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Tiếng Anh – Viết 2 = English - Writing 2 / Đinh Thị Thùy Trang, Nguyễn Văn Nguyên

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Nội dung

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Biên soạn: ThS Đinh Thị Thuỳ Trang ThS Nguyễn Văn Nguyên

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Therefore, the primary goals of English-Writing 2 are to address these gaps The

material provides both theory and practice of paragraph writing in a straightforward manner, using a step-by-step approach Clear, relevant models illustrate each step, and varied exercises reinforce each lesson

The first part of the book offers a detailed overview of the components of a paragraph, including topic sentences, supporting sentences, and concluding sentences The second part of the book introduces four types of paragraphs, as well as exercises to enable learners to write a complete paragraph using suggested vocabulary and ideas

The book could be used along with the main coursebook, Macmillan Writing series – Writing paragraphs in class, for homework assignment or for students’ self-study

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I Definition 5

II Paragraph components 6






I Descriptive paragraphs 54

II Opinion paragraphs 55

III Explanatory paragraphs 55

IV Compare and contrast paragraphs 56



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I Definition

A paragraph is a fundamental unit of communication A paragraph can be any

length, although it generally contains at least three sentences to develop a topic or one main idea to some degree

In terms of structure, a paragraph is a separate unit, marked by indenting the first word for the left-hand margin, or by leaving extra space above and below the paragraph Below is the example of how a paragraph might look like

1 Title: A paragraph usually has a title which is one word or a group of words

that tells what the topic is

2 Indenting: The first sentence of a paragraph must be indented from the left

margin, which shows the reader that a new paragraph is beginning

3 Margins: A paragraph must have a margin on the right and a margin on the

left It begins 1 inch or 1 ¼ inches from the edge of the paper

4 Double spacing

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II Paragraph components

Most paragraphs contain one main idea to which all sentences relate There are generally three parts that make up a paragraph:

The topic sentence states the main idea

The body of the paragraph (= the supporting sentences) develops and

supports this main idea with facts, details, and examples

The concluding sentence tells the reader that the paragraph is finished, and it

completes the picture or story about the topic of the paragraph

The topic sentence: Jim Thorpe is a controversial sports figure in sports history The supporting sentences: He won Olympic gold medals … reversed this ruling The concluding sentence: Seventy years after his achievements, Thorpe’s name

was finally returned to the list of 1912 Olympic winners

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Paragraph 1

A University Professor

A university professor has many duties In the classroom, he or she lectures to the students and answers questions During office hours, students are free to visit the professor for help on difficult material or problems In addition, a professor may often work for many hours in a laboratory doing a research project Another professor might spend his or her time writing a scholarly paper for a professional journal Still another one might spend time writing a book In conclusion, a professor is always a very busy


Paragraph 2

Kids and Pets

At some point, most parents have to decide whether or not to allow their children to have pets Some parents believe that pets teach children a sense of responsibility because children have to learn how to take care of their pets In addition, many parents believe that pets can be fun for the family Pets can also help children become more compassionate because children will develop a special bond with their pets On the other hand, some parents are afraid that their children might hurt the animals or that these animals might hurt the children Cats are good pets, but I do not like it when they shed hair on the furniture Often these parents do not allow their children to have any kind of pet Other families do not have the extra time or money that pets require In brief, although many children want a pet, parents are divided on this issue for a number

of significant reasons

Paragraph 3

Student Use of Computers

Computers are excellent machines to help students Before computers, students had to do their schoolwork on typewriters Typewriters did not allow students to make

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major changes easily, so they had to use special correction fluid to fix mistakes Today computers let students move information around without retyping it and correct errors with little effort Computers also make research more convenient for students For example, before computers, students had to go to the library Many times, they would read for four or five hours in several sources before finding useful information However, students can now use the Internet from their home to obtain the information that they need much more quickly Some computers are very expensive My friend bought a computer that cost almost their thousand dollars Computers have certainly

made students’ lives much easier

Paragraph 4

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar (1783 – 1830) was one of South America’s greatest generals and one of the most powerful people in world political history In Spanish, Simon Bolivar is often called El Liberator, which means “The Liberator” Spanish is the main language in at least twenty-two countries This nickname is a very good one because his planning and military actions helped to gain independence from Spain for six countries: Bolivia (1809), Colombia (1819), Ecuador (1820), Panama (1821), Peru (1821), and Venezuela (1811) In fact, Bolivia is named for Bolivar, making him one of the few people to have a country named for him These six countries are approximately the same size as modern Europe, so the independence of such a large area was an amazing military and political feat Although Bolivar’s name is not as well-known outside Latin America,

