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Chapter INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the research In the globalization era, foreign languages play an important role in communication and social, economic development as well Foreign languages bring endless values and opportunities for learners, provide them with confidence and activeness in all interactive, interpersonal relationship More than that, foreign languages also open a new life for learners to discover and challenge their new horizons Being able to work and communicate with people from different backgrounds and cultures is not only a strong motivation but also a qualified requirement for all the modern labor force However, learning a foreign language requires learners a lot of efforts and obviously, learners encounter many difficulties when they often meet differences between the target language and their mother tongue In the study of grammatical structure, the word order is a universal concept of linear structures in any analytical languages, such as English and Vietnamese It is one of grammatical means that attracts the attention from many English and Vietnamese linguists However the word order in English and Vietnamese verb phrases- one of the most important grammatical structures, so far, has not been paid much attention to And hence the similarities and differences of word order in English and Vietnamese verb phrases have not been written about In addition, in the process of teaching and learning foreign languages, especially English, we realize that Vietnamese students always make mistakes when it comes to the use of the word order in English verb phrases For example, instead of saying: “Turn it (the television) on” they say: “Turn on it (the television)” It may be the fact that Vietnamese learners often make mistakes because of the influence of the mother tongue or the differences in verb phrases between the two languages From all the reasons above, I would like to carry out the research on the topic: A STUDY ON WORD ORDER IN ENGLISH VERB PHRASES WITH REFERENCE TO THE VIETNAMESE EQUIVALENTS 1.2 Aims of the research This study is conducted to aim at describing the common and specific syntactic structural features of word order in English verb phrases in comparison with the Vietnamese equivalents and suggesting some possible set of exercises used for teaching word order in English verb phrases to Vietnamese learners at Thach Ban Senior High School 1.3 Objectives of the research To achieve the aims, we have to get the following objectives: (i) Analyzing the common and specific structural features of word order in English verb phrases (ii) Pointing out the similarities and differences between English verb phrases and the Vietnamese equivalents in term of structural features (iii) Suggesting some possible kinds of exercises used for teaching word order in English verb phrases to Vietnamese learners at Thach Ban Senior High School 1.4 Scope of the study The study focuses on the word order of English verb phrases with reference to Vietnamese equivalents However, it is not our ambition to cover every issue of the word order in English verb phrases in all English grammar We desire to give readers the uses of them in books of some famous English writers: A university grammar of English (Quirk R Ph & Greenbaum S, 1973), English syntax (Jacobs R.A, 1995), English grammar (Greenbaum S, 1996) and Vietnamese authors: Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt: tiếng, từ ghép, đoản ngữ (Can N.T, 1975), Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt phổ thông (Ban D.Q, 1989), Nghiên cứu đối chiếu trật tự từ Anh Việt số cấu trúc cú pháp (Tu V.N, 1996), Động từ tiếng Việt (Than N.K,1997), Nghiên cứu ngữ pháp tiếng Việt (Than N.K,1997) … As a grammatical means, word order has a wide sphere of influence, especially, in the analytical languages including that in sentences, utterances, and in text cohesion etc This thesis will limit its study within the word order in English and Vietnamese verb phrases in declarative sentences in both English and Vietnamese We pay much attention on English and Vietnamese literature books when supplying the examples to compare and contrast The study also takes English as the basic language and Vietnamese as the language to be compared Understanding the main syntactic features of word order in English verb phrases helps the learners translate English sentences into Vietnamese better The study mainly focuses on analyzing syntactic features of word order in English verb phrases with reference to Vietnamese which are used widely in the translation 1.5 Practical and theoretical significance of the research The research is expected to contribute an in-depth description of word order in English verb phrases when analyzing their common and specific syntactic structural features in comparison with the Vietnamese equivalents To Vietnamese learners, English grammar sometimes makes them confused due to the differences between English and their mother tongueVietnamese In this research, we desire to give learners, especially those who work in the field of translation, some aspects of word order in English verb phrases: a description of the structures that are popularly used 1.6 Organizational structure of the research The research begins with Certificate of Originality, Acknowledgements, a Table of Contents, Abbreviations The main body of the thesis is divided into five