% 2023
Supervisor Student
Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong Hoang Viet Linh
Trang 4at Hanoi Law University.
Mỹ eternal gratitude to my Supervisor, Ms Nguyen Thi Thuy Duong,
MA, for her unwavering guidance, constructive criticism, and practicalsuggestions throughout the duration of the thesis
‘My genuine appreciation to every member of the Thesis Committee fortheir fair assessment and comprehensive review, as well as favorable feedback:for my future research
Tam profoundly indebted to my beloved family and close ‘fiends for
fF throughout the joumey
In the absence of the unconditional, unequivocal, and wholeheartedtheir wise counsel and sympathetic
support of these individuals, my graduation thesis could not have beenaccomplished
Trang 5ABSTRACTSGlobal integration has been one of the key drivers of Vietnam'sremarkable achievements in growth and poverty reduction over the past threedecades In recent years, the EU and the Vietnamese Government have hadextensive and comprehensive cooperation, which can be proven by the signingofthe EVFTA The EU and Vietnam both respect and set goals for sustainabledevelopment between economic development and environmental and socialprotection Therefore, in addition to expanding and promoting free trade
‘between the two sides, the EVFTA also particularly emphasizes sustainabledevelopment, ensuring that the EVFTA does not have adverse effects, but onthe contrary, will be the foundation to protect the environment and improveissues related to social welfare for employees Stemming from this orientation,chapter 13 on TSD, one of the most notable chapters, has been developed andincluded in the agreement by both sides It could also bea case that this Chapterisa meeting point between the EU's priority policy and Vietnam's intemal need
to address sustainable development Vietnam is leading in two-way trade withthe EU and can be considered as a gateway for the EU to access Southeast Asiaand possibly China The EU is curently negotiating FTAs with other regionalcountries, namely Thailand, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Indonesia (after thedeadlock in negotiations for a comprehensive EU-ASEAN) All are competingdirectly with Vietnam over merchandise exports to the EU Therefore, Vietnammust optimize the first-mover advantage and opportunity to maintain andpromote its existing advantages in trade relations with the EU
1 Rationale of the study
2 Aim of the study
3 Research questions
4 Scope of the study
5 Methodology
11 Definition and Conceptualzadon of Trade SustainableDevelopment
1.2 The Inclusion of TSD in EU's FTAs: Rationale and Context
13 Key Components of TSD Chapters in EU FTAs
144 Challenges and new approaches for the implementation of TSD
Trang 72.2.1 Adherence to domestic laws pertaining to sustainable development
42.2.2 Commitments to Labour 43.2.3 Commitment to the Environment 452.2.4, Supervision and Dispute Settlement Mechanism 482.2.4.1, Supervision Mechanism, 482.2.2.4, Dispute Settlement Mechanism 49CHAPTER 3 IMPLEMENTATION PRACTICES OF EVFTA’S TSDCHAPTER AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR VIETNAM FROMEXPERIENCES OF SOUTH KOREA AND NEW ZEALAND bì3.1 Experiences Korea and New Zealand from thr implementation of theTSD Chapter and some recommendations 53.1.1 Experiences from Korea and New Zealand 523.1.2 Recommendations 553.1.2.1 Recommendations to improve State policies and laws 55
Trang 83122 Recommendations on organizational apparatus and
coordination mechanisms 56 Recommendations for policy enforcement bị3.2 Implementation progress of commitments in TSD Chapter 593.21 Achievements and difficulties in the process of implementingIabour commitments 593.21 1 Achievements 593.21.2 Difficulties 6
3.22 Achievements and difficulties in the process of implementing
environmental commitments 63 Achievements Difficulties 63.23 The establishment of the Domestic Advisory Group Vietnam 67
Figure 1 Dispute Settlement Machanism in the EU TSD Chapters bìFigure 2 Vietnam's GDP and Export to GDP ratio (2000-2020, billion USD,
%) 35
ASEAN : Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for
‘Trans-Pacific PartnershipCPTTP
CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility
DAG - Domestic Advisory Group
ECJ : European Court of Justice
EESC : European Economic and Social CommitteeENV: Nature Education Center
EPA - Economic Partnership Agreement
EPA - Economic Partnership Agreement
EU : European Union
EUKFTA : EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement
EVFTA - EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement
FTA Free Trade Agreements
ILO: Intemational Labour Organization
IPA: _ Investment Protection Agreement
IWTU : _ Institute of Trade Union Workers
MEA - Multilateral Environmental Agreement
NAFTA : North American Free Trade Agreement
OECD - Co-operation and Development
Trang 11‘Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters andProducers
‘Vietnam Chamber of Industry and Commerce
‘Vietnam Fisheries Association
‘Vietnam Elevator AssociationWorld Trade Organisation
Trang 12INTRODUCTIONThe principal objective of this section is to form the basis of the researchpaper with a detailed explanation ofits rationale, aim, research questions, scope,
‘methodology, and organization
1 Rationale of the study
To strike the balance between economic growth and the protection of theenvironment, there is an increasing practice that countries have employed FreeTrade Agreements FTAs) to address sustainable development Thisis particularly
a priority policy of some developed countries using non-commercial commitmentsintheir FTAsasa condition for granting market access to goods from their tradingpartners, mostly developing countries Chapter 13 of the EU-Vietnam Free TradeAgreement (EVFTA) could be a typical example of the EU's priority policy ofadvocating sustainable development from its FTA partners One may argue thatChapter 13 of the EVFTA is a trade-off to gain market access for Vietnamesegoods However, it could also be a case that this Chapter is a meeting pointbetween the EU's priority policy and Vietnam's intemal need to addresssustainable development
‘The EU has signed an FTA with Singapore in 2018 and another one withVietnam in 2019 These FTAs contain a similar chapter on trade and sustainabledevelopment It could be predicted that the Trade Sustainable Development (TSD)Chapter in the future ASEAN and EU, FTA would share great similarities withthe EVFTA and the EU — Singapore FTA Given the fact that Asia and ASEANcountries still have divergent perspectives on the inclusion of sustainabledevelopment provisions in their FTAs, it further suggests that using Chapter 13 ofthe EVFTA as an example, the sustainable development chapter in the ASEAN-
Trang 13EU FTA could be agreed upon when the EU's perspective meets with intemalneeds of ASEAN in addressing sustainable development,
This research studies the provisions of the EVFTA on sustainabledevelopment Firstly, it provides a key background of the TSD Chapter underinternational documents and in FTAs, the definition and conceptualization of theTSD, and key components ofits EU FTAs By the way, the research points out thechallenges and the new approach to TSD of EU FTAs Later, it analyzes theframework of the legal of TSD under EVFTA and what Vietnam implement inpractice Then, the study examines Viet Nam's experiences with other countriesthat havea TSD Chapter with the EU inFTA Based on the assessment this articlesuggests a possible approach and recommendations for Vietnam's implementation
2 Aim of the study
The chief purpose of the study is to define and clarify the legal regulations
of the TSD Chapter under EVFTA and the meaning of enforcement The studyshows the implementation process in Vietram and how we get experiencesthrough other countries To be more specific, this study is conducted to seek theanswers to the following issues
+ Conceptualization of TSD under intemational documents and in FTAs
‘© Challenges in implementation progress and the new approach to
enforcement pracess
+ The legal regulations of the TSD Chapter under EVFTA and the meaning
of Vietnam's enforcement process
‘© The difficulties and achievements do Vietnam have after signing with EUthe EVFTA
+ Compare implementation progress with other countries to draw effective
implementation methods and experiences from FTA partners
Trang 143 Research questions
‘The research will be implemented to resolve the following question:
+ Question 1: What is trade sustainable development in EU Trade
Agreements and the approach of EU to pursue it?
