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Nghiên cứu về bản dịch việt hoá của ngôn ngữ châm biếm mỉa mai trong phụ đề phim sitcom the bigbang theory trên trang phim trực tuyến netflix

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HUE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION RESEARCH PAPER A STUDY INTO VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF SARCASM IN THE SUBTITLES OF THE AMERICAN SITCOM THE BIG BANG THEORY ON THE STREAMING SERVICE NETFLIX Student : PHAN CÁT ANH Class : ANHK13D Student code : 16F7511004 Supervisor : PHAN THI THANH THAO (PhD.) HUE, JUNE 2020 STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP I declare that this thesis is my own original research To the best of my knowledge, it contains no materials previously published or written by other authors, apart from where due reference is made Author Phan Cat Anh i ABSTRACT This study is conducted to examine the translation of sarcasm from English into Vietnamese in the subtitles of the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory, which is available on the streaming service Netflix To achieve this primary goal, the research firstly aims to explore the employment of sarcasm in four seasons with the highest views by categorizing it into specific types belonging to Camp’s framework (2012); then to provide an in-depth analysis on how the source of sarcastic utterances is rendered into Vietnamese by adopting the set of translation strategies proposed by Gottlieb (1992) A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is applied to examine in detail the data, including 197 sarcastic utterances collected from 96 episodes of four seasons (6,7,8 and 9) of the sitcom The study findings indicate that in terms of the sarcasm usage, all the four types sarcasm proposed by Camp (2012) are employed by characters when uttering sarcastically, with the most dominant kind called lexical sarcasm More significantly, regarding the sarcasm translation, apart from dislocation, all of the strategies belonging to Gottlieb’s framework (1992) are applied, either exclusively or in combination with other strategies To be specific, paraphrase is the most common strategy used to render sarcasm in the sitcom Additionally, it is noteworthy that a large majority of sarcastic utterances are translated by combining many strategies (2 to strategies), with the number of sarcasm included in this translation type equal to that of paraphrase In other words, sarcasm in the sitcom The Big Bang Theory is mainly translated into Vietnamese by employing paraphrase and a combination of strategies The findings of this study also suggest that to successfully carry out sarcasm translation, translators should continuously enhance their language commands to overcome the challenges posed during the process of translating sarcasm, particularly in the form of film subtitles Lastly, the study provides several recommendations for future investigations into this domain translation ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I am indebted to my supervisor Dr Phan Thi Thanh Thao, for her wholehearted assistance I am honestly thankful for her mentoring, the motivating exchange and the plenty of insightful discussions we have had during the process of conducting this study Without her guidance, this research paper would not have been possible I also owe a sizeable debt of gratitude to all teachers in English Faculty, Hue University of Foreign Languages for providing me with greatly significant knowledge to carry out this research Last but not least, I owe my deepest gratitude to my friends and my family who have always stood by me and encouraged me during the process of accomplishing this graduation paper iii TABLE OF CONTENTS STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Research objectives 1.3 Significance of the study 1.4 Outline of the study CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Sarcasm 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 Classification Propositional sarcasm Lexical sarcasm “Like”-prefixed sarcasm Illocutionary sarcasm 2.1.3 Sarcasm in American sitcoms 2.2 Translation and Subtitles translation 10 2.2.1 Overview of Translation 10 2.2.2 Subtitles translation 12 Definition of subtitling 12 Classification of subtitling 12 Characteristics of subtitling 13 Subtitling of American sitcoms 15 Sarcasm in subtitling of American sitcoms 15 Subtitles translation 17 iv 2.3 Translation of sarcasm-related terms from English to Vietnamese in the sitcom The Big Bang Theory 18 2.3.1 Challenges of English – Vietnamese sarcasm translation 18 Linguistic challenges 19 Cultural challenges 20 2.3.2 Strategies of translating sarcasm in subtitles 20 Expansion 21 Paraphrase 21 Transfer 21 