chapters: Chapter - “Introduction”- presents an overview of the thesis including the rationale, the aims, the objectives, the scope, the significance as well as the structural organization of the thesis Chapter - “Literature review”- presents the overview of the previous researchers related to the thesis topic and covers a review of theoretical background related to the word order of English and Vietnamese verb phrases Chapter - “Methodology”- focuses on providing a full description of the main methods and techniques which will be applied to conduct the thesis research Chapter - “Findings and discussion” – describes and analyses the common and specific syntactic structural features of the word order in English verb phrases with reference to the Vietnamese equivalents, the similarities and differences of the word order of verb phrases between the two languages, and suggests a set of exercises for teaching the word order in English verb phrases to Vietnamese learners at Thach Ban Senior High School Chapter - “Conclusions and implications”- summarizes the major findings resulted from the contrastive analysis, presents the limitations of the study and provides some suggestions for further research Chapter LITERATURE REVIEW The literature review serves two main purposes Firstly, it gives a review of previous studies related to the word order in English verb phrases Secondly, it presents and discusses the theoretical background which guides and informs this research 2.1 Review of previous studies The word order in English verb phrases which is an important factor in English grammar so it attracted the great attention of linguists all over the world Hence, it is not surprising that a large number of studies on the word order in English verb phrases in terms of various fields of language have been undertaken 2.1.1 Previous studies overseas Recently word order has been more and more studied in detail These researches are closely related to the development of the theory of actual division Leonard B (1997) stated that “word order is one part of syntax” According to him, the order of words in a sentence cannot but be to some extent indicative of their syntactic relations, just as all the words of a sentence, to begin with, form an uninterrupted sequence In many languages, such as English, the order of words has a habitual syntactic significance In English, word order is the prevailing method of syntactic expression Material and emotional relations are expressed by word order Many linguists wrote about word order when they discussed sentence components Modern grammarians and linguists, such as Thomas O (1967), Jacobs R.A et al (1968), Palmer F (1978), Quirk R and Greenbaum S (1990) and other also more or less said about word order For instance, in “English syntax” Jacobs R.A (1995) wrote: “No one can utter simultaneously all the words of a sentence Nor could such an utterance be understood Words are spoken and heard in a time sequence from early to later, a sequence represented in the English writing system by a procession of written forms from left to right” “There is a standard order for subjects and objects In the following English sentence example: Cassius sees Brutus The subject of the sentence, Cassius, precedes the verb, while the object, Brutus, follows the verb Number of other languages follow the same order, subject-verb-object (abbreviated SVO)” Or “In many languages, word order is less crucial than it is in English, because, as in Latin, there is greater reliance on suffixes and other ways of marking sentence constituents Word order appears to be a setting on a yet more general parameter of function marking But in no language is word order totally insignificant The difference in word order shows how different languages use different means to achieve the same goal- efficient communication” (6:35) Quirk R and Greenbaum S (1976) pointed out seven clause types with their word order such as: SV, SVC, SVA, SVO, SVOC, SVOA, SVOO Nowadays, English and American linguists not only study word order in syntax but they also study it in other areas of language, such as semantics, pragmatics, and functional grammar Representatives of these research approaches are Geoffrey L (1974), John L (1977), Halliday M.A.K (1985), etc 2.1.2 Previous studies in Vietnam In Vietnam, the earliest book on syntax was “An Nam- Lusitan- Latin Dictionary” It was published in Rome in 1965 In this book De Rhodes A gave eight principles, and this can be considered as the first study of word order Subject precedes verb or it will not be subject For example: Mày cười (You laugh) Cười mày (Laugh at you) The noun that follows the verb is object For example: Tôi mến chúa ( I love God ) Chúa mến ( God loves me ) It is likely that the first person who studied word order systematically was Ly L.V He was one of the functional linguists After he studied the way how to combine phonemes and classified words in Vietnamese, he studied only the combination of words We consider that it was the study of word order After Ly L.V, there were many other linguists such as Can N.T (1960), Phong N.P (1970), Thang L.T (1981), Thai L.X (1995)…who also paid a lot of attention to the word order For example, in the book “Nghiên cứu ngữ pháp tiếng Việt” (The study of Vietnamese grammar) Than N.K (1997) considered word order as one of the eight means of syntactic expression Among Vietnamese linguists Can N.T was the person who studied word order in