Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.Phát triển năng lực xây dựng môi trường vui chơi ở trường mầm non cho sinh viên đại học sư phạm ngành giáo dục mầm non.
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VIETNAM INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES LẠI THỊ THU HƯỜNG DEVELOPING ENVIRONMENTAL CONSTRUCTION CAPACITYFUN AT PRESCHOOL FOR STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF PEDAGOGY IN EARLY EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Major: Theory and history of education Code: 14 01 02 SUMMARY OF THESIS FOR DOCTOR OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Hà Nội - 2023 The project was completed at: VIETNAM INSTITUTE OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES Science instructor: - PGS.TS Nguyễn Hồng Thuận - PGS TS Nguyễn Dục Quang Counter-argument 1: Counter-argument 2: Counter-argument 3: The thesis will be defended before the Institute-level Thesis Examining Council meeting at the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences, 101 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi At hour day month year The thesis can be found at the Library: - National Library - Library of Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences PREAMBLE Reason for choosing the topic In the context of globalization, our Party and State have taken a guiding stance on fundamental and comprehensive innovation in education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization in market economic conditions socialist orientation and international integration In particular, developing and forming learners capacity is one of the important goals and tasks to successfully carry out the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country Preschool education is the first and especially important level in the national education system In the plan to build a new Early Childhood Education Program issued by the Minister of Education and Training, the perspective of approaching capacity development and connection with the new General Education Program is clearly expressed Therefore, to achieve the goals of the Major, it is necessary to constantly improve the capacity and professional qualities of preschool teachers And the Pedagogical School needs to organize the training process so that preschool students have strong skills and increasingly meet the reality of innovation in Early Childhood Education Building an educational environment in general and a play environment for children in preschool is an important capacity that needs to be formed for students during the training process of preschool teachers [9], [10] Having this capacity will help students be confident when organizing activities, meeting the practical requirements of kindergarten Through practicing skills in building an environment for children to operate, students better understand preschool children; From there, develop children's physical, cognitive, aesthetic, emotional, social competence for children Reality shows that the universities' teacher education programs not pay adequate attention to developing the capacity to build capacity in kindergarten for students; The amount of time devoted to this activity is still small, and there are not many specialized activities aimed at developing students' capacity to build mental health systems in preschools The assessment of students' capacity to build a fun environment (MTVC) during practice and internship is not very strict and is still formal Developing the capacity to build a play environment in preschool for university students majoring in preschool education is an important task in the process of training preschool teachers at universities that have not yet received specialized research attention In depth, theoretical contributions are still quite limited For the above reasons, the research on the topic "Developing the capacity to build a play environment in preschool for university pedagogical students majoring in preschool education" aims to improve the capacity and professional qualities of teachers Preschool staff is a necessary job in the current period Research purposes Based on theoretical and practical research, propose measures to develop the capacity to build a play environment in preschool for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education, contributing to improving the quality of training Objects and objects of research 3.1 Research object Training activities on the capacity to build an educational environment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education 3.2 Research subjects The relationship between the way of organizing experiential activities to build MTVC and developing the capacity to build MTVC in preschools of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Scientific hypothesis The current process of developing the capacity to build MTVC in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education still has inadequacies in content and implementation form If we can identify the specific competencies of the activities of building mental health systems in preschools and organize for students to experience these activities through diverse forms, we will be able to develop the capacity to build high quality mental health skills in schools Preschool for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Research mission 5.1 Research on the theoretical basis for developing the capacity to build a play environment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education 5.2 Research on the current status of developing capacity to build a play environment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education 5.3 Proposing some measures to develop the capacity to build a play environment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education 5.4 Organize pedagogical experiments to confirm the effectiveness and feasibility of some proposed measures Limited scope of research 6.1 About research content The capacity to build an educational environment in a preschool includes groups of component competencies, such as: the capacity to build an environment to organize educational activities, the capacity to build an educational environment, the capacity to build a communication environment in a kindergarten preschool, This thesis focuses on researching and developing the capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education through subject experience, training pedagogical skills, and experiencing preschool practice 6.2 About the object and research area * Subjects and location for surveying the current situation: 234 fourth-year students of the Faculty of Pedagogy of Hanoi Capital University (80 students), Faculty of Education of Vinh University (76 students), Faculty of Preschool Education of Hanoi University * Subjects and experimental location: 73 undergraduate students majoring in Early Childhood Education at Hanoi Capital University, course 2019 - 2023, Faculty of Pedagogy, Hanoi National University Research approaches and methods 7.1 Research approach: Target approach; Access to experience; Development approach 7.2 Research Methods - Theoretical research methods: Document review; Generalize the theory - Practical research methods: Using questionnaires; Professional solution; Conversational method; Pedagogical observation method; Product research