Design Basics a Design concepts and human perception b Design elements c Design principles
- skimming passages for main ideas & note-taking
- scanning to do vocabulary work and oral questions
History a Overview of interior design and some stages in design history b how architectural and interior design related to each other
- scanning to do vocabulary work
Process a Steps in an interior design process b Scope of each kindof project and professionals in a design process c Drawings used in an interior design process
- role-play in a design process
- scanning to do vocabulary work
- speaking to discuss the topicsgiven
- summary writing to build a paragraph
Compiled by Pham Thi Kim Yen ii ESP for Students of Interior-Exterior Design of Architecture University IICMC
Unit Topics Skills Language focus
Elements a Types of structural elements and materials b Material selection c Materials in relation to elements d Mart materials
- skimming passagesfor main ideasor topics
- scanning to do vocabulary work and oral questions
Color a Elements and rulesof color b Special color effects c.Color in specialized interiors
- skimming passages for main ideas
- scanning to do vocabulary work
Lighting a Relationship of vision and lighting b Daylight andartificial light c Light sources, lighting needs,selection of lighting and fixture selection
- skimming passages for main ideas and note taking
- scanning to do vocabulary work
Signage a.Furnitureand accessories: layout, function and effects b Construction and materials of furniture c.Art, accessories and signage, layout and meaning
- skimming passages for main ideas
-Adjective clauses or relative clauses 75
Spaces a Criteriafor interiors with specialized functions b Interior spaces for a specialized population c Specialized interiors d Kitchens, bathrooms, storage
- skimming passages for main ideas & note-taking
ESP for Students of Interior Design of Architecture University, IIC.MC I iii
Design a Kinds of typical public buildings b Construction and accessories c World known public interior designs
- skimming passages for main ideas and note- taking
- scanningtodo vocabulary work -reading and speaking -writing ESPjournal
-Simple, complex and compound sentences
Spaces a Widerangeofexterior spaces b Construction and materials c World known exterior spaces
- skimming passages for main ideas and note taking
- scanning to do vocabulary work
Grading, a How plumbingsystems work b Advantages of plantings and grading c Significance of the drainage system
- skimming passages for main ideas & note-taking
- scanning to do vocabulary work
Compiled by Pham Thi Kim Yen
ESP for Students of Interior Design of A.-’.hi'.ecture University, HCMC p a g e [1
Study the picture of the interior designed by Adriano Magistrett! ar.d then answers the two questions below.
1 Is this interior space appropriate for residential purposes?
2 What professions involve in designing this interior space?
A diverse array of objects creates a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, blending classical and historic elements The warm colors of wood and fabrics enhance the space, while incandescent lamps contribute to a cozy ambiance The carefully selected furnishings reflect the personality and history of the occupants, showcasing a unique style Surprisingly, this interior design is attributed to the modern designer Adriano Magistretti of Pediment Designs.
Complete the blank in each sentence below with the words or phrases given in the box The information in the sentences can be found in the text
‘ Development of interior design _ occupants’ shelter furnishings elaborate decoration elements interludes exterior nature
1 In the of things, homes mean an indoor place - an apartment or a house.
2 Walking from one place to another, attending sport events, or hiking all tend to be brief in lives spent largely inside some human — created structures.
3 Ancient and still-surviving indigenous societies developed various forms of huts, tents, igloos, tepees and yurts to solve the problems of in a particular climate with particular available materials.
4 Developing civilizations found appropriate ways of building more structures, which created their own kinds of interior space.
A Gothic cathedral's interior is intrinsically linked to its architectural structure, with elements such as stained glass, intricately carved wood, and various decorative features contributing to a harmonious design that unifies both the interior and exterior.
Page I 2 ESP for Students of Interior Design of Architecture University, HCMC
6 Until modern times, cottages and farm buildings have always been designed and built according to traditions that took into account the way of life.
7 The evolved from similar traditions, creating interiors thoroughly compatible with both the enclosing structures and the inhabitants’ needs and customs.
In today's technological world, many of us spend the majority of our lives indoors, whether in homes, schools, restaurants, or workplaces While we do enjoy outdoor activities like sports, hiking, and camping, these experiences are often brief compared to the time we spend in man-made environments Despite our love for nature, the reality is that modern life predominantly unfolds within these indoor spaces, often leaving us feeling unfulfilled.
Historically, interiors were successfully created as an integral part of building design, with ancient indigenous societies developing various shelters like huts, tents, igloos, tepees, and yurts tailored to their specific climates and available materials These communities would bring their few possessions inside, akin to how we organize our belongings while camping, resulting in interiors that were both practical and aesthetically pleasing.
Developing civilizations have crafted intricate structures that define unique interior spaces, exemplified by the inseparable relationship between a Gothic cathedral's interior and its architectural features The harmonious integration of glass, carved wood, and decorative elements creates a cohesive aesthetic both inside and outside Historically, cottages and farm buildings have been designed in accordance with traditional practices that reflect the lifestyle of their inhabitants Consequently, furnishings have evolved alongside these traditions, resulting in interiors that are well-suited to the structures and the customs of those who inhabit them.
Well-designed interiors are seldom a matter of luck; they typically stem from two main approaches The first involves hiring skilled and trained professionals who possess specialized expertise in various aspects of interior design, such as furniture, lighting, color, layout, storage, and art Just as we seek experts for medical, financial, and automotive needs, we should apply the same principle to interior design The second approach allows untrained individuals to educate themselves about effective interior design and thoughtfully navigate decision-making With dedication and effort, anyone can learn to tackle common interior challenges in both home and office settings.
ESP tor Students of Interior Design ••-'.turv University HCMC p a g e I 3
on their ideas and bring innovative concepts to life.
1 Determining how many will live in a house is also important.
2 It is essential for most students of applied design to have to aid their study
3 The furniture and appliances and other movable accessories (including and rugs) that make a home livable are considered
4 We arc impressed by the villa with a classical exterior but a modem
5 We were under a heavy rain Luckily, we noticed a bus on the roadside
6 Mona Lisa is said to be an work of art.
7 I think we should produce a and then add some more specifications.
8 They intended to build a an Indian tent on this campsite.
9 The Taj Mahal is a fine marble in India.
Skimming is an essential reading skill that enables readers to swiftly identify which section of a text pertains to a specific topic Typically, each paragraph focuses on a single subject In the article discussing "Practice of Interior Design and Types of Future Projects," readers are encouraged to discern the main topic for each paragraph presented.
1 Designing staff with experience and training are assigned to planning commercial or industrial structures.
2 It is people involved interior design who may impact its perspective.
3 There are types of licenses verifying those involved in the practice of interior design.
4 Residential design and small shops are assigned to designers with the expectation of providing personal design sendee.
5 Any professionals may be involved in the practice of interior design.
Practice of interior design and types of future projects
Until recently, interior design lacked legal regulations, allowing anyone to enter the field without formal qualifications However, an increasing number of state laws are being introduced, similar to those in many European countries, which require professional interior designers to meet specific competence standards This lack of regulation has resulted in a confusing landscape where designers with diverse backgrounds and titles undertake various projects, often without the necessary expertise.
Page I 4 ESP tor Students of Interior Design of Architecture University HCMC can sign up The following list sorts out and identifies the various professional titles in the interior field.
Space planners or office planners - Residential and contract designer
The future of interior design will be shaped by the collective choices of practitioners, clients, and the public Each individual's decisions can significantly impact the evolution of the field, ultimately determining its direction and future.
To become a licensed professional designer, individuals must pass an examination that assesses their knowledge of relevant issues, with most licensing laws requiring a combination of design education and practical experience beforehand Licensing laws can be categorized into title regulations, which restrict the use of specific titles to those who have passed the exam, and practice regulations, which dictate the types of work that only licensed designers can perform Title laws are generally more flexible, allowing anyone to practice interior design as long as they do not use the restricted title, while practical laws impose stricter controls, necessitating the seal of a licensed designer on project plans and drawings.
Large projects are primarily influenced by corporate, institutional, commercial, and governmental sponsors, typically managed by larger firms led by trained professionals such as licensed architects, engineers, and interior designers The design process is delegated to staff with varying levels of experience, specializing in areas like space planning, drafting, materials, and color selection An emerging trend is the involvement of interior design departments within large architectural firms, reflecting the evolving dynamics in the industry.
The New York apartment of the late Billy Baldwin, a renowned American decorator, showcases a vibrant and eclectic living space Dating back to the early 1960s, it features a harmonious blend of diverse elements, including modern paintings, a French provincial chair, a carved teak table, contemporary upholstery, and wall-to-wall carpeting.
ESP for Interior Design students at 'if Art.’itecturc University in HCM emphasizes the importance of active engagement in design work Effective office and space planning fosters the growth of large, specialized design organizations, enhancing students' practical skills and industry readiness.
Small design projects, such as residential designs and smaller retail shops or individual offices within larger buildings, often go unnoticed by larger design firms These firms tend to find the client interactions, supervision, and complexities associated with even minor projects too time-consuming relative to the fees In contrast, individual private clients typically seek a personalized level of design service, which larger organizations are not structured to provide, even for their more extensive projects.
Read the text ‘Practice of interior design anf types of future projects’ again
Match the subjects and verbs in A with their objects in B to make complete Staten: er.:? A
6 The individual private client usually expects
The Pantheon in Rome, constructed between AD 118 and 125, showcases a remarkable blend of prehistoric and indigenous design elements This architectural marvel serves as a testament to the ingenuity of ancient builders, reflecting their understanding of space and light By examining the Pantheon, one can uncover insights into the cultural influences that shaped its creation, providing answers to questions about its historical significance and design principles.
