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Nghiên cứu về sự hổ trợ từ bạn học trong các hoạt động nói tiếng anh ở trường trung học phổ thông đông hà quảng trị

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STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY This work has not previously been submitted for a degree or diploma in any college or university To the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis itself Date: August 1st, 2017 Signature i ABSTRACT This study aimed at investigating forms of peer scaffolding in English speaking activities, how students scaffolded each other and students’ perceptions towards peer scaffolding in English speaking activities at Dong Ha High School in Quang Tri The study was conducted with eleventh grade students at Dong Ha High school, Quang Tri The data collection tools included questionnaire, audio recording and interview Data analysis involved both qualitative and quantitative approaches The findings revealed that four forms of peer scaffolding, namely, procedural scaffolding, conceptual scaffolding, technical scaffolding and affective scaffolding were often used among students in speaking activities Besides, students highly appreciated peer scaffolding and frequently provided peer scaffolding in preparing presentation and delivering language knowledge in English speaking activities Based on the findings, some practical implications were put forwards to EFL teachers, students and administrators regarding peer scaffolding ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and many thanks to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Le Pham Hoai Huong, who spent her time on giving comments and suggestions to every piece of my study I am thankful for her professional guidance and detailed advice throughout the development of the study Without her support, I might never have fulfilled my work successfully I am also indebted to the EFL teachers and administrators from Dong Ha High School in Quang Tri as well as students from classes 11A1, 11A2 and 11A3 who enthusiastically cooperated to help me collect data for the study Last but not least, I am immensely grateful to my beloved family and friends who gave me lots of best wishes, motivation and inspiration to complete my study iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Pages STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF TABLES AND GRAPHS viii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Research objectives 1.3 Research questions .3 1.4 Research scope .3 1.5 Research significance 1.6 Organization of the research CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Definitions of key terms .6 2.2.1 Scaffolding .6 Definitions of scaffolding Benefits and challenges of scaffolding 2.2.2 The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and its relation with scaffolding 2.2.3 Peer scaffolding 10 iv 2.3 The application of peer scaffolding in English speaking activities 11 2.4 Forms of peer scaffolding in English speaking activities 12 2.5 Previous studies in other countries .13 2.6 Previous studies in Vietnam .15 2.7 Gaps in the literature 16 2.8 Summary 17 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 18 3.1 Introduction 18 3.2 Research approach .18 3.3 Setting and participants 18 3.4 Data collection 20 3.4.1 Questionnaire .20 3.4.2 Audio recording 21 3.4.3 Interview 22 3.5 Data analysis 23 3.6 Summary 23 CHAPTER FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 24 4.1 Introduction 24 4.2 Peer scaffolding in English speaking activities 24 4.2.1 Forms of peer scaffolding in English speaking activities 24 4.2.2 How students scaffolded each other in English speaking activities 35 Direction maintenance of peer sscaffolding 35 Giving explanations or suggestions .38 Work sharing for effective performmance 40 Answering/Satisfying peers’ questions and needs 42 v Ideas sharing for better content knowledge 44 Giving feedback and