Calculation of the size of the domestic passenger terminal building and required land area .... Calculation of the size of domestic passenger terminal building and required land area.. C
Nhóm chúng em xin chân thành cảm ơn ThS Đỗ Uyên Tâm đã đồ ng hành, truyền đạt và giúp đỡ chúng em trong suốt quá trình Những kiến thức và kinh nghiệm
mà cô gi ng dả ạy đã giúp chúng em hoàn thành bài tập nhóm m t cách t t nh t Mộ ố ấ ặc
dù đã cố gắng hết sức, song bên cạnh đó nhóm chúng em cũng khó tránh khỏi sai sót, chúng em r t mong nhấ ận được s góp ý và ch nh s a tự ỉ ử ừ cô để bài t p nhóm c a chúng ậ ủ
em có thể hoàn thiện hơn
Chúng em xin chân thành cảm ơn cô!
Trang 4LỜI MỞ ĐẦU Môn Khai thác thương mại tàu bay là một môn vô cùng cần thiết đối với sinh viên ngành Qu n tr kinh doanh nói riêng và sinh viên H c vi n Hàng không nói ả ị ọ ệchung Thông qua môn h c và bài t p nhóm l n này chúng em có th hi u sâu sọ ậ ầ ể ể ắc hơn
về các đặc trưng, tính chất và cách tính toán các thông s m t cách h p lý nhố ộ ợ ất Điều này r t có ích trong vi c trau dấ ệ ồi và đúc kết ki n th c mế ứ ới, đồng thời cũng là hành trang đáng quý cho chúng em trước ngưỡng cửa tiếp xúc trực tếp với các hoạt động trong ngành hàng không sắp tớ i
4-1 Apron Plan Spot, GSE yard 1 . ( )
4-1-1 Calculation of required number of spots (loading apron) 1
4-1-2 Calculation of the area of the GSE yard (passenger terminal area) 1
4-1-3 Calculation of the area of the GSE yard (cargo terminal area) 1
4-2 Passenger Terminal Area Plan (Passenger Terminal Building, Parking Lot 2 )
4-2-1 Calculation of the size of the domestic passenger terminal building and required land area 2
4-2-2 Calculation of size of parking lot and required land area 2
4-3 Cargo Terminal Area Plan 3 .
4-3-1 Calculation of the floor area of the cargo terminal building and required land area 3
4-4 Fueling Facility Area Plan 4 .
4-4-1 Calculation of size of fueling facilities and required land area 4
4 Calculation of the necessary size of facilities and required land are 5
4-1 Apron Plan Spot, GSE yard 5 . ( )
4-1-1 Calculation of required number of spots (loading apron) 5
4-1-2 Calculation of the area of the GSE yard (passenger terminal area) 8
4-1-3 Calculation of the area of the GSE yard (cargo terminal area) 11
4-2 Passenger Terminal Area Plan (Passenger Terminal Building, Parking Lot 12 ) 4-2-1 Calculation of the size of domestic passenger terminal building and required land area 12
4-2-2 Calculation of size of parking lot and required land areaư 14
4-3 Cargo Terminal Area Plan 15 .
4-3-1 Calculation of the floor area of the cargo terminal building and required land area 15
4-4 Fueling Facility Area Plan 18 .
4-4-1 Calculation of size of fueling facilities and required land area 18
Trang 6PHẦN I: B NG K T QU Ả Ế Ả
4 Calculation of the necessary size of facilities and required land are 4-1 Apron Plan Spot, GSE yard . ( )
4-1-1 Calculation of required number of spots (loading apron)
4-1-2 Calculation of the area of the GSE yard (passenger terminal area)
4-1-3 Calculation of the area of the GSE yard (cargo terminal area)
Trang 72
4-2 Passenger Terminal Area Plan (Passenger Terminal Building, Parking Lot )4-2-1 Calculation of the size of the domestic passenger terminal building and required land area
4-2-2 Calculation of size of parking lot and required land area
Trang 84-3 Cargo Terminal Area Plan .
4-3-1 Calculation of the floor area of the cargo terminal building and required land area
Trang 94 4-4 Fueling Facility Area Plan .
