The marketing planning process, monitory marketing planning and services : Trang 2 Marketing plan is a detailed table of contents and scopes of marketing activities.The ocntents of mark
Trang 1Bài tập: Kế hoạch phát triển Marketing - Topic: SERVICES MARKETING - CRM
1 Answer the following:
(a) The marketing planning process
(b) Monitory marketing planning and services
2 Answer the following:
(a) Service market segmentation
(b) Customer loyalty
3 Answer the following:
(a) Explain the role of marketing communication
(b) Service promotion
4 Explain the role of intermediaries in planning and managing service delivery
5 Write a detailed note on CRM programmers
Today, businesses have tried to understand customers, competitors and known their strengths and weaknesses as well as opportunities and challenges for planning
a creative marketing strategies to meet customers' needs in the best way
After studying marketing management, I have chosen the topic "MARKETING SERVICES - CRM" to study issues including:
1 The marketing planning process, monitory marketing planning and services;
2 Service market segmentation, Customer loyalty;
3 Explain the role of marketing communication, Service promotion;
4 Explain the role of intermediaries in planning and managing service delivery;
5 Write a detailed note on CRM programmers
1 The marketing planning process, monitory marketing planning and services :
(a) The marketing planning process:
Trang 2Marketing plan is a detailed table of contents and scopes of marketing activities The ocntents of marketing plan consist of tasks, goals, situation analysis, development
of opportunities, targeted markets, marketing programs, financial situation, and schedule
A marketing plan includes the following sections:
_ Executive Summary: Presents an overview of concise objectives of the management plan to catch the main issues
_ Opportunity and Issue Analysis:
+ Opportunities / Threats Analysis: Managers must identify the opportunities and challenges of the product
+ Strengths / Weakneless Analysis: Managers must identify the strengths and weaknesses of the business and products
+ Issues Analysis: Enterprise uses analysis and evaluation in order to identify issues to be addressed in the plan
_ Objectives: Managers must determine financial goals and marketing plan + Financial Objectives: such as the rate of return on investment and profit + Marketing Objectives: such as revenue, market share, distribution channels, _ Marketing Strategy: Presents marketing direction to achieve the above objectives The contents of the Marketing strategy include:
+ Tagte Market, Positioning, Product Line , Price , Distribution outlets ,
Salesforce, Service , Advertising , Sales Promotion , Research and Development _ Action Programs: The above content is specifically analyzed to answer the following questions:
+ Which work will be done?
+ When to do?
+ Who will do?
+ How much will it cost?
_ Projected Profit-and-Loss Statement: Estimated budget for marketing activities and other expenses Sales and profit and loss This budget is the base for the
development of production, recruitment and Marketing implementation
_ Controls: Monitoring the implementation process of Marketing
Trang 3(b) Monitory of marketing planning and services :
Monitory of Marketing planning and services is to ensure the marketing programs towards the planned objectives
Managers must monitor the implementation of the plan such as sales analysis, market share analysis, marketing expense analysis, financial analysis and exploration of customer satisfaction
+ Sales analysis: involves the analysis of actual sale in comparison with price
+ Market share analysis: To know the position of the business compared to
+ Marketing Cost Analysis: Evaluate costs versus sales to ensure that the
business does not pay too much in order to achieve targets
+ Financial Analysis: To identify factors that affect the financial results of the
+ Exploration of customer satisfaction: regular monitoring and the preferred
level of customer satisfaction to the managers can respond more quickly
+ Adjustment of operations: used to deflect marketing activities compared to
planned targets
- Managers need to assess the profitability of the product, market sectors, size of orders Such information is used to determine which products and marketing activities that need to expand
Through the above analysis of profitability, when revenues decrease, managers must find ways to more efficiently conduct Therefore , they need to analyze advertising effectiveness , promotion , distribution , sales force to make timely adjustments
Marketing is an area in which the objectives, policies , strategies and programs likely not match the market quickly chong.Do that every business needs to review the strategic direction of the school Check to ensure that the strategic objectives, strategies and systems Marketing activities adapt to the environment
2 Service market segmentation, Customer loyalty:
(a) Service market segmentation:
Trang 4Enterprises today have realized that they can not attract buyers on the entire market Buyers are too large in number in the market, stratified by geography, product demand
is diverse
Thus, instead of catering to the entire needs of the market each business will determine for themselves which part of the market now has the ability to serve the best, most beneficial Therefore, businesses will leave the common market market-oriented selection Such targets market segments to the segment xa1x any business will compete and market segments will not competition
Market segmentation is the process of dividing consumers into groups based on
The differences in needs, personality, behavior
- Market segmentation must meet the following requirements:
- + Measurability : size and purchasing power (purchasing power) of the
distribution being must be measurable
- + Accessibility : the market segment to reach and serve these communication
activities and distribution system
- + Feasibility : The enterprise must have sufficient financial , human resources
and technology to meet the needs of the market segment
- + Attractiveness : The market segment to profitability and scale large enough
