Chapter 1 ABSTRACT University digital branding is a set of strategies that have the objective of positively influencing the reputation of universities, tending to improve institutional visibility and the growth of digital environments, designed as resources for members of the university community from the perspective of its use as spaces for academic research and socialization. The internet offers an almost unlimited amount of options for learning and sharing, and through this analysis, several opportunities for improvement will be identified that, with the application of appropriate and timely actions, can be used to increase visibility online. INTRODUCTION The new technologies revolutionized the concept of learning, broadcasting, sharing, and educating. BernersLee, the father of the Web, summed up the following: “In December 1990, the World Wide Web was launched for the first time. It consisted of a website and a browser, running on the same computer. This simple configuration demonstrated a deep concept: that anyone could share information with anyone else, anywhere in the world. With this spirit the Web spread rapidly. Today, on its 30th anniversary, the Web is fully integrated into our daily lives.” (Schlaen, 2011) Introduction: Academic EBranding for Improving University Reputation
1 Chapter Introduction: Academic E-Branding for Improving University Reputation Ariana Daniela Del Pino Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador Maria Nuria Lloret Romero Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Freddy Ronald Veloz de la Torre Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador ABSTRACT University digital branding is a set of strategies that have the objective of positively influencing the reputation of universities, tending to improve institutional visibility and the growth of digital environments, designed as resources for members of the university community from the perspective of its use as spaces for academic research and socialization The internet offers an almost unlimited amount of options for learning and sharing, and through this analysis, several opportunities for improvement will be identified that, with the application of appropriate and timely actions, can be used to increase visibility online INTRODUCTION The new technologies revolutionized the concept of learning, broadcasting, sharing, and educating Berners-Lee, the father of the Web, summed up the following: “In December 1990, the World Wide Web was launched for the first time It consisted of a website and a browser, running on the same computer This simple configuration demonstrated a deep concept: that anyone could share information with anyone else, anywhere in the world With this spirit the Web spread rapidly Today, on its 30th anniversary, the Web is fully integrated into our daily lives.” (Schlaen, 2011) DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-4930-8.ch001 Copyright © 2021, IGI Global Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited Introduction The Internet is constantly evolving, today being one of the greatest means of dissemination and supply of goods and services as well, it is easier to publish, buy and sell every day without the need for stores or physical spaces for interaction between seller and customer; companies like Amazon, Netflix, Mercado Libre or Spotify are leading exponents of what we know as “digital economy” In this context, and recognizing that the management of brands goes back many centuries in the past, since there is a need to differentiate the goods according to their producer or supplier, it’s observed that at the beginning of the 21st century the same need is maintained together with the obligation to establish parameters and rules of use for the implementation and dissemination of brands in digital environments, which adds value to goods or services, incorporates trends, and improves the customer experience Nowadays, and at a global level, educational institutions are changing the teaching-learning systems, in a permanent cycle of improvement and innovation, driven largely by the technological revolution, the flow of information found on the Internet, and the particularities of each generation The use of electronic devices, the incorporation of virtual classrooms, and 4.0 environments drive the development of the fields of application and research in the educational field Together with these changes, and in the context of higher education, the following questions arise: Is it correct to consider universities as service companies? Do university rankings influence student decision making regarding university or career selection? Should teachers be qualified through a ranking? Does online interaction improve communication with the student regarding the traditional classroom model? How we manage student-teacher and student-university feedback to improve the teaching-learning process? Universities maintain specific “clients”, with very particular and very demanding needs at the same time These “customers” live immersed in the digital world, looking for the best options through online criticism, academic references, blogs or youtubers comments They investigate their future professors, their competences, skills and any information they can find on the net about their academic and professional references The presence of teachers and universities in digital media, social networks, websites and the like, takes special relevance for students to inform themselves and decide on an university community According to David Costa, Country Manager of Nominalia “The brand is reputation, helps to retain our customers and, consequently, to improve our sales, registration is the only way for their owners to guarantee the full and exclusive right of use on the same Registering your brand is making it unique, while increasing its commercial value in your reference markets In addition, only registered trademarks can be included in the Trademark Clearing House, the only global database of registered trademarks authorized by ICANN and the most important brand protection service in all matters related to the launch of the new top-level domains.” (Merino, 2015) Kotler makes a definition of what a brand is: “A brand—understood to be: a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, [that] is intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or a group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors” (Kotler, P 1997, p 