Imitation 22 Transcription 22 Dislocation 22 Condensation 22 Decimation 23 Deletion 23 Resignation 23 2.4 Chapter summary 24 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 25 3.1 Research method 25 3.2 Sources of data 25 3.3 Data collection 26 3.4 Data analysis 26 CHAPTER 4: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 28 4.1 Types of sarcasm in the sitcom The Big Bang Theory 28 4.1.1 Lexical sarcasm 29 4.1.2 Illocutionary sarcasm 30 4.1.3 Propositional sarcasm 32 4.1.4 “Like”-prefixed sarcasm 34 4.2 Strategies used to translate sarcasm in the subtitles of the sitcom The Big Bang Theory 35 v 4.2.1 Paraphrase 36 4.2.2 Transfer 38 4.2.3 Deletion 39 4.2.4 Condensation 42 4.2.5 Decimation 43 4.2.6 Expansion 43 4.2.7 Resignation 44 4.2.8 Combination of strategies 45 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS 49 5.1 Conclusion 49 5.2 Implications 50 5.2.1 For students majoring in translation and interpretation 50 5.2.2 For teachers specializing in translating and interpreting 50 5.2.3 For translators, interpreters, or translation and interpretation experts 50 5.3 Limitations 51 5.4 Further research 51 REFERENCES 53 APPENDICES 59 vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ST Source text TT Target text SL Source language TL Target language vii LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES Table The frequency of types of sarcasm in the sitcom The Big Bang Theory 37 Table The frequency of strategies used in sarcasm translation 44 Chart The distribution of types of sarcasm in the sitcom The Big Bang Theory 37 Chart The distribution of strategies used in sarcasm translation 45 viii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale As culture and language are intertwined, especially during the constant process of globalization, translation is an effective means of communication as well as cultural transmission With the growing popularity of translated materials, either in the form of printed or non-printed products, people in the world are now able to gain access to the vast treasure trove of knowledge in different fields People’s comprehension is therefore increasingly enhanced thanks to the intercultural exchange brought about by the translating For such a long time, studies on translation have primarily focused on some certain fields, such as literary translation or technical translation However, with the remarkable development of the media industry and the increase in the consumption of media products, demands for audiovisual translation have thus risen sharply, making it an emerging area of study which attracts experts’ great attention Among the subclasses of audiovisual translation, the screen translation with the employment of subtitles, which is commonly seen in films, documentaries, or television programs, is among the ones drawing most interest (O’ Connell, 2007) Along with the increasing availability of subtitled products, translators still inevitably encounter several hindrances during the process of translation, especially when it comes to rendering complex linguistic elements, one of which is humor translation The humor translation poses an array of challenges for translators since it requires the target text to be produced without loss of meaning whereas the humorous effects have to be kept unchanged (Díaz Cintas, as cited in Veiga, 2009) Of all categories of humor, the investigation into English-Vietnamese translation of sarcasm is extremely scarce, despite its high frequency of occurrences of media’s various types As the sarcasm is basically adopted to express the opposite meaning of what is truly said, nuances of meanings that a sarcastic utterance bears may interfere translators while rendering the source text Additionally, the translation of sarcasm is not a simple task since sarcasm is often shown in conjunction with 16 Sheldon: I’m thinking of wearing a tuxedo Leonard: That’s not ridiculous 17 Penny: Okay, who wants a drink? Sheldon: Yeah, we, now, Penny, we don’t consume alcohol during Dungeons & 23 Dragons It impairs our judgment Penny: Oh, this isn’t alcohol It’s a magic potion that makes me like you 18 Leonard: Look, I appreciate your signature blend of concern for me and incredible selfishness If I get the chance to this, there is nothing you can say that’s going to stop me Sheldon: Very well Things between you and Penny have never been better I hope four months apart doesn’t change anything I should have opened with 24 that, huh? 19 Leonard: Thank you, Sheldon That must’ve been very hard for you to say Sheldon: Well, I mean it I’m really happy for you And that’s how you get a toothpaste commercial Cheers SEASON Episode SITUATION 20 Raj: I think you’d be pleased to hear that this morning in the parking garage I saw this