methods work; Method of summarizing practical experience; Experimental method of pedagogy Information processing method: Mathematical statistics New contributions of the thesis 8.1 Theoretically Supplementing and systematizing a number of basic theoretical issues on the development of capacity to build educational programs in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education, including: concepts of educational environment, educational environment in kindergartens ; Determining the structure of the capacity to build MTVC in preschool and the expression of the component capacity; Develop a number of measures to organize activities to develop the capacity to build MTVC in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education through experiential activities 8.2 In terms of practice - Identify the current situation (in terms of awareness, path, content, form, measures ) of developing capacity to build MTVC in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education today - Point out some main problems and causes of the above situation - Provide three groups of measures to develop capacity to build educational materials in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education The measures have many new elements that impact the components of the capacity for building and constructing structures through organizing for students to experience the construction activities at preschools The above contributions will be valuable reference materials for educational managers, teachers, researchers and students at pedagogical higher education institutions in the process of training pedagogical university students in the field of Early Childhood Education, in order to develop in children the ability to build an educational environment in general, and educational environment for preschool children in particular Defense argument 9.1 The capacity to build capacity is an important component in the professional skills system of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Thus, right from the teacher training process, Pedagogical schools must form the capacity to build educational materials in preschools for students 9.2 In order to build educational activities for children in preschool, it is necessary to form and develop for students of preschool pedagogical universities: Capacity to determine the goals of preschool children, characteristics of preschool children; NL planning; Capacity to carry out activities to build student structures: Capacity to observe pedagogy, evaluate and adjust students' activities to build materials 9.3 Developing the capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education through organizing professional practice experience activities is an effective and optimal path 10 The structure of the thesis includes: Introduction, chapters and Conclusion CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL BASIS FOR DEVELOPING CAPACITY IN BUILDING A PLAY ENVIRONMENT IN PRESCHOOL FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 1.1.Overview of related studies 1.1.1 Research on the educational environment in preschool facilities and the play environment of preschool children There have been many research works by domestic and foreign educators on this issue in the following directions: Currently, education for children in countries with developed education systems has the common characteristic that the content of activities is built according to an integrated approach Child education methods are based on a child-oriented perspective, creating appropriate conditions for the development of each child such as Australia, America, England, New Zealand, Canada In particular, the High/Scope education model was born in American in the 1960s, used for preschool, primary school and primary school age children, built from the ideas of Piaget and Dewey The central issue is understanding children through the process of observing children in interaction with people, materials and children's ideas in the preschool play environment The research direction follows an integrated and developed approach based on the perspective of "child-centered education" Approach based on the perspective of "child-centered education" Educators are always interested in building an educational environment, specifically a healthy, diverse, and attractive educational environment for children, creating conditions and opportunities for children to actively communicate, share, and cooperate together as in Singapore, Korea, Japan, China Notably, Shichida's early education method (Japan) and Phung Duc Toan's Zero Age Plan (China) all mention MTVC for early education for children In the current period, the theory and practice of Russian ECCE are still being improved and developed, with always paying attention to children's educational environment, organizational structure, an environment where children are free to operate, stimulate creativity, Maximum support to develop all children's abilities Nguyen Anh Tuyet, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Dinh Van Vang, Tran Thi Lan Huong, Nguyen Thi Mai Chi all said that MTGD, MTVC with prepared space is one of the necessary conditions to help children form a "society" Children's Association" while playing The goal of Early Childhood Education is to help children develop physically, emotionally, intellectually, and aesthetically, form the first elements of personality, and prepare children to enter first grade, the educational environment, and the children's environment Play is a necessary condition and means to achieve set educational goals 1.1.2 Research on play environments for children in preschools n the former Soviet Union and Eastern European countries, there have been many research projects on the construction of motorbikes in preschools in the training of students at Pedagogical colleges with typical authors such as Vygotsky, A.N.Leonchiev, A.P.Uxova, Ph.I.Rucopxkaia, D.VMenzerkaia, Makarenco, N.K Crupxkaia, D.V Enconhin, E.U Chikhiepva, Sorokina, L.Vinogradova, J.A Komenxki, Petxtalogi, A.X Macarenco, L.X Vygotsky, Machado, A.A.Smirnov…They all believe that the educational environment is very necessary and important in a child's life and the teacher's task is to create a friendly and close educational environment for children Collection of articles on ECEC such as Judith Colbert on "Classroom design and its influence on children's behavior", M.N.Paliakopva with the article "Building a developmental environment" L.Vinogradova in the article "Creating the necessary conditions for play", Parten (1932) and Van Alystyne (1933), Johnson, Smith and Connolly (1980); Wachs (1985); Moore (1987); Christie (1988), Johnson (1980), Smith and Connolly (1980), Bailey and Wolery (1992), High Scope educational method, Reggio Emilia educational method … Research the role of the educational environment on young children's play behavior; interaction between teacher and children; Classroom layout and learning tools suggest that the environment governs children's play behavior, refers to the actual equipment and arrangement of physical equipment at preschools, and offers experiences in equipping and arranging Toy environment, activity corner for children " A number of domestic studies addressing the issue of building an educational environment for preschool children have affirmed the