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HUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES FACULTY OF ENGLISH DOAN THIEN INTEGRATING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN EFL CLASSES: AN INVESTIGATION INTO LECTURERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES AT UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES HUE UNIVERSITY GRADUATION THESIS SUPERVISOR: NGO LE HOANG PHUONG, Ph.D Hue, Academic year: 2017 – 2021 i HUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES FACULTY OF ENGLISH DOAN THIEN INTEGRATING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN EFL CLASSES: AN INVESTIGATION INTO LECTURERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES AT UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES HUE UNIVERSITY GRADUATION THESIS SUPERVISOR: NGO LE HOANG PHUONG, Ph.D Hue, Academic year: 2017 – 2021 i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP This study is claimed to be my own work All the findings in this study are guaranteed to be original All references are legally cited Hue City, May 17th 2021 Author’s signature Doan Thien ii ABSTRACT This study investigates lecturers' perceptions and practices of integrating intercultural elements into their speaking classes at the University of Foreign Languages, Hue University To be specific, it aims to explore their attitudes towards the importance of Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) and how they apply intercultural elements to their actual teaching The participants of this research are four lecturers teaching Speaking for first-year English-major students at the University of Foreign Languages, Hue University at the time of research The study employs a qualitative approach to gain in-depth data in the context of the study Data were collected through three main sources in the order: textbook, classroom observations, and interviews The textbook was analyzed to classify all the intercultural elements into perspectives, products and practices (Kim, 2011) In-class activities were video recorded for further discussion and analysis After the observations, four lecturers joined in semi-structured interviews It is found that four lecturers had positive attitudes and thought that teaching ICC is vital in language classrooms They believed that there are several benefits when teaching Intercultural Elements regarding the learners, the lecturers themselves, and the lessons Also, the lecturers used a variety of cultural activities to integrate intercultural contents into their teaching These activities are Cultural Comparison, Group Discussion, Roleplay, Term Explanation, Watching Movies, and Answering Questions Time, levels of students, and the cultural understanding of lecturers are considered to choose out the most suitable intercultural elements and cultural activities The findings also display that the intercultural elements in the textbook were not used completely but adapted in consideration of the appropriateness (whether the elements are up to date and suitable to teach students) iii TÓM TẮT NGHIÊN CỨU Nghiên cứu khảo sát nhận thức giảng viên thực tiễn giảng dạy việc tích hợp yếu tố liên văn hóa vào lớp học nói họ Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế Nghiên cứu thực nhằm mục đích tìm hiểu thái độ giảng viên tầm quan trọng Năng lực Giao tiếp Liên văn hóa cách họ áp dụng yếu tố liên văn hóa vào giảng dạy thực tế Đối tượng tham gia nghiên cứu bốn giảng viên giảng dạy mơn Nói cho sinh viên năm thứ khoa Tiếng Anh, Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Huế thời điểm nghiên cứu Với mục tiêu nghiên cứu, nghiên cứu sử dụng cách tiếp cận định tính để thu thập liệu chuyên sâu bối cảnh nghiên cứu Dữ liệu thu thập thông qua ba nguồn theo thứ tự: sách giáo khoa, dự vấn Sách giáo khoa phân tích nhằm phân loại tất yếu tố liên văn hóa thành quan điểm, sản phẩm thực hành văn hoá (Kim, 2011) Các hoạt động lớp quay lại để thảo luận phân tích thêm Sau buổi dự giờ, bốn giảng viên tham gia vào phần vấn bán cấu trúc Kết nghiên cứu cho thấy bốn giảng viên có thái độ tích cực cho việc giảng dạy Năng lực Giao tiếp Liên văn hóa quan trọng lớp học ngoại ngữ Như nêu bốn giảng viên này, việc giảng dạy yếu tố liên văn hóa mang lại có số lợi ích liên quan đến người học, thân giảng viên dạy Kết đồng thời cho thấy giảng viên sử dụng hoạt động văn hóa để tích hợp giảng dạy yếu tố vào trình giảng dạy họ Các hoạt động So sánh văn hóa, Thảo luận nhóm, Nhập vai, Giải thích thuật ngữ, Xem phim Trả lời câu hỏi Thời gian, trình độ sinh viên, trình độ hiểu biết văn hóa giảng viên xem xét để chọn yếu tố hoạt động văn hóa phù hợp Nghiên cứu cho thấy yếu tố liên văn hóa sách giáo khoa khơng sử dụng hồn tồn mà điều