The Pantheon is one of the earliest all-masonry domed structures, featuring a vast interior beneath its coffered rotunda Standing 142 feet wide and 142 feet high, it is renowned for its impressive architectural design A painting by Giovanni Paolo Panini from around 1750 captures the grandeur of the Pantheon, highlighting the sunlight that streams through the oculus, the unglazed opening at the dome's apex This iconic structure is part of the Samuel H Kress Collection at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
1 What is this interior space used for?
2 What style does the design express?
The history of interior design is rooted in architectural history and integrates elements from the decorative arts, such as furniture, metalwork, glass, ceramics, and textiles These components are frequently collected and showcased independently Today, there is a growing interest in understanding interior design history as a reflection of its era, serving as a valuable resource for inspiring innovative ideas.
Egypt is home to one of the earliest major civilizations, alongside the Tigris-Euphrates valley in Mesopotamia While Mesopotamian structures are less understood due to their reliance on unfired mud bricks, Egypt's architectural legacy is well-preserved, thanks to the use of durable stone in its temples The iconic pyramids at Giza stand out for their impressive scale and the elegance of their design, characterized by pure forms and subtle geometric principles that embody the golden ratio.
The ancient Egyptian practice of carving and painting walls provides valuable insights into their environment and customs Excavations have revealed a diverse array of well-preserved objects, including furniture, which were placed in tombs to accompany the deceased into the afterlife This highlights the significance of material culture in understanding ancient Egyptian beliefs and societal practices.
Discovered in 1922 within the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the throne dates back to circa 1300 B.C This intricately carved and decorated throne was designed for ceremonial use, showcasing classic Egyptian chair features, including a meticulously constructed wood-frame structure and an open seat frame that supports a woven-rush surface.
The animal feet of the chair are raised slightly to remain visible above the rush floor covering used in most Egyptian interiors Egyptian Museum, Cairo Photograph: Jean
Greek art and design are celebrated by Western cultures as a pinnacle of aesthetic achievement, showcasing impressive stone architecture complemented by wooden roofing, which has led to their preservation as ruins These ruins, along with intricately decorated pottery, offer insights into early Greek interiors Notable examples, such as the restored palace at Knossos featuring the grand staircase and the ornately painted throne room, vividly illustrate early Greek design Additionally, everyday objects like cups, dishes, and vases served as decorative accents, while the klismos chair, with its elegantly curving legs reminiscent of animal horns, exemplifies the unique structural creativity of ancient Greek furniture.
After conquering Greece, the Romans embraced and adapted Greek art and design, infusing it with their own practicality and engineering prowess They incorporated Greek architectural orders, particularly modifying the Doric order by altering its proportions and adding a base, while favoring the ornate Corinthian order in their designs Innovations such as the extensive use of high-quality brick and concrete, as well as advancements in arch construction, vaulting, and domes, allowed for the creation of masonry-roofed buildings Notable examples of Roman architecture, including well-preserved temples and the iconic domed interior of the Pantheon, showcase their architectural achievements from A.D 120 onwards.
124) remains a fine example of a monumental Roman interior.
Page I 24 ESP for Students of Interior Design of Architecture University, HCMC
The Queen’s chamber in the Palace of Minos at Knossos, Crete, dating back to circa 1500 B.C., has undergone extensive restoration The original wooden columns, now replaced with stone, feature a distinctive downward tapering form characteristic of this era, painted black with red capitals The Doric order, which emerged later, may have evolved from this architectural style The restored wall paintings are based on traces of the original frescoes.
During the Middle Ages, architecture evolved significantly, showcasing various styles such as Romanesque and Gothic These periods featured structures like unornamented castles, which were practical and sturdy The Gothic style, known for its soaring clerestory windows and intricate details, contrasted sharply with the simpler forms of Romanesque architecture Additionally, the later Baroque period introduced curves and elaborate designs, further transforming the architectural landscape Understanding this vocabulary is essential for grasping the nuances of historical architecture.
1 The Roman court building called a basilica became the model, a central space with flanking aisles permitting a to light the central space.
2 Byzantine building includes major structures and reaches a level oi elaboration and richness beyond the characteristic austerity of Early Christian work.
3 The typical feature of stone structure is the semicircular arch and vault, a remnant of Roman structural technique.
Existing interiors featuring stone floors and roofs showcase distinctive elements such as stone window seats at narrow window openings, fireplaces used for heating and cooking, and the overall practical nature of Romanesque design.
5 At its peak, the cathedral became a skeletal stone cage with wall areas largely filled with stained-glass windows which served as both decorative art and illustrations of religious narratives.
