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Bồi dưỡng anh 7 i lsw7 unit10 energy sources

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Trang 1 UNIT 10: ENERGY SOURCESLESSON 1Lesson summaryVOCABULARY – CD2.35Word/PhraseMeaningExamplerenewable energy n /rɪˈnjuːəbl ˈenədʒi/the energy that can be used againand againWind pow

UNIT 10: ENERGY SOURCES LESSON Lesson summary VOCABULARY Word/Phrase renewable energy (n) – CD2.35 Meaning Example the energy that can be used again Wind power is an example of /rɪˈnjuːəbl ˈenədʒi/ and again renewable energy non-renewable energy the energy that cannot be used Oil is a type of non-renewable (n) again and again energy source /nɒn rɪˈnjuːəbl ˈenədʒi/ solar power (n) the energy from the Sun that We don’t have enough solar power /ˌsəʊlər ˈpaʊər/ wind power (n) people use to produce electricity in the winter the energy that people have with In the past, we used windmills to /wɪnd ˈpaʊər/ oil (n) wind make wind power a liquid that cars, motorbikes, or The United Arab Emirates is rich in /ɔɪl/ coal (n) machines use to run on oil a black mineral people use to heat In the past, people often used coal /kəʊl/ natural gas (n) their homes during a cold winter for fuel something like the air that people Russia has about 25% of the world’s /ˌnætʃrəl ˈɡæs/ hydropower (n) use for fuel natural gas electricity people generate with Hydropower can help generate a /ˈhaɪdrəʊpaʊər/ the power of water lot of electricity GRAMMAR Comparative with more than / less than We use more than and / less than to compare people or things Affirmative Negative Question Springfields produces Hambry doesn't produce Does Twin produce less more more wind power hydropower hydropower than than than Twin Peaks Highdale Springfields ? Peaks PRONUNCIATION  Stress in numbers CD2-36 Stress the first syllable of Stress the second syllable of teen numbers and ordinal numbers that are multiples of numbers ten 20 (twenty) /ˈtwenti/ 13 (thirteen) /ˌθɜːrtiɜːrˈtiːn/ 17 (seventeen) /sevn'ti:n/ 30 (thirty) /ˈθɜːrtiɜːrti 13th (thirteenth) /ˌθɜːrtiɜːrˈtiːnθɜːrti/ 17th (seventeenth) /sevn'ti:nθɜːrti/ 40 (forty) /ˈfɔːrti/ 14 (fourteen) /ˌfɔːrˈtiːn/ 18 (eighteen) / ei'ti:n/ 50 (fifty) /'fɪfti/ 14th (fourteenth) /ˌfɔːrˈtiːnθɜːrti/ 18th (eighteenth) / ei'ti:nθɜːrti/ 60 (sixty) /'sɪksti/ 15 (fifteen) /fif'ti:n/ 19 (nineteen) /.naɪn’ti:n/ 70 (seventy) /ˈsevnti/ 15th (fifteenth) /fif'ti:nθɜːrti/ 19th (nineteenth) /naɪnti:nθɜːrti/ 80 (eighty) /'eɪti/ 16 (sixteen) /sik'sti:n/ 90 (ninety) /'naɪnti/  Pronouncing /əʊ/ and /aʊ/ solar /ˈsəʊlər/ 16th (sixteenth) / sik'sti:nθɜːrti/ /əʊ cold /kəʊld/ (UK) power /ˈpaʊər/ /aʊ/ mountain /'maʊntn/ coal /kəʊl/ snow /snəʊ/ (UK) town /taʊn/ down /daʊn/ hydro /ˈhaɪdrəʊ/ low /ləʊ/ (UK) how /haʊ/ shower /ˈʃaʊər/ PRACTICE Pronunciation a Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others A now B show C cow D town A hope B note C flow D vow A window B rainbow C downtown D bungalow b Circle the word that has a stress pattern different from the others A thirteen A fifteenth B thirty B sixty C fourteenth C twenty D fifteen D ninety Vocabulary a Circle the best options _ comes from sunlight A Sun power B Hydropower C Wind power Renewable energy is also called _ D Solar power A solar power B hydropower C green power D natural power A black material people use for heating their homes during winter months is _ A natural gas B oil C coal D ink The Sun is one of the main _ A energy sources B renewable energy C green energy D non-renewable energy _ is not common in countries with little rain A Solar power B Natural gas C Wind power D Hydropower b Make complete sentences using the words or phrases in the boxes ( oil ) ( non-renewable ) ( hydropower) Coal is an example of a _ energy source ( natural gas ) ( renewable ) For transportation, _ and fossil fuels are very important Besides electricity production, _ plants can help control flood Like coal and oil, _ develops from dead plants, animals, and microorganisms 10 Wind energy is a _ energy source that we can use to produce electricity Grammar a Look at the table and circle the correct options Country India Japan Russia The UK France Percentage of recycling electronic waste 17 % 22 % 6% 57 % 56 % Source: https://theroundup.org India recycles more / less electronic