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Ôn Giữa Kì 1- Từ Vựng.docx

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1 ÔN GIỮA KÌ TỪ VỰNG 1 classes are a great way to learn how to mold and glaze clay into artistic creations A Pottery B Marble C Artefact D Statue 2 The craft village is hosting a this weekend where yo[.]

ÔN GIỮA KÌ- TỪ VỰNG classes are a great way to learn how to mold and glaze clay into artistic creations A Pottery B Marble The craft village is hosting a A competition The C Artefact D Statue this weekend where you can learn how to make pottery B workshop C challenge D journey hat, also known as a "non la," is a traditional Vietnamese hat made of palm leaves A cloth B bamboo C wool D conical BatTrang, one of the most famous traditional craft villages, is a A place of interest B preservation in Ha Noi C museum D resort Going to Non Nuoc marble village in Da Nang, we're impressed by a wide variety of marble sculptures from Buddha statues to A drumheads B skateboards Van Phuc village in Ha Noi C bracelets D scarves different types of silk products such as cloth, scarves, ties, and dresses A products B produces Every Halloween, we A weave Van Phuc A Wood C productive pumpkins to create spooky jack-o'-lanterns B carve C knit D embroider Village went into poetry and music as a beautiful cultural village of Vietnam B Silk C Stone D Clay The developments in this town will create spillovers for several A bordering D production B urban C downtown 10 The new programme aims to make the country regions D neighbouring in food production and to cut energy imports A self-sufficient B self-disciplined C self-aware D self-care 11 The Cham ethnic minority in Ninh Thuan province uses clay to make their famous A hat B lacquerware 12 Dining C painting products D pottery are typically made of cotton, a poly-cotton blend, or a plastic-coated material that can be wiped clean A handkerchiefs B tablecloths 13 The idea of making bai tho C shawls D ties was born in Tay Ho village in Hue by a craftsman who loved poems A gongs B ao dai 14 They learned to A mould C pottery D conical hats bronze into statues before they learned to polish them B sculpt 15 The curtains and the C cast D carve match well - both are made of wool and have the same colours and patterns A scarves B sweaters 16 The school diversified their A cultural B historical B artefacts 18 Most of the travel companies have A sightseeing D clothes program by organizing tours to various handicraft villages 17 The museum’s collection includes A products C carpets B visiting C scientific D educational dating back to prehistoric times C favourites D souvenirs tour of the city every morning C entertaining D travelling 19 They are famous for their handicraft products, which are mostly made by A machine B hand C engine D technology 20 Police arrested the tradesman who copied paintings of famous and passed them off as originals A skilful workers 21 B artisans C artists D craftsmen are made by pouring molten metal into a mould and allowing it to solidify A Carvings B Paintings C Knittings 22 Although Da Nang is a big city, the cost of living is A affordable 23 Perth is a very A exhausted B high D Castings C fabulous D comfortable city and I believe it to be an exciting education and tourist destination B helpful 24 This street was renowned for its C liveable D cheerful sports stores, but it’s starting to go downhill A easy-going B fashionable C frightening D annoying 25 There are also some commodities, soft drinks, fast food and A international B local 26 She is still amazed by the A sights 27 specialties in this shop C nationwide D worldwide and sounds of the city though she has lived here for five years B attractions C destinations D sites is a real problem for new graduates and unskilled workers in the country now A Pollution B Traffic jam C Unemployment D Crime 28 The household registration reform abolished the distinction between farmers and city A natives B villagers C dwellers 29 Inner city schools gleam with modern gadgetry, while A suburban B urban 30 Despite all the A conveniences 31 The D tenants schools lack basic textbooks C downtown D metropolitan , I still enjoy getting out in the countryside whenever I can B comforts C impacts D drawbacks bread we occasionally buy from the mini-mart is not French but Irish A pleased B reliable 32 I prefer using public A harbour C stressful D delicious to commuting by car because it's more convenient and cost-effective B nation 33 Living in the city offers the C transport D feature of having various restaurants and stores within walking distance A reliability 34 The B feature C convenience D nationality family's palace is a major tourist attraction and symbol of their nation's heritage A ancient B royal 35 I had to deal with lag for a few days after my return from the overseas vacation A pause B jet 36 Sydney's a metropolitan and C national C break D metropolitan D growth city, so we have a great variety of things and foods from different countries A multicultural B reliant C natural 37 He’s taking a year off before going to A nature C university B transport 38 It sounds like a good place to get A bigger B wider 39 Traveling across several time D national D harbour education I like this town! C deeper D higher can lead to jet lag as your body adjusts to the new local time A stages B places C races 40 She lives in one of the most A fashionable parts of the city: there are lots of luxury shops there B populous C stressful 41 The gallery downtown has regular exhibitions of A fashionable B stressful 42 You can't stop here Parking is A annoyed A traditional D cosmopolitan art C modern D pleasant in this street B forbidden 43 This city is very _ D zones C exciting D pleased , there are people here from all over the world B urban C cosmopolitan D fashionable 44 How annoying! The roads are crowded and I'm stuck in a A traffic B transport C stress 45 The restaurant is at the top of one of the big downtown A exhibitions jam D downtown B neighbourhoods C canals 46 We certainly don't lead a life of A fashion but we're not poor either B luxury 47 The museum hosted a big A canal C excitement A fashionable D annoyance of her work last year B luxury 48 China is the world's most D skyscrapers C fashion D exhibition country with a population of over one billion B populous C modern D luxurious 49 Working in the emergency room of a major hospital is highly A stressful 50 To the B pleasant work C luxurious D modern of many people, it now has some of the best restaurants in Europe too A argument B excitement C surprise D sight 51 London is probably most famous for its museums, galleries, palaces, and other A sights B departures C councils 52 It's the good weather that makes Spain such a popular tourist A departure B gallery C palace 53 It uses factors such as