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Sample writing vol 2 nguyen thanh

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Tiêu đề IELTS Writing Sample Vol.2
Tác giả Thanh Nguyen
Trường học The English Coach
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Năm xuất bản 2023
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Writing Sample Vol.2 by Writing machine Thành Nguyễn (8.5 overall, 8.5 Writing nhiều lần), Master Trainer The English Coach cho khóa Advanced Writing nức tiếng lò luyện 8.0+ Writing Được chuyên gia IELTS của British Council Paul Varah nhận xét là writing machine, thầy Thành Nguyễn mang đến cho các bạn bộ 50 Sample được biên soạn kĩ lưỡng gồm: 40 samples Writing Task 2 cho các câu hỏi đã ra từ Tháng 9 12 2023 (). Trong số này có 20 samples được chấm 8.59.0 bởi chuyên gia IELTS Tony Grace, có kèm cho điểm các tiêu chí. 10 samples Task 1 đủ các dạng () Một số câu hỏi được triển khai theo những hướng đi khác nhau, giúp hs có góc nhìn đa dạng hơn. Một số bài khác là real answer trong kì thi thật, đạt band 8.59.0.

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The English Coach | theenglishcoach.work@gmail.com

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Thank you for choosing "IELTS WRITING SAMPLE Vol.2" as your companion for IELTSpreparation We are delighted to assist you in your journey towards achieving your desired score.This guide contains 40 IELTS Writing Task 2 samples and 10 IELTS Writing Task 1 samples,carefully curated to improve your writing skills

Effective Usage of the Material

Step 1: Read and Analyze the Question Carefully

Understand the key elements of the question Pay attention to what is being asked and the type ofresponse required

Step 2: Read the Sample

Go through the provided sample answer thoroughly Notice how the question has been addressed

Step 3: Make an Outline

Jot down the main arguments and examples used by the author in the sample Understand how thesesupport his stance

Step 4: Read the Sample Again

This time, focus on picking up useful vocabulary and grammar structures Pay attention to how theseare integrated into the writing

The vocabulary items highlighted in green are topic-related Those in yellow are general andversatile, suitable for a wide range of topics

Step 5: Evaluate and Craft Your Own Approach

Reflect on whether the approach in the sample is the best way to answer the question If you feelthere is a better way, craft your own approach Critically analyze and evaluate what makes yourapproach more effective compared to the sample

By following these steps, you'll be able to effectively utilize our samples to improve your writingskills Remember, practice is key to success in IELTS Writing We wish you the best in your IELTSpreparation and are confident that "IELTS WRITING SAMPLE Vol.2" will be a valuable tool inyour journey

There has been an ongoing debate regarding the relevance of employees' attire in the workplace.Some believe that the focus should solely be on the quality of an individual's work, rather than theirappearance While acknowledging the reasons for this thinking, I would argue for the paramount role

of workplace attire

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Those in favor of a relaxed dress code contend that an employee's work performance is the truemeasure of their professional value This perspective is particularly relevant in industries wherecreativity and individual expression are key, such as in the tech and artistic sectors For instance, techgiants like Google and Facebook are known for their casual dress policies, which, they believe, foster

a more innovative and comfortable environment This approach suggests that when employees arenot constrained by formal attire, they are more likely to think outside the box and contribute uniqueideas

However, I am convinced that workplace attire plays a significant role in several aspects of businessoperations Primarily, it fosters a sense of professionalism and discipline In customer-facing roles,for example, employees are often the first point of contact and thus become the face of the company.Their attire can influence customer perceptions and, by extension, the company's image A bankemployee dressed in a suit and tie, as opposed to casual wear, may instill more confidence and trust

in clients Additionally, appropriate dress codes can promote a sense of unity and equality within theworkplace, minimizing distractions and potential disparities in personal presentation

In conclusion, while the quality of an employee's work is undeniably crucial, this is not synonymouswith disregarding the importance of professional attire It not only contributes to an individual'sprofessionalism but also plays a crucial role in shaping the company's image and fostering a cohesivework environment

Word count: 296 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(2) 9/9/2023

Schools should focus on academic success and passing examinations Skills such as cookery, dressmaking and woodwork should not be taught at school as it is better to learn these from family and friends To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Ver 1

Some people propose that schools should solely prioritize academic success and exam preparation,relegating skills like cookery, dressmaking, and woodwork to be learned from family and friends Idisagree with this proposal, advocating for a more holistic educational approach that integratespractical skills alongside academic learning

The notion that family and friends can adequately teach skills such as cookery, dressmaking, andwoodwork is flawed Not every family or friend has the expertise or resources to impart these skills.For instance, a child from a family with no culinary background might never learn to cook well ifschool does not offer this opportunity By the same token, not all families have the tools necessaryfor woodwork or dressmaking Moreover, learning in a structured environment like school ensures astandardized level of proficiency and safety standards, something that informal learning might notconsistently provide

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From my perspective, a holistic educational approach that balances academic subjects with practicalskills is crucial for developing well-rounded individuals Subjects like mathematics and science areundoubtedly important, but skills such as cooking and woodwork can contribute significantly to astudent's personal and professional development For example, cooking teaches not only the skill ofpreparing food but also imparts knowledge about nutrition, budgeting, and cultural diversity.Similarly, woodwork and dressmaking foster creativity, precision, and problem-solving abilities.These skills are not just hobbies; they equip students with practical abilities that can lead to careeropportunities and enhance their everyday lives.

