3- Cultural errors due to inappropriate translation caused by either SL or TL cultural background inadequacy; - Retention errors resulting from lengthy or redundant translation and also
After finishing unit 1, students should be able to:
- Define the term in its closest meaning used in the course
- Describe the characteristics of a translator
- Translation is an act through which the content of a text is transferred from the source language into the target language (Foster, 1958)
- Translation refers to the process of, or the product transforming written text(s) from one human language to another that generally requires a (necessary) degree of resemblance or correspondence with respect to the source text (Colina, 2015)
The language to be translated is called the source language (SL), whereas the language to be translated into is called the target language (TL)
The term could be used to refer to any of the following meanings: a The general subject field b The product, i.e., the translated version; c The act of producing the translation (translating)
There are two main types of translation: written and oral translation The differentiation between these two types leads to two separate disciplines: (1) Translation and (2) Interpretation or Interpreting, hence two different professions Translator and Interpreter
2 ATEGORIES OF TRANSLATION a Intralingual translation (D ch n i ngôn): rephrasing; di n d ch: gi i thích các ký hi u t ng b ng các ký hi u khác trong cùng ngôn ng 1 ; b Interlingual translation (D ch liên ngôn): interpretation of verbal signs by means of other language d ch chính danh: gi i thích các ký hi u trong ngôn ng này b ng các ký hi u trong ngôn ng khác; c Intersemiotic translation (D ch liên tín hi u): interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of non-verbal sign system (music, film,
- d ch hoán i: gi i thích các ký hi u h u ngôn b ng các ký hi u thu c h th ng phi ngôn (nh c, phim, tranh v
Of the three categories, Interlingual translation is the focus of translation courses.
3 What a translator (and an interpreter) needs to know?
A translator is expected to know: a The field of knowledge covered by the source text; b Any social, cultural or emotional connotations (ideas which a word makes one think of in addition to the main meaning); c Language knowledge (semantics and syntax); d Transfer or Strategic competence (ability to understand and implement the translation requirements) 2
Generally speaking, there are three major types of errors in doing translation:
- Linguistic errors including grammatical and lexical errors;
1 B n d ch c Nghiên c u d ch thu t Nxb Khoa h c Xã h i
2 Colina (2015) Fundamentals of Translation Cambridge University Press
- Cultural errors due to inappropriate translation caused by either SL or TL cultural background inadequacy;
- Retention errors resulting from lengthy or redundant translation and also substance errors such as incorrect spelling, typing, punctuation, and capitalization
After finishing unit 2, students should be able to:
- Describe various ways of translating foreign proper names and geographical names in English texts into Vietnamese
- Choose an appropriate form in transferring foreign proper names and geographical names in English texts into Vietnamese
In general, foreign proper names or geographical names are not translated into Vietnamese However, when they are languages not using Latin alphabet, such as Korean, Russian, Chinese, and so on, a number of options could be adopted Besides, ways of translating names are varied over the course of time; one form could be preferable in a particular period of time and then became out of favour in another
Currently, the dominant trend in translating proper names and geographical names not in Latin alphabet is the borrowing of English or French transcriptions
Another factor that decides the use of a certain form is the context of their use Official texts of government organizations use Vietnamese transcription for foreign names For example, - instead of the English transcription is recommended in the website of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (http://www.mofahcm.gov.vn) There is also a possibility of adding the Vietnamese transcription next to the original, for example thành El Paso (En Pa-xô) bang Texas - 3
3 (Thùy An/TTXVN) http://www.cpv.org.vn/the-gioi/-xac-dinh-duoc-danh-tinh-nghi-pham-trong-vu-xa-sung-tai-el- paso-530683.html
Here are some common ways of translation of foreign names in Vietnamese texts Proper names
- Adopting another language (mainly English or French): Aristotle, Anton Chekhov, Confucius, Moon Jae-in, Almazbek Atambaev 4 ,
- Retaining the original: Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau, Theresa May
- Retaining the original besides the Vietnamese transcription: T ng th ng Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (An- t Ma-nu-ên Lô-p t O-bra-
- Translation equivalents using Vietnamese characters: Kh ng T , Lão T , Lý ng
- Other examples: King Charles I = Vua Sác- nh t,
- Transcribing the names: I-ta-li-a, -la- Phi-líp-pin, Mê-hi-cô, Mít-xi-xi-pi
- Adopting another language (mainly English or French): Italy, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, Philippines, Mexico, Taiwan, Kwangtung, Peking or Beijing, Shanghai
- Retaining the original: New York, London
- Translation equivalents using Vietnamese characters: Ý (Ý i L i), C ng,
H ng Công, Phi Lu t Tân, M Tây Loan, Qu ng B c Kinh, ng
H i, Tây Ban Nha, B , Hà Lan, Gia Nã i,
- Transcribing the names: Tai- (The Times)
- Retaining the original: The Times, The Wall Street Journal
4 Nguyên t ng th ng Kyrgyzstan
FAO = Nông Liên / và Nông
In conclusion, there are no fixed ways on how to translate proper names or geographical names It is the job to decide the appropriate forms depending on the situation, the context they appear
How do you translate these geographical names - Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Cape of Good Hope, The Mediterranean, ?
Make a list of foreign proper names, geographical names, names of organizations are put into Vietnamese in the mass media and comment on how they are translated.
After finishing unit 3, students should be able to:
- Memorize English and Vietnamese articles
- Compare and contrast the use of articles in English and Vietnamese
- Identify the mistakes in using English and Vietnamese articles
- Employ English and Vietnamese articles effectively in their translation
An article is a word that is used with a noun to specify grammatical definiteness of the noun English and Vietnamese articles are presented in the table below
Table 1: English and Vietnamese articles
Plural ỉ (zero article) ỉ các Definite
Plural The Các ỉ The use of English and Vietnamese articles is illustrated as follows
A, An - The village lies in a valley forty miles from London =>
Ngôi làng thung cách Luân 40
- Xóm D là m t danh th ng => is a beautiful and famous site in the royal capital 5
5 Tr n Thanh M i, c Nh (n.d.) D ch Vi t Anh An Anthology of Vietnamese Prose i h c hoa Sài Gòn
- Now ỉ books are for reading but men must ỉ Sỏch dựng
=> Tụi thớch ỉ chú (NOT Tụi thớch con chú.) ỉ (zero article) = cỏc
- When ỉ students first go to the library, they may be puzzled as to what to read
=> Khi các sinh viên l n u tiên n vi n, h có th b i r i ph i c gì
- Nh ng ngày An Lâm v n u n trôi qua => ỉ Days in An Lõm passed like clockwork
2 SOME ERROR TYPES IN USING ENGLISH ARTICLES 6 a Omission of the definite article
*This is book I bought for you yesterday => This is the book I bought for you yesterday b Omission of indefinite articles
*She is teacher => She is a teacher c Wrong addition of the definite article
*I was waiting to cross the King Street => I was waiting to cross ỉ King Street d Wrong addition of indefinite articles
*A wild beasts are very dangerous => ỉ Wild beasts are dangerous e Confusing between and
*Sue was in hospital with the broken leg => Sue was in hospital with a broken leg
6 (2018) An Analysis of Errors in the Use of English Articles by English Majors at Bac Lieu
*I saw a tour bus coming down a main road towards me => I saw a tour bus coming down the main road towards me
Read the following stanza and compare the use of articles in the Vietnamese and English versions
Em có gì tách cà phê sáng yên lành
Hôm qua là lùi xa
I have only a wish: a cup of coffee
We hurriedly welcome a new day Yesterday was already in the past
Translate the following sentences into English and explain the way you use English articles in the translated version
1 Tôi nh t c ti n và mang n n công an
2 Cô ng i xu ng chi c gh bên c nh c a s
3 M t hôm khi b trên ng, tôi ch t b t g p m t các bóp da nh trên l ng
4 C a hàng sách trên ng Nguy n Hu khá l n
5 Anh ng d a vào ng, v i l y m t quy n sách trên k Anh nhìn ánh sáng chi u qua c a s
Translate the following paragraph into Vietnamese and explain the translation of English articles into Vietnamese Pay attention to the zero article (ỉ)
A Korean student was telling an American how difficult it is to get into a Korean university are not enough ỉ universities in he explained, there is not enough ỉ room for all the high school students who want to go to a university ỉ
Students must pass a very difficult exam to be admitted, and only a few can make it There is so much ỉ competition that ỉ students start to prepare very earl
Identify the mistakes in the use of English articles in the following sentences Some sentences may have more than one mistake Then translate the correct sentences into Vietnamese in paying attention to the use of articles
1 July of 2019 has been hottest until now
2 Peter had high temperature last night
3 Playing games is waste of the time and money
4 I play guitar on Thursdays and Sundays
5 like to buy new car
6 He is looking for a pen he bought for his little brother yesterday
7 Peter is an only child in his family
10 Nha Trang is one of cities that attract the tourists
11 The Vietnam has population of over 94 million.
12 A hat which wearing is Nike
13 The women live longer because they drink so much
14 I feel very disappointed because I get a result as I expect
15 Mary is studying at the university in the HCM city now.
After finishing unit 4, students should be able to:
- Memorize English and Vietnamese Personal pronouns, Possessive and Reflexive pronouns
- Compare and contrast the use of pronouns in English and Vietnamese
- Recognize the shade of meaning of personal pronouns in English and Vietnamese
- Identify the mistakes in using English or Vietnamese pronouns
- Select an appropriate form of English or Vietnamese pronouns in doing the translation
- The formal WE in English: to denote first person, singular form in formal setting Ex: When Queen Victoria said, "We are not amused," she was using the royal "we."
