Luật Hợp đồng là một phần quan trọng của pháp luật dân sự và thương mại, quy định về quá trình tạo ra và thực hiện các hợp đồng giữa các bên. Mục tiêu chính của Luật Hợp đồng là xác định và bảo vệ quyền và nghĩa vụ của các bên trong quá trình ký kết và thực hiện hợp đồng.
Trang 1Chapter 4
Invalidity of contract
Trang 21 Invalid Contract
What is an invalid contract?
S Civil transactions which fail to satisfy any one of the conditions specified in Article 117 of this Code shall be invalid.
Trang 3Causes lead to Invalid Contract
(Art 123-Art 133 , 408 C.C 2015)
morals (A.123)
S Invalidity of civil transactions established and performed byminors and persons having lost their capacity for civil acts orhaving had their capacity for civil acts restricted (A.125)
Trang 4S Invalidity of civil transactions entered into by persons incapable of being aware of or controlling their acts (A.128)
S Invalidity of civil transactions due to compliance with form (A.129)
non-S Invalidity of civil contracts due to impossibility
of performing subject matter (A.408)
Causes lead to Invalid Contracts
Trang 52 Cases lead to
Invalid contract
Trang 6Article 125 Invalidity of civil transactions established and performed by minors or legally incapacitated persons or persons with limited cognition and behavior control or persons with limited legal capacity
S 1 When a civil transaction is established or performed by
a minor, a legally incapacitated person, a person with limited cognition and behavior control, or a person with limited legal capacity, a court shall, at the request of the representative of that person, declare such transaction invalid, if it is provided for by law that such transaction must be established and performed by or with the consent
of the representative of that person, except for the cases prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.
Trang 72 A civil transaction of a person prescribed in Clause 1 of thisArticle shall not be invalid in any of the following cases:
S a) The civil transaction of a child less than 6 years of age or alegally incapacitated person established for his/her dailyneeds;
S b) The civil transaction only either arising rights orexempting from obligations for the minor, the legallyincapacitated person, the person with limited cognition andbehavior control, the person with limited legal capacity andtheir contracting parties;
S c) The civil transaction of which validity is recognized by theperson established such transaction that become an adult orrestore his/her legal capacity
Trang 8Article 128 Invalidity of civil transactions established by person lacking in cognition and
behavior control
S A person who has legal capacity but has entered into a civiltransaction at the time of he/she is lacking in cognition andbehavior control shall have the right to request a court todeclare such civil transaction invalid
Trang 9Article 123 Invalidity of civil transactions due
to breach of legal prohibitions
or contravention of social ethics
S Civil transactions with objectives and contents which breach legal prohibitions or which contravene social ethics shall be invalid
S Legal prohibitions mean provisions of law which do not
permit entities to perform certain acts
S Social ethics are common standards of conduct as betweenpersons in social life, which are recognized and respected bythe community
Trang 10Case 1
S What is “Social Moral”?
Trang 11Case 1: Agreement on transferring husband for 50
million VND
S In 1992, Mr A moved in Mrs B’s house and they live together as husband and wife They’ve had common properties and 3 children.
S In 2010, Mr A had started a sentimental relationship with
Ms C, who was a single woman After knowing that Mr A was living with Mrs B as husband and wife, Ms C suggested with Mr A and Mrs B that they would set up an agreement on transferring Mrs.B’s husband to Ms C with the value 50 million VND They agreed and concluded into a written contract with signatures of three persons.
Trang 12Case 1 (cont.)
S In 2012, after having a period of time living together, Mr A and Ms Chad had many contradictions, and Mr A quitted living with her Ms Ccame to see Mrs.B, and asked her to return her 50 million VND for Mr.A’s leaving, but Mrs B did not accept
S In 2013, Ms.C, on her own, amended the content of the contract, byadding to it the phrase “Ms C agrees to give Mrs B a loan of 50million VND The term of the loan is one year.” Then she brought thelawsuit to the Court for recovering the amount of 50 million VND andthe penalty for late payment up to 11 million VND from Mrs B
Trang 13Case 1_Questions
S 1 Is the contract valid or invalid? And why?
S 2 In your opinion, how should the Court settle this dispute?
Trang 14Article 124 Invalidity of civil transactions due
to falsification
S 1 If the parties falsely enter into a civil transaction
for the purpose of concealing another transaction,
the false transaction shall be invalid and the
concealed transaction remains valid, unless it is
also invalid under the provisions of this Code or
Trang 15Article 129 Invalidity of civil transactions due to
non-compliance with form
1 If the form of a civil transaction, required to be established
in writing, does not comply with regulations of law, but a party or the parties has/have fulfill at least two third of the obligations in the transaction, a court, at his/her/their request(s), shall issue a decision on recognition of the
2 If the form of a civil transaction, required to be established
in writing, violates against regulations on notarizing or
authorization, but a party or the parties has/have fulfill at
least two third of the obligations in the transaction, a
court, at his/her/their request(s), shall issue a decision on recognition of the validity of such transaction In this case, the parties need not perform the notarizing or authorization.
Trang 16Article 126 Invalidity of civil transactions due to
S 1 If there is a misunderstanding in a civil transaction that make a party or the parties fails to meet the objectives of the transaction establishment, the mistaken party shall have the right to request a court to declare such transaction invalid, except for the case prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article.