people there remember him as perhaps the most important person in their history

Paragraph 5

Trang 9

Why I Avoid Breakfast

Like many people, I prefer to skip breakfast I’m not a “morning person,” so it is very hard for me to wake up and then prepare breakfast In addition, I do not like to eat breakfast because it makes me feel full the rest of the morning With this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, it is difficult for me to do my work well Finally, I am very concerned about my health, so I avoid fatty kinds of breakfast foods, such as scrambled eggs, buttered toast, or fried sausage Although others may not agree with my decision,

I choose to skip breakfast most of the time

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I Definition

The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph Sometimes, it

occurs elsewhere in the paragraph, for example, the second sentence after an introduction, or the last sentence (which is also equivalent to the concluding sentence)

The topic sentence presents a topic and states the main idea (or the controlling idea)

which is developed or supported by other sentences in the paragraph


My friend is an honest person => Topic: My friend; Main idea: is an honest


My friend is the funniest person I know => Topic: My friend; Main idea: is the

funniest person I know

My friend has a terribly dangerous job => Topic: My friend; Main idea: has a

terribly dangerous job

A good topic sentence has the following features:


• containing a specific topic

• not a simple statement of fact – a fact does not need to be developed

• being a statement of intent or an opinion (i.e containing a specific controlling



1 We celebrate Christmas on December 25

=> fact = weak topic sentence

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2 Playing sports is good

=> broad topic (Playing sports); vague controlling idea (good – in what way is it good?) => weak topic sentence

7 One of the most recent technical advances in the use of water is the development of hydroelectric power

8 In addition to being unhealthy, smoking can be offensive 9 Registration at Greenhills College is a frustrating experience 10 Physical exercise is good for a person’s mental health

Exercise 3: Identify the topic sentences For each set of sentences below,

write TS (topic sentence) next to the topic sentence


_ a Mosquitoes are attracted to heat

_ b Mosquitoes will fly several miles to find food _ c Only the female mosquito bites

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T.S d Mosquitoes are interesting insects

Topic sentence: Mosquitoes are interesting insects => Topic: Mosquitoes; main

idea: are interesting insects)

_ d The automobile enabled them to drive to towns and cities comfortably and conveniently

f In fact, people could work in a busy metropolitan city and drive home to the quiet suburbs


_ a In time, this melted part rises as magma

_ b The formation of a volcanic eruption is a dramatic series of events _ c As the plate sinks, friction and Earth’s heat cause part of it to melt _ d The magma produces heat, steam, and pressure

_ e First of all, most volcanoes are formed where two plates collide _ f Then one of the plates is forced under the other and sinks

_ g When the heat, steam, and pressure from the magma finally reach the surface of Earth, a volcanic eruption occurs


_ a One of my hobbies is listening to international music

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_ b I have a large collection of world music recordings

_ c My friends and I like to introduce each other to new international artists we discover

_ d I enjoy going to concerts by musicians from different countries

_ a My new apartment has big closets

_ b My new apartment is perfect for my roommate and me _ c My new apartment is close to school and work

_ d My new apartment is not too expensive for students

Exercise 4: Study the following pairs of topic sentences Circle the better topic sentence in each pair

b Hong Kong is a shopper’s dream world

6 a The violence on TV can affect children’s emotional well-being

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b Watching TV is a waste of time 7 a Learning English is difficult

b What makes English particularly difficult to learn is pronunciation

8 a Gone with the Wind may be an old movie, but it is still a good one b The acting in Gone with the Wind was superb

9 a The wide variety of merchandise makes Aeon Mall convenient b Aeon Mall is a convenient place to shop

10 a Enrolling in college is not an easy task

b Registration at State College is a painful process

Exercise 5: All the following topic sentences are too general Rewrite each sentence adding a main idea/main ideas


Flowers are beautiful

=> Flowers are the best gift to receive when you are feeling down 1 Cats are nice