encouragemment 46 Affective supports 49 Giving a sense of safety .50 4.4 Students’ perceptions of peer scaffolding 52 4.4 Summary 65 CHAPTER CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS, LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 66 5.1 Introduction 66 5.2 Summary of the key findings .66 5.2.1 Forms of peer scaffolding and how students scaffolded each other in English speaking activities 66 5.2.2 Students’ perceptions of peer scaffolding 67 5.3 Implications for effective peer scaffolding in English speaking activities 68 5.4 Limitations of the study .69 5.5 Suggestions for further study .70 5.6 Conclusions 70 REFERENCES APPENDICES vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EFL: English as a Foreign Language ELT: English Language Teaching L1: First Language L2: Second language LRE: Language Related Episode TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages ZPD: Zone of Proximal Development vii LIST OF TABLES AND GRAPHS Table Illustrative model of scaffolding Table 4.2.1 Common forms of peer scaffolding in English speaking activities 30 Graph Forms of peer scaffolding in English speaking activities 25 Graph Specific techniques of peer scaffolding in English speaking activities 31 Graph 4.3.1 Students’ attitudes when working with more knowledgeable peers in English speaking activities 53 Graph 4.3.2 Students’ perceptions of peer scaffolding advantages in English speaking activities 54 Graph 4.3.3 Students’ perceptions of peer scaffolding disadvantages in English speaking activities 61 viii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale The concept of scaffolding mentioned in Vygotsky’s constructivist theory has received a great deal of attention in educational research over the past few decades An abundance of research on scaffolding in different contexts has been carried out Scaffolding highlights one of the key aspects of children’s learning, namely that it is often “guided by others” (Stone 1998a, p 351) Vygotsky indicated that learning awakens in children a variety of internal developmental processes that can work only when they interact with more competent partners in their language educational environment and in cooperation with their peers Additionally, Vygotsky theorized that when children scaffold each other, they modify a task and offer assistance to each other to help complete the task (Tharp & Gallimore, 1988) When children model each other, they offer behaviors to each other for imitation, thereby helping each other to see the appropriate behaviors, understand the reasons for their use, and exhibit the specific behaviors in order to put them into their own understanding Also, he stressed that children develop in a social matrix that is formed by their relationships and interactions with other children The social environment is a major contributor to the cognition of children because of the open area of communication that exists that allows them to negotiate and express ideas as necessities for speaking skills as well as contribute to each other’s understanding In the acquisition of a second language, speaking is a vital skill to master In ELT, speaking skills is considered the most important skills and even the most difficult aspects of language learning (Brown & Yule, 1983) Therefore, the major goal of all English language teaching should be to give learners the ability to use English effectively, accurately in communication (Davies & Pearse, 2000) In spite of that, according to Baker and Westrup (2003), in many countries, because speaking skills are not assessed in tests, teachers usually disregard this skill and focus on other features such as grammar or vocabulary This is especially true in the case of English education in Vietnamese high schools In recent years, Vietnam has seen an explosion in the demand for English With the move to a market economy by the Vietnamese government and the growth of international businesses as