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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HUE UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYEN THI HIEP AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE USE OF NON-NATIVE ENGLISH MATERIALS AT HUE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES MA THESIS IN THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING CODE: SUPERVISOR: TRAN QUANG NGOC THUY, Ph.D HUE, 2016 i BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ĐẠI HỌC HUẾ TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ NGUYỄN THỊ HIỆP NGHIÊN CỨU VỀ VIỆC SỬ DỤNG TÀI LIỆU TIẾNG ANH KHÔNG BẢN NGỮ TẠI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ HUẾ LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ LÝ LUẬN VÀ PHƯƠNG PHÁP DẠY HỌC BỘ MÔN TIẾNG ANH MÃ SỐ: NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: TS TRẦN QUANG NGỌC THÚY HUẾ, 2016 ii STATEMENT OF ORIGINAL AUTHORSHIP The work contained in this thesis has not previously been submitted for a degree or diploma in any university I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, my thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the thesis itself Nguyen Thi Hiep December 19, 2016 iii ABSTRACT This current study focuses on the use of the materials which are referred to as “non-native English materials” (NNEMs) In particular, this study took into consideration students’ and teachers’ perceptions on the effectiveness of using NNEMs in learning and teaching English and perceived features of non-native English varieties that should be learned through NNEMs, the reality of using NNEMs in class including challenges faced by teachers and students’ and teachers’ expectations about NNEMs in learning and teaching English Qualitative and quantitative data were collected from 230 students and teachers of English at Hue University College of Foreign Languages (HUCFL), by means of written questionnaire, interview, observation and document The findings showed that most of the teachers and students supported using NNEMs with its great value Pronunciation and culture aspects were perceived most important and useful to learn through NNEMs The use of NNEMs by the teachers was reported in terms of skills, types, stages of lesson, and activities involved The teachers had faced many difficulties including materials selection, time constraint, learners’ negative view and lack of support from their college The students expressed their hope to be exposed more to NNEMs Apart from these, the teachers wished to be provided more support in teaching practice Pedagogical implications, limitations and suggestions for further research are also discussed Key words: non-native English materials (NNEMs), world Englishes (WEs), native speakers of English (NSs), non-native speakers of English (NNSs) iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS After an intensive period doing thesis, today is the day: writing this note of thanks is the finishing touch on my thesis I would like to reflect on the people who have helped and supported me a lot throughout this period First and above all, I praise the Almighty God who obviously has always blessed and granted me to work on the right path of life Secondly, I gratefully acknowledge the continuous support and guidance, most particularly my supervisor, Dr Tran Quang Ngoc Thuy This thesis would have never taken shape without her immense patience, thoughtful encouragement and careful supervision I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor in all the time of doing research and writing this thesis In addition, I would like to include a special note of thanks to my parents and family members, whom I am greatly indebted for bringing me up with love and encouragement to this success I am also feeling obliged to sisters of “The Lovers of The Holy Cross congregation of Vinh” for opportunities and prayers I was given to carry out the Master’s course and throughout the year of conducting the research My thanks also go out to all of my friends who so kindly supported me greatly and were always willing to help me Last but not least, my deep gratitude goes to all teachers and students at HUCFL who have been kindly participated in this research Thanks for all contributions to the direction and richness of this research I have no valuable words to express my thanks, but my heart is still full of the favors received from people around me Thank you everyone for everything you have done for me! Hue, October 26, 2016 v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EIL: English as an international language EFL: English as a foreign language ELF: English