In conclusion, relegating the teaching of practical skills such as cookery, dressmaking, andwoodwork to family and friends is a limited approach that overlooks the diverse backgrounds andneeds of students Schools should adopt a more rounded educational model that values bothacademic and practical skills, ensuring a well-rounded development for students

Word count: 293 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

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There has been a debate about whether schools should exclusively focus on academic success andexam preparation, or if they should also incorporate practical skills like cookery, dressmaking, andwoodwork into their curriculums While the argument for a well-rounded education that includesboth academic and practical skills is compelling, I believe the reality of limited school hoursnecessitates a prioritization of core subjects

The first point to consider is the finite nature of the school timetable Schools are already tasked withcovering a vast array of subjects, each crucial to a student’s intellectual development Introducingadditional subjects such as cookery or woodwork would inevitably lead to a reduction in timeallocated to essential academic subjects like mathematics, science, and literature This could hinderstudents’ depth of understanding in these key areas, which are foundational to their future academicand professional success For instance, a student aiming for a career in engineering would benefitmore from extra hours in physics and mathematics than in woodwork

Moreover, skills like cooking or dressmaking can be learned from family and friends This informalmode of learning can not only foster a sense of community and family bonding but also allow for amore flexible and personalized learning experience Of course, one might argue not all students haveaccess to family members or friends with these specific skills Yet, in the age of the internet, learningsuch skills has become more accessible than ever Online platforms are replete with tutorials thatcater to a range of abilities, from beginners to advanced learners This democratizes the learning ofpractical skills, making them accessible to anyone with an internet connection

In my opinion, the primary objective of schools should be to prepare students for academic successand to excel in examinations These examinations are often the gateways to higher education and

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professional opportunities Ensuring that students have a strong grasp of academic subjects is crucialfor their future endeavors For example, excelling in science and mathematics can open doors toprestigious universities and lucrative careers in fields like medicine or engineering.

In conclusion, while the idea of a holistic education that encompasses both academic and practicalskills is appealing, the practical limitations of school schedules and the importance of academicsubjects in a student’s future cannot be overlooked Skills like cookery and woodwork, valuable asthey are, can be effectively learned outside the school environment, leaving schools to focus on theirprimary role of fostering academic excellence and preparing students for higher education andprofessional success

Sample band 8.5 (TR 8 - CC 9 - LR 9 - GRA 9) - Word count: 416 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(3) 21/9/2023

Some people think that robots and artificial intelligence are important for human’s future development Others think that robots and artificial intelligence will have negative effects on society Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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There is no denying that technological advances have revolutionized nearly every facet of our lives,with robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) being a particularly noteworthy innovation However,the jury is still out on the impact of these on human society, with strong arguments on both sides

On the one hand, critics of robotic integration argue that it could have detrimental effects on society,particularly in the realm of employment As robots and AI become more adept at performing taskstraditionally done by humans, the fear is that they will displace a significant portion of theworkforce This is not just limited to manual labor; even sectors like customer service and dataanalysis are vulnerable Furthermore, there is a concern about the ethical implications of relyingheavily on machines Detractors worry that as we become more dependent on robots and AI, wemight lose essential human qualities like empathy and interpersonal skills, leading to a society that ismore mechanical and less compassionate

Notwithstanding these concerns, I side with those who believe that robots and AI are crucial for ourfuture development The primary reason is their potential to handle tasks that are either toodangerous, tedious, or complex for humans For instance, in the medical field, robots can performsurgeries with precision that surpasses human capabilities, leading to better patient outcomes.Additionally, robots can be deployed in hazardous environments, like deep-sea exploration ordisaster zones, where human safety would be at risk This not only protects human lives but alsoopens up possibilities for scientific advancements Another point to consider is the efficiency robotsand AI bring They can work tirelessly, without the need for breaks, leading to increased productivityand, potentially, economic growth This efficiency can free humans to engage in more creative andfulfilling work, potentially leading to a more satisfied and innovative workforce

In conclusion, while the apprehension regarding robots and AI replacing human jobs and alteringsocial dynamics is understandable, the benefits they offer in terms of advancing human capabilities,

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enhancing safety, and improving efficiency are too significant to ignore I am convinced that withproper regulation and foresight, robots and AI can be integral to a future that is not onlytechnologically advanced but also humane and prosperous.

Word count: 361 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

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There is no denying that technological advances have revolutionized nearly every facet of our lives,with robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) being a particularly noteworthy innovation However,the verdict is still out on the impact of these machines on human society, with strong arguments onboth sides

On the one hand, opponents of robots and AI voice legitimate concerns over their potential adverseeffects At the forefront is perhaps the risk of widespread unemployment As robots and AIincreasingly replace human labor in factories, offices and on the road, the loss of thousands of jobscould lead to various socio-economic challenges, including the strain on unemployment benefits and

a possible rise in crime rates It is, however, important to note that the rise of robots and AI wouldalso create thousands of job opportunities in such fields as engineering and programming Thisshould be seen as job transformation rather than job losses

On the other hand, there are also good grounds for saying that robots and AI will bring substantialbenefits for our lives Given that robots and AI outperform humans in executing most tasks withgreater precision and efficiency, their widespread adoption could not only help businesses saveresources but also usher in an unprecedented era of increased productivity and economic booms.Nevertheless, there is apprehension that excessive reliance on robots and AI could take a toll onpeople’s wellbeing Many fear that if these machines assumed a significant proportion of tasks, ouropportunities for physical and mental engagement would diminish, potentially fostering sedentarylifestyles and impeding cognitive development

In light of the aforementioned considerations, I believe the application of robotics and AI is generally

a welcome development, if executed judiciously For example, in the realm of education, AI can aid

in information retrieval, while teachers focus on nurturing critical thinking skills as well as teachingstudents how to give proper questions and guidance for robots By the same token, robots' speed andaccuracy can assist doctors in processing patient data more quickly, enabling faster diagnoses andtreatments, and ultimately saving lives After all, robots and AI, just like any technology, are notinherently detrimental, but it is the way we employ them that will determine their effect on our lives