oil stain on the ground that was shaped just like my ex-girlfriend, Lucy, and I didn’t get upset at all Howard: I’m proud of you 21 Sheldon: And here’s another interesting weather fact Penny: Another? Great 22 Penny: Oh Okay Sheldon, I, I’ve got to ask, how did you figure out that it was the geology lab? Sheldon: Oh, simple, the ‘arrah, ‘arrah in the riddle mean Jan Arrah, a member of the Legion of Superheroes, known as Element Lad And then the word He, it wasn’t the masculine pronoun, but rather H e, the abbreviation for helium See where I’m going with this? Penny: Yes Sheldon: Nice try 23 Howard: So, what happens next? Sheldon: Oh, more testing, more success, more fame Yeah, but don’t worry, I will remain the same down-to-earth humble Joe I’ve always been Leonard: Good to know 24 Penny: Okay, look, Zack, come on You know neither of us thought this was real I mean, we were married by an Elvis impersonator Zack: Of course it was an impersonator We could never afford a real Elvis Leonard: You married him instead of me? Good call 25 Leonard: Okay, Sheldon, what you want me to do, hide the information? If I don’t publish it, it’s just a matter of time before someone else does 10 Sheldon: No, no, of course you have to publish That’s your responsibility as a scientist Doing otherwise would be unethical You have no choice 26 Penny: No, please Don’t stop, go on Tell me how I’m gonna be a waitress for the rest of my life 12 Leonard: That is not what I said Look, I think you’re really good I truly But this is an incredibly hard thing that you’re shooting for I mean, the odds of anyone becoming a successful actor are like a million to one 73 13 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 Penny: Wow, thank you 27 Leonard: Okay, listen, I don’t mean to diminish what you’re going through, but I’m a little distracted right now Sheldon: Oh, this again? So, Penny proposed, you didn’t say yes, and now you think you may have lost her love forever How does this compare to me being forced to relax for a few days? Leonard: It doesn’t 28 Voice: Now, take a deep, relaxing breath in through your nose And let it out Sheldon: Didn’t see that coming 29 Raj: Do you think this is cool? Bernadette: No, I think it’s stupid Raj: Aha Bernadette: You’re right, it’s great 30 Raj: Um, okay First off, know that we all love you and cherish you Mike Rostenkowski: Well, I wouldn’t… Bernadette: Daddy Mike R: You’re great 31 Amy: Thanks for walking me to my car Raj: Actually, it’s for both of us Last night, I watched West Side Story, and I’m a little freaked out by street gangs Amy: Why can’t Raj find a girl? The mystery continues 32 Penny: Are you gonna make us pretend to be a bunch of lame characters with silly accents? Raj: Lame characters with silly ac…, what kind of actress are you? Penny: You’re right, I’m sorry Sounds like fun 33 Penny: Oh, come on, don’t pout I’m sorry I ruined your game Raj: I’m not pouting, I’m brooding Which is how sexy men pout Amy: It actually was kind of fun 34 Leonard: So, what you think, is there a professional downside to doing it? Wil: Well, it’s tricky You want to take projects that you’re excited about, but sometimes you also have to pay the bills When you’re on the set working on something that you just know in your heart is bad, not Star Trek Penny: Yeah, beam me up I love it 35 Amy: Okay, let’s get the fondant and start decorating Bernadette: This is pretty cool You don’t see too many spherical cakes Amy: I wonder why that is 36 Leonard: I don’t know The bisexual gorilla go-go dancer in Schindler’s List is tough to beat Sheldon: Ah, very good Because a gorilla go-go dancer of any sexual preference would be out of place in a film about the Holocaust Leonard: It only gets funnier when you explain it, Sheldon 37 Bernadette: I’m glad I got that mocha And you know what else I’m glad about? I bought you a brownie and I ate it in the car Mrs Wolowitz (off): Howard Howard: Thanks a lot Now I have to go rub her belly again 38 Sheldon: He said it’s why they hired me, it’s, it’s what my grant was designated for, and that everybody has to things they don’t want to He then gave an example of something he had to do, even though he didn’t want to, which was 74 11 12 look at my stupid face Leonard: That’s a rude thing to say, out loud 39 Penny: This is so sweet You never cook for me Leonard: Well, you cook for me all the time and, ugh Penny: If you don’t like my cooking, why haven’t you ever said anything? Leonard: It’s hard to talk with so much heavy chewing to Penny: Sorry I’ll get better Leonard: I know you’ll try SEASON 40 Leonard: What’s the big deal? Sheldon: Oh, of course it’s no big deal to you You idolize me, and nothing could ever knock me off that pedestal you put me on Leonard: Well, yeah, it’s true You, you are a god to me 41 Leonard: Hey, how’d it go with human resources? Sheldon: Awful They’re allowing me to move on from string theory, but they made me a junior professor and are requiring me to teach a class Raj: I don’t understand Why is it bad that you have to teach? Sheldon: What a stupid question Leonard: The kids are gonna love him 42 Bernadette: That’s for me to decide, not you Amy: I disagree As a female scientist, I think what you affects all of us Bernadette: And I think you don’t like people expressing their sexuality because no one wants you to express yours Oh, Amy, I’m so sorry That was over the line Amy: You have a nice night Bernadette: Please don’t go Up until my vicious attack, you were the one in the wrong 43 Howard: Are you sure a dummy like me can handle something as complicated as a blanket? Leonard: Do you want the fire extinguisher? Howard: Yeah, I Leonard: Great Here you go Howard: Okay One, two, three Raj: Uh, you have to take the pin out Leonard: You miss the blanket now, don’t you? 44 Amy: Sheldon, that really is an excellent basket Sheldon: It’s not a basket It’s a soldier’s helmet from 16th century China Amy: Very nice Leonard: Yeah, it looks great SEASON 45 Penny: I thought I was okay, but it turns out I’m not Leonard: Okay, listen, I may not have been entirely faithful, but you, you are not easy to lift Sheldon: Wow Well, marriage must agree with you Well, you are just glowing Leonard: I’m not glowing I’m upset 46 Sheldon: Oh, you don’t need to worry about her She’s brilliant and attractive She can way better 75 10 13 16 19 20 Penny: That’s great 47 Leonard: I’d love to, but we need liquid helium and our shipment’s on back order for a month Sheldon: A month? What? Are you kidding me? That would have been a good time for you to soften the blow Leonard: That shirt brings out the blue in your eyes Sheldon: Thank you Aren’t you sweet 48 Leonard: We’re just bending the rules a little We have grant money to the experiment, so we’re going to spend it on the helium we need It’s not like when Dr Goldfarb claimed he bought an electron microscope and he was really just keeping a Russian girl in an apartment in Van Nuys Sheldon: Was she helping him with his research? Leonard: Sure 49 Dave: I saw you speak at Stanford with Sheldon Cooper Amy, can you believe it? It’s Dr Leonard Hofstadter Amy: No, pinch me 50 Sheldon: Bah, bam, bum-bum, bah, bum, bum This song is never going to stop Have you ever dealt with something so relentlessly irritating? Leonard: That’s a trick question, right? 51 Sheldon: Oh, hello, everyone I am happy to report I’m feeling much better Leonard: Good for you 52 Sheldon: My fever is gone, my sinuses are pressure-free, and my mucus is as clear as a Yosemite waterfall Howard: Glad to hear it 53 Howard: I’m, uh, uh, gonna be a father Leonard: What? Congratulations Raj: That’s so amazing Sheldon: Oh, no Leonard: Why oh, no? Sheldon: Because this changes everything What about comic book night? Uh, what about playing games together? What about our trips to Disneyland? How can we those things with a child around? Leonard: Relax, there’s room for two babies in this group Sheldon: Oh, dear lord, Penny’s pregnant, too? Leonard: You’re the other baby 54 (on the phone message) Ha, Leonard and I are about to see Suicide Squad Spoiler alert, when I see you I’m gonna spoil it Leonard: You’re a good friend 55 Leonard: I bought a baseball cap Penny: I can see that What team did you get? Leonard: Uh, Hufflepuff, from Harry Potter Penny: Well, we’ll be in the woods Sheldon: I’m ready to go Leonard: Anything you’d like to say to him? Penny: Nice hat, Sheldon 56 Penny: Sheldon, what did you do? Sheldon: Well, I’m not proud of it, but I jaywalked Leonard: Oh, no It’s like a horror movie 76 21 57 Raj (shouting from upstairs window): Hey, Jon Snow How come your horse has a basket on it? (Stuart is dressing as Jon Snow.) 58 Stuart: How come your head has your face on it? Episode 18 Episode 2 3 20 Episode 19 APPENDIX A4 – “LIKE”-PREFIXED SARCASM SEASON SITUATION Sheldon: If you ask me, this whole thing is a waste of our time Leonard: Helping women? Y Sheldon: Helping anyone People should take care of themselves Leonard: Like yesterday, you made me drive you to the dry cleaners, the pharmacy and the post office? SEASON SITUATION Amy: Do you hear anything? Sheldon: I hear a woman’s voice Amy: Is it Penny? Sheldon: No, it’s you All right, I hear whispering and giggling Now I think I hear kissing Amy: Like you know what kissing sounds like Raj: Just hear me out I’m going to make you guys a scavenger hunt like they have at M.I.T Howard: Oh, I loved those I did them every year there Leonard: We did them at Princeton, too Howard: Oh, that’s cute Like it’s