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Giáo dục và khoa cử nho học ở nam bộ dưới triều nguyễn giai đoạn 1802 1867 tt

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Phần nội dung 1. Mục đích và đối tượng nghiên cứu của luận án Mục đích nghiên cứu: Mục đích nghiên cứu của luận án là đi sâu tìm hiểu về giáo dục và khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ dưới triều Nguyễn. Thông qua việc trình bày về các chính sách của nhà Nguyễn đối với giáo dục Nho học ở Nam Bộ, tình hình giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học qua phân tích hoạt động của trường thi Hương Gia Định An Giang, từ đó đưa ra các nhận xét về tình hình giáo dục và khoa cử ở vùng đất này, góp phần chỉ ra những nét khác biệt của Nho học trên vùng đất Nam Bộ. Đối tượng nghiên cứu: Đối tượng nghiên cứu của luận án là giáo dục và khoa cử Nho học ở Nam Bộ trong giai đoạn 18021867 dưới triều Nguyễn. Đối với vấn đề khoa cử Nho học ở vùng đất Nam Bộ, chúng tôi tập trung nghiên cứu góc nhìn từ 2 trường thi Hương Gia Định, An Giang nên những Nho sĩ của vùng đất Nam bộ tham gia thi Hương tại các trường thi khác, thi Hội không phải là đối tượng hướng đến của đề tài. 2. Các phương pháp nghiên cứu đã sử dụng Đề tài luận án thuộc ngành khoa học xã hội nên chúng tôi áp dụng phương pháp luận duy vật biện chứng và duy vật lịch sử để đánh giá, phân tích và rút ra các kết luận. Phương pháp luận này giúp chúng tôi nhìn nhận đúng đắn về vai trò của Nho học nói chung và giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ nói riêng trong tiến trình lịch sử dân tộc. Phương pháp lịch sử và phương pháp logic là hai phương pháp nghiên cứu chính được sử dụng trong luận án. Dựa trên phương pháp lịch sử, giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học ở Nam Bộ dưới triều Nguyễn được xem xét thấu đáo dưới cả góc nhìn đồng đại và lịch đại. Đồng thời, phương pháp logic giúp chúng tôi nhìn nhận vấn đề trong các mối liên hệ biện chứng để đưa ra các nhận xét về giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học ở Nam Bộ trong giai đoạn 18021867. Bên cạnh đó, chúng tôi sử dụng các phương pháp như: tập hợp và phân tích tư liệu, phương pháp nghiên cứu so sánh, phương pháp khảo sát, điền dã thực địa v.v… để thực hiện đề tài. 3. Các kết quả chính và kết luận Các kết quả chính: Luận án nghiên cứu một cách hệ thống, toàn diện về giáo dục Nho học ở Nam Bộ trong giai đoạn 18021867. Làm rõ vấn đề khoa cử ở Nam Bộ thông qua nghiên cứu quá trình hình thành, hoạt động của trường thi Hương Gia Định và An Giang. Luận án bước đầu so sánh các trường thi Hương Gia Định và An Giang với một số trường thi Hương khác để thấy được những nét tương đồng và khác biệt giữa các trường thi trong hệ thống trường thi Hương thời Nguyễn. Trên cơ sở đó, luận án góp phần khắc họa sâu sắc hơn diện mạo các trường thi Hương ở Nam Bộ và trên phạm vi cả nước. Luận án nêu lên một số nhận xét khái quát về giáo dục và khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ vùng đất vốn được coi là nơi có yếu tố Nho học tương đối mờ nhạt ở thế kỷ XIX so với các vùng miền trên cả nước. Qua quá trình thực hiện đề tài, tác giả luận án đã thống kê và tổng hợp các nguồn tài liệu nghiên cứu có giá trị liên quan đến giáo dục và khoa cử ở Nam Bộ thời Nguyễn. Đề tài cũng sẽ là nguồn tài liệu tham khảo có giá trị trong việc nghiên cứu, giảng dạy về giáo dục khoa cử Nho học ở Nam Bộ và nghiên cứu về các vấn đề lịch sử, văn hóa triều Nguyễn. Kết luận: Ngay sau khi thành lập năm 1802, triều đình nhà Nguyễn đã bàn định việc học cho vùng đất Nam Bộ. Triều đình đã cắt cử các quan lại phụ trách việc học, đặt các trường học, dành cho nho sĩ Nam Bộ những biệt đãi trong học hành và khoa cử. Nội dung học tập được xây dựng tương đối hoàn chỉnh với nhu cầu của vương triều quân chủ bấy giờ. Có thể nói, dù không thể quy củ như ở Bắc Bộ và Bắc Trung bộ, nhưng so với các giai đoạn lịch sử trước, hệ thống giáo dục Nho học ở Nam Bộ được tổ chức khá hoàn bị. Năm 1813, nhà Nguyễn lần đầu tiên mở khoa thi Hương trên vùng đất Nam Bộ, đặt tại Gia Định. Trường thi Gia Định tồn tại đến năm 1858, năm 1864 trường thi Hương chuyển về An Giang. Trải qua 20 khoa thi, tổng cộng có 269 vị đỗ Trung khoa cũng đã cho thấy phần nào sự phát triển của khoa cử Nho học ở vùng đất này. Từ kết quả của giáo dục khoa cử Nho học ở Nam Bộ, nhiều sĩ tử đỗ đạt đã tham gia vào các hoạt động quản lý của chính quyền. Bên cạnh đó, họ còn có nhiều đóng góp trên các lĩnh vực văn hoá và sự nghiệp kháng chiến bảo vệ nền độc lập dân tộc. Có thể nói, qua lịch sử hàng trăm năm phát triển cùng tiến trình lịch sử địa phương, đến nửa sau thế kỉ XIX, Nho giáo đã bám rễ khá sâu vào đời sống văn hóa, xã hội của đất Nam Kỳ. Nho sĩ Nam bộ vừa có đặc điểm chung của kẻ sĩ “cửa Khổng sân Trình”, vừa mang trong mình những nét riêng, trong đó, khảng khái, chuộng nghĩa và phóng khoáng là những khí chất nổi bật của Nho sĩ Nam Bộ. ISBN: Chưa xác định

VIỆN HÀN LÂM KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI VIỆT NAM HỌC VIỆN KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI TRẦN KHẮC HUY GIÁO DỤC VÀ KHOA CỬ NHO HỌC Ở NAM BỘ DƯỚI TRIỀU NGUYỄN GIAI ĐOẠN 1802-1867 Ngành: Lịch sử Việt Nam Mã số: 22 90 13 TÓM TẮT LUẬN ÁN TIẾN SĨ LỊCH SỬ HÀ NỘI - 2023 CƠNG TRÌNH ĐƯỢC HOÀN THÀNH TẠI: HỌC VIỆN KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI Người hướng dẫn khoa học: PGS.TS Nguyễn Đức Nhuệ PGS.TS Trần Văn Thức Phản biện 1: PGS.TS Nguyễn Văn Nhật Phản biện 2: PGS.TS Lê Đình Sỹ Phản biện 3: PGS.TS Nguyễn Đình Lê Luận án bảo vệ Hội đồng đánh giá Luận án cấp Học viện họp Học viện Khoa học xã hội số 477 Nguyễn Trãi, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội Vào hồi phút, ngày tháng Có thể tìm hiểu luận án tại: - Thư viện Học viện Khoa học xã hội - Thư viện Quốc gia Việt Nam năm 2023 DANH MỤC CÁC CÔNG TRÌNH CỦA TÁC GIẢ ĐÃ CƠNG BỐ CĨ LIÊN QUAN ĐẾN ĐỀ TÀI LUẬN ÁN Võ Văn Thật, Trần Khắc Huy (2020), Vài nét trường thi Hương Bình Định triều Nguyễn, Tạp chí Khoa học xã hội, số (263) 2020, tr.40-50 Trần Khắc Huy (2021), Vai trò trường thi Hương Gia Định lịch sử dân tộc, Tạp chí Khoa học Đại học Sài Gòn, số 73-2021, tr.71-80 Trần Khắc Huy (2022), Trường thi Hương Gia Định triều Nguyễn, Tạp chí Xưa Nay, số 544 tháng 10 năm 2022, tr.44-48 MỞ ĐẦU Tính cấp thiết đề tài 1.1 Lịch sử giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Việt Nam tồn 844 năm, mở đầu khoa thi Nho học Tam trường năm Ất Mão (1075) triều vua Lý Nhân Tông kết thúc khoa thi năm Kỷ Mùi (1919) triều vua Khải Định nhà Nguyễn Trong suốt gần tám kỉ rưỡi đó, giáo dục khoa cử Nho học đào tạo nên nhiều nhân tài cho đất nước Hệ thống giáo dục khoa cử Nho học, bình diện định, qua giai đoạn lịch sử, tạo nên hội bình đẳng cho cá nhân có trình độ, lực thông qua khoa cử lựa chọn để tham gia máy quyền triều đại quân chủ Có thể nói, khoa cử thước đo tài năng, đường lập thân giới kẻ sĩ theo đuổi Trong Lịch triều hiến chương loại chí, sử gia Phan Huy Chú nhận xét: Con đường tìm người tài giỏi, trước hết khoa mục Phàm muốn thu hút người tài năng, tuấn kiệt vào phạm vi mình, người làm vua nước khơng thể khơng có khoa cử Cùng với tồn vương triều, giáo dục khoa cử triều Nguyễn kéo dài 117 năm (từ năm 1802 đến năm 1919), tổ chức 47 kì thi Hương, lấy đỗ 5.000 Hương cống/Cử nhân, 39 kì thi đại khoa, lấy đỗ 558 vị Tiến sĩ, Phó bảng Mặc dù có hạn chế định, song vai trị giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học triều Nguyễn điều khơng thể phủ nhận Chính vậy, giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học nói chung, giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học triều Nguyễn nói riêng nhận quan tâm nghiên cứu nhà khoa học thuộc nhiều lĩnh vực, có sử học Tuy nhiên, nhận thấy, nghiên cứu giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Việt Nam khoảng trống, đặc biệt giáo dục khoa cử Nho học đất Nam Bộ triều Nguyễn Xét tổng quát, mảng đề tài cần tiếp tục nghiên cứu, bổ sung Đó lí chúng tơi lựa chọn hướng nghiên cứu giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học vùng đất Nam Bộ triều Nguyễn, giai đoạn 1802-1867 1.2 Trong lịch sử dân tộc Việt Nam, Nam Bộ vùng đất So với địa phương khác, Nam Bộ có số yếu tố khác biệt địa lý, lịch sử, văn hóa, kinh tế… Một đặc điểm dễ nhận thấy là, buổi đầu tụ cư, cộng cư, cư dân Nam Bộ không chịu ảnh hưởng nhiều Nho giáo Hơn nữa, khác với miền Bắc miền Trung, điều kiện tự nhiên thuận lợi cho việc mưu sinh lý khiến cư dân Nam Bộ quan tâm đến việc học theo lối cử tử Nếu địa phương Bắc Bộ Trung Bộ, phương châm, mục đích việc học để làm quan, thông qua khoa cử để “vinh thân”, “thốt nghèo” Nam Bộ, người ta không quan niệm Họ không chọn cách thức “học để làm quan” làm mục đích sống Điều đưa đến điểm khác biệt giáo dục khoa cử Nho học vùng đất Do vậy, thực đề tài góp phần làm sáng tỏ thêm lịch sử vùng đất Nam Bộ Việt Nam 1.3 Đối với vương triều Nguyễn, nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu bước hoàn thiện nâng cao lực máy quan lại, tuyển lựa nhân tài qua khoa cử Nho học, vua triều Nguyễn từ Gia Long (1802-1819) đến Tự Đức (1848-1883) quan tâm tới việc đào tạo đội ngũ quan lại tạo dựng tảng tư tưởng, tinh thần Nho giáo chi phối xã hội Việt Nam thông qua hoạt động tổ chức học hành, thi cử, có giáo dục, khoa cử Nam Bộ Thực đề tài giúp cách nhìn nhận, đánh giá đắn, khách quan vương triều nhà Nguyễn vương triều phong kiến cuối lịch sử Việt Nam Do vậy, đề tài mang tính cấp thiết, có ý nghĩa khoa học thực tiễn sâu sắc Chính từ lí trên, lựa chọn vấn đề: “Giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ triều Nguyễn giai đoạn 1802-1867”, làm đề tài luận án Tiến sĩ chuyên ngành Lịch sử Việt Nam Mục đích nhiệm vụ nghiên cứu 2.1 Mục đích nghiên cứu Mục đích nghiên cứu luận án sâu tìm hiểu giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ triều Nguyễn Thơng qua việc trình bày sách nhà Nguyễn giáo dục Nho học Nam Bộ, tình hình giáo dục, khoa cử Nho học qua phân tích hoạt động trường thi Hương Gia Định - An Giang, từ đưa nhận xét tình hình giáo dục khoa cử vùng đất này, góp phần nét khác biệt Nho học vùng đất Nam Bộ 2.2 Nhiệm vụ nghiên cứu: - Tổng quan tình hình nghiên cứu liên quan đến đề tài luận án - Tìm hiểu giáo dục Nho học Nam Bộ triều Nguyễn giai đoạn 1802-1867 - Làm sáng rõ khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ, tập trung vào trình tồn vận hành trường thi Hương Gia Định, An Giang thời Nguyễn phương diện: quy mô trường thi; thời gian diễn khoa thi, đội ngũ quan trường, sĩ tử, thể lệ thi, trường quy, cách thức lấy đỗ, giải ngạch v.v… - Luận án bước đầu đưa số nhận xét giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ triều Nguyễn Trên sở đó, luận án góp phần tơn vinh đóng góp Nho sĩ tiêu biểu, đỗ đạt trường thi Hương Gia Định, An Giang địa phương nước phương diện khác như: đóng góp lĩnh vực văn hóa, giáo dục, kinh tế, trị, ngoại giao quân Đối tượng phạm vi nghiên cứu 3.1 Đối tượng nghiên cứu Đối tượng nghiên cứu luận án giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ giai đoạn 1802-1867 triều Nguyễn Đối với vấn đề khoa cử Nho học vùng đất Nam Bộ, chúng tơi tập trung nghiên cứu góc nhìn từ trường thi Hương Gia Định, An Giang nên Nho sĩ vùng đất Nam tham gia thi Hương trường thi khác, thi Hội đối tượng hướng đến đề tài 3.2 Phạm vi nghiên cứu Phạm vi nội dung: Luận án tập trung nghiên cứu giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ giai đoạn 1802-1867 Đối với vấn đề giáo dục Nho học Nam Bộ, chúng tơi tập trung tìm hiểu sách nhà Nguyễn giáo dục Nho học Nam Bộ, việc xây dựng trường sở, đặt chức học quan phụ trách công việc giáo dục huyện, phủ, trấn (tỉnh), nội dung sách ưu đãi nhà nước người học Đối với vấn đề khoa cử, luận án giới hạn việc tìm hiểu khoa cử Nam Bộ thơng qua nghiên cứu trường thi Hương Gia Định An Giang với khía cạnh khác trường thi như: lịch sử đời; quy mô, cấu trúc; thời gian hoạt động, tổ chức kỳ thi; nội dung, cách thức hoạt động có liên quan đến quan trường sĩ tử Tuy nhiên, lí sâu nghiên cứu khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ thông qua trường thi nên luận án không đặt nhiệm vụ giải vấn đề tư tưởng Nho học Việt Nam kỷ XIX thông qua nội dung thi kỳ thi Hương việc tìm hiểu kỳ thi đại khoa người dự thi/đỗ thi Hương trường thi khác không thuộc phạm vi nội dung nghiên cứu đề tài Phạm vi thời gian đề tài giới hạn từ năm 1802, triều Nguyễn xác lập đến năm 1867, tỉnh Nam Kỳ rơi vào tay thực dân Pháp, giáo dục khoa cử Nho học khơng cịn đầy đủ điều kiện để tổ chức cách tỉnh Nam Bộ Tuy nhiên, để có nhìn tồn diện, hệ thống khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ, chúng tơi có đề cập đến khoảng thời gian trước sau phạm vi thời gian nghiên cứu (tức trước năm 1802 sau năm 1867) Phạm vi không gian vùng đất Nam Bộ Tuy nhiên, từ năm 1824, trường thi Hương Gia Định dành cho sĩ tử tỉnh Gia Định, Biên Hịa, Vĩnh Long, Định Tường, An Giang, Hà Tiên, Bình Thuận Khánh Hòa (trước sĩ tử Khánh Hòa thi trường Thừa Thiên), vậy, luận án có thống kê số nho sĩ đỗ đạt vùng đất Nam Trung Bộ Cũng vậy, góc nhìn vấn đề khoa cử luận án từ trường thi Hương Gia Định, An Giang nên số nho sĩ Nam phụ thí trường thi Thừa Thiên trường thi khác không thuộc phạm vi nghiên cứu đề tài Để có nhìn đối sánh, luận án, chúng tơi có đề cập đến khoảng khơng gian khác có liên quan, ví dụ trường thi Hương Hà Nội, Nam Định, Nghệ An, Thanh Hóa… Nguồn tài liệu phương pháp nghiên cứu 4.1 Nguồn tài liệu Luận án tiến hành dựa nguồn tài liệu bao gồm: tài liệu thông sử, biên niên sử, địa lý lịch sử thống triều đại cá nhân vương triều phong kiến, nguồn tài liệu tham khảo cơng trình nghiên cứu, sách báo, tài liệu địa phương nguồn tư liệu điền dã 4.2 Phương pháp nghiên cứu Phương pháp lịch sử phương pháp logic hai phương pháp nghiên cứu sử dụng luận án Bên cạnh đó, chúng tơi sử dụng phương pháp như: tập hợp phân tích tư liệu, phương pháp nghiên cứu so sánh, phương pháp khảo sát, điền dã thực địa v.v… để thực đề tài Đóng góp luận án - Luận án nghiên cứu cách hệ thống, toàn diện giáo dục Nho học Nam Bộ giai đoạn 1802-1867 - Làm rõ vấn đề khoa cử Nam Bộ thông qua nghiên cứu trình hình thành, hoạt động trường thi Hương Gia Định An Giang Luận án bước đầu so sánh trường thi Hương Gia Định An Giang với số trường thi Hương khác để thấy nét tương đồng khác biệt trường thi hệ thống trường thi Hương thời Nguyễn Trên sở đó, luận án góp phần khắc họa sâu sắc diện mạo trường thi Hương Nam Bộ phạm vi nước - Luận án nêu lên số nhận xét khái quát giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ - vùng đất vốn coi nơi có yếu tố Nho học tương đối mờ nhạt kỷ XIX so với vùng miền nước - Qua trình thực đề tài, tác giả luận án thống kê tổng hợp nguồn tài liệu nghiên cứu có giá trị liên quan đến giáo dục khoa cử Nam Bộ thời Nguyễn Đề tài nguồn tài liệu tham khảo có giá trị việc nghiên cứu, giảng dạy giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ nghiên cứu vấn đề lịch sử, văn hóa triều Nguyễn Bố cục luận án Ngoài phần Mở đầu, Kết luận, Tài liệu tham khảo Phụ lục, Nội dung luận án bố cục thành chương: Chương Tổng quan tình hình nghiên cứu Chương Giáo dục nho học Nam giai đoạn 1802-1867 Chương Khoa cử Nho học Nam (nghiên cứu từ trường thi Hương Gia Định, An Giang) Chương Một số nhận xét giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Chương TỔNG QUAN TÌNH HÌNH NGHIÊN CỨU 1.1 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu chung giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Việt Nam Giáo dục khoa cử Nho học thời quân chủ Việt Nam chủ đề rộng lớn, nhận quan tâm nghiên cứu từ sớm với lực lượng nghiên cứu đông đảo Đầu kỷ XX, xuất số cơng trình nghiên cứu giáo dục khoa cử Việt Nam thời cổ trung đại học giả Việt Nam Năm 1919, Dương Bá Trạc giới thiệu nét đại cương giáo dục khoa cử thời phong kiến qua Khảo cứu thi ta Tạp chí Nam Phong Năm 1942, Nguyễn Văn Tố giới thiệu viết Quyển thi văn bình Tạp chí Tri Tân; Nguyễn Tường Phượng với Khoa thi Hương năm Tân Mão (1891) Tạp chí Tri Tân năm 1943 Về sau, cơng trình nghiên cứu đề cập đến giáo dục khoa cử Việt Nam thời trung, cận đại ngày nhiều, kể đến như: Tìm hiểu giáo dục Việt Nam trước năm 1945 Vũ Ngọc Khánh (năm 1985); Giáo dục Việt Nam thời cận đại Phan Trọng Báu (năm 1994); Nho học Việt Nam - Giáo dục thi cử Nguyễn Thế Long (năm 1995); Khoa cử giáo dục Việt Nam Nguyễn Q Thắng (năm 1998, sau tái nhiều lần); Sự phát triển giáo dục chế độ thi cử Việt Nam thời phong kiến Nguyễn Tiến Cường (năm 1998) v.v Bên cạnh đó, nhiều học giả nước ngồi dành tâm sức nghiên cứu giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Việt Nam 1.2 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu giáo dục khoa cử Nho học triều Nguyễn Trong xu hướng đánh giá lại cách khách quan vương triều nhà Nguyễn, cơng trình giáo dục khoa cử Nho học triều Nguyễn xuất nhiều Có thể phân chia cơng trình thành nhóm sau: Nhóm cơng trình nghiên cứu chung triều Nguyễn có đề cập phần đến giáo dục khoa cử, như: Triều Nguyễn - Những vấn đề lịch sử, tư tưởng văn học (năm 1994); Những vấn đề văn hóa xã hội thời Nguyễn (năm 1992, 1995); Những vấn đề lịch sử văn chương triều Nguyễn (năm 1997); Những vấn đề lịch sử triều đại cuối Việt Nam (năm 2002); Tuyển tập nghiên cứu triều Nguyễn (năm 2002); Lịch sử nhà Nguyễn - Một cách tiếp cận (năm 2005); Những vấn đề lịch sử triều Nguyễn (năm 2007)… Nhóm cơng trình nghiên cứu chun sâu Nho giáo Nho học triều Nguyễn: Vĩnh Cao, Phạm Đức Thành Dũng (và đồng nghiệp) với Khoa cử nhà khoa bảng triều Nguyễn, Nguyễn Ngọc Quỳnh xuất Hệ thống giáo dục khoa cử Nho giáo triều Nguyễn năm 2011… Ngoài ra, vấn đề giáo dục khoa cử triều Nguyễn đề tài nghiên cứu số luận văn, luận án tiến sĩ Sử học Năm 1998, Lê Thị Thanh Hồ bảo vệ thành cơng luận án Tiến sĩ Lịch sử với đề tài Chế độ đào tạo tuyển dụng quan lại thời Nguyễn Năm 2014, Đỗ Thị Hương Thảo hoàn thành luận án tiến sĩ với đề tài Thi Hương thời Nguyễn: Qua trường thi Hương Hà Nội, Nam Định Hà Nam v.v… 1.3 Các cơng trình nghiên cứu giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ Trước hết, cần kể đến công trình tác giả Cao Tự Thanh Nho giáo Gia Định (xuất 1996, tái năm 2010) Mặc dù sách nghiên cứu giáo dục khoa cử Nho học đất Nam Bộ cơng trình nêu lên cách toàn diện vấn đề Nho giáo Gia Định, cho chúng tơi nhìn khái lược diễn trình Nho giáo vùng đất phía Nam Nghiên cứu chuyên sâu giáo dục khoa cử Nho học Nam Bộ luận văn Thạc sĩ tác giả Nguyễn Thị Quỳnh Trâm Trường thi Hương Gia Định từ năm 1813 đến năm 1858 (Đại học Vinh, 2012) Tác giả có nhiều cố gắng việc khơi phục diện mạo trường thi Gia Định triều Nguyễn Đây cơng trình có giá trị tham khảo chúng tơi bước đầu tiếp cận vấn đề Tiếp đó, kể đến viết tác giả Đỗ Thị Hương Thảo Chính sách khuyến khích giáo dục nhà Nguyễn Nam Bộ Việt Nam Tạp chí Nghiên cứu Lịch sử, số (443), năm 2013 Bên cạnh đó, vấn đề giáo dục khoa cử Nam Bộ trình bày rải rác cơng trình lịch sử giáo dục Sài Gịn, thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, lịch sử vùng đất Nam bộ… implemented precise regulations for monitoring the caliber of candidates alongside their placement 2.3.3 Educational curriculum In the provinces located in the Southern region, the educational curriculum was comparable to that implemented in other regions The curriculum was bifurcated into two distinct categories, namely "Primary" and "University" After undergoing centuries of development through the historical process in their respective regions, the learning content of the Southern Confucians, as well as other localities across the country, had also received varying degrees of influence from diverse aspects of life by the nineteenth century This evolution of Confucianism in the South was reflective of its dynamic nature and adaptation to changing societal circumstances It is arguable that the Confucian education system in Southern Vietnam had imparted knowledge, values, and principles to the Confucian practitioners, which reflect both the conventional attributes of Confucian martyrs and the distinct characteristics of the region 2.3.4 Remuneration for school attendees In Cochinchina, children belonging to the social strata of officials or adherents of Confucianism were accorded exclusive privileges by the court, including the potential for appointment to minor governmental positions or lower echelons of mandarin status Furthermore, in adherence to the court regulations, the Nguyen family offers additional learning incentives to Gia Dinh students, alongside remuneration regimes In 1828, a noteworthy story occurred wherein a student hailing from Gia Dinh city successfully completed eight courses devoid of literary education Despite this apparent disadvantage, this individual was appointed as a top-ranking mandarin of the city, granted military exemption, and afforded the privilege of being registered for the undergraduate examination Chapter Conclusion Following the inauguration of the Nguyen Dynasty in 1802, King Gia Long promptly instituted the appointment of officials and deliberated upon the matter of education in the Southern region The Nguyen Dynasty exhibited notable dedication towards promoting Confucian education in the southern region, as evidenced by the appointment of pertinent officials, the strategic placement of schools, and the extension of preferred treatment towards education and imperial examination amongst the populace of the South It can be posited that the Confucian education system in the Southern region was relatively well-structured, albeit not to the same extent as in other regions, most notably the Tonkin Delta, which was characterized by more rigorous and expansive organization To foster the development of Confucianism in the Southern lands and draw increased interest in scholarly pursuits, the Nguyen monarchy regularly granted exceptions in Confucian education to the inhabitants of Southern Vietnam 10 Chapter IMPERIAL EXAMINATION OF CONFUCIAN STUDIES IN SOUTHERN VIETNAM (RESEARCH FROM HUONG GIA DINH, AN GIANG EXAM SCHOOLS) 3.1 Overview of imperial examination during the Nguyen Dynasty 3.1.1 Exam conditions and exam time *Eligibility Initially, candidates were required to successfully complete a qualifying examination or possess a lower-level baccalaureate or junior bachelor's degree from a previous examination sitting Furthermore, the Nguyen court undertook a rigorous assessment of the candidate's personal history and ethical standing *Exam time The Imperial examination could either be a regular or special exam Regular examinations were pre-scheduled court sessions that typically occurred every three years and promptly commenced as scheduled During the nascent stages of its establishment, the imperial court was primarily preoccupied with fortifying the economic, political, and social climate as well as securing its authority and preserving the throne As a result of these paramount concerns, it took approximately six years for the court to achieve its aims Special examinations were conducted during significant events such as the coronation of the king, the commemoration of a prince's birth, or the mother queen’s longevity anniversary These sessions were distinguished and offered Confucians a unique opportunity for advancement If the occurrence of the Special Imperial examination coincided with that of the traditional Imperial examination, it was imperative that the former was postponed until the subsequent year for its conduction As per the Imperially Ordered Annotated Text, it had been determined that examination sessions would take place in the years of Tiger, Rabbit, Horse, and Goat, respectively, within a specific timeframe According to the examination schedule, schools in Thua Thien, Nghe An, and Binh Dinh conducted their examinations in July, while those in Gia Dinh held theirs in September In addition, schools located in Thanh Hoa, Hanoi, and Nam Dinh administered their examinations in October The Nguyen Dynasty implemented specific modifications in response to situational factors during its reign 3.1.2 Exam content In the Nguyen era, the regulations governing the administration of exams in the Huong examination underwent alterations on three to four occasions annually The examination content and inter-school variances experienced significant alterations, particularly following the French colonial incursion into Vietnam 3.1.3 Officials * Structure, tasks 11 In the era of the Gia Long Dynasty (1802-1819), the individual holding the position of Chief Examiner held the distinct position of being the head of the esteemed Examination School Since 1828, the position of Chief and Deputy Judge held the esteemed position of head for the Examination School During the imperial examination, the adjudicating body was bifurcated into two distinct departments: the Internal