Sample band 9 (TR 9 - CC 9 - LR 9 - GRA 9)

Word count: 353 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(4) 23/9/2023

The best way for a country to prepare for the future is to invest more resources in its young people To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

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It is proposed that countries should focus on investing in their young generations to best prepare forthe future While investment in young people is necessary, it is not sufficient on its own and should

be complemented by other measures

Investing in the younger generation is irrefutably of paramount importance for shaping a nation'sfuture The logic is straightforward: today's youth are tomorrow's leaders, innovators, and decision-makers, so prioritizing their education and wellbeing would lay the groundwork for a society thatvalues critical thinking, independence, and innovation For example, improving educationalresources can give rise to a more knowledgeable and skilful generation, capable of driving socialprogress and breakthroughs

However, focusing on young people would only work if other aspects of society were given priority

as well Technological development is clearly an area that cannot be overlooked Given the currentfast-paced, tech-driven world, it is safe to say that a country would lag far behind its globalcounterparts if it turned a blind eye to advancing its technologies By the same token, investing ininfrastructure is vital The current state of public services, such as healthcare and transportation,directly affects citizens' quality of life The consequences of ignoring the deterioration of theseessential services could be widespread dissatisfaction and unrest, ultimately hindering a nation'sdevelopment

To summarize, I am convinced that directing more resources towards today’s young generation,albeit crucial for the future prospect of a nation, is simply not enough A more comprehensiveapproach would combine this focus with strategic investments in technology and infrastructure,ensuring a well-rounded foundation for a country's future prosperity

Sample band 9 (TR 9- CC 9- LR 9- GRA 9)

Word count: 265 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

I believe that they still hold value and can be adapted to contemporary life

Advocates for doing away with certain traditions often argue that they are outdated and no longer fitinto the fast-paced, technologically advanced world we live in For example, customs like lengthytraditional marriage ceremonies can seem impractical in today's time-constrained society Peopleargue that these prolonged events are not only expensive but also an inefficient use of time that could

be better spent on work or personal development By the same token, traditional ways of behaviorsuch as formal dining etiquette can appear redundant in the more casual, fast-paced dining culture of

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today In fast-food joints and informal gatherings, these protocols can seem out of place, leadingsome to question their relevance.

However, this viewpoint overlooks the cultural significance and the sense of identity that thesecustoms and behaviors provide Traditional ceremonies, like marriage rituals, are often deeply rooted

in a society's history and can strengthen community bonds and family ties These events are not justabout the pomp and circumstance but about the transfer of cultural values and the celebration ofheritage Likewise, behaviors like formal dining etiquette are about more than just which fork to use;they teach respect, discipline, and mindfulness in social settings

The key lies not in discarding these traditional practices but in adapting them to fit our modernlifestyles This adaptation does not mean a complete overhaul but a thoughtful modification Forinstance, traditional marriage ceremonies can be condensed to suit time constraints while preservingessential cultural elements Dining etiquette can be taught in a way that is relevant to modern diningscenarios, emphasizing respect and mindfulness over rigid rules

In conclusion, while it is true that the pace and nature of modern life differ greatly from the past, thisdoes not really render traditional customs and behaviors obsolete Instead, by adapting thesepractices to modern contexts, we can preserve our cultural heritage and the lessons they offer whileremaining relevant and practical in today's world

Sample band 8.5 (TR 8 - CC 9 - LR 9 - GRA 9)

Word count: 365- Written by Thanh Nguyen

Ver 2

In today's rapidly evolving world, the relevance of many age-old customs and traditional behaviors isincreasingly questioned Whilst some of these traditional practices conflict with modern values andshould thus be marginalized, I would argue there are still many others that are worth preserving

Admittedly, several traditions seem to be incompatible with contemporary social norms and humanrights perspectives Practices like whole-body tattooing or wrapping feet to keep them small, oncesymbols of beauty or status, now seem archaic and often infringe on personal well-being By thesame token, customs such as rings around necks to elongate them, or the more severe practices offemale and male circumcision, are being scrutinized for their health risks and ethical implications.These customs often clash with modern understanding of human rights and bodily autonomy.Furthermore, certain traditional punishments, considered cruel and unusual by today's standards,have no place in a society that values justice and human dignity

However, there are numerous traditions that undeniably enrich modern life and should be preserved.Traditional holidays and festivals, for instance, play a crucial role in maintaining cultural heritageand fostering community spirit They offer a chance to celebrate shared histories and create a sense

of belonging, which is of paramount importance in our increasingly globalized world Additionally,the importance of family values – such as respect for older people – remains as relevant today as

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ever These traditions provide a moral compass and a sense of continuity, guiding individuals in theirpersonal and social interactions.

In conclusion, while certain old customs are at odds with contemporary values and can be justifiablyset aside, others continue to offer significant benefits It is crucial to critically evaluate each tradition,discarding those that are harmful or irrelevant, while embracing and adapting those that positivelycontribute to modern society This selective preservation ensures that valuable cultural practices aremaintained, enhancing our lives while respecting the progress and ethos of the modern world

Word count: 329 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

One argument in favor of digital viewing is the convenience it provides With the advances intechnology, one can watch concerts, plays, or other performances from anywhere in the worldwithout leaving their house This accessibility is particularly beneficial for those who cannotphysically attend these events due to health issues, financial constraints, or geographical barriers.Additionally, digital platforms often offer high-quality visuals and sound, enhancing the viewingexperience For instance, one can replay a favorite moment, something impossible in a live setting

Despite these advantages, the allure of live performances remains unmatched Live events offer aunique, immersive experience that goes beyond just watching They engage the senses and create acollective experience that can be emotionally impactful The energy of the crowd, the spontaneity ofthe performers, and the shared feeling of witnessing something unrepeatable in real-time contribute

to the magic of live shows For example, attending a theater production allows one to feel the

intensity of the actors’ performances and the ambiance of the set, which are often lost in translation when viewed on a screen.