+ Question 2: What are the regulations and practices for implementing
EVFTA's TSD Chapters??
+ Question 3: What are the solutions recommended to improve the
implementation process for Vietnam after comparing with others FTApartners?
4 Scape of the study
The research object of the project is current domestic and intemationalregulations related to trade sustainable development Among them, internationallegal documents include multilateral intemational treaties in the field of labourand environment
The study primarily concentrates on the legal regulations of the TSDChapter under EVFTA and how Vietnam puts the TSD Chapter into practice fordevelopment The study also analyzes how Vietnam operates, leams from othercountries, and then makes comparisons to clarify where the problems are currentlydifficult Besides, the researcher points out what the signing with the EU requiresfor Vietnam, and what the future development orientation for Vietnam will be
5 Methodology
The research of the graduation thesis was conducted using analysis andsynthesis methods to analyze the regulations of TSD under intemationaldocuments to introduce theoretical basis which is used to serve as the backgroundImowledge base for the thesis The synthesis method, analysis - synthesis,comparison - contrast, induction - deduction, inference - prediction andcomparative are applied in all chapters of the graduation thesis to clarify the
Trang 15regulations and how Vietnam and the EU put those provisions into practice Theseresearch methods also help readers more easily recognize and clearly thecomparisons between the regulations of FTAs and the way they apply and developthose regulations
6 Organization of the study
The graduation thesis includes 71 pages and 2 images In addition to theintroduction and conclusion, the content of the graduation thesis is structured into
Chapter 3 is Implementation Practices of EVFTA’s TSD Chapter andRecommendations for Vietnam from Experiences of South Korea and NewZealand which indicates the analytical findings of difficulties and achievementsthat Vietnam has achieved and leamed from companing the process andperformance with other countries
11 Definition and Concep tualization of Trade Sustainable Development
Regarding the concept of TSD, there is curently no intemational ordomestic document that professionally defines this concept The study willanalyze the concept of trade and sustainable development from the perspective ofsustainable development in three intemational documents including SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (UN), World TradeOrganisation (WTO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO)
Although the notion of sustainable development has been labeled as vague,
it has provided the necessary flexibility to be included in legal instruments at theinternational, regional, national, and municipal levels in both hard law and softJaw forms It is sometimes referred to as an integrated idea, especially when itcomes to social, economic, and environmental goals as well as human rights Thethree interconnected pillars of sustainable development including economic,social, and environmental protection were highlighted in the Political Declarationand Implementation Plan that were endorsed at the 2002 World Summit onSustainable Development in Johannesburg The goal of sustainable development
is to achieve economic success while protecting the environment and promotingsocial justice and cohesiveness?
‘The United Nations approved the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),commonly referred to as the Global Goals, in 2015 asa global call to action to endpoverty, safeguard the environment, and guarantee that by 2030 everyone will live
in peace and prosperity In the SDGs, sustainable development involves theintegration of sustainable development principles into international trade policies
"tated Netins, Joiesswohung Sounit 202: Report ofthe World Simmit on Sustainable Developwent,
ps doce ro roc UND OC GENINO2163600JPDFINO263603 pe "OpenElemant
Trang 17and practices Sustainable development embodies a comprehensive andinterconnected vision for fostering global well-being between trade, economicdevelopment, social progress, and environmental sustainability” The 2030 TheAgenda for Sustainable Development acknowledged that combating climatechange and preserving our oceans and forests must coexist with measures toalleviate poverty and other forms of deprivation, enhance health and education,lessen inequality, and promote economic growthŠ The TSD in the SDGsunderscores the integral role of trade in achieving broader global objectives, itenvisions international trade as a catalyst for positive change, emphasizing ethicalpractices, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship to create a moreequitable and sustainable global trading system* It seeks to ensure that tradeactivities contribute positively to economic growth, social progress, andenvironmental sustainability Sustainable development is gre ly impacted by bothnational and intemational economic interactions and policies Because thedevelopment process cannot proceed if the global economy is unstable, unreliable,and lacks vitality, a favorable extemal economic environment is essential’Agenda 21 - a comprehensive plan that aims to take global, national, and localaction proposed by United Nations systems and significant groups in which everyperson has an environmental impact It drafts @ general goal for local communities
to create an action plan for sustainable development’ Agenda 21 calls for “a
‘Uned Netims, Dvtionfor Sutamable Development Goa, tps Ises mn sxghboxt
` than Neame, ơngfetming Oz hd: The 2030 agenda jor Rưtaenele Development,
se die lee ea ile ata 212520308 20 Agenda fer Jct 20D eve
hen Ngume, imngfoming O World: The 2030 Agendafor Sttanable Development
epee nes tne tine/21252030%20 Agenda Of 20 ygisubl:%⁄ 20092051
Scomb ad
` nung Netens, Sustanuble Development, Ago 21 Unted Nations Cvfernce nho &
Development, CHAPTER 2 nemutanal cooperation to acceerte sustainable drvelopmant n developing
‘ocarins and lated domestic policies, ts staid elon refed ctmants Agena? gốc
© Sastnable Develmaent Goals, nowledge Paton, Agee 2,
be lsssuitublsàxalgobost meanest
Trang 18supportive intemational climate for achieving environment and development goals
‘by promoting sustainable development through trade liberalization; making tradeand environment mutually supportive; providing adequate financial resources todeveloping countries dealing with intermational debt; and encouraging
‘macroeconomic policies conducive to environment and development "?
Sustainable development has been incorporated into the WTO's foundingdocuments’, the Doha Development Agenda”, decisions made by the Appellate Body, and the terms of reference for the Committee on Trade and Environment”However, WTO legal texts do not include a definition of sustainable development,nor do Appellate Body Reports provide further clarity WTO Director-GeneralPascal Lamy remarked that “Sustainable development should be the comerstone
of our approach to globalization and to the global governance architecture that wecreate" According to Lamy, the WTO officially recognizes sustainabledevelopment as a goal, acknowledging that as trade expands globally and thenumber of members rises, trade liberalization's influence has grown morewidespread Its strategy, as a trade organization, is predicated on finding points
‘where commerce and sustainable development intersect Froma policy standpoint,achieving sustainable development necessitates carefully balancingadvancements
in each of its pillars: policies intended to promote social growth, environmentalconservation, and economic development, for example As a trading
‘United Natims, Bade: aatubik Develoment Topics, ips lsdgsan ggÖock sốc
“Weld ade Orgmisitim, 1994 Marntech Agreement Suablshing te World re Orton,
mpihnne mo gzlsgbivtob sls pieovE ela
"Wer Tuất Orgaustian, 70015 Doha Museral Declaration,
upline ggiogSiv le stuns stum1 elsnel 2a,
` Wgh Trade (rgmetoem, Te Commitee On Bade Au Đi,
se IDers Wo Ore/Dolie PagesiPe SearcEs_ S S009,
‘Dp Aspyr Lange = Catalog t= 077 89764,75052 36908 60177 330569766 9455#Srøttolspte‡
‘dude= Fults Faengsivecord= oath eanivacerd= Bue Gthemenidescord= ie
_ Lưng, Bascal 2006), "Te WTO mde Arhapelago of Gibal Governance”, Speech athe nse of
Thuumatinal Satie, tos ane ig dlgpD0 es
Seapsen, Guy P (2005), The WTD ene Ssiaivble Development ps ges Dray cage cor S55065
Trang 19organization, the WTO has an obligation to react, and it wall do so by laying forthconstructive measures to promote sustainable development
In the ILO, sustainable development refers to the integration of economic,social, and environmental considerations to achieve lasting and equitableimprovements in the world of work'* Sustainable development fosters economicprogress while ensuring social justice, decent work, and environmentalresponsibility The ILO actively supports the UN's SDGs through policy advice,technical assistance, and the promotion of international labour standards'" TheILO supports trade and sustainable development policies that encourageinnovation, entrepreneurship, and the expansion of small and medium-sizedtusinesseslS It promotes more environmentally friendly corporate practices,which benefits employment and sustainability This tackles inequality, asignificant barrier to economic progress, together with social security for people
‘who are incapable or unable to find employment Improving productivity is a keycomponent of the ILO's mandate to advance decent employment, including rights
at work To this end, it uses social dialogue to foster collaboration betweengovemnments, companies, and employees.”