- English personal pronouns, including first and second person, do not specify the gender For example, the pronouns in the following sentences may cause difficulties to translators in deciding the appropriate equivalents in Vietnamese
Ex.1: you have I been absent in the (Shakespeare)
The personal pronoun could be either or and vice versa the pronoun could also be either or depending on the context
Ex 2: When the taxpayer has completed this form, he should sign it
In this case, the taxpayer can be male or female but the common English pronoun to be used should be he she
In the translated version, the Vietnamese pronoun anh or anh ta does not sound natural to many Vietnamese native speakers, and is often replaced by a common noun like
=> Khi xong này, ký tên
- English personal pronouns could be translated by various Vietnamese forms depending on the context, i.e the level of formality, the gender, age and text type
For example, he could be translated by nó when referring to a child, anh ta to a male adolescent, and ông, ông ta to an elderly man
- The attitude of the speaker or writer is expressed by the choice of personal pronouns in Vietnamese, for example, the English pronoun could be translated either by the Vietnamese neutral equivalent anh y another word, such as or h n which conveys negative meaning, or ông ngài which implies a respectful attitude
- Personal pronouns in Vietnamese generally fall into two groups: a Genuine or true personal pronouns: tôi, tao, mày, nó, b Temporary personal pronouns or pronominalized elements: Nouns denoting family relationship, such as ông, bà, cha, m , bác, chú, dì, c u, anh, em and words denoting profession, such as bác th y, and even proper names could be used as personal pronouns or terms of address
The table below summarizes the English personal pronouns and some of their Vietnamese equivalents
Table 1: English personal pronouns and their Vietnamese equivalents
English Personal Pronouns Vietnamese Personal Pronouns
I me Tôi, Ta, Tao, Tui,
We us Chúng tôi, Chúng tao, Chúng Chúng mình
You (plural) Chúng mày, chúng bay
He him y, nó, ta, ta, bác lão, lão ông
She her Cô, cô cô ta, ta, bà, bà ta, bà nàng, cô
They them chúng, chúng nó,
1 Make a list of Vietnamese personal pronouns that you have known Compare the list of your group with those of other groups in your class
2 Discuss in your group when you can use the pronoun b n to translate the English pronoun
Translate the following sentences into English (in paying attention to the pronouns, especially the pronoun
1 Mình v , mình có nh ta
2 Nó không th y mình mình th y nó (Nguy n Quang Sáng, Chi c c ngà)
3 Gia mình có bao nhiêu i v y b n
4 Nh ng i xác nh c m c c a mình t s m anh y r t hi m g p Some tips:
- An English personal pronoun does not necessarily require a Vietnamese equivalent
It can be replaced by a noun, a noun phrase or even be deleted in the Vietnamese version
- The Vietnamese particle (Ch ! Lan !) in addressing form is often deleted in the English version It could sometimes be replaced or compensated by another way of expressing the emotive meaning implied by the Vietnamese particle for example the use of darling, dearie,
The English Possessive Pronouns and Reflexive Pronouns are illustrated in the table below
Table 2: English Possessive and Reflexive Pronouns
English Possessive Pronouns English Reflexive pronouns mine myself ours ourselves yours yourself (singular) yourselves(plural) his himself hers herself its itself theirs themselves
Due to the fact that Vietnamese is not an inflectional language, there are no corresponding forms of pronouns to denote possession as the English Possessive Pronouns shown above The word is used to denote possession and it is put next to a Vietnamese personal pronoun, which is considered an equivalent of an English Possessive pronoun For example:
Anh ta => anh ta He => his
- A noun phrase containing the idea of possession with a proper name:
- In case there is a pronoun, possessive adjective should be used before the noun
Nhà tôi = my house (NOT of
- In the same way, the word t or t or t + pronoun is often used to express the meaning of an English Reflexive pronoun
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese (in paying attention to the reflexive pronouns)
1 I am teaching myself to play the piano
2 Kendal itself is quite a small town
3 He dressed himself in spite of his injuries
4 Would you like to pour yourself a drink?
5 He lived by himself in an enormous house
6 Sir Paul McCartney himself sang the final song
7 He found himself lying by the side of the road
8 I saw myself as a famous actor
9 He busied himself in the kitchen
After finishing unit 5, students should be able to:
- Compare and contrast the use of adjectives and adverbs in English and Vietnamese
- Identify the mistakes in using English or Vietnamese adjectives and adverbs
- Select an appropriate form of English or Vietnamese adjectives and adverbs in doing the translation
The tea is very hot = Trà ỉ núng quỏ
Adjective hot is used after the verb Be + Adjective
Adjective nóng does not require a verb after it Using the word thì after the adjective may sound unnatural => ỉ + Adjective love hot tea = Tôi thích trà nóng
Hot tea = Adjective hot is put before the noun tea => Adjective +Noun Trà nóng = Adjective nóng is put after the noun trà => Noun + Adjective
For a number of adjectives, the whole adjective phrase must follow the noun when a complement of the adjective is used For examples: eager, full, happy, keen, open, ready, responsible, (un)willing, worth
Who is the person responsible for security?
Ai là trách an ninh?
Adjective phrase responsible for is put after the noun which is similar to the word order in Vietnamese
Other cases when adjectives are put after the nouns they modify, especially in literary style:
- nowhere nice to go for a walk có nào
- We have a boat ready to leave in an hour
Chúng ta có sàng ra trong
- The bride should wear something blue, something old and something borrowed
- M ti c ng c, ng i trong khóm hóa, nâng chén say v i nguy t
The feast ready, flowers abounding, toasts given, intoxicated with moonlight
In cases of using borrowed words, the adjective is put before the noun it modifies gia : a big family; as compared to gia
Like verbs and nouns, adjectives can be followed by prepositions such as: to, about, in, for, with, at and by
Jane will be delighted with her results Jane hài lòng cô
The grammatical subject It in the structure It is + Adjective + that is translated by either (1) using the generic noun + adj + là or (2) dropping the subject and using the noun phrase that follows as the subject of the new sentence and the adjective is also retained, for example:
It is necessary that we start on time là chúng ta hành # Chúng ta hành
- M tôi âu y m n m l y tay mother affectionately held my hand
- He gradually recovered after taking the medicine Anh ta d n d n h i ph c sau khi u ng thu c
- The car approached us very cautiously in a haze of orange light (Priestley) xe chúng tôi cách làn ánh sáng màu cam 8
- He spoke very angrily and bitterly, and looked straight ahead while he talked Ông nói và cay , và nhìn ra phía khi nói
- V i l i th nhi u kinh nghi m th c t , các công ty Vi t Nam c i thi n m t cách k trong vi c xúc ti n chi n c ti p th
With the benefit of several years of practical experience, Vietnamese businesses have improved markedly in the promotional aspect of marketing strategy
- Quite moderately nice khá là vui ác ! An extremely terrible crime!
- Lòng vui u nhã không cùng L i can m chuy n thành thanh khi t
Our joys are infinitely refined, and our conversations extremely noble
At the beginning of the sentence
- Understandably, a document of this nature would be of fundamental importance thôi, có tính này quan
8 Translated by (2003) C m nang luy n d ch và ng pháp ti ng Anh, Nxb
- Slowly the shadows lengthen and the hard brilliance of noon softens bóng dài và tia gay
- Ly k thay! Ph n vàng nh tuôn bay xu ng
And strangely enough, from somewhere in the sky yellow dust fell gently 9
As illustrated above, there is a similarity between English adverbs and their Vietnamese counterparts in terms of their position in the sentence However, there are cases where there is a difference between them in terms of position and ways of expression
The position of English adverbs in the following sentences is not in same order as that of their Vietnamese counterparts
- ng sông ph i c s d ng r ng rãi phù h p v i u ki n c a c ta
Inland waterways should be widely used in a way suitable to the condition of our country
- Khi t th t nóng, c bi n thành không trông th y c và bay m t
When (it was) extremely heated, water transformed itself into invisible air and disappeared
- B ng m t ti ng c gi t mình ngo nh l i
A bell suddenly started ringing Ngoc was startled and turned around 10
- V y mu n có c i cán b qu n lý gi i th c hi n thành công chánh sách m i
9 Xuân Di c Nh (n.d.) D ch Vi t Anh An Anthology of Vietnamese Prose i h khoa Sài Gòn
10 c Nh (n.d.) D ch Vi t Anh An Anthology of Vietnamese Prose i h khoa Sài Gòn
Thus if we want to have a contingent of good managing cadres to carry out the new policy successfully
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1 The reading room was quiet
2 These pretty flowers smell sweet at night
3 The little girl looks cute in her new yellow dress
4 It is probable that incidents of family violence are not limited to the present
5 The idea is so pervasive that many women believe it as fervently as men do
6 They were diagnosed with a form of cancer that had been virtually nonexistent in the US
7 These industries are totally incapable of competing against those of developed countries
8 They all said the building would fall down and sure enough it did
9 Police have finally crushed the gang which allegedly robbed the national bank last year
10 The morning of June 27 th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green (Shirley Jackson)
An English adverb can be translated into Vietnamese by a combination of the phrase + an adjective
For hundred years ago, would have been taught scornfully and pityingly that women were weaker and less clever than
Cách cho cách khinh và là và kém thông minh nam
Besides, there are other ways of translating English adverbs into Vietnamese and vice versa, not having in one-on-one relationship but by using various translation strategies
- M t v th n mà dân bi t n là
A top divine being known locally as a KEMNAR 11
- Noiselessly she went along the upper corridor
Bà rón rén hành lang trên
- M t s n ph m t t không nh t thi t là m t s n ph m thành công
A good product necessarily a successful product
An adverb that directly modifies a verb could be replaced by the structure of a noun phrase consisting of an adjective and a noun of the same roots công 12
They attacked relentlessly everywhere (Adverb+ Verb)
# They launched relentless attacks everywhere (Adjective + Noun)
Vice versa, an English noun phrase could be replaced by a verb and an adverb modifier in the Vietnamese version.
Their blatant disregard of the coi
11 Nguy n Thu Huy n (2011) C m nang luy n d ch Vi t-Anh Hà N i
Translate the following sentences into English
2 Rón rén và h i h p, c u bé ti n l i g n con chu n chu n
3 Gi a b a m ng im l ng nhìn c nhà
5 Hi m th y i nào nói n n i kh c a mình m t cách bình th n v y
6 M tôi qu là i ph n tuy t v i nh t qu t này
7 Giây phút y, anh b ng th y mình c ng r n thêm lên r t nhi u
8 Các công ty ph i s d ng các k thu t ti p th hi n i, ch y u là mô hình 4Ps qu ng bá s n ph m
9 B t ng s n mà c th trong v c nhà c n nhi u v n
10 Các công ty do nhà c u hành th c thi m t cách hi u qu trình ng qu c gia.
After finishing unit 6, students should be able to:
- Describe the formation of compound nouns and structure of noun phrases in English and Vietnamese
- Compare and contrast the structure of compound nouns in English and Vietnamese
- Identify the head noun in English and Vietnamese compound nouns and noun phrases
- Describe the pre- and post- modifiers in English and Vietnamese noun phrases
- Select an appropriate form of English or Vietnamese compound nouns and noun phrases in doing the translation
Compound nouns are words for people, animals, places, things, or ideas, made up of two or more words (N1-N2 pattern)
Many English compound nouns consist of two nouns The first word describes or modifies the second word, telling what kind of thing the first item is, or purpose The second word usually identifies the item
Vietnamese subordinate compound words ghép chính also contain two elements but the first noun conveys the main meaning whereas the second one modifies the first one carpenter bricklayer
English and Vietnamese compound nouns are formed in different ways Some major patterns are as follows:
Table 1: Formation of English and Vietnamese compound nouns
Formation English compound nouns Vietnamese compound nouns
Noun + Noun Football, firefly Nhà writer, nhà báo: journalist, nhà poet
Noun + Adjective Truckful: xe /toa handful:
Hoa rose, bitter melon, black market
Noun + Verb Sunrise: haircut: tóc
Máy may/khâu: sewing machine, máy bay: air plane, máy typewriter
Check-in: n phòng/vé, check-out: phòng -
Sometimes English compound nouns appear as two separate words, such as
Full moon: tròn, Christmas tree: cây Giáng sinh, Bus stop: xe buýt or are connected with a hyphen: dry-cleaning: khô, daughter-in-law: con dâu Notes:
Notice that the meaning of some English compound nouns not of the basic pattern of - may have a different interpretation
- daughter-in-law: con dâu => the first item carries the meaning, and the second one - works as a modifier
The N1-N2 pattern can be replaced by a noun phrase in using preposition and inversion of the two nouns
- City center: trung tâm thành ph = > the center of the city In this case, the preposition of is not often translated into Vietnamese
- A stamp collection: b t p tem => A collection of stamps: Notice the plural form of the second noun
However, a difference in meanings could be seen in cases like tea ( tách trà and cup of tách (có) trà
In some cases of borrowed words, a group of Vietnamese nouns or noun phrase may have a different word order than a common compound noun market share, gia a big family ACTIVITY 1
Translate the following compound nouns from English into Vietnamese
Translate the following compound nouns from Vietnamese into English
A noun phrase is a group of words acting like a noun Both English and Vietnamese noun phrases have pre-modifiers and post-modifiers The difference is that the positions of the head noun and its modifiers are not always the same in the two languages
Generally speaking, the word order in English and Vietnamese noun phrases is almost the same in the following examples:
- Ngôi nhà g n b sông: The house near the riverbank
- i trong m t c People from the same country
- The story about the girl who used to live Câu chuy n v cô gái t ng s ng
There are cases where the word order in English and Vietnamese noun phrases is not the same
- Nh ng bông h ng vàng này: These yellow roses
An English noun phrase can also be a Gerund (V-ing ) or an Infinitive phrase
- Her arriving so late must have worried you
- Our mistake is believing in him too much
- To learn a new language is to open a new door to the world outside.
