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A study on methods to build confidence in giving english presentations of the second year english major students at hung yen university of technology and education

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HUNG YEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - GRADUATION PAPER FIELD: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS A STUDY ON METHODS TO BUILD CONFIDENCE IN GIVING ENGLISH PRESENTATIONS OF THE SECOND-YEAR ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT HUNG YEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION (NGHIÊN CỨU CÁC PHƯƠNG PHÁP NÂNG CAO SỰ TỰ TIN KHI THUYẾT TRÌNH BẰNG TIẾNG ANH CỦA SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ HAI CHUYÊN NGÀNH NGÔN NGỮ ANH TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT HƯNG YÊN) Supervisor: Nguyen Thi Lien, MA Student: Phan Thi Ngoc Ly Student number: 11317035 Hung Yen - 2021 HUNG YEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES - GRADUATION PAPER FIELD: ENGLISH LINGUISTICS A STUDY ON METHODS TO BUILD CONFIDENCE IN GIVING ENGLISH PRESENTATIONS OF THE SECOND-YEAR ENGLISH MAJOR STUDENTS AT HUNG YEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY AND EDUCATION (NGHIÊN CỨU CÁC PHƯƠNG PHÁP NÂNG CAO SỰ TỰ TIN KHI THUYẾT TRÌNH BẰNG TIẾNG ANH CỦA SINH VIÊN NĂM THỨ HAI CHUYÊN NGÀNH NGÔN NGỮ ANH TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT HƯNG YÊN) Student: Phan Thi Ngoc Ly Student number: 11317035 Supervisor: Nguyen Thi Lien, MA Hung Yen - 2021 i DECLARATION I guarantee that my authorship of the study report entitled "A study on methods to build confidence in giving English presentations of the second-year English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education" is my own intellectual work The graduation paper is the result of my own work and effort and it has not been submitted anywhere for any prizes Hung Yen, June 2021 Phan Thi Ngoc Ly ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to my university-Hung Yen University of Technology and Education and the team of teachers in the Faculty of Foreign Languages for giving me an opportunity to make use of my speciality that I am educated here It was a great honour for me to make up for this study based on my knowledge that I have learned at my university Secondly, I express my deepest thanks to my supervisor, Mrs Nguyen Thi Lien, who is the mentor and companion who has always been with me throughout the process of completing this study In the very first days, she guided my spirit of the whole thesis That has led to my research becomes more fluent and propitious Until the last steps of the study, she has always been passionate about encouraging me and helping me to edit my shortcomings I'd like to show my thankfulness to the students in classes 113191 and 113192, as well as the lectures in Hung Yen University of Technology and Education’s FFL for their enthusiastic cooperation This made the process of completing my study easy and pleasant During the data collection process, they were very genuinely happy and sincere to help me complete the survey in the best way My special thanks come to the authors of the articles, theses, and websites for creating useful resources These sources have assisted me in expanding my knowledge and made the background of my thesis become more accurate Last but not least, I am extremely grateful to my parents and friends for their love, sympathy, support and companionship in this time They created the best conditions in terms of time and spirit for me to my graduation thesis Besides, they are not only my companions but also the motivation and purpose for me to try to complete this research Their beliefs were the backbone of my research iii ABSTRACT The key goal of this research is to find methods to help second-year English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education to build confidence in giving English presentations More specifically, the study will present four main issues: the current state of studying and practising presentation skills of second-year English major students (1), students’ perception of the importance of confidence in an English presentation (2), factors affecting students' confidence when giving English presentations (3), and methods to improve confidence when giving English presentations (4) Besides, the study collects data by surveying 64 second-year students and lecturers in the Faculty of Foreign languages at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education and interviewing students on Hung Yen University of Technology and Educations’ campus iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vi LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES vii CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Methods of the study 1.5 Design of the study CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Presentation 2.1.1 Definition of presentation 2.1.2 Characteristics of presentation 2.1.3 Types of presentation 2.1.4 The importance of presentations 2.2 Confidence 2.2.1 The definition of confidence 2.2.2 The importance of confidence 2.2.3 The importance of confidence in giving English presentations 2.2.4 Lack of confidence in giving English presentations 2.3 Summary 10 CHAPTER III: THE STUDY 11 3.1 Participants of the study 11 3.1.1 Teachers 11 3.1.2 Students 11 3.2 Data collection instruments 11 3.2.1 Research questions 11 v 3.2.2 Methodology 