as a Lingua Franca ELT: English language teaching ESL: English as a second language NNEMs: Non-native English materials NNSs: Non-native speakers NSs: Native speakers HUCFL: Hue University College of Foreign Languages SE: Standard English WEs: World Englishes The above acronyms and terms will be used in this thesis While some terms are easily defined, others are more complex and are clarified below EFL: English as a Foreign Language English taught in non-English-speaking countries such as Venezuela, France, or Vietnam The distinction between EFL and ESL is not always clear, especially in multilingual countries Kachru’s (1985) model of inner circle, outer circle, and expending circle Englishes would probably place EFL in the expanding EIL: “English as an international language” is an umbrella term which refers to the use of English worldwide between any two speakers and especially in those lingua franca interactions where non-native speakers interact in English both with native speakers and other non-native speakers (McKay, 2008; Llurda, 2004) ELF is defined as a common language which speakers from diverse language and cultural backgrounds use when they come together Jenkins (2009) explains that the term ELF traditionally described only interactions between non-native speakers (NNS) while the term EIL was used when a native speaker was involved However, the distinction might be becoming less obvious and marked recently, and the two terms could be considered to be different names for the same phenomenon, with EIL an older, now outdated term for what has become ELF vi NNSs: Non-Native Speakers of English, in this case Someone who has learned a language other than English as a first language, and is learning or has learned English as an additional language NSs: Native Speakers of English, in this case Someone whose main or first language is English and who has learned it first as a child As will be discussed later, these definitions are vague and highly contested, and the distinction between NS and NNS is often problematic WEs: World Englishes: Sutherland’ study (as cited in Kachru, 1985) refers to the term as the various forms of English that exist in the world It also implies awareness of the multiple varieties of both native and non-native English The term is a better way of describing the global use of English than International English However, in this study, WEs is used in a narrower application which refers to nonnative varieties of English in Outer and Expanding circles vii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES * FIGURES Figure Kachru’s concentric circle model of World Englishes .9 Figure 4.1 Types of English preferred to learn at school 36 Figure 4.2 The necessity of using NNEMs .38 Firgue 4.3 Frequency of using NNEMs in class .45 Figure 4.4 Stages of lessons teachers used NNEMs in class 46 Figure 4.5 Students’ interest on the use of NNEMs in class 47 Figure 4.6 Skills in which NNEMs are used 50 Figure 4.7 Students’ opinions on which year at university is best suitable to use NNEMs 52 viii * TABLES Table 4.1 Advantages of using NNEMs 39 Table 4.2 Useful features of non-native English perceived by students 43 Table 4.3 Activities to make a better use of NNEMs 49 Table 4.4 Students’ expectations about NNEMs in learning English .51 ix TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Pages STATEMENT OF ORIGINAL AUTHORSHIP iii ABSTRACT iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .v LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vi LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES viii TABLE OF CONTENTS x CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION……………………………………………6 1.1 Rationale for the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Research questions……………………………………………………… 1.4 Significance of the study .3 1.5 Scope of the study .4 1.6 Structure of the study CHAPTER II: LITERATURE REVIEW Overview of materials 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 Roles of materials in English language teaching .6 2 Current trends and perspectives in learning and teaching materials 2.2.1 Authentic and non-authentic materials .7 2.2.2 Native and non-native English varieties in materials .9 2.3 WEs and teaching materials 11 2.4 Non-native English materials (NNEMs) 15 2.5 Teachers’ and students’ perception towards the use of NNEMs in class 19 2.5.1 Learner’s perception towards the target language 19 2.5.2 Language learners’ attitudes 20 2.5.3 The influence of teachers’ attitude on students 21 2.5.4 Learners attitudes towards varieties of English 21 2.6 Challenges that teachers may face when using NNEMs 23 x In speaking/listening