Giáo án Marketing Management Chapter 15 DESIGNING AND MANAGING INTEGRATED MARKETING CHANNELS What is a marketing channel system and value network? What work do marketing channels perform? How should channels be designed? What decisions do companies face in managing their channels? How should companies integrate channels and manage channel conflict? What are the key issues with ecommerce?
DESIGNING AND DESIGNING AND MANAGING MANAGING INTEGRATED INTEGRATED MARKETING MARKETING CHANNELS CHANNELS Chapter 15 T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 of 57 CHAPTER CHAPTER QUESTIONS QUESTIONS • What is a marketing channel system and value network? • What work marketing channels perform? • How should channels be designed? • What decisions companies face in managing their channels? • How should companies integrate channels and manage channel conflict? • What are the key issues with e-commerce? T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 of 57 CHAPTER CHAPTER OUTLINE OUTLINE Marketing channels and value network The role of marketing channels Channel-design decisions ChannelManagement decisions Channel integration and systems Conflict, cooperation, and competition E-commerce Marketing practices T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 Debate & Discussions of 57 PHILIPS PHILIPSEMPHASIZES EMPHASIZESVALUE VALUE DELIVERY DELIVERY •Royal Phillips Electronics (Netherlands): one of the world’s biggest electronics companies and Europe’s largest, with sales of over $ 36 billion in 2006 •Relied on a diverse distribution model: mass merchants, retail chains, independents, and small specialty stores •Created an organization designed around its retail customers : global key account managers, Country Ambassadors •Also sold via web through its own online store as well as through a number of other online retailers T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 of 57 Section MARKETING MARKETING CHANNELS CHANNELS AND AND VALUE VALUE NETWORK NETWORK T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 of 57 THE THEIMPORTANCE IMPORTANCEOF OFCHANNELS CHANNELS •A marketing channel (trade channel | distribution channel) is a set of interdependent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption •A marketing channel system is the particular set of marketing channels a firm employs, and decisions about it are among the most critical ones management faces T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 of 57 THE THEIMPORTANCE IMPORTANCEOF OFCHANNELS CHANNELS • A push strategy uses the manufacturer’s sales force, trade promotion money, and other means to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and sell the product to end users • A pull strategy uses advertising, promotion, and other forms of communication to persuade consumers to demand the product from intermediaries • A Push and pull strategy: use both at the same time T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 of 57 CHANNEL CHANNELDEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT Aldi (Germany) adjusted Its Strategy For The U.S Market Aldi (Germany) adjusted Its Strategy For The U.S Market No-frills, limited-assortment Aldi, the giant German discount supermarket chain, adapted its marketing strategy for its entrance into the U.S market to stock different national manufacturer brands T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 of 57 HYBRID HYBRIDCHANNELS CHANNELS Buyer Expectations For Channel Integration Buyer Expectations For Channel Integration • Ability to order a product online and pick it up at a convenient retail location • Ability to return an online-ordered product to a nearby store • Right to receive discounts based on total online and offline purchases T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 of 57 UNDERSTANDING CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDING CUSTOMER NEEDS NEEDS Categories of buyers Habitual shoppers Habitual shoppers High-value deal seekers High-value deal seekers Variety-loving shoppers Variety-loving shoppers High-involvement shoppers High-involvement shoppers T.Q.Cam, Nov 26th 2010 10 of 57