English — majored students’ perception towards the importance
To begin, the author invited the participants to choose their favorite social networking site The percentage of participants choosing the site of the social network was shown by following Figure 2.
What is the social networking site most used by you?
Figure 2 Students’ favorite social networking sites
According to the graphic, while Instagram had the largest percentage of social network usage (almost 40%), Reddit had the lowest percentage (just 5%) It is interesting to note that Instagram's popularity can be attributed to its user-friendly interface and the fact that it is easily accessible on mobile devices Moreover, Instagram has a wide range of filters and editing tools that allow users to enhance their photos and videos, making it an attractive platform for content creators and
29 influencers In contrast, Reddit's low percentage of users may be due to its complicated user interface and the fact that it is primarily text-based Moving on to the other social networking sites, Facebook was identified by more than 27% of participants as the second most popular platform, with Twitter following closely behind at 15% It is worth noting that Facebook's popularity can be attributed to its wide range of features, including groups, pages, and events, which allow users to connect with like-minded individuals and stay up-to-date on current events Finally, YouTube accounted for the remaining 10.8 percent, which is not surprising given its popularity as a video-sharing platform.
Frequency of social network using per day
Figure 3 Students’ frequency of social networks use per day The graph above shows how often users utilize social networks on a daily basis The data reveals that the majority of users, 40%, spend more than 8 hours each day on social networks Additionally, over 30% of users spend between 5 to 8 hours every day on social networks It's worth noting that there is only a slightly lower percentage of users who are connected to social networks all day versus those who spend 2 to 4 hours daily Specifically, approximately 11% of users are connected to social networks all day, while 17% spend between 2 to 4 hours daily on social networks From this data, we can infer that social media has become a
30 significant part of people's daily routines, with many individuals spending a considerable amount of time on social networks each day.
Frequency of social network using to learn English
Figure 4 Participants’ frequency of using social networks to learn English
The graph shows the frequency of social media usage for studying English, with levels varying from "always" to "never." According to the chart, the highest percentages came from those who answered "sometimes" and "often," with 40% and 40.8%, respectively In contrast, "rarely" was the least popular option, chosen by only around 3% of respondents Interestingly, while "always" was still a relatively uncommon response, roughly 16% of the total sample did select this level Finally, it is worth noting that nobody answered "never" this question This data suggests that using social media for studying English is a relatively common practice, with the majority of respondents choosing "sometimes" or "often." It is also interesting that a small but significant proportion of respondents did select
"always," indicating that some people rely heavily on social media for English language learning However, as the data shows, there are still some individuals who do not use social media for this purpose, with "rarely" being the least popular response.
Do you think SNS plays an essential role in learning English?
Figure 5 Students’ perceptions toward the important role in learning English process
Based on the data presented in Figure 5, it is evident that a significant proportion of the respondents believe that social networking sites (SNS) play a crucial role in learning English Specifically, 66.7% of the participants strongly agreed that SNS is important in English learning while 20% agreed This indicates that more than 86% of the respondents acknowledged the value of SNS in improving their English proficiency However, the findings also reveal that a small percentage of participants were not convinced of the significance of SNS in English learning Approximately 6% of the participants were indifferent, 5.8% disagreed, and nearly 1% severely disagreed with the idea Despite these views, the majority of the respondents who believe in the importance of SNS in learning English suggest that it has become an essential tool in their language acquisition journey. a2
Deviation Require students to be active in their own learning through
Enable students to interact with one another, build a sense of
Provide the information required for future knowledge 120 | 5 4.29 738 acquisition
Enhance skills such as increased creativity and use of 120 | 5 4.27 710 multimedia
Search for information quickly 120 | 5 4.41 667 Valid N (listwise) 120
Table 1 Rating levels of the impact in English learning process Table 1 shows the different functions of social networks in English learning, as well as the opinions of students regarding their usefulness The majority of participants believe that employing social networks is an effective strategy for learning English In fact, almost all assessed the influence of using social networks positively According to Table 2, the majority of students at Hanoi Law University feel that using social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and others would make English-majoring students' learning considerably more successful.
