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DECLARATION I hereby declare that no part of the enclosed Master Thesis has been copied or reproduced by me from any other’s work without acknowledgement and that the thesis is originally written by me under strict guidance of my supervisor Hanoi, December 31, 2013 Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hương APPROVED BY: i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For the completion of this work, I have been fortunate to receive invaluable contributions from many people First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Nguyen Thi Thu Huong for her indispensable assistance, excellent suggestions, expert advice and detailed critical comments, without which the work would not have been complete In addition, lecturers at I am greatly indebted Hanoi Open University to all my for their constant support and encouragement I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my family and my friends for their unconditional support, encouragement and forbearance Finally, I am all too aware that despite all the advice and assistance, I feel that the project is far from perfect; it is, therefore, my sole responsibility for any inadequacies and shortcomings that the thesis may be considered to have ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I: INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale of the study Aims of the study Research questions Scope of the study Methods of the study Design of the study PART II : DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Types of questions 1.1.1 Question 1.1.2 Types of questions in English and Vietnamese 1.2 Speech act and illocutionary force 18 1.2.1 Speech act 18 1.2.2 Illocutionary force 20 CHAPTER 2: THE ILLOCUTIONARY FORCE OF QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 30 2.1 Definition of illocutionary force 30 2.2 Illocutionary force of questions in English 311 2.1 Illocutionary force of Wh-questions in English 311 2.2.2 Illocutionary force of Yes-No questions in English……………….35 2.3 Illocutionary force of questions in Vietnamese 388 2.3.1 Illocutionary force of Wh- questions in Vietnamese 388 iii 2.3.2 Illocutionary force of Yes-No questions in Vietnamese 41 CHAPTER 3: SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ILLOCUTIONARY FORCE OF QUESTIONS IN ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE 50 3.1 Similarities of illocutionary force of questions in English and Vietnamese 50 3.2 Differences between illocutionary force of questions in English and Vietnamese 51 3.3 Some suggestions for teachers in the preparation of teaching material, teaching and learning 55 PART III : CONCLUSION 588 Recapitulation 588 2.Limitations of the study 599 Suggestions for further study 599 REFERENCES 60 iv PART I: INTRODUCTION Rationale of the study Nowadays, English plays an important part in many fields of our life Thus, the study of English has attracted a lot of people There have been various studies on English because English consists of many topics of interest that should be studied And pragmatics is an interesting subject, too It can be said to be a very broad concept It helps us know that English is more complex but also more interesting than we expected This subject deals with such matters as relationships between linguistic forms and users of those forms, meaning in interaction, speaker’s meaning, contextual meaning and so on In communicative process in English as well as in other languages, questions play an important role in our daily life We are not able to keep communicating going on well without asking questions We ask in order to exchange information, ideas, feeling and knowledge On the other hand, we sometimes ask questions not for the above purposes but for many others It is undeniable that questions cannot be missed in communication In “Pragmatics” (1996:3) George Yule states that the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader) is concerned in pragmatics Therefore, pragmatics is the study of speaker’s meaning He also states that pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning because: “This type of the study necessarily involves the interpretation of what people mean in a particular context and how the context influences what is said It requires a consideration of how speakers organize what they want to say in accordance with who they are talking to, where, when, and under what circumstance.” Also, pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is said since: “This approach also necessarily explores how listeners can make