There are many criteria for market segmentation , the segment can use a criteria or combination of criteria together Criteria commonly used to segment the market as geography , population psychology and behavior
By geographic area:
This method of dividing the market into various geographic regions as countries, regions, provinces, cities, now will determine one or more business areas vuc Each area will have cultural differences chemistry, climate, economy thus different needs
By population:
+ Segmentation by age: the age difference will have different physiological Thus demand will also vary
Trang 5+ Genders are used in many market segments The gender difference in making operating needs of different products such as perfume, cars, clothing, watches, glasses,
+ Family size also affects cassava such as buying a home buying, washing machine, fridge,
- In this segment, the customers are divided into groups based on social classes, lifestyles or personality
- Social classes: In society there are many classes and each class will have
different shopping preferences
- Lifestyles: The interest of consumers for goods is influenced by lifestyle,
expressed through a purchase option
- Personality is a very noted criterium in market segmentation for products such
as cars, wine, beer,.,
- Behaviors: behavioral segmentation includes the following categories: (1)
segmentation on purchase occasions; (2) segmentation on benefits; (3)
segmentation on loyalty; (4) segmentation on usage level
- Customer makes purchases on which occasion of the month , quarter or year to meet seasonal demand
- Benefits of shopping : When buying, customers often consider the interests of the item will bring them economic, or health benefits
- The level of customer loyalty, the greater the level is, the greater the number of customers a business will increase This is a classification method following behaviors that marketers are very interested in Strategies to maintain existing customers are completely different from finding new customers
- Businesses can segment customers according to the level of use of the product For example, in the field of beauty products and personal care , there are some customers use a lot, while some others have very limited use Thus , the segment on the extent of use can help businesses make the marketing policy more consistent
Trang 6Market segmentation is usually carried out through the following steps: identify the business market, determine criteria for market segmentation, market segmentation carried out by the selected criteria
Market segmentation is the basis to build market strategy of the business If the business performs well in niche market segments will lead to success for the strategy based on ability and advantages of business consistent with the needs of the market Conversely, if the market now choose too large compared to the ability
of the business will not succeed
(b) Customer loyalty :
With the same type of goods , there are now different types of customers There are people who are willing to buy large quantities of goods , there are those who have not purchased but probably will buy in the future With the same goods , customers have a lot of different choices among providers Therefore, the chance to win for every business customer is very small In that competition , many businesses having large quantities of sold goods are not the winner But the victory belongs to the enterprise that has more loyal customers
Customer loyalty is understood that customers purchase / use of enterprise services and will continue to select businesses in the next time In fact the impression and feel of the customer in purchase / first use of the service is now very important Most of the customers are satisfied with the purchase / use of business services currently or previously will continue to purchase / use of business services in the future when they have needs So , is less expensive than to convince them to purchase goods / services used by businesses than the cost incurred to attract new customers Today, the business has been gradually realized that creating sustained long -term customers will bring greater benefits to increase sales in the short term
3 Explain the role of marketing communication, Service promotion:
(a) Explain the role of marketing communication :
In addition to providing a market for good products with reasonable price and children are the target customers, the business also to communicate to their target customers Information is given to the right target customers through several stages with different communication tools under various forms of media
Trang 7Marketing communication includes 4 tools:
+ Advertising :
Advertising is the method using media tools to convey information about the quality and benefits of products to customers
Because there are many forms of advertising and how to use it is difficult to generalize the characteristics of personality it is a form factor of marketing communication system
In nature, advertising have the following characteristics:
+ Public presentation: Advertising means conveying public information about the product officially and legally Due to multiple recipients, sellers and buyers get to know and accept advertised products
+ Pervasiveness: Advertising is a communication tool which is very extensive, allowing sellers to repeat a message many times, helping buyers and comparing received messages of competitors to choose from High scale advetisiments show great ability and success of the business
+ Amplified Expressiveness : Advertising creates the opportunity to showcase businesses and products through the use of images , sounds , colors , However, abusing such factors may make the message ambiguous or misled
+ Impersionality : advertising does not push the sales like sales force does The public does not feel compelled to pay attention or response Ads are only form of monologue , not a dialogue with customers
In other words, advertising is used to build lasting image for the product (Coca - cola advertisement) or stimulated rapid consumption (supermarket ads for weekend sales) Advertising is an effective tool to communicate to clients with lower average costs Customers believe that strong brands have advertised good value
+ Sales promotion : short -term incentives to encourage the purchase of a product
