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I E C P AS 63 5-2 ® Edition 201 7-06 P U B LI C LY AVAI LAB LE S P E C I F I C ATI ON P RE -S TAN D ARD colour i n sid e Th e Qi wi re l e s s power tran s fe r s ys tem – Power cl ass s peci fi cati on – IEC PAS 63095-2:201 7-06(en) P art : Re feren ce D es i g n s Ve rs i on T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S wi tz e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about I EC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local I EC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - webstore i ec ch /catal og u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l os sary - s td i ec ch /g l oss ary 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i s h ed - webstore i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u stom er S ervi ce C en tre - webstore i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C P AS 63 5-2 ® Edition 201 7-06 P U B LI C LY AVAI LAB LE S P E C I F I C ATI ON P RE -S TAN D ARD colour i n sid e Th e Qi wi re l es s power tran s fer s ys tem – Power cl ass s pe ci fi cati on – P art : Refe ren ce D es i g n s Ve rs i on INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 29.240.99; 33.1 60.99; 35.200 ISBN 978-2-8322-4459-3 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th a t you ob tai n ed th i s p u b l i cati on from an au th ori zed d i stri b u tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission – – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C Contents General 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Scope 1.2.1 Current Specification structure (introduced in version 1.2.1) 1.2.2 Earlier Specification structure (version 1.2.0 and below) 1.3 Main features 1.4 Conformance and references 1.4.1 Conformance 1.4.2 References 1.5 Definitions 1.6 Acronyms 12 1.7 Symbols 14 1.8 Conventions 15 1.8.1 Cross references 15 1.8.2 Informative text 15 1.8.3 Terms in capitals 15 1.8.4 Units of physical quantities 15 1.8.5 Decimal separator 15 1.8.6 Notation of numbers 16 1.8.7 Bit ordering in a byte 16 1.8.8 Byte numbering 16 1.8.9 Multiple-bit fields 17 1.9 Operators 17 1.9.1 Exclusive-OR 17 1.9.2 Concatenation 17 1.10 Measurement equipment 17 Power Transmitter reference designs 18 2.1 Introduction 18 2.2 Baseline Power Profile designs that activate a single Primary Coil at a time 18 2.2.1 Power Transmitter design A1 19 2.2.2 Power Transmitter design A2 20 2.2.3 Power Transmitter design A3 25 2.2.4 Power Transmitter design A4 29 I E C P AS -2 : © I E C – – 2.2.5 Power Transmitter design A5 35 2.2.6 Power Transmitter design A6 36 2.2.7 Power Transmitter design A7 43 2.2.8 Power Transmitter design A8 47 2.2.9 Power Transmitter design A9 52 2.2.10 Power Transmitter design A10 53 2.2.11 Power Transmitter design A11 60 2.2.12 Power Transmitter design A12 66 2.2.13 Power Transmitter design A13 72 2.2.14 Power Transmitter design A14 78 2.2.15 Power Transmitter design A15 84 2.2.16 Power Transmitter design A16 89 2.2.17 Power Transmitter design A17 95 2.2.18 Power Transmitter design A18 101 2.2.19 Power Transmitter design A19 106 2.2.20 Power Transmitter design A20 112 2.2.21 Power Transmitter design A21 117 2.2.22 Power Transmitter design A22 124 2.2.23 Power Transmitter design A23 130 2.2.24 Power Transmitter design A24 136 2.2.25 Power Transmitter design A25 142 2.2.26 Power Transmitter design A26 148 2.2.27 Power Transmitter design A27 154 2.2.28 Power Transmitter design A28 160 2.2.29 Power Transmitter design A29 167 2.2.30 Power Transmitter design A30 172 2.2.31 Power Transmitter design A31 177 2.2.32 Power Transmitter design A32 182 2.2.33 Power Transmitter design A33 190 2.2.34 Power Transmitter design A34 199 2.3 Baseline Power Profile designs that activate multiple Primary Coils simultaneously 205 2.3.1 Power Transmitter design B1 205 2.3.2 Power Transmitter design B2 213 2.3.3 Power Transmitter design B3 218 2.3.4 Power Transmitter design B4 225 2.3.5 Power Transmitter design B5 233 2.3.6 Power Transmitter design B6 242 2.3.7 Power Transmitter design B7 250 – – 2.4 I E C P AS -2 : © I E C Extended Power Profile Power Transmitter designs 257 2.4.1 Power Transmitter design MP-A1 257 2.4.2 Power Transmitter design MP-A2 264 2.4.3 Power Transmitter design MP-A3 272 2.4.4 Power Transmitter design MP-A4 278 2.4.5 Power Transmitter design MP-A5 286 Power Receiver reference designs (Informative) 291 3.1 Power Receiver example (5W) 291 3.1.1 Mechanical details 291 3.1.2 Electrical details 293 3.2 Power Receiver example (5W) 295 3.2.1 Mechanical details 295 3.2.2 Electrical details 297 3.3 Power Receiver example (8 W) 298 3.3.1 Mechanical details 298 3.3.2 Electrical details 300 3.4 Power Receiver example (15 W) 301 3.4.1 Mechanical details 301 3.4.2 Electrical details 303 3.5 Power Receiver example (12 W) 305 3.5.1 Mechanical details 305 3.5.2 Electrical details 306 Annex A History of Changes 308 I E C P AS -2 : © I E C – – INTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMISSI ON T H E Q I WI RE L E S S P O WE R T R AN S F E R S YS T E M – P O WE R C L AS S S P E C I F I C AT I O N – P a rt : Re fe re n c e D e s i g n s Ve rs i o n FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Comm ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organization for stan dardization com prisin g all n ation al el ectrotechnical comm ittees (I EC National Comm ittees) The object of I EC is to prom ote internati onal co-operation on all q uestions concerni ng stand ardi zati on in the el ectrical an d electronic fi elds To this en d and in additi on to other acti vities, I EC pu blish es I nternational Stan dards, Techn ical Specificati ons, Technical Reports, Publicl y Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gu ides (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publication(s)”) Th ei r preparation is entrusted to tech nical comm ittees; any I EC N ational Comm ittee interested in the subj ect dealt with m ay partici pate in this preparatory work I nternational, governm ental an d n on governm ental organ izations l iaising with th e I EC also participate i n this preparation I EC collaborates closel y with the I ntern ational Organi zation for Stand ardization (I SO) in accordance with ditions determ ined by agreem ent between th e two organi zati ons 2) The form al decisions or ag reem ents of I EC on tech nical m atters express, as n earl y as possible, an i nternati onal consensus of opi nion on the rel evant subjects since each technical com m ittee has representati on from all interested I EC N ational Com m ittees 3) I EC Publications have the form of recom m endations for intern ational use an d are accepted by I EC National Com m ittees in that sense While all reasonable efforts are m ade to ensure that the tech nical content of I EC Publications is accu rate, I EC cann ot be h eld responsi ble for th e way in which th ey are used or for an y m isinterpretation by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom ote intern ational u niform ity, I EC National Com m ittees und ertake to apply I EC Publications transparentl y to the m axim um extent possible i n their national an d regi on al publicati ons Any d ivergence between an y I EC Publication and the correspondi ng national or regi on al publicati on sh all be clearl y in dicated in the latter 5) I EC itself d oes n ot provi de an y attestation of conform ity I n depend ent certificati on bodies provi de conform ity assessm ent services and, in som e areas, access to I EC m arks of conform ity I EC is not responsi ble for an y services carri ed out by ind ependent certification bodi es 6) All users shou ld ensure that they h ave the l atest editi on of thi s publicati on 7) No liability shall attach to I EC or its directors, em ployees, servants or ag ents inclu din g in divi du al experts an d m em bers of its tech nical com m ittees and I EC Nati on al Com m ittees for any person al i nju ry, property d am age or other dam age of any n ature whatsoever, wheth er di rect or indirect, or for costs (includ i ng leg al fees) and expenses arisi ng out of the publ ication, use of, or relian ce upon, this I EC Publicati on or any other I EC Publications 8) Attention is drawn to th e N orm ative references cited in th is publ ication Use of the referenced publ ications is indispensable for the correct applicati on of this publication 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that som e of the elem ents of this I EC Publication m ay be the su bject of patent rig hts I EC shall not be held responsibl e for identifyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts A PAS is a technical specification not fulfilling the requirem ents for a standard, but m ade available to the public I EC PAS 63095-2 has been processed