inferences about what is said in order to arrive at an interpretation of the speaker’s intented meaning.” In connection with structure, George Yule also states pragmatics is the study of the relationship between linguistic forms and the users of these forms George also states that “the advantage of studying language via pragmatics is that one can talk about people’s intended meanings, their assumptions, their purposes or goals, and the kinds of actions (for example, requests) that they are performing when they speak” For this reason, I would like to carry out my study on the topic: The illocutionary force of questions in English and Vietnamese In English, the question is referred to in all grammar books and presented in system in many books In Vietnamese , prof Cao Xuan Hao also presents some illocutionary forces of questions in the book entitled “ Tiếng Việt sơ thảo ngữ pháp chức ” ( The first volume) (Vietnamese - the first Introduction to Function Grammar) In these books both English and Vietnamese authors have just listed out some illocutionary forces of questions However, there has been no study to compare the illocutionary force between the two languages, English and Vietnamese Therefore, this thesis is conducted with hope that the research result will provide linguistically useful and practical knowledge for teachers and learners of English Aims of the study The main aims of the thesis are : - To clarify the definition of illocutionary force - To present, classify and describe all possible cases of English questions in a contrastive analysis with Vietnamese equivalents - To find out how Wh-questions and Yes-No questions are used in pragmatic field to express different illocutionary forces in comparison with Vietnamese - To predict some problems faced by Vietnamese learners in the process of learning - To give out some suggestions for the teachers in preparing the teaching materials Research questions The research questions of the thesis are: - What is illocutionary force? - How many types of English questions are there? What are they? - What are the main functions of questions in English and Vietnamese? - Are there any similarities and differences between illocutionary force of questions in English and Vietnamese? Scope of the study With the above mentioned purpose, this study is intended to: - Point out the functions of questions in English and Vietnamese - Point out the similarities and differences between illocutionary force of questions in English and Vietnamese There are many basic sentences This thesis will limit the illocutionary force of questions, focus on Wh- questions and Yes-No questions Due to the framework of the master thesis, as well as the limitations of the researcher’s knowledge, the study is conducted mainly in Aesop’s fables in both languages Methods of the study A micro linguistic contrastive analysis on the level of syntax and pragmatics is used in this study Concentrating on the area of sentence the thesis will examine word order and the illocutionary force of English questions as compared to Vietnamese equivalents The examples used in this thesis are taken from materials, reference books and the bilingual written publications or Vietnamese books And finally, the static method is used Design of the study The study is divided into three parts including introduction, development and conclusion Part I introduces the reasons for choosing the topic, the aims of the study, the methodology, the scope, and the design of the study Part II, the main part of the thesis, consists of three chapters Chapter entitled Literature review, revises some basic notions of questions, types of questions in English and Vietnamese, speech acts and illocutionary force, felicity conditions for illocutionary acts, presupposition Chapter presents the illocutionary force of Wh-questions and Yes-No questions in English and Vietnamese Chapter points out the similarities and differences between illocutionary force of questions in the two languages Finally, part III serves as the conclusion which summarizes the results of the study The implications for teaching and learning English as well as the suggestions for further research will also be given in this part PART II : DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER I: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Types of questions 1.1.1 Question A question is a linguistic expression used to make a request for information, or the request made using such an expression The information requested may be provided in the form of an answer In English, an interrogative