well as an increasing number of foreign tourists, knowledge of English has become the passport to a better-paid job English as a foreign language (EFL) has been taught widely as a compulsory subject in many educational institutions in Vietnam, from primary schools to tertiary institutions The efficacy of English teaching and learning attracts much interest from Vietnamese people and society Vietnamese government has set out a number of policies and initiatives in order to improve the quality of EFL teaching and learning in Vietnamese education system However, it seems that there have been a number of challenges for EFL teachers and students, and administrators in Vietnam Of the challenges that EFL teachers and students face, the exam-oriented education system has been identified as a barrier to the teaching and learning of communicative language Teachers and students have spent class time on practicing tasks for formbased exams instead of focusing on activities to improve students’ communicative competence (Gao, 2012; Ming & Jaya, 2011; Pan & Block, 2011) Nowadays, EFL students are learning English in the light of communicative approach which focuses on four main skills Therefore, it is easier for young learners to get used to new ways of learning language in the very first stages but for the high school students at this time High school students have experienced both grammar-based syllabus and skill-based syllabus in acquiring the English language in Vietnamese education, which means they have to change their way of learning from a passive and individual mode into very active and collaborative one Therefore, Vietnamese high school students obviously need to adapt a new way of learning a foreign language, which learners’ knowledge acquisition is not only from teachers but also from their peers and many other online sources regarding speaking skills that have always been underestimated before As an English language teacher and learner, I have vấn đề học sinh tự tạo sơ đồ tư Khái niệm dựa theo kiến thức nhiệm vụ sơ đồ tư học tập dùng vật thực để ví dụ dùng đối tượng có tính Ví dụ chất minh họa để mơ tả giải thích cho khái niệm viết hướng dẫn cách thực nhiệm vụ Lời giải thích dùng lời nói hướng dẫn cách thực nhiệm vụ chuẩn bị tài liệu phát tay chứa Tài liệu phát thông tin liên quan đến nhiệm tay vụ học tập nội dung học đưa gợi ý cho bạn học là: tìm chủ ngữ cho động từ; Gợi ý tập trung vào từ ngữ trọng tâm; vân vân hành động trỏ, gật Nhắc nhở đầu, nhấp nháy mắt, nhịp chân hành từ ngữ, lời nói là: Tiếp tục động lời đi; Dừng lại; Đây này; Nói cho nói tơi/mình nghe xem; vân vân khuyến khích phát triển tư Câu hỏi phát câu hỏi "Nếu triển tư "; "Giả sử "; vân vân kể chuyện để truyền cảm hứng Kể chuyện để động viên khích lệ bạn học vào tranh Hỗ trợ dùng cử tượng trưng hình ảnh nhấn mạnh thơng tinh hình ảnh (1- Khơng bao giờ; - Hiếm khi; - Thỉnh thoảng; - Thường xuyên; - Rất thường xuyên) Ở mức độ bạn/em cho làm việc với bạn học giỏi hoạt động nói cỏ thể thúc đẩy việc học thân bạn/em? Khi làm việc với bạn học giỏi hơn, Các mức độ đồng ý A B C D E F Em cảm thấy có động lực mà em có nhiều hội nói tiếng Anh với bạn giỏi bạn sửa lỗi cho em Em cảm thấy hài lòng mà nhiệm vụ học tập hồn thành nhanh chóng với hỗ trợ bạn Em cảm thấy khơng thoải mái mà học sinh giỏi ln kiểm sốt cách em làm việc để thực nhiệm vụ Em cảm thấy thất vọng em khơng có hội trình bày ý kiến Em cảm thấy căng thẳng bạn xung quang giỏi Em khơng bận tâm làm việc chung nhóm với bạn giỏi dù em phân chia nhiệm vụ tự thực (1- Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý; - Không đồng ý; - Phân vân; - Đồng ý; - Hoàn toàn đồng ý) Bạn/Em cho lợi ích tiềm tàng từ hỗ trợ bạn học hoạt động nói tiếng Anh gì? Lợi ích tiềm tàng A B C D E F G Em có hội nhớ lại kiến thức cũ trước chuyển sang nhiệm vụ Em có thời gian cho việc tự học tự điều chỉnh kiến thức với bạn Mỗi bạn hướng dẫn em học theo cách khác để em lĩnh hội kiến thức Tương tác trực tiếp