12 3.2.3 Survey questionaires 12 3.2.4 Interview questions 12 3.3 Procedures of data collection 12 3.4 Data analysis 13 3.4.1.The current status of learning and practising presentation skills of the second-year English major student at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education 13 3.4.2 The importance of confidence in giving English presentations 16 3.4.3 The factors affetc students’ confidences when making English presentations 18 3.4.4 Methods to build confidence in giving English presentations 27 3.5 Discussion and recommendations 29 3.5.1 Discussion 29 3.5.2 Recommendations 31 CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION 33 4.1 Summary of the study 33 4.2 Limitations of the study 33 4.3 Suggestions for further study 33 REFERENCES 35 APPENDIX I - SURVEY QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS I APPENDIX II - INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS VII APPENDIX III - SURVEY QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS VIII vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS - FFL: Faculty of Foreign Languages - M.A: Master of Arts - Ph.D: Doctor of Philosophy - ss: students - UTEHY: Hung Yen University of Technology and Education vii LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES I List of charts Chart Students’ frequency of giving English presentations in class 13 Chart Students’ frequency of practicing presentations skills 14 Chart 3.1 Students’ level of confidence in giving English presentations.(for students) 15 Chart 3.2 Students’ level of confidence in giving English presentations.(for teachers) 15 Chart The importance of confidence in giving English presentations 16 Chart The influence of confidence on the success of English presentations 17 Chart 6.1 Objective factors affect students’ confidence when giving English presentations.(for students) 21 Chart 6.2 Objective factors affect students’ confidence when giving English presentations 21 Chart 7.1 Subjective factors affect students’ confidence when giving English presentations.(for students) 23 10 Chart 7.2 Subjective factors affect students’ confidence when giving English presentations.(for teachers) 23 11 Chart 8.1 Students’ reasons of lacking confidence in giving English presentations.(for students) 25 12 Chart 8.2 Students’ reasons of lacking confidence in giving English presentations.(for teachers) 25 13 Chart 9.1 Students’ methods of building confidence in giving English presentations.(for students) 27 14 Chart 9.2 Students’ methods of building confidence in giving English presentations.(for teachers) 27 I List of tables Table Students’ experiences while giving English presentations 18 CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world English language is very powerful in that it provides a huge amount of information in almost every area of life It is spoken as a second language in many countries English has become a crucial subject for all students in all countries, especially Vietnamese students, to master, whether for communicative or academic purposes As a result, almost all Vietnamese universities now consider English to be a necessary part of their curriculum One of those is Hung Yen University of Technology and Education In all fields of life, good presentations will create a high position, respect from other individuals In the political field, the talented speakers, are all world leaders: Barack Obama, Fidel Castro, Mather Luther King, John Kenedy, Ho Chi Minh In the education field, you realize? A teacher who is not engaging in public speaking does not make students understand, despite the depth of knowledge Jan-Patrick Stolpmann (2011) indicates that presentation skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life, may they be in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience Developing the confidence and capability to give good presentations, and to stand up in front of an audience and speak well, are also extremely helpful competencies for self-development Tom Hayton, British Council Kuala Lumpur shares: “Why I get students to presentations? Presentations are a great way to have students practice all language systems areas (vocabulary, grammar, discourse and phonology) and skills (speaking, reading, writing and listening) They also build confidence, and presenting is a skill that most people will need in the world of work I find that students who are good presenters are better communicators all round since they are able to structure and express their ideas clearly” Probably, presentation Skills are a requirement in the Faculty of Foreign Languages program in Hung Yen University of Technology and Education for both teachers and students to succeed professionally However, it appears that students are still struggling to present in English or they would find it difficult to give oral presentations in English It is a critical issue that must be addressed as soon as possible Creating the perfect presentation takes a lot of elements According to Tim Kalkins (2018), "To deliver a great presentation, you need to speak with confidence If you are 34 In addition, further studies should invest more time and knowledge to find out more methods for the aims of the study and get more perfect and accurate achievements 35 REFERENCES I Books Bermúdez Quevedo, P A., Jiménez Martínez, L V., & Cárdenas Báez, M F (2019) Cooperative Role-plays to Support Self-confidence when “Public Speaking