lessons, NNEMs should be used to help students practice and develop necessary strategies for successful communication, especially with non-native speakers of English In speaking lessons, topics should be chosen to help students express ideas on English varieties and various cultures In reading lessons, passages or texts of NNEMs that provide examples of linguistic variation and cultural diversity of nonnative English speakers should be used In writing lessons, NNEMs should be used to give students chances to compare their writing with those of non-native English speakers 11 In which year at university you think it is suitable to make use of NNEMs in classroom? And why you think so? First year Third year Second year Fourth year Please specify your reasons below: 12 What are your expectations from your teachers in order to make better use of NNEMs? ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! 80 Appendix 2: CLASS OBSERVATION SHEET Lecture: Observer: Observation Date: Period Time: Type of skill lesson: Features of Types of Stage NNEMs used NNEMs Types of (pronunciation, English Grammar, varieties vocabulary, culture) Warmup/Lea d-in Prestage Whilestage Poststage 81 Activities Students’ use reaction NNEMs Other related details Appendix 3.1: Interview questions for students (English version) I general information: Name: Year of studying: Gender: Male Female II Learners’ perceptions towards the use of NNEMs Do you encounter more with native or non-native speakers of English outside classroom? What difficulties you have when communicate with different kinds of speakers of English? Which kinds of English varieties you prefer to learn at university? (Englishes of native speakers or non-native speakers) And Why? What you think about using NNEMs in learning? What are advantages of learning English with NNEMs in classroom? How you feel when learning English through the use of NNEMs? III Features of NNEMs students perceive are useful to learn What contents should NNEMs include? What aspects of non-native English varieties you think NNEMs should present? IV Teachers’ use of NNEMs and ways of learning English which students want to learn through NNEMs How often does your teacher use NNEMs in lessons? 10 Which skill your teachers often use NNEMs to teach English? 11 When you see your teachers use NNEMs in lessons? 12 Which activities your teachers carry out when using NNEMs? 13 Which activities you want to integrate NNEMs? 14 At which levels you think it is suitable to make use of NNEMs? 15 Do you have any further suggestions for better use of NNEMs? 82 Appendix 3.2: Interview questions for students (Vietnamese version) I Thông tin chung Tên: Sinh viên năm thứ: Giới tính: Nam Nữ II Quan niệm sinh viên việc sử dụng tài liệu tiếng anh không địa Bạn thường giao tiếp với tip người nhiều ngồi lớp học? Những khó khăn mà bạn gặp tiếp xúc với người nói tiếng anh gì? Loại tiếng Anh bạn thích học trường đại học? (Tiếng Anh người xứ hay không xứ)? Tại sao? Bạn nghĩ việc sử dụng tài liệu tiếng Anh không ngữ vào việc học? Các thuận lợi việc học tiếng anh với nguồn tài liệu gì? Bạn cảm thấy học tiếng anh với tài liệu này? III Các đặc điểm tài liệu tiếng Anh không địa mà sinh viên nhận thấy hữu ích để học Theo bạn nội dung tài liệu nên bao gồm gì? Các đặc điểm loại tiếng Anh người không xứ mà bạn nghĩ nên trình bày tài liệu này? IV Việc sử dụng tài liệu tiếng Anh không ngữ giáo viên cách học tiếng anh mà học sinh mong muốn học qua tài liệu Giáo viên bạn có thường xuyên sử dụng loại tài liệu học không? 10 Trong kỹ mà giáo viên bạn sử dụng tài liệu này? 11 Vào giai đoạn học giáo viên thường sử dụng tài liệu này? 12 Các hoạt động kèm mà giáo viên sử dụng tài liệu này? 14 Theo bạn trình độ giáo viên nên áp dụng tài liệu này? 15 Bạn có đề nghị gợi ý cho việc sử dụng tài liệu tốt tương lai? 83 Appendix 3.3: Interview questions for teachers (English version) I: Teachers’ perceptions towards using NNEMs What you think about using NNEMs in teaching English for your students? Have you ever used any kinds of NNEMs in teaching? What are advantages of incorporating NNEMs to your students? II Features of NNEMs teachers perceive useful What you think of the contents of NNEMs should have? Which features of non-native English varieties you think most important to teach through NNEMs? Why? III Challenges teachers may encounter when using NNEMs What are some challenges you might face in implementing NNEMs in your teaching? (e.g curriculum, time, level of students, sources) What you in order to lessen those challenges? IV The use of NNEMs in classroom How often you use NNEMs in teaching? Which skills you often implement NNEMs? Why? 10 Which stages of lessons you use NNEMs? 