……… 2 Paris is the capital of France

……… 3 The English alphabet has twenty-six letters

……… 4 She has many problems

……… 5 Tennis is an enjoyable sport


Exercise 6: Write a topic sentence for each given paragraph E.g

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I admire my friend Ken because he doesn’t give up When Ken wanted to enter

a good university, he studied hard to pass the examination The first time he took the exam, he did not do well, and he felt very discouraged But he knew he wanted to study at that university, so he studied more The next year, he tried taking the exam again The second time, he did very well, and now he is studying engineering I believe Ken is a good role model for me, and he has taught me that never giving up is that best way to succeed

1 …………(Topic sentence)……… First, you need to have enough time

to request and then submit all the necessary academic records Often it takes a long time for record, such as transcripts or standardized test scores, to arrive at the university You must be sure that this paperwork reaches the university before the application deadline Second, the admissions office must have enough time to look at your academic records and decide whether you will be accepted Finally, many universities have a quota, or special number, of students who may enter every semester If you apply too late, there may bot be room for you for the semester in which you want to enter Following these simple steps can help you get into a university quickly and easily

2 …………(Topic sentence)……… Posters and other forms of

advertisements are all around us, especially in towns and cities, and we cannot help seeing them If they are successful advertisements, they affect our opinions and behavior; they make us want to buy certain products In addition, adverts often make the streets more colorful and attractive Architecture, which is another form of art, also has an effect on the way we feel Buildings are not just places where we live and work – they are also part of our environment Living and working in a bright, attractive building makes people feel more optimistic, whereas dark, ugly buildings can make people feel gloomy

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3 …………(Topic sentence)……… English speakers relaxing at home,

for example, may put on kimonos, which is a Japanese word English speakers who live in a warm climate may take an afternoon siesta on an outdoor patio without realizing that these are Spanish words In their gardens, they may enjoy the fragrance of jasmine flowers, a word that came into English from Persian They may even relax on a chaise while snacking on yogurt, words of French and Turkish origin, respectively At night, they may shampoo their hair and put on pajamas, words from the Hindi language of India

4 …………(Topic sentence)……… In European universities, students

are not required to attend classes In fact, professors in Germany generally do not know the names of the students enrolled in their courses In the United States, however, students are required to attend all classes and may be penalized if they do not Furthermore, in the European system, students usually take just one comprehensive examination at the end of their entire four or five years of study In the North American system, on the other hand, students usually have numerous quizzes, tests, and homework assignments, and they almost always have to take a final examination in each course at the end of each semester

5 …………(Topic sentence)……… First, your body will look better

Exercise is perfect for staying trim and healthy-looking, and it does not have to take a long time Second, you will actually have more energy A person who exercises will have fewer problems walking up stairs or climbing hills In addition, you heart will be healthier A good, strong heart is necessary for a long, healthy life Finally, exercise reduces stress and keeps your mind in shape Therefore, if you want to improve your overall health, exercise is an excellent way to accomplish your goal

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Exercise 7: Using each word or phrase below to write a topic sentence with a controlling idea

……… 3 Examination

……… 4 Swimming

……… 5 Drug addiction


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I Definition

Supporting sentences add information about the topic and the controlling idea

In order to choose details to support the topic sentence, you can rephrase the topic sentence as a question, and then answer that question with your supporting questions

E.g Topic sentence: A university professor has many duties Question: What are the duties of a university professor?

Answers → supporting ideas

- giving lectures to students - doing research

- being available for consultation - writing journal articles /books

There are several ways of finding the supporting sentences to develop a

paragraph: definition, explanations, examples or illustrations, description, detail of

fact or personal experience, comparison – contrast, and cause -effect

1 Examples/illustrations

Examples help to clarify a statement They offer the readers evidence (Question: What examples can be used as evidence?)

E.g Topic sentence: Many people think happiness lies in the town

Question: Where can people find happiness in a town? What examples can help

me to prove this?

Many people think happiness lies in the town There are cinemas and theatres, beautiful shops and busy streets, dancehalls and restaurants – they have all the conveniences at their disposal For example, they do not have to travel too far to buy the things they need In the evening, if they do not want to cook, they can enjoy dinner

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at a restaurant Then they may spend the whole evening in a cinema or a dance-hall Such people would feel that their life was not worth living if they had to live outside London

Language tip: Expressions for illustration

For instance/example Another instance/example is … An illustration of this is … Another illustration of … is … To illustrate, … Here are a few examples …

2 Description

Describing something – a person, a place , or an object – helps the readers to imagine it or see it in the mind’s eye The best way to describe something is to make use of the senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and sound (Question: How does s/he or it look? What is it like?)