great role of a humanistic environment in children's personality development; Nguyen Anh Tuyet, Nguyen Thi Hoa (2009), Hoang Thi Nho, Nguyen Thi Thu Hien, Tran Thi Lan Huong, Dinh Van Vang…… 1.1.3.Research on capacity development for MTVC construction When researching in the field of preparing students for pedagogical practice, the formation and training of pedagogical capacity has become a system of theory and experience, including the capacity to build an educational environment education, play environment for children with research works of N.V.Kuzmina, Ph.N.Gonobolin, H.K.Gutsen, Vygotsky; J.Watshon (1926), A.Pojoux (1926), F.Skinner (1963) Parten (1932), Alystyne (1933), Smith and Connolly (1980) Advanced educational methods in the world also mention the development of learners' abilities such as Waldorf/Steiner educational methods, Montessori, High Scope, Reggio Emilia, Glenn Doman, Phung Duc Toan, Schichida Makato, Howard Gardner Hortsh Hanno (2003), Hermanr Satedag (2004), Michaei Steig (2000), Sonntag (1993) built a model of competencies for teachers and one of those competencies is the competency to build an educational environment suitable for teachers learn In Vietnam, a number of studies on the development of capacity to build mental health facilities for students have also been carried out such as: Early Childhood Education Program; Nguyen Thi Bach Chien (2012); Nguyen Thi Mai Chi (2015) Nguyen Thi My Trinh (2002) Tran Thi Ngoc Tram (2002), Nguyen Thi Ngoc Chau (2015), Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha (2002), Ta Thi Ngoc Thanh – Nguyen Thi Thu (2005), Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha (2006); Pham Hong Quang (2006); Nguyen Thi Thu (2009)… also mentioned the activities of designing and building educational environment in general and educational environment in particular, thereby serving as a basis for forming the capacity to build educational environment for children of students during the training process 1.2 Basic concept 1.2.1 Play environment a) The relationship between MTGD and MTVC for children in preschool The play environment is a basic and important component of educational environment in preschools Based on the criteria of type of activity, the relationship between educational environment and educational environment can be expressed according to the following diagram.: MT Vui chơi MT học MT vệ sinh chăm sóc The diagram above shows: * The educational environment is the place where pedagogical communication activities take place between teachers and learners, and between learners Educational environment is a condition and catalyst that affects the formation of learners' awareness, attitudes, emotions and behavior The psychological and personality development of learners in school cannot be separated from the educational environment * Educational environment is understood as a combination of necessary natural and social conditions, including physical and psychological factors, directly affecting teaching and learning activities in schools, and the effectiveness of those activities This action is intended to contribute to the good implementation of teaching and educational goals and tasks *The educational environment in a preschool is a combination of necessary natural and social conditions that directly affect child care and education activities in preschool, and the effectiveness of these activities to contribute to Part of successfully implementing the goals and tasks of child care and education b) As a part of children's educational environment in preschool, MTVC is the defined space where children's play activities take place, it includes both the physical environment and the psychological - social environment that affects the process of play children's play 1.2.2 Capacity to build MTVC for children in preschool of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Concept and structure of capacity a) Concept of capacity Energy is a combination of physical and mental actions corresponding to a certain type of activity, which is a flexible and organized combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, emotions, values, and motivations individual muscles, to successfully carry out the requirements of a given activity b) Capacity structure In this thesis, we follow the viewpoint of the structure of general (core) and specialized competencies because it clearly shows the system of competencies that pedagogical students need to form Capacity to build MTVC The capacity to build physical structures of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education is a combination of physical and mental actions corresponding to the student's activities of building physical structures for children in preschool, which is a flexible combination between knowledge, skills, attitudes, emotions, values, personal motivations, etc of students to successfully implement the requirements of the activity of building mental health facilities for children in preschools 1.2.3 Developing the capacity to MTVC for children in preschool of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Development concept In the thesis, the concept of development is approached in the direction of improving the old quality status to a new quality status for those who need to be developed, helping them improve their awareness, capacity, and attitude on the basis of quality Based on the knowledge and capabilities you have acquired through studying and training to supplement, perfect, and develop your capabilities according to requirements and goals to be achieved The concept of developing capacity to build MTVC equipment for children in preschools of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education From the concept of the capacity to build capital equipment of university students majoring in Early Childhood Education and the concept of development, we can understand that developing the capacity to build capital capacity for university students majoring in Early Childhood 11 participating in activities, to provide feedback to learn and support each other It creates opportunities for students to talk, discuss, explain and challenge each other 1.5.3 Evaluation through instructor observation Evaluation through observation is through observation to evaluate the operations, motivation, behavior, and energy of activities in the process of building a student's mental health system in kindergarten Observing the activities of building bicycle structures at students' preschools can be done directly during the process of building bicycle structures at students' preschools or indirectly through the products created from this activity of students 1.5.4 Instructor's assessment through the competency scale The scale for assessing the level of capacity development in general and the capacity to build mental health equipment in preschool students in particular is often a nominal scale, specifying the qualitative order of behavioral characteristics and capacities that need to be observed and evaluated at SV Each student's behavior and capacity will be evaluated on a 3-level scale: Level (Ability at an unsatisfactory level; Level (Ability at a satisfactory level); Level (Ability at a good level) 1.5.5 Factors affecting the development of capacity to build MTVC for children in preschools of