Moreover, live performances have a significant social aspect They bring people together, offering anopportunity to connect with others who share similar interests This aspect of community and shared

experience is something that simply cannot be replicated in a digital format

In conclusion, while watching performances on digital platforms can be more convenient andaccessible, it falls short of the rich, immersive experience that live performances provide The uniqueatmosphere, the collective excitement, and the sense of occasion make live events an irreplaceable

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facet of cultural life Therefore, the need and place for live performances in our lives remain asrelevant as ever.

Word count: 348 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(7) 1/10/2023

The international community must act immediately to ensure all nations reduce their consumption of fossil fuels e.g gas and oil.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

One school of thought holds that the international community should band together in reducing theconsumption of fossil fuels worldwide I also hold this view

Perhaps the foremost reason for this immediate collective action lies in the stark realities of climatechange Fossil fuels, when burned, release large quantities of carbon dioxide – a major greenhousegas This exacerbates global warming, leading to extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and otherenvironmental calamities The recent spate of wildfires, hurricanes, and floods across the globe stand

as harrowing reminders of these consequences Aside from environmental implications, pollutionfrom fossil fuels is a significant health hazard, causing respiratory diseases and contributing tomillions of premature deaths annually By collectively working towards reducing fossil fuelconsumption, the international community can mitigate these effects

However, transitioning away from fossil fuels is a complex challenge Many economies are heavilyreliant on these energy sources for power generation, transportation, and industry Developingnations, in particular, face the dilemma of balancing economic growth with environmentalsustainability For instance, countries like India and China, while actively investing in renewableenergy, still have a substantial dependency on coal and oil for their energy needs Solutions mayinclude increased investment in renewable energy technologies, international support for countriestransitioning their energy sectors, and the development of global policies that discourage fossil fuelconsumption

To summarize, the imperative for the international community to act promptly and decisively todiminish the consumption of fossil fuels is indisputable The benefits of such actions are significantand far-reaching, addressing both environmental and public health concerns However, thecomplexities of this transition, particularly for developing economies, must be acknowledged andaddressed through cooperative international strategies and investments in sustainable technologies

Word count: 284 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(8) 3/10/2023 (BC)

In many countries, more and more people are competing for a place to study in universities Why does this happen? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

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Recent years have witnessed a substantial increase in the number of university applicants in manycountries This can be attributed to many factors, and from my perspective, it is largely a positive.

One primary factor contributing to the increasing competition for university admission is theincreased value placed on higher education In the past, a high school diploma often sufficed forsecuring a good job However, the modern job market is increasingly competitive and specialized,making a university degree almost a prerequisite for many careers Additionally, the shift towardsservice-oriented and knowledge-based economies has heightened the demand for educatedprofessionals, diminishing the prominence of industrial and manual labor roles that used to dominate

It is also noteworthy that technological advances and the internet have made information aboutuniversities and their programs more accessible than ever before, encouraging more people to apply

Despite the intensifying competition leading to significant pressure on prospective students, theoverall effect of this trend is largely beneficial It indicates a global recognition of the importance ofknowledge and personal growth This shift towards higher education has cultivated a more educatedand skilled workforce, which acts as a precursor to a thriving economy Moreover, the growingdemand for university education typically spurs increased investment in higher education from boththe public and private sectors, resulting in the expansion and improvement of academic institutionsand resources This, in turn, benefits not only the students but also the broader society by promotinginnovation and cultural enrichment

To summarize, the growing competition for university places is a reflection of the evolving demands

of the job market, economic transitions, and the proliferation of digital communications While itposes challenges, such as heightened stress among students, it is fundamentally a positive movement

It heralds a shift towards a more educated and adept populace, better prepared to contribute to andthrive in a complex, knowledge-driven world

Word count: 314- Written by Thanh Nguyen

One primary cause of traffic congestion in urban areas is the significant reliance on personalvehicles As cities expand and populations grow, more people opt for the convenience and comfort

of private cars over public transportation This preference is often exacerbated by inadequate orinefficient public transit systems, which fail to meet the needs or match the speed and convenience ofprivate transport Additionally, urban planning in many cities has historically prioritized road

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networks for cars, neglecting pedestrian and cycling infrastructure This car-centric designencourages vehicle use, even for short distances.

To effectively mitigate traffic congestion, a holistic strategy should be employed First and foremost,improving public transportation is crucial This includes increasing the frequency, reliability, andcoverage of buses and trains, making them a more attractive option than driving For instance,dedicated bus lanes can ensure faster travel times for public transport, potentially luring commutersaway from private cars This measure should be executed in tandem with developing safe andextensive networks for pedestrians and cyclists, which could encourage more people to choose thesemodes of transport for shorter trips

Of course, these solutions are not without challenges Upgrading public transport systems andinfrastructure requires significant investment, which may not be immediately feasible for all cities

To overcome this, public-private partnerships could be explored as a means to fund and acceleratethese developments Furthermore, transitioning to a less car-dependent culture would demand a shift

in public mindset, which can take time To expedite this cultural change, governments couldimplement policies such as congestion charges in city centers or provide incentives for using publictransportation and non-motorized transport options