Department and the External Department The internal officials' role was limited to conducting examinations, while external department officials were entrusted with the duty of collecting examination booklets and affixing authentication stamps During the Nguyen Dynasty, examinations were administered to ensure that only the most skilled individuals were selected Consequently, the school regulations were rigorously overseen by the court 3.1.4 Passing rate Statistics showed that the number of people passing the exam was 5233 Those who passed the exam received the graces of the court such as labor exemption, imperial banquet attendance, high position appointment 3.1.5 Regulation of Exam Schools The rules of the examination divisions were for both candidates and school authorities Over time, the rules of the Nguyen Tradition got to be stricter For illustration, in 1832, students who entered the school with books were not as it were detained for month, but in case they were bachelor graduates, school student, and baccalaureates, they were stripped of their positions, and were not permitted to attend the exam or apply to work The regulations governing the administration of the examination were exceedingly intricate, even for individuals who had undergone the testing process on multiple occasions 3.1.6 Exam schools This subsection provides an overview of the Thang Long School located in Hanoi, as well as in the provinces of Nam Dinh, Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Thua Thien, and Binh Dinh The educational institution known as the Gia Dinh and An Giang exam school shall be delineated and explicated in the ensuing subsections 3.2 Gia Dinh Exam School 3.2.1 Location, scale, exam time In 1813, the inaugural examination division was conducted in Gia Dinh, situated on the elevated and level terrain formerly known as the Dong Tap Tran site In the year 1835, the Quy citadel was dismantled to pave the way for the construction of the smaller-sized Phung citadel, situated in the northeast of the former citadel Subsequently, the erstwhile territory of the city was deemed superfluous, and the southwestern corner of the premises was utilized to erect the Gia Dinh exam school During the reign of Tu Duc in 1848, the king commissioned the construction of the Gia Dinh exam school in Hoa Nghia village, located in the western region of the province, near Phung City According to The Book of Dai Nam, the dimensions of Gia Dinh exam school were reported as having a circumference of yards and a height of yards and 12 inches, with a total of 193 staff The internal configuration of the edifice adheres to the prevailing guidelines implemented by the examination institutions that were erected by the Nguyen Dynasty in the past Throughout the reign of King Gia Long, it was customary for exam schools across the country, including those in Gia Dinh, to conduct examinations once every six years, with consideration given to the timing of these assessments During the Minh Menh period, there was a tradition of conducting an examination once every three years, specifically in the Rat, Horse, Cat, and Rooster years During the Nguyen Dynasty era, there existed stringent regulations concerning the timing of examinations A historical example evidencing this pertains to the year 1825 in which the Nguyen Dynasty mandated that schools situated in Thua Thien, Gia Dinh, and Nghe An provinces were to conduct examinations only in the month of July 3.2.2 Officials * Composition, quantity The number of school officials varied according to the number of candidates in each exam school In March 1834, when King Minh Destiny specified the exam charter, the number of people working in Gia Dinh exam school was 26 people Gia Dinh exam school along with Thanh Hoa exam school had the lowest number of officials in the country The exam school with the largest number of officials was Hanoi and Nam Dinh exam schools However, by July 7, because the number of students in Gia Dinh was small, the school was required to reduce the staff and reschedule the exam date The court also set the standard of the exam school The Examination Charter of 1834 also specified the manner in which officials in the examination school were expected to follow Based on the book of the Imperial Archives of the Nguyen Dynasty, we compile a list of Chiefs and Vice Presidents of Gia Dinh School in examination sessions From this it is seen that the court had exceptions to the rule For example, in 1821 and 1848, officials in charge of local affairs still performed the role of Chief Examiner/Judge, which was not in accordance with the principle of repatriation set by the Nguyen Dynasty 3.2.3 Huong Cong/Bachelor *Quantity Between 1813 and 1858, the Huong Gia Dinh School orchestrated a total of nineteen examination sessions A comprehensive list of 259 individuals who successfully completed their studies at the Gia Dinh examination school through each session of the examination has been compiled through the reference of the Imperial Archives from the Nguyen Dynasty * Hometown: Out of the total of 259 bachelor students, one individual's profile was not documented, namely Nguyen Doan Nguyen In addition, six candidates of local descent were also present to complete the examination A cohort of 253 individuals who obtained a bachelor's degree was classified according to geographic origin, resulting in the following distribution: Binh Thuan (n=11), An Giang (n=11), Bien 13 Hoa (n=20), Dinh Tuong (n=38), Vinh Long (n=44), and Gia Dinh (n=129) In the present thesis, an analysis of the number of Huong Cong/Bachelor certifications by districts has been conducted Through this analysis, valuable insights have been drawn regarding the distribution of successful outcomes in lands with sizeable numbers of passes 3.2.4 Regulation field In accordance with the established norms and procedures of exam schools, Gia Dinh exam school likewise adhered to equivalent regulations Although the Nguyen Dynasty granted numerous privileges to candidates hailing from the South, it simultaneously enforced regulations with utmost precision and rigidity After the devastating epidemic, numerous individuals underwent elaborate funeral rites However, if the regulations governing the school system did not permit examinations, the enrolment of candidates would have been drastically affected Consequently, Gia Dinh City made a request to the Ministry for an amendment to the existing school policies King Minh Menh remarked that “Transforming piety into loyalty may be considered a commendable act of courage for a soldier However, neglecting one's duties to grieve for their parents and hastily seeking after fame and glory does not constitute a genuine sacrifice Inquiry arises as to how the monarch is being venerated It is imperative that individuals enhance their moral character and refrain from procrastination in anticipation of the forthcoming imperial assessment.” There were instances wherein the Nguyen emperors exhibited laxity in enforcing academic regulations In the academic year of 1843, Nguyen Van Nhuan was enrolled in the first and second semesters at Gia Dinh School According to Judge Phan Tru, the second semester lacks legality and therefore ought to be categorized as a Baccalaureate King Thieu Tri commissioned the Security Council to undertake a review, which would evaluate the literary prowess of prospective bachelor students The monarch issued a directive, whereby he conveyed to Van Nhuan that the aforementioned location possessed an insignificant level of proficiency; consequently, it ought to be acknowledged without reservation and treated with due expediency All candidates are deemed eligible to join the Bachelor's program in accordance with established qualifications 3.3 An Giang Exam School 3.3.1 About the context of An Giang exam school On the 5th of June 1862, a treaty known as the Treaty of Nham Tuat was entered into by France, Spain, and the court of Hue The text of this treaty contained several provisions including Article which stipulated that the Emperor of France was to be granted full sovereignty over the island of Con Lon as well as the three