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HUE UNIVERSITY INFORMATICS AND OPEN INSTITUTE Họ tên: Nguyễn Thị Minh Hiếu Mã sinh viên: 7052900523 Ngày sinh: 02/11/1996 AMERICAN LITERATURE 1&2 Part Write a short professional bio data about your profession, responsibilities, education, interests and current work (no more than 150 words) Answer: My name is Nguyen Thi Minh Hieu After years of studying, I graduate from Hanoi Medical University in 2020 and become a doctor Currently, I am an internist working at Nghe An General Hospital.As a doctor at Nghe An General Hospital, I take on many responsibilities These include conducting a thorough patient examination, interpreting medical tests and results, creating an individualized treatment plan, and providing humane care to the patient I also partner with fellow healthcare professionals to ensure coordinated and efficient healthcare delivery Being a doctor is a really hard job, so outside of work I often relax by listening to music and journaling about stories around life Part Choose one of these questions which are given in the task and answer it in a 300-words essay Write the end of the story Rip Van Winkle in your own imagination, describing how Rip kept living in a new village with the unknown villagers and social changes Answer: As Rip opened his eyes, he realized that he was no longer in the woods where he had fallen asleep Instead, he found himself in a bustling village that was like nothing he had ever seen before The buildings were taller, the streets were wider, and there were so many people rushing around that it made his head spin At first, Rip was confused and disoriented He could not understand how he had ended up in this unfamiliar place However, he soon realized that he had been asleep for decades and that the world around him had changed dramatically Despite his initial shock, Rip knew that he would have to adapt to this new world if he was going to survive He began to explore the village and to learn about the changes that had taken place Rip was surprised to discover that he was not the only outsider in this new world There were many people who had come from other places, just like he had, and they all shared a common bond of being strangers in a strange new land As he explored the village, Rip quickly made many new friends The people here were just as friendly and welcoming as the folks he had known before he fell asleep, and they seemed fascinated by his story Rip found himself becoming an active member of the community He helped out at the local shop, ran errands for his neighbors, and even joined a few social clubs He was eager to learn everything he could about this new world and to make a life for himself here The social changes that had taken place in this new world were both intriguing and bewildering to Rip He no longer recognized many of the customs and traditions that he had grown up with, and he struggled to understand some of the newer technologies, such as televisions and computers Despite his confusion, Rip remained determined to keep up with the times He took classes to learn how to use the new technologies, and he even attended cultural events to try and understand the changes that had taken place in society Over time, Rip grew to love his new home, and the people who lived here became like family to him He was never again alone in a strange world, and he knew that he had found a place where he belonged In the end, Rip lived a long and fulfilling life in the new village He watched as the world around him continued to change, and he embraced each new development with open arms His legacy lived on, a testament to the human ability to adapt and thrive in even the most unfamiliar of environments

Ngày đăng: 02/10/2023, 18:16