- My wish is to travel around the world
13 When there is no possible ambiguity, especially in spoken Vietnamese, the word is usually dropped
In English noun phrases, the use of definite (the) or indefinite article (a, an) is noteworthy and sometimes it should be inserted before the head noun despite its absence in the Vietnamese version
Cô gái phía sau tôi hát: The girl behind me began to sing (see Unit 1)
Vietnamese noun phrases often contain classifiers (danh before the head noun: two books: hai sách (NOT *hai sách) They are often dropped in the English version except for collective nouns, such as a loaf of bánh mì, a pair of ,
Some common Vietnamese classifiers are as follows:
- cái : cái bàn, cái gh , cái tình cái
- con: con dao, con ng, con v t
- cây: cây ng, cây súng, cây ch i,
- chi c: chi c thuy n, chi c lá,
- qu /trái: qu chu i, trái chu i, trái t, qu t,
- quy n/cu n: quy n t p chí, cu n sách, cu n v ,
In translating English nominalizations into Vietnamese, the generic noun or is used before the head noun, which derives from a verb: kinh doanh, phát
The position of post-modifiers in Vietnamese noun phrases is not fixed, therefore, the English noun phrase a pretty blue could be translated either as váy màu xanh da xinh or váy xinh màu xanh da
Identify the mistakes in the noun phrases of the following sentences 14
2 Vegetable is better than meat
4 House over there is mine
5 Many childs are playing in the yard
7 An university is going to be built next year
8 High salary isn't the only thing that matters in a job
10 Those two alike girls are sisters
12 Bottles milk are lying everywhere
Translate the following noun phrases into Vietnamese
5 My noisy 4-year-old white Siamese cat
6 A new Russian leather trench coat
7 A charming small round old brown French oaken writing table
10 A rare, inexplicable type of pneumonia
14 Children who are not biologically his
16 An intriguing new approach to the treatment of the disease
17 Your freedom of worship and your freedom to speak and to build your own life
18 The American literature textbook which has just been published
19 A banner with a distinct, eye-catching phrase in exquisite, unpretentious white italic script:
20 Learning new vocabulary without knowing the grammatical structure of the language is
Translate the following noun phrases into English
3 Cái th ng nhóc nghich ng m
4 Hai i ng i nói chuy n ng kia
5 Ba cái cu n len kia
7 Nh ng vi c bàn hôm b a c
10 M t phát hi n m i gây ch n ng trong gi i khoa h c
11 T t c nh ng cái con mèo y
12 Cái bàn màu nâu b ng g mun
13 M t cô gái tr p, d u dàng, m c chi c áo dài tr ng
14 M t bé gái ch ng tu i, khá xinh, m c áo m tím có ren, tóc c t tr ng
After finishing unit 7, students should be able to:
- Compare and contrast the structure and meaning of idiomatic expressions and collocations in English and Vietnamese
- Recognize similar as well as different expressions in English and Vietnamese
- Select an appropriate form of English or Vietnamese idiomatic expressions and collocations in doing the translation
Idiomatic expressions could be considered as idioms and fixed expressions which are mostly culturally specific and consequently untranslatable to some extent
As they are fixed expressions whose meanings are not always predicted by adding the individual meanings together, there is not always a corresponding counterpart in another language They even contradict each other in some cases
- ch c b p: as sure as eggs
- trái t: as old as the hills
A contrastive analysis of English and Vietnamese idiomatic expressions reveals three models 15
15 ng Qu c Thông (n.d.) Prescriptive Translation Book 1 - A Contrastive Study of English and Vietnamese at Word and Sentence Levels USSH HCMC
1 The same referents to express the same ideas
To fish in troubled water Th a c c th câu
To jump down throat Nh y vào h ng ai
All that litters is not gold Ch th y l p lánh mà ng là vang
Barking dog seldom bites Chó s a là chó không c n
2 Different referents to express the same ideas
Too many cooks spoil the broth L m th y th i ma
Give the dog a bad name and hang him Không thì có giòi
To read somebody like a book Hi u ai rõ lòng bàn tay
3 Some idiomatic expressions exist in one language but not in the other
- To rain dogs and cats
- To go to the dogs
Literal translation or word for word translation is not recommended when there is no equivalent for an idiomatic expression Paraphrase or explanation is a better choice in such cases
Divide the students into 3 groups Each group is in charge of making a list of idiomatic expressions of 1 of the 3 models mentioned above Then each group is to present the list to the whole class
Collocations: co-occurrence of individual lexical (Crystal)
- Adjective noun: heavy labor: lao ng n ng nh c heavy rain: to, l n, n ng h t
- Noun noun: government securities: an ninh qu c gia food security: an ninh th c food safety: an toàn th c ph m
- Verb object: pay a visit tell the time
A swarm of bees/ locusts: b y ong/châu ch u
A herd of elephants/sheep: b voi
A certain Vietnamese collocations require a strict combination without any logical explanation The color black in Vietnamese varies when used in different combinations:
Chó : a black dog, ô: a black horse
- The words that go together with the nouns denoting color add more meaning to the color itself, which ranges from the degree of lightness or darkness to the figurative meaning, emotion or attitude of the language users
Xanh: xanh xanh, xanh lè, xanh
- Similarly, English words denoting color also express the degree, such as pitch black, jet black and yet the level of complexity of color words in English is not equal to that of their Vietnamese counterparts and lacks of connotative meaning Example: strong: , BUT strong coffee: cà phê NOT cà phê strong tea = trà NOT trà
- The use of Corpus of Contemporary American English COCA or British National Corpus -BNC is helpful in the translation of English collocations
Work in groups and brainstorm a list of collocations that exist in Vietnamese but not in English, and vice versa.
After finishing unit 8, students should be able to:
- Compare and contrast the structure of verb phrases in English and Vietnamese
- Recognize the different tenses of English verbs
- Differentiate the elements that could be placed before or after verb phrases in English and Vietnamese
- Identify the mistakes in using English or Vietnamese verb phrases
- Select an appropriate form of English or Vietnamese verb phrases in doing the translation
A verb phrase is a group of words acting like a verb
A simple English verb phrase consists of a main verb
Your camera takes fantastic pictures Máy hình lung linh quá
A complex verb phrase may include one modal verb and one or more verbs before the main verb A modal verb always comes before any verbs:
- House prices could fall during the next six months Giá nhà có th gi m trong sáu tháng t i
- She may have been being interviewed for a job Perhaps why she was there
Có l lúc y cô c ph ng v n tuy n d ng Có th là lý do t i sao cô có m t
In short, an English verb phrase consists of a main verb and any verbs 16
In English, when a verb is followed by another verb, it all depends on the first verb that the second verb may be:
- An infinitive: They decided to stay at home H quy t nh nhà
I can speak French Tôi có th nói c ti ng Pháp
I had him repaint the wall yesterday Hôm qua tôi thuê anh ta l i b c ng
- An -ing form: She enjoys listening to the music Cô y thích nghe nh c
- Both an infinitive and an -ing form:
It began to rain Tr i b t u = It began raining 17
Remember to post this letter when you get there Nh g i lá này khi anh n nhé
I remember posting the letter on the way home 18 Tôi mình lá khi trên nhà
- Both a bare infinitive and an -ing form 19
I saw them talk angrily, but nothing happened
Em nói có có gì ra
I saw them talking angrily, so I left the room I could still hear them from the kitchen
16 An English verb phrase is also defined as a combination of a noun or noun phrase acting as subject to form a simple sentence
17 Without any change of meaning
19 A slightly different meaning in English though not quite obvious in the Vietnamese translation
Em nói có nên em ra phòng Em còn nghe khi trong
A Vietnamese verb phrase has both pre-modifiers and post-modifiers
Chúng tôi chú nghe giáo bài: We attentively listened to our teacher explaining the lesson
Words like yet, n are put before main verbs whereas xong, are placed after them
The particle is often used after Vietnamese adjectives or verbs to denote motion, process, for example: , which could be likened to the English suffix - deepen, broaden, brighten
The most important difference between English and Vietnamese verb phrases is that the verb form in English is inflectional, depending on the number of the subject noun clause in the sentence (singular or plural noun), the tenses (present or past, simple or perfect or progressive) whereas verb phrases in Vietnamese remain unchanged in all cases
Vietnamese learners often neglect the agreement between Subject and Verb as well as verb conjugation in the English version
Identify the mistakes in the verb phrases in the following sentences Then rewrite the correct ones and put them into Vietnamese