sentence is a type of sentence which usually asks a question and use a question mark (?) They may ask for information or for confirmation or denial of a statement They typically begin with a question word such as what, who, or how… or an auxiliary verb such as do/does, can or would… Examples: What’s your name? Does he work for a foreign company? According to Vietnamese linguist Lê Quang Thiêm, a question is also used to find the information for what we have not known or not understood yet (p.222) For examples: Chị đọc sách vậy? Bác sống rồi? However, sometimes, in both English and Vietnamese, people make questions not for seeking information but just for greeting For examples: Hi! How are you? Bà chợ à? Or speakers can raise questions some of the time not for above purposes but to encourage the listener to think about what the obvious answer to the question must be For instance, when a speaker states: "How much longer must our people endure this injustice?", There is no formal answer expected Rather, it is a device used by the speaker to assert or deny something After each structure there should be some exercises in order to help learners remember the structure they have learned When the learners have learned three or four structures they should be given exercises of all kinds of these structures so that they can recognize the similarities and differencies between structures Together with the textbook, workbooks are also very important In workbooks there should be some more exercises at higher levels of all kinds of structures from the most commonly used one to the least one At the end of the workbooks there should be the answers for some difficult exercises to help the learners check their work and know the way to some special exercises After mastering structure the learners will learn the illocutionary force of all kinds of questions Again, the illocutionary force will be arranged according to their frequency of use in everyday life For example, the illocutionary force of requests, commands or invitations should be presented firstly After each part there are some situations for the learners to practise the illocutionary force they have learned Another suggested type of exercise is filling in the gaps with suitable questions In this type of exercise the learners have to work out what kind of illocutionay force they have to use More English textbook, short stories, novels have been translated into Vietnamese to help the learners in the process of learning Since the materials are for Vietnamese learners there should be the similarities and differences in the way English and Vietnamese people use questions with different illocutionary forces We should point out which illocutionary force is used in both English and Vietnamese and their frequency Also which illocutionary force is used in English but not in 56 Vietnamese and vice versa should be presented in order to provide learners with a better understanding of the language point they are learning Furthermore, acknowledge that the questions in English are different and hard to construct in a good reflex because of the influenced mother’s tongue, teacher should give students more chance to practise asking, giving, receiving and answer more questions in English or may have alternative activities such as: role-play in a variety of cotexts, first ask- answer couple game… so that the students will engage in the lesson of questions and create a good reflex to help them talk in real life 57 PART III : CONCLUSION Recapitulation In the thesis, the researcher has studied the illocutionary force of questions in English and Vietnamese In order to serve this purpose, the study has clarified and reviewed the literature of illocutionary force of previous studies Moreover, all possible cases of English questions and Vietnamese equivalents are presented and classified Importantly, these questions used in pragmatic field to express different illocutionary forces are figured out in two languages Context has played an important role to understand the speakers’ intention or illocutionary force In questions, the illocutionary force can be known as a way of surprise, suggestion, invitation, exclamation, offer, request, helping intention, angriness, doubtfulness, irony, sarcasm and so on Both English and Vietnamese have the above illocutionary force as analyzed in the thesis Differently, in Vietnamese, the question can be understood as a greeting, which is not common in English except “How are you?” Additionally, the researcher also has predicted some problems Vietnamese learners usually have