terms of structural linguistics Besides, there are many people who study word order in functional grammar They are: Thang L.T (1981,1984), Hao C.X (1992), …In addition to these works there are a number of articles written about word order in linguistic magazines by Dan H ( 1970, No 1), Le H (1971, No 3), Thai L.X (1977, No 4, 1978, No 2) In this thesis I would like to study the word order in verb phrases more deeply It is hoped that what comes out of this study might contribute to teaching English to the Vietnamese learners, Vietnamese to the English learners, and translating from English into Vietnamese and vice-versa The studies mentioned above are helpful to this study in terms of providing the theoretical background for the thesis 2.2 Review of Theoretical Background 2.2.1 Theoretical framework Some basic definitions Word order is a part of syntax so to study word order more deeply the following concepts should be clearly reviewed (i) The concept of word order Acccording to Greenbaum S (1996), word order is the order of constituents within a phrase, clause or sentence For example, in a declarative sentence the normal word order is (S) subject + (V) verb + (Od) direct object For example: All the worker have signed the petition S + V + Od (ii) The concepts of syntactic structures According to Tesniere L (1959), all the syntactic structure is based on the relations that exist in structural order and linear order Jacobs R.A (1995) considered sentence structure has three major properties: Linearity: sentences are produced and received in a linear sequence Hierarchy: sentences are hierarchically structured, that is, they are not simply sequences of individual words but are made up of word groups, which themselves may consist of lesser groups Categoriality: Sentences are made up of parts which belong to a set of distinct categories, each with its special characteristics According to Chomsky (1957), as outlined in Syntactic Structures , it comprised three sections, or components: the phrase-structure component, the transformational component, and the morphophonemic component Each of these components consisted of a set of rules operating upon a certain “input” to yield a certain “output.” That is to say to understand the internal organization of sentences and the distribution of the units forming them, one has to understand three these properties of sentence structure thoroughly This idea can be very well applicable to Vietnamese because in Vietnamese word order is one of the main grammatical means (iii) The concepts of a phrase and a verb phrase In English, Palmer F (1971) states a sentence consists of words, but the words are grouped into elements that are smaller than the sentence For these most linguists use the term “phrase”, sentences are thus analysable into phrases The most important phrases of the sentences are the verb phrases and the noun phrases Halliday M.A.K (1985) considers a phrase to be different from a group of words in that, whereas a group of words is an expansion of a word, a phrase is a contraction of a clause Greenbaum S (1996) considers the phrase to be between the word and the clause in the hierarchy of grammatical units According to him there are five types of phrases, named after the head of the phrase: Noun phrase {E.g: recent deluges of reports (head: deluges)} Verb phrase {E.g: may have been accepted (head: accepted)} Adjective phrase {E.g: surprisingly normal (head: normal)} Adverb phrase {E.g: more closely (head: closely)} Prepositional phrase {E.g: for a moment (head: for)} In Vietnamese, one of the people who studied phrases deeply was Can N.T (1999) According to him, a phrase is a group of words in which there is a word as head and other words as dependent elements He states that a phrase has three following properties: It consists of a head word and one or more dependent elements For example: - Tỉnh lớn (large province) - Tỉnh lớn (this large province) - Tất tỉnh lớn (all these large provinces) The relation between the head word and its elements is interdependent The whole phrase is more complex, more meaningful than only one head word Thus phrases can be classified on the basis of the head word of the phrase In Vietnamese there are five types of phrases: noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, numeral phrase and pronominal phrase He considers that if the head- word belongs to one of any parts of speech, all the phrases keep the character of this part of speech As this thesis will focus on the word order in English and the Vietnamese equivalents, the definition of the verb phrase should be pointed out According to Huddleston R (1980), the verb phrase consists of a lexical verb as a head element, which is obligatory except in cases of ellipsis and one or more optional dependents Halliday M.A.K (1985), a representative of functional grammar, used the term “verbal group” He considers a verbal group as the expansion of a verb For example: Someone’s been eating my soup If we consider “has been eating” just as a word sequence, it contains a lexical verb “eat”, which comes last; a finite verb “has”, which comes first; and an auxiliary verb “been” which comes in the between No other ordering of these three components is possible According to Quirk, Greenbaum, and Svartvik (1985) the structure of a verb phrase may be described in terms of auxiliaries and main verbs, the main verb normally being the sole verb in cases where the verb phrase consists of only one verb In other words, the structure may be represented in terms of finite and nonfinite verb forms On this basis, a finite verb phrase is a verb phrase in which there is a finite verb, the rest of the verb phrase (if any) consisting of nonfinite verbs; on the other hand a non-finite verb phrase consists of a nonfinite verb form only For example: He smokes: finite verb phrase; To smoke like that must be dangerous: nonfinite verb phrase The finite verb phrase is simple when it consists of only one verb, which may be present, past, imperative or subjunctive For example: 10 b There are geographic, economic, and cultural reasons why …….