waste than Russia Japan recycles more / less electronic waste than France Russia recycles more / less electronic waste than India The UK recycles more / less electronic waste than France France recycles more / less electronic waste than Japan b Look at the pie chart Complete the sentences using more or less 6 Bắc Ninh Province recycles _ plastic waste than Ho Chi Minh City Long An Province recyles _ plastic waste than Bình Duong Province Đồng Nai Province reuses _ plastic waste than Hung Yên Province Hải Phòng Province recycles _ plastic waste than Bình Duong Province 10 Ho Chi Minh City reuses _ plastic waste than Đồng Nai Province Listening a Listen to a talk about renewable energy Write T (true) or F (false) CD2-38 People are using more renewable energy nowadays Hydropower isn't a source of renewable energy Renewable energy helps fight against climate change Renewable energy could run out The cost of renewable energy changes over time b Listen to the rest of the talk Fill in each gap with ONE WORD CD2-39 Renewable energy sources less power than other sources Many people are afraid that we won’t have enough in the future The building of wind and dams affects animals’ habitats Many animals will be in danger of 10 We can't get solar power at or wind power when there is no wind Speaking Complete the presentation using the words or phrases in the box There are three extra words and phrases A oil Hello, everyone Today I'm going to talk about 1) in the B coal UK and the US The bar chart shows the use of energy in the US and C gas the UK in 2010 As we can see, oil, coal, gas, nuclear power, and 2) D the US are very important to the two countries First, look at E the UK the bars of oil and coal The US used more 3) than the F nuclear power UK American people also burned more coal than the UK Now, let's G energy use move on to 4) and nuclear power The UK needed H renewable sources more gas than the US The country also depended more on nuclear power than the US Finally, 5) used more renewable sources than the US Writing a Put the words in the correct order to make complete sentence energy / hydropower / percent / five / London / its / of / gets / from _ 20% / use / energy / less / cities / Rural areas / than _ more / produces / than / Vietnam / energy / Laos _ from / Tokyo / energy / get / coal / more / than / oil? / Does / its _ Beijing / Shanghai? / use / solar / than / Did / more / energy _ b Look at the pie charts about energy use and production in Europe in 2015 and answer the questions 6 How much energy did Europe get from oil? _ Which type of energy did Europe use less than renewables? _ How much energy did Europe produce from coal? _ Which type of energy did Europe produce more than the other types of energy? _ 10 Which type of did Europe use more than gas? _ UNIT 10: ENERGY SOURCES LESSON Lesson summary VOCABULARY – CD2.40 Word/Phrase power plant (n) Meaning Example a building where people produce In the past, people built a lot of /ˈpaʊər plænt/ electricity power a turbine that is driven by the wind countries We can see the wind turbines on wind turbine (n) /ˈwɪnd tɜːrbaɪn/ plants in developed the horizon when you look out to solar panel (n) sea a device that changes energy from Is it necessary to equip each house /ˌsəʊlər ˈpænl/ nuclear power (n) sunlight into electricity with a solar panel? nuclear energy considered as a Nuclear power is a major power /ˌnuːkliər ˈpaʊər/ source of electricity dangerous (adj) able to cause harm, death or Nuclear energy is both expensive /ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ cheap to build unpleasant problems low price to make something and dangerous Coal plants are cheap to build /tʃiːp tu: bɪld/ expensive to run costing a lot of money to operate Solar power is not expensive to /ɪkˈspensɪv tu: 'rʌn/ clean to run not dirty to operate run Nuclear power is clean to run /kli:n tu: rʌn/ noisy (adj) making a lot of noise It can be noisy to live near wind /ˈnɔɪzi GRAMMAR Conjunctions and & but source in South Korea turbines Usage We use and or but to connect two or more words, phrases or clauses and but  to add information or ideas  to introduce a different idea or information  Renewable sources are solar power and wind  Nuclear power is clean, but it is dangerous power  Non-renewable