6 The invention and development of firearms made medieval defensive systems obsolete, causing to give way to the palace, chateau and great houses.
The Italian High Renaissance marked a significant evolution in the comprehension of Roman architectural concepts, exemplified by Donato Bramante's (1444-1514) initial plan for St Peter’s Basilica in Rome, which underwent numerous alterations and expansions over the following century.
8 The simple shapes - squares, circles and rectangles of the earlier, more restrained phases of Renaissance design gave way to more complex forms - ellipses, trapezoids and spirals in design.
ESP for Students of Interior Design of Architecture University HCMC Page 25
9 Toward the end of the 17lh and 18' century, French Renaissance design on some character of Baroque design, particularly in the free and flawing use of
10 Wren employed the classical in a surprisingly varied way, each one a unique study in interior space and detail.
The decline of the Roman Empire resulted in a significant collapse of Roman classical design, leading to widespread political and social turmoil in Europe As central governance weakened, religion emerged as a dominant force in daily life, with Christianity gaining official status This shift led to the rise of churches as key architectural structures, modeled after Roman basilicas, featuring a central space with flanking aisles and high windows for illumination While arches and columns were inspired by Roman architecture, their execution became less systematic and more improvisational Additionally, mosaics became a prominent decorative element, adorning floors and walls with geometric patterns and religious imagery, particularly evident in Early Christian art in Rome.
Byzantine architecture emerged from Roman influences after Constantinople became the capital of the Roman Empire in A.D 330 This architectural style is predominantly characterized by its church buildings, which utilize Roman structural techniques complemented by intricate mosaic art Notable features of Byzantine design include grand domed structures, such as the renowned Santa, showcasing a level of elaboration and richness that surpasses the simplicity typical of Early Christian architecture.
Romanesque design, despite its name, is less connected to Roman architecture than other styles Characterized by the semicircular arch and vault, it reflects remnants of Roman structural techniques This simplicity was both a religious conviction and a practical necessity, leading to the creation of churches, cloisters, and dormitories with minimally decorated yet impressive interiors Early medieval structures often included tower houses in defensible locations, featuring stone floors and roofs, stone window seats, and functional fireplaces The unadorned nature of Romanesque design extended to furniture, which was minimal due to evolving comfort standards and the transient lifestyle of castle occupants Typical furnishings included simple, portable plank-on-trestle tables, benches, stools, demountable beds, storage chests, and tapestries for wall decoration.
Turning-in Read the checklist of design steps suggested by John F Pile to find th( answers to the two questions below Also see Appendices A and B.
1 How many phases are there in the design process?
2 Who primarily involves in this process?
Outline time schedule and budget
Determine need for specialized consultants
Agree on designer-client contact relationship
Select spaces to be dealt with
Obtain or prepare a survey of spaces
Conduct interviews and collect data on requirements
Review preliminary program with client
Obtain program approval from client
Select colors and finishes Estimate costs
Prepare final design Prepare detailed budget Preparepresentation Make presentation to client Review budget with client Make revisions as necessary Obtain client approval of design and budget
Prepareconstruction drawings Prepare detail drawings Preparespecifications Make cost estimatesand obtain bids Make time schedule for construction an installation
Select contractors and issue work orders Prepare and issuepurchase orders
Review preliminary design with client
Revise and finalize preliminary design
Coordinate and expedite construction an deliveries
Supervise installation and completion List defects and errors and supervis correction
Make needed adjustments and changes Prepare post-move-in evaluation
Skimming is an essential reading skill that allows readers to quickly identify the main topics within a text Each paragraph typically focuses on a single topic To practice this skill, read the text titled "Sequential Outline and Project Beginnings" and note the main topic of each paragraph.
ESP for Students of Interior Design of Arch.”.".'University HCMC Page 35
Sequential outline and project beginnings
Interior design projects require a careful orchestration of various elements to achieve a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing outcome The ability to manage this process is crucial for interior designers, alongside their aesthetic skills Each project follows a logical sequence of steps, which can vary based on the project's size and the designer-client relationship While smaller projects may not need formal organization, larger projects necessitate a systematic approach to ensure efficiency and client satisfaction Orderly methods are particularly important for extensive projects that involve multiple spaces and stakeholders, as they instill confidence in corporate and institutional clients It's worth noting that certain steps, such as construction drawings, may be omitted if they are not applicable.
Establishing contact with clients is crucial for designers, who often rely on their reputation from past projects, referrals from satisfied customers, social connections, and proactive sales strategies The ideal scenario occurs when a prospective client approaches a designer with a project in mind Typically, clients may reach out to multiple designers to evaluate their working methods and review previous work samples However, creating sketches or design proposals solely to attract a client is generally considered unethical Building rapport and trust between the designer and client from the outset is essential for a successful relationship.