university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Subjective factors * On the student side: Students' knowledge and skills in building MTVC; Students' needs; Interest; Personal consciousness; Will; Professional sentiment; Positivity, self-discipline, and creativity in activities: * On the lecturer's side: Competence level of the lecturer; Awareness and sense of responsibility of lecturers Objective factors: Educational environment in the university; Family; Friend; Training programs, practice facilities, internships (preschools) Conclusion of chapter The play environment is an important element of educational environment in preschools Therefore, developing the capacity to build MTVC equipment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education is one of the important tasks in the training process of universities Thus, the structure of the capacity to build child learning activities for children in preschools of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education includes the following skills: Determining the goals of VC activities, Characteristics of preschool children; Make a plan to build MTVC for children in kindergarten; Carry out activities to build MTVC for children; Observe pedagogy, evaluate and adjust activities of building 12 MTVC equipment for children The path to develop students' capacity to build MTVC systems through experience helps students have the opportunity to explore and discover new knowledge and experiences based on previous experiences and through that form and develop their capacity Developing capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education is influenced by many subjective and objective factors When organizing activities to develop the capacity to build preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education, proper attention should be paid to these factors to achieve the best results CHAPTER 2: CURRENT STATUS OF DEVELOPING CAPACITY IN BUILDING A PLAY ENVIRONMENT IN PRESCHOOL FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 2.1 University training program in early childhood education Pedagogical capacity in general and the capacity to build educational programs in kindergartens of students depends largely on the training programs of universities Training program objectives: To train bachelors in Early Childhood Education with professional qualifications, professional ethics, and professional ethics to perform child care and education work and have the ability to study at a higher level The general output standards of the Early Childhood Education training program that students need to meet are the standards of: knowledge; skill; qualities, level of autonomy and responsibility However, the output standards of the current training program not highlight the requirements that students need to achieve in the construction of MTVC in preschools 2.2 General overview of the survey process 2.2.1 Survey purpose Conduct a survey to collect information to have a basis for assessing the current status of students' capacity to build bicycle structures and develop the capacity to build bicycle structures in preschools for students; Find out the causes leading to the current situation, and on that basis, propose measures to develop the capacity to build mental health equipment for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education 2.2.2 Survey content (1) Current status of students' capacity to build MTVC; (2) Causes of the current situation of developing capacity to build MTVC in preschools for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education 2.2.3 Respondents * Student object Survey by questionnaire for 240 students majoring in 4th year preschool education from schools and received 234 votes to ensure the requirements, (representing the three regions of the North (ĐĐTĐ: 80 13 students), the Central region ( Vinh University: 76 students) in the South (GHS University: 78 students) * Lecturer target Survey questionnaire for 26 teachers specializing in Early Childhood Education at three universities that train bachelor's degrees in Early Childhood Education: Hanoi Capital University (8 lecturers), Vinh University (7 lecturers), Hanoi University Saigon University (7 lecturers) We collected 22 votes 2.2.4 Survey method: Expert method and document research method; Observation method; Questionnaire survey method; In-depth interview: 2.2.5 Evaluation criteria and scales Evaluation criteria Criteria for evaluating the development of capital construction capacity in kindergartens of university students majoring in Early Childhood Education are built based on the manifestations of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values of the development of capital construction capacity at SV Rating scale * Evaluation scale for each criterion: We build an evaluation scale with levels for each evaluation content * General rating scale: - Based on the 3-level scale, we build the score range of the levels as follows: + Level 1: not achieved/low/never/not affected: 1.66 points + Level 2: pass/moderate/occasionally/little effect: 1.67 - 2.33 points + Level 3: good/high/regular/high impact: 2.34 - points 2.3 Survey results 2.3.1 The current status of the capacity to build MTVC of university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Awareness of lecturers and university students majoring in Early Childhood Education about the elements in the structure of MTVC construction capacity Lecturers and university students in the field of Early Childhood Education have quite correct perceptions of the connotation of the concept of construction capacity in preschools of preschool teachers and the structure of this capacity is shown in all three criteria: knowledge of construction MTVC, MTVC construction skills and attitudes when organizing MTVC construction activities, but awareness is not complete This is one of the bases for us to propose measures to raise awareness about MTVC construction capacity and develop MTVC construction capacity in preschools for students 14 Awareness of lecturers and students on the need to develop capacity to build MTVC equipment in preschools for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education From the survey results and practical observations, we see that the majority of lecturers and university students in the Early Childhood Education major are aware of the need to develop the capacity to build capital capacity for students (Average score among lecturers: 2.68 VND; Average score among students: 2.60 VND) and there is no difference in the awareness of lecturers and students of pedagogical universities in the survey area This is a favorable condition to help us carry out research content and conduct experimental activities in the following stages Evaluation of lecturers and students on the paths to develop capacity to build MTVC in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Lecturers and students both evaluate that developing the capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools for students is mainly done through classroom teaching and practice sessions, pedagogical practice in preschools And there is not much difference in the average level and hierarchy in the implementation of pathways to develop capacity to build intellectual property for students at the surveyed pedagogical universities However, there