E.g Topic sentence: The woman who met us had an imposing beauty

Question: In what ways is she impressively beautiful? How about her


The woman who met us had an imposing beauty She was tall and large-boned Her face was strongly molded, with high cheekbones and the complexion of mahogany Her clothing was simple, a black sweater and skirt; and I remember thinking that this woman, if having dressed in showier garments, would have seemed overwhelming

3 Definitions

By defining a term or concept, the writer often gives an explanation Definitions are usually used in narrating or describing something/someone (Question: What is it? What examples or facts can be used?

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Writing technique: Types of definition

Definition by synonym

Definition by negation combined with examples or facts Definition by class

E.g 1

Topic sentence: Hackers are computers addicts

Question: Who can be computer addicts? What do they do to become hackers?

Hackers are computer addicts Typical addicts are young college students, pale from spending so many late nights working on the computer Hackers would gladly give up friends, dates, studying, sunlight, and fresh air just to sit alone in front of the display screens, inventing programs and directing the technological world at their fingertips In fact, they feel more comfortable relating to computers than to people (Definition by synonym + examples)

E.g 2

Topic sentence: A snakehead fish, a completely new species, has just been found

in Maryland pond

Question: What kind of fish is snakehead fish? What is this Snakehead fish like?

A snakehead fish, a completely new species, has just been found in Maryland pond Sounding like a creature out of science fiction, this northern snakehead is a kind of fish with big teeth that can survive out of water At up to 40 inches long and weighing up to 15 pounds, with toothy jaws and snake-like scales on their heads, with their eyes in the same position as a a snake’s, these fish can have a formidable aspect They can survive for two to three days out of water, breathing air with a primitive lung, pushing themselves around with heir pectoral fins (Definition by class + facts)

E.g 3

Topic sentence: Unlike induction, deduction is reasoning from the general to the


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Question: What is deduction? What is the difference between induction and


Unlike induction, deduction is reasoning from the general to the particular It is not the scientific method in which you start with particular cases and come to general principle or conclusion Instead, you first give a general statement, and then you give concrete examples to support that statement (Definition by negation + example)

4 Details of fact/personal experience

Facts or personal experiences are usually used in narrating or writing a report Facts (including figures, scientific discoveries from resource materials, e.g books, newspapers, journals …) are very often used when the writer wants to be more persuasive (Question: Where/ From which sources can I find evidence to support the idea?)

E.g Topic sentence: Because the eat-out trend is unlikely to end anytime soon,

it makes sense to know what hides within your favorite offerings

Question: What substances can be found in the restaurant meals? From which

source can I find the evidence?

Now for ever-growing millions of Americans, restaurant-prepared food has become a way of life Because the eat-out trend is unlikely to end anytime soon, it makes sense to know what hides within your favorite offerings In a new book, “Restaurant Confidential”, Dr Michael F Jacobson, the executive director of the Center for Science in the Public interest, and Jayne G Hurley, a registered dietitian at the center, have compiled an invaluable guide for those who dine out They note, “Portions of meat have gotten larger, layers of melted cheese have gotten fatter, salt and sugar are abundant, and even salads have been corrupted by fatty additions and dressings.” According to data gathered by the United States Department of Agriculture, restaurant meals are, on average, 20 percent fattier and 15 percent higher in saturated fat than

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home-cooked meals They are also higher in sodium and cholesterol and much lower in calcium, fiber and iron

5 Comparison – contrast

By comparing and contrasting people, theories, etc., the qualities of the two are clarified (Question: HOW/IN WHAT WAY are they similar or different? WHAT are the differences or similarities between them?)

E.g Topic sentence: One advantage of living outside London is that houses are


Question: Can we buy a bigger house outside London at a cheaper price?