Defining the project scope is crucial, as it is primarily the client's responsibility to communicate their vision to the designer However, designers frequently assist clients in clarifying their needs and exploring potential options Clients often possess only a vague or inaccurate understanding of the project's requirements and possibilities Engaging in discussions during this phase lays the groundwork for subsequent steps in the design process.
Establishing a clear timeline and budget is crucial for both designers and clients to ensure a mutual understanding of achievable goals Often, clients may have unrealistic expectations, and it is essential for designers to avoid agreeing to unattainable objectives just to secure a project Doing so can lead to significant challenges down the line if clients start a project with expectations that are likely to result in disappointment.
When embarking on large or even some small projects, it’s essential to identify the need for specialized consultants alongside the interior designer Often, an architect may already be involved, or additional expertise from architects or engineers may be necessary to address specific aspects of the interior design Furthermore, consultants specializing in lighting, acoustics, and code compliance can play a crucial role as the project progresses Establishing a clear understanding of these requirements early on can significantly enhance the project's success.
In the realm of interior design and architecture at HCMC University, establishing a clear understanding of service acquisition and payment at the project's outset is crucial The collaborative relationship between interior designers and architects hinges on mutual respect and well-defined responsibilities, which are essential for the successful progression of any project.
Establishing a clear designer-client contract is essential for a successful project Whether using a standard contract or a simple letter of agreement, it is crucial to negotiate fees, payment schedules, and other business terms upfront Proceeding without a written agreement can lead to misunderstandings, making it vital to finalize these details before moving forward.
Effective schedule design is crucial for a successful project, as it is the designer's responsibility to set target dates for each phase in collaboration with their team A realistic schedule must account for the time needed to complete the current project while also considering any ongoing projects to meet client expectations.
Vocabulary (in context) Complete the blank in each sentence below witl the words or phrases given in the box The information in the sentences refers to the te>
‘Programming and Preliminary steps _ projected changes space Alternatives designer client secured sketches design
1 It is necessary to check plans of existing space against the actual reality since bui space often doesn’t comply with available plans as a result of made during construction.
2 If no plans for existing are available, the designe must make a carefully measured survey so that drawing can be prepared.
3 For simple projects, information on requirements can often be obtained from in some of the earliest meetings.
4 For complex projects, it is necessary to interview individuals, department head; workers or users of the spaces to discover what detaile requirements may exist.
5 Confirmation of full agreement between designer and client regarding the prograr requirements must be before work processes.
6 The point at which should be shown to a client is a matter of judgment.
7 Some people might find sketches difficult to understand and become confused c seeing
8 When preliminary has reached a point satisfactory t the designer or design team, the step is appropriate.
ESP for Students of Interior Design of Arch:!' , tjrv 1 Diversity HCMC Page 37
To ensure effective design decisions, it is essential to obtain or prepare a comprehensive survey of the space This includes checking architectural plans for existing areas against the actual conditions, as discrepancies often arise due to modifications made during construction If no plans are available, the designer must conduct a precise measurement survey to create accurate drawings Even minor projects involving furniture selection and color choices necessitate detailed plans to facilitate informed design choices.
Conducting interviews and gathering data on requirements is essential for project success For straightforward projects, initial meetings with clients can provide sufficient information However, for more complex projects, it is crucial to interview various stakeholders, including department heads, managers, employees, and typical users, to uncover detailed requirements and ensure all needs are addressed.
Review the preliminary program with the client, allowing them the opportunity to modify, add, or correct information For larger organizations, this review may involve a committee or several individuals who possess in-depth knowledge of specific project areas.
Obtain program approval from client Confirmation of full agreement between designer and client regarding the program requirements must be secured before work processes.
The initial stages of the design process are vital, as they lay the groundwork for creativity and innovation This phase focuses on discovering original and aesthetically pleasing solutions that effectively address the challenges identified during programming.
Collaborate with the client to refine and finalize the preliminary design The timing for presenting sketches to clients varies; some may struggle to grasp the concepts, leading to confusion over multiple options, while others appreciate being involved in the design process and can provide valuable input on preferred directions.
The designer finalizes the preliminary design by integrating adjustments suggested during the previous client meeting This stage often involves multiple revision cycles to ensure the design meets the expectations of the designer or design team Once the design reaches a satisfactory level, this step is considered complete.
Page I 38 ESP for Students of Interior Design of Architecture University, HCMC
Turning-in Study the picture indicating the interior design by Venturi, Rauch and s Brown in 1977 Read the paragraph below to check your answers to questions 1 and 2
I What is this living space made of?
2 What elements are considered the impact on the space?
The combination of wide, pine- plank flooring and cedar siding, both inside and out, generates a rustic quality tn this ski house I"
Vail Colorado, designed by Ventun Rauch and Scott Broôn in 1977.