is a difference in the assessment of the level of implementation of these two paths between lecturers and students: Lecturers believe that the development of capacity to build mental health equipment for students is mainly done through practice sessions and pedagogical skills in kindergarten (average score: 2.57 pts), followed by teaching professional modules in class (average score: 2.5 pts) Meanwhile, students evaluate that the path to develop the capacity to build MSMEs for students is mainly done through teaching professional modules in class (average score: 2.56 pt), followed by through practice sessions and pedagogical skills in kindergarten (average score: 2.54 pt) The current status of implementing the content of developing capacity to build MTVC equipment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Fostering for students a system of knowledge about MVC construction activities (teachers evaluate regularly with an average rating of 2.58 pts, students evaluate regularly with an average rating of 2.59 pts) and develop a system of construction skills MTVC activities in kindergarten for students (teachers rate regularly with an average score of 2.59 pts, students rate them regularly with an average score of 2.47 pts), are two contents that teachers and students rate as regularly performed and are quite similar The third content: Forming for students a system of values, emotions, and motivations for building MTVC is assessed by lecturers and students as only occasionally implemented (the average score for this content among teachers is 1.83 pts) , in SV it is 1.77 VND) While other 15 contents such as Information Technology and Foreign Languages are considered by teachers and students to be performed with more frequency than the formation of students' value system, emotions, and motivations for building MTTC (DTB) This content is 2.07 points for lecturers, 2.03 points for students) This reflects the objective reality that in the training process, to constantly improve the quality of training, to meet the development trend of society - the era and the 4.0 industrial revolution The current situation of using forms of capacity development to build MTVC equipment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education In practice, pedagogical practice in kindergarten is the form considered to be used most often by teachers and students of pedagogical universities majoring in Early Childhood Education in schools in the surveyed area (the average score of lecturers is 2.79 VND; the average score of students is 2.79 VND) is 2.73 VND) followed by organizing regular teaching and learning activities in the lecture hall (lecturers' average score is 2.78 VND; students' average score is 2.71 VND) Organizing for students to self-develop pedagogical skills and organizing for students to experience practical work are forms that are considered rarely used by lecturers and students of pedagogical universities majoring in Early Childhood Education at schools in the surveyed area The current situation of using measures to develop capacity to build MTVC equipment in preschools for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education In general, lecturers at universities in the survey area, during the training process of teachers, have used many measures to develop capacity to build preschools for students, but not really regularly, still mainly in the lecture hall through practice hours of relevant modules This is also one of the reasons why we can develop appropriate and effective measures for developing capacity to build MTVC in preschools for students. Đánh giá giảng viên SV thực trạng NL xây dựng MTVC trường mầm non SV đại học ngành GDMN The author of the thesis has developed 10 criteria to evaluate the capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools of university students majoring in Early Childhood Education The total average score of 10 criteria for developing capacity for building construction materials in kindergartens of students was rated by lecturers as Good (lower bound: 23.23 VND), and rated by students as Satisfactory (upper bound: 23.13 VND) D) Thus, there is not much of a difference in average score in assessing the capacity to build mental health equipment at students' preschools between lecturers and students 2.3.2 Reasons affecting the development of capacity to build MTVC equipment in preschools of university students majoring in Early Childhood Education 16 Objective reasons Although there have been innovations in the content and form of organizing the Council of VC, the activities are still heavy on the requirements of the program and not pay much attention to the development of human resources, especially the capacity to build the Council of Councils because we want to organize the Council of VC We must build a play environment for children Subjective reasons There are many subjective reasons that affect the development of students' capacity to build mental structures in preschools The impact of each of these causes, according to teachers and students, is quite large In which, teachers evaluate more objectively than students about Causes affecting the development of capacity to build mental health equipment in students' preschools General assessment: The results of the survey on the current status of the capacity to build bicycle structures in preschools for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education show that the capacity to build bicycle structures at preschools of students has many indicators (signs) of quite good development, But there are many indicators (signs) that still have many shortcomings There are many reasons leading to this situation, including objective reasons from training institutions, other educational forces, and subject programs, and subjective reasons from students and lecturers Conclusion of chapter (1) Lecturers and pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education at pedagogical universities in the surveyed area are all aware that developing the capacity to build physical education in preschools for students is very necessary (2.) Pedagogical universities (surveyed) have implemented many paths with many contents and used many forms and measures to develop the capacity to build physical education in preschools for students In particular, teaching in the classroom, organizing regular pedagogical training for students in lecture halls, organizing students to practice, and pedagogical practice in preschools are forms used quite often by these pedagogical universities (3) Students' knowledge about building bicycle structures, skills and attitudes when participating in building bicycle structures in kindergartens are not stable and not meet the requirements for capacity to build bicycle structures in preschools .