In conclusion, the issue of traffic congestion in urban areas is multifaceted, arising from reliance on private vehicles and inadequate infrastructure for alternative modes of transport.Addressing it would require a comprehensive strategy that focuses on improving publictransportation, infrastructure for walking and cycling, and gradually shifting public attitudes

over-Word count: 354 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

to call nations into collectively combating global problems

There is no denying the inherently global nature of most contemporary problems Climate change is

a perfect example, affecting every corner of the planet, from melting polar ice caps to rising sealevels threatening coastal communities Obviously, no single country, no matter how powerful orresourceful, can tackle climate change alone By the same token, the COVID-19 pandemic, whichswept across the globe, highlighted the necessity of international collaboration Sharing informationabout the virus, coordinating lockdowns and travel restrictions, and distributing vaccines are just afew examples of how countries need to work together to manage such crises effectively

However, rallying the entire international community around a unified strategy for these issues is

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often a daunting task Every country has its own set of priorities and interests, which often leads toconflicts in global decision-making processes Economic interests, for example, can hinderenvironmental initiatives, as seen in international climate negotiations where industrialized anddeveloping nations often clash over emission reduction targets and financial responsibilities It is alsonoteworthy that political differences and historical animosities can impede the formation of acohesive global front to tackle these pressing issues This discord can significantly delay, if notentirely derail, the implementation of effective solutions.

To summarize, issues like climate change and global pandemics know no borders and thus can only

be addressed with a united global response Nevertheless, achieving this level of cooperation ischallenging due to differing national priorities and political landscapes

Sample band 9 (TR 9 – CC 9 – LR 9 – GRA 9)

Word count: - Written by Thanh Nguyen

(11) 7/10/2023

Some people think parents should read or tell stories to children Others think parents do not need to do that as children can read books or watch TV, movies by themselves Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Ver 1

While some people believe parents should actively read or narrate stories to their children, othersadvocate for allowing kids to independently engage with books, television, or movies This essaywill closely examine both viewpoints and conclude that I agree with the latter

On one hand, some argue that children can easily read books or watch TV and movies bythemselves This view holds that in our digital age, with easy access to a wide array of media,children can self-explore stories that interest them Proponents of this idea suggest that thisindependence can foster self-reliance and encourage children to develop their own tastes andpreferences For example, a child choosing their own book or TV show might gravitate towardssubjects they find intriguing, thereby cultivating a more personalized and meaningful relationshipwith media and literature

However, I side with those who say that the benefits of parents reading or telling stories to theirchildren far outweigh the advantages of the aforementioned autonomous approach First, thisinteraction is not just about storytelling, but also about a bonding experience that fosters emotionaland social development When a parent reads to a child, it provides a sense of security and comfort,building a strong foundation for a healthy parent-child relationship Additionally, unlike passivelywatching a screen or reading, listening to a parent narrate a story involves interactive elements, withparents explaining concepts, answering questions, and discussing moral lessons This is ofparamount importance to nurturing critical thinking and comprehension skills in their child

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In conclusion, while children have the capacity to explore stories independently through variousmedia, I am convinced that the benefits of parents reading or narrating stories to them are far moresubstantial Not only can this practice strengthen parent-child bonds, but it can also foster criticalthinking and comprehension skills in children.

Word count: 302 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

Ver 2

Opinions remain divided over whether parents should read or tell stories to their children, or let themexplore books, TV, and movies independently This essay will first closely examine both viewpointsbefore showing my final thoughts

Proponents of children’s independence in reading and watching media often cite the abundance ofresources available In an era where information and entertainment are at one's fingertips, childrenhave the opportunity to dive into a world of diverse content Not only can this independence fosterself-reliance, but it also allows children to develop their own tastes and preferences For instance, achild choosing their own book or TV show might stumble upon a genre or topic that ignites alifelong passion, a discovery that might not occur under parental guidance Furthermore, thisapproach is practical for busy families where parents may struggle to find time for storytelling

On the other hand, those who support parents reading or telling stories to their children underscorethe benefits that transcend mere literacy or entertainment This shared activity strengthens the parent-child bond, creating a nurturing environment that fosters emotional and social development.Storytelling by parents can be tailored to the child’s interests and comprehension level, making it aninvaluable educational tool For example, a parent reading a story can pause to explain complexconcepts, answer questions, and engage in discussions that enhance understanding and criticalthinking Additionally, the emotional connection formed during these interactions is irreplaceable,often leaving lasting memories and a lifelong love for reading

From my perspective, while recognizing the hectic schedules of modern parents, it is still crucial forthem to be involved in their children’s literary journey Balancing days where children explorereading and media independently with days when parents actively participate in storytelling can offerthe best of both worlds This approach not only accommodates the busy lives of parents but alsoensures that children do not miss out on the invaluable benefits of shared reading experiences

Word count: 324 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(12) 10/10/2023

Some people think that museums should be enjoyable places to entertain people, while others believe that the purpose of museums is to educate Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Opinions remain divided on the role of museums, with some advocating for museums as spaces ofentertainment to attract young audiences, whereas others feel that their educational purpose is more

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important This essay will first closely examine both views before showing my final thoughts.