The choice of materials for walls, floors, ceilings, and furniture is crucial in interior design, as their surface, texture, and color significantly influence the atmosphere of a space Unlike the facade, interior materials are directly experienced through sight, touch, and even smell Light, whether natural or artificial, is another vital element that brings life to interiors, with its application varying from even illumination to artistic effects that enhance the three-dimensionality of a room Following a minimalist trend in the 1990s that prioritized simplicity, contemporary design has embraced complexity, celebrating vibrant colors, diverse forms, and the return of ornamentation.
In the context of structural elements and materials, the design often incorporates invisible components that provide ease and functionality These material elements are not always apparent, as they work superficially within the overall structure The use of natural materials, such as fired clay and plywood, enhances the aesthetic and functional qualities of the space Additionally, structural blocks play a crucial role in creating durable and efficient designs, ensuring stability and support throughout the construction.
1 The elements of interior design such as walls, floors, ceilings, columns, doors or windows arc the separate parts or components that make up a
Page I 44 ESP for Students of Interior Design of Architecture University HCMC
2 A wall might be built of brick, stone, wood or plasterboard on studs, but this may then be covered with plaster, paint, fabric, tile, paneling or other materials.
3 An important part of interior design work is the selection of suitable materials for th various that make up a particular interior space.
4 Structure may be as in a modem high rise whet columns, beams and slabs are out of sight, hidden in partition walls, hung ceiling and other elements of finish.
5 The designer must be aware of column locations that cannot be changed, bearin walls that cannot be removed with , and beams that must be concealed.
6 Natural materials remain unchanged except when they need to be modified for use.
7 Processed materials are the result of converting materials ini special forms for practical use.
8 The natural clay takes on different properties and uses when into brick and tile
9 Wood may be sliced into sheets of veneer, and layers of veneer may be glued togethi to form
Interior design comprises various elements that define a space, including structural components like walls, floors, ceilings, columns, doors, and windows Every building consists of both structural elements, which support its integrity, and non-structural elements that enhance its aesthetics without altering the fundamental structure These elements are crafted from materials such as wood, stone, plaster, paint, and paper Floors can be made of stone, brick, wood, or tile, chosen based on their functional relevance Walls may be constructed from brick, stone, wood, or plasterboard, often finished with plaster, paint, fabric, tile, or paneling A crucial aspect of interior design is the careful selection of appropriate materials for the various elements that compose a specific interior space.
In modern high-rise buildings, structural elements like columns, beams, and slabs often remain concealed within partition walls and ceilings Designers must recognize the fixed positions of these columns and the challenges associated with removing bearing walls It is essential to either hide or creatively incorporate these structural components as visual features in the finished space.
Types of materials While all materials originate from natural resources, huma needs impose certain levels of modification on materials as they are found in nature.
Natural materials, such as stone and wood, maintain their inherent properties and only require superficial modifications for practical use While they can be utilized in their original forms, these materials are often cut into standardized shapes and sizes to enhance functionality.
Processed materials are derived from the transformation of natural resources into specialized forms for practical applications For instance, natural clay exhibits altered properties and utility when fired into bricks and tiles Additionally, when sand and small stones are combined with cement, they create a robust mixture suitable for construction purposes.
In the realm of interior design, particularly for students studying Architecture 1 Diversity in Ho Chi Minh City, understanding material versatility is crucial Concrete and wood are two fundamental materials; wood can be processed into sheets of veneer, which can then be layered and glued together to create plywood This knowledge is essential for effective design and construction practices.
Synthetic materials are artificially created substances that do not occur naturally An example of an ancient synthetic material is glass, which is produced by fusing sand and other elements through heat Additionally, plastics, which are widely used today, are made from various chemicals, primarily sourced from petroleum.
Wood timber is one of the most accessible and familiar structural materials, known for its simplicity With advancements in tools, wood can now be worked with greater precision, resulting in beams, planks, boards, and panels that reflect distinctive historical building styles Its lightweight and longitudinal structure make wood an ideal choice for floors and roofs While wood offers reasonable durability, it is not permanent and is vulnerable to decay, rot, insect damage, and fire The introduction of power saws and planers has revolutionized the industry, allowing timber to be transformed into precisely cut and sized units known as lumber, which is essential for modern wood construction and heavy framing.
Plywood is a versatile material created by bonding multiple layers together, typically featuring a core of solid wood and two outer layers with cross-banded grain Veneer plywood, often made from thin layers of fir, includes a surface layer of attractive face veneer To ensure balanced construction and minimize warping, both faces of the plywood must have identical layering Alternatively, particleboard can serve as the core, requiring only a single layer of face veneer on each side.
Balloon framing, a wood framing structural system that emerged in Victorian America, utilizes small lumberyard-sawed wood pieces for easy and cost-effective construction In this system, vertical elements are referred to as studs, horizontal components are called joists, and roof supports are known as rafters.