sources are oil, coal and  Motorbikes are cheap and convenient, but natural gas they cause pollution PRONUNCIATION  Sound changes CD2-41 and /ənd/ often sounds like /n/ Nuclear power is dangerous and expensive to build Solar power is clean and cheap to run  Some other examples of sound changes alone /əˈləʊn/  /ləʊn/ apply /əˈplaɪ/  /plaɪ/ around /əˈraʊnd/  /raʊnd/ alive /əˈlaɪv/  /laɪv/ about /əˈbaʊt/  /baʊt/ exactly /ɪɡˈzæktli/  /zæktli/ PRACTICE Pronunciation Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others A cover A better A option A popular A turbine B affect B noisy B pollution B expensive B problem C pollute C renewable C reason C difficult C nuclear D create D common D power D dangerous D environment Vocabulary a Match the words or phrases with their definitions run create affect wind turbine power plant b Circle the correct options a to influence b to operate c to invent something d a building where people produce electricity e a tall structure using the Solar power / coal plants are cheap and clean to run, but they are expensive to build 7 Wind turbines are also clean and cheap, but they make pollution / noise and need wind to run well People think that natural gas / oil is cleaner than coal However, it still produces a lot of pollution Hydropower plants don't cause pollution, but they aren't expensive / cheap to build 10 It can be better for countries to choose a kind / mix of energy sources Grammar a Fill in the blanks with and or but Add a comma where necessary Natural gas is cheap to build it's expensive to run Hydropower is renewable it's not cheap to build Coal is cheap and easy to use it's non-renewable Gasoline motorbikes cause pollution they are noisy to run Electric ovens are expensive they use more electricity than microwave ovens b Look at the table, tick (✓) the correct answer, cross () the wrong one and correct it Advantages use cleaner energy Disadvantages expensive to buy reduce pollution slower to run quiet to run hard to find a charging station could not travel far take more time to charge cheap to buy cause pollution faster to run pay for gas could travel far noisy to run take less time to fill up gas use non-renewable energy easy to look for a gas station Electronic cars use cleaner energy, but they reduce pollution Electronic cars are quiet to run, and they couldn't travel far Gasoline cars are cheap to buy, and it's easy to repair them It takes less time to fill up gasoline cars, and you have to pay for gas 10 Gasoline cars cause pollution, but it's easy to find a gas station Reading a Read the text about solar energy Circle the best options Among all energy sources, solar energy seems to have the least 1) effects on the environment It does not pollute the water 2) send out greenhouse gases into the air 3) from a nuclear power plant, a solar energy plant uses very little water Producing solar energy seems to make no noise That is a benefit because people living in cities tend to use a lot of solar energy You can use less energy from the supplier when you can 4) your own electricity As a result, you don’t have to pay a lot for your 5) use You can also make money by selling the electricity you don’t use back to the supplier A negative B positive C good D helpful A and B or C for D yet A Like B Unlike C Different D Alike A waste B take C buy D produce A water B electricity C Internet D natural gas b Read the text about wind farms Complete each gap in the summary with ONE WORD from the text A wind farm (wind park) is a collection of wind turbines in the same location used to produce electricity Wind farms come in different sizes A wind farm can include a small number of turbines or several hundred wind turbines covering a huge area Wind farms can be either on the land or in the sea Wind farms have a lower environmental effect than many other sources of electricity because they not require fuel For that reason, people often consider wind farms a good source of green energy However, people often criticize wind farms because they affect the landscape Normally, wind farms need more land to build than other power stations Wind farms are often in wild and rural areas, and people living in those areas believe the construction of a wind farm causes habitat loss and affects tourism A wind farm