S 2 A civil transaction having misunderstanding shall not be invalid if the parties may meet the objectives of the transaction establishment or the parties may correct the misunderstanding resulting in the achievement of the objectives of the transaction establishment.
S Chỉ yêu cầu tuyên bố vô hiệu trong TH này trong khi ko đạt được mục đích giao kết.
S Đa số TH là lỗi hỗn hợp (không phân định ai có lỗi)=> Bác yêu cầu
Trang 17Article 127 Invalidity of civil transactions due to
deception, threat or compulsion
deception, threat or compulsion has the right to request a court
to declare such transaction invalid
party or a third person for the purpose of misleading the otherparty as to the subject, the nature of the entity or contents ofthe civil transaction which has caused the other party to enterinto such transaction
act of a party or a third person which compels the other party toconduct the civil transaction in order to avoid danger to the life,health, honor, reputation, dignity and/or property or that of itsrelatives
Trang 18Case 2
A 500-million VND contract on selling a soft drink bottle
and a fly within
S On 5th December, 2014, Mr Minh made a phone call to Tan Hiep Phat Trading and Service Limited Company
(THP), a Vietnamese company having a reputation in
producing and trading beer & beverage, to announce that
he was keeping a brand new THP’s soft-drink bottle which was having a fly inside.
S Mr Minh offered THP to buy such bottle at the price of
500 million VND In case THP would not want to buy it back, Mr Minh would report to the authorities and media which could harm THP’s reputation.
Trang 20Article 408 Invalidity of civil contracts due to
impossibility of performing subject matter
S 1 If, immediately as from the time a contract is signed, it is impossible
to perform the subject matter of the contract for objective reasons, the
contract shall be invalid.
S 2 If, when entering into a contract, one party knew or should have
known that it was impossible to perform the subject matter of the
contract for objective reasons but failed to notify the other party which
entered into the contract, the former party must compensate the latter
party for damage, unless the latter party knew or should have known
that it was impossible to perform the subject matter of the contract.
S 3 The provision in Clause 1 and Clause 2 of this Article shall also
apply to a contract containing one or more parts with subject matter
which is impossible to perform, but the remaining parts of the contract
shall remain valid.
Vd: Ông A hẹn ông B kí hợp đồng mua cam vào 17/10, ngày 15/10 ông A đi Đồng NAi có việc và tối hôm đó bị bão hư hết cam, ông A không biết
và vẫn đi kí hợp đồng vào 17/10 => hợp đồng vô hiệu vì ngay từ ngày giao kèo thì đã không thể thực hiện được.
đối tượng không thể thực hiện được
Trang 213 Time-limit for requesting court to
declare civil transaction invalid
S 1 The time limit within which a request may be made to a court to declare a civil transaction invalid as specified in Articles 125 thru 129 of this Code shall
be two (2) years as from the date on which:
S a) The representative of a minor, a legally incapacitated person, a person with limited cognition and behavior control or a person with limited legal capacity knows and should know the ward established and/or performed the transaction himself/herself.
S b) The mistaken or cheated person in a transaction knows and should know that such transaction is established due to misunderstanding or cheating;
S c) The person that threatened or compelled other persons in a transaction put
an end to such acts;
S d) The person lacking in cognition and behavior control establishes his/her transaction;
S dd) The civil transaction is established in non-compliance with form
Trang 22S 2 After the time limit prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article,
if there is still no request for declaring civil transactioninvalid, such transaction still remains valid
S 3 For civil transactions specified in Articles 123 and 124 ofthis Code, the time limit for requesting a court to declare
such civil transactions invalid shall not be restricted.
Trang 244.1 Consequences to contractual
Article 131 C.C 2015
S An invalid civil transaction shall not give rise to, change or
terminate any civil rights and obligations of the parties as from the
time the transaction is entered into
S When a civil transaction is invalid, the parties shall restore
everything to its original state and shall return to each other what
they have received
S If the restitution is not able to make in kind, it may paid in money
by the value of the property (in Vietnamese version of C.C 2015:
“trị giá thành tiền để hoàn trả”)
S The party at fault which caused damage must compensate
không hoàn trả bằng tiền mà định giá bằng tiền để hoàn trả (không trả theo giá hợp đồng vì đã có lợi nhuận do đó chỉ trả tiền vốn.
Trang 254.2 Consequences to bona fide third parties
Art 133 C.C 2015
S 1 In cases where a civil transaction is invalid but the transacted property being a moveable property is not required to be registered and such property has already been transferred to a bona fide third party through another transaction, the transaction with the third party shall remain valid, except for the case specified in Article 167 of this Code.
S 2 In cases where a civil transaction is invalid but the transacted property is registered at a competent authority and such property has already been transferred to a bona fide third party through another transaction which is established according to that registration, such transaction shall remain valid.
S In cases where the transacted property which is required to be registered has not registered at a competent authority, the transaction with the third party shall be invalid, except for cases the bona fide third party received such property through an auction or a transaction with an another party being the owner of such property pursuant to a judgment or decision of a competent authority but thereafter such person is not the owner of the property as a result of the judgment or decision being amended or annulled.
Trang 264.2 Consequences to bona fide third parties
Art 133.3.
S The owner of a property shall have no right to reclaim theproperty from the bona fide third party if the transactionwith such party remains valid as prescribed in Clause 2 ofthis Article, but the owner may proceed against the party atfault to refund appropriate expenses and compensate forhis/her damage
Trang 27Case Law
S Practice in class
Trang 28Thank you for your concentration.