với bạn học thúc đẩy việc học tập chủ động tích cực thân em Có thể củng cố kiến thức từ việc hướng dẫn giúp đỡ bạn khác học Em cảm thấy thoải mái, có động lực cởi mở có hội tương tác việc học với bạn khác Các học sinh có mục tiêu học tập nên tạo tiếng nói chung từ góp phần xây dựng hiểu biết tin cậy lẫn Các mức độ đồng ý H I J K L Giảm thiểu mức độ thất vọng độ khó tập cho học sinh Giảm thiểu khoảng cách kiến thức học sinh Hỗ trợ học sinh tự lĩnh hội kiến thức, tự lập khái quát hóa kiến thức ngữ cảnh khác Mở rộng mục tiêu học tập cần đạt cho học sinh Tăng cường hợp tác tham gia học sinh hoạt động nói (1- Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý; - Không đồng ý; - Phân vân; - Đồng ý; - Hoàn toàn đồng ý) Bạn/Em cho bất lợi tiềm tàng từ hỗ trợ bạn học hoạt động nói tiếng Anh gì? Bất lợi tiềm tàng A B C D E F G Những hỗ trợ tức cung cấp cho học sinh kiến thức tạm thời khơng mang tính lâu dài Đơi nhầm lẫn sai sót từ kiến thức bạn học khiến học sinh hiểu sai kiến thức Học sinh trở nên thụ động vào bạn giỏi khơng cần phải q cố gắng để thực nhiệm vụ học tập Sự lạm dụng tiếng Việt q trình hỗ trợ bạn học trở thành rào cản tiếp thu ngoại ngữ học sinh Phân tán tập trung ý học sinh mục tiêu học tập trường hợp bạn học cung cấp nhiều hỗ trợ khơng cần thiết nói Học sinh khơng thể đưa hướng dẫn hỗ trợ chuyên môn giáo viên để phù hợp với khả ngôn ngữ khác bạn học điều khiến cho kết học tập trở nên không mong đợi Các học sinh phụ thuộc vào bạn học mà kiến thức ngơn ngữ thiếu tư tích cực Các mức độ đồng ý H I Các học sinh hỗ trợ bạn học khác nhóm thường phải đảm nhậm nhiệm vụ lớn bạn khác thực phần việc trở nên lười biếng Học sinh ý đến kết mà bỏ qua qui trình tiến hành hoạt động nói (1- Hồn tồn không đồng ý; - Không đồng ý; - Phân vân; - Đồng ý; - Hoàn toàn đồng ý) -***** -Tên đầy đủ (không bắt buộc): …………………………………………………… Giới tính:  Nam  Nữ Địa e-mail: Khối lớp: 11…… -***** -CẢM ƠN CÁC BẠN/EM ĐÃ HỢP TÁC! APPENDIX C Interview Questions for EFL Students Grade 11 Câu hỏi phóng vấn cho học sinh lớp 11 học ngoại ngữ Tiếng Anh Students' name/ Tên học sinh: Date of interview/ Ngày vấn: Group topic/ Chủ đề hoạt động: Question 1: Are other peers helpful to you in speaking activities? If yes, how have peers helped with your English speaking? Câu hỏi 1: Các bạn học có giúp đỡ bạn/em hoạt động nói khơng? Nếu có mong bạn/em giải thích bạn học giúp cải thiện việc nói tiếng Anh bạn/em nào? Question 2: In your opinion, what are some advantages or disadvantages in speaking activities with peer scaffoldings? If yes, please explain and give as many examples as you can Câu hỏi 2: Theo bạn/em hoạt động nói có hỗ trợ từ bạn học có có thuận lợi hay khơng thuận lợi khơng? Nếu có mong bạn/em giải thích cho số ví dụ cụ thể Question 3: Does working with more knowledgeable peers bring you new knowledge of English and other things? If yes, please give as many examples as you can Câu hỏi 3: Làm việc với bạn học giỏi hoạt động nói có mang lại cho bạn/em kiến thức tiếng Anh lĩnh vực khác khơng? Nếu có mong bạn/em cho số ví dụ cụ thể Question 4: Do you find speaking activities in groups with more knowledgeable stressful? Please explain if yes or no? Câu hỏi 4: Bạn/Em có thấy căng thẳng hoạt động nói làm việc nhóm với bạn giỏi khơng? Mong bạn/em giải thích có không? Question 5: Do your peers and you have mutual supports in speaking activities? What particular strategies are used by your peers in speaking activities? Please give as many examples as you can? Câu hỏi 5: Bạn/Em hay bạn học bạn/em có giúp đỡ lẫn hoạt động nói khơng? Các bạn học hỗ trợ bạn/em cách thức hay phương pháp cụ thể nào? Mong bạn/em cho ví dụ cụ thể? Question 6: Could you describe an experience when peers' instructions work for you in speaking activities? Câu hỏi 6: Bạn/Em chia sẻ kinh nghiệm mà giúp đỡ bạn học giúp ích bạn/em hoạt động nói? Question 7: Could you describe an experience when the peers' instructions not work for you in speaking activities? Câu