443) University brands were previously only used in legal documents, such as emblematic stamps, in uniforms or labels In modernity, having a renowned award-winning brand and associated with world prizes makes it number one in the mind of the consumer, keeping it as the first option All this and more, has generated a growing search to expand the correct diffusion of the brand, concerned about the applied design and where to place its exhibition Universities are not just companies, they are institutions of higher education, they are a system of trainers and knowledge generators, where future employers and employees, developers and researchers Introduction are formed Over time, university brands must reinforce more than the brand promise, and reflect the effort they make to strengthen it Ellin proposes an idea about the entrepreneurial university, indicates that it retains many characteristics of the traditional, the teachers, who must develop curricula focused on the areas of learning, even the remuneration should be according to intellectual abilities or achievements Students who are selected for their own abilities or desires should consider companies that are innovative, linked to risks, or individual activities Unlike universities, we should consider the entrepreneurial university that seeks potential opportunities, being autonomous and collaborating with the community, promoting leaders and agents of power, where it tries to involve everyone outside the classroom and face the world directly Therefore, the entrepreneurial force is not learned in all educational programs, and those who not meet these conditions can join other activities, generating “goodwill, political support, community participation, local economic development, and other indirect goods.” (Ellin, 2006, p 4) Although the university is not presented as a business, is considered that it will produce tangible and intangible services, certain parts of it must be managed as a company Many of them are self-sufficient, both public and private, taking advantage of the intellectual resources of their teachers and students, which allows them to develop better life systems, scientific and technological innovations, with obvious favorable results for society BACKGROUND Branding is an English word that refers to the process of building a brand; It focuses on marketing strategy, brand creation and management processes Its purpose is to generate added value that achieves a social, economic development and a positive impact, which contributes to achieving a differentiated position in the market and consumers’ minds in relation to the competition It involves the management of the brand, through strategies that build and shape a brand, through user experience, all this is possible thanks to corporate philosophy, which leads to positioning, and even the use of storytelling, which is nothing more than the story around the brand, creates a unique value The brand identity is not only based on the brand, typography, and corporate colors, but also with its applications in all physical and digital formats Without this, you cannot perform any Branding strategy focused on the brand, the brand promise and the company services The brand objective must be clear and defined from the beginning, so as not to lose the scope of the company or institution Tom Peter in 1997 indicated that “regardless of age, regardless of position, regardless of the business we happen to be in, all of us need to understand the importance of branding We are CEOs of our own companies: Me Inc To be in business today, our most important job is to be head marketer for the brand called You It’s that simple — and that hard And that inescapable.” (Peter, 1997) The important aspects to take into account about brands in Branding are: (Bassat, 2017) • • The name of your brand should not only be different from your competitors, but must be easy to remember and easy to associate with what is proposed The architecture or DNA (personality) of the brand, reflects confidence, transparency and is direct The brand must not only transmit these elements, but also the slogan we use will reinforce that direct relationship between the user and the brand Introduction • Positioning, experience reflected in the mind of the consumer It cares about supplying all the needs and demands of customers to always remain among their first preferences Important note, the brand must seek to be flexible, not only for the diversity of users, but for new generations, the implementation of new cultures, the return of fashion, trends, and the passage of time create more needs applied to the digital environment MAIN FOCUS OF THE CHAPTER University Branding Context Among the aspects the university brand image must communicate, we find the cognitive, rational, functional and sentimental or emotional dimensions Therefore, the institution’s attributes must be properly transmitted (Beerli Palacio, Diaz Meneses, & Perez Perez, 2002) According to Iqbal in his article on University Branding: myth or reality, he makes a model for University Branding that involves image, prestige, incentives, recognition, awards, satisfaction and quality service, but his model does not include any of the current digital aspects that this model intends to cover (Iqbal, Md Rasli, & Hassan, 2012) According to Takaki, Bravo and Martínez in their article on the management of corporate identity in the University: analysis and consequences from the perspective of teachers, they propose a model focused on the analysis of corporate identity management focused on: visual identity, communication, behavior, and culture, focused on the teacher and the university, also on students, teachers or society in general Within the model, it contemplates visual identity, communication, behavior, culture, organization and behavior In this study, the authors analyzed 12 universities in Spain, with data on the number of professors and the departments obtained from the website of each university (Takaki, Bravo, & Martínez, 2015) The university brand must reinforce the mission and vision of the institution with its brand promise, either to train professionals throughout life or to strengthen and generate scientific knowledge, among others Through this brand, we will show and strengthen the values and virtues of the institution, making students love their university because of the diverse generational lines of students Those who build a reputation towards the