1 She take her children to school every day
2 We ask him do it, but he said no.
3 This shirt feels very softly
4 This food smells badly Don't eat it!
7 She looked at me angry
8 He's usually stressfully after work
9 She playful pinched his nose
10 He has do a lot of things recently
Translate the following sentences into English
1 Nhân viên công ty nhi t li t ng h ngh m i c a ban giám c
2 Tôi c v i vào trong và tìm c m t ch tr ng hàng cu i cùng
3 Theo s ng th ng kê, trung bình Vi t Nam m i nh p kho ng 20.000 xe các lo i
4 Du khách có th n buôn làng c a ng bào dân t c thi u s huy n
5 Sau nh ng cu c phán, c hai bên l i ti p t c m i quan h h p tác truy n th ng
Work in groups and brainstorm as many English tenses as you can and discuss with your friends about their formation and usage Then compare your results with other
Unlike English, verb tense is not considered a special grammatical aspect in Vietnamese Words such as , are merely used to denote the progress or termination of an action in a certain time; adverbs 20 denoting tense and aspect belong to the domain of sentence structure Kim 1999, tr.187)
Despite their superficial resemblance, are not always the equivalents of the English past tense, continuous, future and present perfect tense respectively
Consider the following sentences in which the word does not refer to the past time
- s p ngh hè ? => denoting future meaning 21
The use of Vietnamese adverbs denoting time is optional except when 22
- there is a comparison of two sequences of events: Lúc con v qua thì b n t ng lý nó h xu ng r i
- in an answer for a definite time of a particular action: Mày m i mua bao gi th ? Con m i mua ch
- for clarity of ideas: Tôi Pháp b n tháng Tôi Pháp b n tháng
In compensation for the un-inflectional verb form in terms of tenses, lexical items are mainly used in Vietnamese as a means of expressing the idea of tense and aspect
- Lâu nay: Lâu nay không g p m t anh ta I seen him for a long time
- B y gi : B y gi , b n chúng chu n b b ch y They were then ready to flee
- Xong: Hi u xong v n , Having understood the circumstances,
- M i: Ngoài ng, t ng nhánh lúa m i bén r cô i b u tr i tím s m In the field, the rice plants that just had taken root looked lonely against the deep violet sky
- R i: Con làm r i I have done that
- V n: H n v n là th máy nên r t rành v máy móc He used to work as a mechanic and so knew many things about machines
The meaning of English past subjunctive mood is transferred into Vietnamese by means of lexical items such as ra, ra, chi, giá là
Oh, Mum, you should have told me you were having dinner ra cho con là
Translate the following sentences into English
1 Các s n ph m l p ráp t i Vi t Nam b t u giành c s tin ng c a khách hàng và g n chi m th ng n i a
2 T 1990, c i cách v ngo i t c ti n b kinh ng c
3 H u h t các nhà qu n tr c ngoài nh n th y r ng qu n lý nhân viên b n x khó h ng ng
4 Lúc này ch c anh ta t p th d c ngoài sân
5 N u gia tôi v n còn s ng quê ch c tôi không ti p t c h c lên i h c
6 Bà c bán hàng rong v n ng i nán l i, hy v ng m t i khách nào y ghé l i gánh hàng rong.
After finishing unit 9, students should be able to:
- Describe the use of Vietnamese serial verb constructions
- Select an appropriate form of English verb phrase in translation
- Explain the meaning and use of English modal verbs
- Compare and contrast the modality in two languages
- Select an appropriate form in English to express Vietnamese modality so as to achieve naturalness
- Identify the mistakes in using English modal verbs
- Employ the correct equivalents in meaning in doing translation
A serial verb construction (SVC) is one that contains two or more verbs, neither of which is an auxiliary, having no marker of coordination or subordination though having a single grammatical subject run go get a
Serial verbs are not common in standard English though could be found in some dialects of English
While English is traditionally termed as a non-serial language, Vietnamese is thought to have high frequency in serial verbs when a number of verbs of the same subjects are placed one after another without any marker of coordination or subordination, nor conjugation of main verbs
The list below is a survey of how Vietnamese serial verb constructions are transferred into English in applying appropriate English verb patterns
- Tôi t p suy v m i hành ng c a mình
I practiced thinking thoroughly of all my
- Sáng hôm sau n ng i vi t, gi a ti ng con khóc next morning, sat writing amidst his crying
- Tôi và nh kh p th gian này and I also intend to travel all over this b Persona SVC, e.g
- dùng càng kh hích tôi m t cái used his pincers to give me a slight push / Trui pushed me slightly with his pincers
Journal of Science: Foreign Studies Vol 31, No 4 (2015) 1-10
Watch me tease the Cormorant now!
Bính bà hàng mình, cái con cho bà invited the old lady to her store and gave her the little stool for her to
Tao ch con nhà mày thôi! merely risk my life fighting with you and your
- vào nhà u ng c! go inside for some
- Sao không vào tôi ? not come into my house for a chat
An equivalent verb hé nhìn peeped at Sister
- H n x ng x c ch y vào, ng i s p xu ng, rót u ra bát u ng dashed in, sat straight down, poured spirit out into the bowl and
- R i h n l i nh t thu c vào nõ u châm hút thêm u n a
He then filled the pipe with tobacco again, set fire to the spill and took another puff
Translate the following sentences into English Pay attention to how serial verb constructions could be transferred into English
1 Tôi h i h n quy t nh bán nhà
3 i m kh hát ru a con ng
5 Ch m i tôi vào nhà u ng c nói chuy n
Work in pairs and make a list of English modal verbs that you know Then discuss with your partner about their meanings
Besides the basic meanings described in textbooks, English modal verbs could be translated in various ways depending on the context they appear The list below is a survey of how they are transferred into Vietnamese
Cô có hình dung khuôn hàng chân b Permission: Can I tag along with the camera
Em có mang theo máy quay theo các không? c Possibility: She believe he had had the audacity to say that to her
Nàng không tin anh trai nàng có nàng câu d Request: Excuse me, if you can just bear with me for a moment, try and find out for you Này cô, n u cô có th ch i thêm giây lát n a, tôi s c g ng tìm l i gi i cho cô
WILL a Prediction: b Volition: My mate wants to know if you go out with him? mình có ý không
WOULD a Prediction: Would that be Declan sister?
Có là gái Declan Kennedy không? b Volition: How she would give anything to have one of those little arguments now
Gi nàng mu n i b t c th gì có th tranh cãi v i chàng, dù ch chút mà thôi c Habit: So many times, Holly would have to hand the phone over to Gerry as her fit of giggles took over Nh ng lúc th , Holly ng chuy n ng nghe cho Gerry vì không nh n c nh ng tràng i khúc khích
SHOULD a Advice: You put it here Em không nên t nó b Obligation: Suppose I should be helping myself Mình n lúc mình ph i t xoay x c Probability: It should be safe there Có v an toàn
MUST a Obligation: One must not speak of such things Không c nói n chuy n b Deduction: It was bright and slightly chilling must be morning Tr i l nh, ch c là bu i sáng
She may as well tell them, otherwise Declan would beat it out of her
Có nàng nên nói không Declan công
MODAL VERB + PERFECT INFINITIVE a When he became very sick, he would bravely joke about how he have lived life so safely Khi b nh c vào giai n tr m tr ng nh t, anh v n can m r ng, l ra anh không nên s ng m t cu c s ng quá lành m nh th b Sharon was right, she must have looked disgusting, with her greasy hair, her dark roots and dirty robe Sharon nói ch c trông cô ph i g m ghi c l m v i u tóc v a v a r i và chi c áo choàng quá b n m c trên i
Vietnamese verbs include a subgroup which is supposed to express the subjective evaluation, the attitude, willingness, determination of the speaker towards an event or another view Besides the equivalents of English modal verbs such as nên, không , there are other verbs such as bi, which denote the evaluation of chances or mishaps; trong, mong, chúc, which refer to the desire, and dám, thôi, dám, which express unfulfilled wishes
In transferring these verbs into English, appropriate choice of modal verbs in terms of meaning and tenses would help successful translation
Another special trait of modality in Vietnamese is the use of particles such as à, nào, nhé, which do not exist in English
Particles of modality in translation from Vietnamese into English are either dropped or replaced by appropriate modal verbs and/or the right verb tenses
Be sure to add the particles of modality at the end of the sentences in the Vietnamese version for naturalness
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
2 We could meet at the weekend
3 My keys must be in the car
4 That can't be my coat It's too small
5 Students may not travel for free
6 Will you carry this for me, please?
7 It could be very cold there in winter
8 It's ten o'clock They might have arrived by now
9 It's nearly eleven o'clock They should have arrived by now
10 They know the way here They can't have got lost!
11 You look happy You must have heard the good news
12 If Jones was at work until six, he couldn't have done the murder
13 He often criticized his wife in the presence of their guests No gentlemen would behave like that
14 As a subject of King George, you know that your freedom of worship and your freedom to speak and to build your own life would be ultimately limited by the throne (Barack Obama)
15 He would not tell the police where he had hidden the money he robbed
Translate the following sentences into English
2 Tôi ao c có m t cu c i anh
3 Ph i nói r ng chính sách th ng tr c a các vua tri u Nguy n b n cùng hóa t ng l p nông dân
4 Mu n xây d ng m t n n âm nh c Vi t Nam có giá tr sau này, l t t nhiên là ph i n thanh thi u nhi lên
5 Tôi quên th nào c nh ng c m giác trong sáng c a bu i t u ng
After finishing unit 10, students should be able to:
- Describe the use of English passive voice
- Explain the meaning of passive voice in English and Vietnamese
- Compare and contrast the use of passive voice in English and Vietnamese
- Select an appropriate form of English verb phrase and proper Vietnamese lexical items in translation
Work in groups and discuss the formation of the English passive structures that you know
Besides the common passive structures in English, there is Pseudo passive which is when the subject is inanimate, non-agent passive construction, especially the structure It is + past participle
In this case, a generic Vietnamese noun ta, con is often used to replace the grammatical subject It and the sentence becomes an active one
In the old days, it was believed that the sun revolved around the earth con tin xoay vòng quanh trái
An English passive sentence often contains the doer of the action introduced by the preposition by or with , translated into Vietnamese by or respectively
The villagers were poisoned with drug and alcohol
In practice, the Vietnamese equivalent of by is numerous depending on context, such as 25
Ear, eye and mind were alike strained by the dread tai và tâm trí tôi vì hùng
He is considered a just and liberal landlord by his tenants
Tôi tin các tá thì ông là công và rãi
I perceive these pictures were done by one hand
Tôi tranh này do tay
Some Vietnamese linguists acknowledge the existence of passive voice in Vietnamese 26 with the use of particles
- Nó c b m t ng quà sinh nh t
- Thành ph b bão tàn phá n ng n
However, others 27 object to the idea that there is passive voice in Vietnamese in stating that these two particles do not always convey the passive meaning
- Hôm qua tôi c m t b a r t ngon Yesterday I had a very delicious meal
- Nó b té xe hôm qua He fell off the bicycle yesterday
- ng, các em c bóng They could play fooball at school
25 Sources of examples: Tr n Anh Kim, b n d Jane Eyre
26 Nguy n Phú Phong (1976), Hoàng Tr ng Phi n (1980), Lê Xuân Th i (1989)
27 Cao Xuân H o (1991), Nguy n Kim Th n (1977), Nguy n Minh Thuy t (1986, 1998)
- Chúng tôi không b We hungry
A compromise view is that passive meaning in Vietnamese could be expressed by the use of function words and word order 28
The passive meaning in Vietnamese could also be expressed by other particles 29 such as:
- M C nào lão ta : Surely, he will be trapped Công Hoan) Thôi ta ông lão này We have been cheated by the old man
- PH I p The parents have to be punished (Ngô
There is no correlation between English and Vietnamese sentences in terms of the use of passive structure It means that a passive sentence in English could be translated into Vietnamese with an active meaning and vice versa
- This finding is based on a year of study of successes and failures involving services in different countries = Phát hi n này d a trên cu c nghiên c u v nh ng thành công và th t b i liên quan n nh ng d ch v trong vòng m t nhi u c khác nhau
28 Nguy n H ng C n & Bùi Th Diên (2004) Lingustics Vol 7
29 ng Qu c Thông (n.d.) Prescriptive Translation Book 1 - A Contrastive Study of English and Vietnamese at Word and Sentence Levels USSH HCMC
- Vùng này v a m i b m t tr n bão quét qua A storm just swept over this region
An English passive sentence always has the doer of the action in the final position or is even dropped, but in Vietnamese it could be placed in the middle of the sentence
He was brought up by the nuns: Anh ta các bà nuôi
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1 He was looked after by his grandmother