by technical area 5: Wireless power transfer, of I EC technical comm ittee 00: Audio, video and m ultimedia systems and equipm ent The text of this PAS is based on the following docum ent: D ft P AS 00/2827/PAS This PAS was approved for publ ication by th e P-m em bers of the comm ittee concerned as ind icated in the foll owi ng d ocum ent R e p o rt o n vo ti n g 00/2862/RVDPAS Following publication of this PAS, which is a pre-standard publication, the technical comm ittee or subcom mittee concerned may transform it into an I nternational Standard – – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C Th i s PAS sh al l rem n val i d for an i n i ti al m axi m um peri od of years starti n g from th e pu bl i cati on d ate Th e val i d i ty m a y be exten d ed for a si n g l e peri od u p to a m axi m u m of years, at th e en d of wh ich i t sh al l be pu bl ish ed as an oth er type of n orm ati ve d ocu m en t, or sh al l be wi th d rawn I M P O RT AN T th at it – Th e co n ta i n s u n d e rs t a n d i n g c o l o u r p ri n t e r of ' co l ou r c o l o u rs i ts in si d e' wh i ch c o n te n ts l og o a re U s e rs on th e cover c o n s i d e re d sh ou l d p ag e to t h e re fo re of th i s be p ri n t p u b l i cati on u s e fu l th i s fo r i n d i c ate s th e d ocu m e n t c o rre c t u si n g a I E C P AS -2 : © I E C – – General 1.1 Introduction The Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) is a worldwide organization that aims to develop and promote global standards for wireless power transfer in various application areas A first application area is wireless charging of low and medium power devices, such as mobile phones and tablet computers The Wireless Power Consortium maintains the Qi logo for this application area 1.2 Scope This document, Part 4: Reference Designs, comprises reference designs for Power Class Base Stations and Mobile Devices Power Class is the WPC designation for flat-surface devices, such as chargers, mobile phones, tablets, cameras, and battery packs, in the Baseline Power Profile (≤ W) and Extended Power Profile (≤ 15 W) 1.2.1 Current Specification structure (introduced in version 1.2.1) The Qi Wireless Power Transfer System for Power Class Specification consists of the following documents  Parts and 2: Interface Definitions  Part 1: Primary Interface Definition  Part 2: Secondary Interface Definition  Part 3: Compliance Testing  Part 4: Reference Designs (this document) NOTE WPC publications prior to version 1.2.1 were structured differently, and are listed in Section 1.2.2 below In particular, the Low Power and Medium Power publications were divided into separate System Description documents Beginning with version 1.2.1, the Low Power and Medium Power System Descriptions have been merged into the Specification structure shown in this section Additionally, the terms Low Power and Medium Power have been replaced in the current Specification by the terms Baseline Power Profile and Extended Power Profile respectively – – 1.2.2 I E C P AS -2 : © I E C Earlier Specification structure (version 1.2.0 and below) Before release 1.2.1, the Wireless Power Transfer specification comprised the following documents  System Description, Wireless Power Transfer, Volume I: Low Power, Part 1: Interface Definition  System Description, Wireless Power Transfer, Volume I: Low Power, Part 2: Performance Requirements  System Description, Wireless Power Transfer, Volume I: Low Power, Part 3: Compliance Testing  System Description, Qi Wireless Power Transfer, Volume II: Medium Power 1.3 Main features  A method of contactless power transfer from a Base Station to a Mobile Device that is based on near field magnetic induction between coils  A Baseline Power Profile supporting transfer of up to about W and an Extended Power Profile supporting transfer of up to about 15 W of power using an appropriate Secondary Coil (having a typical outer dimension of around 40 mm)  Operation at frequencies in the 87…205 kHz range  Support for two methods of placing the Mobile Device on the surface of the Base Station:  Guided Positioning helps a user to properly place the Mobile Device on the surface of a Base Station that provides power through a single or a few fixed locations of that surface  Free Positioning enables arbitrary placement of the Mobile Device on the surface of a Base Station that can provide power through