Question 3: I'm all in favor of ambition but I think when he says he'll be a millionaire by the time he's 25, he's simply c rying for the moon.. crying a lot and for a long time Question
Trang 1I Vocabulary
10 reluctant
a n
miễn cưỡng, bất đắc dĩ
sư miễn cưỡng, sư bất đắc dĩ
12 criticism
n v
sự phê bình, chỉ trích phê bình, chỉ trích nhà phê bình, người chỉ trích
18 manufacture v /ˌmænjʊˈfæktʃər/ sản xuất, chế tạo
26 disaster-stricken a / dɪˈzɑːstə ˈstrɪkən / thảm hoạ tàn khốc, bị thiên tai tàn phá
31 underprivileged a /ˌʌndəˈprɪvəlɪdʒd/ thiệt thòi về quyền lợi, nghèo khó
32 filling station np /ˈfɪlɪŋ ˈsteɪʃən/ trạm xăng dầu, cây xăng
33 violate
v n
vi phạm
sự vi phạm
II Structures
Trang 2STT Cấu trúc - Cụm từ Nghĩa
3 cry/ask for the moon muốn một điều gì đó không thể thực hiện được, mơ
mộng hão huyền
4 take hold = to become very strong trở nên mạnh mẽ
8 work out tính toán, suy nghĩ đến một bài toán và tìm các trả
14 store in = accumulate lưu trữ, tích luỹ
15 the mists of time một thời gian dài trước đây và rất khó để nhớ rõ
16 float/walk on air = to feel very happy = on
cloud nine
rất vui vẻ (lâng lâng như đi trên mây)
18 few and far between thất thường, khi có khi không
III Practice exercise 4
Mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: The natives were angry when foreigners came to their country and took over their land.
Question 2: When the Titanic crashed into the iceberg, the crew quickly sent out d istress signals to alert
nearby ships of the disaster and request their help
Question 3: I'm all in favor of ambition but I think when he says he'll be a millionaire by the time he's 25, he's simply c rying for the moon.
A longing for what is beyond the reach B asking for what is attainable
C doing something with vigor or intensity D crying a lot and for a long time
Question 4: Such censorship slowed the development of newspapers Nevertheless, a belief in the
importance of a 'free press' slowly began t o take hold in Europe.
Question 5: I think Mr John is on the level because he always tells the truth and never tries to deceive
Question 6: You'll have to c ome up with a better idea than that if you want to win.
Trang 3Question 7: My success in the exam s purred me on to study even harder.
Question 8: I don't like to travel with my brother because he drives recklessly.
A carefully B dangerously C meticulously D fastidiously
Question 9: No matter how the connection between language and music is parsed, what is apparent is
that our sense of music, even our love for it, is as deeply rooted in our biology and in our brains as language is
Question 10: Frogs and ducks were encouraged to snap up the pests in the paddies and the occasional
plague of locusts
Question 11: "Difficult" olives are those that are more reluctant than the norm to yield up their full oil
A relinquish B take advantage of C maintain D exhaust
Question 12: "What I've got to say to you now is strictly o ff the record and most certainly not for
publication," said the government staff to the reporter
A beside the point B not popular C not recorded D not yet official
Question 13: Think about the interviewer's comments because they may help you prepare better when
you are called for the next job interview
Question 14: The construction of such extensive water-supply systems declined when the Roman Empire
d isintegrated, and for several centuries local springs and wells formed the main source of domestic and
industrial water
Question 15: Good sources of these vitamins have high oil or fat content, and the vitamins are stored in
the body's fatty tissues
A manufactured in B attached to C measured by D accumulated
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 16: Although Valentine's Day has become a global industry with more than 80 million roses sold worldwide, the origins of the day are unclear and hidden in the mists of time
A traced back to the ancient people B a long time ago and unforgettable
C new enough for anyone to confirm D still a mystery to everybody
Question 17: Most universities have trained counselors who can reassure and c onsole students who have
academic or personal problems
Question 18: I prefer secure jobs because I don't like keeping on moving and changing all the time.
Question 19: When he passes the entrance exam, his parents will be walking on air
C feeling extremely unhappy D feeling extremely airy
Question 20: Viking sailors landed in North America just under a thousand years ago.
Question 21: You're 25 years old, but you still haven't cut the apron strings.
Question 22: The speaker was asked to c ondense his presentation in order to allow his audiences have
time to ask questions
A cut short B talk briefly C make longer D give details
Trang 4Question 23: Judy has just won a full scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in the country; she must be on cloud nine now.
Question 24: People nationwide have acted without hesitation to provide aids for the victims in the
disaster-stricken areas
Question 25: The football final has been p ostponed until next Sunday due to the heavy snowstorm.
Question 26: The chairman's thought-provoking question i gnited a lively debate among the participants
in the workshop
Question 27: Students are expected to always adhere to school regulations.
Question 28: A number of programs have been initiated to provide food and shelter for the
u nderprivileged in the remote areas of thecountry.
A rich citizens B active members C poor inhabitants D enthusiastic people
Question 29: Drivers are advised to get enough petrol because filling stations are f ew and far between
on the highway
Question 30: We managed to get to school in time despite the heavy rain.
A earlier than a particular moment B later than expected
C early enough to do something D as long as expected