a real college Leonard: Um, I’m okay with you driving my car I’m not okay with you flying my car Bernadette: Don’t sweat it, my dad’s a cop He can fix things Leonard: Like death? Howard: I spoke to Bernadette She’s free tomorrow night Raj: Oh, okay, great But if we’re really gonna a double date, then we have to go over some ground rules about Emily Howard: Like when it turns out she’s made of rubber I don’t say anything? Leonard: Have you considered studying standard model physics? Sheldon: You want me to give up string theory for something that’s less advanced? You know, why don’t you break up with Penny and start dating a brown bear? Penny: Like you could get a brown bear SEASON SITUATION Penny: Well, you know, now that we’re engaged, we had some questions about how you handle money as a couple Bernadette: I told you they weren’t gonna ask us to swing with them Howard: I didn’t think they were going to I just wanted to have a way to say no without hurting Leonard’s feelings (After a while, Howard and Bernadette are having a quarrel about money) Leonard: Like I would swing with him Howard: This is ridiculous I want a new champion Amy, were you serious 77 about being able to serve? Amy: Uh, it, it’s been a long time I don’t know I’m probably pretty rusty Penny: Wow Howard: She’s my champion Bernadette: Well, if you can switch champions, so can I I want Raj Penny: Hey Bernadette: Oh, come on, like you even care Penny: I care Oh, wait, no, I don’t Good luck, Raj APPENDIX B – TRANSLATION STRATEGIES APPENDIX B1 – PARAPHRASE SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Leonard: I wish there were more Giá mà có nhiều 2 Leonard: Where exactly did your Chính xác mẹ cậu cho cậu khám mother have you tested? đâu? Bernadette: That might be a little Nghe thuyết phục anh không more convincing if you didn’t have a ngấu nghiến bánh kẹp phô mai thịt mouthful of bacon cheeseburger nguội Sheldon: Maybe they should Sao họ không nhượng lại chúng reassign those Leonard: That should lighten the Nói làm khơng khí đỡ ảm đạm mood 10 Howard: Thanks for the help Cảm ơn em giúp Howard: Drive off it Phi khỏi cầu Sheldon: Nice going Hay 13 Sheldon: Nice going Hay 10 Leonard: You poor thing, you’re Tội chưa, mồ rịng rịng sweating 20 11 Penny: That shows a lot of integrity Anh thật trực 22 12 Sheldon: Very mature Trưởng thành ghê 24 13 Raj: Not to put you on the spot Không phải đẩy em lên đài đâu SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) 14 Mrs Davis: It’s exactly the same Đúng y chang thing 15 Stuart: Always happy to help out Ln sẵn lịng giúp đỡ trò hay ho with fun things that I wasn’t invited mà không mời chơi to be a part of 16 Penny: Somebody’s having date Có người hẹn hị night 17 Howard: Thanks for getting me in Cảm ơn gây thêm rắc rối trouble 18 Howard: Is the point that you’re an Quan điểm cậu ngu? 78 idiot? 19 Leonard: Good call 13 20 Sheldon: Didn’t see that coming 16 21 Leonard: Nary an argument? 17 22 Amy: The mystery continues 18 23 Penny: Sounds like fun 19 24 Penny: Not like regret at all 25 Leonard: Who knows what’ll set them off? 20 26 Penny: Like you could get a brown bear 22 27 Amy: I wonder why that is 28 Leonard: That’s a rude thing to say out loud 24 29 Sheldon: You chase one balloon for three miles SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 30 Amy: I love that 31 Leonard: The kids are gonna love him 32 Leonard: If only we had one 33 Leonard: Like I would swing with him 34 Amy: You have a nice night 35 Howard: They always say the children aren’t to blame, but… come on 36 Leonard: If the pigeon’s stoned or a trucker 37 Howard: Are you sure a dummy like 11 me can handle something as complicated as a blanket? 38 Leonard: You miss the blanket now, don’t you? 12 39 Penny: We should what you 40 Amy: Careful, she’ll bite your 14 fingers off 16 41 Leonard: In love yet? 42 Leonard: Who would’ve thought you 17 two would be the first in our group to start a family? SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 43 Amy: Hope I can catch the bouquet 79 Quyết định đắn Không ngờ Chưa cãi lần nào? Đó cịn bí ẩn Có vẻ vui Khơng có phải hối tiếc Ai biết điều kích động họ? Làm anh tán gấu nâu Khơng biết Thật khiếm nhã nói hẳn Cậu theo bóng bay suốt năm số TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Tuyệt thật Bọn trẻ mê cậu Ước có Anh đổi cặp với cậu Cậu ngồi chơi vui Họ ln nói lỗi đứa nhưng… Nếu bồ câu phê thuốc lái xe tải Cậu nghĩ tên ngu đủ khả lo việc phức tạp chăn khơng? Giờ cậu muốn chăn, khơng? Tụi em nên làm theo cách anh Coi chừng bị cậu cắn đứt ngón tay Yêu chưa? Ai ngờ được, nhóm mình, cậu lại người lập gia đình TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Khơng biết tơi có chụp bó 11 13 20 23 24 from here 44 Sheldon: Well, marriage must agree