2 He was given a book for his birthday
3 They might have been invited to the party
4 The doors are going to be locked at ten o'clock
5 Be careful with that glass It might get broken
6 The meeting is scheduled to start at seven
7 You shouldn't have done that You ought to be punished
8 That man has never been known to lie before
9 The customer was being helped by the salesman when the thief came into the store
10 It is believed that hostility and negativity also affect blood pressure
11 It was believed that he had died in the battle
12 It is difficult for this test to be finished in one hour
13 It is rumored that he will be made president of the committee
14 It can be pointed out that in most cases men are more aggressive than women
15 More emphasis should be placed on the teaching of communication skills than grammar rules
Translate the following sentences into English
1 Xe này là c a Nh t s n xu t
2 B a d n ra, c nhà vui v ng i vào bàn
3 Ngôi nhà này xây b ng g ch.
4 Th ng bé ph i m t tr n vì mãi không ch u h c bài
7 Ti ng con chim ca b át b i ti ng còi rút
8 Anh n phòng nha nh cái sâu
After finishing unit 11, students should be able to:
- Describe a phrase in English and Vietnamese
- Explain the structure and use of infinitive phrase and participial phrase in English
- Compare and contrast the use and meaning of two types of phrases
- Select and employ an appropriate equivalent in translation
An English infinitive phrase is a group of words that begins with an infinitive and functions as a noun, adjective, or adverb
As a noun to work as a subject or object of a sentence
- To swim in the pool made the children very happy làm b n tr vui h n lên
- The first step is to control the company c u tiên là n m quy n ki m soát công ty
As an adjective to modify the preceding noun
The best method to fix the car is to take it to the shop
Cách xe là nó ra
Jason wants to be a doctor to save lives
When an infinitive phrase works like an adverb, it modifies the verb in the sentence about the time, place, manner, reason or purpose It can be put at the beginning or end of the sentence
The infinitive phrase used as adverb of purpose could be replaced by FOR + Noun
He went back to get some water => He went back for some water
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese Pay attention to the underlined infinitive phrases
1 To integrate into the rest of the world, our country needs to diversify its foreign relations
2 To declare that the company has successfully achieved the goal is an illusion
3 The function of schooling is to provide the means for each person to be self- supporting
4 To say that knows he is doing is to endow the child with a moral sense
5 To be or not to be - that is the (Shakespeare)
Translate the following sentences into English in using infinitive phrases where applicable Pay attention to the underlined parts
1 Ch c a nhà c là dùng thu làm b y phát tri n s n xu t
2 Kh phát tri n cây cao su Vi t Nam còn r t l n c khai thác h t
3 Nhi u i mua s n ph m có hi u v i mong mu n c s công nh n c a xã h i và là cách nâng cao a v c a mình
4 Không ph i th , trong vi c i xin mà nói n ti n thì nghe ti n l m, ph i không, c ?
5 Hy sinh l i ích cá nhân là v l i ích c a i khác là c a b n thân mình
A participial phrase is a phrase that looks like a verb, but it actually functions as an adjective which modifies a noun in the same sentence
A participial phrase is formed in two ways: a Using a Present Participle (V-ing)
Turning the light on, Haley walks into the room
Practicing with his favorite teacher, the student learned how to swim easily
Quickly opening the bag, Carrie found her favorite notebook
The participial phrase should be put next to the noun it modifies and separated by a comma
*Feeling tired, the book was placed on the shelf by Jessie => wrong position
=> Feeling tired, Jessie placed the book on the shelf
Gerunds (also V-ing) are verbs that are used as nouns
- Gerund: Searching for gold is favorite past time Tìm vàng là thú vui gi i trí c a Derek
- Participial phrase: Searching for gold, Derek spent all his time in the field Mãi tìm vàng, Derek b h t ngày tr i trên cánh ng b Using a Past Participle (V-ed)
- Frightened by the loud fireworks, the dog hid under the couch S ti ng pháo n , con chó tr n i g m gh
- Injured during the soccer match, Marco had to leave the field B ch n trong tr n u, Marco ph i r i sân
Notice that a phrase starting with a present participle conveys an active meaning because the noun it modifies is the doer of the action whereas a phrase starting with a past participle has a passive meaning because the noun it modifies is the receiver of the action in the sentence.
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1 Framed and hung, the painting lit up the room
2 The phone was almost out of battery power, blinking in the dark
3 Sally took off her shoes, drained from the long day at work
4 Bob reached for the cereal box stored in the back of the cupboard
5 Torn at the seams, his coat had seen better days
6 Invented by an Indiana housewife in 1889, the first dishwasher was driven by a steam engine
7 My sister, discouraged by the long hours and low pay, finally quit her job
8 Sweeping across the night sky, the bats hunted their prey
9 Having finished cleaning his room, Alex went to sleep
10 To nations and people seeking a future of peace and prosperity, you have a partner in the United States (Barack Obama)
11 Slowly tracing the footprints in the garden, I thought of a couple strolling in the shade
12 Laughing and shrieking, the girls rushed out of the room
13 Having been married very early, the couple led a very tough life before they could settle down in a nice home
14 Asked why he had no girlfriend, he laughed and replied: money
15 Noting how serious corruption is undermining the country, the government has stepped up the anti-corruption campaign
After finishing unit 12, students should be able to:
- Describe the use of English prepositions and Vietnamese equivalents
- Explain the use of prepositional phrases in English and Vietnamese
- Compare and contrast the use of prepositional phrases in two languages
- Select an appropriate form of English prepositional phrase and Vietnamese equivalents in translation
Work in pairs and make a list of English prepositions you know Share it to other pairs in the class
A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence They act to connect the people, objects, time and locations of a sentence
Preposition + noun: He displayed love towards his dog
Preposition + V-ing: We are looking forward to seeing you at the ceremony
Vietnamese linguists disagree with one another over the acknowledgement of preposition as a word class Some believe that it is a separate part of speech as in
English or French, but others consider it a subgroup of what is called connective -
There is not a one-on-one relationship between the two linguistic systems in terms of the use and meaning of prepositions in English and Vietnamese Word for word translation of prepositions from English into Vietnamese or vice versa is not always successful, for example:
- ambassador to the USA (NOT ambassador of the USA)
A prepositional phrase in English is a group of words consisting of a preposition, its object, and any words that modify the object Most of the time, a prepositional phrase functions as an adjective or an adverb to modify a noun, pronoun or a verb
- The cat in the middle is the cutest Con mèo gi a xinh nh t
- The cupcake with colorful sprinkles is yours M y cái bánh nh có r c bông ng nhi u màu là c a em
- He arrived in time Anh ta n gi
- Harry drank his beer with fervor Harry u ng ly bia c a mình m t cách nhi t tình
- To find the person who stole the last cookie, look behind you Mu n tìm i l y cái bánh cu i cùng thì nhìn ra phía sau anh
Besides the similarities of meaning cited in dictionaries (in: trong, on: trên, up: lên, down: , some differences could be identified as follows:
30 Di Ng pháp ti ng Vi t, NXB Giáo D c-HN
31 Nguy n Tài C n (1999) Ng pháp ti ng Vi t HN
- In the sky: trên tr i
- In the tree: trên cây
- In the yard: trong sân, trên sân, ngoài sân, c sân
- Against the wall: d a vào ng
- To talk to: nói chuy n v i
Prepositional phrases give further description to the nouns, verbs that precede them The information could be about outer appearance, personal traits, age, instrument, manner, However, the choice of prepositions in English and Vietnamese does not always correlate as illustrated below 32
1 The woman in the black skirt: n i ph n m c váy
2 The woman in the large hat and the high-heeled shoes i ph n i cái nón l n và giày cao gót
3 A young man with good looks: m t thanh niên có nét m t thanh tú
4 A businessman with a good knowledge of European markets: nhà kinh doanh có c các Châu Âu
5 A man with a cheerful disposition: môt có tính tình vui
6 A boy in his teens: M t a con trai tu i thi u niên
7 A woman in her twenties: M t ph n tu i
8 A boy at/of 14: M t a bộ trai ỉ 14 tu i
9 Our duties as citizens Nh ng trỏch nhi m ỉ cụng dõn c a chỳng ta
10 her obligations as a mother: hoàn thành nh ng b n ph n làm m c a bà
11 to stop the rapid decline in living standards: c g ng ch n ng s gi m sỳt nhanh chúng (v /trong) ỉ m c sinh ho t
12 The problem of juvenile delinquency: V n thi u niờn ỉ ph m phỏp
14 He killed the animal with a stick: Ông y gi t con v t b ng cái g y
15 He tore the bag open with his teeth: Anh y dùng xé to c cái bao
16 They fought with great courage: H chi n u (m t cỏch) ỉ h t s c c m
17 He embarked upon his new research project with great enthusiasm: Anh ta b t tay vào trình nghiên c u c a mình m t cách h t s c hái
18 With only two months to go before Election Day, this presidential candidate has to intensify his campaigns: Vì/ Trong b i c nh ch còn vài tháng n a là t i ngày b u c , ng viên t ng th ng này ph i gia ng các cu c v n ng c a mình
19 He read the book for information: Anh y c cu n sách l y thông tin
20 He sneaked out for some shopping: Anh y l n ra mua s m
21 He was killed by a stray bullet Anh y ch t vì m t viên n l c
A prepositional phrase could be replaced by an adverb:
Some prepositional phrases including a preposition and an adjective or adverb or another preposition are considered idiomatic expressions, such as in short, in particular, until now, from behind the
Notice the different prepositions used in English and Vietnamese in the sentences below:
- Is he still angry at the world? Anh chàng v n còn gi n d i v i c th gi i ch ?