in the process of learning and given out some suggestions for teachers’ in preparing the teaching materials The research result is believed to help the teaching and learning English more effective With the tendency of International Certificates such as TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, CEFR and so on, the language users are required to answer many kinds of questions in four skills including speaking, listening, writing and reading When students are well- prepared for question types, they are more confident to give quick and correct response to the questions It is because the 58 ability to catch the key words as well as understand the purpose of questions is fully developed in context Limitations of the study Because of scope of the study, we only carry out study on illocutionary force of questions which focus on Wh-questions and Yes-No questions Suggestions for further study In future, the researcher plans to carry out further studies on illocutionary force in reported speech The illocutionary force in conditional sentence is also an interesting topic for many researchers Additionally, the research on illocutionary force of imperative sentences may be the author’s future concern 59 REFERENCES English materials 1.Allan, Keith (1986).Linguistic Meaning New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Inc Austin, J L (1962 ).How to things with words Oxford University Press, Oxford Downing, A and Locke P (1995 ) A University Course in English Grammar Phoenix E L T 4.Givon T.(1990) A functional typological introduction John Benjamins publishing company, Amsterdam Green, G M (1989) Pragmatics and natural language understanding Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey Halliday (1978) Language as social semiotic The Social Interpretation of Language and Meaning London : Edward Arnold Huddleston and Pullum (2002) The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Leech, G (1983) Principles of pragmatics Longman, London Levinson, S C ( 1983) Pragmatics Cambridge University Cambridge 10 Quirk , Svartvik Randolphan Greenbaum, Sidney and Leech, Geoffrey and (1985 ) A comprehensive Grammar of the English language Longman, London 11 Quang, Vo Dai (2006) Lectures on Pragmatics Hanoi 12 Searle, J R (1969) Speech acts Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 60 13 Searle, J R (1975)b A classification of illocutionary acts Language in Society 5: 1-23 14 Searle, J R (1979) Expression and meaning Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 15 Thomas, J (1995 ) Meaning in Interaction An introduction to Pragmatics Longman, London 16 Yule, G (1996 ) Pragmatics Oxford University Press Vietnamese materials 17 Diệp Quang Ban (1989) Ngữ pháp Tiếng Việt phổ thông, tập Nhà xuất ĐH & THCN, Hà nội 18.Nguyễn Đức Dân (1998) Ngữ dụng học Nhà xuất giáo dục, Hà nội 19.Nguyễn Thiện Giáp (2007).Dụng học Việt ngữ Nhà xuất đại học quốc gia Hà nội 20 Cao Xuân Hạo (2004) Tiếng Việt sơ thảo ngữ pháp chức Nhà xuất giáo dục, Hà nội 21 Nguyễn Kim Thản (1997) Nghiên cứu ngữ pháp tiếng Việt Nhà xuất giáo dục, Hà nội 22 Lê Quang Thiêm (2008).Nghiên cứu đối chiếu ngôn ngữ Nhà xuất đại học quốc gia Hà nội 61 Cited works Aesop’s best fable collection (Tuyển tập truyện ngụ ngôn hay Aesop –Tập First News Nhà xuất trẻ Tp Hồ Chí Minh,2010 ) [1]The crab and his mother A crab said to her son: “ Why you walk so one-sided, my child? It is far more becoming to go straight forward ” The young crab replied: “ Quite true, dear mother; and if you will show me the straight way, I will promise to walk in it” The mother tried in vain , and submitted without remonstrance to the laugh of her child [2] The lion, Jupiter and the elephant The lion wearied Jupiter with his frequent complaints “ It is true, Jupiter,” he said, “ that I am gigantic in strength, handsome in shape, and powerful in attack I have jaws well provided with teeth, and feet furnished with claws, and I lord it over all the beasts of the forest, and what a disgrace it is, that being such as I am, I should be frightened by the crowing of a cock.” Jupiter replied, “ Why you blame me without a cause? I had given you all the attributes which I posses myself, and your courage never fails you except in this one instance.” On hearing this the lion groaned and lamented very much and, reproaching himself with his cowardice, wished that he might die As this thoughts passed through his mind, he met an elephant and came close to hold a conversation with him After a time he observed that the elephant shook his ears very often, and he inquired what was the matter and why