provinces of Bien Hoa, Gia Dinh, and Dinh Tuong This transfer of territorial control and authority represented a significant shift in the balance of power within the region In the current context, during the year 1864, following the takeover of three provinces in the eastern region of Cochinchina by the French colonial powers, the Nguyen Dynasty resolved to transfer the Huong Gia Dinh examination institution to An Giang Nonetheless, the aforementioned educational establishment possessed the ability to 14 conduct a singular examination session, albeit with a restricted capacity that could only accommodate a maximum of ten individuals In 1867, France embarked on a military intervention to occupy all six provinces in the Cochinchina region As a result of this occupation, the An Giang examination school, which stood as the final education institution of its kind within Cochinchina, ceased its operations 3.3.2 Officials and bachelor students of An Giang exam school The 1864 examination was conducted at the An Giang Examination School, with Chief Ha Tien Nguyen Van Hoc serving as the Examiner and Vinh Long Provincial Judge Nguyen Van Nha as the Deputy Examiner During the examination session, a total of 10 individuals were recorded as having successfully completed the examination The present study utilized data from the Imperial Archives of the Nguyễn Dynasty to examine and compare the quantity of bachelor students of An Giang examination school with that of other examination schools in the same period The findings revealed that the An Giang examination school had the poorest performance in the country in terms of its number of bachelor graduates This is a suitable scenario given that the southern provinces were experiencing tumultuous conditions in light of the intrusion of the French colonial forces Accordingly, it can be discerned that a total of 269 individuals obtained the esteemed title of Huong Cong/Bachelor graduates through their examinations across 20 sessions in Gia Dinh, An Giang, and the Southern examination sessions during the Nguyen Dynasty * Appointment of officials: Out of the total cohort of 269 individuals who attained a bachelor's degree, 154 were selected for various role designations This highlights the benevolent contributions which the Nguyen Dynasty made towards the Southern region In the document, a tally was conducted of the individuals who held official positions and occupied a position in one of the hierarchical levels totaling 154 Simultaneously, upon reviewing the figures pertaining to the appointment of Huong Gong/Bachelors, it was discovered that the proportion of officials who secured appointments subsequent to their mid-graduate studies stood at 54.21% of the total 5,233, with 2,837 individuals being appointed According to statistical data, individuals who successfully completed their secondary school education at Hanoi Exam School exhibited the highest rates of employment as officials, with Nghe An, Thua Thien, and Gia Dinh schools providing subsequent notable proportions of officials The schools which exhibited a lower-than-average rate of appointment of officials as compared to the national average were Nam Dinh, Thanh Hoa, and Binh Dinh Chapter Conclusion The Gia Dinh School, originating from the An Giang School established in 1864, represented a prominent member of the group of exam schools, catering specifically to pupils hailing from Southern, Binh Thuan, and Khanh Hoa regions During the Nguyen Dynasty, two notable exam schools known as Gia Dinh and An Giang were founded While not established during the earliest period of the dynasty, 15 these institutions played a crucial role in identifying and recruiting talented individuals who possessed a diverse set of skills to aid in the advancement of both the people and the nation within the Southern region For nearly 50 years, the Gia Dinh examination school had fulfilled a critical role in Cochinchina's educational landscape and had significantly contributed to the growth and progress of the southern region of the nation The examination timetable, the examination subject matter, the officials and the candidates all adhere to the overarching regulations of the Huong Trieu Nguyen examination, albeit with individualized nuances The imperial court's "special treatments" were reflected via the exam content, regulatory domain, and issuance of passes By executing 20 exam evaluations in the region of Nam B, the Nguyen Dynasty successfully identified and appointed 269 Huong Cong/Bachelor graduates alongside several hundreds of Students/Baccalaureates, a move that significantly bolstered national construction and enhanced the cultural landscape of the country Additionally, this act played a crucial role in the resistance against foreign aggression during the latter half of the 19th century Chapter SOME COMMENTS ON SOUTHERN CONFUCIAN EDUCATION AND IMPERIAL EXAMINATION 4.1 Southern Vietnam was given many special treatments by the Nguyen court in education and imperial examination Throughout their reign, the Nguyen monarchs consistently displayed a marked predisposition towards bestowing favorable treatment upon the land of Gia Dinh within the scope of their policies This can be attributed to the fact that Lord Nguyen had sought refuge in this territory during a period of financial turmoil and had subsequently undertaken the task of rebuilding his personal fortunes To procure the outcomes of 269 Huong Cong/Bachelor graduates, the Nguyen monarchs granted numerous benefits and privileges to the Cochinchina officials To enhance the effectiveness of assessment methodologies, adaptive testing and auxiliary policies were implemented Moreover, a revision of the question formulation and marking process was advised, alongside an adjustment of the passing threshold As an illustration, in accordance with the regulations of the Nguyen Dynasty, it was mandatory for students to clear the requisite examination in order to qualify for taking the final exam In the Southern region, there exist instances whereby students were permitted to undertake an examination despite failing to meet the minimum qualifying criteria In the year 1830, during the eleventh year of the King's reign, a proclamation was issued wherein it was stated that a total of ten candidates had presented themselves for the summer examination who had pursued an academic curriculum spanning seven to ten years and had completed eight courses of study However, it was observed that these individuals lacked adequate proficiency in literary knowledge and this inadequacy was further observed to be prevalent across four schools As such, it was requested that these candidates be permitted to participate in the next round of examinations This facilitates their eligibility to undertake the examination In the present instance, a collective of 29 individuals had taken up residence, having been 16 granted a modicum of leniency by the Chief Minister, who has acceded to their request for an extension on the matter of their examination attendance Regarding the policy of subsidy, in 1821, King Minh Destiny allowed the princes "from Phu Yen to return to the South for arbitrary subsidies, from Binh Dinh to the North must follow the origin".In 1834, the Nguyen Dynasty maintained the rule: "Those who study abroad in the provinces return to their original place of application Only those in Bien Hoa who return to the South, or who grew up in Kinh, and where Tong Son District resides from Quang Binh back to the South for a long time, are allowed to be allowed." In 1821, King Minh Menh promulgated a policy of subsidy wherein he provided arbitrary subsidies to the candidates originating from Phu Yen who returned to the South, while those hailing from Binh Dinh were only granted subsidies if they adhered to their area of origin In 1834, the Nguyen Dynasty upheld this policy as a regulation stipulating that individuals studying abroad in other provinces were obligated to return to their initial place of application upon completion of their studies Those who have resettled in the Bien Hoa area or who were raised in the Kinh Ky region, as well as those who have resided