has 6) sizes Engineers can build a wind farm offshore or on 7) A wind farm does not have many 8) impacts Wild and 9) areas are suitable for building wind parks However, people are not excited about that because they think it causes habitat loss and affects the landscape and 10) Speaking Complete the conversation using the sentences in the box A Yes, they are expensive B Well, because we can use them up, Tom C Coal and oil are fossil fuels They take thousands of years to form D Because they can naturally refill themselves E Well, wind and solar power are renewable energy F No, I am afraid not They are non- renewable energy Tom: Can you me a favor, Dad? Dad: Of course What can I for you? Tom: What’s renewable energy, Dad? Dad: 1) Tom: Why we call them renewable energy? Dad: 2) Tom: How about fossil fuels? Dad: 3) Tom: Are they renewable energy, Dad? Dad: 4) Tom: Why we call them non-renewables? Dad: 5) Writing a Combine the sentences using and or but Add commas where necessary Wind energy is clean It is renewable, too Nuclear power is clean It is dangerous Energy from coal is cheap to build It is expensive to run Hydropower needs big rivers It is expensive to build Natural gas is cheap to build It creates some pollution b Make complete sentences using the prompts Use and or but and add commas where necessary Buses / be / cheap / crowded Our town / be / big and modern / it / be / noisy Nuclear power plants / produce / clean energy/ they / be / expensive to build Wind turbines / create / noise / need / windy weather / to work well 10 Hydroelectric plants / not cause / pollution / they / affect / environment UNIT 10: ENERGY SOURCES LESSON Lesson summary VOCABULARY – CD2.42 Word/Phrase expert (n) Meaning Example someone who knows a lot about a He is an expert on renewable /ˈekspɜːrt/ mayor (n) particular thing the head of government in a city energy She is the youngest mayor in the happening in the present time city's history The current renewable sources of /ˈmeɪər/ current (adj) /ˈkɜːrənt/ energy are not enough for the city  currently (adv) /ˈkɜːrəntli/ suggestion (n) something such as an idea or plan The expert made a suggestion about /səˈdʒestʃən/ suggest (v) you talk about using electric bicycles to talk about an idea or plan other A scientist suggested using solar /səˈdʒest/ people can think about power WRITING An email to the mayor 1) Writing a subject line To: mayorsalter@windrushsecondary.org 2) Greeting the Mayor 1) Subject: Change the energy we use 3) introducing yourself and telling 2) Dear Mayor Salter, why you are writing 3) I am Susan Smith I am a student at Windrush Secondary 4) Giving problems & solutions 5) Finishing the email with School 4) I am writing about the polluted air in our city Coal “Sincerely” and your full name plants around the city provide the energy for our daily use However, those plants pollute the air we breathe Unless we stop using coal, the air will get more polluted As a result, we can get more health problems We should change to renewable energy such as wind power or solar energy These energy resources are very eco-friendly By doing so, we can make our city livable 5) Sincerely, Susan Smith PRACTICE Vocabulary a Complete the text using the words in the box expert current suggest mayor suggestion Small Ville residents are worried that the 1) _ energy supplies might run out shortly That's why a(n) 2) _ on renewable energy is visiting the town next week He is going to have meetings with the 3) _ at the town hall to 4) _ a future energy plan Hopefully, his 5) _ will be helpful b Complete the sentences using the words in the boxes There is one extra word mayor current expert suggestions He wants to be a(n) _ on renewable energy reasons suggests The _ of the city visited our school last week The _ photocopier is old We need another one The council made a lot of _ for saving energy 10 He _ that people should use eco-friendly vehicles on the roads Listening a Listen to a discussion about energy Fill in each gap with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS CD2-43 Solar power  use panels  from 1) _ to electricity  low price Wind energy  generate electricity continuously  2) _ to run  produce noise Ground source heating  use heat from 3) _  become popular  not suitable in 4) _ Hydropower  