his ears moved with such a tremor every now and then Just at that moment a gnat settled on 62 the head of the elephant, and he replied, “ Do you see that little buzzing insect? If it enters my ear, my fate is sealed I should die presently.” The lion said, “ Well, since so huge a beast is afraid of a tiny gnat, I will no more complain, nor wish myself dead I find myself, even as I am, better off than the elephant.” [3] The archer and the lion The lion wearied Jupiter with his frequent complaints “ It is true, Jupiter,” he said, “ that I am gigantic in strength, handsome in shape, and powerful in attack I have jaws well provided with teeth, and feet furnished with claws, and I lord it over all the beasts of the forest, and what a disgrace it is, that being such as I am, I should be frightened by the crowing of a cock.” Jupiter replied, “ Why you blame me without a cause? I had given you all the attributes which I posses myself, and your courage never fails you except in this one instance.” On hearing this the lion groaned and lamented very much and, reproaching himself with his cowardice, wished that he might die As this thoughts passed through his mind, he met an elephant and came close to hold a conversation with him After a time he observed that the elephant shook his ears very often, and he inquired what was the matter and why his ears moved with such a tremor every now and then Just at that moment a gnat settled on the head of the elephant, and he replied, “ Do you see that little buzzing insect? If it enters my ear, my fate is sealed I should die presently.” The lion said, “ Well, since so huge a beast is afraid of a tiny gnat, I will no more complain, nor wish myself dead I find myself, even as I am, better off than the elephant.” 63 [4] The stag at the pool A stag saw his shadow reflected in the water, and greatly admired the size of his horns, but felt angry with himself for having such weak legs While he was thus contemplating himself, a lion appeared at the pool The stag betook himself to flight, and kept himself with ease at a safe distance from the lion, until he entered a wood and became entangled with his horns The lion quickly came up with him and caught him When too late, he thus reproached himself: “ Woe is me! How I have deceived myself! These legs which would have saved me I despised, and I gloried in these antlers which have proved my destruction.” [5] The two frogs Two frogs dwelt in the same pool The pool being dried up under the summer’s heat, they left it and set out together for another home As they went along they chanced to pass a deep well, amply supplied with water, on seeing which, one of the frogs said to the other: “ Let us descend and make our abode in this well” The other replied with greater caution: “ But suppose the water should fail us How can we get out again from so great a depth?” [6] The old man and three young men As and old man was planting a tree, three young men came along and began to make sport of him, saying : “It shows your foolishness to be planting a tree at your age The tree cannot bear fruit for many years, while you must very soon die What is the use of your wasting your time in providing pleasure to others to share long after you are dead? ” The old man stopped for his labor and replied : “Others before me provided for my happiness, and it is my duty to provide for those who shall 64 come after me As for life, who is sure of it for a day? You may all die before me.” The old man’s words came true; one of the young men went on a voyage at sea and was drowned, another went to war and was shot, and the third fell from a tree and broke his neck In this fable there are two questions The first question is: “What is the use of your wasting your time in providing pleasure to others to share long after you are dead?” In fact, the young men wanted the old man not to plant a tree We can understand it is an advice: “You should not this It is a waste of time because you are old The tree cannot bear fruit for many years, while you must very soon die.” [7] The wolf and the crane A wolf had been gorging on an animal he had killed, when suddenly a small bone in the meat stuck in his throat and he could not swallow it He soon felt terrible pain in his throat, and ran up and down groaning and groaning and seeking for something to relieve the paint He tried to induce everyone he met to remove the bone “I would give anything,” said he, “if you would take it out.” At last the crane agreed to try, and told the when the crane put its long neck down the wolf’s throat, and with its beak