Veneer wood is sliced into thin, flexible sheets, with successive layers from a single log forming a flitch that maintains the grain pattern of adjacent layers When glued to a backing, these veneers can create various patterns, such as book matching, slip matching, end matching, and quarter matching Each layer in a flitch, when cut from a solid block, exhibits nearly identical grain patterns, allowing for a diverse range of design possibilities.
can denote flat pieces of material used in construction or design.
1 The , for example sand or crushed stones, is mixed with cemei and water to make concrete.
2 Many items in daily use such as domestic appliances are made out of
3 Most people just have some knowledge of art; they are hardly expert on i:
4 One of the glass has been mashed We are going to have it installed.
5 A thin layer of wood or plastic glued to the surface of cheaper wood is known 2
6 With a quick look at a kitchen, he could make a of it.
7 Along with elastic modulus and corrosion resistance, strength is a important parameter of engineering materials used in structures and mechanic! devices.
Lightweight and thermally efficient panels are becoming increasingly popular for cladding buildings such as factories, warehouses, cold stores, and retail sheds due to their aesthetic appeal and ease of handling and installation.
Language study Word-illustration matching Read the following te? about 'Other types of materials', and match the words or phrases below with the suitable pictures.
Cast iron Aluminum Laminated glass Tempered glass Wire glass Special glasses Minor
ESP for Students of Interior Design of Arch its - ersity II CMC p e 47
Particleboard is a composite material created by compressing wood chips and sawdust with an adhesive, resulting in a versatile board or panel While it retains many characteristics of natural wood, it is notably grainless, making it an ideal choice for various applications in furniture and construction.
Georges Seurat's painting 'Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte' (1884-1886) exemplifies the concept of color interaction, showcasing how colors can influence one another when placed in proximity This artwork invites viewers to explore the effects of light and shadow, as well as the emotional responses elicited by the interplay of colors Understanding these dynamics is crucial for appreciating Seurat's innovative techniques and the overall impact of the piece.
Color is a result of pigments absorbing specific wavelengths of light, and adding more pigments can diminish both the quality and quantity of light that is re-transmitted Artists can circumvent this issue through a technique known as optical and visual mixing, where colors are applied in their pure form as adjacent dabs on the canvas rather than mixed on the palette This method allows color mixing to occur in the viewer's eye and brain A prominent example of this technique is pointillism, which involves applying colored dots on a white background.
Juxtaposing colors that are adjacent on the color wheel creates new hues, while combining complementary colors leads to shades of gray Visual mixing proves particularly effective in limited palettes, such as those found in mosaics and tapestries.
Impressionism utilizes small dots of primary colors to create the illusion of a broader spectrum of intermediate colors This artistic movement emerged as an emotional response to the theoretical work of Michel-Eugène Chevreul, who significantly influenced color theory in the 18th century.
In the late 19th century, a unique artistic technique emerged where artists, instead of mixing colors on a palette, depended on viewers to blend colors optically This style, known as Pointillism, had limited practitioners, with notable figures such as Georges Pierre Seurat and Paul Signac leading the movement during the 1880s.
1 What makes “pointillism” effective in colored paintings?
2 How does the phenomenon “simultaneous contrast” of color work?
Page I S6 ESP for Students of Interior Design of Architecture University, HCMC
The information in the sentences can be found in the text "Rules of Color." Daylight plays a crucial role in how colors are perceived in interiors, influencing their lightness and value Reflection is an essential aspect, as it can alter the appearance of colors within a space Understanding primary and secondary colors is vital, as primary colors serve as the foundation, while secondary colors are created by mixing them Additionally, subtracting certain colors can affect the overall ambiance and harmony of a room's design.
1 Random and clashing color is common in rooms in which rugs, ini colors an have been brought together by separate purchases ith ut thougl for color relationship.
A room featuring rosy red accents, pea-green walls, and vibrant blue-and-yellow curtains, complemented by a brown leather sofa, creates a visually stimulating environment However, this bold color combination is more likely to cause distraction rather than provide a sense of comfort and pleasure.
3 The various wavelengths of are not always balanced.
4 Colored light is used on stages or displays, but rarely in lighting
5 The object or material absorbs or all the colors of ligl except the color of the object, which is the color we sec.
6 Given these three red, yellow and blue, any other color can t produced by mixture.
7 The Munsell system is often identified to use six hues, three primaries and three
8 The of a color depends upon the amount of light it reflects or absorb
9 The value of any color can be found by matching its < darkness with one of the steps of gray.
Color is a crucial element in interior design that significantly impacts the overall impression of a space Thoughtfully chosen colors create a harmonious and satisfying atmosphere, while poorly selected hues can render even the best-planned interiors unappealing Commonly, color mismatches arise when furnishings and decor are combined without consideration for their relationships, leading to harsh and clashing palettes For instance, a living room featuring a rosy red rug, pea-green walls, blue-and-yellow striped curtains, a brown leather sofa, and a yellow and orange floral print is likely to create visual discord rather than enjoyment.