in locations spanning from Quang Binh to the southern region for an extended period, were eligible to bestow receive subsidies within their respective abodes Regarding the distribution of the examination paper, during the year of Century Mão (1819), in the initial round of examinations, the candidates from Gia Dinh school encountered a challenging paper which resulted in significant agitation among the candidates Consequently, the Chief Examiner Ngo Vi and the Supervisor Tran Van Dai were compelled to administer a supplementary examination In terms of quantity, on the summary table of people passing the exams, Gia Dinh and An Giang exam schools had the least number of Bachelor awards However, if counting the number of students participating in the exam in 1858, the schools with the highest number of students taking the exam were Nghe An, Hanoi, Nam Dinh and Thua Thien, with over 3000 students taking the exam and the quota as well as the number of people passing of these schools was from 18 to 22 people Gia Dinh School had the least number of candidates taking the exam, at 683, with the fewest number of people passing, at only The above figures show that the competition rate among candidates of Gia Dinh exam school is the lowest compared to other exam schools in the country 4.2 Southern Confucian education and imperial examination were born later and ended early, so the total number of people who passed was also lower than in other regions Although Confucian education in Southern Vietnam was formed from the time when the Nguyen lords' government asserted sovereignty over this land (XVIIXVIII centuries), but, learning and exams here had not been focused Compared to the Central and Northern localities, Confucian education in the South needed centuries to catch up Due to the origin of late Confucian education, the imperial examination in Southern Vietnam was also formed late It was not until the 2nd examination 17 department held in the year of Quy Dau (1813) that Cochinchina had its own exam school located in Gia Dinh for students from Binh Thuan onwards Out of a total of 112 people who passed, there were people from Cochinchina Among 269 bachelor graduates from Huong Gia Dinh and An Giang exam school, only Phan Thanh Gian passed his PhD (accounting for 0.37%) In the document, we have compared the number of passes with other exam schools, thereby finding that in terms of both the number of passes and those who pass the university afterwards, the South was much lower than other regions Although the level of Confucianization was not equal to that of the North and the Central, because the South joined this process later, but with the educational policies of the Nguyen Dynasty, Confucianism had gradually gained a foothold and made its mark on the new land of the South through the increasing number of Southern candidates 4.3 Southern Confucians have many nuances compared to other regions Despite the numerous leniencies granted by the court, the proportion of individuals who successfully passed and achieved high scores in the southern region remained significantly limited The Nguyen monarchy's emphasis on education in Gia Dinh necessitated frequent reminders to its students Such reminders were evidenced in an edict issued by King Nguyen in 1830, allowing students who had not yet passed their examinations to still participate in them provided they had undergone prescribed teaching practices and exhibited a fluency in literature acquired from the four designated schools The king's intention in delaying examination dates was to further cultivate and develop talents among learners The authority and instructor, who were actively engaged in the field of instruction, exhibited a lack of proficiency in discerning the appropriate implementation of such exhortation and in effectively cultivating their pupils The fact that an individual applied for terms within a span of years, and that some individuals were unable to acquire a sufficient level of literary knowledge from attending different academic institutions, strongly suggests that the customary regimen of pedagogical instruction was not rigidly enforced and that the pace of instruction was not ideal As a result, an allowance had been made for 29 additional candidates to temporarily postpone their examination and engage in further preparation for their academic assessments Henceforth, the king said it was imperative to abide by established norms, kindly ensure compliance It was also imperative that students residing in the urban county diligently engaged in progressive academic endeavors to achieve success It can be seen that studying was not the strong will of the Southern candidates This can be explained by the fact that even during the reign of Lord Nguyen, especially during the Nguyen dynasty, the number of people who studied Confucian ethics in Dang Trong in general, and the South in particular was getting more and more crowded, but the vast majority of them learned just to know how to treat people, learned to be human beings, not to take exams and become officials Fame was not the ideal that governed those who studied On the stele placed next to the reburial tomb of Vo Truong Toan, the master of an entire generation of Confucians in Cochinchina, author Phan Thanh Gian stated: " He took the way of 18 learning to educate " It is a "learn to make oneself" mindset that was not affected by imperial examination In the Great South Unified Record, Gia Dinh province, the Customs section, the historians of the Nguyen Dynasty commented: "Respect uprightness, contempt for talent, respect for virtue, intellectuals love reading books to understand things clearly, but they are clumsy in words ” The prominent characteristic of Southern Confucian scholars lies in their proximity to the general populace, intellectual openness, dynamic and progressive approach to endeavors, and the benevolent and tranquil lifestyle upheld by their predecessors, thereby facilitating the cultivation of new prospects for exploration The retention of these traditions persisted among the cohort of Southern Confucianists during the reign of the Nguyen Dynasty The acknowledgment of the strategic importance of the South was a discernment made by the Nguyen monarchy, with ensuing privileges granted to members of the armed forces from this region constituting one of the rationales behind the Nguyen dynasty's actions In 1840, the Emperor Minh Menh communicated to his attendant an observation regarding the emergence of literary style in the Southern region He remarked that although the candidates passed the exam, they were considered comparatively inferior to other schools However, when the imperial court assumed the responsibility of selecting individuals, the passage of selection criteria became an issue To meet the students' expectations, equity had to be upheld When it came to supporting the political process, it was not imperative for a competent writer to hold a professional occupation as a salaried employee Incompetence in the domain of writing did not necessarily imply a propensity towards unethical behavior Historically, there existed individuals who exhibited a contrarian disposition, possessed meager literary aptitudes, yet demonstrated evident advancement in skills The question then arised as to why the need for academic knowledge should be regarded as imperative The Southern Confucians involved in the bureaucracy were largely unconstrained in rigid, scholastic conduct, which was the norm among intellectuals living in a perpetual monopoly of thought; or to follow a luxurious, depraved lifestyle, relying on family authority, relying on the merits of his fathers, etc., although some came from the children of high-ranking officials The Southern Confucian bureaucrats were found to exhibit a considerable absence of rigidity and adherence to scholastic conduct, which persisted as a widespread practice among intellectuals who were entrenched in a state of perpetual thought monopoly Despite some of them being descendants of high-ranking officials, they did not engage in a lavish and corrupt lifestyle Certain studies have posited that Southern Confucians