…… around the world A diets differ B diets differ C are diets different D to differ a diet c The economic background of labor legislation will not be mentioned in this course, …………… be treated A trade unionism will not B nor trade unionism will C nor will trade unionism D neither trade unionism will d Located behind…………… the two lacrimal glands A each eyelid B is each eyelid C each eyelid are D each eyelid which is e Only for a short period of time…………… run at top speed A cheetahs B cheetahs C that a cheetah can D can iv) In English there are many verbs which have the same meanings, but structurally they are used differently As was mentioned, transitive verbs always require a direct object But there are also the verbs which are transitive and intransitive They can be used with a direct object or without a direct object For example: - OPEC decided in 1973 to raise the price for which this oil was sold b b + Od (14:2) 63 - Firms and households reduce the use of oil - intensive products which b + Od (14:2) are now more expensive - We can think of oil as having become more scarcing in economic terms when its price rose b - (14:4) Over much of this period the price of oil fell in comparison with the b (14:1) prices of other, products - More recently, the emphasis on health and fitness has increased the b demand for jogging equipment, Od - (14:76) When incomes rise, the demand for most goods increases b b (14:75) In these examples, the verbs “raise, reduce, rise, fall, increase” are synonyms but the verbs “raise” and “reduce” are transitive verbs They always need a direct object The verbs “rise” and “fall” are intransitive They don’t need any direct objects The verb “increase” is transitive and intransitive It can be used with or without a direct object That is why Vietnamese students may confuse when they use these verbs To help Vietnamese students overcome the mistake mentioned above and study English verb phrases more effectively, the following forms of exercises are suggested: Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences which have transitive and intransitive verbs Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence (use the sentences which have transitive and intransitive verbs) 64 v) Some weak students can’t distinguish order of elements in a verb phrase so they don’t know how to write a correct sentence For correcting the mistake for students we suggest the exercises: Underline the verb phrases in the following sentences: a A schedule of the day’s events can be obtained at the front desk b The professor does not understand why so many students did poorly in the exam c Not even the bank present knows when the vault will be opened d Some fishing fleets might not have been so inefficient in limiting their catch to target species had the government been stricter in enforcing penalties e The economic background of labor legislation will not be mentioned in this course, nor will trade unionism be treated Put the words into the correct order until/ it/ two/ ago/ wasn’t/ that/ we/ ago/ to/ decided/ change/ image/ our people/ going/ many/ invite/ party/ how/ are/ to/ your/ you smoking/ Jane/ up/ gave/ ago/ years/ three special/ any/ there/ places/ are/ should/ go/ to/ I says/ English/ learn/ easy/ is/ teacher/ my/ that/ to To help Vietnamese students overcome the mistakes mentioned above and study English verb phrases more effectively, the above kinds of exercises are suggested We hope that Vietnamese students at Thach Ban Senior High School will improve soon 4.4 Summary It is undeniable that word order in English and Vietnamese verb phrases always attract great attention of all linguists and readers as well However, each language has its own grammar From the study, we found out the common and specific syntactic structural features of word order in English verb phrases in comparison with the Vietnamese equivalents It is clear that 65 word order in English and Vietnamese verb phrases have similarities and differences in terms of syntactic features For practice stage, it is said that practice makes perfect This is especially true in this case when students have to face up with a lot of specific word order in English verb phrases Vietnamese students often make mistakes when studying and translating the word order of English verb phrases due to some reasons: they are affected by mother tongue, Vietnamese grammatical relations are expressed outside the word, in English there are many verbs which have the same meanings but structurally they are used differently Hopefully these recommendations in the next chapter will be somehow useful to whom concerned 66 Chapter CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS 5.1 Recapitulation This study has presented the overview of word order in English verb phrases with their basic features