with you 45 Sheldon: How much happier can she be? 46 Leonard: Sure, let’s make it an even hundred 47 Leonard: There’s your damsel 48 Leonard: That shirt brings out the blue in your eyes 49 Raj: But it sounds like somebody needs a fresh diaper 50 Howard: He knows a lot of jokes 51 Amy: No, pinch me 52 Leonard: Otherwise we’d love to 53 Penny: Put that on her cake 54 Howard: Glad to hear it 55 Leonard: We’re trapped in a cabin with a maniac 56 Beverly: Maybe he couldn’t get a word in edgewise 57 Mary: Sure you 58 Amy: I’d be lost without you hoa khơng Chà, nhân hợp cậu Hạnh phúc cịn gì? Ừ, làm ln trăm cho chẵn Cô gái bị nạn cậu Áo thun làm màu xanh mắt cậu Nhưng có người cần thay tã Tính hài hước Quả khó tin Khơng chúng tơi Viết câu lên bánh cậu Mừng cho cậu Mình bị nhốt nhà với gã điên Có thể cậu khơng xen lời vào Cứ coi Khơng có anh, em không mà lần APPENDIX B2 – TRANSFER SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Leonard: Now I’m having a Bây gặp ác mộng nightmare 2 Bernadette: Nope, this is my proud Không, gương mặt tự hào face em Penny: You can’t think of anyone Cậu nghĩ kỳ cục weirder? sao? Amy: That’s an impressive Đó thành tích ấn tượng accomplishment Penny: Great Tuyệt Policeman: I don’t know, sounds Tôi không biết, nghe hay 13 pretty cool 21 Raj: Thanks a lot Cảm ơn nhiều Sheldon: I hope four months apart Tôi mong bốn tháng xa không thay doesn’t change anything đổi điều 24 Penny: I am so happy for you Em mừng cho anh 10 Sheldon: He has been presented with Anh giới thiệu với a wonderful opportunity, and I hội tuyệt vời mừng cho 80 couldn’t be happier for him 11 Sheldon: I’m really happy for you SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 12 Howard: I’m proud of you 13 Penny: Great 14 Sheldon: I’m sure your parents are proud 15 Leonard: Like death? 16 Howard: So I won’t be making fun of you, or the things you like, or the fact that you just want to have fun 10 17 Sheldon: You have no choice 18 Sheldon: Do you see me drinking 13 lemonade? 19 Amy: Drinking in the afternoon, like 14 her mommy 20 Bernadette: You’re right, it’s great 16 21 Mike R: You’re great 22 Leonard: Why did I pee before I 19 decided to move in here? 23 Penny: You wonder why other children beat you with books 20 24 Leonard: Are you gonna introduce me to your friend? 25 Bernadette: We know you don’t lie 21 to her 26 Raj: Sorry, I left them in my turban 23 27 Howard: Thanks a lot 24 28 Leonard: I know you’ll try SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 29 Sheldon: I assume this medical centre’s already treated the burns on your bottom from the recent pants fire 30 Howard: I love that you’re too good to pee in the kitchen sink 31 Amy: Then I choose a janitor, 16 because I’m about to throw up 18 32 Leonard: Subtle 23 33 Leonard: Subtle, mom, real subtle SEASON Episode SOURCE LANGUAGE 81 anh Tôi mừng cho anh TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Tơi hãnh diện cậu Tuyệt Tôi bố mẹ cô tự hào Như chết á? Nên không chế nhạo cậu, hay thứ cậu thích, hay việc mà cậu muốn vui vẻ Cậu khơng có lựa chọn đâu Cơ có thấy uống nước chanh không? Uống vào buổi chiều, giống mẹ Anh nói đúng, tuyệt Con thật tuyệt vời Sao lại tiểu trước định chuyển đến chứ? Anh tự hỏi đứa trẻ khác đánh anh sách Cậu có định giới thiệu tơi với bạn cậu khơng? Chúng tơi biết anh khơng nói dối Xin lỗi, để chúng khăn xếp Cảm ơn nhiều Anh biết em cố TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Anh đoán trung tâm y tế chữa vết bỏng mơng quần vừa bị cháy em Anh yêu em giỏi để tè vào bồn rửa chén Còn em chọn người gác cổng, em ói Tế nhị Tế nhi đấy, mẹ à, tế nhị TARGET LANGUAGE 10 13 17 19 (ENGLISH) 34 Penny: Did she make you crawl into the breaking-up drawer? 35 Leonard: Sure 36 Wil: This documentary is gonna be awesome 37 Leonard: That’s a trick question, right? 38 Leonard: Good for you 39 Leonard: One day 40 Leonard: You’re a good friend (VIETNAMESE) Bà có bắt cậu bị vào ngăn tủ chia tay không? Chắc chắn Phim tài liệu hay Đó câu phải không? Tốt cho cậu Một ngày Cậu người bạn tốt APPENDIX B3 – DELETION SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Stuart: Happy place, happy place Chốn bình yên 11 Howard: Good story Thú vị Howard: Why don’t you get started Sao anh không bắt đầu đi? on that? 13 Policeman: I’m guessing your Chắc mẹ anh hả? moms? Penny: It’s like the happiness won’t Như thể hạnh phúc không 15 ever leave the apartment khỏi nhà Leonard: You can’t find a card that Khơng tìm thiệp ghi à? 16 says that? 18 Leonard: You’re too smart for this Cậu siêu đẳng 22 Leonard: That’s not ridiculous Cũng không lố bịch đâu SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Howard: Like it’s a real college Làm trường đại học 10 Bernadette: I’m sure she finds it Chắc cô thấy quyến rũ charming 11 Sheldon: Nice try Tốt 12 Howard: Because her life wasn’t Cuộc đời cô chưa đủ sao? enough? 