chỉnh dựa phù hợp yếu tố (liệu có cập nhật với thực tiễn phù hợp để giảng dạy cho sinh viên hay không) iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Firstly, I would like to express my best gratitude to my supervisor – Mrs Ngo Le Hoang Phuong for her great assistance and invaluable suggestions Without her help, this thesis could not be successfully done Secondly, I would like to send my sincere gratefulness to all of the research participants – four lecturers of the Faculty of English at the University of Foreign Languages, Hue University who spent their time participating in my research Their contributions are valuable and constructive to this study Thirdly, I am deeply grateful to my family members who have always been right beside me to support me throughout the conducting time of my research Fourthly, I would also like to extend my appreciation to some of my best friends – Khanh Ngoc, Thuc Nhi, Anh Nhi, Xuan Luan, Quang Giau, Duc Trung, Gia Thong, Viet Long for helping me with my data processing, for reminding the deadlines and for encouraging me whenever I call for help Fifthly, I am so thankful to the Faculty of English at University of Foreign Languages, Hue University for giving me a great opportunity to carry out this graduation thesis which contributes significantly to my academic life Finally, my thanks go to all the people who have supported me to complete the research work directly or indirectly I hope that the findings of this research can contribute to students’ awareness of the importance of intercultural communicative competence and to the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process at our university v TABLE OF CONTENT INTEGRATING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE IN EFL CLASSES: AN INVESTIGATION INTO LECTURERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES AT UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES, HUE UNIVERSITY I STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP .II ABSTRACT III TÓM TẮT NGHIÊN CỨU IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS V TABLE OF CONTENT vi LIST OF ABBREVIATION VIII LIST OF TABLES IX LIST OF FIGURES X CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE 1.2 RESEARCH AIMS AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.3 ORGANIZATION OF THIS THESIS CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE 2.1.1 Definition of CC and ICC Definition of CC Definition of ICC 2.1.2 Levels of ICC Cognitive level Affective level Behavioral level: 2.1.3 Model of ICC’s elements 2.2 CULTURAL TEACHING IN EFL CLASSES 2.2.1 Culture Definition of culture Elements of culture 2.2.2 The roles of culture in language teaching and learning 2.2.3 ICC’s contribution to EFL teaching and learning 2.2.4 Lecturers’ problems in integrating ICC into teaching 10 2.2.5 Intercultural approach 10 2.3 PREVIOUS STUDIES ON LECTURERS’ PERCEPTIONS AND PRACTICES 12 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 15 3.1 PARTICIPANTS 15 3.2 INSTRUMENTS 16 3.2.1 Textbook 16 3.2.2 Observations 17 3.2.3 Interviews 18 vi 3.4 DATA ANALYSIS 19 3.4.1 Textbook analysis 19 3.4.2 Observation analysis 20 3.4.3 Interview analysis 21 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 22 4.1 LECTURERS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS THE IMPORTANCE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE 22 4.1.1 Lecturers’ definition of Intercultural Communicative Competence 22 4.1.2 Lecturers’ evaluation on the importance of ICC 23 4.1.3 The effect of ICC implementation 24 4.2 ICC ELEMENTS AND LECTURERS’ ACTUAL TEACHING: 24 4.2.1 Data source: The Intercultural Elements included in the Speaking section of Northstar II, Speaking and Listening (Fourth Edition) 24 4.2.2 Lecturers’ practices of ICC into their teaching 26 Observation data 26 Priority in language teaching 26 Activities to teach ICC 27 Interview Data 30 The frequency of teaching of cultural elements in Speaking 30 Activities to teach ICC elements 30 Problems that the lecturers have in integrating ICC into teaching 31 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 34 5.1 KEY FINDINGS 34 5.2 IMPLICATION 35 5.2.1 For lecturers 35 5.2.2 For university administrators 36 5.3 SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 36 REFERENCES 37 APPENDICES 42 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATION ICC: Intercultural Communicative Competence CC: Communicative Competence EFL: English as a Foreign Language HUFL: Hue University of Foreign Languages viii CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH This chapter summarizes the key findings reagarding the research questions, provides some implications for both lecturers and university administrators and