university with the achievements, scientific contributions, awards, congresses, mentions and more, which were promoted during the beginnings of the university If we focus on the university brand, we will think about the experience the consumer will have, in this case, how will the student’s experience be inside and outside the university? What will we generate throughout life for the student? What sets us apart from the others? and above all, very importantly, the prestige that we are creating, if it is adequate and consistent with the university brand objectives University Brand Management Brand management is linked to maintenance, reflecting the design, marketing and exhibition processes that are consistent According to Rauschnabel, Krey, Babin, Ivens “given that universities find themselves operating within dynamic and challenging environments, marketing strategy becomes a priority in assuring strong student and faculty recruitment and retention (Asaad, Melewar, Cohen, & Balmer, 2013)” (Rauschnabel, Krey, Babin, & Ivens, 2016) Introduction Murphy and Rowe define that “Brand management consists in the development and maintenance of a series of product characteristics and values, which are consistent, appropriate, distinctive, projectable and attractive to consumers.” (Murphy & Rowe, 1992) The initiation of Branding in higher education institutions has been including a redesign of sales, this concept for some years, it has taken over some countries such as Malaysia, Norway, Italy, etc., which has become a practice in 21st century universities, including themselves in the marketing and globalization culture (Drori, Delmestri, & Oberg, 2013) Brands have personality, but not always, the traditional scale not precisely with university brand (Chapleo C., 2010) (Hemsley-Brown & Oplatka, 2006) The attributes and values defined in the development of the brand must be maintained, because brand management is a part that remains active throughout all processes The brand promise that is consistent with the product or service leads consumers to value it more One point to emphasize is the differentiation factor that needs to be achieved during the entire exposure process Teachers and students are the best publicity, they are internal customers, knowledge producers The university not only teaches knowledge, but also values throughout life through learning outcomes Former and future students generate stability and confidence in the university brand, who are the external image; let’s not forget the athletes or clubs, who also make a great effort to raise the name of their university Technological Education or Virtual Platforms Era The progress of new technologies or ICTs, allow online training in virtual classrooms, a new element widely used by all types of educational institutions to implement autonomous work, which increases the levels of research in students to create self-taught people As cited in Nakano et al: “In line with this trend, open resource repositories, mass online courses (MOOCs), educational platforms, applications for mobile devices, virtual tools with augmented reality, collaborative networks, video games, among others are recognized as emerging technologies that have considerable potential for teaching, learning, and creative research (Adelsberger, Pawlowski & Sampson, 2008; Johnson et al., 2012) This situation has caused the educational paradigms to be changing to include online learning and “hybrid” learning, as well as collaborative models.” (Nakano, Garret, Vásquez, & Mija, 2014) The new education achieves a greater interaction between technology and knowledge, due to this and other global conditions, universities have adapted to a new teaching process including technology in classrooms, such as computers, laboratories equipped with machinery, printers for models on a scale like 3D, and other resources such as virtual educational environments, for example, second live The applications and digital devices will be the mediators between what has been learned and cognitive functioning (Díaz-Barriga, 2005) Other instruments that we can use are social networks to create groups and provide constant information, answer questions among colleagues, or course collaboration Fernández-Pampillón and Sarasa-Cabezuelo indicate that the new systems such as e-learning platforms or virtual learning environments (VLE1), created on the Internet support teaching and have transformed the traditional teaching form into virtual teaching and learning spaces (EVA) These spaces integrate countless tools where the teaching is not always face-to-face, but virtual, or both can be combined (Fernández-Pampillón Cesteros & Sarasa-Cabezuelo, 2016) Santamaría indicates that the new realities of the technological revolution, individuals, and organizations are changing the conception and perception of learning, even more, how, when, and where they learn it University 2.0 is linked more to the concept of learning through online resources, they give new Introduction parameters, and the student only learns what interests him and investigates about it in different digital environments (Santamaría, 2010) Digital Media and Social Networks As is generally known, a large percentage of the population has a personal account in a social network, which is helpful as it is an extensive network of contacts; For academics, the help of academic and professional social networks allows them to maintain a profile or their personal brand, and disseminate their work with academic and non-academic means Social networks create a weight not only in social life, but also in scientific and academic activity, which has allowed the creation of academic scientific networks, some such as ResearchGate, Academia edu, Mendeley, My Science Work, and others (Martorell-Fernández & Canet-Centellas, 2013) More and more social networks are created Facebook has 1.9 billion users 24-hour social networks such as Snapchat, Instagram or WhatsApp, where the information or publications made last a day, has caused a stir among teenagers and has revolutionized new content every day We must not forget the famous youtubers, which every day there are more of them, exposing all kinds of information published material every week (Llano, 2017) According to Cabezas-Clavijo, Torres-Salinas and Delgado-López-Cózar there are some factors for lowering the participation of university teachers in academic social networks due to high competitiveness, due to