11 Do you adapt the authentic NNEMs sources from the Internet or use directly those materials? And what are reasons for your choice? 12 Which level you think it is best to make use of NNEMs for your students? 13 What considerations you take in order to make best use of NNEMs? 14 What you think about future of using NNEMs in our teaching context? 15 Do you have any suggestions to better use of NNEMs? 84 Appendix 3.4: Interview questions for teachers (Vietnamese version) I Quan điểm giáo viên đới với việc sử dụng tài liệu tiếng Anh không địa Bạn nghĩ việc sử dụng tài liệu tiếng Anh không địa vào việc dạy lớp? Bạn sử dụng loại tài liệu dạy học chưa? Thuận lợi việc sử dụng tài liệu gì? II Đặc điểm tài liệu mà giáo viên nhận thấy hữu ích để dạy Theo bạn nội dung mà tài liệu nên trình bày gì? Theo bạn đặc điểm tiếng Anh người không địa mà bạn thấy quan trọng để tập trung dạy qua tài liệu này? Tại sao? III Những khó khăn mà giáo viên (có thể) gặp sử dụng tài liệu Những khó khăn mà bạn (có thể) gặp sử dụng tài liệu này? Bạn thường làm để giảm khó khăn ấy? IV Việc sử dụng tài liệu tiếng Anh khơng ngữ Bạn có thường sử dụng loại tài liệu không? Kỹ mà bạn sử dụng tài liệu này? 10 Ở giai đoạn học mà bạn thường sử dụng chúng? 11 Bạn có chỉnh sửa cho phù hợp tài liệu tiếng Anh không ngữ từ nguồn Internet sử dụng chúng cách trực tiếp? Lý bạn làm vậy? 12 Dối với cấp độ sinh viên mà bạn nghĩ phù hợp để sử dụng tài liệu này? 13 Những cân nhắc sử dụng chúng để đem lại hiệu tốt nhất? 14 Bạn nghĩ tương lai việc sử dụng tài liệu trường Đại Học Ngoại Ngữ? 15 Bạn có gợi ý hay đề nghị cho việc sử dụng tốt hơn? 85 Appendix 4: Transcript from video “An Italian man who went to Matta”  Conversation 1: An Italian man who went to Matta Because of his poor pronunciation and difficult accent, the woman misunderstood his speech Because he pronounced “two pieces” with no “s” As the result, the woman brings one piece of toast on the plate but the man is very angry He repeats the sentence but still with the wrong pronunciation Instead of hearing “I want two pieces on my plate”, the woman heard something like “I want to piss on my plate” Then, the woman asks him to go to the toilet Recognizing the woman misunderstood his speech He tries to repeat many times with the wrong pronunciation The woman is angry as the man is too impolite She said “You better not piss on my plate You son of bitch” Here is the whole conversation: Man: I want two pieces of toast Woman: Here you are your one piece of toast Man: You no understand me, I want two pieces Woman: Go to the toilet Man: I want two pieces on my plate Woman: You better not piss on my plate You son of bitch  Conversation 2: No seat on the bed Man: Call the manager! I’m telle him, I wanna sheet Woman: You go to the toilet Man: You no understand me, I wanna sheet on my bed Woman: You better not shit on the bed, you son of a bitch The man angrily leaves the hotel and said: Man: Peace on you Woman: Piss on you, too You son of a beach I’m going to Italia 86 “Eleven” The two men are going up the eleven floor of a company The automatic answering machine asks them to repeat and speak slowly and clearly which floor they want to go Because the two pronounced the word “eleven” with the wrong stress As the result, they still inside the elevator and then asked to open the door “The top ten mispronounced words in English made by foreign language learners” Leopard Receipt Recipe Says Answer Mayor Chaos Women Debt 10 Aren’t 87 Appendix 5: The C and A Name: K T Class: English 2C Topic: The child is the father to the man I Introduction: Today is Saturday Having nothing to do, I thumb through the family album to while away the time By chance, the two photos of C and A appear in front of my eyes, and I feel a sudden urge to make a comparison between them In general, these two boys are, interestingly enough, very much similar but different at the same time in appearance, personality and habits II Body: A.Para 1: Appearance * TS: “My first impression is, in terms of appearance, C and A just look like two peas, with the exception of height and hairstyle.” - S1: Similarity + Eyes: Both are looking at me with their sharp brown eyes + Nose: Each boy has a thin flat nose - S2: Difference + Height: 1m20 in height, C is merely at A’s shoulder + Haistyle: Where C has touseled curly hair, A wears his black hair always shiny and tidy B Para 2: Personality * TS: “Next, when it comes to personality, C and A are as opposite as night and day.” - S1: introvert vs extrovert + C likes being alone 24/7 + A enjoys the company of a large circle of friends all the time (at least people