finally discusses the limitations of this study to suggest for future research 5.1 Key findings Employing a qualitative approach, this study aims to investigate the perception and practices of some lecturers who teach the module of Speaking regarding the aspect of ICC From the data analysis in the previous section, the three research question can be answered as following: RQ1: To what extent lecturers perceive ICC objectives to be important in the language classroom? All the lecturers believe that ICC objectives are important in language classrooms The research outcomes indicate that the ICC integration into teaching brings several benefits regarding three aspects of teaching: students, lecturers, and lessons Firstly, the lecturers believed that ICC application would make students curious about culture and actively interact in their classes Secondly, it is found that ICC objects impact their teaching contents and classroom activity but none on their teaching methods RQ2: How lecturers’ perceptions of ICC objectives affect their teaching practices in the classroom? With the second research question, the findings show that the lecturers tend to apply ICC objectives through cultural activities such as Cultural Comparison, Group Discussion, Role-play, Term Explanation, Watching Movies and Answering Questions, but mostly, three activities used are Term Explanation, Cultural Comparison, Watching Movies and Answering Questions The ICC elements and cultural activities were applied in consideration of time, levels of students, and the knowledge of lecturers As stated by the lecturers, they not classify the 34 intercultural objects into 3P (Kim, 2011) which are perspectives, products, and practices RQ3: How lecturers apply the elements related to Intercultural Communicative Competence in the Speaking section of Northstar II, Speaking and Listen to teach ESL? In reply to the third research question, the intercultural elements in the textbook were mostly adapted to apply to lecturers’ teaching All of the teachers confirmed that they did not apply all the elements in the textbook but chose out the appropriate ones in light of which elements or cultural aspects are up to date and suitable to teach their children 5.2 Implication 5.2.1 For lecturers The implementation of ICC into language teaching might entail several difficulties for lecturers Accordingly, several implications have been made to lecturers: In terms of the limit of time and the teaching contents, prepare carefully in consideration of time to find out the most suitable activities to teach If one activity for the lesson is vital and has to be conducted to teach ICC, the lecturers can move it forward to the final backup weeks of the semester or let students it at home and report themselves through portfolios, videos, and writing pieces In terms of the intercultural knowledge to understand the intercultural elements to teach, lecturers should prepare carefully to equip themselves with sufficient knowledge of ICC as well as to understand students’ needs and their levels of English or their abilities The findings show that another difficulty that affects lecturers’ ICC teaching is that students not really care much about the culture and only want to improve the linguistic knowledge to be native-like learners Therefore, to help students understand the importance of ICC, lecturers are recommended to introduce the role of ICC in language learning and its benefits for intercultural communication briefly 35 5.2.2 For university administrators The findings reveal that the lecturers reported positively to the importance of ICC However, they just remembered and applied in the very basic level of ICC integration without any academic training in this field Therefore, it is suggested that the lecturers’ institution - the faculty of English, University of Foreign Languages, Hue University, should offer courses in training lecturers to apply ICC into teaching EFL In order for lecturers to integrate ICC effectively, the institution should also build up training books for using course books to teach in the context of our university The books might include the explanation of cultural aspects as well as suggested activities to teach depending on students’ levels of English As mentioned above, the lack of time in teaching is one of the difficulties that impact lecturers’ performances Therefore, to raise students’ intercultural awareness, besides traditional classes, intercultural seminars should be implemented for students to listen to experts’ experiences or to share their personal experiences of intercultural shocks and differences 5.3 Suggestions for future research Due to time constraints and working schedule