or service
Although there are many promotional tools but they have three characteristics :
- Communcation : Promotions get attention and provide information to guide consumer product
Trang 8- Stimulation : Promotion uses tools to promote , encourage and increase benefits
to persuade customers to buy immediately Ads give reasons to buy also created the promotional stimulus to buy
- Invitation : Promotion is an invitation urging customers to buy the product immediately
Business use promotion as a tool to create faster response and greater purchase Sales promotion can be used for product attention and enhance sales which are declining Sales promotion is effective in the short term , however it is not effective while building long-term brand favorability
Currently, the tools is very diverse for promotion Depending on the object , promotional objectives , firms choose different tools Some of the tools commonly used are discounts , bonuses , gifts ,
+ Public relations :
+ Public relations: is defined as the management function to assess public attitudes, policies associated with the organization of the social benefits, the program works to
achieve understanding and acceptance received by the public PR stands for public
PR is often targeted to establish and maintain a positive impression of our group of
companies Commonly used form of press conferences, organizing events, providing information to media coverage about the product or company, involved in community activities such as subsidies, social fund contributions and donations for special
events to enhance the company's image
+ Personal selling: is the face to face communication of salesperson with potential
clients to present, introduce and sell products
Direct selling is a tool that the most cost effective in the late stages of the procurement process, especially in creating the fancy of buyers, beliefs and actions lead to purchase
(b) Service promotion :
Service promotion is product and business communications activity to customers in order to convince customers to buy products
Trang 9In a simple way, Promotion can be understood as the efforts of businesses to communicate , persuade , remind and encourage customers to buy products, convince them of the superiority of products as compared with similar products , as well as to understand the business Thanks to Promotion, the business can sell products in a larger quantities and in a faster way
Promotion’s activitities are shown by label , packaging , display booth , personal selling , customer service , fair competition , and messages through the media ( such
as newspapers television , radio , mail , posters , these activities by enterprises or organizations implementing information
Through promotion strategy, enterprise provides information to potential customers to know the real advantages of products Furthermore, promotion strategy also creates awareness and customer favorite new product
Service promotion includes the following tools:
Advertising: to attract customers' attention, convince them of the benefits, the attractiveness of the product to change or reinforce attitudes and behavior of customer confidence in the products business advertising media such as radio, television, newspapers,
Public Relations : is the indirect communication activities of the enterprise to create public sympathy as well as product Public relations is done under the forms of sponsors , charity event ,
Propagation : is regarded as a special form of " public relations " , in order to increase the credibility , increase public sympathy as well as the interest in the development of local financial support for the movement arts , sports ,
Sales Promotion: the short -term measures , and support for ad and sales to encourage and stimulate customers to ultimately buy products
Direct Sales : the contact between salespeople and customers to advise , persuade , introduce customers to purchase products
In promotion also applies AIDA model:
- To get Attention
- To hold Interest
- To arouse Desire
Trang 10- To obtain Action
Promotion is an important element of Marketing Mix An effective promotion mix will be an important contribution to the success of the marketing strategy
4 Explain the role of intermediaries in planning and managing service delivery :
Distribution of marketing is a transition of products from the manufacturer to the end consumers, expressed in many ways and different activities
Distribution marketing has changed the ownership of products from the manufacturer
to the consumer through middlemen Those who connect manufacturers and end consumers are called intermediate distribution There may be several types of intermediary distribution:
- Wholesalers: are the intermediate distributors buying products from
manufacturers and selling to other intermediary distribution
- Retailers: are the distributors buying products from manufacturers or
wholesalers and selling directly to consumers
- Agents and brokers are the intermediaries for distribution on behalf of
manufacturers Agents and brokers do not have the ownership of products Wholesalers and retailers spend money on buying goods and resell them for profits They are called trade intermediaries Brokers, manufacturers representatives, sales agents are seeking clients on behalf of manufacturers to negotiate purchase conditions This is the intermediate agent They only earn commission sales
The role of distribution is taking products to the market The distribution decisions have great impact on marketing efforts Due to distribution intermediaries performing
a number of various functions to distribute, the business marketing plan will be different when choosing intermediate distribution
The choice of intermediary distribution is one of the most important decisions of your business It takes time to mediate the relationship between distribution and new business development trien.Doanh will now have difficulty in penetrating the market
as distributor members have strong ties When you have built up alliances in the distribution of new products launched easily truong.Nhung potential distributors will increase marketing for your business Thus, a reasonable distribution strategy, favorable the buyer will make the products penetrate the market quickly