loosened the bone, till at last it got out “ Will you kindly give me the reward you promised”? ” said the crane The wolf grinned and showed his teeth and said: “Be content You have put your head inside a wolf’s mouth and taken it out again in safety; that ought to be reward enough for you.” 65 Truyện ngụ ngôn hay giới Phúc Hải (sưu tầm biên soạn) Nhà xuất văn học, Hà nội, 2011 [8] Thỏ Y Rít (Dân tộc Ê Đê) Đến khu rừng, Thỏ gặp em bé chăn trâu ngồi khóc.Thỏ động lịng thương ,bước lại gần, hỏi: - Em tên gì? Sao lại ngồi mà khóc? - Em tên Y Rít, trâu em trâu cái, đẻ nghé.Vậy mà có lão Cọp đến địi nghé, lão nói: nghé trâu đực lão đẻ Lão bắt nghé em Thỏ dỗ em bé: - Thơi đừng khóc nữa,để ta đòi nghé cho Lần đến hang Cọp, Thỏ vồn vã: - Kìa bác Cọp? Sao lâu bác đâu mà không thấy Vắng bác rừng nhớ bác Cọp thích lắm, cười hà hà: - À Thỏ, đến chơi có việc thế? - Ngày mai em làm giỗ mẹ, định lại mời bác đến uống vài chén rượu? - Ồ rượu tốt q! Được, mai tơi đến Sáng mai, Cọp mò đến, thấy Thỏ ngủ khì, Cọp tức lay dậy: - Thế nào, giỗ chạp mà mời khách đến lại ngủ khì thế? Thỏ làm mệt mỏi, dụi mắt đáp: - Chả nói giấu bác, em vất vả suốt đêm cực khổ - Chuyện mà vất vả suốt đêm? - Ấy, bố em giở dạ, đẻ em gái Cọp trợn mắt: 66 - Mày nói thế? Đàn ông lại đẻ? Thỏ mừng quýnh ngồi nhỏm dậy: -Đó, Bác nói đàn ơng khơng đẻ, bác nhận nghé trâu đực bác đẻ ra? Thôi, bác phải trả lại nghé cho thằng Y Rít Cọp cứng lưỡi đành phải trả lại nghé cho Y Rít Thấy Thỏ vui tính nhanh trí, Cọp kết bạn với Thỏ mời Thỏ nhà Nhưng tính thích lang thang nên Thỏ từ giã Cọp [9] Người lữ hành Lẽ phải Một người đàn ông vội vã chuyến qua miền quê trống trải thấy phụ nữ đứng cúi đầu yên lặng bên vệ đường Ông ta cảm thấy kỳ lạ nên hỏi : “ Cô mà lại đến nơi hoang vắng này?” Cô gái buồn bã trả lời: “ Tôi Lẽ phải.” Người lữ hành ngạc nhiên hỏi: “ Cô sống cung điện trung tâm thành phố hay sao? Tại lại đến nơi hoang sơ vắng vẻ này?” “ Lẽ phải” làm dấu thánh giá bùi ngùi trả lời: “ Cung điện khơng phải xây cho tơi” Nhà du hành hỏi: “ Thế thứ xây cho ai?” “ Lẽ phải” trả lời “ Những người nghĩ ý định xây dựng cung điện bị tham lam chi phối Những người cung cấp tiền nghe theo quyền lực Những người xây dựng cung điện đầy tính nhẹ trái tim họ.Và người đến thờ phụng mang đức tin mù quáng, không thấy thờ phụng cung điện thực sự lừa đảo mà họ nghĩ tơi-“ Lẽ phải” Cho nên tơi khơng thể lại nơi nữa.” Người lữ hành nói: “ Nhưng người cần đến mà? Cơ trở lại với người không?” “ Lẽ phải” trả lời: “Tôi muốn khơng đồng tình thực với tơi!” 67 [10] Lừa La Lừa La thồ hàng nặng, lại cịn bị chủ bn thúc mau La yếu nên cố vận mà không đuổi kịp Lừa khỏe mạnh, cứng cáp La nài nỉ xin Lừa: Anh Lừa ơi,em mệt quá, tình không thồ Anh khỏe mạnh, vạm vỡ kia, mang giúp em chút hàng không? Lừa ta vờ không nghe thấy lời van vỉ La Cố lúc La có cảm giác quay cuồng, bốn chân mềm nhũn La quỵ xuống, ngã lăn từ sườn núi xuống khe, chết chỗ Ơng nhà bn liền xẻ La ra, bán cho hàng thịt Cịn hàng hóa da chất tiếp sang cho Lừa, khiến mệt lử, không vững Vừa mệt vừa đau, Lừa tự nhủ : - Ôi? Thật đáng đời? Nếu ta chịu giúp La đâu vừa phải chở thêm hàng lại vừa phải vác da nữa! [11] Con rùa học bay Có Rùa trẻ ngưỡng mộ chim bay trời Thế thống thiết cầu xin chim ưng: - Anh chim ưng ơi, tôn anh làm đại ca Anh dạy bay chim nào? Chim ưng ngạc nhiên hỏi: - Làm mà cậu bay được, cậu khơng có cánh mà nhấc lên chứ? Rùa ta chẳng chịu, nài nỉ thêm: - Thế tơi vỗ hai chân trước thay cho cánh, không anh? Chim ưng bị Rùa quấy rầy mãi, chán ngán đành phải đồng ý Nó cắp Rùa 68 Rồi bay bổng lên trời cao Rùa ta vui sướng hươ chân múa cẳng chiều đắc ý Nó lớn tiếng kêu: -Ơ lala,tơi biết bay rồi! Tôi biết bay đây! Hãy buông ra, tự bay cao nữa… Chim ưng liền thả ngay, Rùa ta rơi bịch xuống mặt đất Mai rạn nứt thành đường ngang dọc, chứng cho lần học bay nhớ đời [12] Trí khơn Ngày xưa, có người cày quát tháo, đánh đập trâu trâu phải chịu Con hổ ngồi bờ nom thấy, hỏi trâu rằng: - Trâu kia, mày to lớn dường ấy, mày người đánh đập thế? Trâu nói: - Người bé, trí khơn người lớn Hổ lấy làm lạ, khơng biết trí khơn gì, hỏi người : - Trí khơn đâu, cho ta xem? Người nói: - Trí khơn ta để nhà Hổ nói: - Ngươi lấy mang Người nói: - Ta về, Hổ ăn trâu ta sao? Hổ có thuận để ta trói lại ta lấy cho mà xem Hổ muốn xem trí khơn nên thuận người trói Người trói Hổ vào gốc chất rạ đốt Vừa đốt Người vừa nói: Trí khơn ta đây! Trí khơn ta đây! 69 Khi lửa cháy đến dây trói, vùng vẫy mạnh, Hổ làm đứt dây thừng chạy biến vào rừng, khơng dám ngoảnh đầu lại Vì lơng Hổ vằn cháy để lại di chứng đến ngày 70

Ngày đăng: 29/08/2023, 15:12


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