One advantage of living outside London is that houses are cheaper Even a small flat in London without a garden costs quite a lot of to rent However, with the same money, one can get a little house with a garden of one’s own

Language tip: Expressions for comparison & contrast

In addition Whereas Like Unlike Similarly Although While Though As well as However In the same way In contrast Also Both/neither Yet Conversely

6 Cause and effect

Cause and effect analysis can be made from general observation or the use of data (i.e facts) (Question: WHY does this happen? WHAT are the reasons /results?)

E.g Topic sentence: Finally, television may affect children’s schoolwork in

other ways

Question: In what ways can TV affect children’s schoolwork? Why can TV

affect children’s schoolwork?

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Finally, television may affect children’s schoolwork in other ways If they spend too much time watching television, they may get behind in their homework Also, if they stay up to watch a late movie, they may fall asleep in class the next day Consequently, they will not learn their lessons, and they could even fail in school

Language tip: Expressions for cause-effect

Because For that reason As a result Since Therefore Consequently As Hence/thus Result in/from Conditional (if…)

7 Explanation

Explanation tells the reader what something means or how something works.(Question: What does “something” mean? Or How does “something” work?)

E.g Topic sentence: My mother, who likes sewing, used this simple saying to

teach me the value of working on problems when they are still small

Question: What does “ A stitch in time saves nine.”

“A stitch in time saves nine.” My mother, who likes sewing, used this simple saying to teach me the value of working on problems when they are still small Originally, the saying referred to sewing – if you have a small hole in a shirt, you can repair it with one stitch But if you wait, the hole will get larger, and it will take you nine stitches

II Practice

Exercise 8: Underline the topic sentences and identify the methods or strategies that have been used to develop the following paragraphs

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Even simple study habits can improve your marks At university I learned how important it is to get enough sleep When you are well-rested, it is easier to learn Research shows that when people don’t get enough sleep, their memories aren’t as effective If students are really tired, they might even fall asleep in class! It’s easy to

see how getting enough sleep can improve your performance at university

Topic sentence: Even simple study habits can improve your marks Method/strategy: example

Paragragh 1

I will never eat dinner at The Little French Bistro again The restaurant is not very clean You can see dust in the corners and on the shelves The food is expensive, but the portions are small I never feel full after I’ve finished eating In addition, the

waiters are not very friendly For these reasons, I will not visit that restaurant again

Topic sentence: Method/strategy: Paragragh 2

For me, a friend is someone who accepts you the way you are A friend doesn’t want you to change your personality or your style I like people who don’t care if the people they are with are wearing popular clothes or listening to trendy music

Topic sentence: Method/strategy: Paragragh 3

One of the most surprising things about football in England to a stranger is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams; he has photographs of

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them and knows the results of large numbers of matches He will tell you who he expects to win such a match, and his opinion is usually as valuable as that of men three or four times his age

Topic sentence: Method/strategy: Paragragh 4

Last summer holidays, we rented a dreamy house in the mountains for two weeks It was a very small house, clean and cheerful, standing in a beautiful garden, with the green mountain rising up behind it We were delighted We stood in the garden for half an hour before unpacking our things from the car, enjoying the peace and coolness and watching the sunset

Topic sentence: Method/strategy: Paragragh 5

Some pollution happens by accident In Seveso in Italy, in 1976, there was an accident at a chemical factory A cloud of poisonous gas killed a lot of people and animals Everybody had to leave the town Another terrible example of accidental pollution happened in Minimata in Japan in the 1950s At that time, people did not fully understand the dangers of toxic waste Therefore, a factory dumped its waste which contained a very poisonous metal called mercury into the sea Thousands of people died after eating the fish with mercury in their bodies, while thousands of others never walked or talked again

Topic sentence:


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Paragragh 6

However, a lot of pollution is deliberate Some people deliberately dump their waste in dangerous ways because it is cheaper than doing it safely Every day, factories deliberately dump toxic waste in the river Rhine They know it is wrong, but they still do it because it is cheap Consequently, every year many seals at the mouth of the Rhine die from the toxic chemicals in the bodies of the fish they eat

Topic sentence: Method/strategy: Paragragh 7

The second difference between the traditional family and the modern one is in the woman’s role In the traditional family, the woman may have worked for pay during her first years of marriage However, after she became pregnant, she would usually quit her job Her primary role was to take care of her family and home In contrast, the woman in the modern family works outside the home even after she has children She is doing two jobs instead of one, so she is busier than the traditional mother was