To conclude, in intemational environmental agreements, sustainabledevelopment refers toa framework that integrates environmental protection, socialequity, and economic development to meet the needs of the present without
` ydgte,E: C012) Sutainable development inthe WTO: From musualsipportv ens to balncing (rion 1) tos: handle ne 107 Thos 233884360
‘sSetematinal bo Orgran, Topi Economic nd Social Develgment,Sutemuble Developuere,
pe immo cgigEba))2pshcehosx- th sọchÌ-ủelgppsiEsatsukls-dexslcpszstfmnE
ˆ T030 Aga fr sustanble dườtbpnvnt, 120 dế Global Goals, tos hms io ergiglbstAopcss
2030305 gồtgeu.bee-svauloe>
` jemationl Labor Ofice, Report 7 Suctanable Dnulepmne, Decent ng Gren Jo,
Japs thle rghrens igeups folie nama! een ctnents necting 207370 pet
` Sutanuble Development Gone, ILO Ppơ Focuses on Susaaable Develpment, Grea Tên,
perenne fa paper Zonsses n-ne dựng gxat.kbs/
Trang 20compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs'° Theseagreements are designed to address global environmental challenges and promotepractices that support long-term ecological balance and human well-beingSustainable development in the international environment agreements requiresinternational cooperation and capacity building to support the implementation ofenvironmental protection measures, particularly in developing countries”
‘SD refers to the integration of sustainable development principles into thepolicies, practices, and outcomes of international trade It is interconnected invarious intemational environmental agreements, reflecting a growing recognitionthat trade activities can impact the environment and represent a nuanced approach
to addressing the interplay between economic activities, environmental concerns,and long-term social well-beingTM It can be understood that TSD is an overarchingpolicy objective of the intemational community This holistic approach recognizesthe interconnectedness of economic, social, and environmental dimensions,aiming to ensure that trade activities contribute positively to broader societal and.environmental goals,
‘The conceptualization of TSD involves recognizing that economic growthshould not come at the expense of social well-being and environmental health.Key elements include promoting inclusive economic development, addressingenvironmental impacts, upholding fair labour practices, and adhering tointernational standards TSD envisions trade as a force for positive change whenconducted responsibly, fostering a harmonious relationship between trade
“Anta M Halvorsen G011), Batons Lav and Sitanable Development ole for Adesng Conate (Ceoige ips Nigam dx kÄƯcE/SvnrcssthfcE ruce= 1S0Scontexe= ay
° Đew Asie, Honk Burman and Palm E Kan C018), VoL 25,No.3,pp 445-475, Poy beegrtion for
‘Sistanable Development rough Mialateral Ivirenmentl Ageeneres, os IO, 26037675
" By: A Moll, Suri Maleipocr, Mihalis Hadjakou, Rob Paven, Farina 320, ty Ning,
-Atesal Dhanuhag, Bet A ryan, (2020), cTaevng the Satamable Development Goals Requres,
Daawdscpinaay imovaton atthe Local Sede, One Euth: Yshtox 3 sue 3 pages 300313,
Hạt immescnce direct ceslcbozslgoclobiJ9)29033322030915)
Trang 21activities and sustainable development objectives It emphasizes responsible
‘business conduct, adherence to ethical trade practices, and alignment with globalsustainability goals Overall, TSD seeks to creat a balanced and equitableframework that considers the long-term well-being of societies and the planet inthe context of intemational trade
1.2 The Inclusion of TSD in EU's FTAs: Rationale and Context
Although it is widely agreed upon that trade should promote sustainabledevelopment rather than hinder it”, there is disagreement over the precise manner
in which social and environmental issues should be included in trade agreements.The importance of FTAs as an alternative govemance framework for trade-environment and trade-labor linkages has grown due to the inherent limitations ofthe WTO This trend began with the North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) and its Side Agreements on Environmental” and Labor Cooperation”.
Under its Founding Treaties, the EU is to define and pursue common.policies and actions in order to “foster the sustainable economic, social andenvironmental development of developing countries’ As such, TSD is one of theEU's common commercial policy's guiding principlesTM Accordingly, the EUFTAs increasingly contain ‘non-trade-issues’ to reflect the political significanceofthe concept of sustainable development The historically first type of such non-trade issues was compliance with intemational human rights obligations, the rule
"Une Netims, Dengforuing Our Weld: Te 2030 Agenda for Swtesnable Development,
epee angele pb etone/21252030%20 Agendas 1% 20 Saraables 20D evelyn
ort Americen Agreement ch Bevrarmntal Cooperation, 1993 np Jann ces ergioutxs/NAAEC
` arth American Agena en Labour Cooperetin, 1993, Leos Jan dl gov/agenc ies ib repars fowl.
“art 210) Truy en Baropean Uni, 207, Art 208 Tety onthe Yievtrnng thề Bưoncmh Ui, Conslsated versions of the Testy on Berpean hien andthe Tety onthe Rnctnng oft Bropeen
‘ion 2012/C326001
Trang 22oflaw, and democratic principles® Since 1995, the EU has included human rightsclauses in its trade agreements
The first trade and sustainable development chapters appeared in theEconomic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), trade and development treatiesnegotiated between the EU and African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries (ACP).The objective of sustainable development was set out under the CotonouAgreement The pioneer EPA was concluded between the EU and Cariforumcountries in 2008%
Due to their usually wider regulatory scope and lower number of parties,FTAs have more options for sustainable development concems than the WTO”,
‘The EU joined this trend soon after the Treaty of Lisbon” made it constitutionallyrequired for it to promote sustainable development through its external tradepolicy Since 2010, so-called TSD chapters have been an essential part ofthe EU'snew generation of comprehensive free trade agreements that it has negotiated with
‘both developed and developing nations
‘The EU has developed a consistent practice of including chapters on TSD
in its FTAs, aiming at ensuring that increased trade is mutually supportingenvironmental protection and social development, and does not come at theexpense ofthe environment or labour rights® The establishment ofa TSD chapterreflects the EU's commitment to promoting sustainable development, ensuring that
Gracia Marsa Dur, 2020, Sctanve development chaptrs in $e trade agreements: Euerging
compliance issues, Conmnan Maret Lave Revier, Issue 4,pp- 1031-1068, bets str g/10S4648/col42020715
° Phmopeeh Conmanay, Beaty of Lisbn, inp iste rope cwebiventyis ig
° Ea EU postion pyper, U- US Denwatione Dak axl estuent Tae Track mndilatabvBle
velopment as Iss pond es 2
sdgy220053203 BÙy A Melo Atenlb The BU Deep Taế:
Trang 23economic growth is coupled with social progress and environmentalresponsibility® At the core of this strategy is the recognition that trade, whenconducted responsibly, can be a powerful force for positive change These TSDchapters are presented as a central part of the EU's value-based trade policy,whereby the Union is determined to use trade as a vehicle for promotingsustainable development worldwide
EU trade agreements have incorporated a specific TSD chapter containing
‘measures on labor rights, climate change mitigation, and environmental protectionever since the free trade agreement with South Korea was completed in 20085.The European Commission is firmly committed to ensuring that its tradeagreements foster sustainability, so that economic growth goes hand in hand with.the protection of human rights, decent work, the climate, and the environment, infull compliance with the Union's values and priorities The Commission adopted