the age of the researcher who is not familiar with the new technological trends (Cabezas-Clavijo, Torres-Salinas, & Delgado-López-Cózar, 2009) University Presence in the Environment On some occasions, universities sponsor scientific and knowledge events, sports activities, publication of books, among others, so the appearance of the brand in any format, both digital and printed, must be handled carefully to maintain credibility Núñez also includes the term of e-University and m-University, where not only management is involved but also research and teaching, reducing the role of face-to-face teaching, highlighting new knowledge accesses with the Open Course Ware (OCW), something that MIT promoted in 2001, and adopted this new form of learning, and that other higher institutions have taken on over time, becoming a normal attribute For example, the use of devices such as iTunesU, YouTube Edu, Facebook fan page, Twitter, SoundCloud, Linkedin, among many others The OCW has also evolved to the current MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) that allow us to take advantage of the technological tools, promoting the change of classroom education with desks to the virtual classroom environment with the use of virtual reality, generating new trends of static mobility (Núñez, 2005) The new teachers build a personal brand and an online reputation, generating a digital profile, which currently represents an act of pure responsibility, but not something optional (Alonso, 2011) which contributes to the university visibility As for the literature on brand management in universities, it was scarce compared to other sectors (Alessandri, 2006) Del Barrio and Luque conclude that this subject “is complex and requires multiple aspects and dimensions that must be valued by different interest groups or stakeholders, and analyzed in terms of their contribution to its global image.” A clear and positive projection will give a reinforced Introduction image which will make it attractive for students and teachers It even increases competitiveness for fundraising and institutional stability (Del Barrio & Luque, 2008) According to these authors, table 1, a literary search was conducted on some studies to measure the university institutions image, following is the summarize table they made (Hernández Gómez & Zamora Medina, 2010): Table Image of university institutions, elaborated by Hernández and Zamora based on Del Barrio and Luque (2008) Author Year Research Features 1994 The main dimensions that made up the image of a university were: academic excellence, having a good business school, student assistance, the satisfaction of its graduates, the reputation of the institution at the national level, the reputation of research that it generates, the cultural contribution it makes to the community, or the sports offer it proposes Theus 1993 The most outstanding and different dimensions to the previous research: the size of the institution, its location, its appearance, the variety in the offer of titles, the amount of contributions made to cooperation and development projects, the diversity of students, the state of the infrastructures in the campuses, the realized sports feats, the services provided to the community, the visibility or institutional prestige Bryant 1996 Using a more qualitative methodology, they identified the same factors as previous research and identified factors similar to those exposed by Treadwell and Harrison (1994) Kaxoleas, Kim & Moffitt 2001 They divided the dimensions that contribute to the development of the university image into two different types: controlled and not controlled by the university institution was stronger predictors of the image than the situational factors of each person 2003 Based on the approach of cognitive psychology proposed by Fishbein and Azjen (1975), they suggested that the development of the university institution image would be determined by individual beliefs towards different aspects of the institution weighted by the importance of each of them Treadwell & Harrison Arpan, Raney & Zivnuska Source: (Hernández & Zamora based on Del Barrio & Luque, 2008) Among which, attempts are made to highlight important points, each university stands out with its own achievements, but finding a single methodology that defines it is complex, each theory seeks to find a common point, such as reputation and image Strategic Design to Improve Visibility Through the strategy it will be possible to reinforce the image to improve its construction, reputation and strengthen its communication and increase its visibility Strategic Planning Phase Strategic Design In the strategic design we want to raise everything related to university marketing and university emarketing, a different context from that of companies Introduction Action Plans Within the action plan, the updating of information in each of the tabs of the university’s website will be taken into account, which will allow better communication with the public about what is happening at the university Visibility and e-Communication Strategy • • • • Information: Collect relevant information on a quarterly basis that can be published on the university’s website, new events, contests, student information Digital: Have a better maintenance of social networks to be able to communicate future academic, student or scientific events e-Teachers: Increase the information about them, generating profiles in academic social networks and in academic google so that the integration of citation is greater Lab: generate spaces where the company and the university can create a better interaction and students Can solve real cases in both undergraduate and graduate degrees, a constant real practice that can be exposed in the digital world Communication Design The design of the communication will be focused on the general public, universities must be able to provide their information to everyone, clearly, appropriately and in a context that is pleasing to the eye Implementation Plan Necessary aspects so that the university can increase its reputation and credibility in the academic sector and continue to contribute to the development of all its fields Implementation Plan of the Designed Applications • • • • Brand Application: Printing and implementation of all designed arts, books, brochures, etc., get involved in more academic events worldwide, sporting events and generate conferences in collaboration with recognized