Topic sentence: Method/strategy: Paragragh 8

Europeans have been eating Quorn – Quorn nuggets, Quorn cutlets, Quorn patties – for 16 years Quorn – named for a British village and manufactured in the north of England – is a meat substitute made from a kind of a fungus, grown in giant fermentation tanks and processed into a low-fat, protein- rich substance that has some of the texture of meat Twenty million Europeans have tried it, buying nearly a billion portions, according to the manufacturer, Marlow Foods, which is owned by AstraZeneca, a leading drug company based in London

Topic sentence:

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Method/strategy: Exercise 9: Read the following topic sentences Put a check () next to each sentence below that supports the topic sentence

E.g I am an organized person

_ a My desk is always neat and tidy

_ b I have a system of organizing my papers, and I can always find what I need _c I feel uncomfortable when I am in a strange environment

_ d My friends always want me to help them put their closets in order 1 Twenty questions is an easy game to play when you are traveling

a The person who is “it” must think of a person, place, or object b Sometimes people travel by car, and sometimes by train or airplane c It is very important to travel with people that you get along with

d The other players take turns asking questions that can only be answered with “Yes” or “No”

2 Tea and coffee are very different from each other a Coffee has more caffeine than tea does b Coffee and tea both have caffeine

c People enjoy tea and coffee during social occasions

d Tea is much more common around the world than coffee is 3 In my opinion, people spend too much money on cars

a Some drivers spend a fourth of their income for a car payment, which is unnecessary

b Cars do not increase in value, so they are not a great investment

c Car companies are always looking for ways to make vehicles safer on the road

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d People who do not pay cash must also pay interest, so they lose even more money

4 It is easy to get a sports injury a Many people enjoy sports

b Runners often have problems with their ankles and knees

c basketball players can break their fingers or get knocked over by another player d Many people make the simple mistake of joining a gym, and then they never go there to exercise

5 My city is famous because of its architecture

a We have ancient red-tiled buildings around the main square b The restaurants near the beach serve great seafood

c It has expensive tree-lined boulevards with beautiful limestone buildings and monuments

d A famous university is located on the side of a mountain

Exercise 10: Find and cross out any sentences that are not related to the controlling idea of the paragraph

e.g Chinese food is popular everywhere in the world Most people would agree that Chinese cuisine is especially flavourful, varied, and healthful Not even the best French chefs can equal the imaginative combinatio of ingredients and delicious blend of flavours of Chinese cooking Japanese food is more beautiful to look at than Chinese food

Paragragh 1

My brother lives in Boston He found a nice big apartment on Commonwealth Avenue He likes to read Although the landloard doesn’t allow pets, my brother has

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two cats The cats seem to understand the situation, because they hide behind the refrigerator whenever someone comes to the door

Paragragh 2

As people have more time and money to spend on recreation, new sports are developed Traditional sports such as racing – on foot, horse, and skis, and in boats, cars, and aeroplanes – are still popular Fifteen years ago, no one had ever heard of windurfing Now it is the rage at beach resorts everywhere Twenty years ago, who would have thought that intelligent men and women would jump out of aeroplanes for fun, as they do in the sport of skydiving? Ten years ago, not many people believed that humans would be able to glide through the air like birds, as they do in the new sport of hand gliding

Paragragh 3

Fortunately, many parents were very strict with me when I was a child I think that they were protective because I was an only child However, at that time, it felt like I was in prison I had to come straight home after school and immediately do my homework After I finished my homework, I was allowed to watch only one hour of television While my friends were playing video games or watching cartoons, I was usually doing chore around the house to help my mother This included doing some of the laundry and ironing, mowing the lawn, and helping to prepare dinner My father was an architect, and my mother was a housewife Looking back, I am not sorry that my parents were strict with me because I benefited from a ll the hard work

Paragragh 4

Swimming pools can be beautiful, but they need to be maintained every day First, you must check the amount of chlorine in a swimming pool If there is not enough chlorine, the pool might begin to grow algae In addition, you must check the pH level,

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especially after a rainnstorm Certain chemicals can be added to make sure that the pH level of the pool water is balanced If you accidentally swallow some of these chemicals, you have to go to the doctor at once Finally, you should remove any leaves and small insects that are in the pool By doing all these things, you can be certain that your pool will last a very long time