climate, transport, education, safety, and A recreate B recreation 54 Despite the high of living, London is a great place to live A factor B cost 55 The hotel offers exceptional sporting C recreational C facility D volunteers D destination facilities in cities D creative D recreation , including a 50-meter swimming pool A facilities B organizations 56 There are fabulous places for A amusement D economics and recreation B amusing 57 The city is C individuals C amuse D amused C developing D develop the fastest in the region A developed B development 58 It offers great and challenges, especially for the young A effects B accidents C drawbacks 59 Noise pollution comes from the traffic and from A construction 60 These factors B vehicle D opportunities sites C pavement D operation to making city life more difficult for its residents A construct B contribute C decrease 61 They say that a city's green space urban D develop , natural features, cultural attractions, convenience, and pollution should be added to the list A drawback B construction 62 School children in their A vehicles A attract A tense A emotional C remain A depressed A delighted C emotion D period C responsible D delightful changes as well about Joel's success in the championships B worried 67 It's very easy to get D develop between childhood and young adulthood B informative 66 The whole school is D residents the attention of the waitress B situation 65 You’ll experience 68 Stay C uniforms B increase 64 Adolescence is the D sprawl can be seen on the pavement, walking or waiting for buses B accidents 63 He waved to C operation C delighted D embarrassed in this job because of enormous pressure B frustrated C embarrassed D informed C calm D depressed C guidance D adulthood Everything will be alright! A emotional 69 When she reached _ A period B responsible , she moved away B childhood 70 It's time for someone to take A responsibility B emotion and get the job done C advice D decision 71 skills are necessary for negotiating, making networks and relationships A Emotional 72 B Social C Cognitive D Self-care skills are important for comprehension and making a correct action, as well as understanding knowledge A Cognitive 73 B Self-care C Social D Emotional control skills are necessary for rational actions in every circumstance and for making correct decisions A Social 74 B Cognitive C Emotional D Self-care is the act of becoming more independent and mature in life, developing healthy habits, and knowing what to in emergencies A Emotional B Social C Self-care 75 We need to cooperate with others and conflicts A expect C recognize B focus 76 The helpline promotes child D Cognitive D resolve in its operations by involving children as peer communicators and decision-makers A participate B participation 77 It's a free service for counselling and A protecting C participant D participated _ children and young adults in Viet Nam B protect C protection D protective 78 The calls were mostly questions about family relationships, friendships, and and mental health A protective 79 There is no B physical C magic D favorite formula for passing exams—only hard work A mental B favorable C protective 80 I prefer teaching methods that actively students in learning A involve C suffer B protect 81 My job involves D magic D communicate unemployed people on how to find work A communicating B counselling C abandoning 82 If you need support or advice, or know of someone who does, just A participate B aim 83 In a(n) , dial 911 for an ambulance A violence B trafficking 84 It was his skill as a _ D participating 18001567! C communicate D dial C emergency D sexual abuse which made the television programmes so successful A communicator B participant C protection 85 Exercises such as this help forge strong A relationships 86 The B protections D relationship within the team C violence D emergency is spending millions of dollars in its attempt to combat drug abuse A nationwide B government C relationship 87 You probably won't need to call—but take my number, just in A participation B helpline 88 The launch was assisted by A physical C favorable C beautifully 90 I enjoy working there because everyone is so B friendliness B consist A regions D beautiful C friendship 91 They are separated by about 640 km of the sea and together 92 In addition, there are other D protective of the city and by the friendliness of its people B beauty A comprise D case weather conditions 89 Maryam was really impressed by the A friend C magic B nationwide A beautiful D participant C contain D friendly an area of 329,758 sq km D include such as Buddhism and Hinduism B religions C populations 93 Maryam and Lan have been pen pals for over two years and they D vacations at least once every two weeks A correspond B populate C impress D depend 94 The girls went to see famous places in Ha Noi, areas for recreation, a place of A worship B population 95 In the 1990s the worldwide A economy 96 In C temple D impression situation got worse, and the sale of jeans stopped growing B economic C economist D economize , in my opinion, all secondary school students should wear casual clothes A conclude B conclusive 97 Some styles never go out of A conclusion 99 Let's skip the A introduction D conclusively C freedom D fashion B uniform 98 Her husband was not convinced by her A argue C conclusion B argument that they needed a bigger house C arguable D arguably and get straight down to the facts B conclusion C argument D practice 100 , ao dai was frequently worn by both men and women A Tradition B Traditional C Traditionalist 101 Many Vietnamese women today often prefer to wear A modern B modernize B occasions 103 The design and clothing at work C modernization 102 Nowadays, women usually wear it, especially on special A fashions D Traditionally D modernity C traditions D materials used for men were different from those used for women A clothing B pattern 104 The "ao dai" is as a long silk tunic with slits up the sides worn over loose pants A mentioned B described 115 Other designers have taken A inspiration 116 Another C stripe C modernized D material D inspired from Vietnam’s ethnic minorities B alternative C pattern D occasion is to add symbols such as suns, stars, crosses, and stripes A minority 117 I usually wear B tradition C poetry D alternative and a T-shirt on the weekend because they help me to attend outdoor activities easily A faded jeans B a plain suit C a short-sleeved blouse D a sleeveless sweater 118 She is one of the country's top fashion A musicians B poets C designers D writers 119 In the afternoon, as soon as he completes his homework, he feeds the chickens and their eggs A collector B collection C collects D collective 120 They walked up the mountain to visit the shrine of a Vietnamese hero and the fresh air there A relaxed B collected C enjoyed D exchanged

Ngày đăng: 17/11/2023, 07:44