4-4-1 Calculation of size of fueling facilities and required land area
Diễn giải s u bố liệ ảng năm 2017
4 Calculation of the necessary size of facilities and required land are
4-1 Apron Plan Spot, GSE yard . ( )
4-1-1 Calculation of required number of spots (loading apron)
C: Peak day aircraft take-offs/landings
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
d: Concentration ratio of flights in peak hour
Ta th y các chuyấ ến bay đều là các chuy n bay qu c nế ố ội nên d được tính b ng ằcông th c ứ sau:
Peak – period concentration rate : d
100 flights or fewer for take of–
and landing number of times
d = 1,51 ÷ take off and landin–number of times + 0.115
100 flights or more for take of–
and landing number of times
d = 6.61 ÷ take – off and landinnumber of times + 0.064
number of times + 0.114
Trang 11g: Spot occupation time
Căn cứ vào ph n a) Calculation of the number of required spots (loading ầapron) mục 3 Apron plan, ta th y : ấ
g: Large jet aircraft: 75 minutes for domestic flights and 115 minutes for international flights
Medium jet aircraft: 75 minutes for domestic flights and 105 minutes for international flights
Small jet aircraft: 60 minutes for domestic flights and 105 minutes for international flights, etc
Từ đó ta có:
• g(JJ-LJ) = 75
• g(MJ) = 75
• g(SJ) = 60
Trang 12The number of spots calculated
Ta thấy The number of spots calculated được tính bằng công thức:
I = F x g/60 x h
Từ đó ta tính được:
• The number of spots calculated(JJ) = 0.205
• The number of spots calculated(LJ) = 0.615
• The number of spots calculated(MJ) = 2.868
• The number of spots calculated(SJ) = 2.786
• The number of spots calculated(PR) = 0
I: Planned number of loading spots by type
Ta phân lo i theo Large Jet Aircraft, Medium Jet Aircraft, Small Jet Aircraft, ạPropeller aircraft
Trang 138
J: Required number of stand-by spots
Ta có J được tính bằng công thức sau: J = I x 0.1
U: Required number of apron spots
Ta có U được tính bằng công thức sau:
Trang 14b: Required GSE yard area per aircraft landing
Căn cứ vào phần f) Calculation of acreage of GSE storage area (passenger terminal area) mục 3 Apron plan, ta th y: ấ
b: Large jet aircraft B747 : 1,600 ( 1,850) m2
Large jet aircraft B777 : 1,250 ( 1,350) m2
Medium jet aircaft : 1,250 ( 1,350) m2
Small jet aircaft : 450 ( 650) m2
c: area per aircraft landing
Căn cứ vào ph n f) Calculation of acreage of GSE storage area (passenger ầterminal area) mục 3 Apron plan, ta th y: ấ
Increase rate of airline companies regarding storage area acreage per take – off
and landing time ( = 1.2)
Do vậy, c = 1.2
D: Required area for the GSE yard
Trang 1510
Ta có D được tính bằng công thức: D=(Axbxc)
T ừ đó ta tính ra được D = 4999.92
Number of spots by type
Ta có Number of spots by type chính là I (Planned number of loading spots by type) ở b ng 4-1-1 Tả ừ đó ta có:
• Number of spots by type(JJ-LJ) = 0.8194
• Number of spots by type(MJ) = 2.868
• Number of spots by type(SJ) = 2.786
• Number of spots by type(PR) = 0
e: Area available for GSE yard in shoulder per spot
Căn cứ vào phần f) Calculation of acreage of GSE storage area (passenger terminal area) mục 3 Apron plan
e: Large jet aircraft B747 : 200 m2
Large jet aircraft B777 : 200 m2
Medium jet aircaft : 200 m2
Small jet aircaft : 160 m2
Trang 16Ta có F được tính bằng công thức: F= (spot by airplane.e )
V y nên F = 1183.24 ậ
G: Area of GSE yard in the passenger terminal area
Ta thấy G được tính bằng công thứ : G= D-F c
Do đó, G = 4999.92 - 1183.24 = 3816.68
4-1-3 Calculation of the area of the GSE yard (cargo terminal area)
A:Number of peak hour aircraft landings by type
Căn cứ vào số liệu từ b ng 4-1-2 Calculation of the area of the GSE yard ả(passenger terminal area) T ừ đó ta có:
h: Required GSE yard area per aircraft landing
Dựa vào thông số k ỹ thuật h
h: Large jet aircraft B747: 1,600 m2
Large jet aircraft B777: 1,600 m2
Medium jet aircaft: 950 m2
Small jet aircaft: 70 m2
Trang 174-2 Passenger Terminal Area Plan (Passenger Terminal Building, Parking Lot )4-2-1 Calculation of the size of domestic passenger terminal building and required land area
A::Annual number of passenger (person )
Căn cứ vào bảng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / landings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
A = 3493948 (person)
b: Peak day concentration ratio
Dựa vào lý thuyết đã cho, ta có b: Average days during the 1st and 2nd peak months: Number of passengers/number of annual passengers 1/300 tends to be used often in Japan
Trang 18Dựa vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand Ta có T ng Take-ổ off and landing number of times trong năm 2017
= 70 Mà d = 1.51 / Take-off and landing number of times + 0.1115 ( in case of 100 flights/day or less)
h : Terminal building level factor
Dựa vào dữ liệu mục 4c) Passenger terminal layer method
Trang 1914
⇒ Sân bay Kitakyushu là sân bay 1.5 cao t ng ầ
Mà G = 23803.53 ( > 5000m vuông ) k t h p vế ợ ới sân bay ở ạ d ng 1,5 cao trình
4-2-2 Calculation of size of parking lot and required land areaư
A::Annual number of passengers (person )
Dựa vào s ố liệu A ở ả b ng 4-2-1, ta có A = 3493948 (person)
b: Peak day concentration ratio
Dựa vào s ố liệu b b ng 4-2-1ở ả , ta có b = 1/300
C: Number of peak day passengers (person)
Dựa vào s ố liệu C ở ả b ng 4-2-1, ta có C = 11646.49 (person)
d: Peak hour concentration ratio
Dựa vào s ố liệu d b ng 4-2-1ở ả , ta có d = 0.1366
E: Number of peak hour passengers (person)
Trang 20Dựa vào s ố liệu E ở ả b ng 4-2-1, ta có E = 1590.58 (person)
f: Parking capacity (cars) per peak hour passengers (car)
Đề cho bus pool = 2000 (m ) 2
4-3 Cargo Terminal Area Plan .