a communication titled “ The power of trade partnerships: Together for green andjust economic growth” 3 The EU needs to be a more trustworthy partner to thirdnations in the current geopolitical environment of increased uncertainty The tradepolicy of the EU offers a strong foundation for working with trading partners ontrade-related sustainability issues 3*
The issue of how trade agreements, and specifically the TSD chapters, may
‘be made more sustainable has dominated EU trade policy in recent years®> In
"ial EU postin paper, ZU- US Deawaslonic To eed Suestnert Perversion Trade andilatabvBle evelopment, hts Irons khoload is EDMIZIRS pal
‘Geach Mar Duran, 2020, Sutapuble eelopmers chapters in 3U hee trade agreements: Smerging
compliance sues, Ceneuan MMeket Lav Review, sue 4, pp 1031-1068, ets /6øï =g/10 S464S/co2020715
‘Biropean Peclament, Dal one sstanable velopment Ÿ 2£ ree agreements,
‘pe Vim snroper ope seg ata hyêzEELEO0137246)13/29ES BRLOUIS)7S4613 EN
TMBiropem Parlaaet, Dae tuinivhaneble development Ue mad ageenerds,
Uhre evap tops /RagD stead BRIBO023/754613029RS BETO013)7246)3_EN:
Canmamcation fram the Coumissim tothe Bropem Palioaar, Tw Cowl, The Bropean Econ end Soci] Conmattee hả The Conmaite of the Regions, Te power of hơi perowrslps:1ogeter for geen cod
Just economie growth ts ele thon sega) Contes /EN/TAE NE CELEI94 3 ASS0220 C0400,
ˆ Bmabpomt Pelamnt, Dace aesstcable development J Use ma agreeneres,
pe vim snropar ape seg wands /ORIB/9099/S451STEORS BRIOUIS)7S4613 EN et
Trang 24addition to upholding the duties outlined in the EU treaties namely, promoting and.defending human rights and sustainable development in developing nations, thisalso attempts to level the playing field for trading partners All pertinent EUmeasures, including trade policy, are required by law to support sustainabledevelopment® Specifically, making sure that every legislative proposal advancesthe UN 2030 sustainable development agenda is the goal of the Commission'sBetter Regulation agenda”
Economic development, social development, and environmentalpreservation are generally recognized as the three primary pillars of sustainabledevelopment in EU free trade agreements This is essential because globalconcems can only be addressed through global cooperation via the creation,approval, and execution of its internal policies as well as via active participationwith its allies in the international sphere, the EU is dedicated to advancing thesegoals The TSD pledges contained therein complement a broader range of policytools, multilateral initiatives, and development cooperation instruments in acomprehensive manner TSD in FTAs fosters innovation, market expansion, jobcreation, and economic progress By removing regulatory barriers to market entry,FTAs significantly cut prices and promote the adoption and use ofenvironmentally friendly technologies, as well as related products and servicesthat aid in the global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the adaptation to
a changing climate Additionally, it aids in securing raw material supplies that are
"Buropeen Conmision, Development end stabubilty,Suttnable Developuent,
pe GB it se ngšợt etldesloanent and satay sata able dvelgaae my
` Buopem Canmssim, Law, rmakang recess, Damng md oposmg lu, Seer ion: ly nd
ow ps eps swan king processipbaming and reposing Wilt
eon toệc Deer JOR lati Dag Tene 208% JO208020
ˆ Bropem Commission, Develgpment and sustainability, Sictanale Development,
Imps spelicytrade ec nope euldevelopnant- and sestansbiiyutaable develope mì
"rope Planet, Dae cad tenable development Ue ted agreemerds,
Học hmm snropar saps s0egDwalnadis/ORIB/0099/7451SIEORS BRIOUIS)7S4613 EN et
Trang 25required, particularly for low-carbon technology'?, Global trade may also have aneffect on biodiversity, the climate, or working conditions Trade liberalization, theadvancement of intemational labor standards, and resolute environmental andclimate action must all coexist in order to guarantee the benefits of open tradeTrade agreements offer a forum for policy discussions and collaboration onsustainability with partner nations as tools of privileged partnerships.
The EU currently has 42 preferential trade agreements in place with 74partners‘! The following modem trade agreements”, starting with the EU-SouthKorea FTA which entered provisionally into force in 2011, include trade and.sustainable development chapters implementing intemational labour conventionsand environmental provisions: Canada, Central America, Colombia, Peru, andEcuador, Georgia, Japan, Moldova, Singapore, South Korea, Ukraine, the UnitedKingdom, and Vietnam" In addition, another six EU trade agreements that areawaiting ratification include sustainable development chapters: Chile, China,Kenya, Mercosur, Mexico, and New Zealand Besides, the EU has proposedprovisions on TSD with ongoing trade negotiations with the following countriesAustralia, Eastem and Southem Africa, India, Indonesia and Thailand*.
“© Conmnicatim Sram the Canmassion tothe Baropean Biovat, The Council, The Brropemn Een md Social Conmattee hả The Conmaite ofthe Regions, Te power of ha perterslps:tgeter for geen xd
ist economic growth ts se an sega- Coden /EN/TATY he = CELEN: 3 AS30220 0009,
“U paopem Cammssin,Enfarconet mdyrotcim, Agienendng aud ering Z rate ageenerts,
SE lòobcvEsật c ropa evlngorcenon and otc cổ ch nude
` EUbopea Caumssim, Development and sutasubiiy, Sustanabledevelgment, Staab development in
FU rade agremens, eps Ipoicy ade ec sapt ede elopment-and ste Baby usa
develomnntinuesible evelgmiens- eu adapted en
© Bropem Cammissim, Develment and sustaubilty, Sistable development, Stanabe evelopment
FU ate agremens, ets Ipohey wide ec soot ceapment-mnd staat asa ube
‘dvelopmatinutainbte dvelggmen-eurede agreements enhisareva 2021
* Baropean Cammsion,Deveigment end sustsubity, Sustanable development, ni
FU pate agreemens, ets poly wide ec supe cdelapnent-and steals usa
——- nh nên
` Bopokn Canmission, Development and mua tư ly, Sưu vubt development, Stable development
FU ade agremens, is Ipohcveade ec goi ae pment-and sus nubslzyisaable
‘dvelgpmnt/suteinbte dvelgumen-euride agreements ewAsereva 2021
Trang 26In summary, the EU's decision to include a Trade and SustainableDevelopment chapter in its FTAs is rooted in a comprehensive understanding ofthe multifaceted impacts of trade on societies and the environment Therefore, the'TSD chapter has been included in the lisal law and is mandatory in trade policies
in the EU and partner countries This strategic approach aligns with the EU'scommitment to sustainable development, responsible business practices, andinternational cooperation, and reflects the EU's vision of trade asa tool forpositivegiobal transformation The TSD chapter embodies the EU's vision of trade as atool for positive transformation, where economic prosperity goes hand in hand
‘with social progress and environmental stewardship
13 Key Components of TSD Chapters in EU FTAs
‘The EU has developed a consistent practice of including chapters on TSD
in its FTAs, aiming at ensuring that increased trade is mutually supportingenvironmental protection and social development, and does not come at theexpense ofthe environment or of labour rights
13.1 Labour standards
‘The Parties' current commitments in pertinent areas, such as the ILO 1998Declaration on Fundamental Rights and Principles at Worle and its follow-up, andthe 2008 ILO Deciaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization, which isapplicable to all ILO members, should serve as the starting point for discussions
in the labor domain The notion of decent labor is in line with the EU TSDchapters The Parties shall encourage labor inspection, decent working conditions
“© temational box Orgtiztim, 120 Declaration Fawdanental Principles And Rights At Work ai 2s
‘Follow-Up adopted by the iteutinal Labou Conference ste Bighy-ish Seon, Ganev, 18 Xe 1098
(Gowuxcrevised 15 Jone 2010) hts mm lo rshfonsb5igœxoslsbDc/—-gồ nom
(ichiten Mocmantefpblicetnirce 467653 pat
Trang 27for all, occupational safety and health, and non-discrimination with regard to