Human vision relies on light, which is a form of radiant energy, and the perception of color arises from its unique properties The eye detects various wavelengths of light, allowing the brain to interpret them as different colors However, light energy at the extremes of the spectrum, such as infrared on the long end and ultraviolet on the short end, remains invisible to the human eye.
The color spectrum Daylight or white light is a random mixture of light of a wavelengths When white light passes through a prism, its different wavelengtl
In the study of color theory for interior design students, light is categorized into a spectrum resembling a rainbow, with red having the longest wavelength, followed by orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet It's important to note that the balance of daylight's wavelengths can vary; during dawn and sunset, light often lacks blue-green components, resulting in a reddish hue Conversely, on overcast days, the absence of red-orange wavelengths can give daylight a bluish appearance.
Additive color refers to colored light created by filtering white light through a colored medium, such as colored glass This process alters normal color perception, causing objects to appear in tones of the filtered color; for instance, red light makes red objects appear bright red while green objects seem nearly black Although colored light is commonly used in stage lighting and displays, it is rarely utilized for interior lighting due to its distortion of true colors and the potential for visual irritation and monotony over time.
Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet
Subtractive color in interior design involves the principle that objects absorb all colors of light except for their own For instance, a red object absorbs every color except red, reflecting only red light When mixing colors like red and yellow, the red pigment subtracts all but red light, while the yellow subtracts all but yellow, resulting in a mixture that reflects both colors and creates the visual impression of orange.
The color wheel is essential in understanding subtractive color, where red, yellow, and blue serve as the primary colors that cannot be created through mixing By combining these primary colors, a wide range of other colors can be produced In the color spectrum, colors are organized by wavelength, with primary colors alternating with their neighboring secondary colors The spectrum starts with red, which combines with yellow to create orange Following this, yellow and blue mix to form green, while the spectrum concludes with violet, a secondary color achieved by mixing blue and red.
Page I 58 ESP for Students of Interior Design of Architecture University, HCMC
Color systems play a crucial role in discussions about color by providing clarity and organized methods for creating visually appealing color schemes While basic color names like primary and secondary colors are straightforward, terms used to describe variations—such as light, bright, deep, dull, and dark—can often lead to confusion Additionally, manufacturers of paints and textiles contribute to this ambiguity by using creative names like flame, champagne, and colonial beige, which lack precise definitions.
Hue is a fundamental characteristic of color, determined by its position in the spectrum, which provides its basic name In the Munsell color system, hues are categorized into six primary colors—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet—represented by the letters R, O, Y, G, B, and V Additionally, intermediate hues, known as tertiary colors, are formed by combining these primary hues, denoted by letter combinations such as RO (red-orange) and OY (orange-yellow).
Task 1: Turning-in Study the figure and read the paragraph below to fin out the answers to the two questions below.
1 What can make human visual ability possible?
2 Why is natural lighting becoming rare in modem times?
View of light source-this is drect glare
Plane of case glazing Image c source from ca' g1 zing
Image of light source from case glazing - this is reflected glare
Multiple images of light source from object surface - which may be highlight pattern (reveals surfac gloss) or veiling reflections
The image illustrates the striking reflection of light directed towards the viewer from the object's surface Whether this reflection poses an issue depends on the specific attributes the viewer aims to observe Reflected highlights are essential for showcasing surface qualities like gloss, sheen, and luster; however, their presence can obscure important details such as surface color and texture.
Throughout history, windows have evolved significantly while maintaining their primary function of allowing natural light into spaces Initially, materials like thin marble slabs, mica sheets, and oiled paper were used to fill window openings, but the introduction of glass marked a turning point in window design Glass, discovered around 3000 BC in Egypt, was initially utilized for decorative purposes During the Roman era, small panes of hand-blown glass were set into bronze frames for window infill By the 1960s, the perception shifted towards artificial lighting as a potential replacement for natural light in workplaces, leading to a scenario where natural lighting is increasingly viewed as a luxury rather than a necessity.
ESP for Students of Interior Design of Archit', t Jr ' ■ ••■.rsity HCMC Page 67
Vocabulary (in context) Complete the blank in each sentence below with the word 1 or phrases given in the box The information in the sentences refers to the text about
Vision and lighting ' and Considerations for good lighting intensity design supports lighting confrast visibility setup dim
1 Good lighting convenience, comfort and favorable emotional reactions
2 Improving the of a space can be more effective than any other single factor in increasing overall sense of satisfaction.
3 The of lighting is too often limited to providing a high level of light, with the assumption that this will take care of all users’ needs.
4 Seeing depends on many additional factors- shading and shadow, limitation