- The entire room was astonished by the election results C khán phòng u ng c nhiên v i k t qu cu c b u c 33
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1 I always buy my milk from the convenience store on Main Street
2 My mother has always wanted to live in a cabin by the lake
3 A man with a broken leg was hospitalized last night
4 We can learn by making mistakes
5 We read your article with great interest
6 His passion for books is so great that he pays no attention to anyone else, even his family
7 The ball is in the river
8 The key fell into the water
9 With the trees gone, the land became barren and lost its fertility
10 This has changed his attitude towards marriage
11 In reply to the reporters about the coming election, the President assures that everything is in tight security
12 People with disabilities have to face with a lot of problems both physically and emotionally
13 Peter is a young man with a head full of conspiracy theories
14 She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, without having to worry about her future
15 With more and more women working outside the home full time, the traditional division of household chores should be changed
Translate the following sentences into English Attention should be given to the translation of underlined prepositions
1 Cô xòe bàn tay i ánh nh t nh t
2 ng trên i này có gì làm anh ng c nhiên n th
3 bao gi anh k chuy n ngoài B c cho ch nghe
4 Chú không t chi c ba lô xu ng m t gh mà c n tr ng t lên m t bàn
5 Anh d a chi c xe p c a mình vào ng
6 Cô gái l y ra t trong túi m t phong bì dán kín
7 Con ng t c ng nhà máy ra n qu c l ch dài kho ng tám mét
8 Anh ch th y i lúi húi i m t h cát to
9 Cô ng i ch t gí trên góc ván không còn c m giác v i b y mu i i chân
10 Hai a tr ch ng ng lên chào khách b ng m t cái g t u r i l i cúi xu ng nh ng cu n sách
After finishing unit 13, students should be able to:
- Describe the structure and function of an English and Vietnamese clause
- Identify the appropriate Wh- words in an English noun clause
- Explain the use of a noun clause in English and Vietnamese
- Select an appropriate form of English and Vietnamese noun clause in translation
A clause is comprised of a group of words which includes a subject and a finite verb, and functioning as a member of a complex or compound sentence
There are different types of clauses, namely noun clause, relative clause or adjective clause and adverb clause
A noun clause is a clause that plays the role of a noun and begin with words such as how, that, what, whatever, when, where, whether, which, whichever, who, whoever, whom, whomever , and why
- I know that patience has its limits
- There is no meaning in what you say
As an apposition, a noun phrase looks like an adjective or relative clause
His knowledge that he is honest gave him the courage to fight
Word order in an English noun clause follows the affirmative pattern of S+V+O time is it => I know what time it is now
Word order in English and Vietnamese noun clauses is not always the same
- I know how many cars he has
Tôi không có bao nhiêu xe
- Nobody knows where he lives
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1 Ask your child what he wants for dinner
2 The belief that he is a good guy turns out to be an illusion
3 My wish that I could become a pop star someday haunts me every single day
4 That he is a brave man is admitted by all
5 We never know how much of what he says is true.
6 That the new director can speak Vietnamese fluently is a big surprise to all of us
7 What worries doctors the most is that their patients do not take medicine regularly
8 The artist knows how to make simple things more beautiful and captivating
9 That he did not seem to have any luggage made me feel uneasy
10 Why the top political leader did not appear in public for a long time was a secret ACTIVITY 2
Translate the following sentences into English
1 M u ki n thu n l i n a là c ng Dung Qu t n ng b ng s t kho ng 12km.
2 t Nam ch ng có thành ph c b n s c riêng bi t là m t hi m h a có th t
3 Thành công trong vi c cô l u m i
4 Gi m, nh ng gì th c ch là b m t
5 T i sao chi c máy bay MH370 c a hãng hàng không Malaysia m t tích v n còn là m t bí n
After finishing unit 14, students should be able to:
- Describe the structure and function of an English Relative clause
- Explain the use of a relative clause in English and in Vietnamese
- Employ the appropriate relative pronoun in an English Relative clause and its equivalent in Vietnamese
- Select an appropriate form of English and Vietnamese relative clauses in doing translation
An English relative clause starts with a relative pronoun (e.g who, that, which, whose and whom) and usually comes immediately after the noun it describes
- the people who want to buy our house H là nh ng i mu n mua nhà c a chúng ta
- They should give the money to people ỉ they think need the treatment most
H nên trao ti n cho nh ng i mà h c n ph i c u tr nh t
The Vietnamese connective mà is often used as the equivalent of the English relative pronouns which, who, that and also put after the nouns
- Cu n sách mà tôi thích: the book that I like
- He has bought the house near the riverbank that his wife likes
Anh mua nhà sông mà anh thích
There is a strong tendency to omit the English relative pronouns in the Vietnamese version as shown in the following examples, regardless of the fact that they are subjective or objective in the adjective phrase
- A picture of a woman and a young girl, who looked like the daughter và cụ bộ ỉ trụng con gỏi
- There is a factory which supplies farmers all over the world with chemical preparations Cú m t nhà mỏy ỉ cung c p cỏc ch ph m húa h c cho cỏc nụng dân trên kh p th gi i
- Through an opening among the leaves, which covered the face of the water, he suddenly beheld the scene below
Qua lỏ ỉ xen trờn ụng ý nhỡn các bên
Besides the dominant trend to drop the English relative pronouns in the Vietnamese version, there are still other ways to translate them a By using the connective
- She thought of the day that he took her away from her parents across the roaring
Nàng cái ngày mà chàng nàng nhà cha phía bên kia sông
- Electoral politics are the foundation upon which a democratic political system rests Ho t ng chính tr trong lãnh v c b u c là n n t ng mà h th ng chính tr dân ch d a vào b By repeating the NP
- The railway-line delivers you at its station (which has now and then been repainted but otherwise stands as it stood eighty years ago)
68 UNIT 14: RELATIVE CLAUSES xa ga (ga này không thì nó cách 80 34
- They knocked at the door through which no visitor had passed gõ , cánh tám nay không có khách nào qua 35 c By using a generic noun (like ch , i,
- He went to the corner where his wife sat, paused before
- He had to go to the temple and tell the priest who had married them or his godfather in whom he could confide easily
Có nên ngôi trình bày giáo, làm cho hay có bày dàng
- The tall boy with a very pale face who was to be a lawyer had been lieutenant in
Th ng con trai cao ráo v i khuôn m t xanh xao, i s là lu t t ng là trung úy trong i c m t 36
- Peter set about the task of finding a room where he could live for the next few months Peter b t u công vi c tìm ki m phòng anh có th s ng trong vài tháng t i
- I took the purse to the police station where I handed it to the sergeant on charge Tôi cái bóp n n c nh sát, tôi trao nó cho m t viên trung làm nhi m v
34 Translated by (2003) C m nang luy n d ch và ng pháp ti ng Anh, Nxb
35 Translated by Nguy n M nh Th o (2014) Th c hành biên d o Nxb Tr
36 Translated by Nguy n M nh Th o (2014) Th c hành biên d o Nxb Tr
Reduced adjective clauses in English do not influence the translation into Vietnamese
Two boys who stood / who were standing before him brought to his mind the image of himself in the old days
=> Two boys standing before him brought to his mind the image of himself in the old days
Hai bé anh là hình chính anh ngày
The girl who has blue eyes has won the beauty contest
=> The girl with blue eyes has won the beauty contest
Cô gái có xanh thi hoa
Due to the frequent omission of English relative pronouns in the Vietnamese translations, it is advisable that in Vietnamese English translations, relative pronouns should be added or sentence structures should be changed so as to have grammatically correct sentences in English
- Con ng ỉ v làng quỏ quen thu c này b ng thành l
The road that had led her to the village so many times before now looked like a stranger
- D a trên nh ng tri th c m i nh t c a v t lý h c, hóa h c, sinh h c, u khi n h c ỉ v i cỏch là s lý thuy t c a n n k thu t hi n i,
On the basis of the latest information supplied by physics, chemistry, biology, cybernetics and so on, which can be considered the theoretical framework of modern technology
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1 Clare, who I work with, is doing the London marathon this year
2 Allen, who scored three goals in the first game, was the only player to perform well
3 That was the end of the dispute that cost plenty of time and efforts, which should have been devoted to researches
4 The picture shows us the scene where the police were punishing a pedestrian who had violated a traffic law by making him sniff the ground
5 I stayed with Jane whose sister is one of my closest friends at college
6 There were some noisy people in the audience, one of whom kept interrupting the speaker
7 I won't eat in a restaurant whose cooks smoke
8 I want to live in a place where there are a lot of jobs available
9 The heavy rain, which was unusual for the time of the year, destroyed most of the plants in my garden
10 There were a lot of people at the party, many of whom I had known for years
Translate the following sentences into English in using relative clauses where applicable
1 em xem cu n sách trên bàn anh m i mua hôm qua
2 Mình thích cái váy ca-rô mà b n ch n cho con gái
3 Giáo d c ph thông t nh ng s ban u, r t quan tr ng cho s phát tri n toàn di n con i
4 Có th b n có r t nhi u b n bè không ph i lúc nào b n nh n h
5 V y, i ph n ch vi c lo chuy n n i tr thôi thì làm sao có th c bình quy n hoàn toàn v i nam gi i
6 Tao chúa ghét m y con nít thông minh, t c là m y a h c bài nhoáng m t cái thu c vanh vách (Nguy n Nh t Ánh)
7 Anh l y cái mu ng nh dò tách cà phê thu c B c
8 Là m t qu c gia có tình tr ng m i nhanh chóng tr nên quan tr ng trên th gi i, Vi t Nam chính th c gia nh p WTO
9 là t câu chuy n ríu ran (cheerful) c a cô gái anh ta g p trên tàu?
10 Quan h m u d ch song không x ng v i ti m m i bên, u này c n ph i c gia trong th i gian t i
After finishing unit 15, students should be able to:
- Describe the structure and function of an English or Vietnamese adverb clause
- Identify the appropriate conjunctions in an English or Vietnamese adverb clause
- Explain the use of an adverb clause in English and Vietnamese
- Select an appropriate English verb form in an adverb clause of condition in translation into Vietnamese
- Employ the appropriate lexical items in Vietnamese denoting conditions in translation into English
An adverb clause functions as an adverb to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb
There are various types of adverb clauses to give information about time, place, condition, manner, reason, effect and contrast They connect with the main clause by a subordinating conjunction and set off by a comma when they are at the beginning or in the middle of the sentence
- Harry went home after the movie ended
Harry nhà sau khi phim thúc/ sau khi phim
- Even though I was full, I stop eating
- Peter, while he was almost crying from the pain, decided to finish the race
Because is more common in informal conversations than since or as
English conditional clauses can also be translated into Vietnamese without the use of the conjunction if when the sentence expresses volition or purpose:
- If you want to enter college, you have to make preparations right now 37 ỉ vào anh ngay bõy
- If our country is to become a dragon, we must work hard ỉ húa chỳng ta lao
The conjunction as has several meanings: to denote time, reason, manner, nd has different Vietnamese equivalents depending on the context
Khi, lúc => I watched my mother as she prepared dinner
Tôi nhìn dõi theo lúc
Vì => As it was so sunny, he walked to the park
Vì quá, anh trong công viên
=> He walked past as if he seen us
Anh ngang qua không nhìn tôi
(là) => The room was decorated just as he had imagined phòng trang trí gì anh ra
The subjunctive mood is often used after the conjunction as if in a hypothetical sentence but is almost untranslatable in Vietnamese when the verb form does not change
74 UNIT 15: ADVERB CLAUSES and the reader should rely on the meaning of surrounding lexical items to decide whether the sentence is hypothetical or factual
She walked as if she were heading to the gallows
Cô ta lên giá treo
An English sentence which contains an adverb clause with though, although is often translated into Vietnamese in adding (but) before the main clause Although it rained, they enjoyed their walk
On the contrary, for a similar Vietnamese sentence structure to be translated into English, it is advisable that either the word dù or be dropped
In Vietnamese, there are conjunctive pairs 38 , which do not entirely correspond with the English counterparts syntactically, such as:
The conjunctive pair could be used to express an intention but it can also be used for a condition, equivalent to the English if-clause hóa (thì) chúng ta lao tích 39
If our country is to become a dragon, we must work hard
Work in your group and make a list of English subordinating conjunctions that you have learned Share your list with other groups
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1 She looked as though she was in pain