Students agreed that the most successful role is "Requiring students to be active in their own learning through participating, thinking, and contributing" (M 4.43) Moreover, "Search for information quickly" (M = 4.41) comes in the second position Similarly, most students (M = 4.29) saw "Providing the information required for future knowledge acquisition" as equally successful as "Increasing interaction with peers" (M = 4.34) Following that, the participants unanimously agreed on two benefits of utilizing social networks that are equally effective: "Helps to learn the English Language effectively" and "Enhances communication skills" (M=4.33) Numerous participants agreed on the following point of view: "Provide the information required for future knowledge acquisition." (M = 4.29).
Lastly, despite the fact that "Enhance skills such as increased creativity and use of multimedia" was the least favored position, students (M = 4.27) recognized its usefulness According to the columnist, the standard deviation and mean of all 7 activities are acceptable, indicating that the majority of English majors agree that utilizing social media is good for the learning process of students Additionally, the Mean of all 7 activities is larger than 4, showing that students agree with the efficacy of the activities indicated in the table (M = 4.43 /4.41 / 4.34 / 4.33 / 4.29 / 4.27>4).
In conclusion, the use of social networks in English learning is a strategy that has been well received by English-majoring students at Hanoi Law University, with most participants recognizing its benefits in enhancing their learning, communication skills, and future knowledge acquisition.
3.1.2 The benefit of learning English with social networks
Benefit of using social network to learn English : Percentage selections
Interacting with classmates and sharing educational 53 44.2% information
Following fanpages or joining English learning 70 583% groups
Reading English newspapers to improve English 7% 60,8% reading comprehension
Watching English videos to improve listening and 77 64,2% speaking abilities
Information can be accessed at any time and from 64 53,3% any location.
Sources of information that are diverse, extensive, 70 5§,3% and trustworthy
Taking the initiative to develop skills that are lacking 61 50,8%
Improving your writing abilities by blogging in 47 39,2% English
Providing a fantasic virtual environment for AT 39,2% increased interaction between teachers and students
Table 2 Participants’ perceptions toward the benefits of using SNS to learn language.
Because of the widespread belief that social networks can play an important role in English learning, the author of the study provided participants with several ideas about the benefits of incorporating social networks into their language learning routine, as shown in Table 2 One of the most widely selected benefits by participants (77 choices) was that watching English videos on social networking platforms can help to improve hearing and speaking skills In addition, several other advantages were selected by a roughly equal number of participants, including the ability to communicate with friends overseas, follow fan pages or join English learning organizations, read English newspapers to improve reading comprehension, and access various sources of information on social networks that are both comprehensive and reliable Furthermore, some participants also identified other benefits of using social media to learn English, such as improving their writing skills by posting in English and providing a great virtual setting for improved contact between instructors and students Although fewer people (47 choices) selected these benefits, they are still valuable in supporting the overall use of social networks for English learning Overall, participants in the study agreed a that using social media to acquire English has numerous advantages that they can apply in their daily lives By providing these benefits, social networks are becoming an increasingly important tool for language learners looking to improve their skills and achieve their goals.
Besides, when interviewed by the author with the question "What do you think about the benefits of learning English with social networks?" the majority of the interviewees offered identical replies to the questionnaire.
There are also objectives and comprehensive responses, as well as expressing their opinions the interviewees responded based on their experience as follows:
Ms L.T.M.C shared: “I always find social networking platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, to be incredibly useful when it comes to staying connected with friends and family members Not only am I able to communicate with them at any time, but I am also able to share valuable study materials, important notes, and collaborate on projects with classmates This has helped me improve my language ability in ways that I never thought possible I find these platforms to be both quick and enjoyable for staying connected and learning new things In fact, I often find myself using them not just for socializing, but also for educational purposes, as the possibilities for expanding my knowledge and improving my language skills are virtually endless.”
