Luật Hợp đồng là một phần quan trọng của pháp luật dân sự và thương mại, quy định về quá trình tạo ra và thực hiện các hợp đồng giữa các bên. Mục tiêu chính của Luật Hợp đồng là xác định và bảo vệ quyền và nghĩa vụ của các bên trong quá trình ký kết và thực hiện hợp đồng.
Trang 1Chapter 5
Security for performance of contract
5.1 Definition of security for performance of
! Securities for the performance of a civil obligation are contingency measures, agreed upon by the contractual parties to ensure the interests of the obligee Accordingly, the obligor grants the obligee the right to sell of the property under the obligor’s ownership to deduct the value of the obligation in the event such obligation is breached.
5.2 Characteristics
! Rising upon the agreement of parties.
! Being contingency, against the risks (not replacing the
! An obligation may be fully or partly secured, as agreed or as
provided by law If there is no agreement on or if the law does
not provide, the scope of the security, the obligation, including
the obligation to pay interest and to compensate for any damage,
shall be deemed to be fully secured
Trang 25.3 Collateral
! Collateral must be under the ownership rights of the securing party,
except for the cases of lien on property or title retention
! Not being the subject of a dispute relating ownership.
! Collateral may be described generally but must be identified
! Collateral may be existing property or off-plan property.
! The value of collateral may be greater, equal or smaller than the value
of the secured obligation
! Single item of property may be used as security for performance of
several obligations (Art 296 C.C 2015)
5.4 Effectiveness against third parties
Art 297 C.C 2015
! Security shall take effect against a third party from the time of
registration of such security or the secured party keeps or possess the collateral.
! When the security takes effect against a third party, the secured
party is entitled to reclaim the collateral and the payment prescribed in Article 308 of this Code and relevant laws.
Trang 3! Registration of security:
! Art 298 C.C 2015
! Decree No 21/2021/NĐ-CP
! Decree 107/2017/NĐ-CP
5.5 Measures of Security
! 1 Pledge of property: Art 309
! 2 Mortgage of property: Art 317
! 3 Deposit: Art 328
! 4 Security collateral: Art 329
! 5 Escrow deposit: Art 330
! 6 Title retention: Art 331
! 7 Guarantee: Art 335
! 8 Fidelity guarantees: Art 344
! 9 Lien on property: Art 346
Case law
! Practice in class.
Trang 4Thank you for your concentration