2 You can play the game provided that you follow the rules
3 He go to university unless he studies very hard
4 Mary cried as if she had been in great pain
5 Walk carefully lest you should fall
6 Joseph was very popular whereas his brother had more enemies than friends
7 I'll leave as soon as the babysitter arrives
8 When the sun goes down, it gets dark
9 Though I tried to be free with them, they did not seem to like me
10 They came to talk to me as soon as I entered the classroom
11 It was a long time since someone had come to talk to me on their own
12 He will always support me whether I succeed or not
13 I did not feel good about it as I was always an introvert
14 There is so much competition to enter a good Korean university that students start to prepare very early
15 Since got a few minutes to wait for the train, have a cup of coffee.
16 We eat that we may live
17 Once you learn it, you never forget
Translate the following sentences into English
1 Chuông n thoai v n reo vang th ch c a chi c n tho i v n còn s ng sót sau tr n thiên tai*
2 Di n viên n thi u m t vai, o di n b o tôi th
3 không s c nh c n i chân n a, nàng ng i x p xu ng chõng
4 Th trong khi các công ty trong c h h thì i v i các nhà ki n trúc và các nhà thi t k thì m i vi c nào n nh
5 Và b i l trên th ng hi n có khá nhi u lo i xe g n máy nên cu c c nh tranh h n là r t gay go
6 G n nhi u ng trong làng c lát g ch nên s ch s c
7 V ti u công ngh , ph n d ph n s n xu t trong nh ng công vi c nh nhàng
8 Dù thuê n a, b n ph i tr m t s ti n c ngay khi b n n
9 Vì th gi i hi n nay khan hi m nhi u th , ai ai c khuyên nên s n xu t thêm
10 M c dù không c thành th o ti ng Anh cho l m, th l c ng lao ng
Vi t Nam c giáo d c nhanh chóng, n m b t c các k m i
Work in groups and discuss the use of adverb clause of condition in English How many types are there, how are the verbs formed and how the meaning of each type differs from one another?
While English If clauses express either factual implications or hypothetical situations and their consequences by means of different verb tenses, Vietnamese conditionals rely on lexical items as shown in the following table
Table 1: Conditional clause in Vietnamese
Conditional clause in Vietnamese Main clause in
Type 1 là, nhiên là thì
Type 3 ngày giá mà, giá mà ngày giá mà giá chi , có là, thì bây
Apart from If, If only , other English conjunctions commonly used in conditional clauses are: As long as: là, là; Unless: khi, phi, Provided that: là
Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese
1 If you freeze water, it becomes solid
2 If I lived closer to the cinema, I would go more often
3 I don't want to stay in London unless I get a well-paid job
4 I'll give you a key in case I'm not at home
5 You can go to the party, as long as you're back by midnight
6 If we had a garden, we could have a cat
7 I wouldn't worry if I were you.
8 I was allowed to go off by myself provided that I promised to be careful
9 John would have bought a Ferrari if he ever had had the money to buy one
10 I hope to go to college next year, assuming that I pass my exams
Translate the following sentences into English
1 N u hôm h n b b t g p t nh p nhà i hàng xóm, h n là h n ch u 2 tù và ph t v
2 Giá c tâm s , c giãi bày có l cô c m th y nh nhõm c chút ít
3 N u b n bi t r i thì tôi ch ng gi u làm gì
4 u theo c i (renovated theater) tôi ph i t c u v i r t nhi u gian ngh Tú Trinh nói
5 xu t kh u c hàng hóa qua các c trong kh i EU, chúng ta c n ph i nghiên c u lu t pháp và th ng các c
After finishing unit 16, students should be able to:
- Describe the differences between English and Vietnamese vocabularies
- Employ the appropriate equivalent when a lexical item is absent in the other language
- Recognize the different varieties of English so that the translation is oriented toward a particular group of audience
- Select an appropriate way to translate an idiomatic expression or a metaphor when there is no equivalent in the target language
This unit aims at highlighting a number of differences between English and Vietnamese in terms of word meaning, word choice and other particular lexical characteristics that exist in one language but not in the other, which may cause a lot of problems to the student translator However, in paying attention to those characteristics unique to each language, naturalness in translations of these problematic lexical items could be reached
1 Culture specific words such as traditional practice, festivities or names of objects that only exist in one language such as: b t r , l ch m ngõ, áo dài, etc in Vietnamese , and baby shower, Saint Patrick Day, tuxedo, etc in English are almost untranslatable In such cases, one of the following suggestions may be used:
Keeping the original word and using a footnote for further explanation;
Using a hypernym, for example: g o, => rice snow, flake, flurry => tuy t
Notice that although you can find an equivalent in a bilingual dictionary, it does not always have an exact meaning as in the source language Consequently, a double check with the monolingual dictionary is necessary, especially in the case of a hypernym For example:
- Xe: xe p, xe g n máy, xe xe t i => vehicle: bicycle, motorbike, car, truck, van, lorry
- Con bò: bull, ox, cow
- Con gà: cork, hen, chicken
2 Vietnamese bi-syllabic words and reduplication: Vietnamese has a strong tendency towards words having two syllables (tính song ti t) For example: chuy n no chuy n vui bu n, nhà c a, ti n nong Reduplication though may have a rather different shade of meaning is also preferrable, partly for the rhythm rather than the meaning itself and could be ignored , for example: bu n bã, cu ng cu ng, i i nói nói,
- T trong nhà ti ng nh c vang lên
- Trên ng bay bay m y tà áo tr ng
3 The tendency of verbalization in Vietnamese Nouns and adjectives or any other word class could be temporarily used as verbs in Vietnamese For example:
Tôi không con gì anh 40
4 Onomatopoeia: English and Vietnamese have different ways of describing sounds
40 ng Qu c Thông (n.d.) Prescriptive Translation Book 1- A Contrastive Study of English and Vietnamese at Word and Sentence Levels USSH HCMC
80 UNIT 16: LEXICAL ISSUES rain tapping: rào rào; chuông kêu bong bong: the bell tolled; rattle: lóc cóc; murmur: rì
5 English varieties: there are different words for the same thing in different countries where English is spoken as a native language: lift /elevator, congress/ parliament, prime minister/premier/chancellor; minister of foreign affairs/ secretary of state
Work with your partner and try to translate the following lexical items into Vietnamese
Work with your partner and try to translate the following lexical items into English
Be sure to use the tips for translating culture-specific words above before checking dictionaries for an accepted translation (if any)
- Áo bà ba ca tài t
- Xu ng ba lá Nhà tình
6 Puns: using a word or two words with the same sound (piece/peace) in their two possible senses, usually for the purpose of arousing laughter or amusement When it is translated for fun, it can be compensated by another pun with a different but associated meaning
I had no outlook but an uplook rather
In poetry, it is more difficult for puns to be translated and often be sacrificed But when the sense is important, the pun should be transferred, translated and explained ACTIVITY 3
1 Question: Why did the fly fly?
Answer: Because the spider spied her
2 Question: Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Prize?
Answer: For being outstanding in his field!
3 The past, the present, and the future walked into a bar It was tense
4 I stayed up all night to see where the sun went Then it dawned on me
5 không khó mà khó không
A metaphor is a figure of speech that makes an implicit comparison between two things that are not related, but which share some common characteristics
- The assignment was a breeze (= the assignment is not difficult.)
- Her voice is music to his ears (= her voice makes him feel happy.)