4-3-1 Calculation of the floor area of the cargo terminal building and required land area
A: Annual cargo handling volume (ton )
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
A = 23230 (ton)
b: Cargo handling volume per unit tons/ m ) ( 2
Trang 21G: Frontage of land area for cargo terminal (m)
Vì A = 23230 tons Nên sẽ tính G theo công thức:
G = C/f + 10m [arrangement: segregation]
G = (C/f1) + 10 = (1746.617/20 ) + 10 = 97.331 (m)
h1: Landside area depth (m) ①
Theo hình h1 sẽ là kho ng cách t airline shed - ả ừ agent’s building
Trang 22Dựa vào b ng sau suy ra: h1 = 40m ả
Landside depth: h
Airline shed to agency building 40 m
(1) Cases in which there is a GSE passage10m
(2) Cases in which there is no GSE passag15m
Note : In relation to (1), it is possible to use “ 5m underground pipe land, “ and thus,
“10m” is applicable
K : Airside area (m2)
Ta có công thức K = Gxi
Suy ra K = 97.331 x 10 = 973.308 m 2
Depth of land area for cargo terminal (m)
Depth of land area for cargo terminal = (f1 + f2 + h1 + h2 + i) Depth of land area for cargo terminal = 20 + 10 + 40 + 10 + 10 = 90 (m) L: Land area for cargo terminal (m2)
Trang 2318
Có L = G x (f1+f2+h1+h2+i)
L= 97.331 x 90 = 8759.774 (m ) 2
4-4 Fueling Facility Area Plan .
4-4-1 Calculation of size of fueling facilities and required land area
Route Shin-Chitose
A : Peak day aircraft take-offs by type and route
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 ụ Prediction of civil aviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
Large jet aircraft (Airbus) Y= 0.0098 X + 3.70
Trang 24A : Peak day aircraft take-offs by type and route
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
Trang 25Route Chubu
A : Peak day aircraft take-offs by type and route
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
Trang 26Route Osaka
A : Peak day aircraft take-offs by type and route
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
Trang 27A : Peak day aircraft take-offs by type and route
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
Trang 28=> Total = C(JJ) + C(LJ) + C(MJ) + C(SJ) = 0 + 0 + 28 + 11.2 = 39.2 (kl)
Route Miyazaki
A : Peak day aircraft take-offs by type and route
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
A : Peak day aircraft take-offs by type and route
Trang 2924
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume ở m c 3 Prediction of civil ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
A : Peak day aircraft take-offs by type and route
Căn cứ vào b ng (2) Annual number of passengers by route, Aircraft take-offs / ảlandings by type, Annual cargo handling volume m c 3 Prediction of civil ở ụaviation demand T ừ đó ta có:
• A(JJ) = 0
Trang 30ΣC::(The total of) Peak day fuel supply (kl)
ΣC = C(Shin-Chitose) + C(Tokyo) + C(Chubu) + C(Osaka) + C(Kansai) +
C(Miyazaki) + C(Kagoshima) + C(Naha)
ΣC 87.404 + 205.28 + 46.8284 + 17.169 + 39.2 + 8.5924 + 18.2672 + 92.92 = = 422.7414 (kl)
d Number of days fuel is held (day) :
Về nguyên tắc thì ở Nhật Bản áp d ng d = 7 ụ
E::Required fuel storage (kl))
Ta có E = C x d