‘working conditions, according to the ILO Declaration of 2008 The UN 2030Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was established in 2015 and hasseventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) **, is more widely referred to
in the most recent chapters When it comes to labour issues, the SDG promotesfull and productive employment and decent work forall
‘The incorporation of labour rights within the TSD chapters of intemationaltrade agreements reflects a commitment to fostering fair, ethical, and humane
‘working conditions, Labour rights provisions within TSD chapters aim to ensurethat economic growth resulting from trade agreements goes hand in hand with theprotection and promotion of fundamental human rights in the workplace” At theheart of these provisions is the recognition that economic development shouldprioritize the well-being and dignity of workers Usually, the labour provisions inthe EU TSD chapters correspond to minimum labour standards developed by theILO, particularly the ILO Fundamental Conventions
TSD chapters often include commitments to uphold core labour standards,
‘which encompass principles suchas freedom ofassociation, the right to collective
‘bargaining, the elimination of forced labour and child labour, and the prevention
of discrimination in the workplace By incorporating these elements, tradeagreements seek to create an environment where workers are treated with respect,have the right to organize and bargain collectively, and are protected from
“Karna Headiovt, Onde) Svoboda, Jounal of Weld ade Vm 52, I5su 6 2018)pp 1019 ~ 1082,
‘Staiable Developmere Chapters in the FU Fee Trade Agreement: Searlmigfor Aectenet,
Bạc dosargl0 54648z3001801E
` hznd Nations, ñungonun One Wonk: The 2030 Agenda for Sutzanabe Development,
epee ange epi tine/?1252030%20 Agar 20% 20 Sacaaabley 20D event
Janes Haris, Mirch Barbu, Liam Canpling, Ben Richardson and Adri Smith, 2019, Govermng Labour
‘Stata tough Free Dade Agreements: Lins of te Rinptơn Chins Dade and Satanable Development (Cepers as os nga 12715
`" tematiaal bow Grguiztim, bugrated Sree gy ơn Pindamentel Principles end Rights at Work 2017.
2073 ps oe expr Sap Bed naa pec cents beams 648801 pat
Trang 28exploitative labour practices One crucial dimension of labour rights within TSDchapters is the promotion of decent working condiions51, Provisions may addressissues such as working hours, wages, and occupational health and safety.Additionally, TSD chapters may include provisions related to social development,emphasizing the importance of investing in education and training for workers®13.2 Environmental standards
Conceming environmental issues, the starting point should be therecognition of the importance of global environmental governance to tackleenvironmental challenges of common concem, whereby MultilateralEnvironmental Agreements (MEAs) are of critical importance to deliver globalbenefits’ The latest EU TSD chapters include a broad range of environmentalstandards, it has an explicit reference to MEAs related to areas such as climatechange, biological diversity®S, chemicals and weste', etc However, TSDchapters go further as they include thematic articles on sustainable managementofnatural resources in areas such as low carbon development, biodiversity, timber,
or fisheries”
The integration of environmental protection within the TSD chapters ofinternational trade agreements represents a crucial commitment to balancing
© Snes Haris, Mirch Barbu, Liam Camping, Ben Richerson and Aérim Smith, 2019, Governing Labour
Sawa Hough Fre Dade Agreements: Limts of te Bigopece Onions Dade cd Satanable Development (Crepes ts IdoLsrgl0 ems 12115
ˆ9 tôgmatiul bo Canferance, Papa V, 9H for improved rod, employment growth endl
development, hs ni œgiobsbSJgogpsbsSÖ2l—-tề manh
‘uke 8asssonbeEutisgdoosot hee 092054 dt
` Birepean Caumicon, itemationl, Brauner, Midateal Srcomertal Agreements 04842),
pe lESVEmSnbtsc trope stomatal cooperstonian lateral varauamtsl apressente mets ex
`5 5 Unied Nations Wemsvvrk Canoe on Clute Change CONFCC), Ko Protocol, Mamareal Rooce,
Pus Agemat
ĐẺE& Convention a» btamational Dade ulngured Species of Wid Fema nnd Fre (CITES), Nageye
` E Rotterdam Convention, Secldokn Convention, Basel Canwntion
© Katerina Healor, Onde} Svoboda, Joanal of Weeld Bade Voki $2, eo 6 (2018) pp 1019 ~ 1042,
‘Sttanable Developmene Chapter nthe TU Fee Trade Apeements: Searhingfor Efectenets,
Học loi g0 54618tz3g101304£
Trang 29economic growth with ecological susainabiity' Environmental protectionprovisions within TSD chapters acknowledge the significant impact that tradeactivities can have on the environment and aim to foster responsible andsustainable practices® At the core of these provisions is the recognition thateconomic development should not come at the expense of environmentaldegradation®TM
One key aspect of environmental protection within TSD chapters is theencouragement of sustainable resource management®! This involves promotingpractices that ensure the responsible use of natural resources, preventing over-exploitation and depletion Special attention is paid to the promotion of tradeschemes that lead to the conservation of biodiversity, which involves alsocooperation on eco-labeling schemes The EU and trade partners are required tocombat illegal trade in endangered species of fauna and flora as well as illegallogging Another issue to address is illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishingthat contributes to the overfishing of global fish stock and impairs the functioning
‘state Buropean Ehorenenrtil Poly, Eine Bt, 3013, Leveraging ee Mad agreements for sista,
le ations Neveragang fee eade-ageeinte for saaa
` 5obels Baopean Bhucrgvorii Poly, Marine Ketan, Hose Bon, lie Davey, ok Gia nd Cite Charvet, 150 Green Decl for nade policy aude emirorment:Aignng tra từ cna cout -stđbebie development ogectves, pseu boel rgsses ef Te 2020
ỌIEiẢc®k30e%10e>seuot FINALY 20% 2 202010020 se.
ˆ Bmgptaa Pelamnt, Dra nesnstensble development mEUihee rae agreements,
‘pe Ưng ghi ope seg tans /2RIB/I009/S46131E9RS BRLOUIS)TS4613 EN pat
` Dole, Blash,A.2022, Dierent proces to recheng aration ewissons.Teviewoig te smut
agent dba in cline pc jos do ery 10 1001811163 033.00001-.
“ Xung bạ TEadlenk, Cadre) Svoboda, Journal ef Werld Trade Vohmat 52, sue 6 (2018)pp 1019 —1012,
‘Swtaiable Developmere Chapters nthe FU Fee Trade Apeement: Searching for Rfectveneis,
Ips JBotegfl0 2464610018012
Dobe N, Brakash,A.,2022, Diferent eppoae esto recheing eviction emissions reviewing te smut
agency bedi cline poep psd ergy 10 1007s ¢4168-022 00001
Trang 30commitments to environmental responsibility, encouraging businesses tominimize their ecological footprint’ Provisions may address issues such ascarbon emissions, resource management, and pollution prevention The Parties areencouraged to trade in sustainable goods and services that facilitate the transition
to a low-carbon economy®® TSD chapters may encourage businesses to adoptmeasures that contribute to mitigating climate change, such as investing inrenewable energy sources, improving energy efficiency, and implementingsustainable transportation practices Moreover, TSD chapters may addressenvironmental degradation by promoting the responsible management of wasteand pollution prevention
1.3.3 Institutional structures
‘The institutional structure of the EU TSD chapters is based on the work ofthree main bodies that are involved in the process of monitoring and enforcing theobligations Namely the Sub-Committee on Trade and Sustainable Development,Joint Civil Society Dialogue, and Domestic Advisory Group (DAG)”
The TSD Sub-Committee is an inter-governmental working group made byemperts on trade, labour, and environment from each Party with the tase ofoverseeing the implementation of the TSD chapter and guiding further bilateralcooperation in this area, It usually gathers once per year and reports to the TradeCommittee of the respective FTA®.