and some previous studies relating to the research area of the study Basing on this background and the data collection, an investigation into word order in English verb phrases in reliable books has been conducted to give a detailed description of this specific group with reference to the Vietnamese equivalents Consequently, a number of similarities and differences between word order in English verb phrases and their Vietnamese equivalents have been found to help finding out some possible implication for studying and translating word order in English verb phrases into Vietnamese 5.2 Concluding remarks To complete the research thesis, three major objectives have been achieved: (i) to give a description of the common and specific syntactic structural features of word order in English verb phrases; (ii) to point out the similarities and differences between English verb phrases and the Vietnamese equivalents; (iii) to suggest a set of exercises for teaching the word order of English verb phrases to Vietnamese learners The two first objectives will be summarized briefly hereafter and the third will be proposed in the last section of this chapter as a final goal of the thesis The word order is considered one of the most important aspects of grammar English as well as Vietnamese linguists have studied it from different aspects of linguistics: It can be the objective of study of syntax, semantics, pragmatics and functional grammar Especially in analytic languages, such as English and Vietnamese, the word-order is one of grammatical means, (one of methods of syntactic expression) 67 In this study we have presented the word-order in English and Vietnamese verb phrases We have carried out a contrastive analysis in the syntactic aspect That means we have compared and analyzed the arrangement of words in typical syntactic structures – English and Vietnamese verb phrases We have considered English as the basic language of contrastive analysis, Vietnamese is the language to be compared We have described in detail every part of English and Vietnamese verb phrases For example, in English verb phrases preceding elements are auxiliary verbs These verbs have certain orders We can not change their orders However they often don’t appear together all the time One, two or three of them can appear in a verb phrase In Vietnamese verb phrases, preceding elements are always functional words There are some main groups of preceding elements These groups can express the existence of the action and the relation between the action and time; affirmation or negation; frequence of action of verb in relation with the subject or the manner in process of action, etc Sometimes we can change the order of these preceding elements In Vietnamese if the verb phrase has only one verb we can determine the head easily If the verb phrase has more than one verb it is difficult for us to determine the head But many Vietnamese grammarians consider that if in a verb phrase there are more than one verb, grammatically, the first verb will be the head of the phrase Following elements of Vietnamese verb phrases are notional or functional words They are much more various than the preceding ones After we have described the word order in English and Vietnamese verb phrases, we have realized that in English and Vietnamese verb phrases there are following main striking similarities and differences In English as well as in Vietnamese verb phrases there may be following cases: Only the head verb; preceding elements plus the head; or the head plus following elements When in English and Vietnamese verb phrases there is only one lexical verb, it will be the head When in English and 68 Vietnamese verb phrases there is more than one lexical verb, grammatically, the first verb is the head The head word of English and Vietnamese verb phrases governs all the structure of the verb phrases, so to know what kind of verbs- the head is very important for us General speaking preceding elements in both English and Vietnamese verb phrases are functional words They have more grammatical meanings than lexical meanings.These preceding elements express time of action of main verb Sometimes in both languages there is an adverb between the subject and the preceding element Both two languages have following elements after extensive verbs Common structures of English verb phrases have two parts: the preceding element and the head but in Vietnamese verb phrases have three parts: the preceding element, the head and the following element However there are many differences in every part of the verb phrase For example, English modal verbs are auxiliary verbs and they always belong to preceding elements, but in Vietnamese some of these verbs can be the head of the verb phrase Most verbs in English can combine with adverbs of degree and these adverbs belong to following elements, meanwhile a group of Vietnamese (the heads) can combine with functional words of degree: rất, hơi, and these words belong to preceding elements As was mentioned, modal verbs in English are auxiliary verbs and they belong to preceding elements But in Vietnamese some of modal verbs can be the head of the verb phrase English phrasal verbs also have some differences with Vietnamese phrasal verbs: (i) Every English phrasal verb can be replaced by a single verb (one- word verb) but its meaning doesn’t change (ii) If an English phrasal verb is a transitive verb (i.e it requires a direct object), the