Proponents of making museums entertaining argue that this approach is essential in capturing theinterest of young people If museums are too rigidly educational, they risk becoming unappealingand irrelevant to a younger demographic Advocates say, incorporating interactive exhibits,technology-driven displays, and engaging storytelling can transform museums into vibrant, appealingdestinations For instance, when a museum presents history through interactive virtual realityexperiences, it can become an exciting place to visit, thus attracting a wider audience

However, there is also a strong case to be made for advocating for museums as primarily educationalinstitutions Museums, in this view, serve as guardians of knowledge, offering in-depth insights intovarious aspects of history, science, and art The educational approach values authenticity and depth,presenting artifacts and exhibits in a manner that enlightens visitors Advocates of this viewpoint fearthat diluting the educational aspect for the sake of entertainment could compromise the integrity andpurpose of these institutions

In light of the aforementioned considerations, I believe museums can, and should, strive to achieve abalance between entertaining and educating By making museums entertaining, they become moreattractive to a broader, younger audience, thereby providing a greater opportunity to educate Forinstance, the Louvre in Paris has managed to blend entertainment with education by offeringengaging tours and interactive exhibits alongside its traditional displays, appealing to a wide range ofvisitors while maintaining its educational integrity

Real answer 18/11/2023 - Band 8.5 (TR 8 - CC 9 - LR 9 - GRA 9)

Word count: 276 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(13) 11/10/2023

Some people think that it is a waste of money for countries to host big sporting events like the World Cup However, others think that hosting large sporting events has a positive impact on a country Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Whether hosting major sporting events like the World Cup is a judicious investment has been a topic

of debate for years This essay will closely examine both sides of the argument, before showing myfinal thoughts

Proponents of staging international sports events often emphasize that they are a catalyst foreconomic growth Infrastructure development, such as building stadiums and improvingtransportation, not only creates jobs but also improves long-term urban planning Tourism also gets asignificant boost, with fans from around the world flocking to the host country, thereby increasingspending in hotels, restaurants, and other local businesses Moreover, hosting such events oftenelevates a country's global standing and can instill a sense of national pride among its citizens

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However, there are valid concerns about the financial implications of hosting such grandiose events.Critics argue that constructing stadiums and upgrading infrastructure demands enormous investment.

In many cases, these facilities become underused 'white elephants' after the event Additionally, thepromised economic windfall does not always materialize For example, Brazil spent approximately

$15 billion on the 2014 World Cup, yet the expected economic boom was short-lived, leaving thecountry with hefty debts and underutilized stadiums

In light of the aforementioned considerations, I believe the decision to host these events dependslargely on the economic health of the country If the national budget is already stretched thin,organizing a mega sporting event might exacerbate financial strain and lead to long-term economicburdens, as seen in Brazil's case post-World Cup However, for countries with robust financialreserves and sound economic planning, the investment can be justified These nations are betterpositioned to absorb the initial costs and can leverage the event for longer-term benefits

Word count: 280 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

On the surface, it is evident that technology has streamlined many aspects of life, ostensibly freeing

up time for leisure Automation in workplaces has replaced repetitive tasks, while smart homedevices like robotic vacuum cleaners and programmable appliances have reduced the time spent ondomestic chores Online shopping and banking have eliminated the need for time-consuming trips tostores and banks Indeed, these conveniences have theoretically provided us with more hours in theday to pursue leisure activities

However, my observation is that, for most people, technology has paradoxically encroached upontheir free time rather than expanded it The pervasive presence of smartphones and the internet hascreated a culture of constant connectivity, blurring the lines between work and leisure Professionalsoften find themselves answering work emails or participating in virtual meetings outside oftraditional working hours, thereby extending their workday In addition, the advent of social mediaand online entertainment has created a form of digital addiction, where free time is spent scrollingthrough endless feeds or binge-watching series, rather than engaging in more fulfilling or restfulactivities

In conclusion, while technological advances have theoretically provided tools to reduce time spent

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on daily tasks, the reality is that they have also contributed to a culture of constant engagement anddigital dependency Rather than enjoying more free time, many find themselves caught in a cycle ofincreased work demands and digital consumption, suggesting that the prediction of more leisure time

in the 21st century has not fully materialized in the way it was expected

Word count: 289 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

One primary reason for this increased difficulty is the sudden shift in academic independence andresponsibility At school, students are typically provided with a structured learning environment,where teachers closely monitor their progress, giving regular reminders of assignments and tests.However, upon entering university, they are thrust into a world where they must take full charge oftheir schedules and workload The lack of constant supervision can be overwhelming, leading toprocrastination and poor time management In addition to this, the complexity of university courses,which require more critical thinking, independent research, and technical skills, can be a steeplearning curve for many students Unlike school, where learning is often more about memorization,higher education also demands in-depth understanding and application, which can be intimidatingand challenging to adapt to

To mitigate these challenges, universities and colleges should implement strategies to better preparestudents for the rigors of higher education First, it is imperative that they offer orientation programsspecifically tailored to equip students with the necessary skills for higher academic pursuits Theseprograms could encompass modules on effective time management, research methodologies, andcritical thinking, thereby bridging the gap between school and university study techniques Such ameasure should be executed in tandem with establishing mentorship programs Pairing incomingstudents with seniors or academic advisors can provide them with a guiding figure, someone to offerinsights into effective study habits, course navigation, and even stress management Such a two-pronged measure could go a long way towards ensuring that students can navigate through highereducation successfully

To summarize, the leap from school to university or college can be a daunting transition due to theincreased responsibility and the complexity of tertiary education However, through the introduction

of targeted orientation programs and comprehensive mentorship, universities can support students toadapt more effectively to the demands of higher education

Sample band 9 (TR 9 - CC 9 - LR 9 - GRA 9)

Word count: 348 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(16) 21/10/2023 (Computer-based)

Trang 17

In some countries, there has been an increase in the number of parents who educate their children themselves at home instead of sending them to school Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

It is widely recognized that homeschooling has gained traction in several countries as an alternative

to traditional schooling From my perspective, however, educating children at home can do moreharm than good

One common argument in favor of homeschooling is its cost-effectiveness compared to formalschooling Nevertheless, this view oversimplifies the true financial demands of homeschooling.While parents may save on school fees, they often incur significant costs in purchasing educationalmaterials, software, and other resources typically provided by schools Moreover, one parent mayneed to reduce their work hours or leave their job altogether to focus on teaching, leading to apotential loss of income This financial aspect can be a substantial burden for families, makinghomeschooling less economical than initially thought