13 Leonard: Good to know Hay 14 Stuart: Good, I’m glad you guys Tốt, mừng cậu không đợi 11 didn’t wait for me to start 12 15 Penny: Wow, thank you Cảm ơn anh 16 Howard: Fun fact, I’m gonna jump Sự thật thú vị: nhảy khỏi tàu 15 off this train 17 Amy: I think you’d be smart enough Anh đủ thông minh để nhận 16 to see that, too điều 18 18 Amy: It actually was kind of fun Thực vui 82 19 Penny: I love it 20 Barry: No, but they did find 20 evidence that you’ll believe anything 21 Leonard: It’s nice that you called 24 them “esteemed” SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 22 Leonard: You, you are a god to me Tơi thích Khơng, họ tìm chứng cậu tin vào thứ 23 Howard: We’re just saying all the things we love about each other 19 24 Bernadette: Like you even care SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 25 Penny: That’s great 26 Howard: He’s pushing with his uterus 27 Leonard: Yeah, poor us 12 28 Bernadette: Sure, he does 18 29 Leonard: Maybe his tie is pending 20 30 Sheldon: It’s like a horror movie 31 Howard: I bet you’d like a drink 22 right now 32 Mary: Turned her into a giant block 24 of ice Tụi nói điều u q Làm cậu quan tâm 19 Episode 13 18 23 Episode Episode Hay cậu gọi họ “yêu quý.” TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Cậu thần thánh TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Tuyệt Cậu gồng tử cung Tội nghiệp chúng tơi thật Chắc Có lẽ nơ đợi xét xử Đây phim kinh dị Chắc em muốn uống rượu Biến bà thành khối băng APPENDIX B4 – CONDENSATION SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Leonard: He gets how cool it is Anh ta biết hay Penny: I can laugh about it now Tôi cười Penny: It’s a magic potion that Nó thuốc thần giúp tơi thích anh makes me like you SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Penny: You can stop trying to make Anh việc an ủi me feel better now Amy: Like you know what kissing Làm anh biết tiếng hôn sounds like SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE 83 (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Howard: We assumed you’d have to Chúng tưởng cậu phải nhà đưa stay home to lower the food down to thức ăn xuống hố cho cô her in the pit APPENDIX B5 – EXPANSION SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) 13 Leonard: It doesn’t Không so sánh Episode 12 APPENDIX B6 – DECIMATION SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Leonard: Is it true even when the Nếu người đàn ơng cho chó liếm nốt man lets his dog lick peanut butter bơ lạc lưỡi sao? off his tongue? APPENDIX B7 – RESIGNATION SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) 13 Raj: Yay (not translated) APPENDIX B8 – COMBINATION OF STRATEGIES SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE TARGET LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) (VIETNAMESE) Leonard: I believe that God created Tôi tin Chúa tạo giới sáu the world in six days, and on the ngày đẻ cậu vào ngày thứ bảy để seventh he made you to annoy me chọc tức Mrs Wolowitz: I’ll just go sit in a Mẹ ngồi xuống hố đất để hole in the ground so I’m no trouble chết không phiền when I die Mike: Take a look at what Dimitri Nhìn xem Dimitri vừa để lại just left you in the toilet toilet Howard: I’ll that when I want to Anh nói muốn làm người đầu be the first guy in space to get a tiên ngồi vũ trụ bị kéo quần lót wedgie Leonard: I didn’t know they gave Tôi họ trao Giải Nobel Nobel prizes for making boom-boom cho việc ngồi ị bô in the potty Penny: You know, to appease Cậu biết đấy, để an ủi Thần Thất Bại, vị Loseroneous, the god of losers thần kẻ thua 7 Leonard: Keep going, buddy, you’re Nói tiếp đi, cậu làm tốt 84 doing great Penny: Cheerleading, way to man 10 things up Stuart: Why support a friend when you can support a multinational 11 conglomerate that is crushing the life out of that friend? 10 Leonard: That’s so much worse than having your car stolen 13 11 Waitress: Why don’t you ask Scotty to beam you up? 12 Penny: As evidenced by your boyfriend and his fear of hamsters 13 Penny: If that’s your idea of what’s cool, you should get one 14 14 Penny: Honey, if you want one, just get one 15 Sheldon: You’re only proving my 15 point, little lady 16 Penny: Maybe ’cause things are 16 going so well between us lately and I’ve been really happy 17 Leonard: Like yesterday, you made me drive you to the dry cleaners, the pharmacy and the post office? 