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Bồi dưỡng anh 7 i lsw7 unit7 transportation

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cool large new brown Vietnamese B.. cool new large Vietnamese brown C.. large new cool Vietnamese brown D.. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets.1.. Re

UNIT 7: TRANSPORTATION LESSON Lesson summary VOCABULARY – CD2-11 Word/Phrase boarding pass (n) Meaning Example a card that you must show before May I see your boarding pass? /ˈbɔːrdɪŋ pæs/ passport (n) getting on a plane or boat an official document that shows You can’t travel abroad without a /ˈpæspɔːrt/ who you are and you must show passport customs (n) when you enter or leave a country the place at a port or an airport They /ˈkʌstəmz/ where some officers check your carefully at the customs check people’s luggage luggage before you enter or leave a baggage claim (n) country the place at an airport where you We should get our luggage back at /ˈbæɡɪdʒ rɪkleɪm/ get your bags, cases, etc after your the baggage claim suitcase (n) flight has landed a case with flat sides and a handle This suitcase looks heavy, but it is /ˈsuːtkeɪs/ for storing clothes and other items actually quite light backpack (n) for longdistance travel a bag that you carry on your back /ˈbækpæk/ I’m carrying this heavy backpack on my next vacation also rucksack /ˈrʌksæk/ luggage (n) bags, cases, and other containers Please not leave your luggage /ˈlʌɡɪdʒ/ used to transport clothes and here also baggage other items /ˈbæɡɪdʒ/ GRAMMAR Possessive Pronouns Subjects I Possessive Adjectives my Possessive Pronouns mine Is that John’s backpack? we our ours you your yours they their theirs he his his she her hers it its - Whose suitcase is this? No, it’s mine (= my backpack) Is it yours? (= your suitcase) Ordering adjectives When we use more than one adjective to describe a noun, these adjectives must be used in the proper order as in the example PRONUNCIATION CD2-12 Stress in two-syllable nouns Stress in two-syllable verbs Most two-syllable nouns have stress on the first Most two-syllable verbs have stress on the syllable second syllable • brother /ˈbrʌðər/ • forget /fərˈɡet/ • table /ˈteɪbl/ • escape /ɪˈskeɪp/ • printer /ˈprɪntər/ • enjoy /ɪnˈdʒɔɪ/ • father /ˈfɑːðər • relax /rɪˈlỉks/ But: mistake /mɪ'steɪk/ Note Some words have more than one stress patterns record /ˈrekərd/ (n) record /rɪˈkɔːrd/ (v) object ˈɒbdʒɪkt/ (n) object /əbˈdʒekt/ (v) But: cancel /ˈkænsl/; copy /ˈkɒpi/ PRACTICE Pronunciation Circle the word that has a stress pattern different from the others A customs A passport A moment A finish A worry B police B power B suitcase B decide B welcome C country C advice C baggage C control C return D system D nature D machine D become D answer Vocabulary a Read the descriptions and write a suitable word or phrase from Lesson Summary on each line You need this to enter another country _ You show it and your ID card before getting on a plane _ An officer will check your luggage here before you get on the plane _ You pick up your luggage in this place at the airport _ You should bring it instead of a suitcase to go camping _ b Complete the conversation with the words or phrases in the box A boarding pass B backpack C passport D customs E suitcase Officer: Please show me your ticket and your 6) _, please Passenger: Here they are Officer: Thanks Please put your 7) _ on the scale Passenger: Do you have to weigh my 8) _? Officer: No, you can carry it to the 9) _for security checks Passenger: Thanks Officer: This is your 10) _ You’re leaving at gate 10 Please be ready at the gate by 10:30 to get on the plane Passenger: Okay Thanks a lot! Officer: You’re welcome Grammar a Choose the best options This is their / theirs problem, not our / ours My / Mine room is bigger than her / hers, but her / hers is nicer Her / Hers phone isn’t working, but my / mine is She will call you right away Their / Theirs books are different He / His book only has 150 pages while her / hers has 189 pages Give me your / yours phone number, and I will give you my / mine b Choose the best options I’m not going to wear that _ shirt to the wedding A brown ugly large old B old brown large ugly C ugly large old brown D large ugly old brown bottles Please recycle those _ bottles A awful old small yellow B awful small old yellow C small old awful yellow