Another purported benefit of homeschooling is the safe and secure learning environment it canprovide While it is true that children are shielded from various negative influences and bullying, thisoverprotection can have its downsides It potentially deprives children of vital social interactions andreal-world experiences necessary for developing coping mechanisms and resilience Schoolenvironments, despite their challenges, offer myriad opportunities for children to navigate socialdynamics, resolve conflicts, and build relationships - skills crucial for their future

Furthermore, homeschooling is often praised for its tailored educational experience This,nonetheless, assumes that all parents have the necessary pedagogical skills and in-depth subjectknowledge, which is not always the case While parents undoubtedly have their children's bestinterests at heart, they may not always be equipped to provide a comprehensive and balancededucation This lack of professional teaching expertise can inadvertently limit the child’s academicdevelopment and exposure to a wide range of perspectives and ideas

In conclusion, while homeschooling presents certain benefits, the overall picture suggests that itsdisadvantages far surpass these benefits Financial burdens, lack of social interaction, and potentialgaps in educational quality are significant concerns that challenge the effectiveness ofhomeschooling as an alternative to traditional schooling

Word count: 323 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

Trang 18

On the one hand, some prioritize the protection of animals which directly benefit humans, eithereconomically or ecologically This viewpoint stems from the belief in practical conservation, whereresources are directed towards species that contribute to human welfare, like bees for pollination orcertain fish for food However, this perspective overlooks the intricate interconnectedness ofecosystems Each species, no matter how seemingly insignificant, plays a uniquely vital role in theecosystem The loss of one species can give rise to unforeseen consequences in the food chain,potentially affecting human life as well For instance, the extinction of a single predator can lead to

an overpopulation of its prey, which may then consume more vegetation, thereby altering thelandscape and impacting other species, including humans

On the other hand, others argue for saving all animals in danger of extinction, emphasizing the moraland ecological responsibility to preserve biodiversity Every species, they say, has an intrinsic valueand right to exist While this is an ideal approach, it faces practical challenges, especially inresource-limited settings For countries grappling with economic challenges, allocating substantialfunds and resources to protect every threatened species can be overwhelming One example of this isMadagascar, which, despite having a rich biodiversity, struggles to fund conservation efforts due toits economic situation

From my standpoint, it is imperative to strive for the protection of all endangered species Theecological balance and the long-term health of our planet depend on biodiversity Recognizing thatnot all countries have the means to undertake such extensive conservation efforts, internationalsupport and collaboration can play a crucial role Developed nations and global organizations shouldassist financially and technically in conserving endangered species worldwide This collective effort

is not just for the animals' sake but also crucial for the continued well-being of the human race

Word count: 339 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(18) 25/11/2023 (IDP Phan Bội Châu)

Some people think that lawbreakers should be sent to prison However, others think that better talents among those should be made to work Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

In the debate over criminal justice, opinions diverge significantly regarding the most effectiveresponse to lawbreaking While some advocate for imprisonment, others propose utilizing the skills

of talented offenders in a work-based setting

Advocates for harnessing the skills of talented lawbreakers argue that this approach can yieldpractical benefits for society For instance, a skilled hacker might be better employed instrengthening cyber security rather than languishing in a cell This perspective rests on the belief thatreformation and contribution to society are more constructive than mere punishment However, thisargument is flawed, as it risks undermining the law's authority By offering a 'work option' to skilledlawbreakers, a dangerous precedent is set, potentially encouraging crime among those who believetheir talents might exempt them from traditional punishment

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On the other side of the argument, many insist that lawbreakers, regardless of talent, should faceprison sentences This view upholds the principle that justice should be blind and all should betreated equally before the law Prison, in this view, serves as a deterrent and a means of protectingsociety For example, incarcerating a talented but corrupt financial advisor safeguards the publicfrom further fraud Nevertheless, this approach can be criticized for its potential to waste humanresources Talented individuals languishing in prison might represent a lost opportunity for socialcontributions, and the costs of incarceration can be significantly high.

In light of the aforementioned considerations, I would advocate for a balanced approach Whileprison should remain a key component in our justice system, especially for serious and violentcrimes, there should also be room for alternative measures These could include work programs fornon-violent, skilled offenders, where their talents can be utilized for social benefit under strictsupervision This approach not only aids in the offender's reintegration but also contributes positively

Primarily, the allure of the familiar diminishes for locals For tourists, museums and historical sitesoffer a novel glimpse into the history and culture of a new place In contrast, local residents,habituated to their presence, often overlook these treasures, perceiving them as mundane fixturesrather than places of interest This disparity is akin to how residents of a scenic mountain town mayoverlook the natural beauty around them, a phenomenon tourists find captivating Additionally,museums and historical sites often gear their narratives and exhibits towards tourists, focusing on ageneralized, sometimes superficial portrayal of history and culture which may fail to resonate withlocals who seek a deeper, more nuanced connection with their heritage

To reverse this trend, a multifaceted approach is required Museums and historical sites should tailorsome experiences specifically for locals This could involve exhibits that delve into less-known localhistory or interactive sessions that involve community members in curating their narratives Ofcourse, one might argue that these initiatives might face financial constraints, as they might notgenerate as much revenue as tourist-centric programs This, however, is far from insoluble.Partnerships with local educational institutions and businesses could provide financial support and asteady stream of local visitors

In conclusion, while tourists often flock to museums and historical sites seeking cultural enrichment,

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locals may overlook these resources due to familiarity and a lack of tailored engagement By creatingexperiences that resonate more deeply with local communities and finding sustainable financialmodels to support these initiatives, these sites can become vibrant centers of learning and pride forboth tourists and locals alike.