Anxiety” is experienced (Doctoral dissertation, Pregrado (Presencial)) Berry, A (2004) Confidence and uncertainty in teaching about teaching Australian Journal of Education, 48(2), 149-165 Booher, D D (2002) Speak with Confidence!: Powerful Presentations That Inform Inspire Booher Consultants Corfield, R (2010) Knockout Job Interview Presentations: How to Present with Confidence Beat the Competition and Impress Your Way into a Top Job Kogan Page Publishers De Angelis, B (2005) Confidence Hay House, Inc Gruwez, E (2014) Presentation Thinking and Design: Create Better Presentations, Quicker Pearson UK Hall, R (2009) Brilliant presentation: what the best presenters know, and say Pearson Education Heiser, R S., & McArthur, D (2020) Confidence and Enthusiasm in Sales Presentations Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 24 Ian Tuhovsky (2016), Confidence, Your Practical Training: How to Develop Healthy Self Esteem and Deep Self Confidence to Be Successful and Become True Friends with Yourself 10 Islam, S (2021) Build Your Confidence on Stage: Transform your aspiration for public speaking into a lifestyle profession LID Publishing 11 Jalongo, M R., & Machado, C (2015) Making Effective Presentations at Professional Conferences: A Guide for Teachers, Graduate Students and Professors Springer 12 Martinuzzi (2013), Presentation Fears And Lack Of Self Confidence 13 Nikitina, A (2011) Successful public speaking Bookboon 36 14 Othman, A B., Radzi, A H B M., & Animilom (2014), Using oral presentations to enhance students’ confidence in speaking task: An action research 15 Stolpmann, J P (2011) Giving presentations: with focus on international audiences GRIN Verlag 16 Waite, O P (2020) On the Faculty of Intuition 17 Wallwork, A (2014) Presentations, demos, and training sessions: A guide to professional English Springer 18 Yakutina, M V (2020) The Influence of Public Speaking Prosody on Delivering Academic Presentations 19 Yeung, R (2009) Confidence: The Key to Achieving Your Professional Best FT Press 20 Zayapragassarazan, Z., & Mohapatra, D P (2021) Effective learner engagement strategies in visual presentations Journal of Education Technology in Health Sciences, 8(1), 2-11 II Websites .https://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/business/good-presentation-skills-its-meaningelement-and-other-details/27692 http://tutorials.istudy.psu.edu/oralpresentations/oralpresentations2.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confidence https://impactfulenglish.com/confident-english-presentation/ https://qz.com/work/1392605/how-to-give-a-presentation-with-confidence/ https://virtualspeech.com/blog/speak-with-confidence-in-public https://www.alchemyassistant.com/ https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/shyness-is-nice/201809/why-selfconfidence-is-more-important-you-think https://www.sketchbubble.com/blog/why-confidence-is-important-in-publicspeaking/ 10 https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/student-presentations I APPENDIX I - SURVEY QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS The survey questionaire is designed for my research into: “A study on methods to build confidence in giving English presentations of the second-year English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education” Please tick √ the appropriate circle or give short answers in the provided spaces to your view (please use English or VietNamese to write your answers) It is highly appreciated if you spend your little time competing truthfully this questionaire Thank for your cooperation! I General information  Your gender :  Your age: years old  How long have you been learning English? Male Female years II The current status of learning and practicing presentation skills of the second-year English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education 1, How often you give English presentations in class? A always B usually C often D sometimes E rarely F never 2, How often you practice presentation skills? A always B usually C often D sometimes E rarely II F never 3, How often you feel confident when giving presentations in English? A always B usually C often D sometimes E rarely F never III The importance of confidence in giving English presentations 4, The importance of confidence in giving English presentations? A Very important B Important C Normal D Not important 5, How does confidence affect the success of your presentations? A Strongly affect B Affect C Slightly affect D Does not affect IV Factors that affect confidence when giving English presentations 6, Do you agree with these experiences while giving English presentations? III Yes While preparing for giving English presentations, I feel tense and nervous I enjoy preparing for English presentations I feel anxious while waiting to give my English presentations I feel comfortable and relaxed while waiting to give my English presentations I feel fearfull while giving English presentation I feel relaxed while giving English presentation Although I am nervous at the beginning of an English presentation, I soon settle down I am constant fear of forgetting what I prepared to say I get anxious if audience ask me something about my topic that I don’t know It's hard for me to stay focused when I make a mistake My mind is clear when giving English presentations I am afraid of interacting with audience while giving English presentations I am excited to interact with audience I feel