hỏi 7: Bạn/Em chia sẻ kinh nghiệm mà giúp đỡ bạn học khơng thể giúp ích bạn/em hoạt động nói? APPENDIX D Samples of Audio Transcription *Note: The researcher would stay the same where Vietnamese language was used T - Teacher S - Student Sample A Unit 8: Our world heritage sites Speaking activity task 2, English textbook eleven new page 36: Work in groups Imagine that you have one day to explore Hue Which attractions would you visit? Discuss and decide on two places you all want to see Use the phrases below Useful language for making suggestions I suggest + V-ing I'd like to suggest + V-ing Why don't we + V (infinitive without to)? Let's + V (infinitive without to) What about + V-ing? How about + V-ing? would be useful as it's / because it's / since it's What you think about + V-ing? Wouldn't it be better to + V (infinitive)? S1 S2,3,4 S2 S1 S2 S1 S3 Chừ thảo luận hai địa điểm muốn bây? [So, we're discussing and deciding on two places we all want to see, aren't we?] Ừ mi [Yes.] Từ để tau xem bây Mình phải dùng cấu trúc học bây nì [Wait a minute Let me see! I think we should use the new structures in the textbook for our talk.] Chi mi? [What you mean?] Cơ có nhắc tề Xem bảng ni [Teacher has just reminded us of this Look at the summary table here!] Ê bảng ni công thức mà [I think the table refers to the target English formula of the lesson.] Thì nói Mi ghép cơng thức vơ với địa điểm thơi Giống ri nhưa, mi dùng cấu trúc 'Let's go' mi nói 'Let's go to Nha Trang' nghĩa mi muốn Nha Trang Hiểu chưa? S4 S1 S2 S1 S3 S1 S4 S3 S2 S3 S2 S1 S3 [I agree with her You should apply new structures to say; for example, with the structure 'Let's go', you say 'Let's go to Nha Trang' This sentence means you would like to go to Nha Trang Got it?] Rồi Hiểu I suggest going to Thien Mu pagoda Đúng chưa bây? [Yes, yes I see I suggest going to Thien Mu pagoda Is that right?] Ê, t biết Let's going to Hue Imperial Citadel! [Yeah, I've got it! Let's going to Hue Imperial Citadel!] Let's go mi [Let's go!] Ầu hè, tau nhầm với từ suggest [Yes I'm confused with 'suggest'.] Rồi chừ có ví dụ sách, đổi tên địa điểm nói theo Mấy địa điểm ni có thơng tin hết [We have an example of conversation in the textbook We can talk based on the example, then we change names of places and some information in terms of these places.] Mi nói thử chơ tau chưa hiểu [You should go first I don't still understand much.] Tau có hiểu mà thơi mi nói thử tau nói theo [I have a bit of understanding You should go first, then I'll follow you.] Tau không nghe Mi nghĩ Hiền? [I'm still not sure What you think, Hien?] Tau thấy ví dụ dài khó theo Nói câu đơn giản 'Let's go to Thien Mu Pagoda' đồ [I think the example conversation is too long for us to follow Let's say simple and short sentences like 'Let's go to Thien Mu Pagoda'.] Rứa bơ không giống thảo luận đề Bơ 'Let's go to' suốt à? [Does it seem like a discussion? So we say Let's go to all the time?] Mình nói ngắn gọn dễ hiểu thơi Ri hi, tau nói 'Let's go to Thien Mu Pagoda' xong mi nói 'Why?' 'Tại sao?' bơ tau trả lời 'Because' 'Bởi vì', bơ ví dụ có 'Because' nì 'Because we can get more information for our History assignment' [We'd better make it easier for everyone to understand For example, I say 'Let's go to Thien Mu Pagoda' and you say 'Why?', then I reply 'Because we can get more information for our History assignment'.] Ê 'assignment' chi mi? [Hey, hey, what does 'assignment' mean?] Từ kiểu giống từ 'homework' 'bài tập' Thơi nói tiếp [It is somewhat homework I guess Go ahead.] S2 S3 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S4 S1 S2 S1 S2 S3 S4 Rồi tụi bây hiểu hi Chừ nói nì 'I suggest going to Quoc Hoc High school Then we have more time for the second attraction' [So you all understand, don't you? Then I say 'I suggest going to Quoc Hoc High school Then we have more time for the second attraction'.] Rồi, hiểu Đến tau hi 'How about going to Hue Imperial Citadel?' [Got it My turn! How