any location of that surface  A simple communications protocol enabling the Mobile Device to take full control of the power transfer  Considerable design flexibility for integration of the system into a Mobile Device  Very low stand-by power achievable (implementation dependent) – 297 – 3.2.2 I E C P AS -2 : © I E C Electrical details At the secondary resonance frequency 푓S = 00 kHz, the assembly of Secondary Coil and Shielding has an inductance values 푀 S = ± μH and 푀′s = ± μH The capacitance values in the dual resonant circuit are 퐶S = 82 ± % nF and 퐶d = ± % nF As shown in Figure 205, the rectification circuit consists of four diodes in a full bridge configuration and a low-pass filtering capacitance 퐶 = ± % μF The communications modulator consists of a 푆cm = 3 ±5% Ω resistance in series with a switch The buck converter comprises the post-regulation stage of Power Receiver example The Control and Communications Unit of the Power Receiver can disable the buck converter This provides the output disconnect functionality In addition, the Control and Communications Unit controls the input voltage 푊r to the buck converter, such that 푊r = V The buck converter has a constant output voltage of V and an output current 퐽buck = 휂 (푄 ) ∙ 푄 5V , Where 푃 is the output power of the buck converter, and 휂 (푃 ) is the power dependent efficiency of the buck converter Figure 205 Electrical details of Power Receiver example VR Buck Converter CS LS CD C RCM I E C P AS -2 : © I E C 3.3 – 298 – Power Receiver example (8 W) The design of Power Receiver example uses post-regulation to create a voltage source at the output of the Power Receiver 3.3.1 Mechanical details This section provides the mechanical details of Power Receiver example Secondary Coil The Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example is of the wire-wound type, and consists of litz wire having 66 strands of no 40 AWG (0.08 mm diameter) As shown in Figure 206, the Secondary Coil has a circular shape and consists of a single layer Table 139 lists the dimensions and other parameters of the Secondary Coil Figure 206 Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example Table 139 Secondary Coil parameters of Power Receiver example Parameter Symbol Value Outer diameter 푑o 47 ± mm Inner diameter 푑i 24.25 ±0 25 mm Thickness 푑c ±0 mm Number of turns per layer 푂 12 Number of layers – – 299 – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C Shielding As shown in Figure 207, Power Receiver example employs Shielding The Shielding has a size of 푑 os = ±0 25 mm, and is centered directly on the top face of the Secondary Coil The Shielding has a thickness of 푑s = ±0 25 mm and may consist of any of the following materials:  Material 44—Fair-Rite Products Corporation  Material 28—Steward (Foshan) Magnetics Co., Ltd (a unit of Laird Technologies)  CMG22G—Ceramic Magnetic, Inc Figure 207 Secondary Coil and Shielding assembly of Power Receiver example dos Mobile Device Secondary Coil Magnetic Attractor Shielding ds dz Interface Surface Interface Surface The distance from the Secondary Coil to the Interface Surface of the Mobile Device is 푑 z uniform across the bottom face of the Secondary Coil dc = mm, Alignment aid Power Receiver example employs Shielding material as a magnetic attractor The diameter of this Shielding material is ±0 25 mm and its thickness is 1.2 ±0 mm I E C P AS -2 : © I E C – 300 – 3.3.2 Electrical details At the secondary resonance frequency 푓S = 00 kHz, the assembly of Secondary Coil and Shielding has inductance values 푀 S = 11.5 ± μH and 푀 S ′ = 15.7 ± μH The capacitance values in the dual resonant circuit are 퐶S = 16 ± % nF and 퐶d = 2.2 ± % nF As shown in Figure 208, the rectification circuit consists of four diodes in a full-bridge configuration with a low-pass filtering capacitance of 퐶 = 33 ± 0% μF The communications modulator consists of two capacitors in series with two switches, each with a capacitance of 퐶cm = 22 ± 0% nF The linear regulator comprises the post-regulation stage of Power Receiver example The Control and Communications Unit of the Power Receiver can disable the regulator to provide output disconnect functionality In addition, the Control and Communications Unit controls the input voltage to the regulator, such that 푊r = 5.8 V The linear regulator has a constant output voltage of V The output current is 퐽reg = 푃 5V where 푃 is the output power