It is believed that primary metaphors do not cause problems to translators However, other types of metaphors such as complex metaphor, extended metaphor, conceptual metaphors are very difficult for students of translation
There are different opinions on the translation of metaphors whether they are translatable (Kloepfer, 1981; Mason, 1982) or untranslatable (Nida, 1964; Dagut
41 Lê S (2003, p.26) C m nang luy n d ch và ng pháp ti ng Anh, Nxb hóa Thông tin
Newmark (1988, p 107) presented seven strategies to translate metaphors as follows:
1 Reproducing the same image in the target language
2 Replacing the image in the source language with a standard target language image which does not clash with the target language culture
3 Translation of metaphor by simile, retaining the image
4 Translation of metaphor (or simile) by simile plus sense, or occasionally metaphor plus sense
5 Conversion of metaphor to sense
6 Deletion If the metaphor is redundant or serves no practical purpose, there is a case for its deletion, together with its sense component
7 Translation of metaphor by the same metaphor combined with sense The addition of a gloss or an explanation by the translator is to ensure that the metaphor will be understood 42
Work in pairs and try to identify the metaphors in the following sentences Then translate the sentences into Vietnamese
1 The snow is a white blanket
2 The children were flowers grown in concrete gardens
4 I have the time to give you
5 Her tears were a river flowing down the cheeks
6 The stormy ocean was a raging bull
42 Source: https://www.ukessays.com/essays/english-language/newmark-and-the-translation-of-metaphors-english- language-essay.php
7 All my hatred for the old dragon came back
8 She was a rock star at our last business presentation
9 Words are daggers when spoken in anger
10 A new road to freedom passes through the valley of death
Work in groups and try to understand the poem in which there is a metaphor Discuss in your group what it is, and then translate the poem into Vietnamese
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all
Emily Dickinson - Hope is the Thing with Feathers
After finishing unit 17, students should be able to:
- Describe the procedure of translation in general and specifically from English into Vietnamese and from Vietnamese into English
- Employ the steps of translating a source text into a target text
The translation procedures include two phases
- Analysis phase: The source text is analyzed so that lexical items and grammatical structures are identified The main idea of the text will also be found
- Transfer phase: Appropriate vocabularies and grammatical structures are selected and put together into grammatically correct and meaningful sentences
Step 1: Skim through the title and the whole text for main ideas
- Read the first and last paragraphs carefully
- Read the first and last sentence of the paragraph
Step 2: Identify discourse type (for the right structures and vocabularies):
- written or spoken form, formal versus informal style
- Read each sentence for main verb(s), subject (s), object (s)
- Identify problematic lexical items and structures
- Use the right sentence structure or an equivalent form for each sentence
- Use the right word(s) or an equivalent
Step 5: Put the main parts into a Vietnamese sentence, adding modifiers and/or subordinate clauses (if any)
Step 6: Translate the whole paragraph, then the whole text
Step 7: Edit each sentence, paragraph and the whole text (both semantic and communicative translation) Be sure to add some Vietnamese particles , , à, nhé, for naturalness
Step 8: Translate the title last
Step 1 and Step 2: similar to the procedures of English-Vietnamese Translation Step 3: Source text analysis
- Read each sentence for main verb(s), subject (s), object (s) Pay attention to the ellipsis (omission) of sentence elements in Vietnamese texts
- Identify problematic lexical items and structures
- Identify the notion of time in Vietnamese sentences in which tenses are not clearly presented by verb form but expressed by lexical items ( r i, xong, s p, )
Remember that English has a whole system of tenses, therefore, try to use the appropriate form suitable to context relying on time modifiers and sometimes function words
- Use the right English sentence structure or an equivalent form for each sentence
- Use the right word(s) or an equivalent or sometimes a phrase when there is no corresponding word in English
Step 5: Put the main parts into an English sentence of the regular pattern of S -V- (O), adding modifiers and/or subordinate clauses (if there is one main idea supported by details)
- A split into shorter English sentences is acceptable when a number of ideas are put together in one Vietnamese sentence and in that case, the subject(s) should be repeated or new subject(s) should be added to make a grammatically correct English sentence
- Short Vietnamese sentences could be combined into one English compound or complex sentence, relying on the sentence meaning
- Vietnamese particles ((b c, à, nh , nhé, could either be ignored or compensated by another form such as an adverb
Step 6 to Step 8: similar to the procedures of English-Vietnamese Translation
1 To guess the meaning in context: read the previous and following parts for clues;
2 (In E-V translation) Use an English dictionary for the meaning in the context, especially secondary meaning before looking up for its equivalents in a bilingual dictionary;
3 (In V-E translation) Use a bilingual dictionary for the English equivalent(s) and then check its/their meaning(s) in using an English monolingual dictionary Be sure to select the right equivalent in context For example, the Vietnamese word which word is the right choice
Translate the following text into Vietnamese will be your place in
In other eras, across distant lands, this question could be answered with relative ease and certainty
As a servant in Rome, you knew spend your life forced to build somebody Empire
As a peasant in 11th century China, you knew that no matter how hard you worked, the local warlord might come and take everything you had and you also knew that famine might come knocking at the door
As a subject of King George, you knew that your freedom of worship and your freedom to speak and to build your own life would be ultimately limited by the throne And then America happened
A place where destiny was not a destination, but a journey to be shared and shaped and remade by people who had the gall, the temerity to believe that, against all odds, they could form more perfect on this new frontier
(Source: Barack Obama- Commencement address at Knox College)
Translate the following text into English
Nha Trang, trong chúng ta ai ai ngh vùng du Nha Trang quy các khách quan cho phép phát hoàn ngành du trí Nha Trang khúc ra lõm vào, phân cách sinh g dãy núi hình thành nên vùng bán cùng hàng tr m cho ta các danh xa èo bãi
Lãnh, bán Hòn Vân Phong, bán Hòn Khói và hòn bao quanh và bán Cam Ranh
After finishing unit 18, students should be able to:
- Differentiate Global translation strategies (translation methods) and Local translation strategies (translation procedures)
- Compare and contrast the source text and target text to identify the translation strategies employed by professional translators
- Employ the appropriate strategies in translating a Vietnamese text into English and vice versa
4 DEFINITION OF TRANSLATION STRATEGIES strategies are used by translators when they encounter a (Bergen, n.d., p.111)
There are two kinds of translation strategies: global strategies and local strategies
Global translation strategies or Translation methods refer the overall strategy that a translator applies for the whole text and it refers to the choice of the translator/student whether to be close to the source text or to the target text There are two types as follows
- Imitative translation: striving to retain as much of the purely formal aspects of the source text
- Functional translation: getting the message of the source text across, even if it takes drastic changes in the formal aspects of the text
Newmark (1988) lists eight translation methods, which essentially fall along a cline of focus, one extreme being total focus on the source text/language (Imitative translation) and the other extreme being total focus on the target text/language (Functional translation)
1 Word-for-word translation: preservation of word order and it is as literal as possible translation of individual words, including cultural words
2 Literal translation: apart from being as literal as possible translation of individual words, grammatical structures are converted into the nearest target language equivalents
3 Faithful translation: stays within the constraints of the grammatical structures of the target text, but draws on certain contextual factors
4 Semantic translation: which differs from only in as far as it must take more account of the aesthetic value of the source language text, allowing for the intuitive empathy with the original
5 Adaptation: the freest form of translation and more of a target language/culture based interpretation of the source text
6 Free translation: focuses on the content of the target text rather than the form, which means that the same content is expressed in the target text but with very different grammatical structures if need be
7 Idiomatic translation: makes use of idioms and colloquialisms that are not present in the source text
8 Communicative translation: attempts to render the exact contextual meaning of the original in such a way that both content and language are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readers of the target text translation methods
Local translation strategies or Translation procedures are the strategies the translator/student apply when translating the words, phrases, sentences, idioms in the source text into the target text
Apart from Vinay and translation model (1958), there are other sets of translation procedures introduced by Newmark (1988), Chesterman (1997) An integration of strategies presented by these authors, which is appropriate to the scope of a translation course at tertiary level could be formulated as follows
Come out here!: Hãy ra
Of course, feed it best food: nhiên Em cho nó
Colds and fever are not uncommon in the first dentition
Các ch ng c m l nh và s t r t ph bi n trong quá trình m c s a 43
3 Reduction (omission): removing elements in translation
4 Expansion (addition): adding elements in translation
A peace committee: ban hoà bình
They are very poor!: nghèo
5 Paraphrase: amplification or explanation of meaning in target text quang mây = Favorable conditions
43 Translation Theories Vietnam National University- Hochiminh Publisher
6 Componential analysis: splitting up a lexical unit into meaning atoms and translating those
: dancing steps, life of struggle
7 Naturalization: applying target language spelling and morphology (and pronunciation) to the expression or word in question
Internet: in- -nét; marketing: ma-két-ting;
8 Borrowing: the carry-over of a lexical item from the source language to the target language without formal or semantic modifications
9 Modulation: using the name of a category for a specific member of the category, using a part for the whole (and vice versa) 44
They live under the same roof (house)= chung nhà
10 Compensation: making up for the loss of something in the source text, by adding something else in the target text
11 Transposition: translation of a word or expression which involves a change in grammatical structure or the change of on word class to another without changing the meaning of the message
- He is a failure in art Anh y th t b i trong v c ngh thu t
- Tôi mua g ch xây nhà I bought bricks for my new house
- Trying not to show her sadness, she went into the room, whistling
Cô ta vào phòng huýt sáo, không
12 Sentence structure change: changes in the structure of the sentence, either a splitting or combining
44 The use of passive instead of active voice or vice versa can be classified as Modulation (Vinay & Darbelnet, 1958) Here it is identified as Transpostion for the sake of clarity and simplicity of structural transformation
- Ti ng kinh du mùi tr m ngào ng c Ng c ng ng s ng trong th gi i khác (2 sentences)
=> The prayers sounded so melodious and the burning aloe wood smelt so fragrant that Ngoc imagined that he was in another world 45 (1 sentence)
- Còn tôi thì không chú ý n chuy n mà ch n cu c g p g t i c a hai i (1 sentence)
=> As for my part, I really paid no attention to the argument My mind was quite taken up with the image of their coming reunion 46 (2 sentences)
Work in groups and try to identify the strategies (both lexical and structural) employed by the translator in the target text
1 Có v i cát Tôi nhìn ra b sông B n b v ng l ng
1 On the sandy path were some footprints I looked towards the riverbank Silence filled the air
2 V ng thành nh ng h xinh xinh Nh ng v t gu c nh
2 There on the ground, the traces formed cute little holes of wooden clogs
3 Tôi l sông N ng nh p nháy chói m t Không có ai ngoài y c
3 Again, I fixed my eyes on the riverbank The flickering sunshine dazzled my eyes No one was there
4 V t gu n chu i n m t thi u n có mái tóc p môi m
4 The footprints followed a serpentine course in the banana garden I thought of a maiden with long black hair and full crimson lips
5 L n theo v t gu c ng n m t cu i trong bóng mát
5 Slowly tracing these prints, I thought of a couple strolling in the shade
45 c Nh (n.d.) D ch Vi t Anh An Anthology of Vietnamese Prose i h
46 Luy n d ch Vi t Anh i h c Qu c Gia Tp HCM.
Work in groups and try to identify the strategies (both lexical and structural) employed by the translator in the target text
1 It lies in a valley forty miles from
1 Ngôi làng n m m t thung cách Luân 40 d m
2 The railway-line delivers you at its station (which has now and then been repainted but otherwise stands as it stood eighty years ago), and you have a mile or more to walk
2 Tuy n h n t i t n ga (ga này th nh tho i n u không nó v và b n ch còn m t d m n làng
3 There are orchards around as well as a factory which supplies farmers all over the world with chemical preparations, and a paper-mill used to produce the paper required for wrapping fruit for market
3 t nhà máy cung c p các s n ph m hóa h c cho các nông dân trên kh p th gi i, và m t nhà máy gi y dùng s n xu t gi y c n cho vi c ng
4 You soon cross the river and go along the short, deep canal, cut in the seventeenth century a part of the old system of inland transport which has been declining lately
4 Ch ng bao lâu b n s d c theo m t con kênh sâu, ng n, k 17 là m t ph n c a h th ng v n t i n g m sút
5 Anh here, where it joins the broad river again, is the contemporary inn,
5 Và n con kênh n i l i v i con sông l n, là m t cái quán t m th
47 c Nh ,(n.d.) D ch Vi t Anh An Anthology of Vietnamese Prose i h a Sài Gòn.)
48 Translated by (2003, p.175) C m nang luy n d ch và ng pháp ti ng Anh, Nxb
Work in groups and try to identify the strategies (both lexical and structural) employed by the translator in the target text
1 Gi a ngút ngàn c r ng nguyên sinh và r ng c m qu c gia th y n i lên m t b c sôi v i
1 Amid 7,000 hectares of primeval forests and national forbidden forests
2 c nóng ho ng r ng kho t cây s vuông, g m nhi u h l n, nh t o thành các dòng ch y v ng nh
2 The area of hot springs covers over one square kilometer with many great and small lakes creating streams with small flow
3 m thú v c có th mua tr ng gà, tr ng v t b vào cái t ng cói nhúng xu c sau 15-
3 Here tourists can enjoy the pleasure of buying hen or duck eggs, then put them in a reed basket and dip into the water for 15-20 minutes to have soft- boiled eggs
4 Nh ng ch c c n, nhi ch vào kho ngâm ch a b nh
4 At shallow places, the temperature is about 40 0 C, so we can put our hands or legs into the water for disease treatment
5 u thú v là t i khu v c các dòng su c nóng này, r ng tràm v n i có r chùm, lá c ng v n s o nên v p k thú c a thiên nhiên
5 The interesting thing is that in this area of hot springs the cajeput forest is still luxuriant The grasses with clustering roots and hard leaves burst into life, creating fantastic shape of beauty of nature 49
49 Nguy n Thu Huy n (2011) C m nang luy n d ch Vi t -Anh i h c Qu c Gia Hà N i
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