that I am in control of myself while giving an English presentation I feel confused if I wear a faulty outfit No IV I feel confused when the audience is noisy and not focused on my presentation It is so tense under the teacher's observation I feel not really confident because my speaking skill is not good I feel bad because I don’t know how to use body language and interact with my eyes 7, Please rate the following factors that affect your confidence when giving English presentations Levels of affections Factors 1, Audiences 2, Environment (noise, light, tempareture, acreage ) Objective 3, Equipment 4, Health 5, Teacher’s observation 6, Genetic factors (Enochlophobia, Hyperhidrosis Disorder, .) Strongly afffect Affect Slightly Does not affect affect V 1, Preparation 2, Appearence Subjective 3, Emotion 4, Speaking skill 5, Voice 6, Eye contact 7, Body language 8, What are the reasons for your lack of confidence in giving English presentations? (you may have more than one choice) A Genetic factors B Pressure from crowd C Boring or difficult topics D Bad apperence E Poor preparation F Weak voice G You’re not good at experession H Lacking of interaction from audience I Fear of making mistakes J Other reasons V Methods to build confidence in giving English presentations 9, Which of the following methods may help you to build confidence in giving English presentations? VI (you may have more than one choice) A Prepare for presentation early and carefully B Practice speaking skills C Practice using body language D Practice for a good expression with mirror E Prepare yourself mentally for unexpected situations F Prepare for good apperance G Ask for advice from teachers What are your suggested methods ? (you can use English or Vietnamese) VII APPENDIX II - INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS 1, Can you describe your feeling when giving English presentations? 2, In your opinion, is confidence important in an English presentation? Why? 3, According to you, lack of confidence when making English presentations is mainly due to objective or subjective reasons? 4, What solutions would you use to build confidence when giving English presentations? Can you give some suggestions for second-year English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education? VIII APPENDIX III - SURVEY QUESTIONS FOR TEACHERS My name is Phan Thi Ngoc Ly I am from class TAK15.1, Department of Foreign Language at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education (UTEHY) This survey questionnaire is designed for my graduation research into: “A study on methods to build confidence in giving English presentations of the second-year English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education” Please tick the appropriate circle or give short answers in the provided spaces to your view (please use English or VietNamese to write your answers) It is highly appreciated if you spend your little time competing truthfully this questionaire Thank for your cooperation! I General information  Your gender :  Your age: years old Male How long have you been teaching English? Female years What is your qualification? A Bachelor in teaching English as a foreign language B Master of art in teaching English as a foreign language C Ph.D in teaching English as a foreign language D Others IX II The current status of learning and practicing presentation skills of the second-year English major students at Hung Yen University of Technology and Education 1, How often your students feel confident when giving presentations in English? G always H usually I often J sometimes K rarely L never III The importance of confidence in giving English presentations 2, The importance of confidence in giving English presentations? E Very important F Important G Normal H Not important 3, How does confidence affect the success of your students’ presentations? A Strongly affect B Affect C Slightly affect D Does not affect IV Factors that affect confidence when giving English presentations 4, Please rate the following factors that affect your students’ confidence when giving English presentations X Levels of affections Factors 1, Audiences 2, Environment (noise, light, tempareture, acreage ) Objective 3, Equipment 4, Health 5, Teacher’s observation 6, Genetic factors (Enochlophobia, Hyperhidrosis Disorder, .) 1, Preparation 2, Appearence Subjective 3, Emotion 4, Speaking skill 5, Voice 6, Eye contact 7, Body language Strongly afffect Affect Slightly Does not affect affect XI 5, What are the reasons for your students’ lack of confidence in giving English presentations? (you may have more than one choice) K Genetic factors L Pressure from crowd M Boring or difficult topics N Bad apperence O Poor preparation P Weak voice Q You’re not good at experession R Lacking of interaction from audience S Fear of making mistakes T Other reasons V Methods to build confidence in giving English presentations 6, Which of the following methods may help your students to build confidence in giving English presentations? (you may have more than one choice) H Prepare for presentation early and carefully I Practice speaking skills J Practice using body language K Practice for a good expression with mirror L Prepare yourself mentally for unexpected situations M Prepare for good apperance N Ask for advice from teachers XII What are your suggested methods ?

Ngày đăng: 27/12/2023, 13:49

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