Word count: 302 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(20) 29/10/2023 (BC)

In some countries, celebrities complain about the way the media publicizes their private lives Some people say that they should accept it as part of their fame To what extent do you agree

or disagree?

The debate over the extent to which celebrities should tolerate media intrusion into their private lives

is a polarizing one While some argue that sacrificing privacy is a part of fame, I wholeheartedlybelieve that celebrities, like any individual, are entitled to their personal space

Granted, public scrutiny often goes hand in hand with fame Fame invariably puts individuals underthe microscope, with fans and media alike showing a keen interest in their personal lives Thisheightened attention can be seen as a trade-off for the wealth and privileges that come with celebritystatus For instance, high-profile figures often receive lucrative endorsement deals and opportunitieslargely because of their visibility and public interest in their lives In this light, media attention, even

if sometimes intrusive, can be considered a component of the fame package

However, the right to privacy remains a fundamental human right, and celebrities are no exception.The incessant hounding by paparazzi and the relentless scrutiny by tabloids cross the line fromprofessional interest to personal invasion, more often than not Not only does such invasivenesscause distress to the celebrities, but it can also set a worrying precedent It implies that intruding intosomeone's personal life is acceptable, as long as that person is in the public eye This mindset cantrickle down to the general public, fostering a culture where privacy is undervalued, and personalboundaries are disrespected

In conclusion, while public interest in celebrities' lives is part of the fame they enjoy, this should notcome at the cost of their right to privacy Respecting personal boundaries is important, not just forthe well-being of these public figures but also for setting a healthy social standard regarding privacy.After all, celebrities, like any other individuals, deserve the freedom to live their lives without undueintrusion

Real answer 3/12/2023 - Band 8.5 (TR 9 - CC 9 - LR 9 - GRA 8)

Word count: 298 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

Trang 21

Environmental challenges have increasingly impacted human life While global efforts to addressthese issues have emerged, actual solutions remain scarce This essay will first outline the underlyingreasons for the limited number of solutions before proposing some practical measures to mitigateenvironmental problems.

One primary reason for the scarcity of effective solutions is the complexity of environmental issues.Problems like climate change and biodiversity loss are not confined to single regions but are global

in nature, requiring coordinated international efforts This complexity is compounded by differingnational interests and economic priorities, making it challenging to reach consensus on globalsolutions For example, while developed countries might advocate for stringent environmentalregulations, developing countries often prioritize economic growth, perceiving environmentalmeasures as a hindrance

The key to solving these problems lies in collaborative, tailored approaches Developing countriesshould focus on sustainable development This means adopting green technologies and practices thatare both environmentally friendly and economically viable For instance, investing in renewableenergy sources like solar or wind power can reduce dependence on fossil fuels without hinderingeconomic growth Additionally, implementing education and awareness programs about sustainablepractices can empower communities to make environmentally friendly choices

Developed nations, on the other hand, have a different role They should lead by example in reducingcarbon footprints and invest in research and development of sustainable technologies Moreover,these nations should support developing countries through funding, technology transfer, andknowledge sharing An example of this is the Green Climate Fund, which aims to assist developingnations in adapting to and mitigating climate change impacts

To summarize, the scarcity of solutions to environmental problems is rooted in the complexity of theissues Addressing these challenges requires a concerted effort, with developed countries leading ininnovation and support, and developing nations focusing on sustainable growth Only through suchtailored strategies can a balance between environmental conservation and economic development beachieved

Word count: 315 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

Opponents of online education often cite a lack of personal interaction and the potential for

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diminished educational quality The absence of face-to-face communication with professors andpeers can lead to a sense of isolation and a less engaging learning experience Furthermore, criticsargue that online courses might not offer the same depth of understanding as traditional classes, due

to limitations in practical, hands-on experiences and immediate feedback

However, these problems are manageable with today’s technological advances Digital platformsnow facilitate interactive learning experiences that closely mirror classroom settings Features likevideo conferencing, online discussion forums, and real-time feedback systems create a collaborativeand dynamic learning environment Moreover, online courses often provide opportunities for morepersonalized learning, allowing students to progress at their own pace and revisit complex topics asneeded

Furthermore, the benefits of online courses are substantial Primarily, they offer unparalleledflexibility, making education accessible to those who might otherwise be unable to attend universitydue to geographical, financial, or time constraints For instance, a working professional or a parentcan pursue higher education without the need to relocate or significantly alter their daily routine.Additionally, online courses expose students to a global perspective Learners from diversebackgrounds can interact, fostering a more inclusive and broad-minded educational experience Thisglobal networking is an invaluable asset in our increasingly interconnected world

In conclusion, while online university courses may raise certain concerns, these are outweighed bytheir adaptability to modern technological solutions and the significant advantages they offer Thesecourses break down traditional barriers to education, making learning more accessible, flexible, andglobally oriented As such, the shift towards offering online courses is a decidedly positivedevelopment in the realm of higher education

Word count: 313 – Written by Thanh Nguyen

(23) 3/11/2023

It is more important to spend public money on promoting a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on treatment of people who are already ill To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Whether public funds should be primarily allocated to promoting healthy lifestyles to prevent illness

or to treating those already ill has been a topic of debate lately While acknowledging the rationalebehind prioritizing preventive measures, I lean towards a more balanced approach, emphasizing theimportance of both prevention and treatment

Advocates for proritizing funds towards promoting a healthy lifestyle might argue that prevention ismore cost-effective than cure Educating the public about healthy living, they say, can reduce theoverall incidence of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart conditions, which are often theresult of poor lifestyle choices For instance, campaigns encouraging regular exercise and balanced

Ngày đăng: 30/01/2024, 14:53