around) - S2: stubborn vs docile + When his mother asks him to take a bath, C looks her square in the eye and shouts “No!” and then spells it out: “N …O!” 88 + When his father asks him to turn off TV and homework, A nods his head instantly C Para 3: Habits * TS: “Finally, there are some obvious similarities as well as differences in their habits.” - S1: Similarity + They twist their red noses when embarrassed + Both leave the light on when they are sleeping (for fear of ghosts!) - S2: Difference + Smoking:  C does not smoke, and chew gum instead  A lights no fewer than cartons a week (In the photo, he is standing next to an astray piled high with butts and ashes) + Doing exercise:  A proud fit boy, C never exercises (He refuses to wake up until every morning)  A works out regularly, with aerobics every Tue-Thu-Sat and tennis at weekend III Conclusion: In short, as regards their look, character and routine, not only similarities but also discrepancies exist in C and A This, in fact, gives me gapes of astonishment, since they are just one single person that is ME; C is the initial for Child and A for Adult! Thanks to this free Saturday, I have a chance to realize how much my 7-year-old self has grown into a guy of 20 89 Appendix 6: The Poems and Cards Some examples of poems in cards 90 EYES Congratulations (Thuỳ Trang, Phạm Hằng, On marrying a hot boy Tuyết Ngân, Phạm Nga) Best wishes for you SILLY PUSSIES Why don’t we go somewhere we (Minh Đức, Phương Huyền, Hoàng know? Nguyên, Ái Thư, Bảo Trâm, Trâm Uyên) Talking about the things we love? With you, I feel I’m in heaven SPECIAL Keep going on, girl! (Nhật Khánh, Thảo Nhi, Minh Tâm) Life may be quite tough and hard But I’m by your side STAR + DREAMER (Hằng Hà, Thảo Nhi, Ý Nhi) I’m always with you We all turn to dust When the sky’s falling down Death returns what life gets from I’ll stand by your side But keeps our secrets Lê Thị Anh Châu All dreams can come true A dreamer is one If you have enough courage Who can only find this way To realize that wish By moonlight before Phạm Thị Xuân Ái Lê Thị Kim Anh English syllables A day without laugh Formed by (more than)1speech sounds Is really a wasted day? Make part of a word Let’s esteem your smile Nguyễn Thị Kim Bình Tơn Nữ Thục Đoan The greatest woman Military course - Always loves me all my life A noteworthy memory That is my mother Remains with students Nguyễn Nữ Quỳnh Hương Trần Thị Hương The greatest moment Do you remember I saw my mother smiling The day we were together? 91 The day I was born A story began Phan Thị Thanh Huyền Hồ Nguyễn Tịnh Nhi Your smile is sunshine The lightning stamps out The world will surely be warm The darkness over the world Keep it forever! People come back home Phan Thị Nhật Quỳnh Nguyễn Thị Thơm You are my sunshine All people have dreams The only person I love And they don’t want to give up Never changeable Try your best, my friends! Trần Thị Thuỳ Nguyễn Thị Thuỷ You are beautiful I love you so much Don’t worry! Smile more and more I wish you all happiness Although you are not! Try to forget him! 92 Quỳnh Như (60): Thu Thảo: I wish the best thing Will come to people of a Resilient nation Keep your chin up, dear! After rain comes fair weather Nguyễn Tuyết: I love Sakura All will be better I like wearing Kimono Quỳnh Như: I wish you are fine They are beautiful To the Japanese: Nothing can bring u down now We are by your side You are wonderful people You’re optimistic Green Grass: A sudden earthquake All cherry blossoms faded Many bleeding hearts Ngọc Liên: With your compassion Deal with matters with wisdom And care for people Bội Huyên: The earthquakes have rocked a Japan's southern city named Kumamoto We hope everyone will be okay after all Ánh Nguyệt: Sincere sympathy Given to all of my friends Who are unhappy! Wanting and hoping You can overcome all soon from Vietnam with love Thanh Hằng: Let’s pray for Japan Pray for those who are starving Due to the earthquakes We must set a plan Donate or anything To help our friends Help them overcome Obstacles and be stronger Japan will be fine Vietnam loves Japan Nguyễn Hà (16): Earthquakes mean losses I hope that u’ll surpass them I love you so much Thanh Hồng: Really want to write Write for u, for your country Best wishes for you Thảo Phương: Dear friends in Japan U’ve overcome the bad days Happiness will come! 93 Here: The sun still rises For those who suffer from pains Love will never end Tomorrow is hope To you, my Japanese friends Let's wait for bright days Disaster's away The pain which people still face 94

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:17


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