particle can precede or follow the object But if the object is a personal pronoun the particle has to follow the object 69 (iii) Vietnamese phrasal verbs are formed by disyllabic structure We can not put any words between the two-word verbs (iv) There is another difference between English and Vietnamese verb phrases: the passive voice All of the transitive verbs can be used in the passive voice English passive voice is used when the speaker doesn’t want to mention the agent of the action itself English passive voice has the objective meaning It is especially used in scientific and technical styles In Vietnamese there is no concept of voice We have only sentences with passive, recipient meanings These sentences are not completely similar to English passive sentences Preceding elements of English verb phrases are auxiliary verbs, they always have the fixed order Modal verbs always have the first position among preceding elements The second is perfect; the third is progressive and the last is passive On the contrary, preceding elements of the Vietnamese verb phrases not have any fixed orders, sometimes we can change their orders In English sometimes there are particles after some verbs They are parts of main verbs These verbs are phrasal verbs and prepositional verbs We can consider these particles as following elements of a verb phrase However, in Vietnamese following elements of a verb phrase are various They can be a word, a phrase or a clause 5.3 Limitations of the research Within the framework of a minor thesis, time is limited and requirements are moderate, some limitations are inevitable This study is of no exception Due to limited skills, knowledge and reference materials, in spite of having tried much, the author can not help making mistakes Besides, there are many issues not yet discussed in this study Firstly, most of the examples are taken only from the literature books Secondly, we only pay much attention to research word order in English verb phrases with reference to the Vietnamese equivalents in declarative sentences In the future we will focus 70 on discourse Thirdly, there are some variants of word order in English verb phrases we haven’t researched: imperative, preposional verbs, phrasalprepotional verbs, catenatives… 5.4 Suggestions for a future research There are a lot of aspects future researches can continue to study Because most of the examples in the research are taken only from the literature books, future researches can study the same research with examples which are taken from other kinds of books We only pay much attention to research word order in English verb phrases with reference to the Vietnamese equivalents in declarative sentences Future researches can focus on discourse Last but not least there are some variants of word order in English verb phrases we haven’t researched: imperative, preposional verbs, phrasalprepotional verbs, catenatives, etc We hope that in the future we will spend more time studying them deeply 71 REFERENCES Bronte Ch, (1990) Jane Eyre Oxford University Press Chomsky N (1957) Syntactic structures Gravenhage Ernest H, (1986) The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Nxb Ngoại Văn, Hà Nội Greenbaum S, (1996) English grammar Oxford University Press Halliday M.A.K, (1985) An introduction to functional grammar Great Britain Press Jacobs R.A, (1995) English syntax Jack L, (1983) Love of life Nxb Ngoại Văn, Hà Nội Leech G, (1974) Semantics Penguin Books Ltd Lyons J, (1997) Semantics-Volume I Cambridge University Press, London 10 Mark T, (1876) The adventure of Tom Sawyer Oxford University Press 11 Palmer F R, (1974) The English verb Longman Group Limited, London 12 Quirk R.Ph & Greenbaum S, (1973) A university grammar of English Presented by the Australian Government 13 Quirk R.Ph & Greenbaum S, Leech G, Svartvik J, (1985) A comprehensive grammar of the English language Long Man Press 14 Yates, St.J.C (1989) Economics Casell Publishers Limited 15 Ban D.Q, (1989) Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt phổ thông, tập Nxb Giáo dục, Hà Nội 16 Can N.T, (1999) Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt Tiếng- từ ghép- đoản ngữ Nxb Đại học Quốc gia, Hà Nội 17 Cao N, (1983) Chi Pheo Red River & Foreign Languages Publishing House 18 Cao N, (2011) Chí Phèo Nxb Văn Học, Hà Nội 72 19 Chien N.V, (1992) Ngôn ngữ học đối chiếu đối chiếu ngôn ngữ Đông Nam Á Nxb Đại học sư phạm ngoại ngữ, Hà Nội 20 Chu N.D & Khung N.H, (1998) Văn 11 Nxb Giáo dục 21 Chu M.N, Nghieu V.D, Phien H.T, (2003) Cơ sở ngôn ngữ học tiếng Việt Nxb Giáo dục 22 Duc D.V, (1986) Ngữ pháp tiếng Việt Nxb Khoa học xã hội, Hà Nội 23 Hoai T, (2004) Diary of a cricket Kim Dong Publishing House 24 Lam T, (2010) Gió lạnh đầu mùa Nxb Văn Học, Hà Nội 25 Manh N.D & Long N.V, (1998) Văn 12 Nxb Giáo dục 26 Nguyet N.T, (2005) 20 truyện ngắn chọn lọc Anh-Việt Nxb TP Hồ Chí Minh 27 Nguyet N.T & Tien C, (2006) Tuyển tập truyện ngắn chọn lọc AnhViệt Nxb Hồ Chí Minh 28 Khanh V.N & Ngoc T.T, (1998) Văn học 7, tập Nxb Giáo dục 29 Thai L.X, (1994) Câu chủ vị tiếng Việt Nxb Khoa học xã hôi, Hà Nội 30 Than N.K, (1997) Động từ tiếng Việt Nxb Khoa học xã hôi, Hà Nội 31 Thi N, (2012) Người mẹ cầm súng Nxb Kim Đồng, TP Hồ Chí Minh 32 To N.T, (2013) Tắt đèn Nxb Văn Học, Hà Nội 33 Tu V.N, (1996) Nghiên cứu đối chiếu trật tự từ Anh-Việt số cấu trúc cú pháp Luận án Phó tiến sĩ khoa học ngữ văn 73 74 75 76 77

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2023, 15:12