D awful small yellow old She is packing her clothes in a(n) _ suitcase A American beautiful new big blue B beautiful big new blue American C big beautiful blue new American D new big beautiful blue American He is carrying this _ backpack to go on a trip to the mountains this weekend A cool large new brown Vietnamese B cool new large Vietnamese brown C large new cool Vietnamese brown D Vietnamese cool large new brown 10 My sister bought a _ handbag last week A new small pink French cute B cute small pink new French C cute small new pink French D French cute small new pink Listening a Listen to two friends, Vicky and John Write T (true) or F (false) CD2-13 They’re at the customs _ John’s luggage is a big backpack _ Vicky’s suitcase looks the same as her father’s _ The other friends are in the waiting room _ They are going to the hotel by taxi _ b Listen again Match the people with their belongings There is one extra CD2-14 John Vicky Annie Tina 10 Kat Speaking Complete the conversations with the sentences in the box There are two extra sentences A I don’t know what hers looks like B Mine? Let me check Ah! It’s in my jacket pocket C She can find hers later D I can’t find our passports E Do you have our passports? F No Mine is dark red G Yes But we need to go to the baggage claim first Nick: Do we need to go through the customs again? Phoebe: 1) (Three minutes later) Nick: Now, let’s look for our luggage Oh! Is this suitcase yours? Phoebe: 2) Nick: I can’t see where it is Phoebe: Oh, my dark red suitcase is over there Can you see Helen’s luggage? Nick: 3) Phoebe: She has a light green suitcase Nick: Here it is Phoebe: 4) Nick: Yes, I have ours in my backpack, and Helen keeps hers Phoebe: Good! I have my boarding pass right here Where’s yours? Nick: 5) Writing a Put the words in the correct order to make complete sentences bag / the / one / old / small / is / green / My suitcase / Ann / uses / large/ her / old / rarely big / the / yours? / Is / old / handbag / white My / like / has / black / big / old / a / suitcase / yours / father brown / is / a / new / medium-sized / dark / backpack / He / carrying b Write sentences about five objects in your house (Ex) I like my small new gray smartphone 10 UNIT 7: TRANSPORTATION LESSON Lesson summary VOCABULARY – CD2.14 Word/Phrase frequent (adj) Meaning common or happening often Example He is a frequent visitor to the /ˈfriːkwənt/ comfortable (adj) museum giving a pleasant feeling or not Comfortable seats are available on /ˈkʌmftəbl/ reliable (adj) causing physical problems dependable, or able to be trusted /rɪˈlaɪəbl/ ticket (n) reliable a piece of paper or a card that allows A return ticket to the island is not /'tɪkɪt/ you to get on a bus or pass through a available now eco-friendly (adj) gate not harmful to the environment The eco-friendly bus service in the /ˌiːkəʊ ˈfrendli/ public (adj) /ˈpʌblɪk/ available for people to use city starts on January 1st Some people don't feel comfortable convenient (adj) using public transportation near or easy for people to get to or Our new apartment is /kənˈviːniənt/ use Bus The car rental service in the area is very convenient for the children GRAMMAR Comparison with (not) as/so as Usage to show how similar things are to show how different things are Form as + adj + as Example New train stations are as convenient as the old ones not as/so + adj + as Buses are not as/so comfortable as taxis PRONUNCIATION  Pronouncing the consonant clusters with st CD2-15 /st/ • star /stɑːr/ • start /stɑːrt/  Pronouncing /k/ and /s/ CD2-16 /k/ carton /ˈkɑːrtn/ clue /klu:/ crop /krɒp/ /s/ cycle /ˈsaɪkəl/ circle /ˈsɜːrkəl/ circus /ˈsɜːrkəs/ PRACTICE Pronunciation a Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others A clear B eco-friendly C recycle A public B evidence C comfortable b Circle the word that has a stress pattern different from the others A public A classical A fantastic B pleasant B reliable B excited C upset C convenient C dramatic D suitcase D convenient D frequent D delighted D comfortable Vocabulary a Complete the sentences using the words from the boxes ticket reliable comfortable public These means of _ transportation are popular with everyone eco-friendly You have to show your _ before getting on the train People prefer using these _ vehicles to protect their health and the environment You should stay in this _ bed to have a good sleep Katha Airlines is one of the most _ airlines because it is rarely late b Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets I’ll pay for our movie _ (TICKET) The students have a _ ride to the countryside every weekend (FREQUENCY) Traveling by bus is not as _ as traveling by motorbike (COMFORT) Traveling by bus is not always _ because buses might be late during rush hours (RELY) Traveling by train in this country is _ Train stations are everywhere (CONVENIENCE) Grammar a Fill in the blanks with (not) as/so as The subway is the bus (not/frequent) Bicycles are motorbikes in Vietnam (not/popular) The old motorbike is the new motorbike (not/eco-friendly) The blue car is the red car (fast) Bus tickets are train tickets (not/expensive) b Write the words from the text in the correct columns Traveling by train is by plane A as comfortable B comfortable as C not as comfortable as D not comfortable Buses to Ayun Hạ Lake are those in the city A as frequent B frequent as C as frequent as D not frequent On rainy days, a bicycle is a bus A not reliable B as reliable not C as not reliable as D not as reliable as Getting around a city by car is by motorbike A as convenient as B not as convenient C not convenient as D as convenient 10 Traveling by taxi is by bus A as not cheap as B not as cheap as C as not cheap D not as cheap Reading a Read the text about means of transport Give short answers to the questions Traveling by plane is convenient because it allows US to save time A regular passenger airplane can travel Ó00 kilometers for just about an hour Although air travel is fast, the waiting time before departure can be a problem An airplane ticket could be expensive, too Driving is not as fast as flying It can take a driver about 17 hours to travel 600 kilometers That's too long for a drive Although it is not as comfortable as going by air, driving can be a great experience on a long journey You can stop by a place you like or even stay as long as you want to Trains can be as convenient as planes Although traveling by train is not as fast as traveling by airplane, a train can be reliable Trains don't often go through the city center, so they rarely get into traffic jams Besides, trains usually go through beautiful countryside, so passengers can relax and enjoy themselves with a fantastic view Going by motorbike cannot be as comfortable as driving, but a motorbike can be as reliable as a car or even an airplane A young Vietnamese man started to travel the world only on his motorbike He visited 50 countries and returned to Vietnam in June 2017 How far can a typical passenger airplane fly in an hour? _ What might be a problem when traveling by airplane? _ How long would it take to travel 600 kilometers by car? _ What can a passenger experience when traveling by train? _ How many countries did the man visit on his motorcycle? _ b Read the text about traveling in Hong Kong Write Y (yes), N (no) or NG (not given) Hong Kong is a great place to visit because there is a lot to see and Although it is an island, Hong Kong has a convenient transport system So, exploring the city is not a problem Most buses are double-deckers A double-decker is a two-floor bus A bus ticket costs from HK$2.70 ($0.34) to HK$58 ($7.39), depending on at which station you want to get off Hong Kong buses are frequent and reliable Usually, a bus leaves every eight or twelve minutes The Mass Transit Railway is popular in Hong Kong, so getting around the city is very convenient Hong Kong MTR has 10 lines, with over 90 stations An MTR leaves every two or four minutes, from 6:00 a.m to 1:00 a.m the next morning People can use Octopus Cards or Tourist Day passes to pay for tickets Hong Kong taxis are very convenient but expensive Red Taxis (in the cities), Green Taxis (in the New Territories), and Blue Taxis (on Lantau Island) are here, there, and everywhere in Hong Kong, uber is also All buses in Hong Kong are double-deckers _ Hong Kong buses leave at 8:00 or at noon _ Hong Kong MTR is easy for everyone to use _ People can use the MRT using Octopus Cards _ 10 Taxis in Hong Kong are difficult to take _ Speaking Complete the conversation using the sentences in the box There is one extra sentence A It takes about hours B Alright I'll book two bus tickets C OK Let’s book two tickets D It takes more than hours It's slower