about going to Hue Imperial Citadel?] À 'Let's go to Thien Mu Pagoda' [Ah uh Let's go to Thien Mu Pagoda.] Mi mô Như? Chừ nói 'That's a good idea' Hịa vừa đưa đề xuất mơ tề [Where are you now? You must say 'That's a good idea' because Hoa has just given her suggestion.] Rồi Biết [Okay Okay.] Mai chừ mi hiểu nói chi chơ? [But so far you have understood how to say, haven't you?] Tau biết mà tau sợ quên [I have known how to But I'm afraid I can't remember them all.] Nói câu đơn giản thơi Tau in mi mà [You can say simple sentences I am the same like you.] Ờ Mà thấy ớn [Ok It's still a worry to me.] Lo chi Khi mô mi nghe 'Let's go ' 'I suggest ' tóm lại cấu trúc bảng ni mi nói 'That's a good idea' 'Sounds interesting' Đây nì Nhìn vơ ví dụ hi [No worry When you hear someone say 'Let's go ' or 'I suggest ', or things like that, you say 'That's a good idea' or 'Sounds interesting' Here it is Try to take a look to the sample conversation.] 'Let's go to Thien Mu pagoda', 'That's a good idea' Rứa hơ? ['Let's go to Thien Mu pagoda', then 'That's a good idea' That's all?] Mà không đồng ý với đề xuất nói 'Why' 'Tại sao' Bơ trả lời sách [If you don't want to go to that place, you can say 'Why?' The answers are in the textbook.] Răng nữa? [So what's next?] Trong sách, mi Chộ chưa? 'Quoc Hoc High School, one of the oldest high schools in Viet Nam and so on; Thien Mu Pagoda, a pretty and well-preserved pagoda and so on' [In the textbook Here they are See? Quoc Hoc High School, one of the oldest high schools in Viet Nam and so on; Thien Mu Pagoda, a pretty and well-preserved pagoda and so on.] Thông tin à? [These are for giving information, aren't they?] S4 Đó (Thông tin dùng) Để (khi) đưa (ra) đề xuất có lý [Yes These information is to support your suggestions.] S1 Ê mô nói 'That's a good idea' hè? [When we say 'That's a good idea'?] S2 Khi mô đồng ý [You say 'That's a good idea' when you agree with someone's ideas.] S4 Ầu Cịn khơng đồng ý nói 'Why' [Yeah In case you don't agree you will ask 'Why'.] S1 Rồi 'Let's go to Thien Mu Pagoda' [Ok Let's go to Thien Mu Pagoda.] S3 That's a good idea S2 Why? Let's go to Quoc Hoc High School S1 Because Thien Mu Pagoda is a pretty and well-preserved pagoda And it is Hue’s most recognizable landmark S4 Well, I’m not really interested in the pagoda Why don’t we see the Royal tombs S2 That’s a good idea! Then we’ll still have a couple of hours left What you guys think about visiting Quoc Hoc High school? S1 Guys? S2 Friends ơ! ['Guys' refers to 'Friends'!] S1 Okay S3 I suggest going to um Hue Imperial Citadel It’s the main place to see in Hue S4 So let’s go to Royal tombs first, then we’ll visit Hue Imperial Citadel and Quoc Hoc High school S1 How about Thien Mu pagoda? S4 It is too far to go Let’s visit it next time S2 That's a good idea S3 I agree with you S1 Okay T Do you have any questions so far? S1,2,3,4 Dạ không cô [No, thanks.] S1 Sample B Unit 9: Cities of the future Speaking activity task 5, English textbook eleven new page 52: Work with a partner Make predictions about a future city in Viet Nam Take notes S1 Chừ làm chi mi? [What are we going to now?] S2 Cơ nói task trang 52 [Task 5, page 52, teacher said.] S1 Bài ni vẹ làm chi? [What are we supposed to in the task?] S2 (repeat the instruction in the textbook) Make predictions about future city in Viet Nam S1 Chịu, nói (giải thích) tiếng Việt mi [I have no idea what you are saying? Please explain by Vietnamese.] S2 Cơ u cầu nói tiếng Anh mà 'Make predictions' 'dự đốn đó' Cịn 'future city' 'tương lai', 'thành phố tương lai' Rồi hi? [Teacher required us to speak English, remember? 