Jnstate Bo Bovrammental Policy, Marini Ketsnen, Ebit Bodin, Elie Davey, Stems Geared
Cdne Charvernt, x EƯ Green Decl for take policy cnt the emironment:Atgreng mat with lina an
autainble development ogecives, se boel argsses ef Fe 2020
‘arias 20madetOenvramenent FINAL 20% 203m207020%20 pot
Katara Headlovt, Onde) Svoboda, rzal of Weld Made Vom 53, onu 6 (2018) 1019 ~ 1082,
‘Sttanable Developmene Chapters nthe TU Fee Trade Apeements: Searclmigfor Afecaveneis,
‘pelos cegl0 S4o4GheagDo19044
` angtea adlerk, Cadre Svoboda, Junal of Werld ade Vohmae 52, su 6 2018)pp 1019 —1082,
‘Siwtanable Development Chapters nthe FU Fee Trade Apeewents-Searleng for Afectveness,
Ips JBotegl0 1464631018042
`" Bach Mara Duan, 3000, SøieDvbje evelopment chapters in 3U pee rade agreements: Emerging
compliance iste, Canon Mbt Lave Revie, lente 4p 1031-1068, ene as 10 5464618200075
Trang 31The civil society plays an important role in collecting information and
‘monitoring the compliance of sustainable development commitments, EU TSDchapters establish two types of mechanisms for the involvement of civil society®.Joint Civil Society Dialogue isan open forum composed of civil society (includingDAGs) from both sides and the governments that on the EU side are representedbby the European Commission”, The meetings are usually held once per year,together with TSD Sub-Committee meetings The views of the Joint Civil SocietyDialogue may be submitted to the TSD Sub-Committee”)
Inaddition to this joint inter-govemmental body, each party is also required
to have in place domestic consultative mechanisms (DAG3), comprising a
‘valanced representation of business, environmental, and labour stakeholders, with
a view to seeking their input on matters under the TSD chapter” Bilateralconsultative mechanisms are also foreseen in various forms for the parties toconduct regular dialogue with these stakeholders on the implementation of theTSD chapter’? Despite this emphasis on public participation in the monitoring ofTSD chapters, there is no formal requirement for the parties to follow up on thesubmissions received from stakeholders
13.4 Enforcement/Disp ute settlements
The TSD chapters in the EU FTAs are not subjected to a general 'based dispute settlement mechanism of the FTA due to a lack of consensus within
sanction-‘© an ba Eqdlenk, Out) Svoboda, Jounal of Werld Bade Vohmat 52, su 6 (2018)pp 1019 -1082,
‘Sistanable Developmere Chapters inthe EỮ Fee Trade Agreement: Searching for fectvenets,
Imps I6oLsgl0 s46tenagD01904
" Katrina Haadilovs, Cadre) Svoboda, Jounal of Warld ade Vehune 52, Isue 6 (2018) 1019 — 1013,
‘Sctanable Developme Chapters nthe EU Fee Trae Agreements: Seorcmigfor Aectrenets,
Thạc JBetgf0 s4otenadQ010046
ˆ Bropem Conmssion, EU ad Vitnumareach vợ thung fee wade deel, Fars andfigaes: Pree Tan:
Agreement between 3U and Perens ez ropa sul ssonsscomerHtiVe MEMO 1S £268
‘Brice 12155) EU ~ SnppeteETA Se ao: Art 13.12 G)-@) EU Karea FTA, At 2€120-COPE FIA, An 238) au 3£ 15) EU ~ Cuda CETA, Ar 12 15(6) EU — Vituamn FIA, At 16.15 50 — ape FIA
` Arick 12.154) EU ~ Shgypare FTA See ako: At 13.13 EU ~Karen FTA, At 262 EU ~ COPE FTA; At,
11 50) BU Vitam FTA, Ait 16.16 BU~ apan FTA
Trang 32the EU on this matter Instead, there is a special procedure based on a commondialogue between the Parties which also comprises the civil society”, Dialogueand consultation are integral components of TSD chapters within intemationaltrade agreements These mechanisms are designed to facilitate ongoingcommunication and collabouration between participating parties, fostering acooperative approach to addressing challenges related to sustainable development,environmental protection, and labour rights” The inclusion of provisionsemphasizing dialogue and consultation underscores a commitment to inclusivity,transparency, and the engagement of diverse stakeholders
The first stage of the process is government consultations Ifa mutuallysatisfactory resolution is not reached, a Party may request the establishment of thePanel of Experts on trade, labour, and environment In the next step, the Panel ofExperts submits a report that is made publicly available Finally, theimplementation of recommendations made by the Panel of Experts as well asenforcement of the TSD Chapter is reviewed through regular TSD SubCommitteemeetings 6
Figure 1 Dispute Settlement Machamism in the EU TSD Chapters”
Katrina Healt, dks) Svoboda, Jounal of Werld Trade Vohmne 52, lon 6 @2018)pp.1019 1042,
“Staable Development Chapters nthe £U Fee Trade ApwewentsSecrleng for Aectvene:,
‘pe dosaeg/l0 otereagDOIg0s4
_ oe Marx, Heng Hoe Nicolas Haches Jen Wouters, Dispute Setlement nthe Bade ae 36iabvbie
Development Chepters of TU Dade Agreements ty ijuma urn bel sane becker emus pa
Externe Headlovi, Onde) Svoboda, Jounal of Weld Tu Vom S2, 5s 6 (2018) pp 1019 ~ 1082, _Stanable Developmere Ciapters the £U Fee Trade Apeements Seorlmisfor Agectrenets,
‘mips IBetagf0 S454erragO19044
Terma eadlovt, Onde) Svoboda, Jounalof Wald Tae Vom 52, 6s 6 2018) 1018 - 1082,
‘Sttanable Developmene Chapter nthe FU Fee Trade Apeements: Searhingfor 3facmhenfr,
Học loi g10 54618tz3g101804£
Trang 33colin | ens BỀ met | Sitcom
In addition to that, the TSD chapters build a framework for mutualcooperation The EU and the partner countries are setting the priority areas ofcooperation and conducting specific projects Usually, these projects concem theimplementation of ILO conventions, multilateral environmental agreements, orother trade-related topics, including development in Corporate SocialResponsibility (CSR) practiceTM Consultation processes are typically designed to
be transparent and accessible Parties may be required to make relevantdocuments, reports, and information available to the public, allowing for externalscrutiny and accountability” Transparency in consultation mechanisms ensuresthat stalceholders, including the public, have access to information, enabling them
to participate meaningfully in the dialogue surrounding the implementation ofsustainable development commitment®
Therefore, these institutional provisions, reflect the EU's collabourative andnonconfrontational approach to the implementation and enforcement of the TSDchapters, relying on interparty dialogue and third-party adjudication butexcluding the possibility of imposing sanctions in cases of non-compliance with
“ Buropeen Caumisio, Dra and Sustainable Development (FSD) chupers m5 U Free The Agreements
(FAs) ay rade europa scl oes 701 Tflyhradoc 159886 pe
" Pggbeeh Canmision, Consubstims, Open public conliion onthe Dac and Sistnable Development
(730) Review, hos [belcxxsế: tc cepa econsubatinslopen bli cnsubain ade ed sable
Gevelgmane-edreier es
fata Alxovicavn, 2019, Mind the complience gap: managing mentor partner fer satancble
evelopment onthe iaopece Orcn’s fee rack egreenert,
immer searches nena 336300034 Dad ye comple gap ma war ships for nu maU develgpmant tị th, Buropees hang Gee wade gas
Trang 34the recommendations of the Experts Panel, In this sense, TSD chapters can beunderstood as an example of "Normative Power Europe" coined by Manners,whereby “persuasion, argumentation and the confemal of shame and prestige”rather than “coercion or solely material motivations” may affect more sustainedlong.term change in environmental and social norms in third countries*.