Ms N.T.U said: “I have found that social networks have been extremely helpful to me both in my studies and in my daily life As the class president, one of my responsibilities is to distribute study materials to my classmates However, this can often be a very time-consuming and inconvenient task Fortunately, by using social networks, I have found a much more efficient way to accomplish this task. Rather than having to physically distribute documents to each and every classmate,
The disadvantages of learning English with social networks
Obstacles of using social networks to learn Number of Percentage English selections
Information shared between students via SNSs is 70 58.3% not secure
Spending more time on entertainment than on 75 62,5% learning
Laziness and reliance on the convenience of social 75 62,5% networks is facilitated
Bad effects on your health 58 48,3%
Limiting capability for self- learning and research 64 33.3%
Face-to-face interactions become disconnected 46 38,3%
Table 3 Participants’ perceptions toward the disadvantages of using SNS to learn language.
Although only slightly more than 5% of participants selected this as a not-so- great method to learn English, the strategy of using social networks to acquire English has some drawbacks, as shown in Table The most significant restriction many participants (70 selections) encountered when learning English through social networks was that they may spend more time on amusement than on learning and
37 that too much dependence on social media leads to laziness Similar to the challenges found in previous studies, students who spent a substantial amount of time browsing social networks may have negative impacts on their health and limit their ability for self-learning and study Also, when using social networks to learnEnglish, two challenges are selected by a few individuals with a roughly similar number of players (approximately 47 selections): Being readily distracted and too much online communication causes face-to-face encounters to become disconnected As a result, participants concluded that, despite the numerous advantages, there are some constraints to using social media to learn English.
Recommendation strategies to learn English with social TIEEW[NE EEE to peers emoremomerones SEGtZHg7E0160010800903/08980200500180805208/00020/208017 BEISS5/00E03070348E07 NESES510012417220186 SA 38 3.2 DiSCUSSẽOI QQ HH nọ HH 39
Do you recommend using social networks to the English learning process at Hanoi Law University?
Figure 6 Student's assessment of the application of using social networks to study English at Hanoi Law University
Following the identification of several significant factors, such as the increasingly interconnected nature of the world, the ever-growing importance of English as a global language, and the widespread use of technology, the author decided to survey to gather information on the use of social networks in the English learning process at Hanoi Law University The survey was conducted among English major students, and they were asked to respond to the following questions:
"Do you recommend using social networks for the English learning process at Hanoi Law University?" The students' responses were then analyzed, and the results were presented in Figure 6 According to the data given in Figure 6, up to 99% of
38 participants strongly appreciate and advocate using social networks in the English learning process This overwhelming majority suggests that social networks have become an integral part of the English learning process at Hanoi Law University. The benefits of using social networks in language learning are well-documented, and the results of this survey further reinforce the importance of incorporating social networks into the English curriculum.
However, it is worth noting that about 1% of those polled said they would
"not recommend" using social networks in the English learning process While this minority opinion is still significant, it is clear that the vast majority of students recognize the value of social networks in language learning As such, it is important for educators to embrace the use of technology and social networks in language teaching, while also addressing any concerns or reservations that may arise By doing so, we can ensure that students receive the best possible education and are equipped with the skills they need to succeed in a rapidly-changing world.
In the final section of the questionnaire, participants were asked about their thoughts on the recommended solution for using social networks in their English learning process While some participants did offer suggestions, there were still mixed feelings about the effectiveness of this approach One suggestion made was for teachers to create study groups on social networks so that students can learn together This could potentially foster a sense of community among learners and encourage collaboration Another participant suggested that teachers should show students how to properly use social networks to learn English This could involve teaching students how to search for reliable sources and engage in meaningful conversations with native speakers However, it should be noted that not all participants had ideas on how to improve the use of social networks in their English learning process This may be an indication that social networks may not be the most effective method for all learners Further research may be needed to determine the best way to use social networks as a tool for language learning.
The survey results have revealed some important insights into the perspectives of English major students regarding the value of learning English via
39 social networks In particular, the survey highlights the key issues that learners face when adopting this learning technique, as well as the recommended strategies to cope with these challenges.