exhibited a greater disposition towards liberalism and openness in comparison to their Northern counterparts This is attributed, in part, to the fact that Southern Confucians had had a longstanding association with Minh Nho since the era of Lord Nguyen The study of Ming Nho was primarily focused on pragmatic learning, in contrast to the Song Nho study that prioritized the attainment of sainthood, promotion of high moral values, and prioritization of theoretical concepts over practical application Furthermore, it can be 19 argued that for candidates hailing from Northern Vietnam, particularly those from Central Vietnam, the pursuit of accolades, examinations, and the bureaucratic process not only served as a means of obtaining recognition, but also as a path towards alleviating poverty In contrast, for Southern Confucians, blessed with favorable climatic conditions, extensive land, and a sparsely populated region, examinations did not hold the exclusive key to their attainment of social status and economic stability Henceforth, those adhering to the Southern branch of Confucianism were inclined to prioritize comprehending the fundamental aspects of the teachings to ascertain their significance and paid little attention to imperial examinations 4.4 Contributions of Southern Confucians who passed at Gia Dinh, An Giang exam school 4.4.1 Joining the bureaucracy in the Nguyen government The training and recruitment of skilled individuals within feudal states were primarily executed through examination means Subsequently, the imperial examination had emerged as the primary avenue through which one could attain official positions Examination schools were instituted as venues for Confucians to showcase their aptitudes, and for the court to meticulously sift through the finest aptitudes to select individuals who would be tapped for national service The Huong Gia Dinh Exam School, and An Giang Exam School, served as a center for recruiting talented individuals for both the State as a whole and the Southern region of the country Although the number of university passes was small, among 269 Huong Cong/Bachelor students from Gia Dinh, An Giang exam school, according to incomplete statistics, there were 95 people who used to hold positions from county chief or higher In the document, we have detailed statistics of officials as well as specific numbers To illustrate, in the document, we have mentioned the contributions of some typical Confucians such as Le Van Duc, Phan Thanh Giang, Truong Minh Giang … 4.4.2 Contribution in the field of culture The Confucian scholars who successfully passed the Gia Dinh, An Giang exam school not only gained entry to the Nguyen court, but also imparted significant cultural contributions to society The literary and scholarly contributions of numerous notable writers, poets, and researchers have become an integral component of the national history, with works of substantial value by Phan Thanh Gian, Nguyen Thong, and Phan Van Tri Etc 4.4.3 Contribution to the struggle against foreign aggression In the face of French colonial aggression and the weakness of the Hue court, intellectuals who were enthusiastic about the nation knew how to promote national traditions and mobilize to call on the people to stand up for freedom Since then, they had created a flame to fight against any enemy that infringes on the independence and freedom of the country, creating the national aura - the aura of Dong Nai Numerous renowned individuals were identified with the endeavor to preserve the sovereignty of their homeland, among whom are notable figures like Thu Khoa Huan, Au Duong Lan, Bui Huu Nghia, and Nguyen Dinh Chieu 20 Summary of chapter The advent of Confucian imperial examination education in southern regions occurred relatively belatedly and concluded prematurely compared to its counterparts in other areas of the nation The Southern adherents to Confucianism exhibited a plethora of distinctive styles in contrast to those practiced by adherents residing in the Northern or Central regions of Vietnam The Nguyen Dynasty, through its administration of 20 examinations at Gia Dinh and An Giang exam schools, sought to enlist competent individuals to serve within the imperial court bureaucracy These individuals were anticipated to support the development of culture, defend against external threats, safeguard the independence of the nation, and other related objectives Among the individuals who had become permanent fixtures in national history because of their participation in these examinations were distinguished individuals such as Thu Khoa Huan, Phan Van Tri, Bui Huu Nghia, and Phan Thanh Gian, among others They were the intellectual figures within the Southern populace, encompassing writers, poets, and educators Conversely, they were regarded as national heroes for their courageous efforts in thwarting foreign aggression on the Southwest frontier as well as French aggression The valor exhibited during military engagement and the significant contributions of the Cochinchina graduates in advancing national development serve as unequivocal attestations to the profound impact of Confucian imperial examination education in Southern Vietnam's history CONCLUSION The Southern region of Vietnam is distinguished by unique natural conditions and a particular history of territorial exploitation, which resulted in a delayed introduction of Confucianism As a consequence of this delay, the Confucian imperial examination system was not able to gain the same level of institutionalized influence in the South as it had in the Northern and North Central regions Nguyen Anh's ascension and subsequent efforts to revitalize his family's fortunes were significantly aided by the generous contributions of material and financial resources from the populace of Gia Dinh This support from the local community exerted a considerable influence on the Nguyen Dynasty's governing approach towards the region Furthermore, following the establishment of their dynasty, the Nguyen Empire implemented numerous policies to cultivate Confucian-based imperial examination education in their realm, with the purpose of training the ruling class to effectively administer the government Shortly after its establishment in 1802, the Nguyen court deliberated on matters pertaining to education in the Southern territories The judicially appointed authorities were responsible for overseeing the educational institutions, allocating resources to schools, and giving preferential treatment to Confucians residing in the Southern regions with respect to scholarly pursuits and participation in imperial examinations Educational materials were created in a comprehensive manner to cater to the requisites of the prevailing monarchy during that period It is noteworthy that, despite the comparatively lesser organization of the Confucian education system in the 21 South- and South-Central regions as compared to their northern counterparts, there had been a discernible improvement when compared to preceding historical epochs The inauguration of the examination department in the southern region of Vietnam, specifically in the locality of Gia Dinh, took place in 1813 and was under the auspices of the Nguyen Dynasty The Gia Dinh School caters to prospective students hailing from the provinces of Nam Ky, Binh Thuan, and Khanh Hoa The Gia Dinh examination institution retained its existence until the year 1858, following which in 1864, the last examination school was successfully relocated to An Giang The An Giang School, situated in Cochinchina, holds the final imperial examination within its jurisdiction By means of 20 examination sessions, the enumeration of a complete aggregate of 269 Bachelor students, and hundreds of Baccalaureates remains partly indeterminate This occurrence also offered partial insight into the promotion of the Confucian imperial examination system within this region Despite the difference in the degree of Confucianization between the Northern and Central regions, the emergence of Confucianism in Southern Vietnam could be attributed, to some extent, to the educational policies implemented by the Nguyen