from moving water to electricity  safe and reliable  affected by 5) _ b Listen again Circle the correct options CD2-44 What is the main topic of the discussion? A how people use energy in the future B how people waste energy now C how people produce energy in the future D how people use energy at home How many types of energy sources are mentioned in the discussion? A B C D 8 Which of the following energy sources is NOT mentioned in the discussion? A fossil fuels B natural gas C hydropower D solar power Which kind of energy does the expert take as an example of how people use it? A ground source heating B solar power C wind power D hydropower 10 Which of the following energy is NOT new? A hydropower B wind power C solar energy D hydropower Reading a Read the text about what makes a city green Circle the best options Saving the planet does not have to be difficult There are some suggestions for saving the Earth For example, some experts suggest that we walk more and not use vehicles too often because carbon dioxide (CO 2) from those vehicles is harmful However, it seems to be tricky for us to follow the advice There are several easy and helpful things we can at home to help save the environment Use fewer plastic containers Usually, plastic shopping bags or water bottles are single-use items In other words, we can use those containers once only They will end up in landfills when we finish using them, and will pollute the land over time Try using reusable bags, cups, or water bottles next time Use less paper Paper tissues are cheap and easy to use while we are at home However, paper production produces some gases that are harmful to the environment We sometimes overuse them for a simple purpose Try to use a cloth we can wash after use for our cleanup Avoid wasting water around the house It is not easy to know how much water we use every day We also not usually think about where our wastewater can arrive The oceans seem to be the final destinations So, use the water correctly and less wastewater will reach the seas The reason why some scientists advise using fewer vehicles is _ A to save money B to lose weight C to reduce harmful gas D to reduce traffic According to the text, following the advice of experts is _ A easy B difficult C effortless Single-use items are things we can use _ D simple A many times B more than once C more than twice D once only According to the text, plastic bags, cups, or water bottles can _ A end up in garbage dumps B make a change to the sea area C kill some sea creatures D make the beach dirty According to the text, reusable items are things we can use _ A once only B no more than once C once or twice D on one occasion only b Read the text again Write Y (yes), N (no) or NG (not given) Paper tissues are expensive and tricky to use _ It is expensive to produce paper _ It is hard to measure the amount of water for everyday use _ The wastewater will end up in the oceans _ 10 We can save the Earth by reducing household wastewater _ Speaking Complete the conversation using the sentences in the box A Why don’t we use solar energy? B How about wind power? C But like coal and oil, natural gas can cause a lot of pollution D Let’s talk about renewable energy sources in class tomorrow E We need to use less coal and oil Sam We are using a lot of coal and oil for energy in our city Kate Yeah, you’re right 1) _ They will run out one day Sam But it is very freezing cold in the winter months Kate 2) _ Sam That’s a great idea But it isn’t windy in the area Kate 3) _ Sam Solar panels produce less energy than natural gas Kate 4) _ Sam Yeah, you’re right They are causing pollution in the city Kate 5) _ Sam Okay It’s a good topic Writing a Complete the sentences in an email using the prompts I / write / about / air pollution / in our city I / would like / suggest / ways / make / the city / more eco-friendly Power from oil / be / expensive / and / cause / a lot of pollution I think / we / should / change / solar power This / will / reduce / air pollution / and / save / our money b Write an email to the mayor to talk about a problem with current energy use in your town Write 60-80 words or more In my writing, I use correct …  vocabulary   grammar   spelling   punctuation   linking words 

Ngày đăng: 25/01/2024, 23:20