than by train E Well, we can take the train or the bus F It’s about $50 Going by bus is not as expensive as going by train; it’s only $20 Jane: How can we travel to Nha Trang from Ho Chi Minh City? Thảo: 1) _ Jane: How long does it take if we travel by train? Thảo: 2) _ Jane: That’s a long time How about the bus? Thảo: 3) _ Jane: How much is a train ticket? Thảo: 4) _ Jane: I think it’s better to go by train It’s not so cheap as bus, but it’s safer and faster Thảo: 5) _ Jane: I can’t wait for the trip Writing a Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings using (not) as/so as My bag is bigger than yours Your suitcase is newer than mine Traveling by plane and train are both safe Bicycles are slower than motorbikes A subway ticket is more expensive than a bus ticket b Compare the means of transport Use (not) as/so as and the given adjectives or adverbs cheap expensive Cost Travel time fast Bus 5,000 dong 30 minute slow Taxi 80,000 dong 20 minutes Motorbike taxi 50,000 dòng 15 minutes _ _ _ _ 10 _ UNIT 7: TRANSPORTATION LESSON Lesson summary VOCABULARY – CD2-17 Word/Phrase electronic (adj) Meaning Example having many small parts like Electronic vehicles may play an /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk/ microchips that control electricity important not know where you are transportation If you get lost, use the map app on get lost (v phr.) /get lɒst/ part in future your smartphone to find the way evidence (n) back the fact(s) making you believe I don’t think that this food can help /ˈevɪdəns/ something is true battery (n) evidence a device inside a car engine, clock, Our car won’t start because the /ˈbætəri/ phone, reason (n) electricity the cause of something /'ri:zn/ etc people get fit want to see some that produces battery is broken The higher cost is one of the reasons why some people not choose electric bicycles WRITING 1) start with what you believe 2) Give your first reason and An opinion paragraph Should students ride bicycles to school? explanations 3) Give your second reason 1) I think that students should ride bicycles to school because they and explanations 4) Give another reason and bring a lot of benefits 2) Riding a bike can help them improve their explain it 5) Conclude health They can lose weight by burning lots of calories, and their hearts and bones get stronger Such exercise can help them stay focused and learn better in class 3) Students can also save money They don’t have to pay for bus tickets When the bike is broken, it is cheaper to fix than any other kind of transport 4) The best thing is that riding a bike is good for the environment It can help reduce air pollution in the city 5) To conclude, bicycles are the best means of transport for students PRACTICE Vocabulary a Read the descriptions and write a correct word or phrase from Lesson Summary on each line The police use this to arrest a suspect An electronic device needs this to run on This is when you can't find a way out of place You need this to explain why you did something This is related to equipment that uses electricity to start b Complete the sentences with the words or phrases in the box get lost reasons evidence Smartphone _ might age after a while electronic batteries A map can help us not to _ when we are in a big city Some _ shows that cycling can help people keep fit Heavy traffic can be one of the _ for traffic jams in the area 10 Nowadays, _ devices such as tablets play an important part in our daily lives Listening a Listen to Fred talking about two means of transport Complete each gap with ONE WORD CD2-18 Self-driving cars • keep a 1) distance and avoid speeding Jetpacks • 3) for some people • 2) to use • helpful for 4) • fast • both 5) to the environment b Listen again Write T (true) or F (false) CD2-18 Self-driving cars are not as safe as other types of cars _ People driving regular cars sometimes drive faster than the speed limit _ Self-driving cars are eco-friendly because they cause fewer accidents _ A jetpack is usually for only one person to use _ 10 A jetpack is as fast as a self-driving car _ Reading a Read the text about traveling by plane Fill in each gap in the summary with ONE WORD The best transport for traveling between cities in Vietnam I think that the best transport for traveling from one city to another city in Vietnam is the airplane People can save a