(4) The development of capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education still has many shortcomings due to many objective and subjective reasons There are objective reasons from the school side and subjective reasons from the students and lecturers that deeply affect the development of students' capacity to build public works CHAPTER 3: MEASURES TO DEVELOP CAPACITY IN 17 BUILDING A PLAY ENVIRONMENT IN PRESCHOOL FOR UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 3.1 Principles for proposing measures to develop capacity to build MTVC equipment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education (1) Ensuring to meet the output standards of the preschool education training program and teaching professional standards Pre-school staff; (2) Ensuring experience; (3) Ensuring feasibility; (4) Ensuring development 3.2 Measures to develop MTVC building capacity in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education Based on the results of theoretical and practical research, we develop measures to develop capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools for students These measures are organized according to a fourstep experiential learning model Explore - Connect - Practice - Apply by David Kolb 3.2.1 Group of measures 1: Organize for students to explore and connect knowledge and experience about building educational programs in preschools This group of measures is aimed at equipping students with knowledge and skills about VC activities for preschool children, and about building self-esteem for children in preschool; There is an initial symbol of a child's MTVC in preschool This group of measures includes two measures: 1) Organize for students to explore the characteristics, meaning and how to build mental health in preschool, 2) Organize for students to experience and practice at preschool at the beginning of the course train 3.2.2 Group of measures 2: Organize students to practice and practice the construction of MTVC at training facilities to form skills in building MTVC This group of measures is aimed at forming for students the initial skills of building structural elements in kindergarten through organizing regular RLNVSP for students at the university's practice room during the process of studying the module of structural elements and structures other pedagogical courses This group of measures includes the following measures: 3) Guide students to plan the construction of mental health equipment in preschools; 4) Organize students to implement the plan to build MTVC in kindergarten; 5) Organize students to handle common situations in the process of building child safety equipment in preschools 3.2.3 Group of measures 3: Organize students to apply knowledge and skills in building MTVC systems into preschool practice This group of measures is aimed at developing the capacity to build intellectual property in preschools for students through pedagogical training sessions in preschools This group of measures includes the following measures: 18 6) Organize students to develop skills in building intellectual property in preschools through pedagogical practice of subjects in preschools; 7) Organize students to build MTVC in kindergarten through the third year of pedagogical practice; 8) Organize for students to build MTVC in kindergartens through graduation pedagogical practice; 9) Organize for students to self-assess the capacity to build MTVC at their own preschool 3.2.4 The relationship between measures to develop capacity to build MTVC facilities in preschools for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education These measures have a relationship of interaction, inheritance and development and take place in an experiential process: from awareness to practice - practicing at the university's practice room to form MTVC building skills -> practice - practical practice at preschool to consolidate MTVC building skills -> Third year pedagogical practice to form MTVC building capacity -> graduate pedagogical practice to consolidate and develop NL built MTVC Measures of procedural organization of experiential activities Conclusion of chapter These groups of measures are arranged according to the process of experiential activities: Group of measures 1: Organize for students to explore and connect experiences in building educational programs in preschools towards equipping students with knowledge and skills Initial skills in building mental health systems in preschools; Group of measures 2: Organize students to practice and practice the construction of MTVC at training facilities to form the skills of building MTVC at preschools for students This group of measures is implemented at the university's pedagogical department; Group of measures 3: Organize students to apply knowledge and skills in building mental health systems into preschool practice This group of measures is implemented at preschools through pedagogical practice at preschools, through the third year of pedagogical practice and the graduation pedagogical practice The proposed measures have a close relationship and mutual impact, so when choosing and applying, they need to be coordinated appropriately to bring about high efficiency in forming energy Building MTVC for children of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education CHAPTER 4: PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIENCE 4.1 Khái quát chung thực nghiệm sư phạm 4.1.1 Mục đích thực nghiệm Compare the level of development of capacity to build mental structures in kindergarten of students in the experimental group (experimental group) and students in the control group (control group) during the university training process On that basis, the thesis has confirmed the effectiveness and feasibility of measures to develop capacity for building mental health facilities in preschools for university 19 students majoring in Early Childhood Education, thereby proving the proposed scientific hypothesis 4.1.2 Content and experimental objects Experimental content - The experimental group (experimental group) applies groups of measures to develop capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education as proposed by us - The control group (DC) still retains the measures to develop capacity to build mental health equipment at preschools for students that lecturers usually use Experimental object 73 undergraduate students majoring in Early Childhood Education at Hanoi Capital University, course 2019 - 2023 Forces involved and experimental time: - Experimental organization force: Thesis author and collaborators, including lecturers teaching the HDVC module and other modules related to this content; Consultant; Peer mentoring; Joint Branch of Faculty of Pedagogy - Implementation time: From September 2020 to March 2023 4.1.3 Tools, criteria and evaluation scales: (1) Evaluation form: We use the criteria and evaluation scale for the capacity to build MTVC in students' preschools built in section 2.2.5 Chapter to evaluate The level of development of students' capacity to build mental structures in kindergartens; (2) Evaluation through observation: Develop observation content; Criteria and scale for evaluating observation results; (3)Operational product research; (4) Conversation, in-depth interview 4.2 Experimental progress 4.2.1 Experimental preparation: Step select the experimental group and control group; Step compile documents and prepare necessary means; Step foster collaborators; Step develop a TN plan 4.2.2 Experimental implementation The experiment will be implemented from the second year (semester 3) to the end of the 4th year (semester 8) with impact measures appropriate to each stage of students' learning, practice, and internship At the end of each phase, there is an assessment of the student's progress in building capacity in kindergarten (measuring experimental results