Dynasty This had culminated in a noticeable rise in the number of Southern candidates who subscribed to Confucianism, thereby cementing its presence in this newly inhabited territory In contemporary times, the once non-Confucian region of Southern Vietnam had undergone a significant transformation The educational system of Confucian imperial examination in Southern Vietnam bore significant influence on the management activities of the government, as numerous successful candidates obtained appointments as officials and thereby partook in governance During the year of Ky Mão (1819), the exam department recorded that Gia Dinh school had successfully passed 12 Huong Cong (bachelor graduates), with individuals obtaining high-ranking positions in the government Notable among them were Truong Hao Hiep, who emerged as the valedictorian and went on to become an official of Lang Son - Cao Bang, and Dang Van Nguyen, who came in second place and was appointed as an official of Son Nam Township Other prominent graduates included Truong Minh Giang (ranked 4th) who joined the military as a general, and Nguyen Cong Hoan (placed 7th), who was appointed as an official of the Minister of the Ministry of Justice Additionally, Ho Bao Huu (placed 9th) became an official serving under the Governor of Binh Dinh - Phu Yen, while Chu Ke Thien (ranked 11th) served in the role of a doctor in the Ministry of Justice In addition to their role as officials tasked with the responsibility of administering the state and serving its populace, such individuals possess a noteworthy aptitude for literary pursuits, displaying exceptional capabilities as poets, writers, and cultural luminaries Numerous Confucians hailing from Gia Dinh School and An Giang School were appointed as officials in the imperial court Truong Minh Giang was appointed as the head of Tran Tay City to defend Chan Lap from Siamese invasion during the years 1834 to 1841 Huynh Man Dat, however, met with his demise while commanding the militia to resist thousands of Chan Lap troops who had besieged Ha Tien citadel in 1841 Meanwhile, Le Van Duc earned his repute as a renowned martial 22 art general, and Tran Thien Chanh personally led the army to quell revolts in the North whilst serving as the General of the Son Tay Army This observation highlights the dynamic and adaptable nature of Cochinchina Confucians, who exhibit a willingness to conform to the demands of societal norms When the French colonialists initiated aggressive actions against the Gia Dinh citadel resulting in their occupation of Cochinchina, several intellectuals, previously engaged solely in the realm of penmanship, courageously assumed leadership roles or participated actively in the armed struggle against the incursion This included the uprisings led by bachelor graduates such as Nguyen Huu Huan, Tran Xuan Hoa, Phan Van Dat, and Do Trinh Thoai, who demonstrated unwavering patriotic spirit in their resistance efforts It is often said that a leader is someone who guides and directs a group of individuals towards a common goal or objective The aforementioned circumstance has proven instrumental in acknowledging the authentic potential of the Confucian scholars of the antediluvian territory of Southern Vietnam 3.The Cochinchina region produced a diverse array of Confucian intellectuals who hailed from various social strata Specifically, some of these intellectuals were born into families with medical occupations, as exemplified by Nguyen Khac Thieu, or in teaching, as demonstrated by Pham Dang Hung Additionally, others originated from merchant families with origins in Minh Huong, such as Trinh Hoai Duc and Ngo Nhan Tinh, while others still came from impoverished farming families like Phan Van Dat or fishing families like Bui Huu Nghia Finally, some Confucian intellectuals were descendants of mandarins, as was the case with Ho Huan Nghiep It is noteworthy that numerous Confucians were descendants of prominent officials from the Nguyen Dynasty, including high-ranking government officials Examples include Nguyen Bao Bang (who achieved the highest academic achievement in 1813) as the son of Lai Nguyen Bao Tri-the minister of the ministry of interior, Truong Minh Giang (passed in 1819) as the son of Truong Minh Thanh-the counsellor of ministry of rites, Ton Tho Duc (passed in 1821) as the son of Chancellor Ton Tho Vinh, Le Ba Dang (passed in 1821) as the son of Minister of the Ministry of Justice Le Ba Pham, and Pham Ngoc Quang (passed in 1828) as the son of Minister of War Ministry Pham Ngoc Uan Typically, individuals within this demographic did not enjoy the opulent standard of living commonly associated with the upper echelon Rather, they possessed a noteworthy propensity for dedicating their efforts towards the betterment of their country and its people In contrast, the Gia Dinh Confucian class during the early 19th century did not lead a lifestyle that was distinct from the simple and virtuous way of life of the working class As a result, most intellectuals who were involved in the government during this time were not conservative feudal officials who were only acquainted with material wealth They exhibited both firmness and liberality in their attitudes and behaviors During the nineteenth century, this specific style had played a significant role in molding and establishing itself as a sociocultural custom in Gia Dinh The Southern Confucian temperament can be attributed to individuals such as Nguyen Thong, who exemplified the traits of perseverance and dedication in the face of adversity Through his testimonies and erection of important 23 restructures, Nguyen Thong's work was constantly undermined, which resulted in numerous instances of demotion, dismissal, imprisonment, and physical abuse Similarly, the commitment of Nguyen Dinh Chieu to altruistic pursuits, particularly in the fields of education and medicine, reflects the Southern Confucian values of empathy and social responsibility, as evidenced by his decision to overcome personal tragedies and disabilities to help improve the lives of others One may contend that the predominate dispositions characterizing Southern Confucianists were courage, openmindedness and uprightness 4.The trait of liberal thinking and behavior, characterized by a resolute attitude, was evident among Southern Confucianists throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Its crystallization as a normative standard occurred during the nineteenth century The aforementioned circumstance significantly influenced the conduct of Southern Confucians in response to the socio-economic transformations that transpired during the latter part of the 19th century Following the French colonial incursion of Vietnam in 1858, the imperial court's response, which was one of nonchalance and passivity, prompted Southern Confucian intellectuals to experience a paradigm shift These intellectuals transitioned from a position of neutrality to one characterized by nationalistic fervor, with the most elevated manifestation being opposition to foreign intruders The group of individuals, comprised of Nguyen Huu Huan, Au Duong Lan, Bui Huu Nghia, among others, who obtained the highest academic standing within their graduating class, commonly referred to as the valedictorians, was deserving of recognition and accolades The eloquent testimonies served as tangible expressions of the shared determination among the soldiers of Cochinchina to safeguard their nation's sovereignty and independence It may be posited that spanning several centuries of evolution and the trajectory of historical events, during the latter half of the 19th century, Confucianism had become firmly entrenched within the cultural and societal fabric of Cochinchina The present study acknowledges the significant contribution of Confucian imperial examination education to the role, position, and influence within the context of its application Thus, it is our stance that the investigation of Confucian imperial examination education in the Southern region is an imperative endeavor that merits sustained attention in the coming times 24

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