'Make predictions' is And 'future city' means Got it?] S1 Rồi Mà dự đốn hè Mi nói đi? [I see But how can we make predictions? Help me?] S2 Tau (suy) nghĩ Coi đọc thử sách có (thơng tin) chi không? [I'm thinking about it Let's see if we have any information in the textbook Let's read!] S1 Mô? Đây à? [Read what? This one?] S2 Tùy mi Tau coi [It's up to you! Let me see.] (1 minutes later) S2 Ê, đây! Lấy ví dụ [Hey, hey! I found it! Let's take the example conversation in task 1.] S1 Mơ? [Where?] S2 Dịng ni, (và) dịng ni Đây dự đốn [Here! This line and this line They are talking about predictions.] S1 Ầu Nói in sách à? [I see We're saying as in the book, aren't we?] S2 Ầu Coi thử 'London is a stressful and overcrowded city with lots of traffic jams and pollution' [Yes Give it a try 'London is a stressful and overcrowded city with lots of traffic jams and pollution'.] S1 Đoạn ni có Ln Đơn mơ? [Where is 'London' in the text?] (Từ) 'It' Thay tên vơ, Ln Đơn, Tơ-ky-ơ đồ chơ khơng (thì) (mà) biết nói (về) chi ['It' refers to London We have to replace 'it' into the names; such as London, Tokyo and so on so that the teacher can know which city we are talking about.] S1 Hiểu Với thêm lấy thơng tin mà nói nì [I got it By the way, we should use the information in this place (she means task 4, current facts about cities) for our talk.] S2 Mi nói [You tell me.] S1 Tokyo is good infrastructure, overcrowded trains, ageing population S2 Thêm 'in 2050' nói câu [You should add in 2050 before your say that sentence.] S1 In 2050, Tokyo is good infr S2 Khoan khoan 'Has' chơ 'Tokyo has good infrastructure, overcrowded trains ' [Wait Wait Has Tokyo has good infrastructure, overcrowded trains ] (She stresses the word 'has') S1 Xùy, không quan trọng mô [It doesn't matter.] S2 Mô 'Infrastructure' 'cơ sở hạ tầng' Mi phải dùng động từ 'has' Has 'có' Coi hi, 'Tokyo sở hạ tầng đẹp' hay 'Tokyo có sở hạ tầng đẹp'? [No, no Infrastructure means 'cơ sở hạ tầng You should use the verb 'has' Has 'có' You see, 'Tokyo sở hạ tầng đẹp' or 'Tokyo có sở hạ tầng đẹp'?] S1 Ừm Rứa chừ (thành phố) New York (cũng sử dụng động từ 'has) 'New York has crowded public transport ' [Uh huh So it is the same to New York, isn't it? New York has crowded public transport ] S2 Chuẩn Nhớ 'in 2050' đầu câu tề [Yeah, yeah That's correct Remember 'in 2050' first.] S1 Mi không nhắc tau quên 'In 2050, New York has crowded pubic transport, piles of smelly rubbish, ageing electricity network' 'Ageing' chi hè? [I almost forgot if you don't remind me of this In 2050, New York has crowded pubic transport, piles of smelly rubbish, ageing electricity network By the way, what does ageing mean?] S2 Kiểu kiểu từ 'old', (nghĩa) 'già' 'cũ' [I think it is somewhat similar to 'old' 'Old' means 'già' and 'cũ'.] S1 Okay Mi dịch hết đoạn ni cho tau với [Okay Can you help me translate this paragraph?] S2 Có từ tau khơng biết Dị sau mục lục sách coi thử S2 S1 S2 (laughing) S1 (laughing) S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 [I have no idea some words Take a look to the 'glossary'.] Thôi Tau phát âm từ chưa hè? [That's fine Is it okay with my pronunciation?] Được đỏ [That's okay.] Thiệt hay giỡn rứa? [Really?] Thiệt chơ Chừ nói lại lần hấy Mà nói đừng nhịm vơ sách tề [Yes Just keep practicing one more time Try not to look at the textbook when you're speaking.] Nói ngang Hồi nói trước lớp (nếu) tau quên (thì) nhắc tau hi [I think it's enough Remind me if I can't remember them all when I'm talking in class.] Tau chưa nhớ hết nựa Thơi nói lại Cịn cẩm phút (nữa thơi) [I haven't still remembered them all Let's it again We don't have much time left ] In 2050, New York has crowded public transport, piles of smelly rubbish and ageing electricity network New York promotes selfdriving electric taxis, uses city’s building roofs for gardens fertilized with compost, builds plants to turn waste into energy, and builds offshore wind farms Yes And I think in 2050, London has good infrastructure, overcrowded trains and egeing population It promotes advanced technology to make greener cars, faster trains, and more convenient facilities for old people, and use robots to housework Yeah In the future, London will be cleaner and more sustainable Great! Yes I hope I can see our cities in the future Yes Me too APPENDIX