in each phase) 4.2.3 Analyze experimental results We use a combination of assessment exercises, observations, product research, and in-depth interviews to evaluate students' progress in building capacity in preschools in both qualitative and quantitative aspects Experimental results are synthesized and evaluated with the same criteria The experimental results are specified as follows: Students' level of mastery of the characteristics, meaning and 20 how to build MTVC in preschool Mastering the characteristics, meaning and how to build MTVC is an important basis for practicing skills and developing the capacity to build MTVC in preschool for students Through the results of evaluation by questionnaire (Evaluation form No 1, Appendix 2), combined with observing the learning activities of students in the experimental group and control group, chatting with students during the learning process of the module Organizational Methods councilor position and other pedagogical professional courses Organizing students to explore the characteristics, meaning and how to build MTVC in kindergarten (Measure 1) has created a difference in teaching the theoretical part of this module Organize for students to experience and practice at the kindergarten at the beginning of the training course On that basis, students can experience - practice building MTVC (under the guidance of teachers) and draw lessons on building MTVC in kindergarten (See Measure 2, Chapter 3) Through the evaluation results of the students' experience and penetration of pedagogical practice focused at the beginning of the training course at the kindergarten, we see the organizational measures for students to experience and penetrate pedagogical practice focused at the beginning of the course The training we recommend is effective The level of formation of students' skills in planning to build MTVC in kindergarten Through the evaluation form, through observation, through analysis of students' activity products (MTVC construction plan created by students), through conversations and exchanges with lecturers and students, we obtain results on the formative level The skills of planning to build mental health equipment in preschools of students in the experimental group are better than those in the control group (the average score of students in the experimental group is: 2.28 - the upper limit level; while the average score of students in the control group is 1.77 - Lower reaching level) The level of students' formation of skills in implementing the plan to build MTVC in kindergarten Based on the results of assessment by questionnaire, analysis of the mental structure that students build, and conversations with lecturers and some students, we obtained the following results: the level of formation of skills in building mental structure in kindergartens of students Students in the experimental group are better than the control group (the average score of the students in the experimental group is: 2.28 - the upper limit level of achievement; while the average score of the control group's students is 1.71 the lower limit level of achievement) Using the formula to test the t-tets value, we obtain the result t = 2.96 > tα= 2.30 (with α = 0.05) Thus this difference is statistically significant It can be affirmed that the measure of organizing students to implement the plan to build a kindergarten for students 21 (measure 4) proposed by us is appropriate, effective and feasible The level of formation of students' skills in handling common situations in the process of building mental health systems in kindergarten In order for students to become familiar with and have the skills to handle this problem, we propose measures to organize students to handle common situations in the process of building MTVC in preschools We use the evaluation form and results Combined with observations and direct conversations with lecturers and some students, we obtained the following results: The skills of handling common situations in the process of building a mental health system of students in the experimental group are better than those of students in the control group (The average score of the experimental group is 2.24, the average score of the control group is 1.71) Using the formula to test the t-tets value, we obtain the result t = 2.35 > tα= 2.30 (with α = 0.05) Thus this difference is statistically significant Thus, it can be affirmed that the measure of organizing students to handle common situations in the process of building mental health equipment in preschools (measure 5) proposed by us is necessary, effective and feasible Level of development of students' skills in building mental structures in kindergarten through subject practice at preschool We use the Evaluation Form, combined with observations and conversations with lecturers, teachers and some students to evaluate The results obtained are as follows: the skills of building mental structures in preschool after finishing the subject practice at preschool of students in the experimental group develop faster than those of students in the control group (average score of students in the experimental group is 2, 32; The average score of students in the control group is 1.70 - 0.62 points lower than the experimental group) In the experimental group, the average score of all criteria approached the ceiling of the Pass score range, while the average score of the Control group was only at the floor point within the Pass score range Using the formula to test the t-tets value, we obtain the result t = 2.53 > tα= 2.44 (with α = 0.05) Thus this difference is statistically significant The level of formation of capacity to build intellectual property in kindergarten of students through the third year of pedagogical training Based on the observation form, the MTVC products built by students, and conversations with teachers and some students, we obtained the following results: The capacity to build MTVC on the preschool wall of students in the experimental group and the control group is the same at Pass level However, the experimental group's capacity to build mental structures has approached the ceiling of the Pass score range (average score is 2.31) according to the assessment scale developed in Chapter (Pass score: from 1.67 - 2.33 points) ), while the capacity to build mental capacity of students in the control group is at the floor point (average score is 1.71) 22 The level of formation of capacity to build intellectual property in kindergarten of students through the graduation pedagogical training session The capacity of students in the experimental group to build capacity in kindergartens develops quite quickly, from the Pass level (average score is 2.31 - upper limit) when taking pedagogical practice in the third year to the Good level in the graduation pedagogical practice (average score is 2) ,47) Meanwhile, the control group students' capacity to build capital structures in kindergarten also developed but not significantly compared to the third year of pedagogical practice (average score of third year pedagogical practice is 1.71; average score of 3rd year pedagogical practice is 1.85) – still at Pass level) Stages of formation and development of capacity to build MTVC at students' preschools In general, the stages of forming and developing the capacity to