To address these challenges, the study offers solutions and implications for using social networks to learn English These suggestions are aimed at helping English major students, as well as learners of other languages, improve their knowledge and skills such as creating learning groups or learning how to utilize social networks in class By leveraging technology and identifying practical strategies for overcoming problems, foreign language learners will be better equipped to successfully acquire knowledge and enhance their language proficiency through the use of social networking methodologies Ultimately, it is apparent that studying English through social media provides several benefits to pupils, both academically and technologically As such, it is a useful tool that teachers should think about incorporating into their classes.
CHAPTER 4 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the analysis of the questionnaire and in-depth interview data, the author has concluded that there are multiple issues related to English-major students' perception of the benefits and challenges of using social networks in the language learning process However, there are many ways that teachers can take advantage of the benefits of social networks to enhance their students' educational experience.
4.1 Teachers can use social networks to exchange materials with their students in a more efficient and effective way, ensuring that their students have access to the latest and most relevant materials, which in turn can help them to better understand and apply the concepts they are learning Moreover, social networks can provide a platform for teachers to collaborate with one another and share their experiences and best practices, fostering a sense of community among teachers and providing them with the support and resources they need to be successful in their teaching endeavors.
4.2 Despite many advantages of social media in education, it is important to be aware that it can also be a source of distraction Therefore, it is recommended that students set explicit limitations on social media usage when studying or doing projects However, instead of completely avoiding social media, students may benefit from looking for educational resources and communities inside social networks, such as online study groups or academic forums By doing so, they can enrich their learning experience while building a more productive and focused approach to using social media as a learning tool In this way, the objective is to establish a balance between using social media to boost one's education and avoiding excessive use, which might impede academic advancement.
4.3 It is also critical to be mindful of the risk of sharing personal information on social media One method to reduce risk is to be cautious when showing sensitive information such as personal ID numbers, phone numbers, or bank and credit card account details It is important to consider where your full name, address, and phone number are listed on the internet Additionally, it is necessary to be mindful of the personal information of others As a general guideline, never post other people's sensitive personal information, such as their ID numbers, phone
41 numbers, or bank and credit card account details, without their specific consent By following these guidelines, students and teachers can use social media safely and effectively as a tool for learning and professional development.
In the 4.0 era, social media has become an increasingly effective instrument for boosting English language acquisition As stated in the goal section, the usage of social networks may help students improve their language abilities, which is why this research has stressed the need of incorporating social media into the English major curriculum This research investigates the relevance of social networks, their role, and the influence of using them, particularly in the language acquisition process Firstly, the survey findings reveal that a significant proportion of English majors acquire the language as a second language through the Internet and social network platforms It is therefore not surprising that today's students commonly use technology to discover sources of learning material Moreover, students recognize the importance and impact of social networks in education in today's culture. According to the research, over 80% of participants strongly agree or agree that social networks play a crucial role in the English learning process It is important to note that the participants in this study hold different viewpoints on the function of social networks in the learning process Nevertheless, most of them feel that studying English via social media has several advantages Besides, most of the participants have a solid foundation in English since high school, and they have early access to the Internet, so they do not find it difficult to utilize social networking sites By introducing social media into the learning process, students may become more familiar with technology and better equipped to handle the digital world.
Secondly, it is worth noting that the majority of participants demonstrated a positive attitude toward the use of social media in the process of learning English.
In particular, most English major students felt that social media had a positive impact on the learning process nowadays Additionally, according to the SPSS study of the benefits of using social networks to learn English for participants, this strategy gives an excellent and unique manner of active learning for students.
Students majoring in English at Hanoi Law University, on the other hand, find it challenging to identify effective ways to use social networks, while being fully aware of the function and benefits of utilizing social networks to study
English According to the findings, one difficulty that people may have while seeking to learn English through social media is that they are more inclined to spend their time on amusement rather than studying This can be especially tough for people who are not in a structured school setting since they may lack the discipline and supervision that a teacher or tutor provides In addition, questionnaires and interviews were undertaken in order to identify the benefits and limitations of leveraging social networks more effectively in the educational setting.