E Sample of Interview Transcription [The transcription sample was translated from Vietnamese into English by the researcher] I - Interviewer S - Student Sample I S I S I S Hello Nice to meet you What's your name? I'm Hieu from class 11A2 Thank your for cooperation today You're welcome So your English speaking activities take place frequently in class? Sometimes They take place when the teacher asks us to take part in speaking tasks I Well, you take part in speaking tasks in groups or individually? S Both of them I In your opinion, working with your peers or working individually in speaking activities is better? (pause 10 seconds) S I guess I prefer work with my friends to work individually I Can you explain why? S Um ah Because working with my friends is much more comfortable and relieved, I can ask for my friends' opinions and vocabulary whenever I don't understand the requirements (pause a few seconds) S Besides, working individually means I have to speak alone in class This makes me nervous Working with friends is much more pleasant They can remind me of what to say next in case I forget something I Sounds good Are your friends willing to support you every time? S Not any time They are not ready to support me, but they will help me when I ask them questions I Will you please give me some specific examples? S Yes? Examples? (pause a few seconds) S For examples; they correct my pronunciation, sometimes I pronounce English words wrongly and my friends correct my mistakes They also help me review and expand my English vocabulary Besides, my friends usually give me useful suggestions and useful supportive comments Of course, there are some cases my friends have forgotten the English structures, so I help them to revise these structures When I know something that they don't know, I share it with them The next time they will help me You know, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours This is one of useful English idioms that I have learnt from my friends (laughing) S Sometimes we argue with each other how to build correct sentences in making a conversation and we try to find the answers or samples in the textbook together to imitate There are many times we help each other to correct the pronunciation to perfect our performances I So you have helped each other a lot, haven't you? How you recommend your friends' supports in speaking activities? S Well, I think that these supports from peers are fast and convenient I don't take time to flip the textbook and review the prior knowledge I can speak full English sentences faster and more correct Besides, in English speaking activities, we don't have so much time to prepare the talk so we help each other how to build the speaking script to save our time I So you have any progress after working with your peers in speaking activities? S I just know how to speak English with the knowledge I have learned If I was asked to say something beyond the knowledge, I couldn't Later on, I might also forget how to say because I have no more opportunity to practice speaking the old lessons again There are a wide variety of new words and structures for us to learn in English grade eleven I Your peers' supports in speaking activities are unable to promote your English progress, are they? (pause a few seconds) S Well, not really I admit working with my peers is much easier and more pleasant, but it just deals with the request of speaking tasks Though I can correct my pronunciation and learn English vocabulary and grammar with peer scaffolding It's considered to be one advantage I Are there any disadvantages from your peers' supports? S No There aren’t Sometimes my friends are wrong and they direct me wrongly regarding the content of the talk but it doesn't affect my knowledge much I I'm really thankful for your cooperation today Thanks again S You're welcome Goodbye I Bye Wish you good study

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:18