Paragragh 5

When people have a hard time falling asleep at night, there are three things that they can do to relax before going to sleep One of the most pleasant ways to relax is to imagine a beatiful and peaceful place This requires a creative mind, but it is very effective Another common method is to practice deep-breathing exercises These rhythmic exercises are good for getting rid of the tension that causes people to stay awake A third method is to listen to relaxing music, such as classical or baroque music Baroque music is also popular because it helps students study hetter Some people have developed unique ways to help them fall asleep, but these three methods are extremely effective for the majority of people with sleep probblems

Exercise 11: Read each topic sentence (TS) Then, ask a question about the topic and add two more supporting points to each list

E.g T.S: Smoking in restaurants should be prohibited for several reasons Question: What are these reasons?

Supporting points: [a] It pollutes the air

[b] It inhibits diners’ appetites [c] It may cause a fire

1 T.S: International students have dificulty taking notes in class for several reasons

Question: ……… Supporting points: [a] ………

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[b] ……… [c] ………

2 T.S: We should consider several criteria before choosing a job

Question: ……… Supporting points: [a] ………

[b] ……… [c] ………

3 T.S: Computer technology will one day eliminate the use of libraries

Question: ……… Supporting points: [a] ………

[b] ……… [c] ………

4 T.S: Classrooms without windows have adverse effects on students

Question: ……… Supporting points: [a] ………

[b] ……… [c] ………

5 T.S: Summer is the best time to travel in my country

Question: ……… Supporting points: [a] ………

[b] ……… [c] ………

Exercise 12: Develop your own paragraph Look back at the topic sentences you wrote in Exercise 6 (CHAPTER 2 – PRACTICE) Follow these steps

Step one: Choose one topice sentence that you would like to develop into a


Step two: Brainstorm some ideas using any method you like

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Step three: Develop your paragraph with supporting sentences

Step four: Exchange paragraphs with a partner Say what kind of support your

partner used Could your partner tell what kind of support you used?

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I Definition

The concluding sentence tells the readers that the paragraph is finished, and it

completes the picture or story about the subject of the paragraph

The concluding sentence is like the topic sentence in the sense that both are

general statements However, the topic sentence is usually the first sentence while the concluding sentence is the last sentence which ends the paragraph

A concluding sentence usually begins with one of the following signal phrases:

- In conclusion, … - In summary, … - In brief/short, …

- As stated above, … - Indeed, … - In other words, …

There are two many ways to write a concluding sentence: - A paraphrase of the topic sentence

- A summary of the main points in the paragraph


Topic sentence: A university professor has many duties

Concluding sentence: In conclusion, a professor is always a very busy person


Concluding sentence In summary, a professor has responsibilities both to his

students and to his field (summary)

Sometimes, after the concluding sentence, you may add a concluding comment, which is your final thought or comment about the subject of the paragraph The purpose

Trang 34

of this comment is to give the readers something to think about and to remember about the paragraph


In conclusion, a professor is always a very busy person However, she or he

usually enjoys her or his work (concluding sentence + concluding comment)

your body slightly forward to show interest in the person and the conversation In

summary, meaningful communication means using both good facial expressions and body language as well as showing interest in the speaker’s words

Paragraph 1

Modern communication technology is driving workers in the corporate world crazy They feel buried under the large number of messages they receive daily In addition to telephone calls, office workers receive dozens of e-mail and voice mail messages daily In one company, in fact, managers receive an average of 100 messages a day Because they do not have enough time to respond to these messages during office

Trang 35

hours, it is common for them to do so in the evenings or on weekends at home

(Concluding sentence)…………

Paragraph 2

I feel happy whenever I am standing beside a train track because I am waiting for someone who is close to me I was the youngest child in my family, so my older brothers and sisters left home before I did However, they always returned for vacations and holidays My mother and father and I were always at the train station to greet them I enjoyed the smell of the train and the roaring noise it made as the big black engine pulled into the station I would jump up and down trying to see while everyone crowded around the doors “There they are!” my mother would cry I would run to jump into the

arms of my beloved brother or sister (Concluding sentence)…………

Paragraph 3

A consumer can save a lot of money by shopping wisely This means he is always looking for sales and collecting coupons, but it also means the person is not a compulsive shopper In other words, the wise consumer does his research and makes a plan so that he knows what he is looking for He is not tempted by attractive products that are not necessary Sometimes he goes home without purchasing anything He might

think he wasted his time but he knows he did not waste money (Concluding


Paragraph 4

When I first started going to college, I was surprised at all the studying that was required In high school, I hardly ever studied, but my grades were fairly good At the university, it seemed that all my professors gave me mountains of homework every night They all thought that their class was the most important! I could not watch TV anymore because I had to read pages and pages of information As a result, my nights