during the pedagogical internship for pre-service lecturers, the researcher could only collect the data from a small number of lecturers Therefore, 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On a scale from one to five, to what extent you think that ICC is important? What are the effects of the integration of ICC into your teaching on your students? What are the effects of the integration of ICC into your teaching on you? What are the effects of the integration of ICC into your teaching on the lessons? II Lecturers’ practice How often you include intercultural content in your teaching (Never/ Sometimes/ Often/ Always)? Through which activities? If you have never done so, why not? Do you classify those intercultural contents into three cultural elements (perspectives, products, practices)? If yes, how can they help improve your teaching and your learners' experiences? If no, why not? Explanation: The classification of dimensions of culture: Culture Definition Examples Perspectives the ideas, perceptions, beliefs, meanings, and Products Respect for the as well as values of that culture’s members older things that are generated by members of that A dance culture Practices the patterns of behavior accepted by society; Mealtime etiquette/ they represent knowledge Table manners 42 Do you have any problems when integrating intercultural elements into your teaching? If yes, what are they? How you cope with that? In the speaking section of the textbook, there are some intercultural elements included Do you apply them into your teaching? Why/ Why not? 43 Appendix Cultural Elements in Speaking section of Northstar II, Speaking and Listening Fourth Edition Unit Topic Page Perspectives Productions Practices Work: 13- X X X Offbeat 23 X X X Jobs Student 38- Life: 47 Where does the time go Money: A penny 61- "A penny saved is a penny Freecycle Indulge, Pee 71 saved is a earned" - a famous X Wee, Compact American saying penny earned Etiquette: 83- Not getting in front of What 93 others in line, not texting happened when talking to others, to etiquette treating others in a nice way, respecting others, don't let kids run around in shops, not talking so loud, we don't always speak the same language or have the same rules of etiquette, taking your shoes off before entering 44 X X someone's home, not talking on your cell phone while in a restaurant with friends, responding to an invitation, texting while having a conversation with someone, not throwing garbage on the ground (littering), "Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you - not because they are nice but because you are", "Consideration for others is the basis of a good life, a good society", "Visitors should behave in such a way that the host and hostess feel at home" Food: The 104- X The Nation Talks, Arroz fat tax 117 Heroes: 130- "You must be the change Everyday Heroes 141 X pollo, Fast food you want to see in the world", "From what we get in life, we make a living From what we live, we make a life", "The world is a dangerous place, not because of 45 X X those who bad things, but because those who look on and nothing.", "Work for something because it is good, not just because it stands a chance a chance to succeed.", "And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more.", "I'd rather die for speaking out than to live and be silent" Health: 154- "An apple a day keeps the Gaming 165 Start Walking Path, doctor away", "Every Weigh What Matters, your way to human being is the author MyFitnessPal, Sleep better of his own heath or Cycle, health disease.", "To lengthen thy life, lessen thy meals.", "True silence is the rest of the mind and is to the spirit what sleep is to the body, nourishment and refreshment.", "Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness", "A wise man should consider that health is the 46 X greatest of human blessings and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illness." Endangered 179Cultures: English is an The Endangered 191 "endangerment hot spot", Language Alliance, Endangered "English is the dominant English, New York, Languages language of international Garifuna, Honduras, business" Spanish, Belize, February 21 International Mother Language Day, , preservethelanguages.org, Maori, New Zealand, Maori language, Maori culture, Hawaiian language, Telugu, Urdu, Pradesh, Wambaya, Mohauk, Ontario, Sorbain, German, Hokkaido Ainu, Jpanese, Gelao, China, Cantonese, Remo, Hindi, Oriya, Os, Russian, Siberia, India, Alagwa, Chamorro, Sare, Trumai, Breton, Cornish, Rangi, Sonsorolese, Ugong, The Foundation for Endangered 47 X Languages, Native American, Iroquoian languages, Onandaga 48

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:03