LINHHICalion of thre sHỦY sỉ: ccna saneecccans sianssamasaaied C4844 k0 6448046 cas 44 3 Limitations and suggestions for further research
Hello, everyone! My name is Nguyen Minh Ngoc, and I am a student in class
4430 at Hanoi Law University in Vietnam, majoring in legal English I am conducting research for the purpose of completing my Graduation Thesis entitled "Roles of social networks in English language learning process towards first-year English major students at Hanoi Law University". The survey questionnaire is intended to gather data for our thesis.
I look forward to your assistance and support as a research respondent and to providing the data required to answer the specific questions the research seeks to answer You can be confident that your responses will be kept strictly confidential and used for research purposes only Your participation is entirely optional I sincerely appreciate your assistance Thank you so much!
1 What is your gender? o Male o Female o Others
2 Which class are you in? o 4726 o 4727 o 4728
3 Which English level are you at? o Intermediate (equivalent to IELTS band score 4.0 - 5.0) o Upper Intermediate (equivalent to IELTS band score 5.5 - 6.5) o Advanced (equivalent to IELTS band score 7.0 - 8.0) o Proficient (equivalent to IELTS band score 8.5 - 9.0)
ccccceccccesceeesneeeseeeeeneeeeaeeceaeeceaeecececeaeeeeaeeseaeeseaeeeeeeeeas 50
Hello, everyone! My name is Nguyen Minh Ngoc, and I am a student in class
4430 at Hanoi Law University in Vietnam, majoring in legal English I am conducting research for the purpose of completing my Graduation Thesis entitled "Roles of social networks in English language learning process towards first-year English major students at Hanoi Law University". The survey questionnaire is intended to gather data for our thesis.
I look forward to your assistance and support as a research respondent and to providing the data required to answer the specific questions the research seeks to answer You can be confident that your responses will be kept strictly confidential and used for research purposes only Your participation is entirely optional I sincerely appreciate your assistance Thank you so much!
1 What is your gender? o Male o Female o Others
2 Which class are you in? o 4726 o 4727 o 4728
3 Which English level are you at? o Intermediate (equivalent to IELTS band score 4.0 - 5.0) o Upper Intermediate (equivalent to IELTS band score 5.5 - 6.5) o Advanced (equivalent to IELTS band score 7.0 - 8.0) o Proficient (equivalent to IELTS band score 8.5 - 9.0)
1 What is the social networking site most used by you? o FACEBOOK o INSTAGRAM o TWITTER o YOUTUBE o REDDIT
2 Frequency of social network using per day o All day connected o More than 8 hours o 5 to 8 hours © to 4 hours o Less than 2 hours
3 Frequency of social network using to learn English o Always o Often o Sometimes o Rarely o Never
4 Do you think SNS plays an essential role in learning English? o Strongly disagree o Disagree o Neutral o Agree
5 The benefit of learning English with social networks
Benefit of using social network to learn English
Interacting with classmates and sharing educational information
Following fanpages or joining English learning groups
Reading English newspapers to improve
Watching English videos to improve listening and speaking abilities
Information can be accessed at any time and from any location.
Sources of information that are diverse, extensive, and trustworthy
Taking the initiative to develop skills that are lacking
Improving your writing abilities by blogging in
Providing a fantastic virtual environment for increased interaction between teachers and students
6 What benefits do you think you will get from learning English with social networks? o Interacting with classmates and sharing educational information o Communicating with foreign friends o Following fan pages or joining English learning groups o Reading English newspapers to improve English reading comprehension o Watching English videos to improve listening and speaking abilities o Information can be accessed at any time and from any location. o Sources of information that are diverse, extensive, and trustworthy o Taking the initiative to develop skills that are lacking o Improving your writing abilities by blogging in English o Providing a fantastic virtual environment for increased interaction between teachers and students
7 What factors do you think are the obstacles in using social networks to learn English? o Being easily distracted o Information shared between students via SNSs is not secure o Spending more time on entertainment than on learning o Problems with intellectual property o Laziness and reliance on the convenience of social networks is facilitated o Bad effects on your health o Limiting capability for self-learning and research o Face-to-face interactions become disconnected