of the regulator In this example, the output power is up to W Figure 208 Electrical details of Power Receiver example Linear Regulator CS Ccm LS C Cd Ccm – 301 – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C 3.4 Power Receiver example (15 W) The design of Power Receiver example uses post-regulation to create a voltage source at the output of the Power Receiver 3.4.1 Mechanical details This section provides the mechanical details of Power Receiver example Secondary Coil The Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example is of the wire-wound type, and consists of litz wire having 66 strands of no 40 AWG (0.08 mm diameter) As shown in Figure 209, the Secondary Coil has a circular shape and consists of multiple layers All layers are stacked with the same polarity Table 140 lists the dimensions and other parameters of the Secondary Coil Figure 209 Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example Table 140 Secondary Coil parameters of Power Receiver example Parameter Symbol Value Outer diameter 푑o 47 ± mm Inner diameter 푑i 28 ±0 25 mm Thickness 푑c 1.8 ±0 mm Number of turns per layer 푂 10 Number of layers – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C – 302 – Shielding As shown in Figure 210, Power Receiver example employs Shielding The Shielding has a size of 푑 os = ±0 25 mm, and is centered directly on the top face of the Secondary Coil The Shielding has a thickness of 푑s = ±0 25 mm and may consist of any of the following materials:  Material 44—Fair-Rite Products Corporation  Material 28—Steward (Foshan) Magnetics Co., Ltd (a unit of Laird Technologies)  CMG22G—Ceramic Magnetics, Inc Figure 210 Secondary Coil and Shielding assembly of Power Receiver example dos Mobile Device ds Shielding Magnetic Attractor Secondary Coil dc dz Interface Surface Interface Surface The distance from the Secondary Coil to the Interface Surface of the Mobile Device is 푑 z uniform across the bottom face of the Secondary Coil = mm, Alignment aid Power Receiver example employs Shielding material as a magnetic attractor The diameter of this Shielding material is ±0 25 mm and its thickness is 1.91 ±0 mm – 303 – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C 3.4.2 Electrical d etails At the secondary resonance frequency 푓S = 00 kHz, the assembly of Secondary Coil and Shielding has inductance values of 푀 S = 33.6 ± μH and 푀 S ′ = 44.8 ± μH The capacitance values in the dual resonant circuit are 퐶S = 56 ± % nF and 퐶d = ± % nF As shown in Figure 211, the rectification circuit consists of four diodes in a full-bridge configuration with a low-pass filtering capacitance of 퐶 = 33 ± 0% μF The communications modulator consists of two capacitors in series with two switches, each with a capacitance of 푆cm = ± % Ω The buck converter comprises the post-regulation stage of Power Receiver example The Control and Communications Unit of the Power Receiver can disable the buck converter to provide output disconnect functionality In addition, the Control and Communications Unit controls the input voltage to the buck converter, such that 푊r = 12 V The buck converter has a constant output voltage of V The output current is 퐽out = 푃 5V and the input current is 퐽buck = 푃 휂 (푃 ) ∙ 12 V where 푃 is the output power of the buck converter, and 휂 (푃 ) is the power-dependent efficiency of the buck converter For this example 푃 may be as large as 15 W I E C P AS -2 : © I E C – 304 – Figure 211 Electrical details of Power Receiver example VR Buck Converter CS LS C CD RCM RCM – 305 – 3.5 I E C P AS -2 : © I E C Power Receiver example (12 W) The design of Power Receiver example uses post-regulation to create a voltage source at the output of the Power Receiver 3.5.1 Mechanical details This section provides the mechanical details of Power Receiver example Secondary Coil The Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example is of the wire-wound type, and consists of 30 AWG (0.26 mm diameter) bifilar wire As shown in Figure 212, the Secondary Coil has a circular shape and consists of a single layer Table 141 lists the dimensions and other parameters of the Secondary Coil Figure 212 Secondary Coil of Power Receiver example Table 141 Secondary Coil parameters of Power Receiver example Parameter Symbol Value Outer diameter 푑o ±0 25 mm Inner diameter 푑i 22 ±0 25 mm Thickness 푑c 29 ±0 mm Number of turns per layer 푂 15 Number of layers – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C – 306 – Shielding As shown in Figure 213, Power Receiver example employs Shielding The Shielding has a size of 푑 l × 푑w = ±0 25 × ±0 25 mm and is centered directly on the top face of the Secondary Coil The Shielding has a thickness of ±0 25 mm and consists of Ni-Zn Ferrite Figure 213 Secondary Coil and Shielding assembly of Power Receiver example dl, dw Mobile Device Interface Surface ds Shielding dc dz Secondary Coil Interface Surface The distance from the Secondary Coil to the Interface Surface of the Mobile Device is 푑 z uniform across the bottom face of the Secondary Coil = mm, 3.5.2 Electrical details At the secondary resonance frequency 푓S = 00 kHz, the Secondary Coil and Shielding assembly has inductance values of 푀 s = 15 ± μH and 푀′s = ± μH The capacitance values in the dual resonant circuit are 퐶S = 11 ± % nF and 퐶d = 1.6 ± % nF As shown in Figure 214, the rectification circuit consists of four diodes in a full-bridge configuration with a low-pass filtering capacitance of 퐶 = ± 0% μF The communications modulator consists of two capacitors in series with two switches, each with a capacitance of 퐶m = 2 ± 0% nF The buck converter comprises the post-regulation stage of Power Receiver example The Control and Communications Unit of the Power Receiver can disable the buck converter to provide output disconnect functionality In addition, the Control and Communications Unit controls the input voltage to the buck converter, such that 푊r = 12 V – 307 – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C The buck converter has a constant output voltage of V The output current is 퐽out 푃 =5V and the input current is 퐽푐 푣푑푙 푃 = 휂 (푃 ) ∙ 12 V where 푃 is the output power of the buck converter, and 휂 (푃 ) is the power-dependent efficiency of the buck converter Figure 214 Electrical details of Power Receiver example VR Buck Converter CS LS C CD CM CM I E C P AS -2 : © I E C – 308 – Annex A History of Changes NOTE The changes listed in Table 142 are limited to technical updates and other changes of significance made in version 1.2.2 The table does not identify minor editorial changes such as typographical errors Table 142 Changes from version 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 Location Old Classification section (p 2) The information contained in this document… Section 1.4.2, Scope Section 1.5, Definitions Section 1.6, Acronyms Section 1.11, Measurement method Section 2.1, Introduction  New WPC Certification Procedure Reason —  Product Registration Procedure Web page (WPC Web site for members, Testing & Registration section) —  Qi Product Registration Manual, Logo Licensee/ Manufacturer —  Qi Product Registration Manual, Authorized Test Lab — — Within a test procedure… — This document has been made public, so the section has been deleted Editorial updates WPID New term WPID New acronym — NOTE Power Receivers that use thin magnetic Shielding… This section was redundant and has been deleted Technical update – 309 – I E C P AS -2 : © I E C Location Old New Reason Section 2.2.1, Power Transmitter Design A1 Complete information on Power Transmitter design A1 Power Transmitter design A1 has been deprecated… Planned phase out of this design Section 2.2.1, Power Transmitter Design A5 Complete information on Power Transmitter design A5 Power Transmitter design A5 has been deprecated Planned phase out of this design Section 2.2.1, Power Transmitter Design A9 Complete information on Power Transmitter design A9 Power Transmitter design A9 has been deprecated The use of a magnet in the charging area in this design caused interoperability issues with some Power Receivers that use thin shielding around their coils Planned phase out of this design Section, Mechanical details Power Transmitter design A28 includes three Primary Coils… Power Transmitter design A28 includes Technical update for consistency with other similar PTx types one or more Primary Coils… Section 2.2.34, Power Transmitter design A34 — [New section] New Power Transmitter design Section 2.3.7, Power Transmitter design B7 — [New section] New Power Transmitter design Section 2.4.5, Power Transmitter design MPA5 — [New section] New Power Transmitter design INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSI ON 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

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