1.4, Challenges and new approaches for the implementation of TSD Chapter14.1 Challenges
‘The regulations about the enforcement of the TSD provisions within the EUare typically outlined in the specific TSD chapters of individual tradeagreements® The EU employs a combination of both soft and hard enforcement
‘mechanisms in the TSD chapters of its trade agreements with partners, Thesemechanisms are designed to ensure that partners adhere to the agreed-uponsustainable development commitmentsTM While the exact regulations can varydepending on the agreement, there are common elements that highlight theenforcement mechanisms,
When TSD provisions are enforceable, violations of obligations aregenerally required to have affected trade or investment between the Parties.Importantly, if the Panel of Experts finds a breach of TSD Chapter commitments,
no sanctions follow, instead, the TSD Chapters direct that the parties “shall discuss
© Gach Marin Dun, 2020, sutamable development chapters in #U pee nade agreements: Smerging
compliance isn, Conan Maret La Revie, Issue pp 1031-106, eps ass g/10S4645/co2020715 Veh, 78, Buezt-Brenbwug, D De Bi MÃ, Gumzov,E,Jaus,M, oben, 1, Oales,L.,Rowss,V,
‘agers Binet, F, Zampeui 7.2033, Compare dnads of Tak end Sutamnable Development Provision’ Hy
‘Bre Trak dgreements pe ir esas enesngh st docmuent/TSD.Fal Report Pb in
5 Deny van + Whee, Asi Fer 120, 81-98, 2022 Te enforceaby of te ade ndsrctanabe development
chapters ofthe Tnopecn Con's fee rad agreements ps a ceg/10 1007110308 021-00627-1
‘Vela, JB, Buzt-Brenbaus,D ,De Brune ME, Gunzovs,E, Jaws,M,oben,1, Ouls,L.Rows,V.,
‘igure Binet, F, Zampeuti T,3033, Compare anaes of Take and Sitamnable Developme Provision! 0x
‘Bre Trade Agreements hras thn ie ac ubdbasbss/ensutnglsss Nocamests/TSD-Fial Report Fb aaiapet
Trang 35appropriate actions or measures to be implemented” while taking into account thefinal report and recommendations of the Panel of Experts®®
TSD Chapters create a specialized Committee to monitor itsimplementation and a DAG in the process is set up in the EU and in the partnercountry or countries to advise on the stimplementation of the trade agreement orparts of i5 However, neither enforceable dispute settlement procedures norfinancial sanctions for non-compliance are provided It is clear that theenforcement implementation is mostly based on monitoring the implementationofthe panel report
A few years back, it seemed like most critics were against the idea of usingsanctions to enforce TSD Chapters since they are only temporary and are meant
to put financial pressure on the violator to make them pay for their actions” TheEuropean Union has decided to forgo sanctions, believing that cooperation anddiscourse are more effective in promoting sustainable development than conflictand confrontation®® The enforcement mechanismis model has faced challengesfrom both theoretical and empirical perspectives These challenges range from thenotion that there wouldnt be enough motivation for the parties to abide by theaward in the absence of sanctions to a criticism ofthe operational flaws that hinderthe functioning of civil society mechanisms on the ground”
© Stan Sducherer mã Ts Suter, Trak and Sutainable Develpmert Chapters in SU FDA: Adeping
nforcenert Methods othe Popose@)? ps esas slog rade ands e asgloseem
augur mere fas duper can sath he ve by Seow su he aN Se!
"'Bropem Bmiauwnt, Dade axfaistancbledevelgmertin Fe maak greener,
tps mm traper trap suegD t/etexSET82033/796613/EEES BETCD22)754613 EN pet
` Bropee Law ithe Paoo Masso 207L Sipping tp De Efocement of Wak cel Stnbie
Develpment Cheers dhe Biropeen Con's Free Doak Aawemans:Recotrong te Debate on Saetons,
npsJinnrewepmbiensint rufueaase plod CYLA And Siaasn ELT Yong Lane
BE EU patipage= ‘team 10090 58
°Bropem Lar ithe Paco Masso 207L Spying Ute Dfocement of Dake cel Stance
_Develpment Chapter the Biropeen TReovs Free Dak Agwemens.Reconirong te Debate ơn Seton,
se ienmeerapenlan eee cule daa THƯIEA Aanrd/Sdsakoie ELI Yong Lane fond Paola Mascot 2001 paipage=seoam=100 30.58
Bang Law itn Paes Marzo 2031 ïgyng Upihe Fifocement of Pace ae Stole
_Develpment Chapters dhe Biropecn TReavs Free Deak Aawemans:Reconron 0e Debate ơn Seton,
Trang 36In conclusion, the EU aims to strike a balance between soft enforcementand hard enforcement However, the enforcement mechanism for violations duringthe implementation process currently only stops at the level of supervision,
‘monitoring, and reporting There are no specific deterrent penalties to the goal is
to create a system that promotes responsible and sustainable practices ininternational trade Stefanie Schacherer and Tensin Studer have argued that the
EU has been criticized for the relatively soft enforcement mechanism of its TSDChapters, raising doubts about the EU's seriousness in balancing its trade andinvestment policy with sustainable development For many, there are noconvincing reasons to exclude TSD commitments from the FTA’s general disputesettlement mechanism, which allows for arbitration or mediation, and which canlead to the suspension of trade concessions (i.e, sanctions)® There are, however,some arguments that warrant against a too simplistic assumption that sanctionswould necessarily improve TSD compliance Overall, dissatisfaction with this
‘model asit currently stands seems ubiquitous, and the present work takes the need
to reformit asa given
14.2 The new EU approach to effective enforcement of TSD Chapters
In the last few years, the EU trade policy has experienced several criticalpoints which led to a rethink of some of its attributes” As these chapters are ingeneral welcomed in demonstrating the parties’ commitment to non-trade valuessuch as labour rights or protection of the environment, they are also criticized for
[npclinmesugpemiawhstinge mufeaémivr plowdp eR/YLA, fovad/Simisim ELE Yong Laer-mrl Bao Mazaoti 1021 paltpage=Sizoan=100,9054
Seana Sducherr md Tom Sauer, ak avd Sutaveble Development Chapters in TU FAs: 44grng Frfrcemert Methods to the Propote 6)? tps eas tết splog aude ent-sstubs-develpmant
(Gupters eu fs adapting nợ cenehf-bethoB ta đe purposes by safe couched nem ster
`" ưng Scucherer md Tem Sản, ad an Stance Development Chapters m EU Fas 24g mg
Enforcement Methods tothe Popote 6) ps least sên egbiogsoute endeavor
fae adap: enfant tod tothe spose bv-fnschacherer and tenn!