build MTVC at kindergartens of students of the experimental group took place quickly and had quite close inheritance and continuity As time goes on, the development of capacity to build MTVC in preschools of students in the experimental group becomes faster Linear correlation between the stages of formation and development of capacity to build intellectual property in students' preschools We see r values ranging from 0.62 to 0.78 Since r > 0, this is a positive correlation Thus, it can be affirmed that the stages of formation and development of capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools of university students majoring in Early Childhood Education are closely related to each other Conclusion of chapter The measures to develop the capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education that we have proposed have had a positive impact on the process of forming and developing the capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools of students The formation and development of the experimental group's capacity to build machine learning takes place faster and with better quality than that of the students in the control group From the results of the experiment, we confirm that the measures to develop the capacity to build motorbikes in The preschool for pedagogical university students in the Early Childhood Education major that we proposed is effective and feasible, contributing to meeting the requirements of improving the quality of training for early childhood teachers with university degrees at training establishments CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUDE (1)Developing the capacity to build mental health equipment in 23 preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education is a necessary task that contributes to the formation and development of professional capacity for students (2)Developing the capacity to build self-driving equipment at preschools Kindergarten for students is a process, from equipping students with knowledge and understanding of preschool activities in kindergarten, characteristics, meaning and how to build preschool programs to forming and developing skills to build preschool programs (3) Developing MTVC construction skills in preschools for pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education is influenced by many subjective and objective factors (4) Results of surveying the current status of MTVC construction skills and the current status of developing construction skills Building MTVC in kindergartens of pedagogical university students majoring in Early Childhood Education, we see that the capacity to build MTVC in preschools of students still has many shortcomings and does not meet the requirements of the Industry (5) We propose three group of measures to develop capacity to build MTVC in preschools for students These groups of measures are arranged according to the process of experiential activities (6) The experimental results show that the measures to develop the capacity to develop mental health equipment in preschools for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education that we proposed have had effective results Positive impact on the process of forming and developing the capacity to build MTVC in students' preschools RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 With management levels When directing the development of university teacher training programs, special attention should be paid to developing the capacity to organize councils, especially the capacity to build capacity for students The content of the modules is related to preschool pedagogy; form of organization: Strengthen the organization of activities in the direction of creating opportunities for students to have practical experience, thereby helping students develop professional capacity in general and capacity to build functional capacity in preschools in particular 2.2 With training facilities for teachers with university degrees Continuously update information about modern teaching trends as well as achievements in teacher training in countries around the world today in the teacher training program Pedagogical schools need to develop regular pedagogical training programs with preschool pedagogical courses for students The school needs to create favorable conditions in terms of facilities for lecturers and students to carry out practical activities of organizing VC organizations and building organizational structures in kindergartens 24 2.3 For lecturers teaching modules belonging to the HDVC knowledge block and other related modules Flexibly and creatively applying measures to develop capacity to build mental health equipment in preschools for university students majoring in Early Childhood Education, we have developed and tested it in experiments 2.4 For university students majoring in early childhood education Students need to be more deeply aware of the role of building community councils when organizing youth councils in preschools Students are active, self-aware, and creative in the process of learning and training to develop capacity to build MTVC in kindergarten in particular Enhance group work during the learning and training process, especially when practicing and experiencing the construction of MTVC in kindergarten 2.5 For preschool Choose a teacher with strong professional capacity and rich experience in guiding students in practice and teaching practice Together with GVMN training facilities, adjust and perfect the program, practice content, and pedagogical information of students 25 PROJECTS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED RELATED TO THE THESIS Lại Thị Thu Hường (2017), Some issues about the play environment of preschool children, Vietnam Teachers Magazine - No 127, November (ISSN number: 18592902) Lại Thị Thu Hường (2019), The formation anh development of preschool children’s personality through play activites, Международный академический вестник, Научный журнал - No 38, June (ISSN number: 23125519) Lại Thị Thu Hường, Nguyễn Minh Ngọc (2020), Factors affecting the ability of preschool pedagogy students to build a play environment for children, Proceedings of the international scientific conference on Psychology - Education for the development of happy students and schools , October (ISSN number: 9786045471289) Lại Thị Thu Hường (2022), Use themed role-playing games to develop preschoolers' psychology, Journal of educational equipment: Applied research, Volume 1, Issue 262 (April 2022 ISSN 18590810) Lại Thị Thu Hường (2022), Developing the competence to create a play environment for kindergarten of students of preschool pedagogy at HaNoi Metropolitan University through professional training activities, Vietnam Journal of Educational Sciences, No 18, June (ISSN number: 26158957) Lại Thị Thu Hường (2023), Current status of developing the capacity to build a play environment in preschool for students majoring in preschool education, Education Magazine, Volume 23 (special issue 3), May (ISSN number: 23540753) Lại Thị Thu Hường (2023), Developing the capacity to build a play environment in preschool for pedagogical university students majoring in preschool education, Proceedings of the international scientific conference on Psychology - Education in the context of social change, August (ISSN number: 9786048871284)