lot of time when they travel by air For example, it takes them about 37 hours by train but only hours by airplane to travel from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi Moreover, it is much safer to travel by airplane than any other type of transport At customs, people scan all passengers’ luggage through an X-ray machine before they get on the plane Also, passengers can’t bring any sharp objects, such as knives, scissors, and many other dangerous items on the plane to ensure security To many people, flying is relaxing They can enjoy their flight with food and drink served They can even entertain themselves by watching movies available on the plane To conclude, no other type of transport is better than airplanes to travel between cities in Vietnam Airplanes are the best for traveling between cities in Vietnam  It is 1) _ saving ♦ It is faster to travel by airplane than by train  It is 2) _ than other means of transport ♦ Passengers’ 3) _ is checked carefully ♦ Passengers can’t bring 4) _ objects on board  It is relaxing ♦ Passengers can 5) _ food and drink and watch movies during the flight b Read the text about electric scooters Circle the correct answers Many people think electric scooters are the best choice for modern life In contrast to traditional gasoline scooters, electric scooters are eco-friendlier because they not emit harmful gases into the environment Also, they can reach a higher speed but at a lower cost for battery charging compared to the price of gasoline There are many types of electric scooters for adults and kids, with some differences Electric scooters for kids are smaller, lighter and cheaper than the ones for adults They also have batteries with lower energy density Typically, they are only toys, and kids should not use them on the road Adult electric scooters are taller, heavier and have larger batteries Some have seats that are more comfortable for long rides Many people buy an electric scooter rather than a bicycle because it is more portable Electric scooters are light and small, and people can easily carry them to different places Also, riding a bike requires physical effort, and you may not want to arrive at school or work with sweaty clothes and a tired face However, in terms of cost, a bicycle might be the better choice as a basic bicycle is cheaper than an electric scooter, and more people can afford one Which is TRUE about electric scooters? A They are slower than gasoline scooters B It costs a lot to charge their batteries C They are friendly to the environment D They release harmful gases What does the bold word “they” refer to? A people B electric scooters C gasoline scooters D gases How the batteries of scooters for adults differ from those of scooters for kids? A lighter and cheaper B smaller and longer C lower in energy density D higher in energy density Which is "portable” closest in meaning to? A easy to carry B hard to carry C easy to fix D cheap 10 Why people prefer electric scooters to bicycles? A Electric scooters are expensive B Many people can afford electric scooters C Riding electric scooters is not tiring D Bicycles are cheap Speaking Talk about your favorite type of transportation (e.g bicycle, bus, taxi, plane, etc.) using the prompts  name of the transportation  why you like it  when you use it Writing a Read the paragraph about why students in the city should not ride bicycles to school Complete the paragraph using the phrases in the box A they have to get up early to get to school I think students in the city should not ride bicycles to on time school Students will get tired 1) _ B after riding on busy streets under the hot They may arrive at school in sweaty clothes 2) sun _ Also, riding a bike is not fast C when they are riding alongside cars, enough If the school is too far from their houses, 3) buses, and lorries D many city roads have no lanes for _ The biggest concern is that 4) bicycles E and feel uncomfortable studying in class _ Students may get into accidents 5) _ For these reasons, students in the city should use other types of transport rather than a bicycle b Write an opinion paragraph about the best type of transportation for old people to travel long distances Write 60-80 words or more _ In my writing, I use correct …  vocabulary   grammar   spelling   punctuation   linking words 

Ngày đăng: 25/01/2024, 23:20