"otra Hraiova, One) Svoboda, Juma of World Trade Vom 52, Jae 6 2018)pp 1010 ~1042,
‘Sttamable Developmere Chapter inthe FU Fee Trade Apeements: Searhigfor Bertone,
Học loi g10 s46tGhagQ019044
Trang 37being largely rhetorical and lacking enforcement mechanisms” The old EUapproach in promoting trade and sustainable development provisions in FTAs isoften compared with the approach of the US and Canada” The implementation
of the EU TSD chapters is based on a partnership and dialog with the partnercountries and this approach does not lead to imposing sanctions in case of non-compliance with the obligations The latest US and Canada FTAs allow to use ofeconomic sanctions as an enforcement mechanism to implement these chapters
The EU seeks to improve the implementation and enforcement of TSDobligations, as many EU trade agreements already contain such provisions”” The
EU intends to pursue the extension of the ordinary State+to-State disputesettlement mechanism to the trade agreements' TSD chapters In the event of non-compliance, trade sanctions will be imposed% The European Commission released its Trade Policy Review”, titled “An Open, Sustainable and Assertive
21 With leadership and engagement, the EUhopes to better reflect its strategic interests and values and malke its own decisionswhile also shaping the world around it This is the goal of the new trade policy®®Trade Policy”, on February 18,
‘Marse Crom, 2017, OK Dade Pokey, ps hdl hunde nt/04/80812
Eterna TEa8løii, Onc) Svoboda, Jaunal of Weld Tuất Vom 52, osu 6 (2018)pp 1019 ~1082, _Stanable Developmere Choptrs ithe FU Fee Trade Apeements:Searlmisfor Agectenet,
‘pees arg/l0 546490340013041
‘Wn Bel & Bellis 2022, Fipope Commission's new approahto enforcement of stay chapters
Fs Ngọt sheaves canlnedaiEotdts MatsiChew, Alet „ EU FTA DS TSD _40722pi
"Van Buel & Bellis 2023, Fioopeat Conmssicn’s new appro to enforcement of falas chapters FAs tps saves conned sights Nes/Chint_Alat EU FTA DS TRD,- 407
ihe ade Pohoy Revi const of + ain doce phy và tach eine He
Dased on 4 tk ed chase public conti, inching mare then 400 submissions by « wide range of
“00461805 public evens in ahnost every Monber Sate, nd close mgagana vi the Buropem Parliament, [EU govenmnts, bosisses, cil Society, and the public This Highlight will fist offer an overview e the strucore and code these ategy andthe focus ants TSD dupe.
° Mattia Coli Vigarei,2021,Bxrpean Papers, Ta iegbot Coniston Dade Policy Review: The
Afectveress of Swianale Development Chepiers in TU FOAL,
— tonftbgbdf sữsisVEÐ EF 2031 E O01 Mitts Coli Vigucels 0048
Trang 38Signed on July 9, 2023, the EU-New Zealand Free Trade Area representsthe first contract to include the new TSD methodology Sanctions may be used incases of flagrant disregard for the Paris Agreement and the ILO's core labor andclimate obligations, which include fundamental labor rights and principles® Theparty who is being complained about may choose to pay compensation as one ofthe sanctions, or the application of the covered provisions' responsibilities may besuspended
Additionally, the Council applauded the TSD review and endorsed the new.strategy to reinforce the TSD provisions’ implementation and enforcement in all
‘upcoming trade agreement discussions, including the use of trade sanctions as alast option Parallel to Parliament, the Council urged the Commission to adjust thecurrent approach in the continuing discussionsas needed, suggesting, for example,that the TSD chapter of such agreements be included in the general state-to-statedispute settlement process’ compliance stage!TM
Executive Vice-President and Commissioner for Trade, ValdisDombrovskis, said!
“We promised to make trade more sustainable and today we aredelivering Our trade agreements give us clout on the world stage amdsupport economic growth and sustainable development — but as of
ow, we want to make them an even bigger driver of posttive change
We will engage and support ou partners to make this happen Wewill step up our enforcement, and we will resort to sanctions if keylabour cmd climate commitments are not mat "1A
Biropesn Pelament, Dad ned sstanable development mn Š 9£ tru agreements,
‘nps she stroper eta s/EtgDatuisuö/EETED023754613/EĐES BEICU23)7S4613 EN pe
TM Binopemn Purbanet, ra ane giam dvelopmentin FUfee male agement,
BEJNEntessblnvspt sR eta hy /EEEE/A23/754613/ZĐBS EEIC039751611 EN pat
` Bropem Canmissim, Commission neil new approach to ra agreements to promot green cst
gui ys ec europe rutenmssionfresscamaarailenp 33 3921
Trang 39‘The new approach of TSD Chapters will include the use of trade sanctionsfor breaches of core TSD provisions It will be applied to future negotiations andongoing negotiations as appropriate The new approach is based on three mainfollowing aspectsTM
First, priority- and results-based cooperation with partner nations The EUwill also step up trade partner engagement in a cooperative process to fostercompliance with intemational labor and environmental standards, includingthrough technical and financial assistance The EU will negotiate with partnercountries tailored objectives and time-bound roadmaps for more effective results
In order to reduce dependence in the current geopolitical environment, MemberStates and the Europ:
implement TSD commitments as well as to open up new markets for the import
tú Parliament must collaborate more closely to monitor and
and export of green goods, services, and raw materials"
Second, increased involvement in and backing for civil society The EU isstreamlining the complaint process for DAGs and civil society on sustainabilitycommitment breaches They are updating the Operating Guidelines for Single-Entry Points and creating deadlines that the Commission will generally adhere towhen handing TSD complaints The DAGs will guarantee greater transparency
on the activity of the DAGs, including publishing the lists of participatingorganizations, and they will be more actively involved in meetings with EU
‘Member States and technical assistance programs Additionally, the EU enhancesthe role of EU DAGs by furnishing resources necessary for their operation’
‘Baroptan Coumissim, Commision neil new approach to trae agreement to promote green ait
he nxepttờGE=sktEnlxtsergrnsrdeadJevip 33 3991
`" Baxopean Caumissim, Conmasion ms rew approach ora agreements to promote green ajiat
growth, tps lọc europe calenmmsssionresscara eewlenp 33 3921
` Bargpean Caumissim, Commission ins rew approach io trade agreements to promote green đnfjlet
_gowh, ys ec europe rultenmssionfeesscama anally 33 3921
Trang 40Thirdly, more emphasis should be placed on enforcement and execution Inother words, ifa party is found to be in violation ofany ofthe TSD commitments,the EU will extend the standard state-to-state dispute settlement compliance phase
to the TSD chapter of our trade agreements This means that the party in violation
‘will have to promptly inform how it will implement the panel report and complywithin a certain period Asa last resort, trade sanctions for flagrant violations ofthe Paris Climate Agreement and the ILO's core labor standards may be applied'%,
The European Commission has been consistently urged to enhance theexecution and efficient enforcement of the TSD chapters by the EuropeanParliament, the European Economic and Social Committee (ESC), and civilsociety organizations They specifically demanded that TSD chapters be included
in the state-to-state dispute resolution process and that sanctions be an option asalast resort A alternative, sanctions-based strategy has been implemented by anumber of EU trading partners, including the US, Canada, and New Zealand, toensure the enforcement of TSD requirements Under this strategy, tradepreferences may be discontinued in response to TSD violations that have an impact,
on trade The EU is anticipated to present the revised TSD strategy in the currentfree trade agreements it is negotiating with Australia, Indonesia, and India
Only the EU-New Zealand FTA incorporates the comprehensively updatedTSD approach among the three most recent EU trade accords for whichnegotiations have been completed, In the trade section of the EU-Chile AdvancedFramework deal, there is a specific TSD chapter wherein the EU and Chile havemade explicit TSD obligations There is also a specialized dispute resolutionsystem included in the deal, but it does not allow for the imposition of sanctionsAdditionally, a special TSD chapter covering labor, gender equality,
'° Bøopert Canmaissim, Commision mei new approach to rae agreements to promot green cntjst
gui ys lọc europe rultenmssionfresscama anally 33 3921