Trang 36

out with my friends became limited In fact, I went out only one Saturday nights It was

a huge change from high school, where I used to go out every other night (Concluding


Paragraph 5

Caring for river turtles is easier than many people think You do not need a lot of equipment In fact, all you need is a large aquarium, some rocks, sand, and a little bit of vegetation After you buy the equipment, arrange all the items inside the aquarium

Remember to make sure that your river turtles have an area for swimming (Concluding

……… 3 You can lose weight if you follow these steps

……… 4 Mountain climbing is a challenging sport with important requirements

……… 5 Students should have a part-time job for some reasons

Trang 37

……… 2 Watching television is a good way of learning English

……… 3 You can lose weight if you follow these steps

……… 4 Mountain climbing is a challenging sport with important requirements

……… 5 Students should have a part-time job for some reasons


Exercise 15: Write a concluding sentence for your paragraph in Exercise 12 (CHAPTER 3 – PRACTICE) Be sure to begin with a signal phrase

……… ……… ………

Trang 38


I Unity

It means that all the sentences refer to the main idea, or the topic of the paragraph

Exercise 16:

The original student paper:

I live in a flat with my family We have two bedrooms and a living room We

have a garden and we have some flowers there In weekdays I arrive home at five o'clock and I have lunch Then I do my homework and go to bed I had a computer but now it doesn't work I have a brother and a sister and I think I am very lucky to live with them Sometimes our relatives visit us Our flat becomes very crowded sometimes but I like it

In a unified paragraph, we expect all the sentences to be about the main idea of the paragraph The main idea in this paragraph is "the description of your house" If we examine the paragraph, we see that some sentences do not describe the house, such as:

On weekdays I arrive home at five o'clock and I have lunch Then I do my homework and go to bed

I had a computer but now it doesn't work

Now, rewrite the main idea of the example paragraph so that it covers all the sentences the student has written

Trang 39

The original student paper:

I live in a house in Izmit It isn't old or modern It's a normal Turkish house We can say it is near the sea It takes about 10 minutes to go to the sea side on foot We have one bedroom, one living room We also have two other rooms, too We use them as a dining room Naturally, we have a kitchen, a bathroom, and a toilet I live with my parents And our house has a little garden; my parents spend their time there to grow vegetables and fruit

First, let's see the order of the ideas: 1 Where the house is

2 Type of the house 3 The location

4 The rooms in the house

5 The fact that he lives with his parents 6 The garden

The paragraph is well organized until he says he lives with his parents It looks like this idea interrupted his description of the house It should be put somewhere else in the paragraph Now, rewrite the paragraph in the correct order of ideas

Your answer: ………

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………

III Faulty Start

Trang 40

Here are some ways to bore your readers when starting a paragraph/an essay: You can start with:

1 a nonsense sentence:

e.g I want to talk about X 2 a cliché:

e.g X plays a great role in our lives

X is a very important issue in today's world

Exercise 18:

Here is an example:

I want to talk about friendship Friends can change your life So, you must know who is a real friend Firstly, your friend must understand you and of course, you must understand her, too I think, another important point in a friendship is confidence You mustn't tell lies to each other In addition, you must say everything about yourself I think these are important for a friendship If you have a friend like this, you don't break up with her because a real friend is not found easily

How do we understand that "I want to talk about friendship." is a nonsense sentence? If we leave the nonsense sentence out, the content and meaning of the paragraph does not change

Now write a new topic sentence for the paragraph above:

Your answer: ………


IV Lack of Topic Sentence

Topic sentence is the main idea, your attitude, your evaluation of something

Having no topic sentence is bad both for the writer and the reader First, the reader has to read the entire paragraph to get to the point Here, the example is one paragraph long What if the example was a paper of 2-3 pages? This is one side Lack of a topic

Ngày đăng: 06/05/2024, 16:02