18 18 Penny: Unless you want to be Cinderella 21 19 Penny: I liked it, I’m excited SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 20 Sheldon: As I’ve explained, the absence of my friends does not cause me pain 21 Bernadette: Congratulations, you got it last 22 Penny: You know, I’m surprised you want to copy my answers since I’m not smart enough to be on your team 23 Leonard: No, I was her favorite 24 Leonard: He, he’s late because he’s 14 on his way here from 1940 25 Amy: I think if I were manipulating 16 you, you’d be smart enough to see it 19 Cổ động, đàn ông Ủng hộ bạn bè làm ủng hộ tập đoàn đa quốc gia ngày đêm nghiền nát đời bạn mình? Cái cịn tệ việc anh bị trộm xe nhiều Sao không bảo Scotty đưa anh về? Bằng chứng bạn trai cô với nỗi sợ chuột hamster Nếu anh nghĩ hay, làm Anh à, muốn làm Anh chứng minh lời tơi, bà Có lẽ dạo chuyện hai đứa q sn sẻ em hạnh phúc Giống kiểu hôm qua cậu bắt chở cậu tới tiệm giặt, hiệu thuốc, bưu điện? Trừ bạn muốn trở thành Lọ Lem Em thích phim, em hào hứng TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Như giải thích, vắng bạn bè tơi khơng đau buồn Xin chúc mừng, anh người cuối Thật ngạc nhiên anh bắt chước em em khơng đủ thơng minh để đội với anh Khơng, dì cưng anh Hắn đến muộn đường đến từ năm 1940 Nếu vậy, anh đủ thông minh để nhận điều 26 Penny: I wouldn’t exactly call Star Tôi không nghĩ Star Trek đáng xấu hổ Trek embarrassing đâu 85 27 Howard: Like when it turns out she’s made of rubber, I don’t say anything? 20 28 Howard: So, you and Emily still together? 29 Bernadette: And even though it 22 meant we had to miss the movies, we could still be part of the fun 30 Leonard: It only gets funnier when you explain it, Sheldon 23 31 Bernadette: After two days of taking care of her, excuse me for stopping to get a mocha SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 32 Bernadette: I know, why don’t I get you a job at the Sitting Around All Day Wearing Yoga Pants Factory? 33 Stuart: If I mow the lawn, can I have my allowance? 34 Raj: When you met Bernadette, the field of robotics really took a hit 35 Leonard: I’m sure Mrs Florida’s walking funny 36 Bernadette: I love that you take pride in your looks, even when I have to pee in the morning, and you’re in there spending an hour on your hair 37 Bernadette: I love that you have the confidence to speak, even without giving it an ounce of thought 38 Penny: I gotta say “Good job, Sheldon.” 11 39 Leonard: Genius here wants to catch a bird with a garbage bag and a Slim Jim 12 40 Leonard: Yeah, it looks great 41 Howard: How are you today, Mr 14 Can-You-Believe-These-JackAsses? 42 Raj: So kind of like what’s 16 happening with Penny right now 43 Penny: This is why I’ve been saying we should keep champagne on ice 17 44 Howard: In Emily’s eyes 21 45 Leonard: When I encountered alien 86 Như hoá ta cao su, tơi khơng nói gì? Cậu Emily hẹn hò chứ? Dù bỏ lỡ phim, chúng tơi tham gia vui Sẽ hài hước cậu giải thích thơi, Sheldon Sau hai ngày chăm sóc bà ấy, em xin lỗi uống cốc mocha TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Biết rồi, hay để tớ tìm cho cậu việc xưởng ngồi không suốt ngày mặc quần tập yoga? Nếu cắt cỏ bố cho tiền tiêu vặt nhé? Lúc cậu gặp Bernadette, ngành người máy bị khủng hoảng Chắc bà Florida lại khó khăn Em u việc anh tự hào bề ngồi mình, em phải tè mà anh tốn tiếng để làm tóc Em yêu anh tự tin để nói mà khơng suy nghĩ trước Em phải nói, “Rất tốt, Sheldon.” Thiên tài muốn bắt chim bao rác khơ bị Ừ, đẹp Ơng khoẻ khơng, Ơng Tin-Được-HaiGã-Khả-Ố-Này-Khơng? Giống Penny Đây lý em nói nên ln có sẵn sâm-banh ăn mừng Vào mắt Emily Hồi tơi gặp sinh vật ngồi hành tinh, tơi life, I discovered that the key thing was not to sit in its spot SEASON SOURCE LANGUAGE Episode (ENGLISH) 46 Sheldon: But I just had a tickle in my throat, not profound marital problems 47 Mandy: To Sheldon? 48 Leonard: Before I answer, may I just say your skin has never looked better 49 Penny: And I’m laughing like the first time I heard it 50 Sheldon: Well, you be sure to let us know when you win the Nobel Prize for boysenberry 16 51 Leonard: Relax, there’s room for two babies in this group 52 Howard: Is the impression that your 18 first name is Pee-Wee? 53 Bernadette: Not with Lightning 19 McQueen here 20 54 Penny: Nice hat, Sheldon 55 Raj: How come your horse has a basket on it? 21 56 Stuart: How come your head has your face on it? 57 Leonard: So, when the aliens 23 brought you back, they just left the probe in? 58 Leonard: Mom, please save 24 something for the toast 87 học không nên ngồi vào chỗ chúng TARGET LANGUAGE (VIETNAMESE) Nhưng anh bị ngứa họng thôi, vấn đề sâu sắc hôn nhân Cưới Sheldon à? Trước trả lời, xin nói da cậu chưa mịn Và em cười nghe lần đầu Thì, nhớ báo cho tụi biết lúc cậu giải Nobel mứt dâu Bình tĩnh, nhóm có đủ chỗ cho hai em bé Ấn tượng cậu tên Pee-Wee? Có Nàng Nhanh Chớp giúp Nón đẹp, Sheldon Sao ngựa cậu lại gắn giỏ? Sao đầu cậu lại gắn mặt? Vậy người hành tinh trả cậu lại, họ quên rút ống dò à? Mẹ, để dành câu cho lúc nâng ly

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2023, 18:02