universities Business plan: The unique value proposition is determined, generating more spaces that allow an economic income such as master’s degrees that are required in the environment, virtual courses for companies and keeping graduates and the general public updated Marketing Plan: Generate brand marketing products, alliances with companies to create physical and digital laboratory spaces, where to implement the acquired knowledge, establish a greater interaction in promoting the university, together with the execution of agreements Media Plan: Increase the flow of exposure of the brand and important news on the website, social networks, help teachers to increase information about them in each of their spaces to increase visibility Implementation and Administration Introduction • • Maintenance: Create applications that improve the educational system and student-teacher interaction, better means of communication can be implemented, found a system to monitor graduates to keep labor demand updated Other Implementations: Virtual reality and virtual classrooms, for example, associated with edX, a global network Service Design Generate a tourist experience within the university, which advertises free worldwide where you can receive people from all over the world and get to know the unique flora and fauna of the university, the country, the products generated, the scientific, sports and finally all the policies for the use of the necessary products or protocols SOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From all this, it is about exposing the need for digital branding in higher education institutions, which adapts and evolves over time By facilitating universities to increase their levels of competitiveness among them, a worldwide e-ranking can be developed to generate a competition where teachers extend their skills, or change the slide teacher, to an e-teacher that generates an experience in student learning between two environments, digital and in the classroom An analysis of the academic digital branding of this magnitude allows us to assess the opportunities for improvement and the level of visibility for each university, understanding that years are not necessarily synonymous with better, but they are related to reputation and experience It is evident that private universities contribute more economically to the development of scientific or research products, with the creation of laboratories and first-generation technological equipment, which generates greater momentum, and even guide in social networks, which promote sales of books, discoveries, sporting events, congresses, among others, but we forget that public universities can become autonomous and have their own resources that can solve congresses, publications, books and discoveries, for their own broadcast, forming collaboration agreements with private companies The agreements between companies facilitate the contribution of new products, the generation of new research and scientific discoveries that allow a significant contribution to society When applying the branding in a planned way, you can see a total change of the university level in all aspects in the first years, by mixing the rankings with the academic and professional social networks A strategic design should be created and implemented for each company, which will complement the entire process, and will reinforce all actions that so far remain in universities and generate a culture of Digital Branding in the institution FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS For the following investigations, we will inquire about the types of digital branding that can be adapted according to the type of university and how to understand the need for it, in which part the branding should be used in the different parts of the universities Generate a strategic design related to university Introduction marketing and university e-marketing, a different context from that of companies The creation of action plans will be taken into account, the updating of information, will allow a better communication with the public, about what happens in the university CONCLUSION The teaching-learning process in institutions of higher education must be in constant process of change and innovation The idea of the model is that it can evolve with educational, technological, and trends changes, and be used in institutions for continuous improvement Within the state of the art we were able to determine that university branding has gained strength in recent years, especially now that universities seek to improve their positioning Some authors have raised several theories focused on positioning, branding and marketing, but they are not related to the mix between academics and business It is feasible to use social networks in classrooms to improve the student experience The expected observable result is the positive change in visibility and reputation indicators, taking advantage of digital resources, encouraging virtual interaction between teachers and students To change the usability perspective of virtual environments Within this theoretical approach, we were able to determine that the theme of university branding has gained strength in recent years, especially now that universities are seeking greater visibility and improving the level at which they are currently displayed Some authors have proposed several methods focused on positioning, branding and marketing, but they are not related to the mix between academic and business, but rather, a set of options that allow to encompass academic with digital and business with the academic, therefore, it would allow to generate a more complete work to increase the increase in visibility within a certain period of time It is evident that private universities can contribute more economically to the development of scientific or research products, with the creation of laboratories and first generation technological equipment, which generates greater momentum and can even advertise on social networks those that promote sale of books, discoveries, sporting events, congresses, among others, but we forget that public universities can become autonomous and establish their own resources that can pay for conferences, publications, books and discoveries, for their propagation, forming agreements of collaboration with private companies The agreements between companies facilitate the 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